Overview of Popular Trends of the EdTech Market in 2022-2023

February 13, 2023

Overview of Popular Trends of the EdTech Market in 2022-2023

The combination of education and technology has brought into life all the everyday miracles, such as online lessons, virtual museum tours, interactive courses, collaboration through shared documents, and laboratory simulations. Not to mention free lessons in educational games, and some other mind-blowing learning opportunities. E-learning software solutions help to transform the process of traditional education and make education more accessible significantly for different social groups and nations.

The global Covid-19 pandemic has increased the EdTech app development services demand. As per a recent report, the market volume of EdTech in the world in 2021 was valued at $115 billion. Also, it is expected that by 2027, this figure will reach $467. By 2025, EdTech’s global expenditure will supposedly reach $404 billion, representing a growth of 16.3% CAGR. This article shares the list of famous education technology solutions that may inspire you to build your unique project!

EdTech Solutions:


Immersive Tech

Immersive Technologies help create entirely new experiences by destroying the borders between real and virtual or simulated realities. Talking about these technologies, we must mention VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality), and MR (Mixed Reality combining elements of VR and AR). Being broadly associated with the entertainment industry, VR and AR-powered apps are also used in education actively. ML and AI create personalized learning experiences. Students can get some personalized tasks based on their assessment results instead of just a generalized study course. ML and AI-powered technologies have also been found implementation to forecast enrollment and identify students at risk in educational institutions. To enjoy VR solutions, learners must have special equipment, for example, headsets. However, to enjoy AR solutions, it will be quite enough to have only a modern mobile device like a tablet or a smartphone.

Immersive technologies, interestingly, may be used efficiently in apps for various targeted groups, from software for preschool children to corporate e-learning solutions. Some examples are Anatomy VR mobile apps that help users study human anatomy from one new perspective and 3D Bear solutions, which combine innovative technologies with stirring educational content to accomplish better results.

Benefits of immersive tech in the e-learning solutions:

  • Improvement of collaboration and communication skills of students
  • Enhanced engagement of leaders
  • Development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in any uncommon virtually created environment
  • Possibility of being familiarized with the places that cannot be visited in reality

Learning Management Systems

LMSs are e-learning business solutions targeted at organizations that provide seminars, organize courses, educational services, etc. LMS (Learning Management Systems) are platforms intended to accumulate all learning-related materials and data, tracking and administrating learning processes.

For example, Our ORATARO LMS App. Orataro was our dream project. We created this app for our clients with a lot of research, and hard work, and took ownership to make it the best. Orataro is an all-in-one platform for fulfilling the learning, communication, and management needs of students, teachers, schools, and parents. It is a customizable platform that is supported by a skillful team of knowledgeable business entrepreneurs. The team created this app intending to scale as and when it grows. Schools can manage several tasks and actions with this app. They can implement all types of admin and student-related tasks with optimum capabilities by avoiding any sort of potential errors.


Coding and Technology

With the constant digitalization of every sphere of our life, the demand for software development services will grow shortly. Due to this, the labor market will offer a broad range of jobs for engineers and developers, making programming a highly needed-skill. So, it is recommended to learn to code early, particularly when there are already several e-learning training institutions.

Apps are game-based platforms for children to learn coding without any experience. They provide roleplaying games intended to study fundamental programming concepts. These games provide the kids with the required assistance whether they wish to make programming their future career. However, most solutions are available for younger learners, adults can also benefit from them.

Benefits of coding and technology platform

  • Good performance tracking
  • Communication with gamers sharing similar interests
  • Learning through gamification
  • Possibility of mastering your skills from a younger age
  • An engaging and exciting environment

Language Learning

Language learning software is the most popular kind of e-learning solution. There is a high chance that some of these apps are on your smartphone. Today it is quite possible to find mobile apps and web platforms for learning in every language practically that exists on our planet. Grammar exercises and rules, chats, games, texts, audio, and video comprehension are just small parts of a feature that can enrich e-learning software solutions for the ones who wish to study languages. For students and teachers, these applications are of great use. Also, they can become a great option for learners who are prepared to develop their language skills independently.

Below mentioned are some examples of language learning solutions:

  • Babbel
  • iTalki
  • Memrise
  • Lingualeo
  • Duolingo

Benefits of language learning software

  • Advanced cultural studies
  • Possibilities of communicating with the native speakers
  • Integration of one social element
  • Gamification
  • New forms of content
  • In-depth reports
  • 24*7 learning
  • The flexibility of learning plans
  • Differentiated level-based learning

Early Childhood Learning

The use of education technology solutions has become quite common in school classrooms. But, software for preschool children is still a relatively new phenomenon because of the need for such apps to provide the low-tech skills and age of the target group. At the same time, however, early integration of gadgets in education ensures increased digital literacy among young learners.

These apps might not be intended for learning any specific subjects but to get the most basic knowledge of various spheres of our everyday life. For example, the Wisdom Craft app platform was created with games for children as well as their parents to learn various exciting things regarding sustainable living and well-being.

Benefits of using EdTech solutions in preschool education:

  • Possibility of having fun while learning
  • Promotion of primary digital literacy
  • Broad array of materials available for learning

At Softqubes, we create a wonderful Early Childhood app named WISDOMCRAFT. The app is designed with the very purpose to teach the kids and students everything they need to learn about any specific topic. The more they solve, the farther they go. For example, puzzles, board games, strategy, crosswords, solitaire, and sudoku. The app is loved by many students because it has so much to learn. At every level, there is a video attached so the users can play the level and learn new things along with the new puzzle to solve.


