Build a Highly Scalable Application up to 1 Million Users on AWS

Let us assume that to drive more customer visits, you have fabricated a web application of the administration items you serve, and that is why contrarily you have now started getting very few customers.

You get a few suggestions to improvise with feedback from the users. And you get ready to revamp your application. Your marketing team revamps the app leading to a rise in the number of visitors. And in no time, several hundreds of individuals begin to use your app. And what happens here is, due to a sudden gush of visitors pooling in at the same time, some of them are unable to access your app.

You are no doubt proud of the numbers. But you are now keen to know what turned so bad and why.

Know that your app has stopped working because there is a scalability issue. Your cloud architecture is not supportive enough to handle the rising number of visitors with great efficiency and sufficiency.

Unlike other companies who look forward to features and pay less attention to scalability, you must always go the other way round.

Because they are strong and scalable, both stand to be crucial for any application architecture.

The blog will help you sort out your issue. You will now know how to build scalable application architectures that are highly scalable and can handle upto 1 million users.

What is a Scalable Application?

The capacity of any framework to provide a moderate performance under the rising load of large data, high solicitation rates, speed, etc is termed scalability.

The app should work at its best even if the client is 1 or more than 1 million users using the app at the same time.

Scalable apps capture only important assets to meet tasks by eliminating the sources which are not needed.

While examining scalability in distributed computing, you will usually hear about two main ways of scaling – horizontal or vertical.

How about we dive more into these terms.

Vertical Scaling

This is also known as Scaling up. The asset maximization of a solitary unit is alluded to increase its capacity to control the increasing load.

In hardware terminology, there are additional preparing forces and memory to the physical machine operating the worker.

In software terminology, to scale up means you may rearrange algorithms and application code.

Horizontal Scaling

It is also known as scaling out. It alludes to asset development via adding units to the application’s cloud architecture.

In simple terms, it means adding more and more small capacity units instead of adding a solitary large capacity unit.

And now asset solicitation is expanded widely across several units subsequently dropping the overload on a solitary machine.

Characteristics That Determine If an Application is Scalable or not?

Scalability must resemble some solid means. A few parts where an app requires critical considerations are as follows:


Bad performance-giving applications, even though scaled, can impact SEO ranking all through the platform. A quick response along with fast recuperation (low latency) is an unquestionable requirement.


The framework has to be easy to control, sustain, and update. Issues should be easy to spot. It ought to regularly operate without failures or breaks.


The site operating time is very important for any company that wants to maintain its reputation. You can consider a large online vendor for just an example. Millions of benefits get lost by not making the site reachable for even a brief timeline. Constant availability will require a planner to consider removal of the key components, to introduce speedy recuperation of framework failures and breaks.

Retrieval Reliability

When any consumer wants data, the same data must get displayed, only in case it is not updated. Users need to believe that when data is put away into the framework, it will be always there on the off chance and can be used again.


Besides expenses incurred on software and hardware, there is an improvement cost. It takes for the functioning of the framework and training that is necessary. Total expense is what it takes to hold and operate the framework. It’s important to take note that these standards should all be measured yet there may be trade-offs.

Instructions To Build A Scalable Application That Supports 1 Million Users on AWS

Single Client (first arrangement of Cloud architecture)

You are the only one operating the app on the localhost. The initial advancement can be as straightforward as installing an application in a crate. Here, you need to use the accompanying AWS administrations to begin.

Amazon Machine Images (AMI)

Amazon Machine Image (AMI) gives the data required for instance to be launched, which is a virtual worker in the cloud. You can recognize an AMI during the launch of an instance.

An AMI has a template for the root volume for the instance, giving approvals that control which AWS accounts can utilize the AMI to launch instances. Apart from that, a square gadget mapping determines the volumes to be attached to the instance when it’s launched.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud gives the scalable processing facility in the AWS cloud. This eliminates the hardware upfront with the goal that you can create and install applications easily.

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud offers assistance to launch AWS assets in a virtual organization. It gives you full control over the virtual systems administration atmosphere including picking of IP address range, subnet plan, the arrangement of course tables, and organization gateways.

Amazon Route 53

Amazon Route 53 is a profoundly accessible and scalable cloud DNS web administration. Amazon Route 53 proficiently consolidates client solicitations to infrastructures running in AWS –, for example, Amazon S3 containers, Amazon EC2 instances, or Elastic Load Balancing load balancers.

Here you need an advanced box. You can essentially pick the larger instance type which is called vertical scaling. At the initial stage, vertical scaling is sufficient yet we can’t scale vertically for eternity.

Eventually, you’ll hit the stopping point. Also, it doesn’t address failover and repetition.

USERS > 10 (Create numerous hosts and select the database)

To begin with, you need to choose the database as users start increasing and generating data. It’s insightful to start with SQL Database initially because of the accompanying reasons:

Perceived and very much worn innovation.
Network upload and moving apparatuses.
It won’t break SQL DBs in the initial 10 million consumers.

USERS > 100 (Store database on Amazon RDS to ease the cycle)

At the point when users are more than 100, Database organization is the main thing that should be done. There are two common directions to install a database on AWS.

The primary option is to utilize a guided database administration, for example, Amazon DynamoDB or Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and the second step is to have your own database software on Amazon EC2.

Amazon RDS

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) gives such a huge amount of ease to arrange, manage, and scale the relevant database in the cloud. Amazon RDS has six common database motors to choose from, similar to Amazon Aurora, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.

Client > 1000 (Create many availability zones to improve availability)

Based on the current architecture, you may face accessibility issues. On the off chance that the host for your web app ignores, at that point it may go down. So you ought to have another web instance in another Availability Zone where you will place the slave database to RDS.

Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

ELB expands the approaching application traffic across EC2 instances. It is horizontally scaled, requires no bandwidth limit, gives SSL termination, and executes health checks with the goal that only healthy instances get traffic.

This cycle has 2 instances behind the ELB. We can get 1000s of instances behind the ELB. This is Horizontal Scaling.

Users: 10,000s – 100,000 (Shift static content to protest based storage for good performance)

Add more read replicas to RDS to enhance performance and effectiveness. This will take the weight off the compose master database. Also, you can decrease the load from web workers by moving static content to Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront.

Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is an article-based storage space. It isn’t attached to the EC2 instance which makes it the best to store static content, like javascript, CSS, images, and recordings. It is intended for 99.999% of stability and can store numerous petabytes of information.

Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront is also called Content Delivery Network (CDN). It recuperates data from the Amazon S3 container and spreads it to many data community locations. It stores content at the boundary locations to furnish consumers with the least latency rate.

Users > 1 million (Use Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for good adaptability)
To serve more than 1 million users, you need to utilize Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) while making large-scale web applications.

In SOA, we need to separate each component from the particular levels and create separate administrations. The individual administrations can then be scaled separately. Web and application levels will have distinctive asset needs and various administrations. This gives you a ton of adaptability for scaling and high accessibility.

AWS offers a large group of conventional administrations to help you build SOA infrastructure quickly. They are:

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

It is an easy money-making administration to decouple and coordinate the components of a cloud application. Utilizing SQS, sending, putting away, and accepting messages can be performed easily between software components of any size.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

You can send messages to countless supporters with SNS. Its benefits are easy installation, smooth functioning, and high dependability to send notifications to everyone.

AWS Lambda

It is a register administration that allows you to run code without maintaining or managing workers. AWS Lambda measures your code only when it is required and scales automatically, from a small number of solicitations every day to thousands every second.

There is no charge when your code isn’t functioning. You only pay for the calculated time you consumed. You can also build serverless architecture made out of functions that are generated by occasions.

Final Thoughts

It takes several days and maybe months to learn how to build scalable sites. You need a lot of practice and a considerable amount of money via investing more energy. And then you get popular.

Slow working pages can leave a negative impact on the users’ minds. Unhappy users may never come back and above and all this leads to a bad reputation and eventually affects your business.

Create highly scalable websites and applications and increase your scalability by hiring a team of efficient, knowledgeable and experienced web experts. At Softqube, our team is supportive and highly eligible to cater to your problems and serve the best of the solutions for your business growth. Contact us now!

A Complete Guide On Cryptocurrency Development

The future of the world is all set to embrace the revolution stirring in the digital currency market. Popularly known as “cryptocurrency”, it can be used to buy goods and services via an online ledger that has strong cryptography enabling highly secured online transactions.

What attracts a variety of investors is its profit trading feature in the unregulated currency market. The speculators here can at times crazily drive skyrocketing prices. One of the most popular cryptocurrencies, bitcoin has had volatile price moves recently. It reached nearly $65000 in April 2021 before losing nearly half its value in May. And by mid-October, it saw its prices rising so rapidly, reaching up to $66000 before falling back.

