Online Learning: How To Gain New Skills During Lockdown?

The worldwide circumstance and improvements encompassing the COVID-19 flare-up has become a significant worry for everybody around the globe. This extraordinary circumstance has additionally left most parents stressed over their kids. Online learning particularly with regards to their education, guardians are confused concerning how to continue with their kid’s day by day schedule and realizing when schools stay shut for a long time to come because of lockdown. 

These are testing times for teachers, and learners to explore online learning, and this is the place professional online classes comes in. Wonder’s strategic to never let kids quit learning, regardless of where they are. In this manner, as the circumstance gets more enthusiastically, online learning stage keeps on supporting kids through connecting with content and intelligent features. 

Online Learning

How to utilize time in learning?

One of the most significant aptitudes you can have as an online student is successful time management. The better you deal with your time, the simpler it is to accomplish your objectives. Everybody has a similar 24 hours in a day, which means, it’s not about how much time you have, yet how well you can oversee it. 

This is particularly significant for online students, who are regularly working all day, dealing with family, or shuffling different responsibilities. Without the kinship of a class to rouse you or making some set memories where you should be nearby, powerful time management is urgent to helping you remain focused. 

Compelling time management assists with your learning as well as make you progressively beneficial at work and in your own life. In case you’re not kidding about effectively finishing your online certification or degree, it’s urgent to locate a decent framework to utilize. 

Decide what you want from an online course

To push a course, mean more to you than only a list of exercises verified, you should likewise spread out the results you’re planning to get from the course. In the more extensive view, that could mean jumping into Python so you can get into information science. Or on the other hand it could be acing website design so you can make your organization’s site much increasingly exquisite. More explicitly, you can move yourself to finish five exercises every week or complete a class venture before the month’s end. 

Numerous online classes, similar to the online courses, offer an implicit framework for monitoring the exercises you’ve finished. You should take benefits of these functionalities; however, you can likewise go past that. Simply writing down a note about what you learn every day can assist you with hardening the ideas or possibly value your advancement. 

Online Learning

Apply your existing skills in new ways

As online learning implies you can do your course whenever, do some considering what time you’re at your best and additionally can best focus on your coursework. In case you’re a morning individual, have a go at concentrating first thing every day. Or then again, in case you have a family to get out the door before 7:30 a.m., go for a noon learning meeting. 

At whatever point you study, additionally focus on your own learning style. Replay recordings in case you learn well by tuning in. Read articles a couple of times in case you’re a visual student. Or then again re-do practices in case you’re to a greater extent a hands-on sort of individual. 

Since online research mean you aren’t truly in a similar spot as your trainers and individual students, you should find a way to keep yourself associated and advanced. Visit with different participants during online courses. Go to live class events. What’s more, unquestionably join the online student network. 

You’ll before long understand that you’re a long way from alone and that there are a wide range of stunning individuals who know your circumstance and can likewise make learning quicker and increasingly fun. What’s more, regardless of whether you don’t have a particular inquiries or issues, the network of similarly invested individuals will assist you with finding new assets, learning experiences, and opportunities for systems administration all of which will advance your learning experience. 

Create a clearly defined study zone

Regardless of how well a course is sorted out, it deserves making your own arrangement for adapting so it accommodates your own life. At the point when I was a student, I would separate the exercises into small pieces, and put each lump on my schedule so I’d make certain to set aside a few minutes for it. 

Doing a touch of pondering your learning every day can assist you with learning all the more rapidly and without any problem. All in all, before you start with your exercises, choose how you’ll move toward them: will you rapidly look at everything to get a feeling of what’s coming up and afterward return and make a plunge? Or then again will you start every day by investigating the exercise from the day preceding? It’s up to you, however settling on that choice ahead of time will let your psyche better spotlight on the work ahead. 

Online Learning

What’s more, remember to likewise prepare your physical arrangement for concentrating as well. Introduce the product you need, locate the ideal playlist, make some your preferred tea, and begin getting a charge out of some genuine learning! 

Why online learning is better?

Is online training proportionate to on-campus education? In a ton of cases, yes. There’s acceptable proof that online education has some critical preferences to the homeroom experience and some of them may amaze you. 

You’re not limited by geography: 

Huge steps in innovation have made an advanced degree more open than any other time in recent memory. With a PC and Internet get to, the sum of the educational world can be yours as long as you have Internet get to, regardless of where you live. 

Feedback is quicker and increasingly visit: 

Believe it or not, online students may really have more contact with their teachers than study hall students. Online students are for the most part requested to finish progressively visit evaluations with the goal that teachers can screen their skill. 

You have more power over your schedule: 

Absenteeism and planning clashes are practically taken out from the online learning condition. While a few projects may require support in online talks at specific occasions, those equivalent talks are for the most part chronicled for later reference. 


Taking an online course for the first time? As an individual from Teaching and Learning group, I’ve had the benefit to work with many instructors to carry their courses to in excess of millions of individuals around the globe. Get in touch with us!

USA Independence Day: What this 244th Birthday Will Bring for the Citizen of United States of America?

Tomorrow is the Independence Day of the United States of America. The whole way across the nation, Americans will eat barbecued burgers and franks while enjoying fire-trucks, lovely ladies, and politicians ride in parades. Later at night, the night sky sparkle as localities, towns, and urban communities show lofty firecrackers. It is a day nationalism, tri-corner caps, patriotic music, and a festival of who and what we are. So, USA Independence Day is pure, unadulterated Americana. Furthermore, it is great! 

This week enjoys as the 244th birthday of our fantastic nation! From firecrackers and marches to picnics and pool parties, there is such a great amount to adore about the 4th of July. We assemble to commend our country’s Independence and the qualities we hold so dear. It’s magnificent to see neighbors, companions, family and friends and participating in patriotic showcases this week.

From having little family social occasions and picnics with companions, to tossing tremendous gatherings and eating and drinking until first light, the individuals of America praise the Independence Day in various perspectives. Presently, don’t freeze, despite the fact that it might seem as though praising this occasion could cost you a great deal of cash, having a good time on Independence Day doesn’t need to mean spending burdens and breaking your financial plan. 

