Softqube Technologies Wishes You a Happy and Prosperous Diwali!

Diwali is among the top festivals of India. Every year on the auspicious day of Kartika Amavasya, we celebrate Diwali (Lakshmi Pooja). In this day, we clear all the pending business and start with new. In many parts of India, after Diwali, the day is celebrated as new year. This day signifies “New beginning”.

This year, we are trying to bring the rituals and practices of Diwali into our business. In Diwali, we visit our loved ones, give them sweets, make Rangoli (patterns with different colors) and more.

How we are reaching out to our loved ones?

We are here talking about the Diwali and how we incorporate the Diwali rituals in our business. Our loved ones are our clients, business prospects and partners. We make every possible effort to reach out to our business associate via newsletter, business proposals, Diwali wishes, greeting cards, personal messages, gifts and more.

Happy and Prosperous Diwali

What sweets we are bringing along with us?

This Diwali we have brought a lot of varieties of sweets in the form of services and offers to our existing and new clients. We have a buffet of services including, Web design, web development, mobile app development, search engine optimization, content marketing, logo designing, web hosting a lot more.

We are even offering great service package that has a complete module for all the businesses. We have offered the service from the very beginning to brainstorming the ideas till the last to development and marketing of product and services. All these services are accessible to every individual at very affordable price.

You can directly reach out to us and share your requirement. Our experts then will do all the necessary things and plan out a complete business plan for your business idea.

How many colors we have?

Softqube Technologies in all these years of offering services to clients has brought and nurture all sorts of colors. And with colors we mean technologies, service platforms and technology experts.

We are into various technologies ranging from Microsoft development, mobile app development in both Android and iOS platforms. We even offer website development services into various verticals like WordPress, PHP, HTML, Magento, Drupal, Joomla and more. We do provide all sorts of designing services like logo design to website design. And last but not the least, we have a very experienced marketing team, who helps business to get the desired outcome in the online market.

Happy Diwali

We have professionals working in all industry and technology verticals. We have a team of expert mobile app development, dot net developers, web designers, graphic designers, website developers, PHP development professionals, SEO professional and SMO executive to help your run make your business from an Idea to a Huge success.

With all these things into place, we wish you a happy and safe Diwali, as we keep safety and integrity on top of the priority when dealing with clients and business ideas they have.

Happy Diwali To You and Your Family from Softqube Family!

June-2019 Google Core Algorithm Update is Rolled Out

This time, going against its habit; Google pre-announced that an algorithm update is going to roll out in June 2019.

Majorly, when an algorithm update happens, we get to know it from SEO Community, Industry influencers or Official Google Blog, after it happens. And there are several instances, where the community thinks that an update has made, but the search engine giant denies the claim.

But this time it’s something new!

We believe it happens, just because this update is not intended to impact a target group of website or SEO activity. It is a general core update, as confirmed by Google.

There is nothing huge reported in the community, regarding this update. It is somewhat like a routine check. The update is already rolled out and soon will cover all the data centers of Google.

Though, there is not much revealed by Google regarding this update; And, also there is not much happening in the SEO Community, no website owners and managers have reported any major changes in the ranking or traffic after the update has rolled out.

Google core update June 2019

However, we cannot stay relaxed and sit, by saying that this is not going to have any impact. Because there is nothing that Google does without any reason. The update might not have an impact on the current scenario, but it might work as a stage for a bigger update. So, the least we can do it stay aware of anything happening around.

Consider the pre-announcement and update as an alarm, and prepare yourself for something big. In the meantime, there is a lot that we can do, being a business owner and an SEO Professional.

Being an SEO Professional, we should look out for new SEO Statistics and  strategies to work on and before starting the work, we should look at whether it is a white hat SEO activity or a black hat SEO activity. Whether the activity is beneficial for the client’s business in the long run or not; if we get a positive answer for all these, then go ahead and begin working on it.

Being a business owner, first, ask your SEO provider to send you a report in regular intervals to know how your website is performing. Keep an eye that how the website is behaving around the time when there is an update. If it is positive, then you can say that you have done something good, as per the newer algorithm update. But if the results are negative, then you have to ask your SEO Service provider regarding the activities they are doing for you, and how they can help you to face the situation and rise again. If the service provider is not able to give you a satisfactory answer, it’s is a high time that you should look for someone who does.