So let us take a deep dive into some of the most important things you must know before you jump into the bandwagon of crypto business investment and think of making it big via application building.

What is Cryptocurrency and how it works?

A cryptocurrency is a form of payment that can be exchanged online for goods and services. Many companies have issued their own currencies, often called tokens, and these can be traded specifically for the goods or services that the company provides. Think of them as you would arcade tokens or casino chips. You’ll need to exchange real currency for the cryptocurrency to access the goods or services.

Cryptocurrencies work using a technology called a blockchain. Blockchain is a decentralized technology spread across many computers that manage and record transactions. Part of the appeal of this technology is its security.

Proponents of blockchain technology say that it can improve transparency, increase trust and bolster the security of data being shared across a network. Detractors say that blockchain can be cumbersome, inefficient, expensive, and can use too much energy.

Rational crypto investors buy a digital asset if they believe in the strength and utility of its underlying blockchain. All cryptocurrencies run on a blockchain, which means crypto investors are betting (whether they know it or not) on the resiliency and attractiveness of that blockchain.

What is the future of Cryptocurrency?

According to Forbes, the bitcoin price prediction has just begun. The company strongly opines the brightest future of cryptocurrency. Let us dive into the future predictions about digital currency.

1. The Bitcoin prices will surpass $100000 per Bitcoin. Despite this year’s appreciation, usage is outpacing Bitcoin’s price. Daily transaction volumes (in USD) for Bitcoin are currently around 100X what they were at the beginning of this year when the price was hovering closer to $1,000 per Bitcoin. This volume growth is while most institutional managers are still sitting on the sidelines, waiting for custodianship technology to mature.

2. The biggest area of disruption will be electronically deliverable services: that is compute, bandwidth, and similar. Advances in blockchain technology will make it easier for marketplaces to form — and bring a huge amount of supply online. We expect to see one or more major digital commodities traded readily. We may even see miners for hire — who will provide their hash power to secure a particular coin with a contractual bounty — above and beyond the transaction and block rewards the protocols offer natively.

3. There will be fully decentralized exchange centres. A major driver spurring decentralization will likely be regulation — as certain currencies or exchange of currencies becomes more heavily regulated, it will drive behavior either to institutions that have proper compliance (for institutional investors) or underground.

4. The increase of liquidity — both for employees and supply of risk capital — will drive more and more savvy entrepreneurs to skip registering their company in a local domain. Or cause the creation of value to happen outside of this standard corporate formula.

5. We shall see the emerging crypto equities that register equity tokens. Just as more new projects will organize around a token economy, look for more businesses to tie their ownership or value to a legal tokenized equity structure.

Advantages of Creating a Cryptocurrency App

  • The biggest benefit of using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is the decentralization of the financial system. Owners and app users can manage the database.
  • Since there is an absence of centralized control, thus, least possibilities to hack the systems. The app owners also get the security patches through this.
  • All cryptocurrency investors have a mobile-first approach, so it is always a great business idea to create a cryptocurrency app.
  • As blockchain technology is new and there are very few trusted resources. So users are searching for a one-stop solution in the shape of an application.
  • Another benefit of the cryptocurrency app is money exchange features that allow users to exchange money while they are roaming.
  • The future of cryptocurrency is also a big benefit in terms of the latest trends and ahead of the competition.
  • All in all, to jump on the bandwagon and marching with the trend, the idea of creating a cryptocurrency exchange app is just super.

Top 5 Players in the Cryptocurrency Exchange Market

To save on your time, we have compiled a list of the best crypto exchanges by taking help from reputable crypto venture capital organizations in our knowledge. Let us find out which they are.

1. eToro: Best Overall

eToro is a one-of-a-kind, all-in-one copy-trading platform that is popular among bitcoin and FX traders. If you’re a buyer who loves to have their hands in a bunch of pies, eToro is a great place to start. This adaptable platform provides you with a plethora of trading and money-making opportunities.

2. Coinmama: Best For Beginners

Coinmama is an Israeli-based cryptocurrency broker and exchange. The service, which debuted in 2013, claims to offer a simple, secure, and pleasurable place to purchase cryptocurrency from anywhere on the planet. In reality, it benefits all countries except those sanctioned, such as North Korea.

3. BlockFi: Best Decentralized Crypto Exchange

BlockFi is one of the most user-friendly platforms for buying, selling, and earning cryptocurrencies. Similar to Robinhood, the exchange allows customers to earn up to 7.5 percent APY on their cryptocurrencies and provides a commission-free trading environment.

4. Coinbase: Best CryptoCurrency Available For Trade

Coinbase is the best crypto exchange in the world, with unmatched trading volume and a long history of industry-leading security. The platform, based in San Francisco, has been in business since 2012, making it one of the first adopters and providers of cryptocurrency-related products. Many newcomers use Coinbase to convert their fiat dollars to digital currency.

5. Binance: Best For Altcoins

Binance Exchange has maintained its position as one of the world’s leading crypto exchanges by providing users with the most cryptocurrency trading pairs of any reputable exchange, resulting in the largest trading volume of any crypto exchange. The exchange was founded in 2017 and was based in China at the time.

How Does a Cryptocurrency Trading App Work?

The cryptocurrency exchange app works as follows:

To begin with, the user registers to be part of the system and obtains an individual cryptocurrency wallet. Bitcoins and other currencies can be stored in this wallet.

When money is sent, the user conducts a transaction through the system. Afterward, funds are loaded to the user’s account on the app server. The user then chooses where the money will go and the currency it will be sent in. What happens next can be done without the user’s assistance.

Purchase of the cryptocurrency is completed by the system on the server side, and the end user’s engagement isn’t required either. Afterward, the foreign currency is bought after the cryptocurrency is sold. The final step involves the user receiving the funds in the currency of their choice into their bank account.

A successful transaction involves the foreign currency being sent to an account with a native currency. Once an account is established, the user confirms their account. Lastly, the transaction is automatically completed. In short, the cryptocurrency exchange app can be automatic with the exception of one step: the recipient needs to designate the wallet in a new account as “confirmed.”

However, if money is transferred from a confirmed account, the process becomes more troublesome and must be conducted differently. The most optimal approach is to team up with those who issue cryptocurrency debit cards. In the event money doesn’t warrant withdrawal, cryptocurrency can be loaded onto these cards.

The website will have an API via a backend service that both iOS and Android devices can use. It will allow for:

  • The creation of accounts.
  • Request for a money deposit.
  • Requests to send money.
  • Cryptocurrency > Currency exchange proxy APIs.
  • Management of bank accounts.

Afterward, a backend portal will be implemented into the exchange application, which will allow the user to modify the information on his profile.

How Does Cryptocurrency Trading App Generate Revenue?

Working on a great idea is something like building a castle in the air so all you have to do is finalize the revenue model for the application. Because it’s worth it, The major revenue model for any money exchange app would be the percentage of app owners as mediators. Here are some other revenue mapping methods.

  • Google AdMob Integration for banner & interstitial mobile ads
  • Sponsored Advertisement with custom sizes
  • Referral Method to grab the visitors
  • Create a Pro version of the app with some additional features
  • Enable Text, Carousel and Video advertisement

Features That Make Cryptocurrency Trading App Stand Out From Other App Types

Creating a mobile application is a cakewalk but when you prepare for any kind of financial app then many things matter. At Softqube, we have ample knowledge of developing an app similar to a cryptocurrency app with perfection. Here are some must-have features for creating a cryptocurrency app.

  • Allows easy way as Social Media login and signup with Google
  • Allow users to watch real-time market trends
  • Give detail information with Filtering and Shortening coins
  • Allow user to watch international market cryptocurrency worth
  • Real-time market situation via attractive charts (Donut, Pie, line, Row, and Bar)
  • Add Cryptocurrency exchange to give an idea about the live value of crypto
  • Trace the live values of the crypto in the different currencies
  • Enable Search Option to select at least 1000+ cryptocurrencies

Which Technologies Can be Used For Cryptocurrency Trading App Development?

As blockchain is dominating its presence in fields unheard of, any technology enthusiast needs to be familiar with the top programming languages which are best suited for Blockchain development services. The top technologies that anyone must learn for blockchain application development in 2021 are as below:

1. Solidity

Influenced by JavaScript, Powershell, and C++, Solidity is the first blockchain programming language that one must learn. Especially when you want to develop apps or are looking to get into the ICO development game.

2. Java

Java, the official language of Android mobile app development and a preferred option for backend development, is also considered one of the top blockchain programming languages used for Blockchain development.

3. Python

Blockchain programming in Python has not only ruled the world of app development, IoT app development, and network servers’ development, but is also proving to be an asset in the Blockchain-as-a-service arena.

