Advanced Protection System for PHP Installations

PHP, as we all know is the widely used language by most of the internet servers. As per the recent survey by W3Tech, “81.9% websites available on the internet use PHP as the coding language. The reason for its popularity is its flexibility, ease of learning and development. Still, there are some who don’t believe that PHP is a perfect solution for developing web applications.

Yes, everything has positive and negative points and so does PHP. The drawback of PHP is it has security issues and hence websites developed on PHP can be hacked easily. Yes, it also depends on the way you code any application or any website.

But when you allow the code written by others without actually verifying it then it can lead to security issues. So, make sure you do an in depth analysis and evaluation of the website coding before actually making it live so as to avoid any chances of being vulnerable to the hackers.

To do so, there are some tools which will be helpful to you and one of the well known protection system for PHP installations is Suhosin. Well, what’s that? Let’s discuss this in detail:

Protect your PHP installations with Advanced System:

Suhosin is a patch which is applied to basic PHP in order to save the applications from various problems like buffer overflows, format string issues and a PHP extension which addresses the overall session issues as well as provides filtering and logging features.

Yes, it’s recommended to have this system installed in your PC and it is available for every operating system like as Linux, Windows and more. In some Linux versions, it is pre installed with patch and extension. It’s also available as default system in Mac OS Server.

How can it be installed?

It’s very easy to install this protection system. Every feature is included in the extension and so one can install the extension and use a plain unpatched PHP. Yes, sometimes binary packages can also be available based on the type of system. Manual installation is also possible but still command line access is required at basic level.

Is it mandatory to use this system?

Well, nothing is mandatory in this world. The only thing is using this system; one can provide additional protection to the servers as well as your business. The use of this patch and extension is just a recommendation.
Yes, using this can definitely protect you as well as your users but others may get attacked by your server if in case if it turns out to be a spam.

Hence, using Suhosin is not actually necessary but it can help you to stay protected on the internet from expert hackers. It’s just an advice but there are also several other ways through which can easily protect their PHP websites.

Wind Up

So, if you wish to really keep your PHP web application secured and safe as well as keep users safe then it is advisable to opt for any of the protection system and in case you feel that you need some proper guidance about the same then you can get in touch with Softqube Technologies, well known PHP Web Development Company India which will provide you solution for every PHP issue.

6 Best PHP Platforms for Small Business

PHP as we all know is the world’s most popular server side scripting language. It’s also one of the most easy to learn language as revealed by expert web developers. Nearly 82% of websites use PHP as a server side programming language.

Most of the applications having user interface such as those like eCommerce applications or social media sites and others are coded in PHP. Developing applications can be a difficult process which provides a great resource to make the process easy.

For beginners or new start-ups, agile platforms for coding applications like as PHP Frameworks can help to an extent. What’s the need to use framework? Frameworks are powerful tools that provide a complete environment which helps you to develop your projects quickly and efficiently.

Here, we have described few of the most preferred PHP platforms which are on the top of the entire list of PHP frameworks. These are useful for every beginner as well as an expert PHP Developer.

Top 6 PHP Platforms

Top 6 Most Recommended PHP Platforms for Small Business:

  • Symphony: It is one of the PHP frameworks that come on the top of the list. It has a solid platform for developing strong applications for any enterprise. This is based on the model view controller approach.

    It offers everything in the development process that must be customized. It is one of the free platforms especially available for enterprise world.

  • Laravel: Another important yet popular PHP framework that’s hot in the market is Laravel. It’s one of the PHP platforms known for elegance and simplicity. This framework meets wide range of programming needs and projects starting from beginners till advanced.

    It is well suited for several project types i.e. from basic scripting to large enterprise applications. It ensures a solid framework for getting well tested and reliable code.

  • CodeIgniter: CodeIgniter is one of the powerful frameworks having small footprints offering simple and elegant tool sets to create fully featured web applications. This framework also uses MVC controller approach and is known to be fast as compared to other frameworks.
  • Phalcon: It’s another open source PHP framework written in C language. The benefit of this framework is that it offers high performance and platform independence as it’s extensible to Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
  • Cake PHP: It is one of the widely tested and timely used PHP Development frame work. It offers clean and easy way to do projects in an easy manner using MVC convention. This framework offers flexible architecture for development, maintenance and rapid deployment of applications.
  • Zend Framework: It’s a free open source framework for developing web applications and services using PHP 5.3+. It is a part of Zend Technologies co founded by PHP founders. This solely relies on MVC approach for web development.