And most importantly, an SEO company should be aware of what is happening around in the industry, to stay updated with the new trends to follow.

For now, there is nothing to worry about the latest update, as it is a core update, that Google does multiple times every year, to make client experience even better than earlier. Even though, if you are seeing a huge spike in your Google Analytics or Search console (former Google webmaster) data, it is a time you need to talk to your service provider.

Google Search Console Experiencing Impact from De-indexing Bug and Manual Action Disappearing Issue

Google Search Console in short GSC which formerly known as Google webmaster tools is a free platform for all the person that has a website to monitor and screen how the Google looks at their site and helps in optimizing the organic presence. All these monitoring involves screening of the referring domains, rich search results, mobile site performance, and pages & queries with highest-traffic.

Recently, Google has confirmed 2 of the issues, which have taken the Google Search Console upside down. The recent issues that have been tracked down are a de-indexing bug, which has impacted all the reports in the search console except the performance report.

Along with this, Google is looking after another bug in its Search console where the notification regarding the manual actions is disappearing from the manual action viewer.

Let’s take a dig into these 2 bugs to understand what has recently been happening in the Google Search console world. It has been stated that the Google de-indexing bug was spreading like a virus to various areas like Coverage report, URL inspection tool among others.

Google data lost bug

It takes almost a week’s time to resolve the de-indexing bug and is considered resolved until recently it is causing issue inside the Search Console platform. The impact was huge that has spread all across the enhancement and coverage report, alongside the URL Inspection tool, as per Google.

It has been said by the Google officials that the bug was taking more time than expected to get resolved as well as get the search console recovered from its impact. This clearly means that the index coverage report and enhancement report is not showing accurate and updated data and the URL inspection tool has a possibility of not showing live status.

Google officials have said that they will update the community as soon as the issue gets resolve but for the time being, in order to check the URL status in Google index, the user should use “Site:” command instead. If it won’t return any result, Google will notify that it is not due to the indexing bug, rather related to an issue with the site and needs to be fixed from site owner’s/manager’s end.

As soon as the bug is found, it took 6 days of working to fix the bug, Google is claiming that the issue has been dealt with, but is quite on exactly what is happening wrong and how it will impact?

Another Google search console trend that has been reported recently was “Manual Actions Disappearing”. On the noon of 30th April 2019, the community has reported that the manual actions are getting disappeared from the Google Search console, no reason specified.

Based on the scenario, it has been noted as a hugely spread bug. As said by John Muller, Google, on Twitter that, “Something fishy has been happening here. I have received some sample from the community and we are having a look at it. We will post an update as found.”

All these updates and impacts have made it difficult for us to depend on the data appearing on the reports of Google Search Console, other than Performance report, during the period of 9th—25th April 2019. Just ensure you have already informed clients about the data loss, before communicating any reports with them.

Along with all these, due to the data loss and as a reason that it has overshadowed the de-indexing bug, it is become nearly impossible to find out whether the site was impacted by the bur or not.

At last for the time being in relation to the manual action, in case you experience a manual action and it is not showing anymore, you should not start celebrating. Give or take a few days, the search engine giant will fix the bug and the manual action will start reappearing in the Search console. Amid all these, it looks like a reporting bug and websites with manual action still impact the searches.

In a series of bugs and update recently, Google said that they are working towards addressing the bugs and it impacts on other areas within Google Search Console. You can stay tuned for more updates in the future.

Artificial Intelligence solutions – The new trend in Technology

Many industries these days are experiencing a new wavelength of change through conversational bots. Be it helping to automate customer service activities, improve the productivity or enhance employee and customer relationships, Artificial Intelligence solutions powered bots are strong and capable enough to renovate the entire landscape of the enterprise ecosystem. If you are looking at providing customized and top-class customer service 24*7 then chatbots by Softqube technologies should be your choice.

Chatbots play a different role in different industries. These chatbots are widely used in large industries as they help employees understand the behaviour of their customers better with the help of machine learning.

What helps the chatbots grow?

