Softqube Technologies Pvt Ltd Recognized as one of the Best IT Services Companies by Clutch

Softqube Technologies Pvt Ltd is very excited to share that we have been recently named as one of the best IT and Software solutions & services companies in India. We are happy to share this amazing achievement with all of you!


We are excited to be featured on Clutch’s 2022 research list of incredible B2B companies in India. This is such a huge milestone for our company! We couldn’t have asked for a better way to start 2022.

For those that don’t know, Clutch is an established platform in the heart of Washington, DC, committed to helping small, mid-market, and enterprise businesses identify and connect with the service providers they need to achieve their goals.

Our team would like to extend its appreciation to Clutch and their team for making this award possible. We would also like to thank our clients for choosing us as their IT partner. Your business has played a major role in our success. Without the support and confidence of our customers, this feet would not have been possible. . To that, we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

On officially receiving this award, here’s what our CEO Nitin Suvagia has to say:

“More than the award, this recognition means a lot to our team at Softqube. This award is another success milestone in the journey of our company. We would like to thank our customers and team mates for their valuable contribution. We further resolve and commit ourselves, more than ever, to work in the direction of empowering our customers with the right technology tool to support their businesses. ” – By NITIN SUVAGIYA

PHP Application Development Will Never Fade – Find Out Why

PHP is a popular server scripting language used for development and designing of websites. PHP Application Development helps in building customized website solutions.

It is used quite extensively for designing websites with enhanced functionality and provides benefits in the creation of reliable, secure, dynamic, interactive and efficient web pages. Demand for PHP development is increasing and this language is considered to the top choice for website development in the market as per the latest statistics. However, with the emergence of different programming languages, PHP Web Development is facing a tough competition but the demand is not fading away. Let us know why one should choose PHP for web development.

Evolution of PHP Programming language

The initial version of PHP was written in C language and its tools were released to the public in the year 1995. Common Gateway Interface binary coding was used to write this language. PHP3 was formed as the base language and its official name Hypertext Preprocessor name or PHP3 was given the official name in the month of June 1998. PHP 5 was released in July 2005 after rigorous development phases and this version had various improved support for Object Oriented programming. The PHP data objects extension had several improvements in terms of functionality and performance. However, later PHP faced a lot of criticism due to lack of native Unicode support and could support only byte strings. Later on, major version of PHP 7 was developed in the month of 2014-15.

The reason why PHP can be useful for your next Project

Content Management Systems – PHP is quite scalable and provides a great deal of functionality. It is accessible to different Content management systems and helps development meet the requirement. One can take the example of PHP programming and quite popular in different CMS such as Drupal, WordPress and Joomla etc.

Open Source

PHP has been part of open source project and constantly enhanced by open source developer community. The dynamic community keeps ensuring that the PHP language gets all the latest updates and bug fixes. If you are part of an expert in the field of PHP development then you can redefine your presence by using this technology and contributing to the developer community.

Seamless Compatibility

PHP is a great language for most of the operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix along with MySQL and Apache. The language covers all cross platforms and different flavours of OS available in the open source or licensed versions. One can use PHP to add more value to the project by using this open source language in different formats. PHP is a dynamic language, which helps the developers and designers to get the more improved design in their application by use of the popular OS and effective cross-platform development. In addition, you can also use different plugins and extensions to cope with the changing dynamic environment.

Highly Flexible

When it comes to choosing a website, which is more agile, flexible and dynamic, then PHP is just the right choice for you. It allows web apps and websites to scale dynamically without any manual intervention. The web apps designed by PHP can refresh easily automatically with a great deal of flexibility that is not available in other languages. One can customize content as per the requirement as PHP is an open source language with different libraries, graphics and effects available.

Easy to use

PHP does not require a long time to learn or adapt. It is easier to learn due to its organized syntax, simple and clean environment. Developers can easily make a code and easier for the other developers to learn the same code. PHP learning doesn’t require much training and commands are easy to decipher. One of the major reasons why PHP is popular is because its syntax is same as C language and quite easier to optimize in the environment.