STEM apps

STEM education is a method based on building education processes with an aim on four particular subjects: mathematics, engineering, science, and technology. The rising demand for experts having strong knowledge of the STEM disciplines is enlightened by the fact that more industries have been growing through digitalization. Because of this, we can observe innovative STEM learning apps being introduced into the market. According to teachers, there are no apps that have the capability of replacing traditional methods, which may be correct. But apps can become an incredible supportive tool making the learning of difficult things better manageable.

Today, there are several STEM apps for students of various grades, such as Shapes 3D, RoboNation, Pocket Physics, and GeoGebra. While some apps can help students understand the basics of physics, geometry, or algebra, others provide in-depth information for the advanced levels.

Our Softqubes team created a stunning STEM App for the students of various science and mathematics disciplines named CHEMICAL DICTIONARY and BIOLOGY DICTIONARY.

The app helps students to save time on browsing through Google for finding various Chemistry related concepts and definitions. All the terms related to Chemistry that are used are mentioned in this dictionary app along with a small description and the text-to-speech option. The app has been helpful to find several words in an alphabetical manner with a search option. This chemistry app is fully loaded with essential terms that are useful for chemistry students.


Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

In the modern world, our mental health and emotional state are under attack with the hectic lifestyle and quick changes. Social and emotional intelligence has become an integral part of today’s skill set, and EdTech solutions can help us work on their enhancements. These kinds of software ensure the development of software skills emphasizing the learners’ mental well-being, social life, and emotional abilities.

There are five core SEL competencies. They are relationship skills, responsible decision-making, social awareness, self-awareness, and self-management. SEL helps teenagers and children become more self-reliant and compassionate, build communication, and express themselves.

Mightifier is one communication tool allowing students to improve their soft skills by delivering one another positive feedback, evaluating daily performance, and mentioning their strong sides. Flipgrid is one video discussion application for learners of every stage, educators, and their families from various corners of the world.

Benefits of SEL Apps:

  • Convenient forms of communication
  • A much better understanding of the student’s needs
  • Better performance tracking and assessment
  • Personalized learning

Online Courses

While discussing modern education technology solutions, we must remember the online course platforms. This kind of software is definitely not something new. However, because of the pandemic lockdowns, everyone is seen talking about them.

It is important to mention that now, people not only learn academic subjects or anything vital for their careers, but they also learn new things for mental growth, self-development, and entertainment. Online courses are there to offer enough resources for this.

For example, our Softqube Technologies created BRAINFLEX 360. This is an app that is developed in 2020 to become the leading testing platform for competitive exams across the globe. The app can make complex topics simplified for everyone. Brainflex360 is an online testing solution that identifies the gap in the need for an in-depth understanding of student performance. With this, Brainflex tries to fill the gap with its core analytics technology solution. This boosts the student’s overall growth with an analytical representation of preparation and performance.


Reasons for gaining popularity of online courses:

  • Free options and lower education costs
  • Reduction of academic pressure
  • Possibility to develop accountability and self-discipline
  • Access to an extensive array of materials
  • Efficient and flexible time management
  • Comfortable learning located anywhere

Provided with all the above benefits, a growing number of educational institutions are offering courses online. Today more people can find the form of education and their course that will perfectly fit them, thus making the learning process result-oriented and engaging.

Healthcare E-learning solutions

Employee upskilling and constant learning is required in the healthcare sector. Revision of complicated medical procedures, compliance-related matters, diagnosis approaches, the arrival of the new treatment, and various other factors affect the success of the training programs. Similarly, the periods of uncertainty posed by the global outbreak have made healthcare service providers and institutions concentrate their efforts on public health training and awareness.

Also, the pandemic has triggered new ways of retaining and attracting top medical talent such that they can grasp the opportunities for professional development without leaving their home. The e-learning healthcare solutions offer a way for healthcare professionals to update and create training programs and courses, automate onboarding processes, roll out innovative training modules, access the reporting functionality, and provide on-demand lessons.

With healthcare e-learning solutions, companies can have peace of mind. Learners can access new training sessions anywhere and anytime and determine the pace at which they can consume the material. Also, medical professionals can address their particular knowledge gaps rather than enrolling them in any standard course that can cover familiar topics.

Benefits of Healthcare E-learning solutions:

  • Improvement in the quality of living of the patients
  • A single view of the performance and progress of the learners
  • Better allocation and cost-efficiency of resources
  • Interactivity and gamification that increases engagement
  • Flexibility and scalability to adjust business growth
  • The fast pace of the content updates
  • Life-long, continuous learning of the evolving practices and standards in one place

It’s a wrap

Most EdTech startups employ mobile application development and employ sites to reach the goal. Robust workflow and professional internet performance are crucial to retaining students and finding sponsors in a fast-expanding market. The list mentioned above only includes some of the types of e-learning software solutions that can be built now. However, the most popular ones have been mentioned. With the expansion of the active market, it is quite reasonable to suppose that innovative types of applications will soon enter the game

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Anita Mudaliyar

She is a Digital Marketing Executive since 2019. She has an expertise in all the fields of online marketing. She has garnered much acclaim for her quality of work. Working with passion in this field and believed to have the highest work satisfaction.

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