4 Ways Your Outsourcing Partner Is Screwing You

Big businesses and their big demands have given outsourcing a big boost. Outsourcing as a concept and as an industry has seen a tremendous growth. Multi million dollar IT industry, uses outsourcing services for the various reasons and benefits it offers. Two companies come in mutual contract to get their work done. Business owners are always on the hunt of finding an outsourcing partner as they think that it is going to allow them to scale their businesses to new heights and relieve them to work on their business instead of in their business. I do believe that creating successful outsourcing solutions plays an important role behind scaling any business.

However, imagine if the outsourcing partner has his/her own agenda. I mean that you trust someone and they take you for a ride. This does happen in business; people do have some very bad experiences. Some people are very good with their convincing and selling skills. Once you are impressed you will not hesitate offering them the work.

Stage of Outsourcing Partnership
No matter what stage of outsourcing partnership you are in, you can be screwed any time by your partner. In order to be on the safe end you need to take care of the following:

    • The partner himself needs to have technical knowledge and should be able to discuss technical issues based on the knowledge acquired by him either practically or by experience and not by involving his technical staff. He should be aware of project status and project requirement at any stage of the project.
    • You might be given ideas pertaining to the buying of readymade software solutions for easing of work, which would be beneficial to the partner and expense to you. They might say they were not hired as an expert who can do everything from scratch.

  • They might try to convince you on hourly pay rather than fixed pay. Due to the hourly mode of payment, they might keep on extending the deadlines. Moreover it gives them the leverage of not getting bounded in completion of work in the set time frame. It might also be the case where he himself does not know how long the particular task is going to take.
  • Make sure that you assign task with a clear SOW (scope of work) document. If your outsourcing partner agrees to start on the basis of verbal SOW then be ready to bear the loss and headache of work incompletion, the project going in a totally different direction and the project coming to a standstill.

The world of software and software related projects is growing and changing at a great pace and it is very difficult to maintain that pace. In order to maintain that speed you outsource part of your work to other experts in view that they will deliver the best. But that does not happen always and you end up paying the price, so whenever you select an outsourcing partner make sure that he knows what you want him to do and how he delivers the same.


India triumphs its independence from the British Swaraj after 200 years of bondage or enslavement and on the midnight of the 14th of August 1947 Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru delivers the first Independence Day speech announcing the birth of the new nation. Since then we have been savoring our freedom and we proudly celebrate our celebrate our Independence Day on 15th August of every year.

The freedom we relish today is a result of the sacrifices made by some of our great leaders and freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Subhas Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Rani Lakshmi Bai and many more who shed their life for the freedom of their motherland.


Independence Day is declared as a National Holiday in the Country. It is celebrated all over India with great pride, all institutions, schools, colleges, and corporates have a flag hosting ceremony followed by the National Anthem. Most schools, colleges and institutions have a march parade and cultural activities performed by the students. TV channels show patriotic movies and the radio plays patriotic songs evocating the memories of freedom fighters. With the growing time and technology people share patriotic messages, slogans, pictures, images and tweet showing their love and passion for their motherland.

India's 70th Independence Day Celebration


Our strength is our simplicity. A Hindu nation with a Democratic Government and strong constitutional values where a catholic woman by origin steps aside for a Sikh person to be sworn in as a Prime Minister by a Muslim President where 80% of the population is Hindu. The English language, which is not our mother tongue, is most widely and affluently spoken in India. We have 5,600 newspapers, 35,000 magazines published in over 21 languages for a population of 125 crores. We are the third largest nation in the world of doctors, engineers and scientist. We possess the third largest army in the world.

We have reached the moon and back but we are still considered to be the land of snake charmers. Though not for long, thanks to the dynamic leadership of Mr. Narendra Modi.


On the eve of 15th August the president addresses the nation with his motivational and inspiring speech from his office which broadcasts live on radio and TV. Every year on the 15th of August the Prime Minister addresses the Nation from the rampant of Red Fort rendering his speech to the fellow citizens with an aim to exhort them to unity and Nation Building. The speech will be followed by the usual ceremonial procedure of 21 Gun salute followed by cultural programs from schools. He also pays tribute to all martyrs in India’s struggle to freedom.