Let us browse through some of the thoughts for things people were doing earlier on the 4th of July that won’t cost you a fortune yet will guarantee you’re having the same amount of fun as every other person.

Have a family gathering:

The Independence Day occasion is the ideal opportunity to go through a day with your family so why not toss 4thof July grill or outing? To ensure things don’t get excessively costly, you could request that everybody carry some food or drink with them, so the expense is shared. Cheeseburgers, franks, old fashioned corn and coleslaw are extraordinary foods to appreciate while observing Independence Day with all the individuals you adore. 

Enjoy a parade:

The marches of Independence Day are popular in all over the world, the encapsulation of festivity and the best part is that they’re all allowed to join in! The colors, the music, the individuals and the entire air encompassing an Independence Day march couldn’t be splendid. In case there’s a procession in your town, it’ll certainly be the spot to be in case you’re hoping to have some good times on this day of independence! 

Watch a firecracker show:

This is one of the most mainstream approaches to enjoy 4th of July across America and numerous firecracker shows are allowed to join in so you won’t need to pay a thing to observe Independence Day! There are shows being held in an enormous number of areas for this occasion so simply examine Google for the ones nearest to you and you’ll be spoilt for decision! 

We accept that the July 4th is a perfect opportunity to think about our opportunities and show thankfulness for our kindred residents. We trust it’s the way you live. Our colleagues work every day to improve the world and how individuals live by making significant experiences and places of incredible qualification. There’s no better an ideal opportunity to commend how we live than on Independence Day! 

This week, we urge you to accomplish something kind for another person. Show appreciation for your neighbors. We should commend the American Spirit that ties all of us together and makes this nation so unique!

Coming Saturday is one of the most energetic occasions in the USA, it’s the Independence Day of United States of America, which is commended each year on the 4th July and is in every case brimming with family, companions, firecrackers and fun. Here’s a brisk piece of history that Independence Day commends the partition of the USA from Great Britain, and the United States’ assertion of freedom. We feel it’s critical to know the reason for the occasion and all the celebrations it brings! 

Dressing enthusiastically for the afternoon, preparing cakes and treats, or even simply draping the American flag from your home or vehicle, are for the most part extraordinary approaches to get into the soul of celebrating and they won’t burn up all available resources either. 

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However, this is all parts of past. But, do you have plans for celebrating the 4th of July amid various crisis situation going in and around all over the world? We’d love to know; how can people make their Independence Day count a lot more as always! But the best way to start your day is by knowing about your country, watch this video:

How AI is Helping The Latest Pandemic COVID-19 Research?

A respiratory illness like influenza, caused by a virus that attacks the lungs, COVID-19 infects other humans through coughs and sneezes.

While pandemics are not new to humanity, we consider science and technology to be very far advanced and ourselves thus immune. History talks about several severe plagues and influenza attacks that decimated people in the millions. Yet, populations earlier were considerably lower compared to the present 7 billion and more. Medical science being undeveloped and technology non-existent then, it is understandable that too many died.

How the latest fatality figures read?

The nightmarish fairy tale of the COVID-19 outbreak that started in Wuhan, China, in 2019 has so far killed over 69,000 worldwide with 1273990 active cases. Among the worst affected are the USA with 9643 deaths, Spain with 12641 and Italy with 15887 deaths. India is a mild case with 109 deaths. The world anxiously waits to see what happens next amidst the mighty financial losses and home confinements in most countries.

How much will AI and ML help?

Indeed, a scenario that requires the handling of Big Data with maximum efficiency is it all for research alone? Can AI save human lives? It is too early to tell with the virus only three months old. Getting together the vaccine to control it seems to be light-years away, at least a year, say the experts. Yet, processing information and compiling statistics from across the world was never better or timelier than with AI.

Data cannot always be trusted and indeed, not nowadays with too much fake and outlier data. Sifting through the masses of data to verify what is authentic would be a mighty task indeed. Yet, credit goes to AI and ML for the high speed at which data processing is nowadays possible compared to manual workers.


Predicting the COVID-19 outbreak

1). Canadian BlueDot AI experience

While actual verifications may be complex, BlueDot predicted the COVID-19 outbreak on December 31, 2019. WHO was slow by comparison with their announcement on January 9, 2020. Researchers at BlueDot on January 14, 2020, listed the leading 20 destinations where passengers from Wuhan would arrive.

2). Tracking the COVID-19

Predicting how the 2015 Zika-virus would spread was possible through a neural system. Yet, a new model was needed for the COVID-19 based on the gathered data. Algorithms need to change. Everything is new, and accuracy faces many barriers like panic behaviour. While lots of Big Data may be available, like from social media, a refining moderation process is necessary.

3). The Susceptible, Infected, and Removed SIR model

While retraining prediction models is necessary, it cannot be said that AI and ML have been aiding the battle against COVID-19 so far. Prediction software works similarly for a number of purposes, be it economics or weather, politics and business, based on input data. Tracking and forecasting models do not often use AI, and instead, a formula-driven approach will suffice without running the extra mile.

4). Management of COVID-19 spread

Planning, preparing and managing the pandemic is certainly facilitated through tracking the situation with the regular input of valid data. Comparing different districts of a country or between countries does provide a lot to study, and trends may be well understood. Changes happening every minute, entering all the details from any part of the globe through the internet into secure software systems has proved invaluable. Administration and the medical fraternity, leaders and health monitoring agencies along with financial institutions, have the right information at the fingertips. AI and ML have been offering ample moral support in a world of misleading and fake news that crop up all the time.

5). Basic prevention tips

Nobody was serious at the early stages. It required a powerful media impact to attract attention. Three months later, we are still repeating the hand washing, avoiding crowds and mask-wearing lessons.

6). Resource allocation

Nobody knew that money and materials, time and people were so precious! Now they are all suddenly in short supply with big business grinding to a halt and billions of dollars needed to help them along. Yet, nobody knows how it all will end. Meanwhile, software and technology can suggest how best to deploy what resources are available and when and where.

Now it is time to study the global data dashboards!

It is just like sitting in the car and taking in everything at a glance. BBC, New York Times, HealthMap and NextStrain are some leading dashboards that put together the data so vividly. Microsoft Bing’s AI tracker should be counted among the best. Data Visualization may be a part of every kind of technology-based study. Now the dashboards reflect what seems to be a global massacre in seemingly attractive layouts.