Chatbots grow through different technologies and some of them are mentioned below.
1. AI Development: Technological development of Artificial Intelligence solutions has broadened horizons for large companies. Thanks to these, companies can predict customer behaviour and reaction. Advances in AI are inspiring chatbots to understand its customers better than what they could earlier.
2. User experience: All of today’s tech-savvy customers need support and help throughout the day be it any place at any time. For companies these days it has become very important to attend to their customers promptly and solve all their queries.
3. Reduction in development cost: Most of the software companies possess developmental tools and framework to build chatbots with the help of the latest technological trends and advancements. These innovations have made maintenance of these chatbot applications very easy.

How to get started with chatbots?

Below are some of the specific ways by which you can get started with chatbots.
1. Define goals- Sort out in your mind for what purpose you want to use these chatbots. This will help you shortlist down to a specific goal for your chatbot.
2. Choosing the perfect Platform- A publishing platform is a place from where a chatbot can be accessed by your user while a development platform is a medium through which you can create a chatbot. The type of your chat conversations will largely depend on the [ages and the networks that your program is live on. The audience to your program will decide the ideal platform for you.
3. A personalization-the chatbot is intended to mimic help that will be provided by an actual human being. So, giving it a name and a personality will help you greatly in brand identification. Your sales, marketing and social media teams need to sit down and together create an interactive as well as a pleasing personality for your chatbot.

Advantages of using chatbots

Technological innovations in chatbots do not mean that robots are conquering the world making skilled professionals obsolete. But there is always a scope of human error which will be eliminated using these automate chatbots. They also will help to fill the communication gap if any.
1. Saves resources: automated conversations help save time and money
2. Improves revenue: good use of chatbots helps to focus on the quality of work
3. Improves user experience: chatbots enhance user experience and provides support to them 24*7


Artificial Intelligence solutions are becoming reality very soon. Companies which do not adapt and adopt this new phase in technology are at the risk of being left behind in today’s competitive world where innovation is the key to success. Chatbots are now the stepping stone to building a smart enterprise that helps make effective and wise decisions and for this, chatbots by Softqube technologies is the way to go as they provide optimum services to all their users.

We are proudly celebrating the 72nd Independence Day of India!

A lot has happened in these 72 years of Independence. People changed, nation changed but the thing which didn’t changed is the optimistic approach of the people living in the country or outside and the enthusiasm of doing something worth noticing and celebrate all the moments no matter whether it is as big as the Independence Day or as small as an unplanned meeting with friends or relatives.

There are a lot of people who say that we haven’t achieved a lot in all these years compared to other nations. The thing is we Indians are envious and not jealous, so we are happy in what we have and always look forward to improve what we have instead of just sitting and saying that we lack something.

For those individuals, we have only one thing to say that a lot of development in any field and in all other nations has a major role played by an Indian to it. For example, Sundar Picchai, CEO, Google, and you can find us in every corner of the world in every industry.

India has always been a nation of great leaders Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Mr. Narendra Modi are few to be name.

It is an Indian, who has gift the world with number “0” and Decimal “.” to the world, without that all the inventions and discoveries of outer space was not at all possible to accomplish.

We are the biggest democratic nation in the world that is based on the philosophy of “Of the People, By the People and for the People.”

In these 72 years after Independence, India has emerged as the fastest developing nation with a wide variety of business and skill hub. We have the 3rd largest army in the world, we have the biggest train network in the world, and the most loved nation in the world for all the tech companies to have their business and thrive.

Indians have considered as the most hardworking people in the world, but from time to time we have proved that we are among the smartest people in the world.

Being a company dealing into technology domain, we would like to share some of the technological advancement that the company has experienced in these 72 years.

The country is moving very fast towards the new technology like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Cross Platform App Development, and has a huge scope for many open source web development technologies.

During writing the content, I found that we have a lot more to learn and achieve and we as Indians are proud of what we have or achieved, but we need to work in the direction of growth always.

A Very Enigmatic and Happy Independence Day from Softqube Family!

Leadership is not about Size, it’s about Attitude

The size or the position you hold does not matter until you don’t have the right attitude. Attitude is everything when it comes to leadership.

Wrong attitude will not take you forward by any means. Attitude is like that X – factor without which you cannot lead any position.

Leadership doesn’t mean to be a leader in your office or in your department; you can be a leader at your home as well. We all have to play the role of a leader at some point in our life. It could be leading the school basketball team, or to be the leader of the college’s activity committee, or to be a parent.

