.Net Development Services and Benefits

A dynamic website represents your business in all over the world. Using the right technology, you can generate scalable, robust, reliable and user-friendly websites. .Net is very powerful framework to make the development of web and desktop application simple and easier. It is intensely used to operate applications for the Windows platform. .Net Development India allows businesses to get innovative and helpful business application for better productivity and performance.

Developers and designers use this framework to get the benefits of its creative, dynamic characteristic in the layer of already available coding. Taking the help of .Net Development services, organizations can extend the capabilities of their web and desktop application with .NET Framework technologies like Silverlight, WCF data services, Microsoft surface, etc. Through .NET Development, you can get better and efficient performance and make management easier to push the growth path. A best dot net development service provider can lead you to great development path

Some Best Service of .NET Development:

  • ASP.NET Development
  • Windows Desktop Development
  • .NET-Based Products Customization
  • .NET Extensions for Other Products
  • Silverlight Development
  • .NET Application Maintenance and Support
  • .NET Migration
  • .NET Mobile App Development
  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) based apps development
  • Windows Azure Development
  • .NET Application Performance Tuning

Service Benefits of .Net Development:

  • Security Support
  • High speed development
  • Trouble-free configurations of applications and security
  • Improved productivity
  • Easy Development Efforts
  • Comparatively little learning curve for developers
  • Reliability
  • Access to the opportunities of .NET Framework Library
  • Less code

Softqube Technologies provides .net development service for a long time as well as giving facility to hire dedicated developers team for .Net Development in India. We are the best dot net development service provider who have expertise in offering innovative and effective solutions to meet any Dot Net requirements that your business needs.

Why Choose Silverlight Development Service in India?

Silverlight is a free and powerful development tool of Microsoft for creating appealing, interactive user experiences for Web and mobile applications. It is based on the .NET Framework, and well-matched with all browsers, devices and operating system. Silverlight allows people to create a visually stunning browser-based application with the help of Microsoft’s development environment to provide business users with a powerful user interface. There are numerous Silverlight Development Service providers existing in the Indian market that provide dedicated expertise in Microsoft Silverlight technology.

Connecting with Silverlight Development Company in India, you can take the help of highly skilled and qualified Silverlight design and development team to create a cross browser and cross platform compatible Silverlight web and mobile application. Generally, the Silverlight development team uses Asp.NET, VB.NET, and C # for developing high quality Silverlight web applications. By creating a Silverlight based application, you can get the advantage of highest quality video experience, 3rd party language support, extreme speed, etc. In addition, it can reduce the development, maintenance, testing, and support effort necessary to deliver a successful business application.

Silverlight Development Main Services:

  • Silverlight Application Development
  • Web Application Development
  • Portal Development
  • ASP.NET, Silverlight Development
  • XML, XAML, WCF RIA Services for Silverlight
  • Silverlight Application & Modules Development
  • Custom Application Development
  • Plug-ins Development, Customization and Implementation

Service Benefits of Silverlight Development India:

  • Rich GUI Design Capabilities
  • Support for Web, Windows and Mobile Platforms
  • Designed NET based media experiences and Rich Interactive Applications
  • Take advantage of mobile support for Microsoft Windows 7 phones
  • Supported by all browsers like IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, etc.
  • Supported with Windows 7 Phones
  • Supports speedy, cost-effective delivery of high-quality video to Silverlight applications
  • Facility to update application automatically
  • .Net as Programming Platform for Silverlight Modules
  • SOA Architecture incorporation support with WCF

Softqube Technologies provides web design and development service using also Microsoft Silverlight technology. Our highly skilled and qualified Silverlight development team India is expertise in various development platforms – asp.net, and visual studio, and generates innovative and interactive application that can work on major browsers and operating system. We provide immediate Silverlight development solutions that best suits our clients’ budget and business requirements.

Get Reliable .Net Development Solutions in India


Hat’s off to the Microsoft Corporation for founding a sophisticated and reliable software development technology – .Net. In the world of the Internet, it is one of the most demanded web services to develop, build and direct secure, vigorous and high performing applications in a well-defined manner. Day to day it has gained popularity. It should be helpful to the e-commerce business owner in concentrating on business logic.