Technology in the Diagnostic realm

AI has proved to be as accurate as human workers! The timely diagnosis could save lives in theory, but the lifesaving vaccine is far from ready though many theories abound. Some chemicals destroy the virus and injecting antibodies from recovered patients may cure it. Nothing is confirmed yet. Compared to standard testing for COVID-19, technology would work faster and cheaper too with X-ray images. Maybe mobile phones could carry out the scanning of CT images?

Though not yet put into practice, the possibilities are vast. Chinese hospitals are reported to be using AI-assisted radiology technologies but will such images spread the disease further?

COVID-19 compared to previous outbreaks

Don’t forget that SARS killed 916 people and MERS destroyed 858 lives. Those were little in comparison to the 2020 monster that does not hesitate to kill. On March 11 came the pandemic announcement by the WHO.

The most severe pandemic in history occurred in 1918 amidst the war called the Spanish flu. As many as 50 million are believed to have perished. In the late 1950s, Yunnan in China witnessed another flu outbreak that destroyed one million lives. Some years later came the Hong Kong flu that killed a similar number. The H1N1 pandemic in 2009 killed 6 million.

Technology helps spread data quickly

Saving the planet today remains the most urgent challenge. Under the circumstances, rather than money and materials alone, it is information that will enlighten the darkness of ignorance. Not only remote desert and forest regions but sophisticated New York requires help from overseas not only with ventilators but expertise regarding their use.

Online learning and interactive teaching methods through software systems will spread the latest techniques and research findings. It is an age of video-conferencing that can work wonders. The soft world has overtaken the hard copies that will take too long to travel. Soft copies travel in a moment around the globe.

What is everybody doing at home?

Those professionally occupied through computers at home are lucky. Children study virtual classes. Yet, all work is not possible from home. The virtual world takes you for a fabulous ride through European museums and American national parks. Relieve the monotony amidst work and study sessions. Hopefully, the COVID-19 pandemic will witness an early ending. Wait and see.

For more detail visit our Softqube Technologies website.

9 Ideas to Setup Your Joyous Workstation at Home

Do you Workstation better and happier at home or in the office? Some adore working from home that brings opportunities to work on the laptop in your nightdress! Yet, probably everybody loves the office chats with office colleagues too. Not every job is possible through remote working from home. Now that working from home has become a new way of life amidst the pandemic get used to it. Love it or not, home duties are here to stay for quite some time, though nobody knows how long the nightmare will last. Hopefully, short.

Maybe some people are new to the work from home philosophy, though we realize the many advantages. Yet, some drawbacks may be found. Staying productive and serious about work in home surroundings amidst the chaos of family life and children may be challenging. Advice and tips are plenty regarding managing the workspace and routines at home. Pay heed to the body requirements. Besides, good food and rest, regular bathing and dressing are all needed. 

 Joyous Workstation at Home

If you find homework an encouraging and enjoyable experience, you need to sustain it. I wish to share a few ways to maximize productivity within the home office or corner. Work on them and perhaps the home would finally seem a more attractive workplace than the office!

1. Mind your physical needs adequately

I am reminded of Jean Armbrust’s book, ‘Proposals for the Feminine Economy,’ in which she states, ‘You have a body.’ Though that seems obvious, forgetting physical needs happens while very busy with work at home. Regarding office facilities, the well-equipped workstation and ergonomic chair may be lacking in the house. For those who do not regularly work at home, it may be only a little table and a basic chair that serve Workstation. 

Setting up a home office infrastructure may not be required but consider the body requirements. How do you feel in your little workspace? Compared to the office situation, work at home allows a wide range of position changing! Go through many different postures like sitting on the sofa, and standing at the kitchen counter. Try sitting on the yoga block on the floor. Use the coffee table to work on. I laboured long and hard before I realized that sitting on a backless bench at the dining table suited me best. I could write for long sessions but had to tolerate severe shoulder pain along the way. Reaching physical comfort levels would require you trying out a range of positions and locations! Select the best.

Mind your physical needs adequately

2. Use the commuting time well

How much time and harassment got spent on commuting before the pandemic struck? Each day, maybe 30 minutes or even 2 hours were spent on the going and coming? What it means is that you have gained perhaps 3 hours to 8 hours each week? Wonderful indeed!

Put that saved slice of time to the best uses. Arrange it in the schedule on the calendar. Treat the saved time with respect as if in an office meeting.

Would you like to add that saved time to the free time? In over-busy lives, you don’t get to experience much of that. Yet, if so be it, heed the calendar alert and say goodbye to the tools. And stop working for a while. 

Use the commuting time well

3. Arrange a setting that appeals to the senses

Many office workplaces do not delight the senses. The administration thinks that workplaces should promote serenity and avoid anything that excites. Lacklustre shades and artificial surroundings amidst congested air-conditioned environments often feel miserable. The usual office is noisy and crowded from an open plan seating besides being too cold or warm. Can you work well in such a place? 

Do you think the problem is overstimulation in the office? Probably, it is just the opposite. The idea of preventing disruption while you work in order to achieve the highest productivity leads to plain environments with no attractive features. The truth is what research findings prove that those plain spaces do not generate the best work. Instead, the exciting places decorated with artworks and living greenery that act as stimulation achieve so much more, 15% more by way of output. Allow workers to control what is placed where in the Workstation and you get 32% more output. 

Working from home, you are able to do just that for yourself, like workers arranging the workplace on their own. You get a chance to create a sensory infrastructure geared to your intimate personal requirements. Get rid of whatever you consider monotonous. Would you like to use headphones that cancel noise to avoid distractions? Find the right temperature that facilitates your work best and maintain that. 

Research ways to include excellent experiences amidst the work area. Would you like to display a picture or photograph to provide respite when you are not staring as usual at the screen? Audio systems soothe the mind, too like nature and forest sounds. Running water sounds? Ocean waves? Mugs, in vivid shades, make the morning coffee more stimulating.

Have you realized what happens during the long keyboard sessions, stuck to the screen? We neither touch nor smell anything. Why not cater to these sense faculties? I decided to cover my writing bench with sheepskin that is so different from the office scene with the soft touch. Perfume plays a role in my daily work too, with essential oils diffusing the air around my desk occasionally when I feel like it. 