Most of the time in life, when we play the role of a leader, we don’t realize the importance of that position, we don’t understand that being a leader is all about our attitude and wrong attitude can lead to creating the wrong impact on others. Yes, people have an impact on them because of their leader. The job of the leader is to make things come into action and that too with a positive attitude.

“Leadership is practised not so much in words as in attitude and in actions” – Harold S. Geneen

For being a leader you have to be the one who is able to turn around the things just by his or her attitude. You should not have to be the one who just tells others to do some work. You have to be the one who tells others how to do some work.

Think of the time when your best friend was worried and was not able to figure out what stream he has to go with after his schooling. And that it was you who motivated him to follow his passion and fulfil his dreams and your advice worked. Your friend is happy with his choice of career.

Now, this is a case, where you played the role of a leader by letting your friend overcome the negatives and feeding him with the positives he needed.

“A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way” –, John C. Maxwell

A mother is the best example we can think of. She doesn’t only tell her children to do things, but instead of that, she teaches them how to do things. She teaches them the best and the easiest possible method of doing things, which she has learned from her experiences. She not only tells her children to walk, instead, she teaches them how to walk by walking with them.

This is the attitude that a leader should possess. A leader should not only tell her team that her team has to achieve it, instead of that has to tell them how they can achieve the goals together.

And all of this can be achieved by a leader because of his or her positive attitude. Having a positive attitude gives you the power of solving any problems. Also, it’s a leader’s responsibility to create a healthy and happy environment for his or her team.

A successful leader is the who encourages, inspires and appreciates his/her team. Inspire them to do things which they find difficult, encourage them to reach their goals and always appreciate their efforts, even when the result is not up to what you wanted it to be. These are the things that make them feel confident and thus they keep on doing great work.

You must have used words like – guidance, direction, correct path, influence, making the right choice, etc, in your day to day life. But you never noticed that these words have the power to shape someone’s life. Doesn’t it feel great when someone comes to you and say thanks because what they are today is because of you or because of your help or because of your guidance? And here you played the perfect role of a leader.

A good leader also has to be a good listener, because you are not the leader to tell others whether they are right or not, but you are a leader so that you can also listen to other about your goods and flaws. Your positive attitude will be a waste if you are not a good listener and an even great communicator.

Other than this, a leader has to have some qualities like – a person whom you can easily trust on, a person who is flexible according to conditions and situations, a person who is always open to feedback, a person who is respectful, a person who is passionate about the work he does, etc.

The bottom line could be just a quote by Donald H. McGannon which says –

“Leadership is action, not a position”
Softqube Always Follow Positive Attitude!

To make the team of “Softqube” successful, our leader encourages, inspires and appreciates his team. Inspire them to do things which they find difficult, encourage them to reach their goals and always appreciate their efforts, even when the result is not up to what you wanted it to be.

– These are the things that make them feel confident and thus they keep on doing great work.
– It is nothing but the positive attitude of our leader which is getting transferred to his team or department.He not only makes them achieve the group or team goals but also helps them in achieving their personal goals.

Our leader says that: “you can’t motivate your team to do well or to do certain things in certain ways or to achieve goals. What you can do is just influence them towards self-motivation and this again can be achieved only when you follow the right attitude.”

Whether it is a team of 2 or a team of 200 people doesn’t matter, the team of 2 can achieve the goals that the team of 20 can’t just because the leader of the team of 2 has a positive attitude towards things and the other leader has a negative attitude. There is no relation in between the size and the attitude in the leadership.

Softqube” leaders are leading the team with the right attitude, thus Softqube has easily taken a leap from a team of 2 to a team of 200.

Welcomed ZibMedia to INDIA

In this Monsoon with longest dancing festival season, Softqube Technologies has exciting time by having a good meeting with Australian Client (ZibMedia). We welcomed our business associates from ZibMedia, Frank Scorielli and Mitul Zinzuvadiya to our INDIA office! They had a long journey from Melbourne to Ahmedabad and spent a couple of days over here.

Frank is a founder of Zibmedia – executing web design and online marketing services based in Adelaide and Melbourne of AUSTRALIA & Mitul is a Sr. Web Designer over there. It’s challenging to work with Australian business associates, as 5:30 hours time difference between us. But we appreciate Zibmedia and our innovative colleagues who support in presentation and providing best inputs.