    A new release of Zend Framework was released in 2015 that provides next generation PHP development which focuses on simplicity, re-usability and performance.

Wind Up

So, you can select the one that suits your needs. Get in touch with Softqube Technologies; PHP Web Development Company to know more about popular PHP frameworks as well as the proper guidance for using them.

For Beginners: eCommerce Tips To Achieve Success

As per Napolean Bonaparte” England is a Nation of Shopkeepers”. Is this really true? No, it’s not. This actually was an announcement by Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations which is perfectly apt in today’s digital field.

When we are talking about eCommerce, then UK is ahead among all the states. The reason; Britishers are involved more in online shopping as compared to any other nation. This was concluded from the survey in 2014 and 2015.

People in England consider running a store as their first priority rather than becoming a singer, dancer, scientist or TV celebrity. Yes, if you wish to be an online store owner then here are some tips that must be considered to be successful in the eCommerce World.

Tips for Beginners to be Successful in the eCommerce World:

  1. Hard Work is Important: In the initial stages, once you open a store; everything is to be done by you till the time you earn sufficient money to hire people who can work for you. There are people who leave their high paid jobs just to be the owner of their own store.

    You need to work days and nights to establish an online business and transform it into a cash cow. Success comes only when are you actually willing to do everything until you are eligible to pay someone to work for you.

  2. Research properly about the market: Before actually starting your online store, do a proper research about the market like as what’s popular, what you want to sell and how’s the demand of that product in the market?

    Everything must be found like as researchers, manufacturers from where you can purchase the products at low cost and sell at the price which gives you maximum profit. Yes, if you are actually serious and you have done complete research, are concentrating sincerely on the business then within few years you can be at the top.

  3. Must have excellent marketing skills: When it comes to online business, marketing is important. This means everything you do must be visible to the customers. Marketing is the thing that either makes or breaks the business.

    Any website is like a pipe where you wish to push people and make them your customers. An important question is from where do these people come from? These can come from 10,000 visitors but from where can you get these visitors?

    You can get them by means of proper marketing by increasing your presence on every single online platform and good traffic can only be gained if you have done good marketing.

  4. Develop a website that converts: Yes, when it comes to eCommerce business, an attractive business website is the important thing. Your website must be able to attract audience in a perfect manner and in such a way that it must be able to transform visitors into loyal customers.

    Here are some points which must be considered while framing an eCommerce Website:

    • Brand must be judged easily
    • Mobile compatible website
    • Ensure that your website is safe and secure place for online shopping. This can be known from the trust marks and payment logos.
    • Display the contact information clearly.
    • Provide social evidence like as customer reviews or testimonials
    • Clearly mention your shipping policies, return and refund policies.
  5. Stick with your website: Inspirational leaders also believe in Self belief and not giving up. The reason it‘s one of the most important thing that leads to success and this is one of the things why some entrepreneurs are successful and some are not.

    Constant efforts can help you to unlock your potential.

Wind Up

Hope these points will help the beginners to successfully run their online business. For more assistance regarding selection of result oriented eCommerce platforms or eCommerce Solutions, get in touch with Softqube Technologies, eCommerce Solutions Provider in India.

Keep your WordPress Website in a Perfect Shape

Maintaining a website with is a very important task. However, various web development platforms like WordPress offer good service to people till years and WordPress websites can provide us various benefits. However, frequently testing different WordPress themes, new plug ins can be sometimes a little bit tough task.

Hence, prepare a maintenance checklist every month so that you can spend at least one hour for your website. Minor updates are automatically taken care of by WordPress itself. However, it’s necessary to pay attention to manual updates as well.

Here are some things that must be considered while updating your WordPress Site:

  • Identify the Broken Links: Certain minor changes are handled by Word Press itself however times are there when you have some old links in the content which lead the users nowhere. More of 404 errors in your website can lead to negative impression in the minds of people.

    These broken links can be easily identified with the Broken Link Plugin which will examine all your links, pages, posts and comments and in case any broken links are found then you will receive an email or display them in the admin panel.

  • Manage your Website Speed: Addition and removal of plug in’s can alter the page content. Performance issues can also take place during this process. Hence, it’s advisable to check the content on regular basis.

    Google Page Insights can help you in this matter. In case your website is facing any speed issues, this tool will inform you as well as provide you proper solutions to overcome them.

