PHP for Beginners: Learn Object Oriented Programming

We all are aware that PHP Developers is one of the most opted programming languages useful for developing web applications. Here, in this blog we will learn about the basic concepts of Object oriented programming language as well as its benefits. This will cover:

  • Meaning of Object Oriented Programming
  • Advantages of Using OOP
  • Basic OOP concepts like as classes objects etc.

PHP for Beginners

Let’s begin the journey:

First of all, let’s revise our knowledge about PHP. PHP, as we are aware is an easy to understand programming language that can be used to develop various web applications as well as open source softwares. This language is easy to understand and has enough flexibility to be used with all types of platforms.

Now, let’s understand what OOP is? Meaning of Object oriented Programming:

Object oriented programming is used by storing the data structure as well as the functions that work on data in a single form that is known as Object. Instead of proceeding the data around the function calls, here the data can be loaded as per the need that is needed in any object.

Further, necessary object’s functions are called to manage the object’s data and get the results that you want. Usually, the objects that are created with OOP actually showcase the real world entities. Suppose, you are creating a forum system for your website then you can create a Member object which includes all the information of the given forum member such as name, address, username, password and more.

This data can then be used for various functions like as Register, Login, Log out and more.

Advantages of using OOP:

As a developer, one will prefer using OOP for following reasons:

  • Can relate easily with real world situations: Objects can be mapped easily with real world situations like as people, products, shopping carts and more. Hence, for any PHP developer it becomes easy to develop a design for object oriented applications as the purpose behind creating an app is already known.
  • Makes it easy to write modular codes: Here, code can be written in self contained modules. By dividing the code into different modules, it becomes easy to manage as well as debug the code.
  • Writing reusable code becomes easy: With reusable code, one can save lots of time especially while developing an app. A complete library of reusable code modules can be developed that can be used further while developing various mobile apps.With OOP, one can write reusable codes easily as the data structures are easily wrapped in a particular reusable object. The existing object can be used after adding new functionality for any particular application that makes object easily reusable.

Basic OOP Concepts:

  • Classes: A class is a perfect plan for objects that describes: data types which will store the objects and the functions that are included in those objects. When you create a particular object oriented application then one or more classes that show case various types of objects in the app can be created.If we are developing a forum application then classes with relevant names can also be created such as Forum, Topic, Post and Member.
  • Objects: An object is a special type of variable that is developed from a class. This contains actual data and hence the object’s functions for that particular data type can be called easily. More number of objects can be created easily from a single class.If we compare object and class with materialistic things then it can be said as the class is the sketch of a building and the object is the building itself. The method of developing an object from the class is called instantiation.
  • Properties: Data values of an object are stored in a special variable known as Properties. These are very closely related to the object. All objects developed from a particular task have the same properties.
  • Methods: Methods means the functions defined within a class and used in an object. These are like regular functions where values can be passed easily. These contain local variables which can return values.
Bottom line:

In a nutshell, what we learned today is an overview of Object oriented programming language like as PHP. In our next blogs, we will proceed ahead with creating classes in PHP. So, see you soon next week with new PHP Developers session till then stay connected with expert PHP Developers at Softqube Technologies, PHP Development Company India.

Features of Zend Server Performance

We know that PHP is one of the best used platforms for developing web applications. Today, we are going to discuss about one of the best PHP platforms that is widely used for developing web applications.

Zend server is highly renowned for its ability to boost the performance of various PHP applications. Here, in this blog post; you will come to know about some of its features that has made it popular among its users.

Zend Server

Features of Zend Framework:

  • PHP Stack: Zend’s PHP stack includes various PHP extensions that are completely tested and optimized to improve the page loads of the web applications. One such extension is OPcache.
  • Z Ray: This PHP extension helps you to find improper database queries as well as performance issues faced in the early development cycle by providing you proper insight in all PHP elements in your page.

