Is Cost-cutting the sole reason for approaching offshore development company?

The demand for IT offshore development companies is growing rapidly. Cost cutting has prevailed as the key reason for adopting offshore development companies but there are other key emerging trends that influence companies to choose offshore development. Being a cost effective solution, companies have embraced offshore companies as they provide faster turnaround time to market products and services. The majority of companies are focusing on reducing costs with shorter time to market. In the past decade, we have seen a tactical approach that can help sustain performance with notable factors contributing to change in attitude. For example:

  • It helps in staying ahead in terms of technological trends
  • Adds more flexibility to business operations
  • Enables business connections with leading industry partners
  • Easy to expand business or explore multitude of functions.

Offshore Software Development

Let us look at each one in detail:

  1. Stay ahead in Technological trends: As the competition is reaching global standards, companies need to realize market that is more domestic and need not restrict it. Clients are growing in offshore market and uses best available technology to fill up this visible gap. Most of the product developments companies specialize in specific product or service while it integrates with outsource service providers that help in providing a comprehensive solution. With the ever-evolving technological breakthroughs, offshore development companies can provide rich industry acumen and expertise to use different technologies. This helps in using the best available technology on a global scale compared to the best in-house team.
  2. Adds flexibility to business: If a company is bound to a specific geographical location, it becomes challenging to handle drastic situations. Due to limiting activities, companies could succumb to risky spots. Offshore companies provide more flexibility to business as operations could be shifted quickly and less challenging markets. This helps in saving finances and also ensures a smoother functioning with a stable foundation.
  3. Connect with valuable industry partners: It is easier to hire an offshore company compared to hiring in house employees. In addition, an experienced offshore company provides experienced professionals to execute significant projects. With the help of trained professionals, companies will be able to complete projects on time. Having core expertise in functional areas, offshore partners can provide valuable insights and lead companies to open new doors of opportunities. The requirement for an offshore specialist is growing rapidly and can guide companies to drive.
  4. Focus on expansion and innovation: The challenging market is keeping companies on their toes all the time. Even the markets are ever changing and expanding. There is always a sudden chance of economic downturns, rapid changes, introduction of new products and services along with competition. Companies need to be quick and action oriented in order to cater with the challenging environments so that they could survive and be able to optimize their business. This is where the role of offshore development companies can be really helpful. Employing offshore companies can help achieve desired results and deliver to end customers on time. The companies work on a target oriented approach with added capabilities of expert skills and ideas.

The widespread perception of companies has led to trending an offshore path. Companies are looking for sustainable returns and an action-oriented approach with a faster time to market. With the new technological advancements coming, companies should look for quality offshore companies such as Softqube Technologies.

Understanding the Need of Legacy Application Migration

Technology is changing by leaps and bounds. As a result, day in and day out IT systems are becoming obsolete. Because every time IT sector has to adhere to the needs of changing trends and that’s the reason it is one of the fields that never changes.

So, investments in IT sector must be made after a deep thinking process as huge investments sometimes fail to generate the desired return on investment. These investments are generally made in system set up and if any system becomes obsolete then it becomes very difficult to set up new one because again it needs huge investment.

For organizations, it is compulsory to update the IT systems and so it is mandatory to have new latest systems to make the process smooth and faster according to the latest demand trends. Organizations constantly have to face competition and to sustain in this competitive world, it is mandatory to adapt the changing business needs.

Legacy Application Migration

Change is the need of the hour

Legacy Application Migration is the technique mostly used to replace the existing IT systems with the new ones. It is a process where the current IT system interface is upgraded with the new ones keeping the basics as it is for the entire evolution that makes business more sharp.

There are various types of Legacy Application Migration solutions available in the market which is as follows:

  • Transferring current system to the new updated version on the same platform
  • Replacing the system with relevant off the shelf applications
  • Re developing the system that consists of updated features that are user friendly
  • Creating complement legacy systems.

Custom Applications that meet the business needs:

Replacing systems through Legacy Application Migration is really very challenging task and needs great expertise to do so. Softqube Technologies, a well known Legacy Application Migration solutions provider has a team of experts that can easily carry out this challenging task with the use of appropriate tool set.

Any kind of complexities can be easily solved with the use of modern technologies especially those web based technologies. In order to prepare a well effective strategy, it is necessary to have complete understanding of the business process as every business has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Similarly depending on the business needs, legacy softwares vary and so now legacy application modernization strategy will be similar to the other. As a result, it is mandatory to develop custom application to meet the business needs.