4. Don’t forget the sunshine exposure!

Most conventional offices have Workstation that do not allow sun exposure. It is a pity that all the light must come from bulbs and tubes. Daylight is minimal. Research reveals that exposure to daylight promotes better sleep among workers. They sleep 46 minutes more each night. Besides, they show less stress and are more active at work in the day. Light positively affects moods and immune systems. Light makes us alert and reduces stress. Light positively affects hormones and neurotransmitters. 

While working at home, you can decide the conditions of work to suit yourself. Why not go for a workstation located near a window? Even if natural light is absent while you work, use lamps to increase brightness. Did you know that lots of blue light from screens keep us awake at night? The truth is that ample bright synthetic light during the day helps maintain the 24-hour internal clock. 

While commuting to offices far away, some sunlight is attracted during the journey. At home, getting to work straight after sleep, washing and breakfast mean that the sun is lost. Since light affects the morning circadian rhythms, take a walk outdoors before commencing work. 

Don’t forget the sunshine exposure

5. May the Workstation be green

The little things sometimes have a significant impact. The potted plants in the work area not only purify the air but promote joy. It is a bitter struggle for plants to survive in congested offices, perhaps, but they will grow well in the home. Relax amidst work or after the project is done to gaze at the greenery. Plants reduce stress too, and enable concentration. A few will do, unlike Summer Rayne Oakes who had many in her Workstation. 

6. Do you fancy work playlists?

I had difficulty with the changing roles at home. Going from dishwashing and folding laundry to work calls for quick transitions. The work itself may not be too much to your liking. Among writers’ jokes is the one about the feeling of the tidiest home when you work on a book. 

Transitioning from chores to work has become a ritual. ‘Getting to work’ playlists is the answer. I have made a couple of them, one each for writing and email. If you begin with the same song each time, the playlists have become a catalyst that triggers my work focus. 

You might benefit from other transition methods. A cup of tea or coffee, stretching exercises and a focus timer are alternatives. (I use the ORATARO app on my phone).

Do you fancy work playlists

7. Enjoy the refreshing snacking breaks

Look through several guides that instruct you about working from home, and they mostly prescribe lunch breaks. Amidst my dynamic work session, I like to eat at the workstation. I do take occasional breaks too and enjoy the respite from work. I did say earlier that my most significant benefits from breaks are outings and activities. 

I enjoy breaks for snacks also. While we mostly associate eating with energy alone, I consider them a delightful treat. Writer Gretchen Rubin thinks that treats motivate us and we feel cared for and full of energy. With your kitchen nearby, it is goodbye to fast foods and processed foods that are usually served in offices. Besides, I need not to eat from packets anymore!

I love the sight of cut fruit arranged in a circle on my plate. I also make sampler plates from whatever is stored in the fridge. Olives and pickles come in handy, among other edibles. Among further favourites at home are banana bread and energy balls. I freeze them for mid-week treats too. Being your office manager, think about personal choices to bring the caring theme into your life. Allot a space for treats in the daily schedule. 


8. Get your dose of ‘play.’

Sure it is that the fundamental idea of offices is to motivate work. The majority view believes that work is just the opposite of play. According to play researcher Brian Sutton-Smith, depression is the opposite of work and not play. Working at home enables more of the play ideas. Start by arranging the workstation accordingly. 

The creation of a playful workspace means that many opportunities for play will open up during the working day. These little things may be fundamental like the tiny spinning tops that interest me on my desk. I use them when I need ideas. You could go for something bigger and better. Do you fancy a trampoline to bounce up and down on? Would you like a hula hoop to motivate play? Why not exchange a desk chair for an exercise ball? When the mind is getting stressed with ideas, perhaps a giant Lego bowl or big puzzle could keep the hands busy? 

Consider the ample spaces for decoration available on the walls. Relaxed pieces of decor like paintings done by children bring zest and innocent happiness to the environment. Charming little objects placed on the furniture, and that includes the work desk have similar exotic effects. My stapler looks cool with googly eyes! Productivity increases with the bits and pieces of beauty. Japanese research confirms that. These little things bring a sharper focus indeed. 

Just imagine the office of your dreams if you never really visited one of them. Getting the home opportunity, let it be just what your idea feels and looks like. 

9. Finish it positively when it is time

Unlike the office, it is going to be a mystery when to put the full stop to the working day. According to writer Kevin Roose, remote workers ask for less sick holidays and take smaller breaks. Doesn’t it indicate that the boundaries can be the question mark? In the absence of a sober home office designated area, working becomes a more significant challenge. What happens when you mix up the living and the working areas? The laptop on the dining table and the folders lying on the coffee table upset the balance. Work may be suffering in the absence of a separate workspace. 

Thoughts like these prompted my decision to construct two small home offices when the time for the renovation came up. Maybe I will still find chances to work at the dining table. The difference is that all the work stuff can be put away safely in the home office at night. When I close the door, I will avoid being disturbed by the work that remains undone. 

Do you need an additional room for successfully working at home? Not really. Find a space like a cupboard or even a basket to hold the laptop and documents at night. You need a physical boundary that enables you to rest mentally. It is home after all, undisturbed by thoughts of the office that represents a different complicated world. Get in touch with us!

Adjust With The Transformed COVID 19 Impacted World

Who would have thought that 2020 would begin with a pandemic? Now, suddenly it seems that the impossible can become real, like a third world war or the end of the world. COVID 19 Stories seem to be turning real!

The large scale shutting down of businesses across most countries globally because of the pandemic means many things. It is clear that change is in the air. Sweeping changes have already happened, mostly for the worse in economic terms. Larger businesses may possess the financial ability to weather temporary storms, but the smaller ones are not so lucky. Succeeding across difficult times like the COVID 19 outbreak will undoubtedly make us stronger in the long run. The need of the moment is to find health and spiritual guidance and exploit new techniques like online resources.

Consider a Few Urgent Strategies

Deliver suitable timely messages

Clarify doubts, firstly about whether the business is still functioning amidst the crisis. Customers need reassurance about health policies to be convinced of their safety. Will they receive cheaper deliveries, perhaps at the curb? What about social distancing? Communicate through several social media channels and offer solace to anxious customers.

