Angular JS vs React JS – Best programming platform in 2023

As a developer, your work is never finished. Unbelievably many tools and frameworks are available. Two of the most widely used open-sourced frameworks and libraries are React and Angular. Unfortunately, the website frameworks are engaged in a bloody conflict. Both are excellent frameworks for building a dependable, scalable, and performant app. By contrasting their scalability, integration potential, and framework-level efficiency, you may determine whether angular and react js will work with your upcoming web and mobile projects.

Overview Of Web Application Architecture

The web app architecture combines all software parts, including middleware, databases, and apps, and demonstrates how they work together. It outlines the HTTP data transmission protocol. It also makes sure that each request is legitimate. It enables authentication and permission-based access to records while managing records. Your company’s future IT needs, growth, reliability, interoperability, and growth will be determined by the design you select. Therefore, it’s crucial to comprehend the architecture of web programs as a whole.

What Is React?

React User interfaces are created using JavaScript. It was created by Facebook, which is also utilized by companies like Netflix, Airbnb, Instagram, and others. React/S is a declarative, extensible, and flexible JavaScript user interface library. You can construct reusable components to make your code more straightforward to comprehend and maintain. It is feasible to build parts that can be used again and support the creation of a modular, coherent process. By changing the view, developers can reuse the logical portion of a program. In addition, self-contained components are simple to maintain and upgrade.

What Is Angular?

A framework called Angular enables the development of client-side web apps. One of the most often-used frameworks is this one. The 2016 release of AngularJS is an all-new version. Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web app framework. The Angular Team developed it at Google and several organizations. Using the Angular platform, you may build web applications for desktop and mobile devices. In addition, HTML syntax can get an extension with AngularJS.

Additionally, it can be used as a template language to represent the various parts of your program efficiently. An Angular app’s basic building blocks are components. An Angular app is made up of multiple factors. The principal element is the root element.

Statistics Of Both Technologies Angular vs. React

In the graphic below, Google Trends contrasts angular and respond. This proves that Reacts will become more well-liked in 2023–2024. In 2013, Facebook unveiled an entire library. In this industry, React is a well-known and reputable tool. But not much is known about Angular. However, influential organizations use both react and angular for recognition. Therefore, we can assert that in 2023–2024, you will have a choice between React and Angular web app development.

Angular usage statistics
Reactjs usage statistics

Frontend Framework: React vs. Angular

There are some significant differences between the frontend frameworks React and Angular. First, angular’s framework is extensive. This indicates that it comes with more tools and functionality than React. But Angular also has stronger opinions than React. For your code to run correctly, you must follow its conventions. A more lightweight framework is react. Although React doesn’t have as many capabilities as Angular, it is simpler to organize your code. Depending on your choices and needs, this might be a good or terrible thing. Finally, the licensing policies of the two frameworks are a significant distinction.

React is covered under the Facebook BSD+Patents license, whereas Angular is licensed under the MIT license.

Comparison Between Angular And React:

Comparison Between Angular And React

React JS and Angular Are Two Examples Of Use Cases.

These front-end engineers build their web applications using React or Angular.

This article will assist you in comprehending one of the most basic queries many developers have: Angular vs. React. Furthermore, this post will compare these powerful frameworks to aid you in choosing an application.

Numerous large and medium-sized projects needed intricate third-party integrations, necessitating additional plugins or integrations. It gets more difficult as you add more components, and it takes longer to set everything up for your project correctly.

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Case 1:

Reactjs is the ideal choice for a reduced learning curve, although Angular is an option if you have the time for a longer learning curve.

Case 2:

The entire package that facilitates essential functionalities as a built-in component is Angular. It is impossible to compare its functions with those of only Reactjs, a react library. Experts in Typescript should continue using the framework and not simply skip using Angular.

Why AngularJS Is The Best Option

For building apps, Angular is a fantastic technology. Everything you need to build a mobile application, including the user interface and data layers, is included with Angular. As a result, you can start working on your project immediately because Angular comes with everything you require.

Solution with Angular Development Support for TypeScript is yet another crucial element. The management of complicated projects is made more accessible with the addition of static typing and other features in TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript. As a result, you can write more maintainable code, detect issues earlier, and make it simpler to correct them by combining TypeScript and Angular.

Why is React JS The Best Option

In comparison to other front-end frameworks, Reactjs has several benefits. First, it is possible to use Reacts as a javascript library.

It is simple to interface with projects and codebases that already exist. The component-based architecture of React promotes modularity and permits code reuse. Declarative code generated in Reactjs is simpler to comprehend than code created in other frameworks.

React is a fantastic tool for designing complex user interfaces. Users will only enjoy well-designed interfaces if they are more user-friendly. Therefore, it is crucial to provide a top-notch user interface. They will enjoy using your web app if it has an attractive and high-quality user interface. User interface quality is vital to the success of any organization. In addition, you can design interfaces that let you use other technologies.

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Nevertheless, React makes this simple to implement by utilizing declarative components.

One reason you should select React for front-end development is the support it has from a sizable community. An open-source library is React. This indicates that a sizable community of React developers is actively working to improve it and help users learn the technology in various ways. Blog posts, essays, and tutorials are all created by some persons. Others publish free online React tutorial videos. There were 1,198 contributors and 106.128 ratings for this library as of the time this article was written.

A variety of practical development tools are included in this book. It is only possible to use new technology effectively after learning about them. Facebook has added the React and Chrome development tools for its React JS framework because they know this. Developers can use these React tools to locate the child and parent components, view component hierarchies, and examine the current state and properties.

Cost to hire AngularJS/ ReactJS developer

Cost to Hire AngularJS/ ReactJS Developer

React or Angular app development costs vary depending on the developer’s location and level of experience. However, the USA will charge more than India to create mobile apps or websites.

When hiring AngularJS developers or React developers for your company or corporation, it’s crucial to consider the typical salary for services. Typically, they bill $35 to $150 per hour. But, of course, prices vary according to the angular services offered, the expert’s experience and location, and other factors.

Flexible web programs can be created using JavaScript frameworks. These frameworks include several JavaScript code libraries that give standard programming features and tasks pre-formed JS codes. Because of their functionality, web frameworks are frequently mistaken for libraries but have a different focus.

JavaScript libraries are reusable packages of code, processes, or capabilities. On the other hand, a JavaScript framework outlines the application’s layout and can be applied to creating a library. Therefore, you have yet to receive any plans. Instead, it considers everything and provides numerous blueprints for developing web applications.

Today, frameworks are frequently found in the toolkits of JavaScript developers. Using components from your web applications several times to market is encouraged by frameworks.

Query was the go-to library for JavaScript developers before the advent of the current frameworks. It enabled them to create JavaScript code without worrying about the similarity of their programs. You can build your web application using only the capabilities found in this package. It is easy to understand and essential.


Both frameworks have numerous variations, and all come down to technical and cultural characteristics. Both offer a tonne of community assistance and single-page app website-building options. However, when creating and deploying web apps of the highest caliber with an emphasis on a seamless user experience, Angular or React offer the best of both worlds.

There are other options besides React and Angular. Each framework has pros and cons that make it appropriate for specific project types. For example, angular might be a better option if you search for a framework with more pre-built features and open-minded perspectives. On the other hand, react might be a better choice if you desire a lightweight framework with more flexibility.

You can make the best decision by assessing your needs and selecting the Front-end Framework that best meets them. These two front-end frameworks can promote web programming by enabling, enhancing, and expediting development. They are both very powerful. Speak to a specialist if you have any questions.

API Platform Landscape: The latest Trends & Challenges (2022)

How a Virtual Try-on Online Jewellery App Made Success By Harnessing Softqube’s Innovative Tech Solutions?

We all are aware that API (Application Platform Interface) enables intercommunication between two applications. And that API is at the heart of all digital ecosystems.

What pumps blood through the heart of a digital ecosystem is the API landscape. An API landscape is a comprehensive set of all the tools and services published by your organization. It connects all the APIs (internal and external), creating an environment to foster quicker product cycles. API landscapes vary according to your audience (public/private/partner).