On Monday the 15th August, 2016 Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address 125 crores Indians on the 70th Independence Day from the Red Fort with his motivational and evocating speech, assimilating the achievements of the past and elucidating the way forward. PM Narendra Modi had delivered his maiden speech on 15 August 2014, where he managed to enthrall people of all ages and different sections of society and invoke them with a feeling of patriotism. The atmosphere across the country was electric and the nation felt a wave of devotional love for their motherland, with hope and optimism for the future. Mr. Modi defines the democracy of India as its constitutional strength and potential, which made it possible for a boy from a small town and poor family to be elected to pay his homage to the National Flag and steer the reins of their country to national unity, world peace and a strong economy. He says we celebrated this day by taking a solemn pledge of working for the welfare of our motherland, and also for the prosperity of the poor, suppressed, dalits, the exploited and the backward people of our country.

He states there is no space for castism or communalism in our thoughts, our simplicity is our strength. We have to empower the poor, increase agriculture productivity, dignity of labor to be our national duty, sharpen and guide the youth and its potential to the growth and development of the country. Introducing the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ and ‘Start Up India’ and ‘Stand Up India’, the government has initiated various welfare schemes to strengthen the poor and educate the women in India. PM Modi has made a lot of foreign visits to strengthen relation between countries, investment tie up, peace talk and foreign trade.

We eagerly look forward to the 70th Independence day speech by Prime Minister Narendra Modi elaborating and elucidating the achievements of the past by his government and the united way forward to a better, healthy and strong India.

The staff and management of Softqube Technologies would like to wish all their staff, channel partners and clients a very happy 70th Independence Day. With Mr. Modi announcing the plans forward for the next few decades, Softqube Technologies also looking to reach those same heights that Mr. Modi has envisioned.

Landing Page – Association

Landing pages are a form of marketing, which are meant to enhance the market approach and addition to your marketing strategies. The final destination of the customer or the prospect client ends here. If the information provided in the site is good enough, I mean simple and clear, easy to understand and makes sense to the customer than the purpose of making a landing page is met.

Landing Page Optimization

It’s important to understand the role that landing pages play in your overall marketing plan:

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Landing Pages: Landing pages are designed keeping various criteria’s to be compatible with search engine optimization as they go hand-in-hand. SEO landing pages are those which are optimized keeping in mind search engines — with features that make it particularly appealing to the algorithms that decide whether or not a page is valuable to searchers. Any optimization strategies that you employ across your site should also be used on your landing pages as they can only benefit from it.
  2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising and Landing Pages: Pay-per-click ads use landing page as destination and that is the most popular and common use they are put through. Landing pages can also be used just as successfully with organic search engine rankings. Landing pages and Pay-Per-Click advertising go together perfectly providing the maximum benefit to the person searching and the company.
  3. Landing Pages and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Your landing page is the destination point to notice conversion impact of your campaign. There are many reasons behind the landing pages working well and improving conversions. Landing page is responsible for influencing human visitors and converting them to customers.

    It is very commonly understood that conversion optimization are result of landing page, but that is not true. Conversion optimization involves many other features — but landing pages are a strategic part, and just one of the ways you can convince customers to come further into your site and interact.

  4. Landing Pages and Social Media Marketing: Social media, yet another platform for landing pages to work well. Companies keep separate pages for their followers on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and other social sites. They frequently update information which they want the customers to know or follow.

    PPC conversion experience is simplified and improved for prospective customer by landing pages. This is done by enabling focused communication through messages which will boost the quality score resulting lower cost per click. More over bounce rate of post as-click gets reduced improving conversions.

The Importance of Relevance

The decision to visit and stay on the page is based on relevance and this fact is common among all viewers. None of the viewers would be interested to spend time looking for relevant stuff on your site, time is of the essence here. That’s why you need to really get to know your target audience and write content that will specifically appeal to them.

