How to Debug PHP Web Apps using Docker Container?

For Software Development, Debugging is an essential task. Every time PHP doesn’t offer out of the box debugging experience. Developers need to do extra configuration to make debugging possible with PHP stack. This is one of the biggest hurdles for PHP developers especially the beginners.

A good alternative is to use a professional PHP stack like Zend Server that is pre configured with XDebug as well as Zend Debugger. Here, we will learn about a new technology called Docker that makes debugging PHP web apps easy.

All about New Docker Technology:

Docker Container for Debug PHP

Docker is a new technology that offers a proper solution to debug PHP apps using a docker container that is developed from a well defined image of a PHP stack with a debug server. These images are available in a Docker Hub.

PHP developers having a basic understanding of Docker can easily understand this technology and use it to debug their web apps irrespective of the need to know its installation and configuration for debugging server in PHP Stack.

Here, we have mentioned the technical run of getting an image from Docker Hub, running a container and then debugging PHP Code. This entire process includes Zend Studio as well as new Docker Tooling.

Technical Run of Docker Container:

  1. Installing the docker Engine: The first and foremost condition is to install and configure the Docker Engine. This must be enabled to get the images from Docker Hub as well as run the container. The complete installation guide is available on Docker Website.
  2. Installing Docker Support in Zend Studio: After fulfilling the first condition; i.e. installing the Docker engine then comes the time to install Docker Tooling in Zend Studio. This is an extra feature that is available under Enhancements category on the Welcome Screen.

    The Docker Tooling contains several different views that can be used to manage Docker images and containers and these views are as follows:

    • Docker Explorer
    • Docker Images
    • Docker Container.
  3. Joining Docker Tooling with Docker Daemon: To carry out this; just click on the link available in the Docker Explorer view while the wizard is launched for developing a new docker connection. Use Test Connection and in case it fails then custom configuration must be provided.
  4. Get the image from Docker Hub: After installing Docker Engine as well as docker support and joining docker tooling with Docker daemon, now is the time to get the images from Docker Hub.

    This can be done easily using Pull image tool button in the Docker Images view. This will show the image that we need to pick and then once the image is added, click the “Finish button” this will add the image to the local machine. Once the image is pulled it will be visible in Docker Explorer and Docker Images views.

  5. Configuring PHP Server to show Docker Container: Here, the PHP tooling needs to be modified in the Zend Studio to run and Debug PHP code in the Docker container. The PHP tooling uses reflection of PHP Servers to deploy, run and debug PHP code.

    With PHP server creation Wizard, one needs to select Generic PHP server view and change the following settings:

    • Proper name to the Server must be given
    • The Base URL must be “http://:; host represents the host where docker engine is running and is the port that is used to map to the containers’ HTTP port to the local system.
    • The Document root must be set to the folder to which the container’s document root is to be mapped using local file system.

Once it is done then develop a PHP project and then debug it. If the Debugging is successful, the entire process is a success.

Wind Up:

Today, we learnt how to debug PHP Web App with the use of predefined Docker images in order to establish complex PHP stack environments. For more such guidance you can get in touch with PHP developers at Softqube Technologies, PHP Development Company in India.

What Is More Preferable: PHP Or Node.Js?

When it comes to development; PHP is the one that is most preferable. It has become another name for development. However, there are several other programming languages that can be used for development purpose.

Today, in this blog post from Softqube Technologies; PHP Development Company, we will discuss about two of the programming languages i.e. PHP and Node.js and decide which one is the most preferable?

PHP Vs. Node.js:

  • Creating a Web Page: To test; which one is more suitable to develop a web page. We first tried it on PHP and then Node.js. Here, we found that PHP excels as more of the hosts have made it easy.

    This means today maximum number of web hosting platforms easily support PHP. This is very easy for those who are new to the programming field. On the other hand, if you wish to develop local page then for PHP; some server stack is needed and for Node; it is necessary to get Node installed.

    But again here; PHP is very simple while the later one is a little bit complex.

  • Support & Assistance: Even if you are an expert programmer; you may face some issues during development process. No surprises, here also PHP wins.

    The reason; PHP has a wide community which makes it easy for developers to get quick solutions to the problems thus making the development process quick and simple. Talking about Node.js; we will say it is yet developing and to be honest; very less assistance and support is available.

    So, beginners please avoid using Node till you have good grip on coding.

  • Language Syntax: This showcases the simplicity of Syntax of both the languages. Fortunately here, Node.js wins.