    With Z ray, one can easily track such database queries that create a bottle neck and serves to be a performance problem in production environment. This extension can be used safely and used effectively without using a selective mode that allows to access Z ray from particular IP ranges at particular time frame for specific URLs.

  • Page Caching: Zend Server Page Caching is used to improve PHP application performance by caching the complete output of PHP scripts while still managing the dynamic capabilities through complete elaborate rules system.

    Page Caching expands the idea of caching files and then to be applied to the pages. This provides the ability to reduce the situations where the same file is used in different stages such as the same file is used to redirect to different pages.

    Comparing Page Caching with other caching alternatives doesn’t need any changes in the code and it can be easily used to current applications. If we talk about other caching solutions then the same code is run on repetitive executions.

    Cached content is displayed without running any code and it results in performance boost.

  • Data Cache: The data cache is used to cache different data types such as strings, arrays and objects and also script output for specific time period. The items can be stored in shared memory or in the disk.

    This is used at times when it is impossible to perform complete page caching like as in various conditions such as completely dynamic script or too many conditions for a script. For example; web forms.
    Data can contain credit card numbers, postal addresses as well as other such information that cannot be cached for security reasons.

  • User Interface: Zend Server’s UI helps you to easily manage your environment to perfectly adjust your needs. Suppose, you are not using this Zend framework then these user interfaces can be switched off and the memory can be easily minimized.

    Further, it will also increase the performance and the number of requests that can be managed by the hardware at a time.

Wind up:

So, next time if you wish to opt for popular PHP framework then Zend Server can be the best choice for you. Hope this blog post from Softqube Technologies, PHP web development Company, India will be useful to you in outlining the advantages of how Zend can be useful to you.

Grow your B2B eCommerce Business with B2C Experiences

Recently, Magento; well known B2B eCommerce platform promoted a webinar based entirely on how eCommerce business can be grown with the help of customer feedback and reviews. We always have been listening that “Customer is the King”.

This strongly applies in eCommerce sector as well. If we talk about doing business on the internet then we can say that success can be achieved easily if we adhere to the demands of the customers and what they want from our e-store.


Keeping in mind the current eCommerce trend as well as the demand of customers, one can easily achieve success in its online business. If we talk about the market share then B2B market has double the size of B2C market in United States.

As per the Forrester Research, by 2020 B2B eCommerce will top by $1.1 trillion in US and mobile traffic will get increased by 36% by 2016. Today, B2B sectors are investing more in mobile strategy. But still we wonder about the factors that actually lead to the growth of B2B eCommerce business and these are as follows:

Factors affecting Business Growth:

  • Competition
  • ROI
  • New cases
  • Cost Savings
  • Globalization

Factors that slow down your eCommerce business:

  • Improper Leadership
  • Lack of support by company leaders
  • Over emphasis on technology
  • Give more priority to heavy back end integration
  • Issues with eCommerce Channels.

If you wish to be the world’s well known B2B Company that you must entirely focus on culture, organization, technology, metrics and much more:

  • 74% buyers feel more convenient to shop online as compared to buy things from sales representative.
  • 93% buyers prefer to buy online after deciding what to buy.

Slowly, buyers’ interest towards online shopping is increasing and so businesses must go onboard sooner or later.

But the question is how to succeed in this eCommerce Field?

Here, we have listed some tips that are derived by our eCommerce Experts while working on some online business projects.

  1. Serve what customers want: Slowly, online shopping is increasing and within few years it will be the trend. So, it’s necessary for business owners to know what’s going on and what the customers want to buy from various online stores.Based on the demand, one can keep the products and provide proper customer service as well as quick response to their queries.
  2. Have a perfect eCommerce Website: For any eCommerce website, it’s necessary that its users must be easily able to access it and so always opt for a perfect eCommerce site that is easily viewed by customers and offer a proper navigation.
  3. Opt for a well known eCommerce Platform: In order to succeed, it’s necessary to have a platform that is popular in the industry and so one must opt for various eCommerce platforms like Magento that make online business work smoothly and easily.To grow the business and successfully carry out the operations, it’s necessary that your business should be established on a particular eCommerce platform.

