PHP Development: 5 Important PHP Tips for Developers

For developers, it is important to develop result oriented frame works for clients. Here, we have discussed some important tips for developers that will be useful and helpful to them while preparing any frame work using PHP.

Tips and Tricks for PHP Developer

Some Important Tips for PHP Developers:

  1. Use Object Oriented Programming Language: It is one of the essential forms that can be used with classes or objects thus reducing the need to repeat the code and perform smaller production tasks in simple way.

    Objects are basically the classes that contain the bunch of functions and combine them so that these can be used again and again thus eliminating the need to rewrite complete codes.

    Proper programming is followed over the entire page as the server reads every single file. One or two objects are instantiated which could perform certain tasks based on the variables that are passed in the objects.

    Object oriented languages are simple and easy to debug and these use fewer resources. The more easy and clean the code is, the faster it gets loaded thus making it easy for developer to work.

  2. Use Framework only if needed: Framework should be used only if necessary because it is very slower as compared to normal PHP code. Hence, before using any type of framework first it is necessary to understand its working thus making things simple. This will eliminate the risk of using bad code which can worsen the task.
  3. Make use of PHP’s inbuilt functions: If you wish to count the number of keys in an array then the count( ) function can be used. Likewise, PHP has several in built functions which make the task easier. Hence, make sure you do it in the best possible way.
  4. Know the Project in detail: Without knowing the exact needs, it is impossible to know the requirements of the client. So, before actually starting the project make sure to understand the project properly.

    It is important to understand a project completely in order to complete it in a proper way.

  5. It’s all about coding: Just reading is not enough, it is necessary to actually understand the code. To be a smart developer, it is necessary to do it practically rather than watching someone develop it.

    The best way to learn PHP and master it is to write code properly. So, always code for the one that actually interests you and then try to make it good , better and ultimately the best.

  6. Wind Up

    Hope these PHP developer tips will help the developer to fulfill the projects easily and in a perfect manner. If you are one of the developers who wish to master the skills in PHP development then these tips are most useful to you.

    Further, to get accomplished your PHP projects from experts, get in touch with Softqube Technologies, PHP Development Company India and get the affordable services from experience hands.

    Apart from those mentioned above, if you have few more tips then do share with us.

Enhance your customer Service with this Magento Extension

Interacting with customers, creating a long lasting reputation among customers is an important thing for any business whether it is online or offline. It is the duty of every business owner to answer the customer queries in a proper manner. Hence, it is necessary to have a proper customer service support team.

Keeping this thing in mind, Magento has come up with an amazing extension known as Magento Support Ticket System. Let’s understand this in detail and know how this can be useful to any online business.

Magento Support Ticket System

Everything about Magento Support Ticket System:

This extension comes with complete features that are necessary for every Magento store. With this extension, every online business owner will be successful in offering a full fledge customer service as well as excellent support.

Some of the features of this extension are as follows:

  • Awesome ticket support system for Magento
  • Various Ticket Departments
  • Shows Ticket Priority and Status
  • Ready to use Message Templates for quick response
  • HTML based email notification
  • Ticket management based on stores
  • Tickets with attachments
  • Option to export tickets in CSV and XML format
  • 15+ admin options

To see Tickets, one needs to sign up and login as a user and then can have access to “My Tickets” on customer account menu.

Availability of this extension:

It is available with regular license for $40 and with extended license for $200. So, hurry up. Get this extension and be an excellent customer service provider so that you can become well known in the minds of the customers and as a result, your relationship with the customers will become stronger.

In order to get loyal customers, first of all its necessary to respond them effectively and with this extension; one can easily respond to the customer queries as well as make sure that their questions are answered in a proper manner.

Also, make sure that your customers get prompt reply for any negative feedback. Still not satisfied, Let’s take a look at Advantages of this extension:

Advantages of using Magento Support Ticket System:

  • Useful for customers as they can easily generate tickets for their problems and queries
  • Offers better customer service
  • Increases number of satisfied customers.
  • Makes it easy for business owners to know the issues faced by customers
  • All Tickets can be easily managed from Magento Admin Panel.
  • Tickets can be managed as per the priority.
  • Customers can comment on the earlier generated tickets.
  • Ticket details and replies by admin can be seen by the customers

Do you still have any doubt? Take a look at the live demo of this extension here:

Wind Up

Be ready to answer your customer queries in a proper manner and see the list of satisfied customers growing. Need further assistance to use this extension then get in touch with Softqube Technologies, Magento eCommerce Development Company; Magento developers here will sort out your queries.