Before unraveling the latest trends in the API platform landscape, let us give you a little clue about the global market insights of the API industry. According to the statistics given by Mordor Intelligence, the global API market is to generate USD 12.45 billion in revenue by 2026, growing at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 7.5% from 2019 to 2026.

Now coming to the point,

What are the 2022 trends in the API Platform landscape?

1) API-first:


API-first is the latest trend in the IT industry. This trending software development model puts APIs at the front & center of the product cycle. API-first creates a platform to incubate and foster innovations.

Benefits of API-first:

  • Enables parallel software development
  • Accelerates development process
  • Lowers risk of failure
  • Improves developer experience
  • Reduces development cost.

More and more companies are approaching towards API-first model. However, we should also consider that API-first is a concept that varies from organization to organization. A developer might consider it a product-centric approach, whereas a CEO might consider it an organizational approach. Moreover, the concept may change, yet the context remains the same. APIs are vital for the business to thrive.

2) Cloud Architectures: multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud


According to Coherent market insights, the global cloud API market is gaining traction and is expected to reach USD 2.94 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of9.5%from 2022 to 2030.

Also, more than 90% of global enterprises are using multi-cloud environments. Multi-cloud architecture involves services provided by multiple public cloud vendors. The hybrid cloud architecture involves a combination of at least one public cloud vendor with one/multiple private cloud vendors.

The benefits of multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud architectures are:

  • Flexibility and agility
  • Reduced risk of vendor lock-in
  • Optimal cloud performance
  • Enables geographical distribution of apps and services
  • Cost efficacy

3) Monetize API-as-a-Product


The trend of monetizing API-as-a-product is gaining momentum in the IT industry. API-as-a-Product model does not limit to the delivery of APIs. It brings a brand-new paradigm to offer API as a product itself (in B2B).

The business logic is to treat API as an asset instead of considering it just a codebase. Besides, it is highly beneficial to devise roadmaps and product lifecycles to monetize APIs as products.

While marketing API as a product, it is very important to serve both consumer segments (external and internal). Only then it is possible to improve user experience and generate revenue.

USPs required to monetize APIs as products:

  • APIs must be customer friendly
  • APIs must be simply structured; easy to describe, onboard, and consume.
  • APIs must be unique and secure

Organizations have started recognizing API lifecycles as a long-term process. Traditionally, the company’s services ended with API delivery. However, by monetizing the API-as-a-product model, businesses are adding along with development costs, the cost of maintenance, upgrades, and support services.

4) Opensource API gateways


API gateway is a front-facing service for all microservices. It acts as an entry point for the application. This also means that it has information about all the endpoints. API gateway is vital for:

  • authentication & authorization
  • traffic control
  • fault tolerance
  • schema specification
  • load balancing and routing
  • reverse proxy and insulation
  • analytics and caching
  • monetization and subscription support

There is a rising trend with an upsurge in the number of vendors offering open-source API gateways and management tools. This leaves the developers with a lot of options to choose from.

Some well-known open-source gateways are Kong Gateway, Kraken, Tyk, Apache APISIX, Ocelot, Goku, Fusio, Apigee, Amazon API Gateway, and many more.

5) Trending Protocols

HTTP and REST-based protocol services are already dominating the global market. However, there is traction in the newer version of protocols like gRPC, GraphQL, and WebSockets. Where gRPC supports internal microservices, GraphQL keeps together unlike data sources, and WebSockets support asynchronous communication. The API lifecycles are different for different APIs. These rising trends are giving developers more options for development.

6) Shifting left on the API security


According to a survey by Salt Security on ‘API security trends,’ more than40%of its respondents were concerned about security threats caused by zombie (outdated) APIs.

Shifting left on security means considering security in the very first stage of the development cycle. APIs are entry points of applications. Hence, they are susceptible to higher risks of security breaches. However, while talking of an entire API platform landscape, emphasizing the security of only one API is useless. We recommend a shifting-left on security approach along with runtime infrastructures like firewalls.

While shifting left on API security, the developers must consider:

  • The number of APIs across the code repositories
  • Which APIs are in direct interface with the internet?
  • Which APIs are more susceptible to security breaches?
  • Which APIs lack authorization or input validation?
  • How many APIs are carrying sensitive data and which are they?

Challenges faced by organizations with the API platform Landscapes:

  • Clear Alignment:In the initial phase of the API lifecycles, organizations struggle with clear alignment, as it takes longer to get their team of developers aligned.
  • Centralized API documentscan be a big challenge. For improving user experience developers need to maintain UpToDate documents. Poorly maintained documents are surely a disadvantage.
  • API service catalogs are most underrated and neglected. API service catalogs often turn into static pages that are neither updated nor integrated with the API lifecycles. This can be a drawback.
  • Many companies have an efficient team of developers, yet they struggle in getting the perfect design for the API landscape. This is because of skill gaps.
  • Developers find it a struggle to choose from too many options of microservices. Microservices demand micro-teams for development and support. Also, thin teams are engaged in the maintenance of these services. This increases the consumption and cost of resources.
  • Hiring and onboarding efficient developers are difficult. However, retaining resources in this highly competitive market is a real challenge.

Emerging organizational roles in the API first world


  • Chief Information Officer (CIO)s for Quality Analysis and reliability engineering.
  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)s to actively track APIs and ensure potential security.
  • TheHead of the API Platform manages the API platform landscape for an organization. This role is emerging in the internal APIs as well as in the public and private API landscapes.
  • TheHead of Developer Experience ensures end-to-end developer experience (from onboarding to retention). The Head of Developer Experience take care of the developers and make sure that they are provided with the proper resources and tools required for the development.
  • API Product Managers manage the entire skill set, handle user requirements, and ensure the success of API lifecycles.

To conclude:

The API industry is vast, dynamic, and ubiquitous. To back it up with stats and facts

  • GitHub has more than 2 million API repositories
  • More than 80% of internet traffic comes from API services
  • Programmable Web lists more than 24,000 public APIs, in its directory
  • More than 90% of developers are using APIs
  • 56% of developers claim to have built better products using APIs

This blog is to give you an insight into the API market and define the latest trends & challenges driving the API Platform Landscape.

The IT Industry is growing at a rapid pace. Here technologies update within a blink. Keeping up pace with development is the only way to survive in this highly competitive industry. To get more updates on the latest technologies and trends in the market, stay connected with us.

How Softqube Created The Most Trending Online Flower Delivery Mobile App?

One of the most effective ways to showcase your love and affection to close relatives and family members is by presenting flowers. The trend of sending beautiful flowers and bouquets via post or delivery boys is never going. Except for the change in the way we purchase these flowers.

We live in a world where almost everything is influenced by mobile app development technology. And the flower-delivery online shop is not an exception. Developing flower delivery mobile apps is a billion-dollar industry. The on-demand flower delivery mobile apps are making the lives of humans better.

As the market is flooded with hi-tech ecommerce mobile applications for various types of products and services, you must know how can a flower delivery mobile app add value to your business. So let us straight head over to the details on why and how we created this wonderful application.

How Does A Flower Delivery App Do Help Its Users and Florists?


The app gives two-way benefits. One is to the users and the second to the app owners.

Benefits to the users

  • The app delivers flowers on the same day at the doorstep. This brings flexibility and zero hassles to users who are looking for gift options for their relatives and close friends. The app provides fresh, natural, and numerous variety of flowers.
  • As it is an on-demand flower delivery app, it is available round the clock and can take orders at any time.

Benefits to the florists

  • The app helps in improving business efficiency and further expansion.
  • The mobile app owners charge a specific amount of commission for each delivery that takes place with the app. This is the regular source of revenue that they can earn.
  • The top featured service providers get all the user’s attention and can earn huge revenues. The app owners can charge a specific amount of fee from the florists who wish to highlight themselves to boost sales.
  • The app owner also earns huge income by including PPC ads that are related to cakes, gifting solutions, and any relevant business vertical.