In Between, We explored few Indian dishes and famous places with our client over here. We went “Patang Hotel” for dinner. The most famous revolving restaurant “Neelkanth Patang”. Moreover, We tried to understand the Australian culture more closely from Frank. He surprised to see COWS moving freely over the road in India.

The most important part of this trip is the quality opportunity to work face-to-face with our best creative developers and ZibMedia team. We fully organized ourselves to take this opportunity & learn their processes by knowing their work culture and the ins-and-outs of our professional business relations.

We are trying to improve our services & system by enhancing various opportunity and brainstorming on new services with our excellent team. We miss them till they visit again here:) and we are looking for long and healthy partnership between Softqube Technologies and ZibMedia!!!

Why Do You Invest in A Content Management Solution?

Content is everywhere. It is on the website that is trying to sell you clothes; on the hoarding at your gate pursuing you to improve your communications skills. The emails spamming you to subscribe to your towns gym is nothing but pages of sales content. In today’s day and age, everything is about proliferating actionable information through a variety of channels. One of the most important media of communication and selling is the internet. Search the internet and you will find an infinite number of websites, blogs, podcasts, webinars all trying to achieve that single objective of fulfilling your requirement! Many a time they are tapping into some latent need and creating a demand for something you did not even want! Yes, that’s the power of content.

Content Management System

Here is where a Content Management Solution (CMS) comes into the picture. A CMS allows publishing, editing and modifying the content of a website from a central interface to users who are authorized. It enables your website to stay fresh with page updates and also enables SEO.  A CMS used to power your website could be one of your greatest investments. Gone are the days when you would have to chase coders to make a tiny update on your site. CMS does it all for you in just a couple of clicks.

The top 3 advantages of using CMS for your business

  1. A centralized and secure repository: A CMS allows you to compile all your data in one central bank and that too only once, thus reducing scope for errors and redundancy.  It also keeps a track of all updates, publishing and other activities. With CMS it is easy to keep the data secure as only authorized people are allowed access to backend operations.
  2. None of those coding complexities: Not every content developer is familiar with HTML and other complicated coding methods. CMS simplifies activities like uploading, creating, writing, editing and publishing. It is in fact so easy that even a non-techie who has a basic idea of word processing can easily learn to work on the platform with no prior training.
  3. Access to multiple users and scheduling made simple: Businesses have various teams like writers, designers and marketing folks who work on content. CMS allows authorized users to access the tool and make changes without so much of a hassle. At a glance it shows a list of all the updates made, drafts saved and all articles published. It makes managing and publishing items simpler and more streamlined. CMS makes complicated tasks like scheduling simple and user-friendly.

In a nutshell, by investing in a suitable Content Management Solution, the business can indulge in a series of interesting, actionable campaigns and offer readable, regular and up to date content to engage users. CMS tools are the talk of the content town as they not only offer a string of advantages like security and easy interface, but also are cost effective. And the best part is that you are in control.

Softqube Technologies Celebrates Google’s 18th Birthday

Today is the 18th birthday of Google. Official Google Search Engine is adult.No no, do not get confused with the word adult, it is still safe, the best and the most relevant search engine of all time. It is just to emphasis the maturity and the type of relevancy that a search engine is offering after successful completion of its 18 years of journey.


Is the Birthday really on 27th of September?

This is the question which everyone is asking today. Though the Birth Date is not a very common topic on which some can have any kind of confusion, but like its unpredictable algorithm, the birth date of this search engine giant is becoming unpredictable. The hilarious part is that, there is no one who is claim to be aware about the official date of the Google.

The Google has come into existence in the year 1998, but the first birthday that was celebrated by Google Doodle was in the year 2002 on the same date as of today 27th September. And after that the birthday was celebrating every year and every year on Google’s birthday a new feature is added to Google Doodle to make it more user friendly and interactive. Not only the Google Doodle is changing but the date of celebrating Google’s birthday is also changing. Till date Google has celebrated its birthday on 14 different dates including 27th September, which creates a buzz in the market about the actual date of the Google’s Birthday.