Basic eCommerce Marketing Tactics That Save Your Time and Money

Every online store owner is constantly in search of finding some exciting ways to get traffic and for this; many have invested much of their time, money and energy but ultimately have resulted into low conversion rankings.

eCommerce Marketing Tactics

Facebook Advertisements, Google Adwords, SEO, Blogging, Social media and guest posting are some of the ways through which one can get traffic. Yes, times are such that they don’t work as needed. There may be innumerable reasons for the same.

Yes, your website may experience maximum bounce rates. In order to fix all such issues; Today, here we will go through some basic foundational marketing tactics which will help us to convert visitors into customers and getting more of quality visitors.

Basic Marketing Tactics to get desired results:

  1. Product Upsell: This is one of the important marketing tactics that offers you the ultimate opportunity to provide those complimentary products to the customers in which they are interested the most or that help to increase the average order value.

    As per an eCommerce analyst, product recommendations are responsible for 10 -30% of increase in eCommerce revenue.

  2. Newsletter Subscriptions: When visitors leave your website, make sure that they sign up for your newsletter. Sometimes they don’t want to purchase any product but subscribing to newsletters will help them to stay updated with the latest products available on your online store.

    So, for this it is necessary that at the time of checkout, a popup asking for newsletter subscription should be available on the website. Yes, some websites provide certain amount of discount on the products for those who sign up for their newsletter.

    Even though these pop ups may be annoying they have a higher ratio of conversion as compared to normal sign up forms. The reason we all know that email marketing is one of the best techniques to get maximum return on investment.

  3. Abandoned Cart Email: These are important in eCommerce. Nearly 68% of people leave their carts. So, Abandoned Cart emails provide an opportunity to bring the customer back to complete the transaction. It is very similar to re-targeting.
  4. Adwords Re-targeting: Re-targeting with the use of Google Display Ads is one of the useful tactics that boost your brand’s presence in the minds of people. Further, certain websites offer some discount to those who come back to the e- store by means of re targeting.

    These are very much effective as compared to traditional online ads and visitors re targeted with display ads are likely to get converted at the earliest.

  5. Retargeting via Facebook: Retargeting using Facebook is also a useful technique that drives more customers. The reason, Facebook is used by everyone and so ads displayed there are visible the most. As a result, business owners get more conversions via Facebook Retargeting.
  6. Referral Offer: Yes, certain eCommerce shopping sites like as offer some points or discount upon successful completion of the order. Referral marketing is important here as it provides a perfect opportunity to the customers to talk about you.

    It’s always seen that most of the people purchase products based on the recommendations from their friends and relatives.

Wind Up

So, adopting these few eCommerce marketing techniques; one can easily reduce the wastage of resources such as time, energy and money. To get more guidance about developing business on the internet, get in touch with Softqube Technologies, eCommerce Solutions provider India.

PHP Web Development: Introducing Vagrant

Day by day, PHP is becoming popular and we can see several young professionals willing to make career in this field. For such newbies, we recommend to make use of some beginner’s resources to know PHP completely.

Recently, PHP has come up with new Vagrant Development. So, for now newbies; before learning PHP it’s important to be aware about this latest development process. Today, in this blog post we will discuss briefly about this new web development process.

So, let’s begin….

What is Vagrant Development?

Vagrant Development

To understand Vagrant properly, first of all we must understand properly certain terms i.e. Virtual Machine, Virtual Box and Provisioning.

  1. Virtual Machine: It’s a separate part of the main computer that believes to be itself as a computer. Let’s understand this with example.

    Suppose, we have a CPU with 3 core processor, 8GB RAM, 500 GB hard drive space then from this we can easily convert 1 core, 2 GBRAM and nearly about 20GB hard drive space into VM.

    Once this much space is transformed into a VM then it considers itself as a computer and becomes unaware of the parent system. This means by transforming some part of memory into a Virtual machine, you are actually creating a computer inside a computer.

    This means in case your system is caught by a virus then only this VM will be affected, the computer will remain safe. Yes, creating a VM will slow down your computer but once you shut it down then the memory is freed from it.

    Remember you are not shutting down your main PC only the VM. VM is developed for a specific purpose and once that purpose is achieved, it can be physically shut down. In order to create this VM, there’s a need to develop Virtual Box and this is as follows:

  2. Virtual Box: With this virtual box, one can easily and quickly create virtual machines. It provides easy to use graphical interface that is used to configure several virtual machines and it helps you to choose the amount of your computer memory that you wish to transform into virtual machine.