Softqube’s endeavor – 4everRoses Flower Delivery Mobile Application

Softqube’s endeavor - 4everRoses Flower Delivery Mobile Application

4ever Roses is a beautiful app designed with wonderful features and outstanding aesthetics created by some of the best Softqube Technologies developers. The client wanted a system to make the process of delivering flowers easy. So, we developed a system in which the admin can manage drivers, customers, trucks, and invoice generation. With this app, we enabled the admin to create or remove the routes for drivers and helped them to track the driver’s current location. We gave the admin access to quote different price lists for different items. We also created robust analytical systems to generate insightful reports.

The app today is the largest store door flower distributor on the east coast for the last 20 years. It already delivers flowers to almost 800 locations every week. The main goal of the app is to provide great service at inexpensive prices.

Here is how Softqube provided the most amazing online flower booking application that was loaded with remarkable features for the admin panel. Some of the chosen features are enumerated for you to get a better insight.

Intuitive Dashboard

Intuitive Dashboard

The admin can have access to scheduled routes, drivers, total customers, collection, picked up and dropped items, and sold items.



The admin can see the invoice of the customer that is system generated. The invoice consists of all the details like previously collected items, totally sold items, and today’s returned items delivered and sold items. These details are calculated for all categories and based on that the bill amount gets generated. Admin can select the start date and end date from the date pricker to get an invoice between those days. Also, the admin can search for any invoice by entering route no, invoice no, shop name, phone number, and address.

The invoicing has been specifically designed for the convenience of the admin team and help them reduce the mundane tasks that may take away a lot of time that can be invested into productive tasks.

Push Notifications

The admin gets all the notifications that are sent to the drivers. Among these notifications, the admin can search specific messages and can also send new notifications to the drivers.

Route Scheduling

Route Scheduling

The admin can see the entire route scheduling and the status of the route. They can also remove and edit the routes. The admin can create a new route by clicking on create today’s route. The admin can also remove all the routes by clicking the remove all routes button. In the route Schedule, the admin gets three type of status-pending, running and completed categories. This enables admin to find out if the driver has not started any route, the route status will show pending. The admin can also view the full report of the route in the Report section. In addition, the driver details and the truck details will be shown at this place when the route will be started by the driver. Once the driver starts the route, the status will be changed to running and this means driver started his route, yet is not completed. Once again, here the admin can see the detailed report of the items list and the driver’s expenses.The moment status is changed to running, admin will be able to see the details of driver and the truck in running stage. The moment driver completes all the stops of his route, then status will be changed to completed.

Live Tracking


The admin can see driver’s current location here and can select drivers from the dropdown list. This enables a lot of saving on time and costs of handling resources

Set Up Systems Access

Set Up Systems Access

The admin can set up the category, price list, item, truck, customer, driver, and route. Complete access to the entire setting systems is given to the admin wherein they can add, remove, or edit all the details of the customer, truck, and driver. They can add different categories, add or remove the items, and can create various price lists for different items.

Not just that, Admin can see category list here and can edit or delete category and can also add new category by enering name and category details. Admin can also see item list here and can edit or delete the items, add new items by entering category name, item, purchase price, retailer price, quantity, item and barcode details. Likewise Admin can manage various tasks and functions such as setting up the price list by entering the name, price and discount price. Admin can also see the driver list here and can view, edit and delete driver. The functions for searching the driver by his name, mobile number, email and license number is also available. In addition, the admin can asee the registered truck list from here and can see the documents uploaded by drivers, eidt details and remove truck options.

The job of admin becomes easy and seamless not only by managing the above tasks, but also by managing customer details and purchase transaction details that goes from ordering to payment. The admin can see the customer details, invoices, etc. The entire route details can be viewed by admin and can access the rights to view, search and remove routes.

How Softqube Resolved the Problem Areas?


The Problem

  • The drivers needed to manage all the information manually.
  • They faced the difficulty to manage invoices of costumes and keeping the record of payments
  • They were unable to get expenses daily and it was difficult for them to get connected with the admin
  • The admin had to manage customers’ and drivers’ data manually
  • For admin, it was difficult to manage different prices list of customers and they had to make manual invoices
  • Admin couldn’t track the driver’s location and if the driver has completed the route or not
  • Admin could not send notifications to the drivers

The Solution

  • For drivers, it was all easy to manage as they just needed to add the count of items and the system will calculate all the units
  • The amount will be calculated by the system according to units added by the driver and based on that the invoice will be automatically generated. With the help of a POS device, the driver can directly take a printout of the invoice
  • The driver can also add daily expenses and can see the notifications sent by the admin
  • The admin can enter customer and driver’s data in the system and can search by adding filters
  • The admin can now make various price list for customers and the invoice will be automatically generated.
  • The admin can send notifications to specific drivers.

Technology Stack We Used For App Development

We at Softqube Technologies went through a rigorous analysis and wide research for finding the best platform and technology to launch the 4ever Roses Online Flower Delivery App.

Our developers found Laravel PHP Development Framework and MySQL Database Software. With Laravel, we created the most expressive, elegant, and feature-rich website to give an enriching experience to the users. MySQL provided a great platform for meeting the database challenges of the next-generation web, cloud, and communication services with uncompromising scalability and resilience. For developing the mobile applications we used Kotlin and MVVM technologies that brought a phenomenal response to the application and enabled better sales productivity.

How Did We Create The Flower Delivery App?

How Did We Create The Flower Delivery App

Rolling out an app and making it scalable, successful, and ready for millions to use, are two different things. So make sure each of the steps of the making gets intertwined to reach the result.

We followed the below steps to create the 4ever Roses app.


The research phase was quite long and more insightful. Our team went through the following phases before jumping over to the planning phase.

  • Gave a closer look at our competitor’s app
  • Analysis of their advantages and disadvantages
  • Spotted all the missing opportunities
  • Gathered all the information to find out how to meet our patient’s needs


We decided on the features that we can implant into this app and the reliable technology that should be used to build the website and the mobile application. Each aspect was planned methodically to the last detail while setting the milestones.

We also checked out our local regulations. The app uses personal information of the users that are basic and general. However, we chipped in the encryption technologies and other technical safeguards for the software.

Design and Prototyping

This phase is more tangible and needs rigorous action. During designing and prototyping, we went through the following steps.

  • Decision on the colors, visuals, and patterns in the app
  • Building user interface
  • Creating an easy-to-navigate booking system
  • Designing menu and clickable features
  • Fine-tuning it for iOS and Android

At this stage, we didn’t think of making it picture-perfect. We wanted the feedback from the first set of users


A flower delivery app is not done completely without putting it into the test run phase first. Here we went on to get the feedback from the users because we wanted to check how intuitive our MVP is from both sides and what tweaks we need to make. We asked the users and the florists how can we improve the app down the road.


Once incorporating the final feedback-based improvements, the app got ready for its debut. After uploading on the iOS and Android platforms, we wanted to maintain it at the best level. Because the user’s experience should not be marred by technical glitches.

Go the Softqube’s way of designing awesome apps

Some people believe making apps can take quite a long period. With Softqube, however, it is going to be easier than you think.

The moment you join us, you are going to save yourself from the hassles of doing everything on your own. We are here to take care of all the software development steps so that you can reach out to the widest horizons to give an outstanding complete solution.

Over several years, Softqube has helped many healthcare startups to build their custom software enabling them to align their processes in the business. Whatever features you wish to incorporate into your app, Softqube can help you out to make that happen. Check out what we do on our website.

Best Online Doctor Appointment Booking App

How often have you experienced the rush of patients getting lined up in your virtual waiting room? If this relates to you, you must know it is a strong sign of failing to manage your appointment booking process that well.

To get away with this scenario, you must implement medical appointment software. It doesn’t matter if you choose an app or a web-based platform. Consider this as a boon for your staff and patients.

So let us get started with the design and development of an online doctor appointment booking system and the reasons why patients expect you should have one. The article will help you understand how to meet their sheer expectations with the smartest strategy that saves on your time and energy as well.

What Does A Doctor Appointment Booking App Do For Its Users?