    So, why PHP lacks here? Yes, PHP has some issues but these are rectified quickly and with the new release many of the issues will be removed. If we talk about Java script then here the server environment differs from that of the client.

    New Syntax cannot be used in the browser and this is like switching among the languages. The new ECMA Script 2015 will offer some new amazing features to the language. JavaScript is powerful as well as flexible and can get easily adjusted to several different programming styles.

  • Technological Environment: Here, we will throw a glance on how technologies can be implemented using PHP as well as Node.js. When it comes to web development; there’s no better answer but PHP wins.

    PHP has several tools for desktop development. But these are rarely used by developers. However, the command line aspect in PHP is used properly. If we discuss about node.js then its several features like as Speed, scalability as well as low resource usage makes it well suited for many other kinds of applications.

    Node.js also has introduced projects like as NW.js that is used to write native apps using HTML as well as JavaScript.

Wind Up

From the above discussion; we can say that PHP is and will always be the best programming language. Yes, JavaScript is also good but most of the developers prefer PHP. PHP also has its limitations however its features are enough to cover them all.

We don’t stress on using PHP but we feel that yes it is one of the languages that is useful to all beginners as well as experts

Can PHP be easily accessible by Visually Impaired Programmers?

When we talk about programming; we assume that it is a difficult task. If we normal people consider it as difficult task then it is a thought worth thinking upon as to how it can be accessed by those who are disabled ones?

While discussing about such topics, disabled people are generally ignored. They are just seen with pitiful eyes. But, these people can also do wonders in the programming field if they get a perfect platform to showcase their abilities.

For applications that need proper employment, this proves to be very true. It’s not necessary for everyone to have these IDE tools however these definitely increase the productivity and it’s mandatory for disabled ones to be fast and quicker than everyone else.

In this technical world, no one has the chance to enjoy leisure time. So, be it a blind or a well sighted person; everyone has to give equal performance. How can IDE be useful to blind to boost up their productivity, learning process as well as workflow?

Every IDE tool must have the below mentioned features:

  • Easy Accessibility including menus and title bars.
  • Easily accessible code completion, PHP documentation as well as pop ups.
  • Easy community engagement.

Let’s discuss about some of the IDE tools:

  • PHP Storm: It is one of the best IDEs which offers instant support to new frameworks and technologies like as Laravel and HHVM. It has very amazing features like as renaming, refactoring and moving which take a lot of details.

    Unfortunately, these are not easily accessible. Sometimes, even there’s a difficulty in accessing the main window and hence if the window is inaccessible then even other features lack accessibility. Even there are no updates regarding improvement in accessibility.

  • Sublime Text: This is a multi platform lightweight IDE which can be easily modified as per the need with the assistance of innumerable plugins. But when it comes to accessibility then this tool too can be considered as improper.

    As none of its features are quickly accessible by screen readers and even when questioned about this, none of the team members offer proper responses.

  • NetBeans: This one is an IDE that is most popular for developing snippets as well as its “quick fix” functionality that helps you to carry out many things automatically. It’s bug reporting is also very good.

    Talking about its accessibility, as compared to other too; this one seems to be better. The code navigation seems easy along with extra keystrokes that smoothly maintain the reader’s focus to the navigator.

    Very soon, this will have some extra accessibility features as well.

    Php Web Development
  • Other IDEs like as Zend Studio, Eclipse PDT and more: PHPStorm and others are better than these IDEs. But when it comes to the ease of access then Zend Studio is more preferable as compared to PHPStorm.

    When it comes to accessibility then the code editor window and other windows are easily accessible. Further, it also offers easy access to code assist suggestions and the documentation.

    Among all the other IDEs, Zend Studio and Eclipse PDT are the most accessible ones. For Eclipse PDT, accessibility is a very serious issue and constant efforts are made by them to improve it.

    For visually impaired people; Eclipse PDT is the recommended one.

Wind Up

We know PHP is a very well known programming language but when it comes to its accessibility then it is not very useful. The above mentioned PHP tools are measured based on their accessibility and here Eclipse IDE are the recommended ones.

For more such latest news about PHP, stay updated with Softqube Technologies, PHP web development company India.

WordPress Vs. Joomla: Features vs Differences

Are you thinking to develop websites? WordPress vs Joomla are the two main platforms that are used to develop awesome websites. These are basically content management systems and can be used as per the need along with the use available plugins.

Plugins are easily available on the internet. Further, both platforms provide several themes and templates that can easily change the look and feel of the websites. These can easily be installed to your server without any additional hosts and subscriptions.