Last year itself 26th September 2015 was celebrated as Google’s birthday, and this year again its 27th September. There is no information that why Google is celebrating its birthday on different dates and even there is no relevancy in the different dates. But as per a trusted source, this year Google has made clear that 27th September as their official Birth Date, because it was 27th September when Google has celebrated its birthday for the first time in the year 2002.

Celebrating Google’s Birthday: It’s Time to Payback

So here we are at Softqube Technologies is joyfully celebrating Google’s 18th Birthday on the very date of 27th September of 2016, with all our teams including of our Microsoft Development Teams, Mobile App Development Team, Web Designing Team along with the proud hosting team i.e. our SEO and Digital marketing team.

Here are some of the most exciting moments of the Celebration:


Google’s Journey in these Years: A quick overview

Initially it was just a project. Then it has turned into a commercial search engine and entered the competition with the major other search engines. Then it was providing the rankings to the website based on the number of backlinks they have. Even today backlink is still one of the major measurement criteria for search engine ranking. But as Google aged towards being adult the level of the intelligence of its algorithm also evolved.

It then started considering the keywords, the content, the website structure, interlinking, social media profiles, branding and even paid marketing. And if anyone tries to outsmart Google, then there are 2 types of penalties, including manual penalty and algorithmic penalty. Algorithmic penalty they divided into lots of different section out which some of the major are Google Panda, Penguin, Pigeon, Humming Bird. Mobile Friendly, AMP, and the most recent is Possum algorithm.
Softqube Technologies Wishes Google a Very Very Happy Birthday. Cheers…..

Best PST Recovery Tools for Outlook Users

Outlook is one of the intrinsic components for the success of any business and it has been tethered with the business houses in such a way that without Outlook it will be very difficult for them to sustain in this competition-driven world. That is why business houses often consider outlook as the nucleus of the company.

An outlook is efficaciously capable of storing messages, contacts, appointments, tasks and notes either in a personal storage folder (PST) or in a mailbox that is located on the server. However, files in outlook which contain precious data are very fragile and if they get defiled or damaged, then it will be a nightmare for anyone. Earlier, due to inadequate knowledge of technology, it was an uphill task for us to recover those files. Now with the influx of latest technologies, this job has become easier and facile. To assist us in keeping the integrity of those data files intact, several new software have been launched in the market.

PST Recovery Tool
Below we are abridging some popular PST recovery tools, which are very adept and hence can easily recover PST files.

    1. Built-in cleaner (scanpst): Outlook has an efficiently built-in cleaner, which is often known as scanpst. However, this file cannot reconcile the issues when a PST file gets broken, but can resolve many trivial issues. This tool is very useful if we need to clean the data files completely.
    2. Kernel Recovery PST: This tool is a cleaner and is regarded as one of most powerful and robust outlook PST recovery tool. The software developers exquisitely design this tool, which makes them more user-friendly. This tool comprises of lots of features, which are probably missing in others. One of the salient features is that this tool has the ability to fragment the large PST files into small archives. Moreover, this software tool has the proficiency in restoring lost PST file items comprising of embedded attachments. This software is very much worthy and economical.
    3. Outlook PST Repair and recovery software: This software is capable enough to recuperate the usual suspects from all types of damaged Outlook PST files like messages, folders, and many other things. This tool is equally efficient for password-protected PST files and high encryption PST files.

  1. Steller Phoenix Outlook PST repairs: This is a pre-eminent tool that has the potential to repair the highest amount of damaged or severely broken PST file. By running this software, we can repair corrupt PST files. It will also assist us to restore the formatting from RTF and HTML messages and on the other hand, it methodically repairs several damage issues like application malfunction, improper file sharing on LAN/WAN, operating system corruption, disrupted PST compaction, PST file header corruption, malicious software and much more. This highly applauded software comes in the range of approximately $150 for a single license.
  2. Outlook Fix Professional: This is the fastest and user-friendly tool amongst all. It is compatible with any versions of outlook and this tool does regular clean up job. This tool can also be used to split the PST files. However, it is not robust or worthy like Steller or Kernel recovery PST, but it still manages to grab the attention from the users.

All of the above-mentioned recovery software tools have their own upsides and downsides. Therefore, it will be a very strenuous job for users to decide the best tool among them. It will be a prudent decision for us if we evaluate all the software minutely before taking the final call.

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