There are twofold benefits here. One, it provides a seamless process for patients to schedule and arrange the visits with the healthcare providers that they choose. Two, the app preserves all the appointments and data entries on the same platform. A great blessing for your hospital staff.

Read on to know how the app works in reality.

  • From the patient’s viewpoint, they need not call your office for scheduling appointments. Within a few clicks and taps, the patient can schedule a visit with the doctor at a suitable time. A great way to save time on both the sides – patient’s and doctor’s
  • From the clinic’s viewpoint, this app will serve as a backbone of a clinic booking system software. The appointment booking processes are now getting automated and your staff has no hassles to handle this entire act manually. ( e.g. – entering patient’s personal details, setting up doctor’s time slots, managing paperwork, and much more). The app in particular helps to track revisits and enhances client-patient communication

How Does An HealthCare Business Save Money With This App?

The appointment management system of your hospital relies on the app or a web platform. With this in place, you can minimize unused time slots. Also, the app will help you set reminders and notifications to keep any shows idle. In case the patients miss their visits, you can always reschedule appointments back-to-back and skip on losing money because of an unused time slot. With the help of the medical appointment booking system, there will be no overlap of appointments. Post-pandemic this app can assure to keep minimized patient count in your waiting room to make sure you meet the social-distancing guidelines.

Softqube’s endeavor – Click2Cure Online Doctor Appointment booking app


Click2Cure is an outstanding online doctor appointment booking app exclusively designed by Softqube Technologies developers. The client needed an application that can serve as a single platform for patients, doctors, and laboratories. The application needed to be developed online and was expected to perform in providing in-clinic consultancy for patients, full-body checkups, and get the lab tests from the comfort of your home.

The app runs successfully with around 50+ top super-specialists and specialist doctors in medicine, ENT, surgery, gastro, cardiology, neurology, gynecology, orthopedic, dietitians, and several other branches. The platform has collaborated with top clinics, hospitals, labs, radiology centers, homeopathy, and Ayurveda centers.

Here is how Softqube provided the most dynamic doctor appointment booking app that was loaded with remarkable features

Doctor & Patient Profiles

The app connects the patients with potential doctors. We made sure that the physicians’ profiles are mentioned with clarity and in detail inclusive of their core competencies, experience, and important information that enables patients to make the decision. Similarly, the doctors have the access to the patient’s information such as name, age, medical records, insurance information, etc before attending the appointment.

Choosing from the panel of doctors

The app contains the list of doctors, specialists, and experts for each category or branch. The patients get enough choices to decide on the most suitable doctor for consultation and treatment. Each panel is carefully designed mentioning the complete information about the doctor’s profile.

Form of Booking (rescheduling or canceling as well)

Just like physical medical visits, the app makes it so easy to go to an online doctor appointment website and book the appointment. Soon when the patient chooses a physician, they can easily navigate the available appointment dates and time slots. We made sure that the booking process gets completed in the fewest possible steps.

Medical Records

The app provides complete transparency to the patients in terms of giving access to keep the tab on how the treatment is progressing and what are the test results. The app includes an upload option that enables patients to share their diagnostic scan reports with their physicians.

Payment Method

The patients can pre-pay for their consultation and treatments according to their convenience. The benefit of providing this feature is that the appointments hardly turn into missed ones. In addition, the app provides sufficient options for making payments online post or pre- consultation.

Online Consultation

This feature is available for those patients who choose online consultation for their treatment process. Keeping in mind the situation of various patients who may not be able to move out from their remote locations, the app has created a seamless platform for all kinds of patients to choose between online or offline consultation whichever is feasible for them.

Membership & Coupon Benefits

The users can subscribe to the membership and become a part of the doctors’ and patients’ community and remain updated with the latest information and benefits given by the app. Also, by being a member they get access to the coupon benefits from the mobile application.

Report Management

Benefitted mainly to the admin team, the app generates analytical and insightful reports about the appointment, laboratory tests, and radiology tests, for the patients. The reports can be accessed and extracted with various options such as filter, print, and exporting from one location to other.

Technology Stack We Used For App Development

We at Softqube Technologies went through a rigorous analysis and wide research for finding the best platform and technology to launch the Click2cure online booking appointment app.

Our developers found Laravel PHP Development Framework and MySQL Database Software. With Laravel, we created the most expressive, elegant, and feature-rich website to give an enriching experience to the users. MySQL provided a great platform for meeting the database challenges of the next-generation web, cloud, and communication services with uncompromising scalability and resilience.

How Did We Create The Doctor Appointment App For Our Client?


To roll out an app and to make it scalable, successful, and ready for millions to use, are two different things. So make sure each of the steps of the making gets intertwined to reach the end result.

We followed the below steps to create the Cure2Click app.


The research phase was quite long and more insightful. Our team went through the following phases before jumping over the planning phase.

  • Gave a closer look at our competitor’s app
  • Analysis of their advantages and disadvantages
  • Spotted all the missing opportunities
  • Gathered all the information to find out how to meet our patient’s needs


We decided on the features that we can implant into this app and the reliable technology that should be used to build the website and the mobile application. Each aspect was planned methodically to the last detail while setting the milestones.

We also checked out our local regulations. The doctor appointment solutions used patients’ personal details and so we had to adequately protect them. We chipped in the encryption technologies and other technical safeguards for the software.

Design and Prototyping

This phase is more tangible and needs rigorous action. During designing and prototyping, we went through the following steps.

  • Decision on the colors, visuals, and patterns in the app
  • Building user interface
  • Creating an easy-to-navigate booking system
  • Designing menu and clickable features
  • Fine-tuning it for iOS and Android

At this stage, we didn’t think of making it picture-perfect. We wanted the feedback from the first set of users


A doctor appointment app is not done completely without putting it into the test run phase first. Here we went on to get the feedback from the users because we wanted to check how intuitive our MVP is from both sides and what tweaks we need to make. We asked the real patients and healthcare providers how can we improve the app down the road.


Once incorporating the final feedback-based improvements, the app got ready for its debut. After uploading on the iOS and Android platforms, we wanted to maintain it at the best level. Because the user’s experience should not be marred by the technical glitches. With the regular updates, we made it a killer app and whacked it out of the park into the healthcare industry.

Go the Softqube’s way of designing awesome apps

Some people believe making a doctor appointment booking app takes a long long time. With Softqube, however, it is going to be easier than what you think.

The moment you join us, you are going to save yourself from the hassles of doing everything on your own. We are here to take care of all the software development steps so that you can reach out to the widest horizons to give an outstanding complete solution.

Over several years, Softqube has helped many healthcare startups to build their custom software enabling them to align their processes in the business. Whatever features you wish to incorporate into your app, Softqube can help you out to make that happen. Check out what we do on our website.

Top Mobile App Metrics You Need To Absolutely Track In 2022

What makes mobile app marketing thrive through the odds just like the world we live in?

Data. Still thinking how?

Let me make it simpler for you to understand. The most effective solution to analyze your app’s performance is to understand what all needs to be improved and move ahead in that direction of your business.

Mobile app metrics are one of the key parameters to assess the success of every marketer. From acquisition to discovery, user engagement rates to lifetime value, ad spend returns to breathe measurement, every marketer must answer these three questions before they begin tracking the mobile app metrics.

  1. How to increase the user rate and downloading rate for your app? ( user acquisition)
  2. How to engage the users for a longer duration in your app? (user engagement)
  3. How to convert the entire app business into a perfect monetization model? (in-app purchases or in-app advertising?)

The fact is, there is no such fixed parameter that can measure them down with some perfect answers. The hard reality lies in the struggle that the companies go through to drive quality users to their apps. So what does it take to turn the tide in your favor?

Get equipped to face the battle. I am going to share with you some of the most effective and most vital app metrics that are going to allow you to track and improve your acquisition, retention, engagement, app performance, and conversion. To save your hard work from getting wasted, believe there is always room left for improvement.

Head over to the below article that will help you in the pre-launch phase of your app development or even if you have already launched your awesome app out there.

