Samsung has been talking of an Android KitKat update since month of January and it finally rolled out in this August. The Android 4.4.2 Kit Kat update for Samsung Galaxy branded devices is finally out and it remains to be seen how good or bad the release is. The android 4.4.2 version remains to be explored and to add to that Google is 1 step ahead of Samsung with 4.4.3 and 4.4.4 Kit Kat updates. Thus, where does Samsung’s android 4.4.2 stand in such scenario? This update is definitely going to have repercussions for the android developer.
The Roll-out from 4.3 to 4.4
First and foremost, it is difficult for Samsung to roll out these updates. One sees random updates for random devices popping up on and off all the time. The Note 2, the Note 3, the S4, the S3 and a million other variants. However this isn’t all, Samsung also has to deal with numerous android updates at a time. Although, Android’s update from 4.4.3 to 4.4.4 was not much, the announcement was sure made out to be a huge deal.
What does this update mean for Android Developers?
In fact, a 4.4.2 update is still in waiting for a whole lot of Android users. There have been countless release updates on countless devices by these people of Samsung, and there hasn’t been a way to keep a tab on all of them. To add all, there is an Android L update doing the rounds as well. Thus, one could say there is a whole lot of hullabaloo as far as Samsung’s Android update is concerned for its devices. Moreover, the android developers suffers the most from such kind of confusion because they have to make apps accordingly and apps need to be updated.
As of now, the update has been released for –
- S5
- S4
- S3
- Note 2
- Note 3
Thus, users and app developers for these devices will be notified about the update and the update process. People are still updating their OS constantly after the roll out. This updates is one of the biggest update on Android with a tendency to smash havoc on rooted and customized devices and one of the sturdiest ones to have stayed with the users.
Hope, this blog will be helpful to know about the latest update for Samsung users and Android app professionals, so stay tuned with our blogs to get the latest technology updates.