Optimized Environment

PHP is quick to learn when it comes to speed and in comparison to other languages. PHP can be built on the websites where you need better loading in spite of poor data speed or slow internet connection. PHP is also an important language, which can be used to fetch information from any database quickly and does not take much time to connect to the DB and execute the statement for a specific query. If you are looking for a specific language, which can perform the task quickly compared to any other languages, then PHP is one such language, which is optimum for the applications.


If you are looking to develop an application then it is important to check your business objectives and understand developer’s strength. PHP Application Development is one of the most popular languages available to choose if you partner with the best PHP development company. You can rest assured that you will get the services from top professionals who have experience in providing a strong ecosystem of developers and create the best application suited for your environment.

Top Myths About PHP

The approach of the World Wide Web (WWW) has provided extensive benefits to not just the website development companies but also to users of the web. Nearly everything now is done over the web and that too within a matter of seconds. E-commerce has taken businesses to a completely new level in terms of effectiveness in delivering products and services. The web being an open resource center, has led to the strong game among millions of servers all over the earth. It is in this view that the demand of outsourcing PHP Web Development has grown. In this article, we are going to talk about the top myths of PHP development. Most myths have a core of truth in them scattered, so we’ll try to set the record straight by identifying why PHP has each myth.

PHP is crappy as there are numerous crappy PHP programs

This looks to be the significant reason people think PHP is a faulty language, as there are a number of faulty PHP programs out there. Why is this? Apparently, because PHP is so convenient and omnipresent that a lot of personalities without a programming background used it to study programming. Most PHP coders started out as web developers, fixing together a web page for their bystander, or their family, or a meetinghouse of some kind. They have no approved training, no background working on a development team, no supervision or knowledge about what is important for quality code. The result is necessarily spaghetti code, newbies or bad programmers cut and pastes into place without the real knowledge of how they work, people violin with lines till it gives them the outcome they’re looking for. Simply, this drives to a lot of crappy and slow software out there, puzzled with security holes, maintenance tortures, poor execution, and many other difficulties. PHP Web Development Company is the right people to contact in the market, to ensure that PHP is effectively used for development of application and websites.

PHP is hard to understand with HTML blended in programming logic

Some claim that PHP is complex due to its template language. It was meant to be an easy way to add fundamental programming functionality to a website. This was the basic reason PHP was developed into a full-fledged robust language proficient of handling almost everything you’d do with any other programming language. There is nothing in the language which directs that delivering code (HTML, Javascript) requires merging with business logic. Users can instead use various tools to separate out the templates into a delivering layer and use them accordingly for creating webs.

PHP code doesn’t scale properly

This is solely a myth. There are few of the most successful sites on the web that run on PHP: Flickr, Facebook, Digg, parts of Yahoo, Wikipedia. All of these are the top 20 most visited websites on the web, and are opted for in the most important situations.

PHP is just good for web applications

PHP was developed to be a web designing language, but it has a command line system, a GUI toolkit sordid on GTK, and other characteristics that mean you can feasibly program just about any kind of application in PHP. Nevertheless, nobody does. It is therefore conceivable to use PHP for objects other than web applications.

You can’t compile PHP, so it will eternally be dull

Myths is an interpreted language, and it doesn’t own a built-in compiler. While python has a built-in runtime compiling mode, so you get compiled byte-code without doing anything. However, you can expedite PHP quite similar to Python, by combining an accelerator on your server.

The above mentioned facts very well clarify that various myths are doing round regarding PHP and none of it holds true. Instead users can make the most from PHP, by just hiring some of the best PHP web development company from the market. One of the most favourable options to choose is Softqube Technologies that have well versed professionals hired on the job to tackle PHP and use it in effective development of website.

Things You Should Know Before Using PHP

PHP is a scripting language that is used on a server site for generation of HTML content. With time, PHP has grown to perform many tasks with its unique features. One of the features that make PHP great is the fact that they can be run on any web server and on any web browser. Another feature that makes it great is the fact that it is easy to study, implement and use. In addition, it also is user-friendly.

What should you do with PHP?