Offer help at this dark hour

Amidst a mighty crisis, how can your company help in society? Community expectations include helping frontline workers and redesigning strategies to help fix the many problems that occur.  Shut down the business temporarily if need be.

Shutting down business for how long?

The suspense remains as to how long the shutdown will last and for which sectors. Maybe a yearlong shutdown? Products and services would still be required to lead a normal life. How will customers reach the business to meet their needs? The answer is the convenient digital media, and the changed approaches would require software tools.

COVID 19Changing Customer Demands During the COVID 19 Circumstances 

Obviously, consumer priorities are changing fast in keeping with the new situation. In these exceptional times, people are finding new approaches to save money. They are shopping for a different range of things. Look at some.

  • Searching for home-based activities in COVID 19

A compelled prolonged homestay only means that you need interesting things to do. Keeping busy productive is the intention. Indoor games and exercise equipment are some of the avenues. Exploring new home activities like learning art has become common. DIY kits are finding huge markets with creative home-based crafts. Small businesses are thriving with clever, timely approaches.

  • Keeping busy in the kitchen

Food basically unites people. Being professionally free at home with ample time on their hands, why not experiment with DIY cooking? Gadgets and kits, manuals and accessories connected with the kitchen are in great demand. Bread makers are selling very fast, like exotic digital toys.

  • Developing personality skills

With an education in schools and colleges reaching a full stop for the session, many have turned to self-development to remain proactive. While online software-based courses cost quite a bit, it is a big opportunity for smaller courses. If the teacher already has the online experience, it is a great moneymaking moment with lots of dedicated demand.

  • Keep busy with browsing and shopping

Some online companies have closed temporarily, but many are getting a booming response and expanding operations with new staff. Delivery apps too, are doing roaring business. The truth, according to experts, is that many online shoppers are doing it for the first time through compulsion. They had avoided technology for shopping in the past. The future will certainly have many more online shoppers, and that is a positive sign.

  • Boost for local delivery apps

Some companies now witness a 150% increase in customer count. Reliance on local delivery apps for food has reached an all-time high. Fast and convenient, the high standards of efficiency and ‘no contact delivery’ attracts very many customers.

Shifting Business Online Via 4 Potent Networks


Setting up E-commerce websites

E-commerce is an easy and affordable, convenient and hassle-free online selling technique. Whether it is selling food products or goods and commodities, numerous companies have been doing it successfully for years. Free shipping attracts many though the prices of the items can be adjusted. Online payments work well with a Stripe processor. Complete details that the customers usually want to know should be displayed online, like weights and ingredients.

Powerful images, along with quality descriptions in a simple format, will help in the online shop. Shopify or Squarespace will assist in setting up the DIY online store.

Strategies for Industries

Food outlets
  •   Ensure super-fast delivery times
  •   Keep delivery app and costs low
  •   Frozen and re-heatable meals attract many
  •   Specify menus and ingredients in detail
  •   Display attractive food photographs
Retail sales
  •   Offer free delivery even with small purchases
  •   Link up with financial companies
  •   Encourage options for buying expensive products
  •   Display high-quality multiple angle photos

Display Order/Booking Forms on Websites

How will customers order for products on the website? Simple procedures work best. The order form should contain custom fields where customers need to select options. Delivery or pickup options should sound attractive. Online payments simplify and speed up the process. Landing pages and website navigation should be an easy, stress-free process.

Help with formatting menu, photos and landing pages; forms come from WIX and Squarespace.

Strategies for Industries

  • Caterers launch bulk orders for dinner choices and facilitate options like types of meat or dessert.
  • Retail sellers find dynamic and supple shopping for custom products.
  • Services attract free consultations online and attract deposits through forms.

Selling Online Video Programs

Why not use the various video conferencing facilities to promote a variety of classes for tutoring or physical workouts, yoga and meditation? Based on alluring websites, offer lessons through Zoom or Google Hangouts, Go-To-Meeting, etc. The video learning activity is widely practised with experienced instructors and their faithful customers. Procedures for enrolment, payments and sessions should be simple. Offer interesting discounts, gifts and takeaways to encourage loyal customers.

Shopify and Squarespace would facilitate landing pages and Stripe and help with payment collections.

Strategies for Industries

  • Programs for children no longer enrolled in school
  • Videos facilitate a classroom-like experience
  • The community feeling is derived from participation
Fitness Programs
  • Promote exercises doable in apartments
  • Work without the need for equipment
  • Reasonable charges are similar to real class experiences


Generate incomes through downloads and memberships

With downloads becoming a global passion, offer a variety of ebooks and videos for downloads on easy terms. A one-time payment at an online portal should allow students to benefit. Like most websites, create different levels of memberships. Encourage participation through chat and discussion boards on a particular range of subject niches.

WordPress plugins are excellent but are not very easy to use.

Strategies for Industries


         Certificate courses in particular areas

         Assessment in digital systems


         Social participation and forums promote and take

         Free and Premium memberships sound attractive


         Gather relevant study and training materials

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Cooperation with the authorities and health department would help mitigate the continuing adverse effects of the COVID 19 pandemic. Getting rid of stress, promoting peaceful home stay and an environment-friendly world does not help businesses in their search for profit. Adjusting to the future now and after the pandemic concludes requires greater resilience and immense adoption of digital technologies. We might still win the battle despite the presently bleak global scenario. Get in touch with us!

71st Republic Day 2020: Journey of Indian Republic

On the day here’s wishing everybody and the nation a fantastic 70th year as a republic. As has been wont around national events, we as a whole perused a ton about vowing to take out the corruption, better services and so on, a clothing list of the standard thing. To be completely forthright, specifically, we can’t any longer compensation notice to the talk. It is a lot of talks and too little activity for my loving and my mind as a general rule shuts it out.

Half a month back a few of us were talking about issues confronting the nation and one glad minute left it: just because everybody felt that we are grumbling as well as in our very own extremely little path through; we are taking care of business. As an originator in the organization, we can’t mention to you what a pleased minute it was. The group examined the trustworthiness and honesty with which we serve the market. Although it gets tried day by day, different individuals discussed the way that our services and products today contend on quality on the world stage and we never must be guarded about Made in India, and so forth.