Need to modernize the Software

It is necessary to update the software in order to have smooth business process so that it doesn’t affect the business and it runs according to trends very swiftly. Updating the software reduces maintenance cost as well as improves system maintenance and upgradation.

Once modernized, Software is able to meet the changing demands and becomes more user friendly thus requires less training and can be easily understood by anyone who wishes to run the software. Hence, it seems that modernization is necessary for business.

Wind Up

Times are such that there is no option but to update the systems in order to meet the latest IT trends. So, if any of the organizations wish to get their softwares modernized then they can get in touch with Softqube Technologies and similar other Legacy Application Migration Solution providers.

The Best Tips for Offshore Software Development

If you want to be offshore developer, you surely will ask yourself“What I need to do it right? ”We are here to answer this question in this article.

Offshore development can be at low costs, but also it is important to have low involvement.

Here are the best tips for perfect offshore development:

  • If you want to get the best value for the money, taking control of your development, you need to use blended on-shore/offshore team and also you need to use advantages of every team.
  • On-shore software development provides the best results. This means that product owners will keep full control of the product and keep all of the IPs with them.
  • General Offshore Development Process

  • To get the most of the offshore, product owners need to be fully involved with their offshore developers. On-shore programmers need to be close of the product, so you can be sure that they stay on track, and offshore programmers are not different on that point of view. This is helping out in the understandings for requests and is leading to bigger developer productivity and effectiveness, which means value for the money. The more specific product owners can be with their own requirements, the more good the results will be.
  • One of the keys for facilitating is a technique borrowed from agile project management methodologies like the “stand up” meeting. All members involved in the project and the whole extended team is always on the same side. Anything can be answered and everyone is aware about the progress of the project.
  • Another strategy for insuring that work is delivered on time, like in agile sprints, so project owners can stay in a contact with the direction of the building and they can accommodate quickly if it is necessary.
  • Members of the team must be available for communication when it is necessary. For off-shore programmers, it is technology based version of going to someone desk and asking him a question. Assistants can be easily available as and when required.
  • We are using enormous tools for different clients, depending on their requirements and preferences. The Google is including email, chat and voice and video calls also Skype is popular option too, including its screen-sharing function. Both of them are offering ability to have conference calls with as many people as you want from different locations.
  • I see a high correlation between the level of involvement of the software owner and the smooth running of the project. For startups, this means that you can take all of control in all aspects in work, while taking advantage to the lower cost. This can leave you with additional money with who you can make post launch adjustments, money that will otherwise be spent in the initial phase.

Wind Up:

In order to get custom software developed with the help of skilled development experts of Offshore Software then Softqube Technologies is the perfect place for you, where you can the benefit of expert hands that can provide you perfect software as per the need.

Staff Augmentation Services for IT Department

Employees are the assets of every organization. It is mandatory to have experienced and intelligent staff to successfully & quickly accomplish the work especially in the IT field. There are many reputed IT staff services providers that help the organizations to get the best staff as per the requirements and help them recruit perfect people for perfect position.

Tailor Made IT Staff Services:

As the IT field is progressing, the demand of IT staff also increases by leaps and bounds. We can see a crowd of websites offering IT staff augmentation services. These are designed to render custom IT services as per the needs. Some of them also render fix packages. You can decide which one suits your desires.

IT firms can be well recognized only if they have the staff that can easily understand the client’s requirements and perform accordingly to get utmost satisfaction. Depending on the objective, type of position, recruitment methods keep varying.  For instance, to hire quality analysts, process may be different as compared to the one applied to recruit Web designers & Web developers.

Selecting IT staffing solutions Provider:

If you are an owner of IT firm looking for best staff then you can get in touch with well known IT staff augmentation service providers such as Softqube Technologies. However, before speaking to any of the IT staff solutions provider, you must go through their website to know exactly what they are offering and whether it is enough to cater your needs or not.

You can go for those recruitment services having skilled professionals that suit your needs, avoid getting in touch with those firms providing a handful of professionals who can suit all vertical departments as specialization is the key in IT department. Further, the recruitment firm should be able to provide you the staff for all departments and they must have various techniques to select professionals for various fields.

With these things in mind, you can easily judge whether the IT staff selection company that you are choosing is able to render proper staff augmentation services or not even during recession and is equally knowledgeable to understand your needs.

Staff Augmentation during Recession:

While Recession arrives, companies reduce the salary of the employees, during such crucial periods; it becomes very difficult to hire new staff as hardly any experienced person is willing to work with low payments.