Through .NET dynamic web services, it will be easy to upgrade the applications to use existing services again; distribute information to more customers; develop quick application and simple communicate between applications. The framework of .NET helps the offshore software developers build a technically advanced website.  All compliance to XML and object oriented programming of .NET make the development highly fast and effortless. The .NET’s great features allow developer to easily design, produce and develop highly climbable solutions with trustworthy, secured and multi-platform computing.

The vastly experienced and qualified offshore software developers with expertise in ASP.net development and web development strive to fulfill your needs of advanced website development in less time. Hence, whether you are thinking for designing a website or want to convert your static website into a dynamic one, all you should do is hire the best developer who has the knowledge of ASP.NET.  When it comes to choosing best quality .Net development in India, Softqube Technologies holds years of experience along with the best and skilled .NET and Java software developers.

Our company aimed to help you out as a one-stop destination for PHP and ASP.Net web development India or even to hire a website developer. Our vast and varied expertise and best technical support in project management for .NET Development carries a lot of good results as customized business solutions. We ensure that your website is as attractive as worthwhile as a good online or software application should be. To know more, please contact us +91 (79) 6512 7563.

.Net Reflection

.Net provides best functionality of reflection to modify structure and behaviour of programming. .NET Framework’s Reflection API allows you to programmatically discover class information solely at run time.

In the computer science, .Net Reflection is the process in which the computer program can observe and modify its own structure and behaviour. It is mainly used to to load a .net assembly into memory programmatically. This is exactly how Reflection in C# works, and while you may not realize it at this point, being able to examine and change information about your application during runtime in C#.

Through the Reflection, you can get information on the methods, properties, fields, and events of an object, which you can see in a class viewer.

The System.Reflection namespace and the System.Type class play an important role in .NET Reflection. These allow you to reflect over many other aspects of a type. Below is the Demo1 and Demo2 for example to learn about reflection:


using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class ReflactionDemo
public virtual int AdditionofNumber(int n1,int n2)
int result = n1 + n2;
return result;


class RefDemoMyRefClass
public static int Main()
Console.WriteLine (“MethodInfo”);
ReflactionDemo ReflactionDemoObj = new ReflactionDemo();

Type RefObj = ReflactionDemoObj.GetType();

MethodInfo DemoMethodInfo = RefObj.GetMethod(“AdditionofNumber”);
object[] RefParam = new object[] {5, 10};

Console.Write(“\nFirst method – ” + RefObj.FullName + ” returns ” + DemoMethodInfo.Invoke(ReflactionDemoObj, RefParam) + “\n”);
return 0;

get the type information
Type RefObj = Type.GetType(“ReflactionDemo”);
And RefObj will now have the required information about ReflactionDemo. Therefore we can now check if the class is an abstract class or a regular class
RefObj.IsClass or RefObj.IsAbstract

get the method’s information. And the method that we are interested in this case is AdditionofNumber


Public class ReflactionDemo2
int answer;
public ReflactionDemo2()
answer = 0;
public int AdditionofNumber(intn1, intn2)
answer = n1 + n2;
return answer;

gets the System.Type object for the ReflactionDemo2 type.’

Type Reftype = typeof(ReflactionDemo2);

So we will now be able to create an instance of the Reftype object by passing the Reftype object to the Activator.CreateInstance(Reftype) method.

object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(Reftype);

Afterward, we can invoke the AdditionofNumber method of the ReflactionDemo2 class by first creating an array of objects for the arguments that we would be passing to the

AdditionofNumber(int, int) method.
object[] RefParam =newobject[] {5014, 6584};

Finally, we would invoke the AdditionofNumber(int, int) method by passing the method name AdditionofNumber to System.Type.InvokeMember() with the appropriate arguments.

int res = (int)Reftype.InvokeMember("AdditionofNumber", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,null,obj, RefParam);

Here is the full Example of reflaction:

using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Reflection
class MyRefClass
public int AdditionofNumber(int n1, int n2)
int ans = n1 + n2;
return ans;
static void Main(string[] args)
Type Reftype = typeof(MyRefClass);
object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(Reftype);
object[] RefParam = new object[] {5, 10};
int res = (int)Reftype.InvokeMember("AdditionofNumber", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,null, obj, RefParam);
Console.Write("Result: {0} \n", res);

At Softqube, we provide high quality solutions with proven competency in web and .Net application development. For .Net reflection services, we serve you better with the required tools.