Both of these are available for free with active community that provides complete support which makes it easy for users to develop their systems easily. Apart from similarities, these have differences too which will be discussed here in today’s blog from Softqube Technologies, one of the esteemed Joomla web development companies in India.

Differences between WordPress vs Joomla:

wordpress vs joomla

  • WordPress: This is one of the popular content management systems. It is mostly used as a blogging platform but one can also use it for developing websites with static pages. For beginners, WordPress is perfect. One can eventually grow with it.
  • Joomla: Joomla is perfect for developing all kinds of websites like as corporate sector, business, government, schools and more.Its structure is little bit complex so beginners may find it difficult at initial stages.

    Joomla is the platform used by well known companies like eBay.

  • Themes and Templates: WordPress as well as Joomla offer easy to use templates and themes that can add zest to your website.WordPress offers 3023 themes which are completely search engine friendly. Some of the premium themes are available for free. Themes can be found easily within WordPress. These can be installed easily with a single click or just uploading them from the URL.

    These themes can also be edited using themes editor. Every single element of the theme must be edited. One can add child themes, templates and alter the CSS if one wants.

    If we talk about Joomla then it offers two types of templates: Frontend as well as backend. Unlike WordPress; Joomla doesn’t have any template directory.

    We can say that be it WordPress or Joomla; both offer free and premium themes and templates that too for free.

  • Plugins and Extensions: Now, you have easy access to its features however certain features that are required for your business may not be available and these can be made available through various extensions and plugins.WordPress plugin directory offers 36000 plugins. Premium Plugins are available over the web which can either be purchased or subscribed for and these can then be easily uploaded to our WordPress site. These plugins can be edited with the help of plugins editor.

    Joomla offers 8634 extensions in Joomla extension category. These extensions are segmented into 33 categories such as editing, contacts, mobile, social, communication, site management and lots more.

    Features like as sliders can also be added to the website. Based on your Joomla version, you can choose the extension that is compatible with the same.

Wind up

So, these are some of the differences between WordPress vs Joomla. Both are very apt for developing websites however based on one’s needs; one can select the relevant platform. Before opting for a particular platform, one can definitely get the advice from experts and then take a step ahead so as to avoid any issues in future.

How to Reduce your Web Page Load Times?

If you ask people why do they surf internet, you will get some answers like it is easy to get information, it is easy to find whatever is needed and more. Now, how can one get information in an easy manner and that too within short span of time?

This can be only possible if the websites used to find information have quick loading speed. Yes, if one website loads slowly then I think it will consume lot of time to find information from the internet.

However, there are times when website gets loaded slowly and so it is necessary to take care of such things as website speed is the one that plays an important role in enhancing the user experience. So, how will reduce your website loading speed and provide user better user experience.

Here, in this blog post from Softqube Technologies, PHP development Company; we are going to offer you some tips that will help you to reduce your website load times and these are as follows:

Tips to reduce Web Page Load times:


  1. Know the present website speed: Before actually progressing ahead to reduce website speed, first of all check the current website speed. This will show you what to improve and how to improve and makes sure that any changes you make will definitely reduce the page load times.

    In order to measure the current website speed you can take help of some tools which are as follows:

    • Pingdom
    • Page Test
    • Web Page Test
  2. Enhance your image Quality: It is necessary to know the proper file format that can be used for images in your website. One can change to different file format that is required; this can sometimes reduce the image file size.

    Few file formats that can be used:

    • GIF: Perfect for logos
    • JPEG: Perfect for images with several colours and details such as product images
    • PNG: This can be used when high quality transparent images are needed.
  3. Avoid Scaling down images: Never think of scaling down images like as using a larger image than needed and then reducing its height and size as needed. Try to use tools like Photoshop or any of the web based image editors if you wish to resize the image as needed.

    The less the size of the image, the less the website’s load time.

  4. Optimize your content: Load time can be reduced to an extent if one optimizes the website content in proper manner. If you are using HTTP compression then your entire web page data is transferred over a single small file.

    One can optimize JavaScript as well as CSS files by integrating them each other as well as reducing the source code.

  5. Reduce HTTP Requests: Sometimes when you visit a new web page, you can see most of the page loading time is spent in just downloading components of that particular page. By reducing the number of requests that a web page makes, it will get loaded faster.

    Make use of CSS sprites to integrate several images and reduce the HTTP requests for the images.

