Android – 4.4 KitKat
January 12, 2014

Android is an open source OS based on Linux Kernel. It is running as a Google’s product. Android is used to develop applications for smartphones and tablets. Android programs are written in Java language using IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ, and Android Studio.
Android kicks IOS market by selling products with top position in market share in 2013. As they are open source, Android releases a wide range of new innovative mobile applications onto the Play Store. Android new innovation always allows the developers to create powerful, differentiated applications that use the latest mobile technologies.
Below Features that Make Android 4.4 Awesome
Android 4.4 (KITKAT) is a new release API in the Android platform that provides new features for users and application developers. This document provides an introduction to the most notable new APIs.
As an app developer, you should download the Android 4.4 SDK platform from the SDK Manager as soon as possible. But, if you don’t have Android 4.4 running device to test your application, use the Android 4.4 API system image to test your app on the Android emulators. Then build your applications against the android KITKAT (4.4) platform to begin using the latest APIs.With 4.4, while listening to music on your device, or projecting movies to Chrome cast, you’ll see beautiful full-screen album and movie art when your device is locked. You can play, pause, or seek your running song to a specific moment.
Android 4.4 takes system performance to an all-time high by optimising memory and improving your touch screen so that it responds faster and more accurately ever before. That means you can listen music while browsing the Internet, or race down the highway with the game which is most famous, all without any issues which is called multitasking.You will never miss message, no matter how many messages you got. There is new Hangouts application; all your SMS and MMS messages are being together in the same application, also with your other stuff like video calls and conversations. And with new application, you can even share your location where you are and send animated GIF images.
Sometimes words can’t express how you feel and just textual information is not enough. For that, there’s Emoji, the most colourful Japanese characters which are now available on Google Keyboard.Now you can print your photos, documents, and web pages from directly your phone/tablet. You can also print to any printer connected to Google Cloud Print, to HP e-Print printers, and other printers which are having apps in the Google Play Store.
The Play Store, formerly the Android Market is an android application distribution platform and digital media like books, movies store for Android developed and maintained by Google earlier. The service allows users to browse applications and download games, music, books, magazines, movies, television programs, and business applications from Google Play.
While everyone is crazy for Android, we at Softqube are developing apps for Android compatible on all mobiles and tablets using this Android’s new most innovative version. We take pride in offering quality affordable Android applications development services.
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