Wind up:

So, next time when you decide to get your online business started then make sure that you refer this guide as well as learn that customer reviews and experiences are the ones that will actually help you to lead in the market.

If you need any support regarding the selection of any eCommerce platform then get in touch with Softqube Technologies, eCommerce solutions provider India.

Got some Joomla Errors? Solutions are here

An easy to use open source content management system that is known by every web developer is Joomla. For experts, there’s no need of any introduction and due to its strength and ability to develop robust web applications; it is recognized by all over the world.

Yes, while developing certain applications; there are some errors that sometimes worry Joomla users. Here, in this blog post we have covered some most common problems and their solutions that will make it easy for Joomla web developers to solve any issues while developing web apps.

Joomla Errors and their Solutions:

Solutions for Joomla Errors

  1. Undefined index: If you find this error while creating your web application using Joomla then this can be fixed easily by replacing the wrong code. The process is as follows:

    Wrong code: “ JFactory::getApplication()->redirect($link, ‘Saved Successfully’

    Right Code: JFactory::getApplication()->redirect($link, ‘Saved Successfully’,’message’);

  2. 404 Error: If you get this type of error stating component not found then to rectify this you need to activate the component for the menu in Joomla Admin> Menus> Main Menu
  3. Database Error: While using Joomla, sometimes you might be getting an error that states “Couldn’t connect to database”. To rectify this error; here’s the process:

    Check whether correct database is entered or not for the below mentioned variables:

    • public $user = ‘root’;
    • public $password = ”;
    • public $db = ‘joomla3.0′;
    • public $dbprefix = ‘jos_’;

    Suppose, the right value is missing then make sure to add one and then rectify the errors.

  4. MySQL: Unknown XXX in the field: This type of errors are seen when a column is missing in the table. Open your database, select the required table and then add the required column.
  5. Configuration. PHP file is not writeable: This error occurs generally during the initial Joomla installation process. Suppose you are getting this error then you can “Create a new file name with “Conifguration.Php” in the root path.

    Once the file is created then you can paste the content that is seen on your installation wizard and then you can save it.

  6. Invalid token error: If you are getting this type of error then it can be solved easily by:
    • Using the form token :
    • Clear cache and try.
  7. Module XML Data Unavailable: Suppose at any point of time while working with Joomla; if you come across this error then it can be solved as follows:

    While editing the Joomla admin Panel, one may get this error: Module XML data unavailable. To solve this, make sure you have an XML file in the module folder with the name “mod_YOURMODULENAME.xml”

    If it’s not available; you can create the one and the error will be solved.

Wind Up

With this blog post, we have tried our best to provide solutions to every common error that occurs in Joomla. In case, you have any other errors that remain unsolved then do get back to us and our developers will definitely help you to solve them.

Softqube Technologies, Joomla Web Development Company excels in developing web applications. In case you wish to get any assistance then do get in touch with us today.

Free Online Tools for Your Business

Well, every business owner wishes to make its business successful but due to lack of time or money; some fail to do so. Here, we have mentioned some online tools that will help business owners to develop their business and render all the help they can get.

Favourite Free Business Tools:

Free Online Tools for Business

  1. Google Docs, Sheets and Slides: So, now everyone is using internet through their device and have made their business go mobile. But, there are such tools that can help you to make your office go mobile.

    Google has a suite of cloud based office software which can be used to create and edit documents, spreadsheets and everything related to business with just a single touch or click from computer, phone or tablet.