Wind Up

Well, these are only a few tips that can be used to reduce the page load time. There are even more such tips and these will be discussed in our upcoming blogs. Till then, stay connected with us.

Four tips for Designing an eCommerce Website

Closely if we take a look around us, then most of us are either planning to start an eCommerce website business or are actually having one already started on some of the marketplaces or may be with our own eCommerce store.

Yes, it is really good that we are heading on with latest trends and are trying to adapt ourselves with the same but are we really aware about the proper process that needs to be carried out before we actually jump into the field of which we have little or no knowledge.

Have we ever tried to know its pros and cons? Have we ever tried to find out what makes people successful in e business? Are we aware about the hassles that we may face? Do we have any solution to the problems that may come in our way? Hey, here you will say how anyone can find the solution without knowing the problem!

Yes, it’s true but it is well said that “Prevention is better than Cure” and we must always” Hope for the best and Prepare for the worst”. So isn’t this applicable when we are getting involved in a completely different field?
So, we must first always identify how beneficial it is for us to be in the eCommerce field and what can lead us to maximize our profit?

Now, if we deeply think about online business then the main thing is to get more customers which can be done by having an attractive eCommerce store front or we can say website design.

Tips for Attractive eCommerce Design:

If we have firm determination to succeed in the online business then the first and foremost thing is to have an elegant eCommerce website design. One can hire expert eCommerce website designers who can offer the best store design as per the latest trends.

Well, if you wish to try it on your own then here are some tips that will help you to do so:

  • Customer Friendly: After taking firm decision to start an online business, now it’s time to have an eCommerce website that is customer friendly. Your website should be appreciable by clients.Try to develop a website that makes online shopping a simple and easier task for people as well as they enjoy shopping from your site, it should be as much customer friendly as possible.
  • Search Engine Friendly: Along with customer friendly, your website should also be Search Engine friendly. Do proper research, add necessary meta tags including title as well as keywords, always include decisive keywords which will be useful to clients to easily search for products from your website.
  • Proper use of images: A picture can say lot more than words. For every item, reading huge descriptions may be sometimes very time consuming as well as boring task. Hence, it is necessary that you must use some images that make it interesting for buyers to take a look at the product and understand it in a proper manner.
  • Easy Checkout Process: Don’t keep customers waiting to pay and confirm the order. Your e store must have a very simple, safe and secure checkout process so that buyers are easily able to purchase the item and pay for it quickly.

    Provide as many Payment methods as possible like as Credit Card, Debit card, Cash Card, Net Banking, COD ( Only for India) and any other used as per the country. The more options you have, the easier any transaction will be for the buyer.

    So, select a relevant Payment Gateway that provides multiple payment options ensuring safe and secure transactions.

Wind Up

So, if you are looking for an expert who can help you to get an eCommerce website designed having all necessary features then you can get in touch with Softqube Technologies, eCommerce Web Design Company India.

Creating Attractive Photography for your Online Store

When it comes to online ecommerce business, there are various elements that matter a lot. Few of the important ones are store design, payment gateway, product arrangement as well as product description and the most important product images.

Yes, product images are important because these are the only ones that can convince buyers to purchase the product from your store because when doing online Ecommerce  shopping one cannot touch or feel the product and so the only thing is product images.

Hence, if you wish to sell the product at once then it is necessary to provide images that showcase the product completely in every aspect. For example; if you are selling Formal tshirts then it is necessary to check how they look from front, backside, while worn and much more.

This will ensure buyers that they are purchasing the right product which can fit them. Hence, in order to engage customers, motivate people to talk about your brand and share your pictures as well as blog posts. Is there any way for beginners to create outstanding images within a specified budget?

So, here are some tips that will help you to have some attractive product images:

  • Location: First of all, it’s necessary to find a location for your photo shoot. Is it a studio or anything else? Yes, renting a studio is very expensive as creativity can get hindered. Everything may not be proper as per your brand style.So, select a location that is very small and has enough of space. Such locations can be definitely useful. Yes, for certain locations you may need to take permission and at times if you clearly explain the purpose; you may easily get the permission.
  • Choosing the team: It’s not a single person’s task to shoot a perfect photograph. So, it is necessary to get the right people. Make sure to find the people who are easily motivated and are eager to work for your brand.Yes, you will work with them in future. So, choose the people for developing a great team as as an important investment which will save your energy in the long run.Never ask the team to work for free. Yes, pay less but pay something. Offer them the products and make sure these are taken proper care of even after the shoot.
  • Idea or Concept: Before actually conducting a photo shoot, be sure that you have a proper idea as to why you wish to have photos. Always go for a white background for a photo shoot.Something classy, beautiful and dynamic will enhance the beauty of the products thus attracting your customers and help you to stand out from the crowd from other brands out there.If you wish to create something artistic or you wish to have a different approach then make sure to have ideas properly fitted in your mind for what you want. Yes, you can have reference images as well as the list of points that can help you to get quality images.
  • Planning: When it comes to planning; spontaneity is necessary. However, it is necessary to have a proper schedule as the last time shoot out can lead to bad photography which may provide your weak look.Hence, it is necessary to develop a systematic plan and make sure to keep your team informed about the same. The results can be very overwhelming with very less stress thus accomplishing your work in proper manner.Also, schedule a list of all shots with proper time allotted to every shot. This will help you to keep in action thus avoiding the wastage of time with a feeling that you haven’t achieved anything in the entire day.

Wind up:

So, next time when you plan to schedule your photo shoots; make sure to keep these things in mind and then you will easily be able to take proper images of your products which will attract your customers to purchase your products.
For more such tips to improve your eCommerce business, get in touch with Softqube Technologies, eCommerce Solutions provider India.

6 Topmost Facebook Joomla Extensions

Do Facebook Likes and Shares really matter? Are you willing to integrate Facebook in your website or blog? Then here we have described few of the Facebook Joomla extensions that will help you to integrate Facebook in to your Joomla website. With these extensions, one can easily embed Facebook like a box to the website that enables the visitors to comment easily on the content via their Facebook profiles. One can also get articles automatically published to the Facebook page and much more.

So, are you ready to know about these extensions and willing to make it a part of your website? Then these are here for you. Read ahead to know more…

6 Useful Joomla Extensions for Facebook:

Facebook Joomla Extension

  • Facebook Like Box Sidebar: This is a free Joomla extension that will add Facebook like box to the website that will slide the view when someone clicks or hovers over the tab. Facebook Like Box provides RTL language support, colour customization, Google Analytics, Social tracking and much more.
  • Simple Facebook: An easy way to integrate Facebook in your website is to use this Simple Facebook extension. It is one of the free Joomla extensions that allows to add useful features like Facebook comment, like, follow as well as send buttons and then follow icons on the sites.
  • JV Social Publish: Another free Joomla extension that is used to automatically post the website’s latest articles to Facebook timeline. This is a free extension to be used which will ensure that your Facebook page always displays the latest website content.
  • Facebook Comments by Websoft: Are you finding ways to get maximum comments on your Facebook page? Then this extension is for you. This allows visitors to post comments on your articles via their current Facebook profiles as well as share interactions with friends on Facebook.
  • SB- Facebook events: Would you like to go for events of your choice? But how will you know what events are taking place in your city? So, here with this Joomla extension one can easily know the events as this displays the events on your website. One can easily the event order on the website using a drag and drop interface.
  • Facebook Like and Share button: Wish to have a simple looking Joomla extension through which you visitors can easily share or like your content via Facebook? Then this “Facebook Like and Share button” is for you.

    With this extension, one can add like and share buttons to your website and allows you to customize the size, style as well as position of the buttons.

Wind up

If you are one of the Joomla users who wish to get extensions or Joomla website developed by experts then you are at the right place. Softqube Technologies, Joomla web Development Company India is one stop destination that will fulfill all your needs by meeting all your requirements.

There’s no good time like today and hence it is called present. So, get Get in touch with our expert Joomla web developers today and discuss your needs thus making the best use of your present which will decide your future.

PHP Web Development: PHP 7 Beta Released!

PHP is one of the most popular coding languages that is preferred by most of the web developers due to its flexibility as well as ease of understanding. Recently, the new PHP version PHP 7 Beta has released which has greatly improved the performance and provides consistent 64 bit support.

Here, if we talk about language then a null coalescing operator is added along with a proper comparison operator. Further, support for other various types of declarations is also available. If we talk about PHP’s previous version PHP 6.x then maximum votes were for PHP 7 as compared to PHP 6.x because the later one failed completely.

Talking about, PHP 7 release; it is still in the development previews and announcement of beta shows that it is a development preview that is not yet used in production. This means basic changes will no longer be accepted.

Along with this release, 200 or more commits with nearby 25 reported bug fixes as well as security, stability and other such improvements can be made. According to Zend Technologies, that led the PHP 7 next generation project; PHP 7 is going to provide huge performance gains.