Definition of Mobile App Metrics

Your app performance is known by the Mobile App Metrics. It keeps you well-informed about your users’ retention, engagement, conversion, and revenue generation. App metrics are the indicators of your marketing campaign performances. The metrics offer value only when they are combined with other forces that will enable you to move in the right direction.

So, firstly have an idea of the metrics that you wish to choose and analyze how they can help you assess your business, and then consider tracking them.

The Importance of Mobile App Metrics

the-importance of-mobile-app-metrics

It would be impossible for brands to check their app performances without mobile app metrics. The companies that are not succeeding in making precise mobile app metrics are always targeted and suggested to rely on broad measurement indicators like total downloads or total revenues. These indicators transform companies by taking the right actions at the right time and in the right direction.

The Crucial Mobile App Metrics

To put it straight, there are so many mobile app metrics that you must at least know and consider while tracking your mobile app performance. To name a few:

Tracking App Metrics Performance Indicators Tracking elements


  • New Downloads
  • Download Attributes
  • Downloads count on a monthly and weekly basis, App Growth tracking on daily basis
  • The source of fetching new users to optimize market expenditure and ROI improvement


  • Day 3 and Day 7 retention post your app launch
  • Monthly and weekly retention cohorts
  • Count of users accessing your app frequently for more than three to seven days after launching the app.
  • Active cohorts in the mobile app with duration and to check the in-app behavior impacting in positive and negative ways


  • Activation rate
  • Percentage of app downloads after the app launch.


  • Uninstalls on weekly and daily basis
  • Churn Rate
  • Uninstall numbers post the app’s growth
  • Users from the start to the end of a particular period. Beginning to know the app growth and revenue


  • Average session length and frequency
  • Active users count for a given month or a day and find the user engagement
  • User count who rolls out your app and the amount of time the average session lasts leading on to know the effectiveness of your app engagement campaign and the user quality experience


  • CTR (Click Through rates)
  • User percentage who clicks the push notifications, email links, and in-app notifications

App Performance Metrics

App Latency

It is defined as the amount of time an app wants to create a request and, thereby, get a response from the Application Programming Interface (API). Ideally, it’s expected to be as little as possible. However, zero latency is like a dream for the predictable future.

App Load Time

You would never want your mobile app users to abandon your app. You will wish they witnessed your offerings and so you should take care of app load time. The users like the mobile apps with swift processing and seamless navigation. And, it takes a long time to load, your app is going to suffer.

App Crashes

Similar to the app load time, app crashes are one more massive blockage in the way of your mobile app towards success. App crashes the abrupt shutting down of an app. Moreover, higher app load time is also a minor issue for app crash issues as the users need to begin everything from the start to accomplish their objectives.

So, you need to track your mobile app constantly crashes, precisely the following:

  • How often does your app crash?
  • How many times in a day does it crash while in use?
  • How many users get affected when your app crashes?
  • What were your users doing while the crashes occurred

Engagement App Metrics


This app metric helps to measure the app effectiveness and the number of connected users. The below metrics will keep you updated on the user engagement activities.

Daily Active Users and Monthly Active Users

These metrics guide you to find the app’s usability and its engagement with the users. All those unique users who come to your app are DAUs (daily active users) and all those users who come to your app in a month are MAUs (Monthly active users). These metrics must start fetching better results over a certain range of time periods. And for that, you can use tools like push notifications and other elements to attract your customers.

How to calculate DAU/MAU?

Find out the number of users conducting action on your app on a monthly and daily basis.

Stickiness Ratio

This metric allows you to identify the value count derived by your app users from your mobile app. This is generally measured over months. The calculation comprises DAUs and MAUs count. As a result, the higher percentage indicates more people finding your app valuable and more engaging.

How to calculate Stickiness?

Stickiness Ratio = Daily Active Users (DAU) / Monthly Active Users (MAU) x 100

Churn Rate

This metric helps you identify the number of mobile app users who uninstall your app or cancel it or downgrade the subscriptions. The churn rate is not so pleasant metric, however, it can worsen when your valuable users churn and turn on the other apps. It gives a direct hit to your online business.

How to calculate Churn Rate?

Churn Rate = Users at the start of the period – users at the end of the period/users at the beginning of the period

Average Session Length

This metric helps you find out the average time limit your user spends on your app. However, it’s not a universal mobile app metric, but its applicability relies on the industry you operate. It offers you an idea of how valuable your users find your in-app content. That’s why it’s worth tracking this metric. Later, if they don’t find your app, you need to perform some A/B mobile application testing to know your user preferences.

How to calculate Average Session Length?

Average Session Length = Total time duration of all sessions (in seconds) during a defined time frame / total number of sessions through that same time frame.

Retention Rate

To know your rate of customers who are retained, this metric is helpful. As a result, you are going to become capable of seeing the number of customers you lose to churn. You may calculate the retention rate by comparing a group of users in the recent timeframe with those same app users in the past timeframe. You may also calculate this app metric using your app download or first login.

How to calculate Retention Rate?

Retention Rate = (Number of users at the end of a time – Number of users came during this period) / Number of users at the start of the time X 100

Exit Rate

Unlike bounce rate people presume it to be as good as exit rate, this rate comes with the same drop-off screen from where the users usually take the exit. So target the exit rate for a mobile app especially.

How to Calculate Exit rate?

Exit Rate = Total number of Visits to a screen/total number of drop-offs or exits from that particular screen.

Vanity Metrics

The app metrics that do not impact your business profitability or engagement rates or revenue generation can be taken as a part of vanity metrics.

App Downloads

When you find out the app downloads, you may not be able able to identify specific results. App downloads never give you a perfect picture of the app’s usefulness or app popularity. So all you can get to know is the sources from where the users download your mobile app. You can find out the most efficient channels from where these app users come from.

Average Screens Per visit

This metric tracks the engagement levels. Higher the number of times the user watches, the greater is their engagement level on your app. If the user visits ten screens on your app but is not buying anything, you still have to go a long way. Basically, to find out the actual engagement, you need to check out the on-screen time.

Number of Registered users

To get it, first, open your Play store or app store on your mobile phone and check out the descriptions of the apps. As there are over 60% of mobile app’s descriptions, one common thing you should notice is that when people say they have X00,000 registered users, it includes active and inactive users.

Average Daily sessions per DAU

This metric applies to a minimal number of industries and like other vanity metrics, it doesn’t impact your revenue. When it comes to definition, the Average Daily Sessions Per DAU reveals the number of times your daily active users open your mobile app. It points – how your mobile users are engaged with your application.

Conversion App Metrics


This app metric helps you measure the number of people who install your application after landing on your App Store Page.

Goal Completion

When you want to evaluate the conversions irrespective of whether it is for your mobile app or website, this metric helps you. Goal completion is generally utilized to track anything and everything. It helps you track exactly what your users are interacting with your platform and derives the actual value achieved from that.

Some of the most crucial issues that can be identified by using the goal completion are:

  • Track the checkpoints that experience various drop-offs
  • Goals that demand most of the time to complete
  • Goals that have notable obstructions and more

Average Order Value(AOV)

So you want to track the average amount of money your customers spend on all the orders that they place on your app? Use AOV metric as it helps you evaluate your marketing and pricing strategies that are directly impacting your revenue generation. Increasing AOV indicates that you are able to counterbalance your customer acquisition costs, enhance your profit margins, and improve your total revenue without even putting more stress on attracting more customers to boost revenue.

How To Calculate AOV?

Average Order Value = Total Revenue / No. of Orders.

Time to Goal Completion

This mobile app metric will let you know if your app users have more time than needed to accomplish your desired actions and meet the goals. It will pose a question on all the possibilities that are the chief reasons behind the inconvenience.

You should understand the users’ intent to visit your platform and make sure they don’t get distracted before purchasing.

Acquisition App Metrics


Cost Per Install (CPI) /Cost of Acquiring a Customer (CAC)

I know it becomes so important and expensive for you to attract your users. A low CPI is considered as good. Besides, it will indicate that you are losing every new customer if it goes beyond the customer’s lifetime value (LTV). CPA is usually measured by the total cost of the marketing campaigns that help in acquiring new users. But, it needs to consider a fraction of your product development costs and your operational cost that enable the acquisition.