4. Javascript

Considered for a wide range of app and game development needs, JavaScript is also one of the best Blockchain programming languages to keep an eye on.

5. PHP

Released in 1995, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is another programming language used for blockchain development that every reputed mobile app development company recommends for creating Blockchain solutions.

6. C++

C++, introduced back in 1985 by Bjarne Stroustrup, is the best programming language for cryptocurrency development.

7. Go

Go programming language also lands in the list of top Blockchain coding languages with a blistering success.

8. Simplicity

Created by Russell O’ Connor, Simplicity is one of the high-level Blockchain coding languages that hit the market in November 2017.

9. Ruby

Ruby is the best language for blockchain development to headstart your career with.

10. Rust

Though a newbie in the Blockchain ecosystem, Rust is also being widely considered for building innovative, immutable, and secure solutions.

11. SQL

SQL (Structured Query Language) is also one of the top blockchain technology programming languages to consider in 2021.

12. Erlang

Erlang is another top Blockchain coding language you must consider for a brighter future ahead.

13. Rholang

Rholang is yet another impressive addition in the list of Blockchain programming languages. The language, unlike C++ or Python, operates with a functional approach over object-oriented.

How Much Does It Cost to Create a Cryptocurrency Trading App

The cost of building robust apps like Coinbase at the crypto platform would be somewhere around the range of USD 57000 to USD 98000. If you wish to get both a website and application developed for your cryptocurrency exchange platform, the amount that you would have to shell out in the name of cryptocurrency exchange app development cost would be somewhere in lines of – USD 1,32,000 to USD 1,45,000.

How Can Softqube Help in Creating a Cryptocurrency Application?

Softqube is a leading mobile app development company in India and worldwide. We vouch for best app development with a futuristic design. Our developers are striving to meet clients’ expectations by using the latest technology. We have vast experience for creating finance-based mobile applications and recite our excellence in app development.

If you are looking for the cryptocurrency app development, then we are the best source because we have several on-going projects for the cryptocurrency mobile app development, thus, we know how to make it more profitable and productive. We ensure the best app development and transparency on each stage.

We have successfully handed over dozens of stock forecasting apps to our beloved clients. If you have any queries related to the cryptocurrency application then feel free to discuss with our expert. Contact us today!

Final Thoughts

By implementing the latest technologies, we are moving towards a future of virtual currency. Coins, banknotes will still remain inevitable, however digital currency steals the show. Before building a smart crypto app, entrepreneurs need to follow government guidelines. That takes you to a place where you must meet some renowned mobile app development company like Softqube that ensures a successful development and implementation of the cryptocurrency business.

The entire concept of cryptocurrency is viable, lucrative, and futuristic. Gather a team of experienced developers who can turn the game in your favor. Share this piece of content if it really helped you out.

Implementing Analytics In A Mobile App – Know It In Detail

With everything transforming into a new normal post-pandemic, the same has been said and done in choosing app development platforms for entrepreneurs. Cross-platform app development has taken over the stage from native app development for most business enterprises. And nowadays, Flutter is in the limelight strutting over its attractive features and benefits in the development community.

More than half of the developer community around the world likes Flutter. It is so well-known for its quick development process with more than better efficiency and output as compared to others. Flutter app development cost in 2022 may not vary from 2021, however, there are a few factors we need to know and understand for the present year. 

Statista reveals that Flutter is the second most popular cross-platform framework amongst the top 10 frameworks in the world.

The blog shares the average estimated flutter app development cost 2022 and the reasons why you should consider Flutter for your next project.

What is Flutter app development?

Flutter is an open-source single codebase technology for developing mobile, desktop, and web apps for usability on multiple platforms. It’s developed by Google and by far a complete SDK solution despite the fact that the technology is relatively new in comparison to the already existing ones like React Native.

When clients ask about developing budget-friendly apps, the answer always varies according to the project requirements. Flutter app development is trending and hot, that’s a constant not variable.

So, why not develop Android and iOS apps at the same time with none other than the Flutter app development tool?

It is proven that Flutter is ideal for cross-platform app development because it’s not a library or a framework, rather a software development kit (SDK).

We often see that Flutter is compared with related technologies like React Native, Xamarin, and Kotlin. Sure, you develop an app by looking into the tech stack however, getting to know what’s trending is vital. 

Core Factors Affecting Flutter App Development cost


To build a custom mobile app can never be bargained. However, there may a lot of savings going into your pocket only if your approach towards the process is well known and surrounded by the three vital factors that largely determine the sum. 


You can build Flutter apps for any kind of platform. However, for some, it may not be worth it. For instance, if you want to commission an Android smart TV app, you must realize that developers will have to build the entire control logic anew. Why? The touchscreen and mouse operations Flutter relies on don’t dovetail into remote control inputs employed in such smart TVs.  

Feature Range

The cost of app development is decided on an hourly basis for any development company. Developers need a specific quantity of hours to create an app and to build its features that stand out both in number and in complexity. Fewer and simple features need very less time to develop, and thus they cost cheaper than other apps. 

Some features are built easily while some take the entire day. Costly features include chatting, navigation, payment integration, and all these take around 300 hours to develop. Flutter developers need more time to develop the same feature as compared to others who build apps on the native platform. 

Developer’s Location

The developing companies who come from various regions have different hourly fees for their services. North Americans and Australians charge higher and then come to Western European countries. The charges of Latin American, East Europe, and South Asian are affordable and within the range of between $25 to $50 per hour. 

Finding out a Flutter outsourcer for your app project, you should look at the quality of the implementation. The Ukrainian companies tick all the boxes. Ukraine engineers can create a product that will meet your expectations. 

However, do take note that every app has its unique requirements and therefore the potential expenditures are gauged accordingly.

How Much Does the Flutter App Cost in different stages?


The cost structure for building Flutter applications always remains variable. Because there are so many factors that we need to consider project-wise. A fitness app with meal plans, workout tips, and a weight diary, would cost anything between $25,000 and $35,000. A more advanced app with voice calls involved can be developed for up to $48,000. To come down to a precise sum, all you need is to cooperate with the developer. The cost of assessment continues in the following manner.

Discovery stage

At this stage, you conduct meetings with project managers and analysts. You assess the potential risks and solutions to estimate the terms. Also, here you need to have a general overview of the minimum and maximum time required for the project completion. Overall, you must find out how viable this project can turn out to be from a financial viewpoint.

Creating the project specification

Based on the data you provide, outsourcers create a wireframe of the app – the blueprint of a kind where you can see what the UI will look like.  

Only after that, detailed estimation of the project is possible. Once you agree upon the budget, project provisions, and wireframes, the development phase starts. 

Considering additional expenditures

In addition to the above, you must be completely aware of the attached expenditure that includes the following attributes:

  • The strength and reliability of the server used for processing and storing the data, app performance, and the power of the UX. All these factors must be considered to avoid any compromise on the client’s security of personal and financial information. Such services can be hired with a minimum of $1500 a year
  • There are charges to keep your app on the virtual shelves. To upload your app at Google Play, you must make a one-time payment of $25. For the Apple store, it depends on the kind of app and begins with an annual fee from $99 to $299 including the vendor’s charge.
  • The app’s longevity can be maintained and updated with an expense. Significant sums need to be invested in this process. Sometimes the update expenses exceed the development costs

Average Flutter app development cost in 2022


So coming to the real numbers that you want to know. How much does it cost to develop an app on Flutter? And how much time does the development take? What are the business models that suit your project?

On average, the flutter app development cost in 2022 can be between the range of $25000 – $70000.

App type (based on complexity) Time required Cost Required
  • Simple flutter app development
  • Example, basic apps like calculators, clocks etc.
  • 250-300 hours
  • $25,000 – 40,000
  • Moderate/medium complex flutter app development
  • Example, weather apps, apps with user profiling like dating apps
  • 400-650 hours
  • $35,000 – 50,000
  • Multi screens app
  • Example, ecommerce apps
  • 600-850 hours
  • $40,000 – 60,000
  • Highly multifaceted or complex flutter app development
  • Example, on-demand apps like Uber, Careem
  • More than 900 hours
  • $50,000-70,000

However, a skilled US Flutter software developer rate is around $80,000PA. Again, it all depends on the project requirements/features integration, and from where do you hire your development team.

Common app development features Time required (tentative) Cost required
  • Push notification
  • 4 Days
  • $3,500
  • User friendly navigation
  • 6-7 Days
  • $13,000
  • Chat
  • 3 Days
  • $7,000
  • Payment gateway integration
  • 4 Days
  • $3,500

How to Save Money on Flutter App Development?


