Joomla, Drupal or WordPress: Which is the Best CMS?

Among the huge list of content management systems available today, we prefer Joomla, Drupal or WordPress for our business. Every CMS has its own pros and cons yet it depends on us as to which CMS should we select to meet our business needs.

Here, we have listed the benefits as well as drawbacks of these three well known content management systems and we are sure that this article will certainly help you to take decision as to which one is to be selected for managing your website.

  • Joomla: This CMS is mostly preferred for creating websites especially eCommerce websites.


    • Enriched with latest features including various website templates, plug ins etc.
    • Preferable mostly for developing social networking sites and eCommerce sites.
    • More than 8000 extensions available for free.
    • Systematic menus.
    • Easy support from Joomla community


    • Not preferable for small websites.
    • Coding is complex.
    • Broken links cannot be fixed quickly
    • Some of the plug ins are costly.

    Some of the well known companies that use Joomla CMS are Mc Donald’s, Pizza Hut.

  • WordPress: If you are in a business field where blogging is necessary and content updation is required at regular intervals then this CMS is for you.


    • Easy to install and quick to configure.
    • Very user friendly.
    • Easy to add images and publish new items.
    • Various enticing blog layouts available to make your blog look attractive
    • Blogs and websites developed using word press are easily visible among top search results.
    • Useful plug ins to make your tasks easier.


    • Advertisements & Polls are not included
    • One cannot rely completely rely on word press
    • Mostly useful for small projects , lacks in fulfilling the needs for large business

    CNN, Forbes, Sony are some of the notable WordPress users.

  • Drupal: A very flexible and easy to use CMS especially when your aim is somewhere around content creation. Developers prefer this CMS the most due to its easy coding language.


    • An ideal CMS for developers who can do coding on their own.
    • Useful for developing websites that load quickly.
    • Very simple & easy to understand code.
    • Easy scalable.


    • Higher maintenance cost.
    • Good PHP Knowledge is required.
    • Not compatible with other soft wares.
    • Not user friendly as technical knowledge is required.

    FedEx, MTV, Zappos are notable users of Drupal.

Wind up:

If you have a small business and mainly requires blogging then Word press is the best CMS suitable to your needs. On the other, if you are thinking to get an eCommerce website developed then Joomla is for you. If you wish to make your website interactive, then you can select Drupal; however you must keep in mind the cost occurred to hire a well known PHP developer who is good at coding as Drupal websites need good coding knowledge.

Whatever your requirements are, you can get in touch with Softqube Technologies to get the website developed  on your preferred Best content management systems. Our developers are also here to guide you as to which CMS will suit best to your needs.

Content Management Tools – Manage Your Websites Easily

To reach the target audience, it is necessary to have an elegant website with informative content. Having a website is not enough; it must be updated on regular basis. However, it is not necessary that every website owner has good knowledge of programming language. With content management tools, it becomes easy to manage the website for any user irrespective of any knowledge about coding language.

So, any website administrator or one who has access to the content management system can easily update the website regularly. A website administrator can update the website content, images, make a web page active or inactive, create a new page etc.

Let’s have a glance at some of the well known content management tools that make the tasks easier.

  • WordPress: It is an open source platform widely popular for creating blogs, complex websites. Most of the companies prefer this platform to develop a website as websites developed using WordPress are user-friendly, search engine friendly. Creating links, managing categories are some of the activities that WordPress manages without any hassles. It is best for beginners, works and good for small to medium sized websites and blogs.
  • Joomla: Another important platform mostly used by the business owners is Joomla. Websites created using this content management tool have smooth functioning. This software is well known for creating online applications, e-commerce sites, personal websites, e-magazines etc. For eCommerce type of sites, this is well. But it is required some level of technical coding.
  • Drupal: Another significant platform that is mostly adopted to manage websites, Drupal is free for users. Managing large eCommerce websites is very convenient. It equally manages every website may be larger or smaller. This tool is the most powerful tool, but little bit hardest to use.