Hilary Clinton Using Social Media As A Tool To Help Win The Election

As the 2016 US presidential elections are getting heated up, potential candidates are looking to step and utilize social media as a tool by which they can advertise and promote their campaign. Social media is a key promotional tool by which people can voice their opinion and reach larger sections of crowd. It has the power to reach each and every section of people irrespective of their age, caste or creed. With the growth and popularity of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, many politicians have started using these networks as a platform to motivate people and followers.

Importance of Social Media in promotions

Reports obtained from mid-term elections in 2014 shows that around 16% of registered voters followed social media parties and officials on social media. The percentage has increased by 10% since 2010 elections. The numbers clearly suggest the impact of social media and even politicians love to voice on these platforms. Most of the politicians are avid users of popular social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Since the start of campaigns, political parties are targeting social media as it would play a crucial tool in deciding who would be the next President of US.

Hillary Clinton uses Social Media

Hillary Clinton is representative from Democratic Party in USA and has a strong presence on social media. She has over 4 million followers on Twitter and a million likes on Facebook and the count is increasing every day. Clinton is looking to target all potential social media networks such as Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest to create a social media campaign. The idea is to target voters using content messaging, publicity images and carefully designed posts with frequent follow-ups to ensure more interaction with voters on all possible issues and topics. Clinton is seen using all images, links, and content campaigns to promote her campaign.

Hillary Clinton on Social Media

Social media providers want in

With the way presidential elections getting competitive over social media, many providers are looking to get involved and want to play a crucial role as well. Snapchat is quickly becoming a recognized news and media information provider on various topics. Twitter is also getting involved in the social media fight and appears to give more control to politicians to voice their opinions and show their public speeches on their platforms. Apart from Hilary Clinton, other candidates are making noise on social media platforms. Republican Party candidates like Jeb Bush and Rand Paul have utilized Snapchat to give their views and speeches while Donald Trump used Periscope to announce his candidature. Posting on social media networks can play a crucial role in deciding elections so it is not merely about motivating but can be considered to be a part of digital marketing during elections.

Most of the internet users have social media profiles on the internet. It is quickly becoming one of the key ways to voice your opinion or promote your speech. Potential candidates from presidential elections can be seen active over social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Social media a powerful tool to market any product or services. If you are looking to utilize its full potential and promote your product then you can hire services from Softqube Technologies.

Ways To Find Inspiration for Content Writing

Are you looking to find inspiration for content writing? Well it is important that you must unleash your creativity and imagination in order to become a successful content writer. It is important to get the right inspiration and learn ways by which you can improve your productivity and writing skills. It can always be challenging to develop content worth reading unless you are inspired and motivated to write over it. Many people write just for the sake of making money but some people love to pen down their thoughts and ideas on paper. While content writing is all-together a professional way of writing content is such a manner that it attracts audience and captivates their interest. Content writers may need to write on various niches so they must be having desired knowledge, skills, understanding and inspiration to write over a specific topic. Let us explore different ways by which one can get inspired to write meaningful and attractive content online.

Content Writing Inspiration

Simulate your creativity: Write samples

One of the best ways to get inspired is to write a sample about what specific topic you like. If you are starting a profession or want to develop, your skills then writing a simulated content can help create unique ideas about the original write up. Great writers always write test content before they pen down the exact content or final work.

Read online content

Another good way to get inspired is to read some of the content available over the internet about various topics. This can really get you motivated and makes it easier for you to ride into momentum or discipline to sustain your drive. Finding inspiration is some kind of invisible force that really pushes you or challenges you into action. In order to create something interesting to read needs a bit of a research. However reading an article online does not mean that you start copying it but it gives you an idea that you can take forward. It is an old saying that “ideas spawn more ideas” so it is always useful to get some ideas that can awaken your creative imagination. You can read news and articles related to your topic and then write it in your own creative manner.