How to Calculate CPI?

CPI = Total Marketing Cost / Total Acquired Users

Customer Life Value (CLTV)

After you acquire the customers, CLTV becomes an essential metric. It determines the amount of expenditure that you will have to incur in anticipation to your average customer until they uninstall your application. Your CLTV will be an indicator to understand if you are spending more to acquire your users. In that case, you should perform substantial efforts dedicated to boosting your CLTV.

How to calculate CLTV?

CLTV = Average Value of Conversion x Average Number of Conversions over a Time period x Average Customer Life Time

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) and Average Revenue Per Paying User (ARPPU)

Being one of the most critical app metrics, you must incorporate it into your strategies because it helps to understand whether you can meet the monthly revenue targets. Basically, ARPU is the amount of revenue your average user generates for you.

Apparently, ARPU and CLTC may look quite similar. ARPU indicates the average revenue your users generate and CLTV helps you understand the entire process of revenue generation. This may take you to a place where you may not find a great difference between both. However, with ARPU you cannot predict the whole amount of revenue the user is expected to generate for you in the entire lifetime, while CLTC does it for you.

How To Calculate ARPU?

ARPU = Lifetime Revenue / No. of Lifetime Users

Final Takeaway

Mobile app performance metrics are essential parameters to track your app performance. Moreover, it gives you a clearer picture of your marketing ROI and growth. They can serve as true guides enhancing the user experiences and developing the app that your users will love.

I hope this article has helped you to understand the significance of choosing the right metrics for tracking before your app launches in the market. In case you ever need any professional help to understand each of these metrics and their significant impact on your business, you can always reach me out. Wishing you great success in your future endeavors!

Softqube Technologies Pvt Ltd Recognized as one of the Best IT Services Companies by Clutch

Softqube Technologies Pvt Ltd is very excited to share that we have been recently named as one of the best IT and Software solutions & services companies in India. We are happy to share this amazing achievement with all of you!


We are excited to be featured on Clutch’s 2022 research list of incredible B2B companies in India. This is such a huge milestone for our company! We couldn’t have asked for a better way to start 2022.

For those that don’t know, Clutch is an established platform in the heart of Washington, DC, committed to helping small, mid-market, and enterprise businesses identify and connect with the service providers they need to achieve their goals.

Our team would like to extend its appreciation to Clutch and their team for making this award possible. We would also like to thank our clients for choosing us as their IT partner. Your business has played a major role in our success. Without the support and confidence of our customers, this feet would not have been possible. . To that, we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

On officially receiving this award, here’s what our CEO Nitin Suvagia has to say:

“More than the award, this recognition means a lot to our team at Softqube. This award is another success milestone in the journey of our company. We would like to thank our customers and team mates for their valuable contribution. We further resolve and commit ourselves, more than ever, to work in the direction of empowering our customers with the right technology tool to support their businesses. ” – By NITIN SUVAGIYA

What Are the Estimated Flutter App Development Costs To be Considered in 2022?

With everything transforming into a new normal post-pandemic, the same has been said and done in choosing app development platforms for entrepreneurs. Cross-platform app development has taken over the stage from native app development for most business enterprises. And nowadays, Flutter is in the limelight strutting over its attractive features and benefits in the development community.

More than half of the developer community around the world likes Flutter. It is so well-known for its quick development process with more than better efficiency and output as compared to others. Flutter app development cost in 2022 may not vary from 2021, however, there are a few factors we need to know and understand for the present year. 

Statista reveals that Flutter is the second most popular cross-platform framework amongst the top 10 frameworks in the world.

The blog shares the average estimated flutter app development cost 2022 and the reasons why you should consider Flutter for your next project.

What is Flutter app development?

Flutter is an open-source single codebase technology for developing mobile, desktop, and web apps for usability on multiple platforms. It’s developed by Google and by far a complete SDK solution despite the fact that the technology is relatively new in comparison to the already existing ones like React Native.

When clients ask about developing budget-friendly apps, the answer always varies according to the project requirements. Flutter app development is trending and hot, that’s a constant not variable.

So, why not develop Android and iOS apps at the same time with none other than the Flutter app development tool?

It is proven that Flutter is ideal for cross-platform app development because it’s not a library or a framework, rather a software development kit (SDK).

We often see that Flutter is compared with related technologies like React Native, Xamarin, and Kotlin. Sure, you develop an app by looking into the tech stack however, getting to know what’s trending is vital. 

Core Factors Affecting Flutter App Development cost


To build a custom mobile app can never be bargained. However, there may a lot of savings going into your pocket only if your approach towards the process is well known and surrounded by the three vital factors that largely determine the sum. 


You can build Flutter apps for any kind of platform. However, for some, it may not be worth it. For instance, if you want to commission an Android smart TV app, you must realize that developers will have to build the entire control logic anew. Why? The touchscreen and mouse operations Flutter relies on don’t dovetail into remote control inputs employed in such smart TVs.  

Feature Range

The cost of app development is decided on an hourly basis for any development company. Developers need a specific quantity of hours to create an app and to build its features that stand out both in number and in complexity. Fewer and simple features need very less time to develop, and thus they cost cheaper than other apps. 

Some features are built easily while some take the entire day. Costly features include chatting, navigation, payment integration, and all these take around 300 hours to develop. Flutter developers need more time to develop the same feature as compared to others who build apps on the native platform. 

Developer’s Location

The developing companies who come from various regions have different hourly fees for their services. North Americans and Australians charge higher and then come to Western European countries. The charges of Latin American, East Europe, and South Asian are affordable and within the range of between $25 to $50 per hour. 

Finding out a Flutter outsourcer for your app project, you should look at the quality of the implementation. The Ukrainian companies tick all the boxes. Ukraine engineers can create a product that will meet your expectations. 

However, do take note that every app has its unique requirements and therefore the potential expenditures are gauged accordingly.

How Much Does the Flutter App Cost in different stages?


The cost structure for building Flutter applications always remains variable. Because there are so many factors that we need to consider project-wise. A fitness app with meal plans, workout tips, and a weight diary, would cost anything between $25,000 and $35,000. A more advanced app with voice calls involved can be developed for up to $48,000. To come down to a precise sum, all you need is to cooperate with the developer. The cost of assessment continues in the following manner.

Discovery stage

At this stage, you conduct meetings with project managers and analysts. You assess the potential risks and solutions to estimate the terms. Also, here you need to have a general overview of the minimum and maximum time required for the project completion. Overall, you must find out how viable this project can turn out to be from a financial viewpoint.

Creating the project specification

Based on the data you provide, outsourcers create a wireframe of the app – the blueprint of a kind where you can see what the UI will look like.  

Only after that, detailed estimation of the project is possible. Once you agree upon the budget, project provisions, and wireframes, the development phase starts. 

Considering additional expenditures

In addition to the above, you must be completely aware of the attached expenditure that includes the following attributes:

  • The strength and reliability of the server used for processing and storing the data, app performance, and the power of the UX. All these factors must be considered to avoid any compromise on the client’s security of personal and financial information. Such services can be hired with a minimum of $1500 a year
  • There are charges to keep your app on the virtual shelves. To upload your app at Google Play, you must make a one-time payment of $25. For the Apple store, it depends on the kind of app and begins with an annual fee from $99 to $299 including the vendor’s charge.
  • The app’s longevity can be maintained and updated with an expense. Significant sums need to be invested in this process. Sometimes the update expenses exceed the development costs

Average Flutter app development cost in 2022


So coming to the real numbers that you want to know. How much does it cost to develop an app on Flutter? And how much time does the development take? What are the business models that suit your project?

On average, the flutter app development cost in 2022 can be between the range of $25000 – $70000.