    • The first thing that you can do with PHP is to access a file. PHP is used to read and write files in different formats. This means that you can easily edit your files without accessing them manually. You can also transform the content into different file formats without increasing its accessibility.
    • You can also use PHP to read and write data from different database modules for data access. With this, PHP is now considered to be a very important tool for e-commerce too.
  • Use this feature to help you to create charts and graphs on the web. This is the ideal way to show statistics in a clear manner. Furthermore, graphics in PHP help the design used in a website into templates.
  • Today PHP has been extended and can be used for many other applications using Microsoft excel and word as well.There has always been a wide scope of what you can do with PHP web Development Company since they are one of the major generators for creating codes in HTML format and using them in different web browsers. This is the primary objective that an application should consider since it becomes easy to generate XML formats and many other formats too.

Things you should not do with PHP

  • Don’t waste your time in learning how to code your own web pages. Rather use the tools to code the web pages that you want to add. Don’t work so hard since the generator can do it for you.
  • Don’t buy a generator unless you need it and you think that it will provide you with good benefits for your business. Most people add web pages to your sites through codes. So don’t waste your time and money in searching for tools online. Try searching online since there are many websites that offer their generator for free use.
  • Make sure you research well before using the generator. Find a good generator to use and enough time to read the instructions and other things to make the process simple. This will help you in making fewer mistakes and then backpedal it.
  • In case you are using this tool for the first time, then don’t do it on your own. It is easy to use but sometimes you need help. Try visiting forums, research online and find help when it is needed and keep a track of the places that can help you out.

Thus, these are the important things you should consider that are provided by a PHP web development company while using their generators. Now that you know what it is, you can avoid wasting time in how it has to be used. This will put you one step ahead of a lot of online businesses. Plus you can also add any web page to your website without much of your time being consumed.

How Can You Choose The Best Web Development Platform For Your Business Today?

Introduced as “Personal Home Page” before and later renamed as “Hypertext Pre-Processor”, PHP is one of the most extensively used scripting languages. Today, a large number of small and medium sized businesses along with PHP web Development Company use this server-side scripting language for web development purpose. As per the analysis taken recently, PHP is now supporting nearly 20 million websites and about one million servers which shows how PHP has gained a huge reputation around the globe. It has always proved to be the most popular open source language used to develop robust websites and applications. With this you can build dynamic pages very easily and create custom applications as per the business requirements.

Some of the best web development platforms

PHP has a number of open source frameworks that have rich features and consist of many tools to build robust websites. Different frameworks are meant for different purposes. For example, Word Press and Drupal are used for CMS development whereas others like Cake PHP and Zend are used for website development. Among these, there are four of them that have been considered the best ones for web development. With the help of these frameworks, it becomes easy for a programmer to customise the website then.

  1. WordPress: Today, WordPress has grown into a content management system (CMS which stores all the information required for your website and presents it to your visitors in the most organised way. It is easy to understand and work with compared to other frameworks that are available in the market. It helps you in creating, editing and making your content simple in such a way that less time is consumed. This helps you in giving more attention to your business. You also get to give a professional look to your website which is completely free of charge.
  2. Joomla: Joomla has also been another choice as a CMS for many companies across the globe just like WordPress. Even developers prefer Joomla since it can be deployed easily in the bare minimum time. You can add, delete or edit the content within no time. The automated system of Joomla makes it possible to gain customer trust since customer queries can be solved immediately. It also makes it easy to view the web pages of a particular website in different languages just through a simple click.
  3. Magento: Magento is a highly efficient open source platform that offers you with powerful tools for creating and managing online stores. Magento provides you with the online store facility for free through an active open source community. Magento runs on the apache platform and thus we are sure of getting a reliable web hosting services too.
  4. Drupal: Drupal is also an open CMS that gives its users a large degree of flexibility to modify, share and distribute the content accordingly. It is also a Software as a service (SAAS) solutions for small businesses and scalable for large businesses. It also possesses the features of enormous flexibility to display content which other search engines might not be able to.