    For this, one needs an existing image, let’s say an installation CD. If you wish to create a VM for Windows then you must keep Windows installation DVD handy.

  3. Provisioning: Once VM is developed, then it’s time to configure it in the same way we are doing in a new computer. This task is time consuming. Provisioning is a way to reduce the time taken in this task.
    After creating the VM, launch the provisioner and then everything will be done on its own.

So, now comes the time to know about Vagrant. Vagrant integrates Provisioner and virtual box to configure VM. Vagrant machines don’t contain any graphical elements, windows or taskbars.

Vagrant Virtual Machine for PHP development:

Why vagrant virtual machine is recommended for PHP development in particular? Reasons are as follows:
Ability to test on different PHP versions or PHP installed with extensions. The code can be tested on every extension without reinstalling anything. Just make sure that your code is cross version compatible.

  • Ability to test on various servers. For instance, in one VM you can test on Apatche, in another test on Lightpd and so on. Just ensure that the code is server compatible.
  • Mark the code execution speed on various server combinations. It is possible that the code is executed quickly on one server as compared to other. Thus, further optimizing and alerting potential users to different speed gains.
  • This can be shared with other team members as well so that no one can make excuse that “it doesn’t work on my system”. Just simply share the setup file with everyone and the setup will be available to them.

Apart from this there are several other reasons that prove that Vagrant development is highly recommended instead of XAMPP even though the later on is a complete package of PHP, Apache and MYSQL.

Wind Up

So, from now on make sure to adopt Vagrant development with PHP. If you need further guidance, then get in touch with Softqube Technologies, well known PHP development company in India.

5 Drupal Modules that Make Web Development Easier

When it comes to web development, there are several platforms available like as Joomla, WordPress, Drupal and more. Today, we are going to discuss about some of the Drupal modules that are useful to make web development an easier task.

Drupal is one of the content management systems that is completely different from Joomla and WordPress. It is used to develop well configured websites that perform very nicely and in a perfect manner.

The reason for it being so popular is because it is developed around the nodes which include content of various types. Drupal can be used by developers who believe in quickly developing the websites and hence Drupal modules are widely popular.

Some of the modules that make development process an easier task:

Drupal modules are very simple and easy to use. Expert web developers might be aware of this thing as these are the ones that make Drupal a well known CMS. So, let’ move on:

  • Back up & Migrate: The most important thing that every website developer is in search of is the backup system. Whenever any content management system is used, the first thing that is taken care of is the backup system.

    The CMS having robust backup system through which websites can be restored easily and quickly is the one that is highly popular and Drupal’s Back up & Migrate module perfectly serves the purpose. One can do instant site backup or schedule it at a later date.

  • Context: It’s believed that website is said to be professional when every web page has a uniform look but certain pages in the website need to have different look and feel. For example: Home Page must be unique from other pages.

    Prior to this module, Drupal developers had to set different appearance for different web pages and Context has made this thing an easy job as it allows the developers to define various contexts for a website and manage how these contexts should control the different parts of the site.

  • Custom Contextual Links: With certain content management systems, developing website is quite long process. This process becomes extensively short when one uses Drupal’s Custom Contextual links module.

    With this module, it becomes damn easy to develop a website without even finding the Drupal’s admin tools.

  • Delta: This module allows to adjust theme settings as per the need depending on the node types, context or group of paths and then these adjustment settings can be saved in the module itself and can be displayed when any particular context of the website is displayed.

    It allows you to create custom themes which can be used in context when needed. This module is somewhat similar to Context but more advanced that it.

  • Display Suite: For Drupal site admins, the most challenging task is to create more interesting way to lay out pages as content here is distributed in boxes and nodes. It is usually done by using template files and configuring them.

    Display Suite is a module which allows you to quickly employ custom layout settings to the entire website and also to individual articles. Depending on the Drupal version, the nodes can also be altered.

Wind Up

Hence, with these modules it becomes very easy to use Drupal as a content management system and develop business websites on this platform. If you wish to get Drupal web design and development done from experts then get in touch with Softqube Technologies, well known Drupal Web development company India.

Make Web Development an Easier Task with Dedicated PHP Developers

We all know that PHP is one of the popular languages widely used for web development tasks. In fact, it is one of the most recommended ones that offers highest customization levels as well as has maximum number of developers.