App type (based on complexity) Time required Cost Required
  • Simple flutter app development
  • Example, basic apps like calculators, clocks etc.
  • 250-300 hours
  • $25,000 – 40,000
  • Moderate/medium complex flutter app development
  • Example, weather apps, apps with user profiling like dating apps
  • 400-650 hours
  • $35,000 – 50,000
  • Multi screens app
  • Example, ecommerce apps
  • 600-850 hours
  • $40,000 – 60,000
  • Highly multifaceted or complex flutter app development
  • Example, on-demand apps like Uber, Careem
  • More than 900 hours
  • $50,000-70,000

However, a skilled US Flutter software developer rate is around $80,000PA. Again, it all depends on the project requirements/features integration, and from where do you hire your development team.

Common app development features Time required (tentative) Cost required
  • Push notification
  • 4 Days
  • $3,500
  • User friendly navigation
  • 6-7 Days
  • $13,000
  • Chat
  • 3 Days
  • $7,000
  • Payment gateway integration
  • 4 Days
  • $3,500

How to Save Money on Flutter App Development?


Thinking on how to develop apps at reasonable costs is very common and normal. Any client starts thinking of the most effective ways to build an app and reduce costs for the development. For this reason, you must always offer a discovery phase before the start of the project. A discovery phase, also known as business analysis, is the best way to explore all requirements appropriately, define the project scope, timeline, and team composition. The deliverables of a discovery phase guarantee that your project will be delivered in the most efficient way, with minimum change requests, at a reasonable and predictable price.

Flutter Suitable for MVP development and for startups

Who would not want market ready solutions to cut over the unwanted time to contemplate. The compatibility of Flutter with the Firebase eases the hassle of getting a separate backend development for even a simple MVP.

How can Flutter become inexpensive for MVP development

  • With a single code base, you don’t have to develop two versions that work on Android and iOS.
  • Flexible user interfaces, improved customer experience.
  • Less time taking, faster development – developers consume very less time to create when they choose to build an MVP with Flutter.
  • Close collaboration between teams is possible especially when an immediate change is required for app quality.
  • The hot reload function enables developers to do experimentation fast, add new features, fix bugs.
  • Native performance – apps developed with Flutter deliver the best native experience for users.
  • Flutter apps are designed and feature-rich (supports a wide range of widgets), attracting investors more.
  • Best for cross-platform app development.
  • Flutter reduces the requirement for resources onboarding since it has Firebase integration, no need for server-side programming.
  • Fasten the time to market.
  • A brainchild of Google, reliability is high, massive community support.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking to hire someone, it is advisable to outsource the expertise of the Flutter app development team. Also, it is recommended to choose the team for a long-term project requirement. 

In addition, you must align all your decisions, timeline, requirements, business goals, and app type/category. Companies like Softqube Technologies can help you out to develop amazing Flutter apps that can create a benchmark for your industry. If you have any such ideas, do share them with us. We are ready to give you the best team to develop your awesome app for android or iOS platforms, whichever you prefer.


How Softqube Improves Mobile App Conversion Rate (By 40%)?

Every brand dreams to spike up its conversion ratios that can give the highest customer acquisition and retention. The article will take you through the exciting journey that will guide you on how to convert this ultimate dream into a potential reality.

So let us get started.

What is Mobile App Conversion Rate?

Mobile app conversion rate, shortly known as MAC stands for the number of desirable activities that take place on your applications. In a broader sense, the conversion rate can be calculated in two ways.

One is by the total number of app downloads and the second by calculating the number of users who make an app purchase. 

Mobile app conversion rate is a crucial tool for all app developers because it portrays the app performance in the app store with regards to the final customer base activities. It exhibits the final user behavior while utilizing the app and the impressions that your app creates into their lives. Moreover, it identifies the connection between the users who have found your app, go ahead and download it, register themselves in it and also begin making in-app purchases.

How Is MAC Calculated?

Calculating MAC is very easy and straightforward. Take the number of users who took action on your app, divide it by the total traffic that visited your app store page, and multiply it by 100.

Calculation of the Mobile App Conversion rate mostly depends on the kind of industry you are into. The user action which defines the MAC varies from industry to industry. The image below shows actions for various app categories that act as conversion points.

How Softqube Can Help You Increase Mobile App Conversion Rate?

Several factors impact mobile app conversion. With the help of various tools and strategies, you can achieve a higher rate for your awesome app. 

At Softqube, we use the below strategies and methods to increase our customers’ mobile app conversion rates by 40%.

1. Simplify the Actions For Your App Users

While the user is making a purchase, the smallest of the hurdle can put him down without taking the next move. To avoid this from happening, we make sure the conversion action of your app remains smooth, intuitive, and flawless. 

Also, we ensure that the processing time gets tested and again until it gets refined to its limits. The payment gateway integration, response time, security features, etc. must reflect the ease of doing business with you. 

2. Streamlining Processes and Manage Friction Points

The apps are designed with the purpose to serve the user for their better. In that case we identify the friction points and bottlenecks in your user journey. We see if your app needs email registration, GPS tracking, or data privacy.

Many successful app marketers have highlighted how one extra step can result in thousands of users bouncing back. We recognize such friction points and remove them. We ensure that all the steps in your processes are necessary, and make it a delightful experience for users to go through them, by making the steps as unobtrusive as possible.

3. Split Testing Tools Utilization

We use tools that can provide A/B testing for your wireframes, taglines, icons, and images. This step gives clarity of what is working for you and what isn’t. We check out various platforms and companies which offer such services and make an educated decision.

4. Harness the Mobile App Localization Facility

Mobile App Localization is the process of adapting local geographical areas, cultures, and influences to appeal to different audiences from various locations. This step is necessary for app owners who want their products to grow globally and want to have an international presence. This naturally increases the number of final consumers you are serving and the number of downloads as well.

5. Separate App Marketing for IoS and Android Platforms

The traffic visiting the Google Play Store and App store platforms are completely different. And that is why you must understand the different characteristics and parameters of each app store and what all their user base consists of. We mark up their habits, spending abilities, interests, and responses, and create marketing strategies individually making the best use of those characteristics. Succeeding on one platform may result in positivity on the other platform but will not give you absolute success. To achieve that, separate strategies are made and followed.

6. First Impression Optimization for App Users

Generally, the mobile app conversion rate is closely associated with the first impression that users get during the usage of your app. When they see its screenshots on the App Store or at the Play store and when they fire up the app for the first time after installation. 

We always try to think from their viewpoint and experience it. While you download your app it must promise to make tax filing easy for you, but rather it stuttered while it was getting downloaded for the very first time. So will you now install this app for the second time ever?

7. App Testing on All Supported Devices


All those devices that you claim must be able to run your app and they need to be checked and re-checked for compatibility, no matter what the operating system – iOS, Android, Tizen, Microsoft, KaiOS, etc. That is we follow the testing process because testing the compatibility of your app across is important not just on smartphones but tablets and wearables (depending on what your app does). The more devices that you make compatible with your app, the higher your mobile app conversion rate is likely to be because it is highly unlikely that you’ll ignore any user segments.

8. Push Notifications for Users Delight


Stay ahead in the competition by sending push notifications that engage the users instead of annoying them. Unlike those boring and repetitive messages that crawl into their phones, create catch content for notifications that can express the purpose of engaging them. Be it promotional codes, loyalty benefits, use witty messages that make the difference. Once they begin to associate your messages with their good emotions with your app, the conversion rates are likely to spike up.

9. UI/UX Optimization

The user interface and the user experience are other ways of stressing the purpose of the app you are developing. Marching on the lines of offering fast services at the convenience of the user and establishing two-way communication, your app’s UI and UX should be created bearing in the mind the first reaction of your targeted user. We make the app’s UI/UX simple and avoid a sharp learning curve. We make the design and the flow of the app should  intuitive, making use of the established pattern wherever deemed fit. 

10. Prominent CTA Buttons

The app that gains success has the habit to help the users take decisions with ease and proper direction that can lead to the desired outcome. A Call-To-Action (CTA) button is a vital tool for increasing the chances of reaching your app’s goal, whether it is promoting information, or sales. CTA buttons have been found not only crucial for redirecting traffic on the desired landing page but also help apps in improving app conversion rate.