Money factor

It is a known fact that there is a lot of value for original and unique content online. This paves way for those who are having bright ideas and skills for content writing. One can easily make content writing a profession and a good amount of money as well by writing on different blogs, websites and articles online. Many companies and website owners are willing to pay hefty amount of money for good online content. Therefore, you can always find a good inspiration by looking into the money factor associated with online content. Remember the demand for quality is more than quantity so worthy content is always welcome online.

Content writing is an art that requires knowledge and skill apart from inspiration to write an attractive content. Are you looking for content writers, designers and web developers? If yes then you must contact Softqube Technologies that provide quality and unique content for websites apart from web design in India.

Optimize Your Page Images To Increase Site Speed

Being a website owner, you must realize the importance of website speed. In various surveys conducted so far, it has been found that website revenue and traffic is impacted a lot by speed of page load. If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load then about 40% of people will abandon the web page and move to the next website in the search results, while if it loads in less than 2 seconds then 47% people are likely to stay on website.

Improve Website Loading Speed

Importance of faster page load to increase website speed

Page loading speed is important for website usability. It is also important because Google search engine algorithm and ranking factor is greatly influenced by website speed. With so many websites in the competition available on internet competing to earn traffic and ensuring user experience, it is important to ensure that people are impressed with site usability. If the website page speed is not up to the mark then there are likely chances that you may lose visitors in matter of seconds.

Optimize Image format

Images consume a big amount of bandwidth which impacts page loading. There is no possibility to downgrade the web image sizes or bandwidth consumption using HTML language or coding as it can only change the appearance of image but not its size. However one can using image optimization tool to compress images in order to reduce sizes such as using JPEG and PNG stripper or superGIF format.

Inline images into HTML or CSS

Page Speed can increase significantly if your inline images or preview them into HTML or CSS. Several round trips can be eliminated with images are directly in line with HTML or CSSS. One can use filters such as inline_images with different options (such as CSSImageInLineMaxBytes and ImageInlineMaxBytes) to further control this. Enabling them inline can reduce the image quality and therefore image load time can be reduced. The details about how to use inline images into HTML or CSS is explained properly under the link.

Use picture editor tools to resize images

There are various types of tools that can be used to resize images and reduce its resolution quality. One of the commonly used picture editor tools is Adobe Photoshop. One can edit image and save it under a compressed format with reduced size and resolution. Setting images or resizing them can be a useful method to optimize image size, format and resolution. Using these popular image editor tools, you can achieve the required reduced size of image.

In a nutshell, a slow website impacts traffic, page views, conversions, brand image and also your overall sales from website. Website speed plays a crucial role and it should not be underestimated. There are many things that decide what would be your website seed. For optimized page loading time, it is best to stick to reduced image formats like GIF, PNG, JPG and use some of the techniques mentioned above. If you need technical expertise and professional support to help you optimize your website and increase site speed then you must hire services from Softqube Technologies. The company has professional experts as web developers and designers that can help achieve SEO.

Grow Your Business By Sending Email Newsletters

In this technology driven era, our world is not only confined to pens and papers, rather in this 21st century we perform each and every job digitally. So, in this modern era we hardly use hackneyed marketing tools and that is why marketing techniques have been transformed completely as compared to previous years. The way of marketing a business has been replaced with advanced techniques. Today, the email newsletter has become one of the pivotal marketing tools for all types of businesses. An email newsletter is the most effective way by which we can stay connected with our existing clients and can easily reach out to new ones.

While making content for email newsletters, we need to remember certain things. We should incorporate some relevant and exquisite information which can instigate customers to become more curious about our business and brands. Sending an email newsletter always remins our customers about the ubiquitous presence of our business. By offering meaningful and relevant content in our newsletters, we can create such an atmosphere for people where they look forward to reading our messages. We should try to include exclusive and unique contents in our newsletter which can drive more customers towards our newsletter and it will become a valuable resource for everyone who has an aim to read some latest news. If our newsletter is enriched with valuable content, then only they will be able to win the heart of the customers and users only show their inclination to such kinds of newsletters which are furnished with good content.