Thinking on how to develop apps at reasonable costs is very common and normal. Any client starts thinking of the most effective ways to build an app and reduce costs for the development. For this reason, you must always offer a discovery phase before the start of the project. A discovery phase, also known as business analysis, is the best way to explore all requirements appropriately, define the project scope, timeline, and team composition. The deliverables of a discovery phase guarantee that your project will be delivered in the most efficient way, with minimum change requests, at a reasonable and predictable price.

Flutter Suitable for MVP development and for startups

Who would not want market ready solutions to cut over the unwanted time to contemplate. The compatibility of Flutter with the Firebase eases the hassle of getting a separate backend development for even a simple MVP.

How can Flutter become inexpensive for MVP development

  • With a single code base, you don’t have to develop two versions that work on Android and iOS.
  • Flexible user interfaces, improved customer experience.
  • Less time taking, faster development – developers consume very less time to create when they choose to build an MVP with Flutter.
  • Close collaboration between teams is possible especially when an immediate change is required for app quality.
  • The hot reload function enables developers to do experimentation fast, add new features, fix bugs.
  • Native performance – apps developed with Flutter deliver the best native experience for users.
  • Flutter apps are designed and feature-rich (supports a wide range of widgets), attracting investors more.
  • Best for cross-platform app development.
  • Flutter reduces the requirement for resources onboarding since it has Firebase integration, no need for server-side programming.
  • Fasten the time to market.
  • A brainchild of Google, reliability is high, massive community support.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking to hire someone, it is advisable to outsource the expertise of the Flutter app development team. Also, it is recommended to choose the team for a long-term project requirement. 

In addition, you must align all your decisions, timeline, requirements, business goals, and app type/category. Companies like Softqube Technologies can help you out to develop amazing Flutter apps that can create a benchmark for your industry. If you have any such ideas, do share them with us. We are ready to give you the best team to develop your awesome app for android or iOS platforms, whichever you prefer.


Scope Of Earning Money From An App In 2021

You are here because you know you can make money from an app right? But the real question is how much can you earn with an app and how sustainable this can be?

Here is to discuss everything that you need to know about your money earning expectations from an app. We shall be discussing the below points in detail.

Amount of money you can earn with an app

With apps, your year-on-year revenues can soar high in billions of dollars. But such kinda apps are very few in number. The ground reality is, it is incredibly an arduous exercise to get an exact number on how much can an app make money for you in consideration of the fact that there are a large number of varied apps floating in the web world.

On a daily basis, the top 200 apps on the app store manage to earn $82,500. Widening the bracket, for the top 800 apps, the daily revenue drops down to $3500. Also, the differences prevail categorically for various types of apps. Like for eg, the gaming apps make around $22k each day. But for the entertainment apps, the figures are as little as $3090 each day.

The app market growth is going to be steady and strong in the future. The Statista reports reveal by 2020, the estimated amount of app revenue will increase by $582 billion.

As per the data revealed by SensorTower, the top 100 application development firm or publishers have generated an average of $130 million in the first quarter of 2019.

To understand how much an app can generate revenue for you, the first thing you need is to find out your niche segment. Also, you must study how different niches are performing within their app ecosystem and find out their average returns to understand your targeted niche revenue approximately.

Earnings from a Subscription App

The subscription apps are one of the most preferred mediums to earn income via in-app purchases. One of the best examples is Tinder. The app is free to use, but it charges the users for its various features like unlimited swipes. The “passport” add-on feature permits the users to match with users in other locations, whereas the “Boost” features permits the users to show themselves on the top of the pile. The audience can avail these in-app features only if they were to purchase them generated. The app generated $404 approx revenue. The Tinder charges $9.99 per month for plus subscription and $14.99 per month for a Tinder Gold upgrade.

The other great example is Bumble. A close competitor of Tinder, with a user base of around 50 million people and growing at the rate of 135%. The only difference between both of them is that Bumble is especially meant for women only.

Besides, other apps are Pandora, Tencent Video, Netflix, Hulu, and iQiyi that are subscription-based and earn millions.

Looking at the other side there are certain apps that generate a significant amount of revenue on a smaller scale but are quite decent to go. Like, the Wattpad app allows users to read online stories and write them. The Sensor Tower report says that Wattpad had more than a million downloads earning $800k in revenue. The core method of earning money is by selling stories to the readers. The app smartly engages the users with lively, conversational, and real-life stories.

Best performing platforms for Revenue Generation

Your money earning scope via an app totally depends on the kind of platform you choose for development. Android covers the largest market share in the mobile industry. The second comes iOS. As per the Sensor Tower report, between 2018 to 2023, the estimated CAGR of user spending on these stores is 16.8%.

While there is no perfect answer to the query of “ How much money can an app make?”, but the current projections indicate that the future of mobile apps is on the right path.

Once you choose the platform and decide to move ahead, you need to make a strategic decision on how well will you monetize your application to earn millions and billions of money. For this you need to check out the three most important revenue models.

Best revenue models to earn money with mobile applications

One-Time Payment (Premium Apps):

The premium mobile applications charge a one-time download fee on the Google play store on the iOS app store from its users. It is believed by many that premium app doesn’t make money as the users don’t want to spend. But the fact of 2017 says that the paid apps accounted for nearly $250 billion in revenue.

On the other hand, education apps perform much better within the paid app category. Like WolframAlpha app made $20000 in revenue through the downloads. In the play store alone, it could make it 1000000 downloads and now the application is a powerhouse in the educational category.

In-App Purchases (Freemium Apps)

These apps are a great way to fetch revenue. The users can download the app and access its features completely for free and can put up a paywall on some premium features. Fortnite is one such example and has made around $203 million in revenue. The game remains free to play for the users

Subscription Model (Recurring Payments)

This model is very popular in the app industry because of its extraordinary services. Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon are famous operators in this niche segment. The customers have to make recurring payments for accessing the app on time to time basis

Netflix stands to be the giant with $52 billion of revenue in the third quarter of 2019. A similar kind of apps is the Pandora music streaming application that uses a similar subscription model. This ongoing trend exhibits the power that mobile apps have in the year 2021 and the way they will help business owners earn huge amounts of money via the digital landscape.

Kinds of Apps that have money-making potential in 2021

The gaming applications are the largest revenue models and contribute the highest in the global app revenue. In 2018, the iOS app store mobile app revenue exceeded the $33 billion mark, while Google Play revenue games stood at $21.5 Billion.

For the first half of 2019, the total growth revenue was 11.3% summing up to $29.6 billion. Technological advancements in the gaming app industry such as graphics, control, and Gameplay have risen sharply. The major contributors to this boom are the e-sports gaming apps. Mediakix reveals a 56% of mobile gamers play games more than 10 times a week. This shows the amount of addiction amongst the users generating mobile-based entertainment revenue.

In 2018, gaming applications accounted for 77% of the total app revenue. The gross mobile game revenue stood at $54.7 billion. The AR-based game “Pokemon Go” earned a gross income of $3 billion in 2019.

Besides these, E-commerce mobile apps are also spurting for a long time. The urge to buy online among the younger generation is going to grow significantly over a period of time. By the end of 2021, the experts estimate $3 trillion-plus of commerce sales via mobile.

To cash on this kind of market, mobile apps need a payment gateway integration within the applications. This will allow them to sell products and merchandise on their mobile apps. By 2021, nearly 21.4 billion people across the globe will be using e-commerce services. Probably the largest audience in contributing to the sales so far.

Revenue generating applications

You will get to an endless number of categories via the internet when you research and study to find out the best suitable niche to build a successful app. However, the proper approach is the widest research, to streamline all that is missing, capitalize on the app via the mobile application, and ensure success and scalability from the very beginning.

The below listing is to just give you a broader idea of the apps that are sure to make money. These are the most popular types of apps that can serve as a benchmark for you to create and build revenue-generating apps.

  • Music apps (Spotify)
  • Personalization apps allow users to change the overall orientation of the smartphone or any other device. (Zedge)
  • Performance optimization tools. (CCleaner)
  • eCommerce/Shopping Apps (eBay)
  • IoT apps (Vialatm)
  • Sports and health apps (My Fitness Pal)
  • Social media apps (Facebook)

The Future of App Development Business

The mobile app market is full of great potentiality and a lot of possibilities. In 2019, the final quarter showcased an estimated consumer expenditure of $21.9 on apps across the Appstore and Google Play store, with a 22.9% increase from the last year.

When the business identifies all the considerations, the apps can make a lot of money in developing countries like India. The market here is still sky-rocketing.

At Softqube, our mission is to always help businesses grow via a perfect mobile app developed by our experts. In case if you are stuck finding how much investment you need to make in the business that is booming in the digital market, do contact our app development consultants. We have a bunch of experts who are available at your service to help you grow your business from the scratch.