    Need of these documents:

    • Create and store documents, reports and presentations in cloud based storage for easy access.
    • Files that are saved offline can be easily edited with Microsoft office tools like as Word, Excel or PowerPoint.
    • Try to combine your documents with simple as well as powerful sharing and editing capabilities.
  2. Buffer: We all use various social media sites but when it comes to business, the lack of time prohibits business owners from posting tweets. This tool is used to schedule posts and stay connected with your audience of all accounts and get detailed analysis about the performance of various social media campaigns.

    Buffer is necessary for business owners in order to:

    • Connect with various social media accounts like as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
    • Schedule the tweets, posts or updates of a month, week or a day.
    • Know the performance of your social media campaigns and get valuable insights.
  3. Pixlr Editor: In business, there are several images and photographs to be edited. There are various professional softwares available to do this task. But these cost thousands of dollars. Yes, there are also free softwares that can offer enough functionality to support the business.

    With Pixlr Editor, one can offer free editing, cropping and design tools for several digital photos. This is easily accessible as well as the most affordable ways to create good looking images.

    Business owners must use this software to:

    • Crop, resize, re- colour and re- touch the images for your online store.
    • Boost the product photography by removing backgrounds and other artificial materials.
    • Develop Professional logos, artwork as well as product mock ups.
  4. Mint: Small business owners keep updates of every single minute about their budgets and finances. Hence, it’s necessary to access the data even when you are out of office. With Mint, one can view the entire presentation of the financial data through the online banking account.

    This software will then learn about your spending habits, separate your expenses into different categories and then manage budgets accordingly. This is one of the easiest ways to track the spending and on the top of the finances.

    Uses of Mint:

    • With Mint, one can set the budget for expenditure and get notified once you are nearing the limit.
    • This software always keeps an eye on the incoming and outgoing funds by means of simple graphs and reports.
  5. Evernote: To set a reminder for the tasks; we generally use sticky notes but in case of business; an online software that helps to set the reminder for business related tasks is a must.

    With Evernote, one can note down the important tasks so that these are not left undone. Ifyou are facing difficulty in managing things in your business then ever note can help you to some extent.

    Need for Ever note for business people:

    • Separate ideas into different notes.
    • Save interesting articles and then manage your reading list.
    • Synchronize the ideas between mobile and desktop and use them anywhere.

Wind Up

Hope this blog post will help you to run your online business smoothly and if you wish to get more of such tips then get in touch with Softqube Technologies, eCommerce Solutions provider in India.

Generating Charts with PHP Components

Well, we daily come across heaps of data but we often love to deal with systematized data rather than the raw ones and here we can see visualization comes into picture. Data visualization has seen good growth during recent years.
Most of the data if represented via charts becomes easy to understand and this is one of the reasons representing the data via charts and diagrams is very prevalent and so various libraries are developed to make the task of data visualization very easier.

However, before actually dealing with the libraries; it’s necessary to understand the types of charting components which are of two types: Server side and client side. Both of them have their own benefits and drawbacks and which one is the best entirely depends on your objective as well as the resources that you have.

Here, in this blog post; we have included client side charts but before that let’s understand slightly the difference between Server Side & Client Side Chart Creation.

Difference between server side and Client Side chart development:

If you wish to generate image charts then server side components will serve the purpose. These utilize algorithms and then transform the data into chart images. Image based charts consume more of the bandwidth and in case there are large images then these may take time to get downloaded which sometimes can annoy users.

To overcome the limitations of Server side components, one can make use of client side components. One of the best examples is using Javascript based client side components. Data will be taken by the browsers from the server and then the charts will be sent locally.

On the other hand, client side components also offer wide scope of customization. These are interactive, allow animations and can easily get mixed with your application design. Few type of charting libraries like as FusionCharts offer wrappers that help you to write only PHP code.

With PHP Wrappers, one can generate the required Javascript as well as HTML code as a string on the server. These strings can then be used to create charts.

4 Ways to Generate Charts:

Generating Charts with PHP

  • Google Charts: These are based on client side servers and provide various options to create entire charts using PHP only. One can make use of server side code such as PHP to fetch the data.