Here, staff augmentation helps a lot. With these services, you can reduce the costs as well as enhance the productivity as this method cuts the overhead cost. Many service providers assist you in getting such people whom you can employ only for particular projects. This helps in achieving the goals thus reducing the cost of recruiting full time human resources.

Conclusion:  It is advisable to adopt staff augmentation services where only experienced and potential people are hired thus saving your time to go through all types of interviews. Offshore outsourcing plays a vital role in popularity of this method of recruiting experienced staff. So, hurry and choose the best IT staff augmentation services provider to quickly get experienced people for achieving the targets and keep the ball rolling.

The Need for Offshore Application Development

We can see that technology gets updated at regular intervals. In order to get the competitive advantage, it is advisable to outsource the projects. Here are some of the reasons as to why offshore application development is the most preferable one.

  • Cost Effective:  Outsourcing your project to any offshore application development company gives you the benefit of an expert team of developers at hourly rates which is very cost effective as compared to in house development. The projects are accomplished faster on time within the budget. This also keeps you free from the worries of hiring expert developers & the costs occurred therein.
  • Time Frame:  A company’s IT department has lots of tasks to do in order to upgrade its system with latest technology. Outsourcing the projects can assist IT department to work on important tasks and simultaneously get your applications developed from well-known offshore application development companies.
  • Team of Experts: You might be having a good team of application developers but what if you have more applications to be developed, you need assistance of more expert developers. You can outsource some of the application development projects to any well-known application development company, Softqube technologies who can assist you in accomplishing the task quickly and give it a touch of an expert.

Some of the important aspects to be kept in mind while finalizing a deal with offshore partners:

  • Evaluating Offshore Companies: Before assigning the projects to any offshore development company, it is necessary to validate its trustworthiness. You can ask for some of its client references, portfolio, interview their employees or check their expertise by assigning them a sample project. If you are satisfied by their expertise then you can assign them the actual project. You can also ask for certain type of certifications that prove their expertise in the field.
  • Industry Knowledge:  It is advisable to check their knowledge about the industry and identify if they are really aware of the latest updates of the particular sector. Industry specific knowledge is required as it helps the employees to understand the project needs easily and thus avoiding any wastage of time to explain things in detail.

    This knowledge mainly relates to latest updates of particular software or application that they are going to develop.
    If the offshore development company you are going to deal with, meets your needs and is up to the mark in terms of knowledge, expertise, achieving deadlines etc then it is the right firm with whom you can establish strong business relationships and ask them to take charge of your projects.
    An offshore application development company is pretty much advisable for developing mobile applications, web applications, there are some counter arguments that state why these companies may not be preferred.
    We will discuss these drawbacks in our upcoming blogs. So stay in touch to get know more about Off-shore development or outsourcing the projects to different eCommerce development companies in different countries.

Software Outsourcing Services from India – Good or Bad?

Today, when it comes to design software as per your requirements, you have to look into several aspects before you finalize your choice and hand over your project to any software development company. You can see that there are many software development companies working today, it could be a really tough job to get a piece of software created according to your needs and requirements. But, the main concern is that outscoring an United States based company may cost you a lot; they charge pretty penny for their services. This is where you can consider outsourcing to a software development company in India for more reliable and cost-effective software solutions.

Is this Beneficial to Outsource Software Development Company from India?

There are numerous reasons why you have to consider this option. The primary big benefit is that you can save several money. The sparing is generally so tremendous that more Fortune 500 companies are currently getting attracted in towards this specific option; they are outsourcing services from India, because that helps them exploit great programming ability accessible in India without needing to shell out a lot of cash. Not just this, additionally you can delight in various government and tax incentives while outsourcing to an India based company. This will influence your primary concern and help you save countless money at last. That means outsourcing will save cash, and in the meantime will offer you an opportunity to concentrate on your core competencies for better returns.


Something numerous professional Indian companies focus on keeping up transparency of action; this helps make your outsourcing experience a considerable. Not only that, they also offer exceptionally inventive and versatile results; they can make a provision starting from the earliest stage, permitting you to get something that is splendidly suitable for your business needs. Hence, the office of custom software development is an alternate point making outsourcing to India a great decision.