With the technology rapidly growing, the numbers of businesses being online have also increased. Thus, a PHP web development company is looking for a software development services that meet the business needs through online accessibility to information which in turn maintains the relationship and improves communication too. Such a company is Softqube Technologies, who understand your business needs and give you the best service for it.

The Battle Still Goes On – and PHP?

Asp.Net and PHP are the two most popular technologies used to develop dynamic web applications with the best web services. As a programmer, you personally know which one is the best but there will be times when you will have to migrate to one of them if required. When this happens, you will need to select the best development tool in terms of architecture and functionality. When you try to think, a few questions keep hitting about the difference between the two of them, and which one is more advantageous over the other. These are some of the questions that you will face. Both platforms and PHP have their equal pros and cons. Both these platforms are used to build complex websites of different purposes like corporate, commercial or for a local use. Therefore, before you make the final decision, you will have to be sure about using them.

Dissimilarities Between Them:

Asp.Net is a set of technologies that is merged with the Microsoft .Net framework, whereas PHP is a scripting language. Both these languages are used to develop dynamic websites. ASP (Active Server Pages) is from Microsoft and is used only with Internet Information Server, which runs on Microsoft Servers also. On the other hand, PHP is an independent platform for programming and makes it easy to connect with various databases. Find out through the differences mentioned below by a PHP web development company:

  1. Expenditure: As you must have read above PHP is open source and can be downloaded free from the internet. Various modules too are available for free that are used along with plug in for coding and can be modified easily by a number of programmers using PHP. Whereas for, you need a Microsoft product such as windows for the operating system and a program like visual studio or Dreamweaver for coding. In turn, both these products are costly compared to PHP.
  2. Simple Code: PHP codes are simple to understand and are easy to write too. Therefore, when a programmer begins his career in PHP, he does not feel any pressure in understanding the code since its simple. However, ASP codes are just the opposite. They are a bunch of lines that are written for just a simple function, which makes it difficult to remember, and are complex too.
  3. Performance: PHP being an interpreted language makes it easy for it to run. This type of code runs directly from the code that is written whenever it is made to. On the other hand, Asp.Net is a compiled language and does not load fast since the application always runs from the beginning whenever it is made to. Hence, the performance of loading PHP code is much faster than Asp.Net.
  4. Database Compatibility: PHP is flexible since it uses MySQL for database connectivity and can be accessed for fee. Asp.Net uses MS SQL for database connectivity and hence is expensive since MS SQL is a product of Microsoft and it is compulsory to purchase a licensed one.

In the end, I just want to conclude that both the programming languages have their own advantages and disadvantages as per the user requirement. From the above explanation given, it states that both the programming languages have their own significance as per the budget too. Information that is available online has always stated that is capable enough but PHP is always been in demand since small businesses can afford it and it becomes easy for a PHP web development company to make it. PHP is unable to provide the e-commerce application development since Asp.Net has always been in demand for this type of feature. Hence, both the languages have their importance and priorities.

To find out which one is best for your business, it is advisable to talk to the experts at Softqube Technologies, who with their years of experience can give you the best advice.

Why Is It Important To Choose A PHP Web Development Company For Great Success?

It is very much true that now businesses have turned online and the environment has become more competitive. The moment you plan to develop a website, go for a PHP web development company. You must be thinking why I am suggesting this to you. The reason behind this is that it is easy to develop a website using PHP; it is easily compatible and quite cost effective. PHP was first started in the year 1995 and since then, there is no turning back in terms of popularity. As of today, it is the most preferred language in the world. Around 30 million domains on the web are using PHP websites. Leading websites like Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Flickr and many more are using this open source language and have made it even more popular.