Best App Database For React Native App Development

Today React Native is the choicest technology preferred by startups and establishments that seek to grow their app development business. React Native is one of the most cost-effective and time-efficient software technologies. Known for its cross-platform mobile framework prowess, most developers use it across the world. The survey says 42% of software developers use React Native to design their awesome applications.Best App Database For React Native App Development

The blog is an effective compilation of database listings for react native app development. The information may help you in scaling your business with adequate offline support to develop your business. But before we discuss the best databases, you must know the factors that must be considered before taking up such a project.

Factors Considered When Selecting the Right Database for React Native App Development

1. Memory Handling

The apps crash when data is not handled properly. Most of the databases clear their cache at regular intervals to ensure sufficient memory accessibility for the app running.

2. Data Complexity

For most of the applications, you can do data preservation or form key values, or go for JSON structure. To select the database, this step is very essential as it can manage complicated data structures like full documents.

3. Data Management Conflicts

By adding more cooperation-related features in the app, more data conflicts arise. Therefore, find databases that can share the conflict management rules on the repository pages.

4. Data Offline Sync

The current trend sees the users using native apps working in offline mode or with slower internet connectivity. So it becomes important to perform data integration and data synchronization.

5. Concurrency

For any popular application, the developers begin to include newer and more responsibilities and so they need to manage big volumes of data. Users may send many requests but it becomes difficult to get the precise data.

6. Easy To Use

Always choose React Native Database as it can be combined with fewer efforts and helps improve development procedure and simplifies the developers’ job

Top Local Databases for React Native App Development

1.  Realm


The Realm is an open-source database. It is an object-oriented database that operates ten times faster than any other relational database. It takes care of complicated data types for real-time and offline apps. Realm does not require any key-value stores or object-related mapping. It has its search engine. All the objects found in the Realm database give access to multiple source threads.

The developers prefer the Realm database as it improves React native app performances via dealing with huge chunks of vast data. Known for its high-performing database, Realm is efficient in fixing queries much better in comparison to SQLite and other databases.

The advanced version of Realm costs $1750 per month.

Benefits of Realm

  • Ongoing background synchronization for saving user interaction
  • Featuring a great set of APIs
  • Uses various encryption standards for all mobile platforms
  • Offline-friendly with Redux offline

2. Firebase


Firebase is owned by Google and has NoSQL. In case if your application mostly works offline and is into offline data updating and data synchronization, Firebase suits you the best. Firebase significantly manages MVC-based React Native Apps that have high data needs.

Firebase contains high-performance tools helping you access a bug application. It gives you complete access to data removal from the Google server as and when required.

The assessment procedure done by Firebase is ISO 27001 and SOC1, SOC2, and SOC3. This database is free for using up to 1GB and then you have to pay $25 for storing almost 2.5GB of data.

Benefits of Firebase

  • Addresses users’ roles to help you fix controls on files
  • Other app integration possible
  • Enables data caching on devices and offers offline user access
  • Synchronizes data via different platforms
  • Seamless data transfer. Users need not worry about the data breakage on any stage

3. SQLite


This database is created to offer the users in building capacity of making local storage databases for all kinds of mobile apps. The word ‘Lite’ stands for the lightweight characteristic of a database. But all this needs a minimal setup to give an efficient performance. SQLite executes maximum SQL policies built with extra tools that enable easy and smooth data management.

Nevertheless, the performance quality of SQLite is debatable, more results can be obtained for those people who encounter outstanding database development. The SQLite source code is available free for everyone to use for any reason and is found in the public domain.

React Native Database SQLite is available in licensed version at $6000

Benefits of SQLite

  • It saves data in the cross-platform database file.
  • You can allow offline persistence in an app using its storage.
  • It is ACID compliant; hence, executes nearly all SQL standards.
  • A highly reliable database used with all leading programming languages without any kind of compatibility issue
  • A lightweight database used for embedded software as well

4. PouchDB


PouchDB is an open-source Javascript database. It stores data in JSON format and enables all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functions that are to be queried and mutated via JS API.

PouchDB allows app data storage also during offline mode and further syncs it with compatible servers. It keeps all user data synchronized irrespective of their login location.

This database secures data quite easily for React Native apps. It has an in-built authentication system for React Native. It offers various features such as password storage in harsh form with the PBKDF2 crypto algorithm to protect encrypted keys from degraded attacks.

GitHub gives all the pricing details and the latest updates regarding the development in the PouchDB. They are free to use.

Benefits of PouchDB

  • Enables data synchronization and supports the server
  • PouchDB is made with CouchDB protocols and supports offline and online capacities
  • The database supports SSL. It thus implies that you can encrypt data easily with AES256
  • PouchDB replicates the data like a pro
  • This database is very light-weight and is just 46KB in size when zipped

5. WatermelonDB

WatermelonDB is an open-source database for React Native. The database has great potential to scale millions of records with accuracy and at a high speed. Primarily, it is designed for React Native as it can easily handle the data persistence on low-end devices.

The other biggest USP of WatermelonDB is that it is very important in scaling its performance and all the queries can be resolved quite easily. As we see nothing gets loaded on react native database, all queries performed are directly on the database.

The React Native database is completely resolvable. It re-renders the changes in any records and the concerned user interfaces. It supports static typing and that is why the developers do not face any issue while using Flow or TypeScript.

Benefits of WatermelonDB

  • The React Native database is fast, asynchronous, and highly cached
  • Being multithreaded, it can scale 1000-10000 records easily
  • It implements the offline-first approach and makes the WatermelonDB synchronization very easy at the backend
  • The developers can work easily on either Android, iOS, and Web as WatermelonDB is multi-platform

6. Async Storage

It is a local storage framework enabling developers to store data locally and retrieve application reboots in between. Featuring an in-built React Native, you can use this database without further deployment

Async Storage is available in handy even after you close the device app and whenever you need to save the data

Benefits of Async Storage

  • The storage is accessible whenever required
  • It is in-built with React Native

Takeaway Message

While you are on a search for the best local database for React Native app development, you must ensure to enlist the requirements. You cannot let go of even a single requirement while undergoing the selection process. The success of your app relies on your voice in the database. Choose the React Native backend database based on your project type and other requirements.

Hire the experts for developing a perfect React Native Application by using the most suitable database. For more queries regarding the choices to be made, please contact our React Native App development experts. Our team is right away to help you out!

What is The Cost of Developing A Facial Recognition App?

Presently, facial recognition systems are gaining a lot of traction. They are getting deployed in several public places for safety reasons, private properties to access control systems, and now also as an application on mobile phones for various purposes.

Facial recognition technology has widespread usage. The system has become so inevitable that no other technology can replace it in the future. As a result, developing such systems is tricky and needs careful planning for each case individually. As an entrepreneur, if you need such an application for your business, you must enlist the costs and expenses that are incurred to develop such a system along with the probable pitfalls.

The blog shall help you to know about each stage of your cost plans for developing facial recognition apps. Also, we shall discuss several problems that you will need to solve while in the process. It is not only about developing apps, but it is also about the hardware architecture that will allow the app to work efficiently.

You need to address the below matters before you head on to develop a facial recognition system.

Facial Recognition App

1. Hardware Challenges

  • Hardware Configuration
  • Camera Choices and Their Locations
  • Edge Device Usage

2. Software Challenges

  • Datasets
  • Personification and Possible Bias in the Pretrained Model
  • Software Scalability
  • Image Retrieval Speed

3. How Much Does It Cost?

Hardware Challenges

Before beginning with the facial recognition app development project, the tech solution provider must consider hardware configuration, cameras, and edge devices, etc, and such important aspects.

Hardware Configuration

At the time of building a facial recognition security system, you must know that the optimal hardware configuration differs from task to task. The suitable hardware should be chosen with great care. When the chosen hardware lacks enough power, it leads to highly undesirable delays in processing in some quality solutions. For other tasks that don’t require a lot of computational resources, the choice of powerful hardware could cause a too expensive solution, which could be no longer in demand because of its price.

Camera Choices and Their Location

When you put enough care and become cautious to complete a specific task, you must always check with the type of cameras to be deployed. The configuration choices vastly depend on quality image requirement, angle of view, and coverage area. Besides, when choosing video quality and several cameras, the network bandwidth must be taken into account. This has commonly become one of the crucial bottlenecks in building high-quality facial recognition systems.

Edge Devices Usage

Most of the facial recognition system is dependent on heavy, deep neural networks. Such networks most often need GPUs for evaluation with appropriate speed. The modern facial recognition systems emphasized that companies have machines with CPU and GPU. To ensure the work completion, the servers would require extra support in time and demand some location. Jetson devices solutions are used to reduce the support for end customers. Human support also gets minimized.

A lot of nuances must be considered while setting up optimal hardware for the system. It is also hard to choose it without experience. Hence, what we believe is that the experienced specialists create a final architecture solution for a specific facial recognition system. They determine the optimal configuration for every particular case.