These can vary from 25% to 70% on real world apps as well as upgrading PHP without changing a single line of code. This new PHP version also has decreased many of the requirements around two thirds of original ones.

PHP7 Beta Released

This means you will get three times more as compared to older PHP version 5.6. The new operator has been transformed into Spaceship operator. This can be used for various comparisons especially when dealing with sorting.
This is very similar to strcmp() or version_compare() in behaviour. This can be used on all generic PHP values with same semantics like as <, <=, ==, >=, >.

Also, this offers support for return type as well as scalar type declarations where developers will easily be able to show the kind of return that is expected by any function. This is similar to argument type hints.
So, now one can easily be aware about the strings, floats, ints or bools that are to be passed or returned. The second beta is said to be released on July 23 where as the final release is expected on November 12.

Features of PHP 7 Beta 1:

  • Get improved performance, twice the speed of PHP 5.6.
  • Constant 64 bit support.
  • Fatal errors have now become exceptions.
  • Unnecessary and unwanted SAPIs as well as extensions are removed.
  • Introducing new combined comparison operator (<->)
  • Return type declarations
  • Anonymous classes

For detailed information about its features as well as its changes, one can read the NEWS file or the upgrading file that includes the entire list of upgraded notes. If you wish to download this beta 1 then it is available at

Wind Up

Keep in touch with Softqube Technologies, PHP development company India and get updated with latest PHP news. For advanced PHP web development, get in touch with our expert PHP developers.

eCommerce Industry in 2015

Day by Day, eCommerce industry is growing by leaps and bounds. But have we ever found where it has reached and what’s its present condition? We thought it is now time to take a glance on the state of eCommerce Industry at present.

This will help business owners to identify the present state and then evaluate where they are actually lacking and upto what extent they have grown. Once this is known, then it will be easy for business owners to take necessary steps either to make improvements or progress ahead whatever the situation is.

So, let’s take a look at the progress of eCommerce Industry:

At present, India gets investment from some well known eCommerce players such as Amazon. The reason for this is quick progress in eCommerce sector that shows that returns on investment can be higher if investments are maximized.

Much of the market share is remaining to be occupied. Consumers wish to get the products available 24/7. Talking about the online players, Flipkart is the major eCommerce player that has the maximum market share and as per the latest news, it will divert to app only purchases effective from September 2015.

eCommerce Industry
Rest of the retailers are still on the way to progress and keep on expanding as well as investing on their online business. By 2020, this sector will grow to 3% which today is only 5%. So, how this growth is possible?

Growth in eCommerce Sector till 5% by 2020:

Factors that are responsible for this growth are as follows:

  • Increase in usage of Smart Phones.
  • Growth in number of middle class sectors
  • Purchasing power of young generation
  • More products to be available online
  • Discounted Products
  • Availability of easy returns and product exchanges.

Some traditional eCommerce stores don’t offer these returns and exchanges and so this is one of the major things that must be borne in mind by retailers if they really wish to grow.

On the other hand, low credit ownerships can hinder the eCommerce growth. The reason; while making online payments credit cards are widely used. Only Indian customers prefer Cash on Delivery for online purchases.

EMI or we can say instalment payment method is also highly preferable in India. Certain eCommerce retailers have their own payment gateways that work similar to PayPal and other such well known ones.

How Mobile Commerce can impact the eCommerce Growth?

As mentioned earlier, smartphone usage is one of the factors responsible for eCommerce growth. So, how does mobile commerce directly affect the eCommerce growth?

We can see that almost 90% of people use internet via their mobile devices. Online retailers have a perfect mobile responsive website while some also possess a mobile app that make it convenient for people to carry out online purchases.

Additional eCommerce Trends:

Apart from those currently available in the market, there are other trends that affect the eCommerce industry in India. Any online business owner willing to grow in eCommerce field must be aware of these trends which are as follows:

  • Keeping a track of customers who use their website regularly for online shopping. These consumers must be rewarded with gifts or additional coupon codes.
  • Rewards or loyalty points must be arranged so as to get benefitted from competitive advantage.
  • Only few payment cards provide Cash back offers. Hence, if you provide offers on certain debit/credit cards like as CitiBank, HSBC and ICICI can help you to increase your online business.

Wind up:

So, next time you think of growing your online business; make sure to keep these trends in mind and progress ahead accordingly. For more assistance, get in touch with Softqube Technologies, eCommerce Solutions provider India.

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