Choose The Aspects For A Better Selection

One of the key reasons behind this popularity is PHP web developers. There has been a constant rise because of their skills and the effort that they put to give their customers the desired results. Frankly speaking, PHP is one of the most accepted programming languages in the world and has got several benefits over any normal programming language for regular website design. Before you choose a good development company, just go through the following aspects:

  1. Experience matters: The more experience the development company has, the better their work will be will be. It is advisable that you go to the one who does have maximum experience in web development and who is an experienced professional to give you better results.
  2. Select a client: Don’t trust on the references received through your friends and relatives on choosing a company. Collect some information personally and check online about various companies available followed by the services that they offer. With this, you will come to know how efficient the company is.
  3. Consult about tools and technologies used: Check with the company what type of tools they are currently using. With this, you will be able to identify how knowledgeable they are about the recent technologies in the market. The developers should be well experienced and updated about the new implementations that they can do in the project.
  4. Frameworks to be used: If the company uses frameworks like Cake PHP, Word press, Magento then you can be rest assured for their good services since the project delivery will be on time without any mistakes.
  5. Be in constant touch: It is very important that you keep yourself updated about PHP web application and the tools available online. With this you can alert them with your needs and correct them in case of any errors. To get your project on time, it is necessary that the communication have to be smooth enough.

The above-mentioned aspects are enough to convince you to go for a PHP web development company to establish your new business. If you think that the company you have selected matches the above aspects, then you should go for it. Do not waste your time in searching another company; otherwise, your business will never become online.

Make A Smart Choice With PHP Development Company

Undoubtedly, online presence has become the must thing for a business to grow and sustain itself in the market. Once you have decided to set up an online platform for your business, the very next thing which comes in your mind is developing a website. Well the best option to choose for developing a website is a PHP web development company.

Why is PHP Development Company the right choice?

There are various reasons, which make it the best choice in the market as listed below:

  • It is considered, as one of the most cost-effective options available in the market. Therefore, no matter, whatever the budget of the customer is, they can expect to hire the most affordable company and thus avail quality services from them.
  • It is easy to find a PHP development company in comparison to other companies.
  • It easily understands the customer’s requirements and is capable of meeting it to the best.

There is a variety of PHP companies available in the market; however, the best one to pick is Softqube Technologies. It has the most trained professional appointed on the job that is capable of offering customers nothing but the best.

Why chose a PHP Web?

Once you have understood why it is beneficial hiring a PHP web Development Company, one should also understand the benefits of PHP and PHP web.

  • PHP can be easily integrated with the dynamic applications. In order to give a highly dynamic visual touch to the website, one might require having Flash, Ajax etc. on the website. These applications work very well with PHP.
  • PHP has some of the most beautiful graphics and modification library, giving customers the freedom to design some beautiful graphical effects on their own. Hence, customers need not have to stay dependent on the web companies always; instead, they can themselves make some minor or major changes in their website whenever required.
  • PHP works very well on different server platforms be it Windows, Linux, etc. Hence, for customers who are looking for a cost-effective development then Linux is probably the right platform to choose.
  • PHP produces fast results, as it uses fewer codes and also has its own memory building option. This is one of the reasons; it has less outside codes and is also very friendly to the search engines.
  • It appropriately matches with the different kinds of databases, which is one of the major reasons both complex and simple websites can be developed using PHP platform. PHP works fine with both SQL, MySQL, MS-SQL and also other databases, making it the best choice for high-end applications.
  • From the above-mentioned facts, it is evident that PHP is the right platform to choose for developing a website and increasing your online presence. These benefits are some of the major reasons why business houses should look for PHP development companies and hire the best one out of them. Softqube Technologies is probably one of the best companies to give a consideration while looking for PHP companies and get the best services in the market.

Enterprises Are Showing Their Propensity Towards PHP Web Development

In this competition-driven era, online medium plays a cardinal role in the success and proliferation of a business. Business houses are vying with each other over the internet so that they can grab the attention from the maximum number of customers. In this regards, a strong and eye-catching website will definitely uplift the market value and image of a company. There are numerous platforms (HTML, flash websites etc.) by which we can design a robust website. PHP is indubitably a prime platform, which works effectively for custom cutting-edge web solutions. Another prime feature for opting PHP is its cost advantage.

PHP is very renowned and well-known programming language, which is typically used for custom website development. PHP possesses a fully functional scripting language, which can easily be understood by anybody. PHP development is quite facile and easier as compared to and others. Therefore, basically, a PHP website is not at all complex, but its techniques and features are very simple and straightforward so that every programmer can understand it quickly.