Software Challenges

Here we shall discuss major software issues coming around the face recognition technology industries.


Robust facial recognition application is created with the deeper learning-based methods. These deep learning models are notoriously known as very data-hungry. When a company lacks its data the very first step is to use open-source datasets. The dataset licensees are worth reading before using the data to train a face recognition model.

Personification and Possible Bias in the Pretrained Model

You must consider the demographic profile of the system users. Most of the open-sourced data sets comprise white adults, the final reports are quite biased and may not work properly on other races. To understand in a better way, you must collect additional private datasets consisting of similar demographic profiles to the one you expect in real life. The model bias can be reduced by adopting fine tuning on the collected data.

Software Scalability

Companies deploy facial recognition systems to expect them to become scalable and expand enough to a wider audience. The software hence needs to possess the high flexibility architecture of a system to be very thoughtfully devised. Overall, the software part can be built in a way to get quick updates to a larger number of users with inexpensive costs. Based on our practical experiences, we found that we need a well-designed system architecture from scratch to extend the software that is not designed to become scalable.

Image Retrieval Speed

Several face recognition systems face serious bottlenecks when it performs searches in the database that consists of millions of data samples. In this scenario, the company ensures that the algorithm used to search through a database is much more efficient and scalable.

Facial Recognition App Devlopment

How Much Does it Cost?

The cost of developing a robust and scalable face recognition application complexity depends on the project requirements. Besides, many variables have the total price of the bespoke face recognition application.

To provide the best solutions to clients and to meet the challenges, we take up such projects through the below stages.

  • Business objectives analysis
  • Data analysis and identification of the scope of work
  • Definition of high-level architecture and appropriate tools and technologies selection
  • Risks identification
  • Building proof of concept
  • Definition of the expected results as well as costs and resources estimation.

The investigation stage permits idea validation at an early stage, risk minimization of a project failure, and substantial savings of money. The Cost of the Investigation stage is generally in the range of USD 10000 – 30000 based on the project size.

Wrapping Up

Both software and hardware challenges must be noted before going ahead with design plans of a facial recognition application system. Have an experienced team that can help you with the uneasy work. It helps a lot in the long run. Good and robust facial recognition applications are developed with great time, effort, and solid technical skills with great expertise. This ensures that the project is very scalable, reasonable, and reliable to take it forward for further processes.

How to Find App Investors For A Startup Project – The Ultimate Guide

To find investors for your app is always the most formidable challenge any entrepreneur may face. As a founder, you may know everything you need to, yet you come across several gaps. You need a catchy and the most enticing pitch to woo investors. You gotta show them that your idea has great potential. How exactly did you manage to do this? Do you think you need a great pitch to present before the investors?

Let us go straight into the answers to all your questions. Each point is elaborately explained to help you know how to prepare the right pitch and how to set yourself apart from your competitors and show your investors that your business idea is worth investing in.

Present Project Viability With Market Research

Great ideas are not what investors look for all the time. Your next big idea must consist of a passionate visionary that is well-planned. You need to show them your extensive research work, how deep your vision is, and how the project is ready to hit the ground running. They must be extremely confident that you can execute this idea, create a wonderful app and make it go with sustainable profits in the long run.

So the very first job is, to begin with, the research. The tangible groundwork needs to be put up and you must know the exact market potentiality of the project. Your app must solve the core problem of the target audience. How effectively do you solve their problems? Answering these questions is the groundwork you need to do. Lots of research, cracking hard numbers, and data analysis are all that grabs the attention of the investors. You need to be damn serious about what you are showing to your investors.

Take interviewers, find the results, do surveys, and prepare an impressive statistic analysis of all your findings. Present this report to your investors. Do this in reliable ways. Online survey tools like SurveyMonkey is always there to help you. Pay a minor fee and conduct an online poll covering adequate people. This will give you tangible proof of the concept you are working upon. Circulate simple surveys amongst your friends and acquaintances and gather enough data. Start a blog or a microsite and post short articles that are interesting and that talk about your idea. Take the help of people who love to engage with your idea and can talk a lot about it.

These measures however it may take time, this groundwork bring sureshot results in the long run. It will show the investors that you are quite serious about your idea and toil enough to pull it off for great success.

Find Your Niche

Apps are really a good business you can ever choose. Everyone knows it very well. Your idea may probably be built into an app in the least similar if not in an exact manner somewhere. So, face the brunt, your idea may not be a great discovery or an invention. Let us face this. Investors may not like to invest in similar ideas. They won’t prefer to invest in other ‘types’ of the app. Find something that is unique and that can differentiate yourself from the competition.

Apart from choosing another travel app, see if your app can cover women travelers exclusively to ensure safety and security. Apart from another e-commerce app, find an app that can connect with the local stores to support the local businesses that can help enjoy the convenience of the ecommerce.

Define your suitable target audience comprising a specific niche. It is not all about wooing the investors, but it is all about building a sustainable business that has better longevity and traction as compared to your competitors.

Investors get intrigued by a target-specified app idea. These apps have great value and are identified at a different level. Users find that the app is exclusively designed to fulfill their needs and hence, they like to engage more with the app. At the onset of widespread generalization, everyone likes exclusivity. Knowing and understanding all this, investors get ready to invest in such niche ideas.

Prepare Your Best Elevator Pitch

Every investor may not be willing to deep dive into your idea at the very first instant. With very few minutes available to present your idea, you need to be well-prepared and use the given time very wisely. You can give spontaneous answers, clear concepts, and talk about the real purpose behind the idea in these few minutes. You can stand to land a meeting where you will get enough time and attention to present your idea.

So be ready with an elevator pitch. A pitch as concise as 30 seconds covering your idea and the ultimate purpose. So work and rework until you are not sure of what you are going to present in front of the investor.

Do not mistake your elevator pitch as a storytelling opportunity. However passionate you are with your idea, you need to clearly describe what your app will do for the users and why they would sit and download and use it. Keep it simple, precise, punchy, enticing, and meaningful. Focus on the larger purpose and the biggest value it can give to your investors. This can be your biggest selling point. Once you get ready for all this, your elevator pitch can land you an investor up close and personal.

Create A Prototype

It is always good to show rather than say. The biggest takeaway to get any type of investor. However good you talk about your idea in the most effective communication pattern, but to really show your commitment to the investors, you need a prototype.

Fancy words will never save you. Building a prototype is very easy. Build your unique prototype if you are a developer. Or contact a suitable app development company to build a good one for you. Simple prototypes get passed quickly due to their affordable prices and extensive work done upon that to show the investors how your app is going to work.

Similar to a low-fidelity representation of your app, a prototype is much essential. This step can give you a great chance to show off your app’s design, logo, and branding. You can make all this possible only if you are determined to work on your app’s design, layout, and basic features. If you have a prototype to show it to your investors, you are representing your app features, your hard work, and your commitment towards building the idea into a reality. You show your investors that your project is worthy and dependent enough.

Prepare a Compelling Pitch Deck

When you are all ready for an investor meeting with your brilliant idea, the best research, and a solid prototype, what works more is your pitch deck. This can be typically a PowerPoint presentation that runs on the screen highlighting your key points as you keep explaining.

Do not make your pitch deck a transcript of all that you are saying. Make highly visual slides that speak sense and are concise. Use them for showing charts, graphs, and diagrams. Highlight the most important keywords. Consider this as your golden chance to show off your app’s branding pitch. So, what you need is to invest enough time in preparing a logo, a slogan, and a color theme to establish credible branding for your app. Give your app a suitable personality and ensure that investors are well aware of how prepared and dedicated you are to make this idea a potential reality.

Final Thoughts

As you follow all the above steps, the investors will find that you have a great idea for an app. Not only that, but they will find that you are a go-getter and an astute in your profession. You pull the things off to make it happen. The startup history teaches us that apps with great execution matter more than apps with a great idea. Even if your idea is taken by the world, the purpose of execution that you have created sets you apart from the rest of the world. Investors will be heartily willing to fund your awesome project.

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Which Mobile App Database is the Best For Applications – A Complete Guide

Synopsis – To find an appropriate database that matches your application becomes arduous amidst the gamut of offerings available in the market. You need some general awareness of the basic criteria with a few use cases that can guide and help you develop and create scalable and robust mobile applications. This blog sheds the light on the same.

In either of the two situations of creating a new mobile application or adding more features to your existing app, finding a suitable database becomes quite exhaustive. Possibly, when you find your present database becomes insufficient to manage millions of users and frequent updates, it’s time to choose the right database.

There are several instances where a database dramatically begins to compromise the quality and performance of an application.