MVC4 Razor

MVC is a kind of coding architecture. Different language is used in MVC architecture.  MVC4 has fully JAVAScript, JQUERY, HTML5 and CSS3 oriented. With MVC4, you will implement well architected, testable and easy-to-maintain web-based and mobile based application

Below is screenshot that shows you how to create a New Project from start page.It includes a New ASP.NET MVC 4 Project dialog box displaying the different types of templates.

Empty: Thistemplate has no any file. It includes only some reference and project class files like RouteConfig.csandWebApiConfig.cs.

Basic:  The basic template consists of a project like some useful JQUERY, CSS, and In-Build themes.

Internet Application: It is used for internet application such as JQUERY, Themes, Database architecture, and class file as like on Demo project of MVC4.

Intranet Application: It looks like you have stored the model in a static property somewhere which might explain the behavior. You stated that you are not using a database then I guess you have invented some persistence in your application.

Mobile Application: You can use this template to create Mobile based application using JQUERY, CSS and HTML5. But some precaution is that required VS2012 SP1 and Window 7 phone Emulator.

Web API, Single page Application and Facebook Application: This template is based on Web services. And most useful feature provided by .net freamwork. In Web API, the created REST API is used by Third party. While the created applications using the single page application looks likethe Google Search Engine. You can get some basic feature for social site and Facebook Oauth in Facebook application.

Have a glance on the MVC4 features:

  1. How to use Controller, View and Model?
  2. Different MVC configuration FILE details for App_Start
  3. What is Bundle?

A. How to use Controller, View and Model?

Controller: It is provided interaction between View and model. Main benefit in MVC4 is that it first runs server side then return VIEW. And the meaning of Razor is to short the syntax which use in VIEW site. (Uisng “@” assign)


Default1 Controller .cs

publicclassDefault1Controller : Controller


// GET: /Default1/publicActionResult Index()


ViewData[“Test”] = “How to Write Code in View part”;

return View();





Output :URL mapping is main benefit in MVC4.  You write URL like http://localhost: /{ControllerName}/{ActionName}/{Parameter}. First Run Controller Part and then Return Particular action regard write in header. Following image shows you how to use them to create an application.

B. Different MVC configuration FILE details for App_Start

All MVC configure with global.asax.cs:

  • FilterConfig.cs: Interaction is provided between one page to another page. And it works like filter. Validated session very redirection. So it useful for increase web site security.
  • RouteConfig.cs:  Using this file, we configure application start up and Handle file of different extension. Check out below example,


 Ignore .ASMX (Run webservice in MVC4)



 Set start-up Page of project

name: “Default”,
url: “{controller}/{action}/{id}”,
defaults: new { controller = “default”, action = “Index”, id = UrlParameter.Optional }

  • WebApiConfig.cs: Provided configuration for REST API like HTTPS services.
  • BundleConfig.cs: Below is the screenshot of BundleConfig.cs.

1) What is Bundle?

Bundle is useful concept for web site performance. In real word, all web site have heavy loaded contain and code. This kind of web site uses lot of JQURY and CSS. So performance of web site decreases. So, MVC4 provides feature minify CSS and JQURY using Bundle concept.

Using this concept, we can increase web site performance and decrease the loading issue of web site up to 80%-90%. It creates some different type bundle for CSS and JQUERY. Using single line code, we can access multiple CSS and JQUERY.


//CSS Bundle

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle(“~/bundles/InnerPageStyle”).Include(“~/CSS/InnerPageStyle.css”).Include(“~/CSS/jQuery  -ui.css”));

//Minifying in Condition

BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;


Note: JQURY confliction occurs when created bundle and use in view page. All JQURY include in one bundle that can be access only one URL.

How to use in View part? Example: 


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