To get a perfect web application developed using PHP, it is advisable to hire dedicated PHP programmers. The main advantage of hiring such dedicated people is to get commercial viability and avail the benefit of expert development.

PHP developers can be hired as per the project. Hence, your pay rolls remains stable and you also get benefit of qualitative PHP development.

Today, expert PHP web developers are highly in demand as they provide perfect balance between quality and costs. They are a huge pool of knowledge and experience as they have tried their hands on many well known PHP projects.

Currently, these developers are in demand for various domains like as eCommerce, Gaming, travel, internet marketing and so on.

Benefits of hiring dedicated PHP Web Developers:

When you hire any expert PHP developer from some of the well known PHP Web Development Company like as Softqube Technologies then you can get several benefits which are as follows:

  • SEO Oriented: SEO guidelines vary based on the complexity of the project. Hence, it is advisable to share your needs as well as SEO insights with the PHP programmer and then get blue prints ready for them.
  • Design and Layout: Upto certain extent PHP developers are good at designing as well however exceptions are always there. So, it’s advisable to share your design concepts with the developer in order to get the website, web application or any eCommerce platform developed as per the need.
  • Proper Communication and Co ordination: Select a particular communication medium before actually getting in touch with the PHP developer. When it comes to web development task, two way communication is mandatory as this makes it easy to get the bugs and errors fixed quickly.

Yes, if you want quality then don’t compromise on price as diamonds are always precious. Hence, in order to avail perfect development services try to loosen your pocket a little bit as this can really benefit you in the long run.

The reason; not every PHP developer has the same skills. There are chances that you may get stuck with such people who just grab money and offer nothing or very less in return as in the huge pool of PHP developers, it is very difficult to judge the right and appropriate ones that fit for your business.

So, make sure to think thousand times before actually outsourcing your web development project to any PHP developer and that’s why we recommend you to get in touch with reliable firms only who can offer you expert services at affordable rates.

Wind Up

So, what are you waiting for? Search for the reputed web development company and get in touch with them today to discuss your needs and once all the conditions are agreed upon, outsource your project to them.

Here, you have sown the seeds and now just wait to enjoy the fruits. Hope this blog post has served as a perfect guide to elect any PHP developer. If you have any more points in mind that must be considered then do share with us.

4 Joomla Extensions Used For Developing Better Websites

Next to WordPress, Joomla is one of the well known platforms used for developing websites. It also offers some widely used extensions which are useful in developing professional yet user friendly websites.

Before actually using these extensions, make sure they are compatible with your Joomla version. Here, we have brought a good collection of some extensions which make Joomla website management an easier task as well as enhance the developer’s capabilities.

Joomla Extensions that make website development an easier task:

  • Akeeba Back up: This extension can be used on Joomla 2.5 and 3.0. This is available for free and if you wish to get the benefit of its advanced features then it is available for $52 per year.

    This extension is used to take the back up of entire website. The Advanced version of this extension has various features like enabling system restore points, automatic update, email notifications as well as some better support options.

    It is one of the easiest tasks to install this extension and then it works on the post installation configuration. Taking back up is very simple, just click the blue button in the Akeeba control panel and within few minutes the entire website is backed up.

  • All Videos: Video content is necessary to promote your website. But there are some complexities to handle this content. It can be layout problems such as getting the right size video, make sure that locally hosted videos include a player.

    Also, avoid posting too much video content instead make use of All Videos, an amazing plugin by Joomla which manages many issues related to video content. With this Plugin, it is easy to tag videos whether they are locally hosted or available on any of the sites such as YouTube or Vimeo.

    These videos can be easily embedded with the website content. It’s very simple; just cut and paste HTML code. Sometimes such code is very complex and needs complete knowledge of HTML particularly when you wish to resize the video.

    Just type the opening tag, video’s URL and unique code and then add a closing tag. Everything is easy with WYSIWYG editor. It also allows you to set default parameters for local videos like as where they are stored and in what format. Set the default size of the displayed videos. For every video, the tags can be set.

    This Joomla extension also supports audio files.

  • CDN for Joomla: This extension makes easy to handle website traffic. There are times when server is working very nicely and at times it may not perform properly. Apart from this, handling orders, displaying content and several other things can be done on any website with very less fuss and muss.