In the face of disruption, Uber had to migrate their database from PostgreSQL to MySQL. Uber took this decision as they confronted the inefficient database replication features and a constant migration happening from one PostgreSQL version to another.

Types of Mobile App Databases

Some of most popular database to build Android apps and iPhone apps are as below. Based on your requirements, you can choose the best database for your mobile.


An open source, multi-threaded, and easy to use SQL database.


A powerful, open source object-based, relational-database that is highly customizable.


An open source, low maintenance, key/value store that is used for data caching in mobile applications.


A schemaless, JSON document database which is known for its flexibility and scalability.


A distributed cache system which is multi-threaded, and used primarily for caching objects to speed up applications by alleviating database load.


A popular open source relational database which was created by the original developers of MySQL.


A free and open source, NoSQL database which is designed to handle a large amount of unstructured data at any scale.


Embedded database, common usage is to provide local data storage capabilities on mobile phones.


SAP HANA is a column-oriented, in-memory relational DBMS developed by SAP SE. It is written in C++ and was first released in the year 2010.


Another venture by Apache Software Foundation under the domain of Apache Hadoop, is a distributed database written in Java.


FileMaker is a cross-platform database application developed by Claris International.


IBM Db2 is a family of data management products developed by IBM. Initially, it was released in the year 1983 and is available for Linux, Unix-like, and Windows Operating systems.


Solr is an open-source search platform written in Java. It was released in 2004.


It is a NoSQL database offered by Amazon as a part of AWS. It was released in the year 2012.

SAP Adaptive Server

Also known as a Sybase SQL Server, it is a relational model database written in C and C++ language. It was initially released in 1987.

Some of the other databases include Neo4j, Couchbase, ArangoDB, Riak DB, CouchDB, RethinkDB, and Memcached.

Basic Criteria to Choose Right Databases for Mobile Apps

What is the structure of your data?

The structure aims to help you know about the ways you need to store and retrieve your data. Mobile applications deal with data in a variety of formats. Offline apps store the entire data on mobile devices. Online apps depend on server access for their stored data to function. Like, Ecommerce apps fall into the online apps category.

Other types of apps are called Synchronized apps. They store all their data on mobile devices. Hence, it can be used offline. However, the stored data may be updated on the server when the device is periodically online.

What is the size of your data?

As simple as the question, the answer is the quantity of the data you need to store and retrieve as critical application data. The quantity may differ based on the data structure combination that is selected and the ability of the database to differentiate data across multiple file systems and servers.

So, choose a database focusing on the overall volume of data that is generated by the application at any specific time and the size of data to be retrieved from the database.

Speed and Scale

This refers to the time taken for servicing incoming reads and writes to your application. Some databases are created to optimize read-heavy apps. And others are designed to support write-heavy solutions. A great time-saver as it helps to reduce the time that you put in acquiring data from the database. This saved time can be used to improve the efficiency of the android database application.

Like, MongoDB is faster than MySQL when it comes to managing large volumes of the unstructured databases. For structured data, MySQL is much better.

Data Modeling

Before choosing any database, you must perform Data Modeling. This modeling becomes a representation of the data structure to be stored in the database. It is a very powerful expression of the business needs.

In case if your app contains features such as search queries, reporting, location-based features, etc, data modeling becomes very helpful. Such apps need multiple databases to manage different types of data. Like for example, Uber uses MySQL, MongoDB, and a lot of other databases.

Data Security

While using decentralized and synchronized storage it becomes essential to access, store, and transmit data in a secured manner. To ensure complete usage, you must address authentication, data in motion, data at rest, and read/write access.

You need a flexible authentication that can allow using standard, custom, and public authentication providers. For many apps, it becomes important to support to the anonymous access. For data at rest on the server and client, you need support for both file system encryption and data-level encryption. Similarly, for motion data, the communication should be over a channel like SSL or TLS. For data read/write access, the database should offer granular control over what data can be accessed and modified by users.

Facilitating Multiple Mobile Platforms

If you plan to support multiple platforms like iOS and Android along with devices and wearables, you need to plan it now. A gamut of mobile applications evolve adding web companion app or a native desktop app.

Building mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms need React Native Framework. It is quite easy to develop apps for Android and iOS if developers share code on both the platforms. As it supports all the types of databases.

Use Cases To Frame Selection Criteria

Synchronizing data between local database and backend server

There are mobile applications having features that work offline and need internet connection to save the local data in to the app’s server. Data synchronization is a critical part while developing a mobile application. You need to carefully analyze the use cases for your application and find out what is applicable at its best for each of them.

Users have both the choices, either to only read the data or to modify the existing data. You can choose the local database that provides sync service and automatically stores the local database to the cloud server and vice-versa.

Popular databases like Couch and Realm provide data synchronization between local database and backend server.

Mobile Apps Having Multiple Layers of Data

Applications that contain multi-layer data model have one set of “fields and tables”. This set is dependent on another set of “fields and tables”. In such apps, it becomes very difficult to manage the data.

Most of the apps generally change-over time and require modifications and changes in the database structure. Whereas, in a structured database like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc, you will not be able to make frequent changes.

Unstructurd database like MongoDB brings flexibility to change without taking you through the tiresome process involved in structured databases. It allows you to work with unstructured data in multiple laysers and adds new app features with great flexibility.

Users Having Low Network Issue

Databases like SQL may lose netwerk connection with the client side storage. This will further generate and error medatabasesssage instead of transferring the data needed. In such cases, you need to re-configure your database. Besides, there are several other challenges to be dealt with MySQL and network interruptions, like as below:

  • Local Data persistence that contains unsychronized transactions and app state.
  • Getting mobile transactions and operations back to the main server-side database

To avoid such problems, maintaining a database that offers better reliability and connection resistance is a better option.

For Scalable Mobile Applications

The moment you think to scale your mobile application, you need to add more resources in the form of servers and make the database engine highly efficient. The database must be powerful enough to utilize the resources and handle several processes together. In short, you need a multi-threaded database.

Multithreading helps database schedule parallel tasks efficiently and minimizes workload on the server side. Also, distributed design of a database is significantly important for gaining scalability. It can help you split up the services on different threads to minimize the workload on main database.

Handling New App Updates and Database Changes

To push new updates to the mobile app needs lot of changes to the local database. The developers needs to keep up with the old database versions.

For example, some of your app users are using V1.0 version and you recently pushed V3.0. Now V1.0 users update to V3.0. Note that these users have skipped V2.0 altogether.

The local database you choose should be able to handle such scenarios. The database should be able to add new fields and tables as well as can manage old APIs and database structure for the users who use the latest app version.

You can choose SQLite with any server-side database, and it would work fine. SQLite has built-in OpenHelper tool to check database versions and to call functions such as onUpgrade or onCreate.

Resolve Data Conflcts Between Devices

Mobile applications that modify same data on multiple devices together will confront several conflicts. The database needs to support a mechanism that can resolve the conflicts. The flexibility of the conflict resolutions mechanism is important. It should allow resolution automatically, on the device, in the cloud, by a human and by an external system.

Check out the below specific use cases to determin which database would be more suitable for your specific requirement.

Best Practices To Work With Mobile App Databases

Predictive Caching

This is applied to improve your mobile app performance. You need to look on various aspects such as how, when and where your users are using your application. You can identify and serve a segment of users with specific information that they always look up to depending on their behavioral traits.

Good news are that, that the data can be made available and cached locally before the users even log-in to your app. MongoDB offers predictive caching that allows developers to serve users with predicted and cached data before they even ask for it.

Databases Using Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC) Method

MVCC support allows simultaneous access without blocking the threads or processes involved. MVCC also allows reader to view a snapshot of the data and helps you read and write operations to continue in parallel.

For example, in the below table, databases have MVCC implementation.

Low Latency Challenges

This is inevitable for any real-time applications and online gaming applications. High latency leaves a bad impression to the app users. Anything falling short than 500ms is considered to be in high latency.

Latency optimization is a continuous cycle. Each database comes with its own limitations in terms of replicating and optimizing. We have various methods to reduce latency. Replication is the most popular one. Several companies replicate their prodcution database to separate read/write, static content creation and request queries.

The below are some databases with lower latency than the average:

  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL for transactional operations in real time
  • RethinkDB built for real-time application
  • PipelineDB, SQL database for streaming applications

Caching Databases To Lessen the Load

Quite often we add a caching layer to reduce the load on servers. When we cache data on the chaching layer, we intent to prevent a recurring request for the same data. This reduces the number of requests going to the server and renders server efficiency and performance.

Final Thoughts

Any changes in the mobile app whether it is feature improvement or new feature update, it will affect the database. These criteria helps you to determine the right databases for your mobile app. The most important part is to find a database that is highly flexible.