Sending Email Newsletters
Before implementing an email newsletter in our marketing strategy, several questions can ponder in our minds as an email newsletter, which can help in escalating the growth of our business.

  1. Easy to do and inexpensive:- To design an email newsletter we need to put minimum endeavour. We do not need to be an advertising genius or fantastic writer to produce an outstanding newsletter; by investing a minimum effort, we can design some good newsletters. Very less time is also required to design email newsletters. Moreover, email newsletters are very cheaper as compared to direct mails. By sending email newsletters we can also stockpile our energy and resources.
  2. Drive more traffic towards our websites:- Most of our newsletters consist of links back to our website whether it’s for a blog post, press release, upcoming event or informative page. These links will drag more customers to our website and hence it will also uplift our search engine presence.
  3. Enhanced brand value:- Companies are trying to promote and exhibit their brands and services through newsletters. When these newsletters will reach to the recipients’ mail box that will incite them to know more about the brands or services that are offered by the company and hence they will become more accustomed with that particular brands.
  4. Building a strong relationship with our customers:- Apart from enhancing brand value, email newsletters also strengthen the relationship between the company and its customers.

If anyone is looking to design a perfect and yet professional email newsletter, then they can make contact with Softqube Technologies, a 360-degree service provider company. The company is led by some professional and pedantic designers who can satisfactorily meet all the requirements from the client’s side.

The Importance of Mobile Apps For Business Development

There is fierce competition in the field of business. This goes for both small and large business houses. A lot of money relies on how business development takes place. In this cut throat competition, companies need to adopt new strategies by which they can compete with other companies. One of strategies is mobile app development for business.

Mobile Apps for Small and large businesses

According to recent Internet trends, the number of Mobile phone users is increasing drastically. This gives a good opportunity for both small scale and large scale companies to adopt changes in their advertising and operations with which they can improve their business strategies and earn more profits. Smartphone users are growing with each passing day and used for both personal and business purposes. If you owe a business, you can use various useful mobile applications to help improve their business in better ways. One can use small scale business to get connected to using mobile applications and even helps in establishing personal or professional coordination. Mobile applications are developed for various purposes these days. It has helped companies to increase their productivity, reach end users effectively and expand their business or become more competitive. Mobile applications have been able to make impact in the field of marketing better ways compared to other forms of marketing such as Email or SMS marketing.

Importance of Mobile Apps for Your Business

Reasons why People should use Mobile apps in business

Development in mobile phone applications has helped companies to reach potential customers by offering push notifications. In addition, customers also expect companies or business houses to have a mobile application that gives them an opportunity to access services or buy products via that application. Below are some of the reasons why every business should have an application

  1. Win Customer loyalty – A business run by mobile-based app services gives a chance for owners to interact with customers by offering company updates, promotions, discounts and coupons with the help of application. All these interaction can boost stale and profits of both small
  2. Promotion – Mobile applications have become one of the major options by which companies can connect to end users by sharing information through emails.
  3. Increase in Customer base – Apart from helping large or small businesses, a mobile application gives your company liberty to reach users and helps in increasing customer base. The application can store customer information and helps in building the business by saving email addresses and names.
  4. Get feedback – With the help of precious customer feedback, companies can adopt changes in their set up and develop accordingly. All mobile applications are designed to provide feedback and review of application services and functionality. This way companies can get positive or negative feedback about different terms. It is quite useful for many companies most of the time.

Mobile phone users are increasing continuously over the years. In order to satisfy business requirement, mobile devices are being developed and its failure may result into loss of data. A mobile app development company can help you provide all the features embedded in single app. Softqube Technologies are offering range of services for both small and large companies in the field of web and mobile app development. Companies must utilize benefits from of mobile app development and grow their business manifolds.

Read more about “How To Create an App: The Complete Guide”

The Internet Trends of 2016

The Internet is an ever evolving market with new trends coming up every year. With the evolution of mobile devices, tablets and laptops, the number of users is increasing and showing an upward trend. Specific companies such as Mary Meeker analyze internet trends, and according to the data received until now, below are some of the trends available in its report.