    These are available for free and there are innumerable examples available on the internet making it easy for the PHP developers to create the charts. An important thing that must be borne in mind while using Google charts is that one cannot use Google’s JS files on your server.

  • Fusion Charts: Apart from Google, there’s also another option to generate charts with PHP. It is known as Fusion charts which is also based on client side components. These mainly focus on jQuery Charts.

    It has a good collection of 99+ interactive charts and 965 maps available in its PHP wrapper. These are easily customizable and offer good support.

    But, it’s a paid option. Even though the wrapper is free, one needs to have the license to use the library for commercial purposes. Yes, you can ofcourse try them using its free trial.

  • pChart: If you are not satisfied with Fusion or Google Charts then don’t worry Pchart might be an option for you. This is basically server side process and it’s one of the very few basic PHP charting libraries.

    Here, the main benefit is that you can easily have cross browser as well as multiple device compatibility as it generates images for you. Yet, it lacks the creativity and interaction that client side charts offer.

  • Develop charts using ChartLogix PHP Graphs: This is not an option that has free trial. However, one can use its design feature to be familiar with code and design. It saves you a lot of time.

Wind Up

Hope these charts will help developers to make PHP development easy and quick. We constantly keep on updating our blogs for various PHP tips for developers which can make their task easier.

Further, we also offer advice to business people as to which PHP platform will be best for them. If you wish to know more about our PHP projects and how we conduct them then do get in touch with Softqube Technologies, PHP Web Development Company India.

Save your Joomla Website from Brute Force Attacks

Be it Joomla or any website, security is important. If your site is not secure then it may get hacked easily. Hence, it’s necessary to keep the website safe from security attacks. Today, here we will discuss about some tips to protect your website from Brute Force Attacks.

Save your Joomla Website

Brute Force Attacks are very common these days. Hackers now can easily hack your website. Computers can be used to combine huge brute force attacks on the website. People working with web hosting companies can see these attacks and based on their experience, they advice people about staying alert from them.

So, what actually a brute force attack is?

Brute Force Attack is trying to force itself into the website administrator by using several combinations of password and usernames. With these attacks, website owners can face two problems: such attacks reduce the server capacity and second this allows people to peep in to your website.

Hence, protection from such attacks is very important. Let’s take a look at how you can do it.

Saving your website from Brute Force Attacks:

  1. Opt for strong username and Passwords: When you create your account on any website or use any content management system to manage your site; you are asked to create the account where in certain conditions are kept for choosing user name and password.

    These conditions are to keep your account or we can say website away from such brute force attacks. Avoid using “admin” “administrator”, admin1, admin123 as your website username and password.

    Try to keep unique username for every website you have. Further, talking about passwords, use 20 alpha numeric characters or more. They should be used randomly in a proper combination of upper and lower case. Never use single password for more than one website.

    Yes, it’s difficult to manage all passwords and so you can use various Password management tools like as to generate as well as manage passwords. With such tools, one can easily manage thousands of passwords.

    Also, you must have a solid master password as well as two way authentications with Joomla.

  2. Block site Access: This is yet another useful way to avoid brute force attacks. To avoid frequent unwanted website attacks, make sure to restrict access to your website or server. This can be done via:
    • Joomla extensions
    • Using .htcaccess blocking
    • Blocking IPs in Firewall

    Various Joomla extensions like as Admin Excile allows you to block IPs after frequent wrong password attempts. It is one of the effective techniques that works for most of the Joomla websites.

    If you are using .htc access blocking then you can add certain IP addresses to your .htaccess file on the Apache servers. This will not allow those IP addresses to access your website or we can say your Joomla website administrator page.

    Along with this, using Firewalls to block IPs is also a good option. But this can also block some traffic. Hence, use it wisely. If you have international business then this is not an option for you. Please avoid.