With an experience to develop a myriad of enterprise mobile applications for our clients, we look up to the future requirements and comprehensive features to choose the right mobile app database. Get in touch with us if you are facing the scalability issues or in need to build data-heavy applications from the scratch.

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Developing a Robust Mobile Smart Home Control Application

Having smart appliances and the latest systems won’t make your home smart. Unless you get a smart home control application for all. You need home environment remote controllers that help you reach houses, configure, and change the required settings through the internet connection. These smart home applications are the best solutions for the companies who want their appliances and systems to work efficiently, seamlessly, and with great safety.

Development Process

Before we dive into the core features you must consider to develop a robust mobile smart home control application, let us take a glance at the standard development process that must be implemented by all the software development companies.

1. Consulting and Prototyping

The purpose of the software development is established in this phase. The purpose determines the count of devices that the application shall manage. As the features majorly determine the functionality of the app, users always fall for simple, lucid, and limited featured designs.

2. UI/UX Design

The application must have a user-friendly and interactive UI/UX with minimum complications. Because the purpose of getting the app is to streamline the user’s life and make it hassle-free and comfortable.

3. Software Development

The company should build a robust and resilient mobile application that befits the clients’ requirements and helps them solve their core problems and reduces effort.

4. System Integration

Smart home control applications must provide seamless integration of several sensors and devices existing at the platform. The configuration of the modules must be well-integrated and reliable enough to cope up with various scenarios arising from sensor combinations

5. Support

The applications begin to give desired results once the user learns to operate the application for controlling the devices. New users may require sufficient assistance after the system installation is done. The service provider must ensure to support and address the user queries and provide regular maintenance service of the application to increase the software efficiency.

Our years of domain expertise in developing smart home control applications can help you know some of the key understandings about smart home control app development.

Key Features

There are a gamut of features available in smart home control applications. However, they vary based on the kind of usage. Some of them are crucial and highly recommended irrespective of their purpose and functionality and based on their performance.

1. Intercommunication

Smart devices perform with excellence in the presence of smart solution provider. Smart home automation application enables control of all the appliances and devices with additional hardware installations. Bringing a great compatibility between the devices, the applications help them share information with great ease and accuracy. Moreover, the beauty lies in the single smart home automation mobile application providing all the device-specific apps on a consolidated single dashboard. With a user-friendly interface, you can operate multiple home devices together.

2. Remote Control

Mobile applications must be able to connect to local Wifi spots or Bluetooth to communicate with the devices and control them from remote locations. So, when you remain away from home, you still have all the control of your home appliances, devices, and systems and can operate them the way you want to.

3. Notifications

Users need real-time notifications about the activities at home. This helps them control the devices with great efficiency and avoids undue stress and anxiety about security. Smart home control applications ensure push notifications about activities like gas leakage or lights or doors left open, battery life usage, and much more to avoid uncertainties.

4. Data Privacy and Security

Smart device communication is at its best if the security protocols are properly followed. Firewall settings are recommended to prevent hacking, snooping attacks, and data thefts. Smart home applications should not turn into a burden hampering the privacy and security of your home and the crucial data.

5. Personalization

As the smart home control application brings in all the control of your devices on a single dashboard, there are several other ways to control the apps. For eg., users can include preferred devices on the home page and create scenarios or routines to improvise their lifestyle. Now setting a morning alarm, switching on the coffee machine or water heater, adjusting room temperature, switching off the lights or TV, and much more is all under your control.

6. Intuitive UI/UX

Smart home control applications work effectively with a powerful UI that is extremely simple and attractive. Users must get a clear idea and exact information about the devices. This enables them to operate devices and give the right commands to the right devices. With a clear and easy to operate user interface, users must be able to choose icons and color schemes as per their choices

To Wrap Up

Smart home automation solutions are meant to simplify human lives at a considerable level. They help to shape up your daily routines and keep you relaxed and comfortable with a significant amount of free time. A robust mobile application is a prerequisite to get such experiences. To develop such an app, your need subject-matter experts and best-in-class developers and service providers.

Holding substantial expertise in developing software for manufacturing, retail, healthcare, logistics, etc, Softqube Technologies has earned wide market credibility. Our proficient knowledge experts can bridge the gap between the smart environment and the end-users.


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The Top Mobile App Development Trends To Rule In 2021

The mobile application is a necessary thing in our daily life now. We depend on mobile application services every then and now in our everyday life. get to know, why?

We are making bill payments. We are ordering food. We are collecting and paying grocery bills. We are buying medicines. We are sending money. We are managing every little but essential thing with the help of the mobile application.

The usage of these apps is secure and safe. These apps are also making our life hazard free and more comfortable to live, and we have more time to have fun or to work.

Now, this is why most of the investors are investing money in mobile app development companies. They are looking forward to expanding their business through mobile apps. They want to reach directly to the customers. Direct contact means excellent feedback and great services.

Thus to develop a great mobile application, you need the best quality mobile app development companies. Only they can provide the latest services to satisfy the customers and give them a complete smooth satisfactory experience.

Now here are some latest mobile app development trends which the mobile app development companies are looking forward to in 2021.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is one of the latest critical factors of mobile app development. Artificial intelligence is considered to be a dark horse in mobile app development services.

Many apps had great success by upgrading their AI services. Replica, google assistant, Cortana, Faceapp are such apps that did significant business by enhancing AI services. It helps you to keep valuable data, and it also records real-time analytics.

2. Chatbot

This service helps to serve customized features. Most of the users are preferring self customed services to have fair usage. Mobile app development companies are very much confident that this service will surely enhance the relationship with the customers.

The inauguration of chatbots has a damaging effect on relationship management with the clients. There are millions of apps in app stores, but only a few provide this kind of latest UI or UX services, and this very thing is the x-factor of those applications.

3. 5G Technology

5G is the fifth generation of cellular technology. It is especially monitored to give the users a better bug-free and fastest internet service. It is designed to minimize data latency. It is customized to enhance wireless connectivity.

Everything from electronic devices to machines and objects can be connected virtually with the application of 5G. 5G is going to be the ultimate deciding factor in mobile app development services in the upcoming days.

4. Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things or IoT is one of the most trending app development tools nowadays. It is a system that establishes a virtual connection between objects. These objects can transfer and share and collect data over a wireless connection.

This interrelation and connection happen because of the application of IoT. the most crucial part is that there is no need for human intervention.

There are many useful gadgets which we use are implemented with the system IoT.

5. M-Commerce

We all are pretty much aware of M-commerce. It is part of our daily life now. We are ordering buying and selling things through internet portals and mobile apps which is termed as M-commerce.

M-commerce or E-commerce services are customized to do business on mobile and other wireless platforms. This service also provides hazard free and easy monetary transactions.

6. AR & VR

Ar is termed augmented reality, and VR is called virtual reality. These are very popular in mobile app development services. If you do not have a short memory, then you must remember the popularity of the ‘Pokemon Go’ game worldwide.

That game was the perfect blending of AR & VR, which has brought the game developers a magnificent volume of profit.

Nowadays, these applications are not bound to gaming sections; only these are being used to enhance the usage of other applications too.

7. Mobile Wallet

It is going to be the big blast in 2021. People are opting for mobile wallets to do secure, easy, and safe transactions.

World-famous brands like Google, Samsung, Apple are already providing this service to their customers so that they can smoothly make transactions and bill payments anytime, anywhere.

8. Foldable Apps

This feature provides screen continuity. It is designed to run on over multitasking. Many applications are now optimized to support the folding mode such as Facebook, Twitter, and MSOffice even.

The foldable technology provides more space, a large screen, more control over one window, and a detailed multitasking facility.

9. Beacon Technology

It is quite known now. But the effect of the pandemic in 2020 has made beacon technology trendier.

This mobile app development service is customized to enhance business opportunities. It helps to get the real idea of the customers to make the business more profitable.

10. Cloud-based mobile app

The cloud architecture is the future key factor of mobile app development services. It provides a large memory space to pursue complex queries with extra security and smoothness. It is going to be very cost-effective.

11. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

It is a framework. It is designed to provide user-based web content solutions.

12. Wearable App

Wearable technology is one of the fastest-growing technologies all over the world now. This feature will provide such kind of up-gradation to our devices that we can quickly fulfil our digital needs.

13. Predictive Analysis

This modern feature collects information and predicts future outcomes with the help of those data.

14. Health App

After pandemic, health application is becoming more and more popular to keep checking up on health, maintaining social distancing norms.

15. App Security

The hacking scandals are quite known to us. That is why big brands are focusing on app security more and more now to keep the clients’ data safe and secure.

These are the emerging trends in mobile app development services. If you want more information on this, then you can contact us at Softqubes. Softqubes is one of the emerging talents in mobile app development companies.

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