Republic Day respects the date on which the Constitution of India came into power on 26 January 1950 changing the Government of India Act (1935) as the administering record of India. Here are some fascinating realities about the Republic Day of India.

71th Republic Day 2020

The Date 26th Was Selected Since It Was the Anniversary Of Purna Swaraj Day (26th January 1930):

26th January was selected as the Republic day. As it was on this day in 1930 when the Indian Independence declaration (Purna Swaraj) was made public by the Indian National Congress instead of the Dominion status offered by the British Regime.

The Indian Constitution Is the Longest Constitution in The World:

The Indian constitution holds the record of being the longest constitution in the world. At the hour of the beginning, the constitution had 395 articles in 22 sections and 8 calendars. It comprises of just about 80K words. The Constitution, in its present structure (September 2012), comprises an introduction, 25 sections containing 448 articles, 12 schedules, 5 indices, and 100 editions, the most recent of which came into power on 1 August 2015.

It Took 2 Years, 11 Months And 18 Days to Draft The Constitution:

The Constituent Assembly appointed a Drafting Committee and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the Chairman to set up The Indian Constitution’s Draft. The board of trustees took 2 years, 11 months and 18 days to be exact to finish its noteworthy undertaking of drafting the Constitution for Independent India.

Republic DayThe 21 Guns Salute:

A 21 guns salute is terminated as the President of India spreads out the tricolor, as a maritime and military sign of respect.

What’s more, that makes this 70th year as a republic exceptional for us all at Softqube Technologies. Without precedent for the life of a ton of representatives, I feel we are walking the discussion and through trade making our very own little mark fit as the eventual fate of the nation.

Digital Signage Development on Raspberry Pi

Digital Signage Development on Raspberry Pi for Elevator

  • Elevator Digital Display Sparks Elevator Rides with Enriched Experience

What you will learn

  • Get deep knowledge about hardware features of the Raspberry Pi 4 and its Application.
  • Setup a Digital Signage demo application.
  • You learn basic set up the Raspberry Pi 4 and troubleshooting.
  • Control GPIO pins and be able to build basic Digital Signage Screen Demo.

Prior knowledge required

  • Basic knowledge of input and output device and driver.
  • Beginner level knowledge of Python language.
  • Basic understanding of electronics.
  • Good Logical Thinking.

Raspberry Pi As of today’s era, new technology is growing in the market like mobility and digitalization everywhere. In this growing technological benefit in today’s industry like retail stores, hospitality and government organizations, mall and product showcase and entertainment and health care and production are some of the trending industries to grow the new opportunity in today’s digital signage market.

The evolution of innovative products such as home monitoring system, leak detector systems and so on, Along with the increased adoption of LED and LCD displays in the market, OLED, transparent display, and electronic paper displays (EPD) are expected to exhibit high growth because of the high demand for displays in the digital signage industry. required digitized information management and guidance that can be accessed from remote locations.

As we developed the Digital Signage (Digital Display) for Elevators will help to large building corporations and elevators give best pleasant rides to passengers when they visit the building and as before elevators Leaving light indicators and printed notices in the past, a refreshed appearance in elevators comes by the hands of an upgraded system that immerses users into entertaining rides with useful information.

Elevators in every location will be loaded with useful content that swiftly captivates riders. Connected to the elevator control systems in corporate offices and public buildings, the Vavis elevator digital signage delivers not only standard information such as current floor level, moving direction, or door status, but also safety indicators like overall condition, fire alerts and audible tone to indicate direction and verbal indicator such as “Floor six, going down”, with animation. In elevators of residential buildings, a second screen can be updated becoming a digital bulletin board to announce new or change of services, promotions, notices, and general messages.

Let us consider the benefits of Digital Signage (Digital Display)

  • Zero interruptions: In an elevator, electronic signs will have the ability to draw the attention of one and all on board. With the least distractions, people will have adequate time to digest the info on the screen.
  • Advertise Businesses within the building: It enables people to know more about the many goings-on found in the building. This will benefit visitors who possibly have their needs met by the business placed in the building.
  • Increases value: Digital signage has a greater influence in accelerating the value of the building also. It gives the building management a chance to rise rental charges and lift profits.
  • Entertainment: The people going to the uppermost levels might take a number of minutes before arriving there. To make the distance littler for them, the use of the digital display to keep them busy with ads and showbiz.

How its look in the Elevator


Key Technology we used:

  • Raspberry Pi 3A+ or 3B module.
  • 7” TFT display.
  • Raspbian Buster Lite OS with Kernel-Version:4.19.
  • 5V power supply for power-up Raspberry Pi.
  • Python Language version 3.4.
  • PyCharm IDE

RasPberry PiTechnology workflow:


  • Elevator controller sends data to GPIO of Raspberry Pi
  • Raspberry Pi has a program to convert that signal and it shows floor status and a verbal indicator such as “Floor six, going down” on TFT display


Raspberry Pi

What is the Raspberry pi?

  • The Raspberry Pi is a low cost($35), a small computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a small device that enables you to explore computing and learn how to develop programs in languages like Scratch and Python. It is super easy to use – simply plug in the keyboard, mouse, and monitor, and you’re good to go. Also, it is charged through a USB charger. So, it quickly became obvious that digital signage is definitely in this picture as well, and this very versatile combination was born. For more check on Wikipedia.

Require Tools:

Why we used Raspberry Pi?

There are many advantages for the use of Raspberry Pi

  • Cost-Effectiveness

    • As previously mentioned, one of the greatest advantages of Raspberry Pi is its price. While the computer itself can be found for around $35, the entire kit with everything you need to use it with digital signage will probably cost you around $60-70. Not bad for small businesses, or big ones that know the value of digital signage, and want to try something far less expensive than the usual deal.
  • Respectable Performance In A Small Package

    • While it can really fit in the palm of your hand, it offers amazing performance. ARM Caster HD, for instance, is not only packed with some great, cutting-edge components, allowing for super easy setup and excellent functionality. Its performance is around 10 times better than the previous version. Equipped with a1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CP, it won’t let you down when it comes to the speed of connection or performance of the device itself.
  • Versatility

    • As we already mentioned above, you really don’t have to worry about file types at all. Whatever it is that you want to display, whether it’s mp4, jpg or ppt – you’re covered. Just create the best and most engaging content possible, and leave the rest to your new best friend. It is really that easy!