Wind Up

With these Joomla security tips, we are sure that our readers whosoever has Joomla website will be able to protect them from brute force attacks and save the website from hacking, For more such tips and updates about Joomla, stay connected with Softqube Technologies, Joomla website development company India.

Make your Payment Process Systematic For Improved Conversion Rates

There are hundreds of ways through which you can increase conversion rates as well as improve sales. Yes, SEO is one of them through which you can get more sales as well as maximum traffic. Apart from SEO, there are many other ways out of which one is Checkout Process.

We all are very excited to develop an online shop but once it is developed then it is time to boost its visibility. Yes, we achieve success in that as well but what’s the use of website traffic when there are no actual conversions.

Make Payment Process Systematic

Your eCommerce store is gaining maximum traffic but what about the conversions? What’s the conversion rate? Actually, to increase conversion rates it’s necessary to take a look at some minute things that will be useful to enhance the e-store so that it is able to generate more sales.

What these minute things are? How can these be noticed and improved? Let’s find it out.

Few ways to enhance the checkout process of an e-store:

  • Check out time frame: The more time your customer takes to process the checkout means he/she is likely to change its mind before shopping. So, it is advisable to make checkout process as easy and simple as possible. This will help you to get more customers.

    Various features like as allowing customers to store their delivery address in “Address Book” so that next time when they order something; there’s no need to type the delivery address. This will boost repeat purchases. offers such facility.

  • Make easy checkout process: People access web even when they are travelling or attending any event. Wherever they go, they can access internet and hence people have started using smartphones for online shopping.

    So, it’s advisable for e-store owners to make check out process as easy as possible for visitors so that they are able to complete the process from any device such as mobile, desktop, laptop and more.

  • Unending Payment Process: Avoid using payment gateways that lead to redirects on other websites as this can interrupt the checkout process which can sometimes disappoint customers.

    One can solve the problem by using an integrated solution to keep the customers on your website throughout the entire payment process. One can also use the gateway that allows to style the hosted payment page to look like a shop.

  • Select Payment Methods wisely: Depending on customer’s preference method of payment, you must consider the options that must be used on eCommerce store to make it convenient for customers to pay.

    Payment methods must be used depending on the target audience. For instance; Visa, Master Card are more popular in UK while as Cash on Delivery is popular in India. So, you must include options for every country where our target audience belongs to.

  • Currency is important: Make sure to offer proper currency options along with payment methods and customers must be given option to pay in their own currency. Yes, one can also go for currency conversion providers who will pay a referral fee for any particular currency conversion rates.

Wind Up

So, utilize these tips to the best and try to make payment process as easy as possible. See conversions increasing by leaps and bounds. Wish to get more assistance about eCommerce section then stay connected with reputed eCommerce Development Company, Softqube Technologies.

Free Extensions That can easily transform Joomla into a Blog

Blogging now has become an important part of website. It has now become a good medium to stay in touch with people. Even today, we can see websites without blogs but are we aware how much they loss are they facing?

No, without blog it is almost impossible to properly communicate with people. Yes, Social media and other marketing ways are available but what a blog can do can’t be done by any other medium. It is a straight way where users directly visit your website either to get knowledge or to know about your product or services.

Some people have website, they also maintain blog but actually they are unaware as to how blogs can be enhanced to draw the attention of people. This is must to know because this will only increase your website traffic.

So, if you have a Joomla website and if you wish to convert it in a blog then here are some extensions for the same:

Joomla extensions to transform it in a blog:

Joomla Extensions to Transform it in a Blog

We can see WordPress has good features that can easily help you to create a blog whereas Joomla lacks such features and hence certain extensions are useful to transform your website into a blog. These are as follows:

  • Easy Blog: It is one of the powerful Joomla extensions that is used by 50,000 + Joomla sites. This extension can be used to manage personal blogs, company blogs as well as other blogs like as Category and team blog.