Auditing Content Management Tools:

As we keep updating our websites, it is equally important to keep a check on our content management tools. This helps to protect our website from any unknown damage that may result into website’s downtime. In order to save the website from losing its online reputation, it is important to update content management system on regular basis.

Certain CMS tools have a facility to notify the issues in the system via email or SMS. This helps the system administrators to solve them quickly thus keeping the website unaffected from any devastation.

Some of the well known auditing features of CMS are:

  • Recognizing system faults.
  • Notifying immediately regarding any system issues.
  • Preparing a report for maintenance and analysis.
  • Reducing system downtime.

These features help users to resolve the system problems quickly as well as they can get relaxed and have some peace of mind as they don’t have to identify the problems.

As a business owner, if you wish to get guidance or assistance for Content Management tools then Softqube technologies is here to clear your doubts and provide you better services as to which CMS will be more useful for your business that will play an important role in your progress path.

Things about Content Management System

Picking a Content Management System might be unpredictable. Without an unmistakably characterized set of necessities, you will be lured by extravagant practicality that you will never utilization. What then would it be a good idea for you to search for in a CMS?

At the point when taking a gander at a content management system, think about what characteristics you ought to search for.

At the point when selecting a content management system, without a plainly characterized set of necessities, you will be lured by extravagant practicality that you will never utilization. When you know it, you’ll be purchasing an endeavor level framework for countless dollars when a free blogging device might have done the employment. Keeping in mind the end goal to rightly figure out what you require for your site, you require a rundown of necessities.

How then do you make your rundown of necessities? Despite the fact that your circumstances will differ, here are ten things that are especially paramount.

1. Usefulness 

At the point when most individuals consider content administration, they consider making, erasing, altering and sorting out pages. They accept all content management systems do this along these lines underestimate that practicality. Then again, that is not so much the situation. Nor is there any insurance that such practicality will be displayed in a natural way.

2. Customization 

I have had the disaster of working with content management systems that are totally rigid in their presentation.

Your substance’s presentation ought not to be managed by innovation. It is basically not vital now that we have systems to partitioned outline and substance. Shockingly, in the same way as some Web originators, numerous CMS designers have not received best practices and have made frameworks that process horrible code. This puts nonsensical requirements on the outline and genuinely affects availability.

You require a content management system that permits adaptability in the way substance is recovered and introduced. For instance, would you be able to recover news stories in opposite ordered request? Could you show occasions in a schedule? It is safe to say that it is conceivable to concentrate the latest client remarks and presentation them on the home page? Adaptability makes a CMS emerge.

Here are a couple of things to search for when evaluating hunt purpose:

  1. Freshness: how regularly does the internet searcher file your site? This is particularly significant if your site changes customarily.
  2. Exhaustiveness: does it file the whole substance of each one page? Shouldn’t we think about connected records, for example, PDFs and Word, Excel and PowerPoint reports?
  3. Speed: some web crawlers can take ages to return results. This is particularly basic on vast sites.
  4. Extension: would you be able to farthest point the extent of the hunt capacity to a specific area of the site or refine indexed lists once returned?
  5. Positioning: how does the web index focus the positioning of effects? Will this be tweaked by either the site holder or client?

Softqube Technologies is leading in web CMS Development services, and gives you the option for choosing the best CMS, of your choice and as per your business requirement. They provide a wide range of CMS development service platform including WordPress, Drupal , Joomla and many more.

Versatile Web Content Management System Services

To compete in the digital era, every business and organizations really need to utilize effective content to power functional applications for the ventures. Web content management system (WCMS) is really an ideal platform for turning an online presence into a user-friendly multichannel environment that powers a digitally determined organization. It is about creating website contents with relative ease as well as managing them. When your hundreds of pages go online on a daily basis, then it becomes difficult to have web masters who manually updates and uploads contents. In this manner, the WCMS seems to be a right solution for your smarter website management. By outsourcing WCMS services, you can get the power to manage your dynamic website. Well, there are many reasons behind the outsourcing WCMS for your business. Here we are going to explain some of them.