The Possible Downsides

  • Limited Memory

    • At this point, there is no way to increase the RAM of Raspberry Pi above 1GB… Also, microSD cards are limiting when it comes to storage. However, technology is advancing really quickly these days, so there’s a huge chance this will change soon, too.
  • Updates

    • This depends on the software, but it could happen that you have to manually update each device, which is not that much fun.
  • Possible Lagging

    • There have been reports by users of Pi lags when trying to display pages with Java-heavy data. Also, sometimes it is hard for the device to play video, too. That, of course, depends on the device itself, as well as your expectations.
  • Others

    • Overheating and freezing of the Raspberry PI
    • Unable to play multiple zones of simultaneously playing media

Setup Process

  • First of all, you need a good knowledge of the required tools. Download raspbian lite(recommended) Linux based os from this link. After that download balenaetcher from this link. It is an ISO file flashing tool on USB storage devices. Flash downloaded raspbian lite iso file to your SDCard using balenaetcher. Insert SDCard into raspberry pi and plug it with a power supply. Setup a kivy environment on raspberry pi using this link to run kivy UI.


Above is the simple UI example from kivy. Create on <filename>.py file and paste the above code in a file and run. You will get below on the screen. Now the simple UI example is done. Now create UI according to your design.

The Simple Guidelines:
  • Don’t run more than one video at a time
  • Create up to 3 zones on a layout
  • Use videos in MP4 format with H.264
  • Play no more than two Flash zones at once
When It Comes To Media Formats, These Are Supported:
  • Windows WMV
  • MPG4
  • H-264
  • MOV
  • M4v
  • Quick Time
  • Flash FLV
  • MPEG
  • SWF
  • RSS
  • XML
  • HTML
  • Dynamic Pages
  • Jpg
  • Gif
  • BMP
  • MP3
  • MediaWMA
  • Wav

Where Can We Use Raspberry Pi Digital display?

  • It’s good for restaurants, schools, retail, event management, elevators and basically anything you can think of.

Reference Link :

What International Kite Festival India Holds For You In 2020?

For a long time, the man wanted to fly. Soul and creative minds met up with the innovation of kites, which can be gone back to 200BC. We have waited for a year lastly now is the ideal opportunity. It is the ideal opportunity for the International Kite Festival in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, the place that is known for lively societies and conventions to observe Makar Sankranti. Consistently on the 14th of January – since 1989 – the International Kite Festival is held for the celebration of Makar Sankranti or Uttarayan. Individuals meet up to commend the finish of winter with blue skies, cool winds, expectation, and delight. The sun moved into the northern side of the equator and harvest season is drawing closer.

For Indians, this is additionally a period for thanksgiving. The divine beings have stirred from their long sleep. Following a half year of sleep, the gateways of paradise are at long last open. Regardless of what their convictions or foundations are, individuals visit sanctuaries and offer contributions to poor people. It is a period forgiving, a period for companions, family, and strangers to meet up in festivity.

kite festival

Paints the Sky with Colours with International Kite Festival 2020

Consistently, the western territory of Gujarat commends several celebrations yet the best of all is the International Kite Festival (otherwise called Uttarayan). Celebrated at the hour of Makar Sankranti, this one of a kind of celebrations observes a significant interest of kite flyers from over the globe.

The horizon of different urban areas over the state is loaded up with various sizes, assortments and shades of kites from before daybreak until well after dim, introducing a staggering perspective for the viewers to see. As the kite-crazies fight it out at the challenge, individuals accumulate on housetops with companions or families to appreciate a casual outing in the scenery of this brilliant occasion.

International Kite Festival 2020: What can you expect from the event?

The 31st year of the International Kite Festival was initiated by Gujarat’s CM, Vijay Rupani and Governor, Acharya Devvrat at Sabarmati Riverfront, Ahmedabad with various nation representatives and state serves in participation. As indicated by the Tourism Corporation of Gujarat, more than 150 kite flyers from more than 45 nations incorporating India are taking an interest in this celebration.

The main event is occurring at Ahmedabad yet the kite flying competitions will be held in a few different urban areas crosswise over Gujarat including Rajkot and Vadodara. Access to the kite flying region is limited to the members yet guests can go to the celebration.

The International Kite Festival has been facilitated as a feature of Uttarayan festivity since 1989, bringing proficient kite creators and flyers from everywhere throughout the world to work together. The point of the occasion is to advance the travel industry and feature the state’s culture.

kite festival


In Gujarat, the excitement for this celebration just as kite-flying is solid to such an extent that the Government-authorized 14th and 15th January as an open event. Arrangements for this occasion are started a very long time ahead of time by families and sellers.

Promptly toward the beginning of the day on 14th January, as you step outside on your overhangs and porches, you would see several kites being flown in the first light breezes. Families get up right on time to enjoy the air and climate and start kite flying competition with their neighbors.

The celebration of Uttarayan likewise calls for unique food delicacies. Extreme Gujarati things like chikkis, a nibble of peanuts, sesame seeds, and jaggery; dhokla; undhiyu, prepared zesty blend of vegetables; bhajiya; jalebi; masala milk; and fafda are savored as individuals relaxed on their porches.

The vigorous wonder that is Uttarayan is an awesome time to visit Gujarat. This multi-day celebration is an opportunity to cheer and absorb a terrific climate with the sky spotted with various brilliant colors. Join the Gujaratis as they take part in sheer fun and bliss! Get in touch with us!

Softqube is Welcoming the year 2020 with great Enthusiasm and Celebration

The Year 2019 has brought a lot of things to our company in all aspects. We have cherished and learned from all the aspects and paved a path for ourselves to gaining newer heights in the future. And we are very much thankful for the year 2019 and that is why we are ending this year with full of celebration. We have crafted the whole last week of the year in different way of celebration starting with Christmas celebration which is then followed by Gujarati Day, Children’s Day, Cricket Match, and Black and Snack Day in Softqube.