    The basic version is free while the pro one is available for $39. The main difference is that Pro edition supports secure http transfers and multiple CDN roots. This can be useful for larger sites.

  • Community Builder: Joomla has several community oriented packages. Among all these, Community Builder is one of the favourite. This extension consists of framework for a community site which enables the user to use many tools that are already being used.

    Further, it include single sign on option process by integrating the site’s current login system. It is the matter of finding the right add on for the tool that we are using or are planning to use.

    It is available for free of charge with the solid core features and if you need additional features then it is to be upgraded to additional subscription plans which are available at an annual fee of $84, $ 124 and $385 respectively for Advanced, Professional and Developer packages.

Wind Up

So, from now on if you are going develop your website on Joomla then make sure to use any of the extensions as mentioned above. Yes, there are many more extensions available which will be useful to you.

To get a perfect website developed with Joomla, stay connected with Softqube Technologies, Joomla website development company in India.

How one can develop its own eCommerce Store while working 9 to 5?

Who doesn’t wish to have additional income? But people wonder how this can be possible while having a 9 to 5 job? Yeah, this blog is for those who wish to develop an eCommerce store even while doing their regular job.

Yes, it is kind of a difficult task but it is not impossible. We may run out of time but still if we wish we can. Here, we are going to reveal the secret as to how can one develop successful eCommerce business even while one is at work and that too without affecting one’s performance at job. Sounds amazing, but it is POSSIBLE.

Develop your Online Business without any interference in your job:

First of all, get in mind what products you wish to sell? People having a job wish to sell products that are purchased easily by the people and those that are easy to manufacture. In short, initially these should be the things that need fewer efforts.

This may sometimes prevent you from starting an online shop but don’t let this obstacle refrain you from selling things online. But the main thing is to get time to establish online business and see it running successfully and for this we must sacrifice our jolly time say weekends and holidays.

Grab any holiday you get and spend time to look after your e-store. This may be a bit difficult at initial basis but once you get income flowing, you will get more time to enjoy because now you have some financial freedom.
These struggles are the barriers that you need to overcome.

How and why is this actually Possible:

Ha ha ! this heading is for those people who actually wonder why this impossible thing is actually possible and how. Yes, admit that it will need time and if you are starting it on part time basis then it will grow very slowly.

Use your weekends and evenings at the most and you will see your business growing slowly. Invest a part of your income generated from your job for the success of your e-business. One of the biggest advantages is that it’s less risky to do online business and that too during your leisure time or we can say part time.

Further, in case you fail in your business then still you have a back support of your job and this failure can be a good lesson to learn from and again restart your business. So, what you need to make an eCommerce store successful?

Things that are needed to build a profitable eCommerce Store:

Now, once you have made up your mind then it’s time to look for resources that will actually help you to make your eCommerce business a huge success. For this, there are several eCommerce platforms available like as Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento and more.

You can use any one of them as this will make it simple for you to build an online shop. Further, there are various eCommerce Development companies like Softqube Technologies available in the market who can guide you in a better way.

Get in touch with them and take proper guidance so that it can be easy for you to create an online shop with required features.

7 Tools That Make Things Peppy For PHP Developer

Developers know that PHP is a popular server side scripting language used for developing web applications as well as open source eCommerce platforms. With PHP, one can easily develop strong and creative web applications. Slowly, PHP community is growing by leaps and bounds.

But still, to make the work easier; Web developers are always in search of some useful and handy tools which makes their development task an easier one. Yes, finding suitable tools is a bit of time consuming task and so to make it simple for PHP developers; we have included here a list of some powerful tools that have excelled in making the web development task very simple.

Very useful PHP tools:

  • Debug Bar: It is an open source app that can be easily combined with any of the PHP based project and which can easily collect and present profiling data. It supports ajax requests and comes with generic data collections for well known libraries.

    The java script has its place in footer and further additions can be added for new collectors and views.

  • Package Management: This is one of the most useful tools that makes it easy for developers to keep a track of all PHP projects. This makes clear what is needed and what’s not. It works along with repository package that provides complete information about the number of PHP apps and their related components.
  • very-useful-php-tools

  • PHP FIG: It’s a framework developed basically to identify the similarities between various projects and find out the ways through which it can be carried out together. This is based on various standards in order to boost several project development approaches and help developers working for Cake PHP, Drupal, Joomla and many others.
  • Phalcon PHP: It’s one of the well known PHP frameworks that is coded in C language. It is available on various operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac etc. This tool has an interactive user interface which makes it simple to work on any PHP project.
  • Monsta FTP: It’s a well known PHP tool available with Ajax Cloudware compatibility. This tool has the ability to place FTP file management directly into the browser irrespective of your place and situation.