Outsource Web Content Management System Services

    • Update content automatically:When you add content, publish news stories or events in your website, you need to manually update the home page, related content links, section front, audience content links or other parts of your website. But no longer now because with WCMS, you can manage and update content automatically through its “Write Once Publish Everywhere” approach.
    • Support multiple audiences:It is also best known as multi-constituent content management. A Good WCMS can assist you re-purpose and channel your content for different audiences and save time and money by simplifying the web management process.
    • Manage multiple pages:Managing your hundreds of pages is so difficult. In this way, WCMS is simple tools to make content creation, editing and maintenance of web pages easy.
    • Adjust links:Links inside the website are automatically adjusted with web content management system. It creates and removes automatically when the page is removed.
    • Control cost:You don’t have to pro¬cure what you require for operating and managing a WCMS environment, and you pay only for what you need.
    • Manage multiple website:Many organizations need to manage dozens of websites Main examples are associate chapters for trade associations or unions, country sites and multi-tiered marketing for large enterprises, or franchises or branch locations for businesses. If you drop down into any of these categories, you require a robust web content management system that will support multi-site management, and workflow.

Increase efficiency and search engine ranking:

With WCMS, you can publish Content easily and efficiently because editing and revisions do not require visual design or coding knowledge. It permits for quick and proficient updates. It is also essential for every business and organizations to improve and maintain search engine ranking. In this manner good and easy-to-use WCMS helps your publishers to keep the content fresh, consistent & high quality. If you are looking for the company to outsource CMS Development Services services, then Softqube Technologies is the right place. We have expertise in working on major portal content management systems like WordPress, Drupal, Magento, and Joomla. If you are not sure whether you require a WCMS or not, then the best thing to do is arrange a meeting with one of our experts to discuss your requirements.

Why Authors Need Web Content Management Systems?

Now-a-days everyone is using the CMS word if they talk about website, because it becomes essential for a website to make their content smarter and more powerful. Nobody wants to go again and again and ring the bell of designer or developer, that’s why business and organization use Web Content Management Systems to generate high quality and highly interactive multi-language websites without requiring technical knowledge. The Web Content Management System is software tool considered by both technical and non-technical personnel to manage the formation of structured web pages for an online experience like an Internet website, Extranet or Intranet solution.

Drupal, Joomla, PHPNuke, and WordPress are most adopted web content management systems around the world. If authors do not use CMS, then their content becomes stale, and the project fails quickly. However, using web content management systems, they can automate the maintenance of the content as well as add, edit and delete content of the site easily. Editors and reviewers also need to quickly manage their CMS work around accessible errands. It is also great for creating websites that will have multiple users or large amounts of content. Content stored only one time, but used many times, with a WCMS, you can track everything that happens to it.


Why need web content management systems solution?

  • High number of hits and peaks
  • Database orientation
  • Multiple sites
  • Changing content and varying content sources
  • Publishing Web content
  • Brand identity
  • Multiple authors, editors and contributors
  • Personalization
  • Facilitate Data entry
  • Differential display and incorporation of related functions
  • Division of labor
  • Need for flexibility
  • Support different versions of the site for different browsers

Most significant advantage of Web Content Management Systems:

  • Explain your business or edit your content by yourself
  • Create unlimited number of pages
  • Update fresh content on a regular basis to generate more traffic
  • Collaboration in generating, editing, and approving content
  • Make changes to your site in instantaneous
  • Helps to generate SEO friendly website
  • Communication with your clients quickly and easily
  • Show what you want
  • Secure content from standard website attacks
  • Change layout yourself
  • Save time and money
  • Add RSS Feeds in your webpage
  • Search, retrieve and reuse content to create new products within minutes

Why Choose Us:

Softqube Technologies is a good web content management system that helps authors to easily publish their material onto the website, without conflicting with other authors as well as makes it easy for users of the website to find and access the content that they require. Softqube’s Web Content Management delivers complete features to support your whole CEM ecosystem, Analytics tools, social media, semantic search, portals, archiving, etc.

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