Issues with Software Development Company Outsourcing in India

It’s a great idea to outsource software development in today’s tough business competition, there are sure issues you may need to face. For example, some software development companies have not ability to meet high quality standards. Regardless of the fact they do, they will have issues communicating with worldwide clients; that’s essentially because of their failure to work with universal time zones. Subsequently, it makes well to take as much time as required and direct some research to guarantee that you are picking a right outsourcing company, as the accuracy of your choice will figure out that it is so invaluable to outsource your software development services related your projects.

In a nutshell, while the companies of all kinds and sizes are facing the high costs of services, considering software development outsourcing to India is a better option. India has highly educated professionals who work in harmony with you and have dedication and work ethic to ensure success.

For your business software requirements, we are always available at Softqube Technologies to help you. As one of the leading customized software app development company in India, we have he expertise that your company needs. To know more about software outsourcing to India, feel free to contact us. We strive to serve you better.

Take the Advantages of Offshore Development India

In this digital era, every business and organizations want to stay in a competitive position; in this manner emerging offshore outsourcing has become the most essential part of a profitable business model. Today, India is one of the top most offshore development centers and also emerged as offering back-office service provider around the world. The offshore development India has become the first choice for the most of the companies in need of perfect and professional online presence and the offshore programming and web development services.

Indian software companies offer experienced and high skilled development professionals and designers that deliver best-quality services at affordable cost without compromising industry standard. They are associated with several leading international companies because of the quality of work it delivers. Business and organization can hire Indian offshore development center on the basis of their knowledge and specialized skills as well as project team of professionals that delivers the project according to deadline.

A brilliant state of art technologies combined with rich talent and stable and impressive economic growth has made India the top outsourcing country. With the Indian offshore development center, business and organizations can get dedicated resources and infrastructure at their finger tips that are fully dedicated to developing, testing and maintaining of their software applications.

Let’s see the most important features of Indian Offshore Development:

  • Perfect communication: With great communication skills, the web designers and development professionals provide clear instructions according clients’ requirements. They use both email and phone support system to ensure a smooth level of communication.
  • Productive suggestions: In every stage of the project, the team offers fruitful suggestion if it is required to help the client to perform business better.
  • Examples and references: Offshore development center in India utilizes reference and examples regarding the project, so that designers and developers understand certain points without any difficulties.
  • High-tech Infrastructure: Indian offshore development center possesses qualified staff and high-tech infrastructure. In addition, they have exclusive specialist in the newly specialized area that other countries lack.

Softqube Technologies is the best web designing and development company in India. With years of experience, our offshore development company furnishes a wide range of affordable web solution to clients helps them to survive in stiff competitive market. We keep in mind all requirements of clients when we deal with them.  We have the team for offshore development in India to consist of mid-management and programming resources and also committed to follow the particular project schedules of the clients.

Offshore Application Development Services & Benefits

Companies around the world have adopted offshore application development as a successful business strategy, because it is much more than just cost saving. With offshore application development, you can eliminate typical business barriers and realize real, remarkable results. The mean of offshore application development is to transfer IT work like project analysis, coding, design, testing, and protection for software companies where a huge number of experienced and qualifies personnel works.

These days, companies are searching for cost effective methods for satisfying their Software & Web Application Development Requirements. Therefore, offshore application development has become most popular among all kinds of businesses and organization around the world. Engaging dedicated offshore application development team is the best approach for projects significant in time or scope. Connect with Offshore application development, you can get long-lasting, and profitable results for your business.

Some of the relevant offshore application development services:

  • Recruiting and providing a highly-skilled application development Teams
  • Administration and Logistics Service adapted to give and maintain the essential infrastructure
  • Project Management, Testing and Quality Assurance Services
  • Legal Services and Support to register a secondary or a joint venture with the customer’s company at offshore locations
  • Immediately respond to customer demands with pre-screened and profiled specialists
  • Office maintenance, cleaning, security and insurance

Some of the best advantages of offshore application development:

  • Reduced labor and overhead costs
  • “Follow the sun” support model
  • Faster time-to-market
  • Flexible Business Engagement Models
  • Time Savings
  • Innovative ideas
  • Quick output
  • Huge accessibility of Trained Talent Pool
  • Extended support
  • Robust Infrastructure
  • Better organize development process
  • Rapid scaling of operations
  • Only focus on your goals and constant increase in effectiveness

Why Softqube:

Softqube Technologies provides trusted, affordable, unparalleled excellence, and reliable systems and solution in offshore application development for your business since last four years. They have better facilities, systems, design and technology tools and most significant capital in terms of human resources. They use the best resources and advanced technology to fulfill your business needs.

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