    Files can be easily dragged and dropped into the browser and in the mean time while they are uploaded other tasks can be performed easily. Monsta FTP has an amazing feature that supports on screen file editing as well as it supports several languages.

    This is tested successfully on Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.

  • PHP Image Workshop: A very useful photo editing tool that renders the ability to smoothly manage the image files based on PHP. PHP workshop is equal to that of Photoshop as it allows users to edit and organize image with PHP.

    Images can be resized, cropped as per the need. Further, image watermarks can also be added and other necessary changes can also be implemented.

  • Pico: It is actually a content management system which considers flat files as its database. No proper set up is needed. The content is stored in CMS in the .md format. It’s most admired by users due to its flawless and user friendly interface.

Wind up:

So, with these PHP tools; the development process becomes easy. Try to use any of them and see the difference in the time taken to develop any PHP based application before and after using these tools.

These are the tools that PHP developers at Softqube Technologies often use to make their development process an easier task. Are you aware about better PHP tools and have you used them? Do share your experience with us.

Use Local Manufacturing to Get Success in eCommerce Sector

Several people in this world have enormous creative ideas but the question is who actually is able to transform the ideas into reality. We often know that ideas when transformed into reality can generate good results.

But how many of us actually have the courage to put our ideas into reality, a thing that is worth wondering and that too when it comes to eCommerce sector. Yes, eCommerce sector is a perfect platform which helps to convert ideas into reality but still very few believe it.

Local Manufacturer for eCommerce Sector

Today, here in our blog post; we are going to describe a small idea that actually helped a business person to create a completely new brand which led him to huge online success. Yes, till now; you our readers will definitely be eager to read and know about it.

Don’t worry; your eagerness ends here as the next paragraph covers the entire description of that particular idea. So, let’s begin:

Achieving Online Success with Local Manufacturing:

Let’s assume you have an idea to open e- store of garments but if you buy readymade ones and sell it online. Then this may cost you more initially resulting into less profit. So, it’s better to sell self manufactured ones.
That is those which are manufactured uniquely by you in your own factory with own design, colour etc. This means everything from design, production and distribution should be conducted under a single roof which will save your time and money.

This saves the cost of middle men and hence you as a manufacturer will be able to sell an awesome dress at a nominal price. Small costs that actually are saved ultimately help you to offer the customer their desired choice may be colour, design or anything.

This increases customer satisfaction which creates trust and sense of security. So, if you really wish to get success in any online business then the main thing is to focus on what actually you love to do and then transform that idea into business.

Another important aspect is if you have an e-store where you sell products that are manufactured by you only then you can easily manage the inventory based on the orders available. You don’t have to rely on others to know about the stock and chances of customers going away just because you don’t have the product they need are very less.

How to keep customers coming back to your store?

Yes, this is an important thing because loyal customers are the pillars of any business and maintaining them is a dire need of any business. So, to keep customers coming back; you can create deals, offers, provide discount coupons that can actually benefit them.

But never try to fool them by advertising fake offers as this badly hinder your online reputation. Every week you must have something different on your online store.

How to attract people to the website?

Developing an eCommerce website is just the starting point. Further, it’s necessary to have people who must visit it. So, either you can use well known eCommerce platforms which are SEO friendly and helpful to you in getting more visitors.

Or you can create a blog that describes your products in an excellent way. Ultimately, content marketing is a perfect way to gather people around your eCommerce website. Make sure the blog highlights the product USP and its benefits to the users.

This will guide people about the product thus leading them to purchase it from your e-store. It’s really an effective way to get more and more visitors on your website. Apart from this, the reviews that visitors post are also useful to boost the online presence.

Useful eCommerce Softwares:

A well known eCommerce software that is widely used by many online business owners is Shopify. Other eCommerce Softwares that can be used are as follows:

  • Magento
  • OsCommerce
  • Xcart
  • Zen Cart

These softwares make it easy to upload products, altering SEO, managing customer reviews, replying to customer’s feedback and more.

Wind Up

We are sure that this blog post will definitely help you to start and maintain your online business in a proper manner. For further guidance about online business, you can get connected with Softqube Technologies, eCommerce Solutions provider in India.

Let’s Work together!

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