Christmas Celebration:

2020 Christmas

Like any other place around the world, we have celebrated the Christmas celebration. The uniqueness we had is the traditional Santa Clause Attired in these usual clothes, and we have 2 Santa Clause, so we can say that we have double the fun and enjoyment. Here are the quick snaps of the moments.

Gujarati Day:

Gujarati DayWe believe and cherish all festivals like our own, so how can we stay behind in celebrating our tradition and values. Here we get dressed in the best and traditional Attire of Gujrati tradition and enjoyed a lot by doing the Garba (Traditional Dance Form) in our office. Here are the moments to catch.

Children’s Day:

Children's DayWe know that Children’s Day is on 14th November, but there is no day specific to be the children you are and who else can enjoy the festival more than the children. This is what makes us relive our childhood memory with the Children’s Day festival at the office. See how childish we are:

Cricket Match:

Cricket MatchWe all know that there is nothing like enough for being the child, so the day and enthusiasm continue and lead us to the most celebrated sport of our country. This is the day, we have got to notice our own in-house Kohli, R Aswin, Ravindra Jadeja, Rohit Sharma, and our very own Captain Cool. See the match highlights here:

Black And Snack Day:

Black And Snack DayAfter all the enjoyment, fun, dance and sport, we felt very hungry and what can be better than having great snacks. We believe in sharing is caring and that brings us to celebrate the Pot-luck. The novelty of the day is that we have specific and special snacks as the cuisine for the day. Get the smell of some food, from the great pictures:

Party look Day and Santa Day

Party look DayAfter having the snacks of our choice, now is the time to say Goodbye to 2019 with same joy. We did our best to dress and reached for the party with our business family.

We bring party to full of life, had great food, great music and danced likw no one is watching.

We also shared gifts with each other with best wishes for new year.

Welcoming 2020 at Softqube Technologies:

The festival continues for the whole year and will be celebrated on the 1st of January 2020 as well. We have experienced a lot of emotions and business aspects in the year 2019. We have a lot of support from our employees, partners and business associates in all the year and likewise in 2019.

We believe that growth is in togetherness and we always had the policy of Party harder and Work Harder. We hope and pray that 2020 will bring the same enthusiasm among Softqube’s people and we get the same support and trust from our partners and clients.

May the year 2020 will bring more joy and more positive energy in you and your family. I wish you a very Happy New Year 2020 from Softqube Family!

What People Do On Christmas: Celebrate A Great Time With Your Family

We all love and cherish Christmastime as it allows us to gather with loved ones, sharing presents, great food, and happy moments. Do you know when those traditions started in your family? Such customs tie us to our legacy and will be given for a long time into the future. They give us progression, a feeling of personality and having a place. Your conventions may incorporate the manners in which you command the birth of Christ or a dish that originated from the old nation. Regardless of the way of life, the Christmas soul appears to originate from conventions that assist us with commending satisfaction, love, and altruism to humankind.

Here are only a couple of actualities and conventions that mirror the associations we share with our real family.


The Starting of Christmas:

Christmas got off to a moderate beginning on the world stage. It wasn’t until AD 336 that Roman priests previously recorded December 25 as Christ’s birth to the world. Some may have trusted that it would replace bunch antiquated agnostic winter solstice festivities; however, individuals essentially added strict centrality to their bubbly images and proceeded with the happiness under the name Christmas.

A Time to Celebrate:

Today, in excess of 2B individuals in excess of 160 nations believe Christmas to be the most significant occasion of the year. In the United States, 9 of every 10 individuals praise the occasion, regardless of whether they are Christian or not. About 33% of individuals in the USA see it as a social event as opposed to a strict one.

Christmas Around the World

In a non-Christian culture like in Thailand, wherein excess of 90% of the individuals are Buddhist, Christmas is definitely not a national occasion, yet adornments can be out by Christmas time. Santa Clause is well known, and individuals trade presents on December 25.

There’s No Place Like Home for the Christmas time:

The social event of loved ones is integral to all Christmas customs, regardless of the nation. As per information from the U.S. Branch of Transportation, the normal American ventures 275 miles for Christmas.

It’s Christmastime:

As the centuries progressed, different political and strict pioneers restricted Festival. During the 1600s Puritans were illegal to celebrate. In any case, the strong occasion has consistently been restored. Christmas incorporates many shared worldwide customs, including music, accessories, and decorations.

Customs of Christmas:

The multicultural Christmas we celebrate in 2016 is altogether different than what was done hundreds of years back. With immense migration among nations and improved transportation and correspondence since the modern age, the occasion incorporates many shared worldwide customs, including music, decorations, and food. Christmas trees got well known after Germany’s Prince Albert wedded Queen Victoria and acquainted the Christmas tree custom with England. In 1850, an American paper conveyed an image of their Christmas tree and the exclusively spread quickly all through the UK and the US.

Giving Gifts:

Most nations have amazing gift suppliers, like La Befana of Italy, an elderly person who rides a sweeper to convey endowments in shoes set outside front doors on the eve of the Feast of Epiphany. St. Nicholas conveys endowments to Western Christian on St. Nicholas Day, December 6, while Santa Claus and Father Christmas are known for conveying presents far and wide on Christmas Eve. The joy of giving blessings and gifts isn’t simply from the mysterious, amazing characters. A lot many people in the USA said purchasing and accepting endowments makes them feel euphoric and liberal. Making, sharing, and praising food is a piece of most Christmas social affairs.

Merry Christmas

The Reason for the Season

Nativity scenes and Creches are found in each culture, from harsh wooden pictures to expand porcelain puppets or point by point scenes gently cut out of gourds. St. Francis of Assisi is credited with making the main nativity show to help people around him to remember the purpose behind the season. Nativity scenes are as yet pervasive today. A most loved practice is to take out the child Jesus from the trough until Christmas morning to imply his birth to the world.

Did any of these Christmas realities or conventions help you to remember a portion of your preferred recollections? Take the time this festival season to share a story and appreciate time with your family. Make certain to pause for a minute to report your vacation customs with a photograph, video, a diary passage—anyway feels generally good to you. You can even transfer those recollections to Memories. The customs you praise today become inestimable family recollections and can impact years and generations. Get in touch with us!

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