The recent IT revolution has created millions of jobs across the world, as a part of this revolution every PHP web development company is embracing PHP developers with some lucrative offers.


Let us take a glance on what does a PHP developer do and their roles and responsibilities:

By using the dynamic scripting language PHP, PHP developers usually develop programs, applications, and various websites. Therefore, basically, these are the prime responsibilities of a PHP developer. PHP developers can be classified as software developers or web developers depending on their job profile. The PHP language is often used in combination with another language like SQL for databases.

PHP developer’s responsibilities:

  • They need to establish, support and optimize SQL Server databases.
  • They need to maintain and improve both backup and recovery strategy.
  • Along with services, they have to design robust and strong web applications.
  • They must support in establishing the scope of work along with timelines for different technology projects.
  • They should interpret process parameters and design all application structures as per requirement.
  • They have to involve themselves in systems evaluation and accordingly need to design their efforts related to user interfaces.
  • Prepare application test data as required and check whichever data conversion is required for final implementation along with production rollout.
  • Their prime responsibility is to conduct code evaluation and they should recommend software adaptation.
  • They conduct several tests in order to give a premium quality of products to the customer.

Why Companies need to show their inclination towards PHP web development

  • The website which is developed by using PHP will possess fast data processing and easy functionality.
  • The website can easily run across all kinds of OS systems like Unix, Windows and much more.
  • The website usually provides higher efficiency and usability.
  • Many web applications like Ajax, flash etc. can easily be integrated with the website.

Softqube Technologies is a well-known and prominent PHP web development company in India. The company is crammed with some erudite and expert PHP web developers who are usually involved in PHP application development with multi-tier web applications. They have a very good market reputation and currently they are handling more than 100 plus clients throughout the globe.

So, if anyone is looking for some professional and a good quality PHP web development company, then without wasting any time they should get in touch with Softqube Technologies.

Our Expertise in PHP Web Development Company

With the development in the field of web development technologies, new applications and platforms have been developed. One of the most popular platforms that completely revolutionized the web development industry is the PHP language. It is one of the most widely accepted coding languages that provide more functionality to any website. It adds more value to website with the use of scripts. The PHP web development language has emerged as one of the most popular and trending website for business owners these days as it helps in the development of more profitable and user-friendly websites.

Importance of PHP web Developers

Website owners are turning towards PHP developers as they are looking to get attractive websites. One of the main reason why hiring a PHP developer is a feasible option is that these developers are highly skilled and efficient in PHP programming. They understand the options available to customize websites according to customer requirements like building CMS enabled websites; back-end administration panels, shopping carts and ERP-based applications.

Things to consider

Before you hire any PHP programmer, a few things need to be considered. Make sure that you hire programmers only from reliable companies only by checking feedback and response from previous clients. Many companies opt for freelancers instead of professionals. It can save you a one-time cost but if you look at the longer run and benefits associated, then you will realize that there are so many benefits of hiring professional companies. You will be able to get reliable services along with customer support.

Hire PHP programmers and developers in India

In today’s techno-driven world and business centric Internet world, it is better to hire professional programmers from a reliable and effective php web development company like Softqube Technologies . One of the key aspects of hiring developers from India is that they also help in the follow-up of other processes involved in software development like documentation, maintenance and testing. Companies can get access to latest technology and get their websites build from latest tools at much affordable prices compared to counterparts from other parts of the world. PHP web developers from India follow guidelines set by international companies and ensure that they follow stringent standards and methodologies.

India is quickly becoming an IT hub and there is no dearth of programmers in India. There are various types of PHP developers available from different parts of the world but hiring developers from India can provide you best experience and learning. They are capable of designing websites with the best knowledge and experience. Make sure that you hire a freelance developer that has the ability to design a website using server side language while employing benefits and a great deal of functionality. If you talk about skills, experience and professionalism then you must choose PHP developers from Softqube Technologies as they have the experience in handling different types of customization requirements. They offer you reduced cost of website development using PHP language and generate a lot of profit that can amplify your business across the world.

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