11. App Cross Promotion 

We also leverage on the traffic that you get via other sources and platforms and redirect them towards digital platforms like mobile and web apps. Websites, YouTube channels, and blogs can be used to create interlinks to cross-promote your app. This will also help in creating a digital ecosystem, helping you in the longevity of the business and expanding your brand presence.

12. Loading Optimization 

Slow apps don’t last long. The users spend several dollars while upgrading their devices to gain efficiency and speed. If the app doesn’t support it, you will have to then compromise the speed and efficiency of the workflow. We make sure to optimize your app to deliver the best speed results in unfavorable situations. An app design is expected to deal with any fumbles in the network which can cause a temporary breakdown.

13. Quick Sign Up and Payment Process


We make the subscription and payment methods adopted by your app super easy. The more complicated you make it for the user to register or pay, the more chances are of the user turning away due to some difficulty or a complicated procedure. We reduce the need for providing information, promote the chances of registration for your app.

We also employ features like guest check out, where users can buy your services and pay for them without being registered or a member, will also help users become proactive while using your app. Using online payment methods, PayPal, Cash on Delivery (CoD), and EMI payment options are a must for today’s digitally enabled customers who prefer paying online.

14. Using Compelling App Descriptions

App descriptions are your first chance to convince users towards your pursuit. We ensure that the app descriptions are engaging enough to capture the attention of the reader in a few seconds and detailed enough to highlight the unique value addition of your app in the lives of the users. If done correctly, a crisp and sorted app description can be more effective than paid marketing strategies and help your app achieve a higher Mobile App Conversion rate.

15. Easy App Installation process


Many apps fall into the trap of requiring too many steps to get the app up and running. User adoption will fall sharply with every extra step needed for the user to start deriving benefit from your app, so make it minimally invasive for them to do so.

For example, your current version of your app might require social media integration for the shareability features to start working. Is this necessary? Instead, shift this requirement to get triggered when the user taps on the share button for the first time, so that it comes more naturally in the process flow. Here too, we ensure that each user experiences a seamless and smooth installation process.

Final Takeaway

The Mobile app Conversion rate is not as simple and magical as you imagine it to be. There is no single hand that can make your app a hit or a flop. This phenomenon is a performance indicator in a real sense and will tell you whether your present strategies are effective to fetch the desired results or you need to make certain changes. All the app owners must understand the factors that affect their conversion rate and the ways it can be improvised. 

At Softqube, we take a fair understanding of this concept in tune with your business requirements. With the assistance and guidance of our professional experts,  all you have to do is leverage the ROI, push sales, and reach out to meet your business goals. Get in touch with us to amplify your mobile app conversion rates. Our team of consultants are always there for you.


How Can Clover App Development Help Your Business?

The software explosion and a call for business digitalization have now also turned the tables towards SMBs and MSMEs. Small entrepreneurs look up to adopting digitally dynamic and robust business solutions that can help them integrate processes like payment and inventory management. Clover app development service not only integrates these processes but also checks out the sales efficiency of the business.

Current Scenario of Clover App Market

Especially, the Clover POS system has changed the entire payment process for the merchants via its cloud-based API and Android-powered POS devices. In order to design such dynamic applications, you need a high-expertise and in-depth knowledge of the developers. The application enables users to leverage the benefits of Clover with a range of mobile app platforms, hardware devices, and cloud providers.

So let us head on to find out what is Clover app development service is all about. Also, you will find out how does this technology helps small and medium businesses to generate more than adequate revenues from their business transactions.

We shall cover the below points.

What is Clover?

The next time when you visit a grocery store or a departmental store, observe the series of steps you perform while buying your products. Soon after you grab those items from the shelves, you straightly move into the long queue of customers waiting to make the payment for their purchases. The point where you pay for your collectible is called a point of sale.

As the digital trends are soaring high, almost every single brick and mortar store prefers to accept payments by adopting the point of sale (POS) systems as they can manage sales with great efficiency. Clover is a cloud-based Android point of sale platform that got launched in April 2012 with a base headquarter in Sunnyvale, CA. Acquired in Dec 2012 by First Data Corporation, the Clover software platform began a One-Click-Mobile Payments Platform.

Features of Clover App Market

Clover’s point of sale system has enabled several businesses to streamline their operations such as payment processing, sales reporting, inventory management, and much more. Also, the system provides wide support for various modes of payments such as credit card swipes, PIN, mobile payments, and chip card payments. To avail all these benefits and features, all you need is to build a Clover intuitive, sustainable, flexible, and feature-rich POS system with all the modules like inventory management, CRM, eCommerce integration to big commerce, and accounting inventory.

The Current Scenario of Clover App Market

Majorly, the market covers small businesses. The technology is built to help businesses to increase their sales at a considerable pace and better than their competitors. The clover app market has more than several applications integrated with the POS system, transforming them into multitasking machines.

The app market covers a variety of applications that help manage inventory, enable customer management, supports scheduling, can manage employees, acquire real marketing insights, etc. That means all you need to do is add your application to your Clover POS to find out the growing sale capacity.

Features of Clover App Market

The clover application development has a gamut of features and functionalities. Some of the most known features that make this technology outstanding and highly preferable are enumerated below

  • Efficient Payment Support
  • Backed By Customer Support
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Seamless Integration
  • Real-time Stock Management
  • Parallel Selling
  • Manage Employee Tasks

Benefits of Clover to Your Business

Clover is a POS system providing easier and faster business operations from a single device. Some of the stunning built-in capabilities can simplify your daily tasks, engage more customers, speed up the transactions, and accept the latest payments with zero effort. Check out below how Clover App Market can benefit your business to a phenomenal level.

Sales Maximization

As a small business owner, you can maximize your sales with the Clover app tools and head on to create your exclusive online store. Keep some attractive offers like personalized gift cards and loyalty programs. Clover supports businesses that are willing to expand their online presence. It supports merchants to manage inventory, provides shopping cart integration and templates.

Highly Compatible

With plenty of apps for merchants to use, Clover apps can be used wisely as it is available at a certain cost. However, these apps are really good as they ensure flexibility. Merchants can try a free version of the application and can purchase the app required. The merchants get flexibility in this manner to use it and upgrade it in the future.

Benefits of Clover to Your Business

Access To More Applications

The software integrated into your business helps you save time and focus on your business health. With Clover, you are sure to get all the software solutions that will enable management and monitoring the marketing efforts on social media and taking charge of email management. Over and above, the Clover app market consists of accounting applications for billing, sales, and inventory purposes. Diverse software solutions for scheduling, payroll, staffing, etc are also provided with great ease

Suitable For Every Business Need

The Clover app market provides a lot of choices to businesses. Merchants hailing from varied domains can avail the apps that suit the best for their business. There are need-specific apps for many merchants.

Multi-layered Protection

With an integrated EMV® chip and signature, plus a fingerprint reader for secure employee login, you and your customers are well covered.

Bigger and Better View

Make a big impact with a 14-inch, HD display, and swivel feature for smooth customer e-signatures and engagement.

Two Printer Options

One printer has an optional customer-facing display and contactless payment acceptance. The other prints receipts fast with the high-speed option.

The Power to Do More

Multi-task like a pro with 4GB of RAM that can run multiple apps and enable faster transactions.

Clover App Market

Peripheral Enabled

From barcode scanners and weight scales to kitchen printers and more, Clover Station is compatible with a variety of peripherals.

Ultimate Flexibility

Clover Station works seamlessly with all Clover devices to support transactions at the counter, inline, or on the go.

Take dining to another level

With Clover Dining, a custom-designed app for restaurants, you can do it all—seat guests, manage tables, take orders, and accept payments.

Final Thoughts

Clover’s cloud-based payment infrastructure and the RESTful APIs combined with Android-based devices use the program to web and native terminal apps. This enhances the customer experience. Our Clover app developers are proficient and well-versed in creating custom clover applications for your unique business needs. At Softqube, we successfully implement printing features, custom tender payment, card payment, and much more for your customer’s delight. React out to us to develop your awesome Clover app that shall rock your business and scale it to the newest heights. Talk to our experts today!


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