    Further, this extension comes with various social integrations like as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more which makes it easier to share your posts on various social networks. It can be considered as the perfect blogging solution for Joomla websites.

  • Easy Discuss: It is one of the important Joomla discussion and forum extension that is used to create forums as well as question and answers community on the website easily in an effective manner.

    So, from now on if you have any online discussion about any particular topic or if you wish to manage your customers in an effective manner, answer their queries quickly, engage with them in conversions then this extension is perfect for you.

  • Section Ex: It is one of the useful Joomla extensions. It displays all articles in particular categories and is used to extend Joomla’s built in Category List Layout. The latest version of this extension includes all security fixes.

    This extension is considered to be best to create Frequently Asked Question Pages as well as other such simple directories for your Joomla website.

  • Komento: It is an advanced comment extension that allows the visitors to comment on articles, blog posts and product pages.

    This extension was developed by Mark Lee and was last updated on June 12, 2015. Due to its powerful features, this Joomla extension was declared winner of Community Choice Extensions.

    As compared to other extensions of Joomla, this is one of the safest, secure, lightweight and compatible with all Joomla versions and is available for free. With this extension, one can transfer the comments from Easy Blog and get that display in Komento.

Wind Up

So, with these Joomla blog extensions; one can very easily create blogs in Joomla website and also carry on discussion on the same. Hope, these extensions will help you to make most use of the most useful thing called Blog.

Wish to get more such tips about Joomla web Development then get connected with an esteemed Joomla development Company, Softqube Technologies.

3 Trends that are Changing the B2B eCommerce

In general terms, what can be considered as eCommerce? eCommerce is actually changing the way to do business. In simple terms, doing business online is considered as eCommerce. Now, people are slowly transforming from traditional store to online shop.

It is noted that eCommerce has led to an increase in the revenue by 55% and this has encouraged business owners to spend more of its budget in the online business. Increase in B2B commerce has led to increase in more online payment options.

Transformation of B2B eCommerce

People prefer to use debit and card as the method of payment while shopping online. Cash cards and other such purchase cards are the fastest digital modes of payment. This reduces the transaction cost by 50 to 80%

B2B eCommerce is changing due to these trends:

  • Increase in use of purchasing cards: With people preferring to shop from their comfort zone using internet, the use of purchase cards has increased. While still small businesses are using Invoice format, there’s an increase in the use of electronic invoices.

    However, online purchases are completed using purchase cards. As per the data collected, annual card spending will increase to $290 billion by 2016. B2B eCommerce payments usually come from commercial card products like business, corporate and other such purchasing cards.

    Purchase cards are one of the fastest growing digital mode of payment and till now it is being adopted by 84% of online businesses.

  • Card usage leads to improved process: When you make purchase from debit or credit card also known as purchase card, a certain amount of processing fee is levied from banks. This fee is called the processing rate.

    Certain banks have high processing fees based on the type of card used like as Visa or Master Card. The rates change based on the seller’s industry category, transaction size and the amount of data provided with the transaction.

    Level 3 processing of commercial card payment is one of the important components of B2B eCommerce. This involves providing the card number, expiry date, zip code and CVV verification code during the checkout process.

    Companies with proper B2B processing solutions have favourable interchanging incentives.

  • Selecting the proper payment Gateway: To provide better shopping experience to the people and make the checkout process easier, it is necessary to have a proper B2C payment gateway which can easily process consumer payments without any need of such authorization data.

    Selecting a well known B2B payment processing partner is a vital part of your online business as well as online success. Make sure to include such providers that offer proper technology which keeps the card information confidential and offers proper authorization and settlement procedure.

Wind Up

So, now if you have an eCommerce store then select the perfect Payment gateway to make process checkout easier. Finally, if you are in search of any eCommerce solution provider who can guide you in a perfect way then Softqube Technologies is the one stop shop for your all kind of eCommerce needs.

Get in touch with them today to get a perfect user oriented eCommerce store developed for your business.

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