Internet Trends of 2016

  1. Increase in Global Internet users: The Global Internet market has seen an increase in the number of internet users by over 3 Billion where the Asian market is mainly responsible for this increase. With over 277 users, India has surpassed US as the world’s second largest user of Internet, just behind China.
  2. Internet Growth: With the constant increase in number of Internet users, the growth of internet equipment has remained consistent over the last year. India has seen internet user growth accelerated by over 40%. However, Global usage of smart phone is slowing down by 30% and even the shipments are also slowing down at around 10-28%.
  3. Advertising over Internet: Internet Advertising is growing rapidly particularly over mobile phones. At the same time, there is also an increase in the number of advertisement blocking. About 91% of users preferred to block online adds that shows demand for development of better innovative formats for advertisement. Methods such as video and images are a popular way to capture consumers.
  4. Evolution of online brands: Most of the companies are setting up their services online and growing in popularity. Many brands are targeting market over the internet.
  5. Data privacy: One of the main challenges of current internet trends is to ensure data safety and security over internet by providing better online safety during payments and sale or purchase of goods.
  6. Flat Global Smartphone growth: Even after acceleration of internet users, if we exclude data obtained from India, currently all the Global smartphone market is on a slump and there is a growing decrease in the number of smartphone users. Android OS based mobile phone users have shown an increase compared to Windows and iOS phones.
  7. Internet Sales: It takes a lot of information in order to obtain internet sales and according to reports available online, there is a sudden decrease in the number of sales obtained over the internet.

Read more about the latest Internet Trends of 2016 Click Here:

Conclusion: It doesn’t require a genius mind to figure out that internet has been growing and evolving with each passing year. Interesting facts can be observed from the reports obtained from 2016. The above trends show that the internet market is not going too well excluding India which is growing rapidly and occupying second place behind China in terms of internet usage. Growing trends have been seen in terms of advertising and retail sales over internet but advertisement and marketing over the internet has witnessed a downfall. This means that now market requires better and innovative strategies to market their product and services over internet and this leads to adopting methods such as Search engine optimization.

Companies need to transform their business strategies according to the latest Internet trends and require better-improved SEO techniques. If you are looking for advanced SEO methods and techniques then you must take services from Softqube Technologies.


4th July , or July 4th is a federal holiday in the United States of America, marking its independence. One may ask, “independence from what?”. Since it was never a colony, there would be no struggle for freedom.

It is on this day in 1776, that George Washington led the war against the British army, and came back victorious, or independent. It is also the day when all the 13 American colonies, declared themselves independent. However, the American war of independence continued for 7 years even after the colonies declared themselves independent.


Thomas Jefferson drafted the very first declaration of independence, who was selected on the urging of John Adams.

Some say that the actual Independence Day is 2nd July 1776 and not 4th July 1776. However, it has been taken that 4th July is actually the independence day is celebrated because that was the day the Congress accepted Thomas Jefferson’s declaration.


Independence Day is celebrated everywhere in the world wherever Americans reside. Parades are conducted all over the country and people have made a custom of playing baseball and having a barbecue in their backyards. Some people have competitions to see who eats the most hot dogs while others head off to vocational hot spots. However they spend it, the joy and happiness on the Americans is obvious to see

Happy Independence Day USA 2016

This year is going to be a nostalgic one for the son of Kenya, the President of the United States, Mr. Barak Obama as this is his final year in office and therefore will be his last speech on Independence Day. He and his First Lady will celebrate the 4th of July by hosting military heroes with their families for an Independence Day celebration barbecue, concert and a firework display at the White House South Lawn.

Softqube Technologies would like to take this opportunity to wish all their American staff, family, friends, and business clients a very Happy Independence Day. A day to reflect what we have achieved in the past year and what we hope to achieve in the following year by strengthening the existing relations and making new ones in the world of Information Technology.

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