  • Check your Back Ups: After any disaster, backups are generally not useful. So, it’s recommended to keep checking them frequently by carrying out a restore test. Back ups can be tested on test installation on your web host or any local WordPress running on XAMP or MAMP.
  • Remove unneeded Plug ins: Using enormous plug ins can actually slow down the website and are prone to the security vulnerabilities. Those plug-ins whose features are not useful to you must be removed thus allowing the website to run smoothly.
  • Check your CSS and HTML: Frequently adding and changing the plug ins will directly affect the code which your website sends to the browsers. Certain issues will be invisible to the users but they can be easily identified by user.

    Having an incorrect code on your website is not a big deal but Google sometimes ignores such codes and hence it’s advisable to clear up such codes before they are actually validated by Google.

    This can be easily done by using W3’s Validator and CSS Validator as these validators can easily examine such invalid codes.

Keeping in check the above mentioned few points; you can have a well maintained perfect WordPress website.

Wind Up

So, now maintenance of any website developed on WordPress won’t be a burden to you because this blog post will serve as a perfect guide to keep in mind those points that must be considered while maintaining a WordPress Website.

Stay connected with Softqube Technologies, PHP Web Development Company India to know more about latest WordPress updates.

Maintaining Customer Loyalty in Your Online Business

In eCommerce sector, customer loyalty is what matters a lot. The age old saying by Mahatma Gandhi “Customer is King” perfectly fits here. For eCommerce business, customer loyalty is important as lack of customer loyalty can badly affect their profit.

And it’s really very tough to maintain this loyalty; reason: even for a small business customers can switch to your competitor’s website. Hence, it’s mandatory to pay complete attention towards customer loyalty.

Maintaining Customer Loyalty

Few ideas that will actually help you to have more loyal customers

  • Have proper communication: Face to face communication may not always be possible in online business. However, if you communicate effectively, warmly and in a polite manner then this can help you strengthen your relationships with the customers.

    Always communicate effectively like you are communicating personally with them, give them a personal feeling.

  • Reply as soon as Possible: Certain things take time like buying a chocolate online cannot instantly satisfy your urge to have it at that moment but in terms of feedback or we can say reply to customers, it’s advisable not to keep them waiting because generally customers lose patience when there’s a delay in reply to their feedback.

    Hence, it’s advisable to give quick reply and reduce the turnaround time as much as you can in order to maintain your goodwill in their minds.

  • Make your brand presence stronger: Branding is necessary to represent yourself in the minds of customers. A strong brand can bring more loyal customers and increase in your customer base will ultimately help you to make your brand presence stronger.
  • Always provide quality at every stage: Quality and price go hand in hand. The product images, icons, language, packaging, and emails everything must be qualitative. Always keep every single dimension of quality in mind.
  • Make more use of personalization: Yes, personalization is not for every business but for some personalizing communication and products can help to increase loyal customer base.
  • Learn to Apologize: Humans make mistakes and if you accept the mistake and apologize for the same, you can easily win loyal customers. Never try to prove yourself that you are right and it was not your mistake, instead accept and apologize.
  • Website must show your Intelligence: eCommerce website is the mirror of your business on the internet. Hence, make sure it reveals your industry expertise as well as provides proper information to the readers.

    Customers prefer to deal with people who are actually able to guide them in a proper manner.

  • Encourage your referrals: In case your website is referred by someone, it’s your responsibility to reward the referee as it helped you to increase your customer base. So, make sure to develop a good referral strategy which will encourage people to suggest your website to whosoever they know.

    Get maximum benefit of word of mouth publicity and increase as many customers as you can.

  • Appreciate Loyal customers: Always appreciate the loyalty of your customers. This can be done by way of saying thanks to them when they make second purchase from your e-store or it can be done by means of rewarding them such as free membership or any additional benefits.

    No one else can know your customers better than you. Make sure you use a creative approach to win your loyal customers.

Wind Up

With this post, till now you must have learned to get more loyal customers. Yes, an important thing is your website must seem to be a safe and secure place to shop from and for that it’s recommended to use well known eCommerce platforms that guarantee safest shopping experience to the people.

To know about best eCommerce Solutions, you can get in touch with Softqube Technologies; a well known eCommerce solution provider in India.

Creating Custom Post types in WordPress

We all know that WordPress is a completely flexible platform for developing websites and blogs. It offers endless possibilities to people to create the websites as per their needs. Here, we are going to discuss about an important feature of WordPress i.e. to create custom Post types.

Add Custom Post Type with WordPress

What are Custom Post Types?

Suppose, you have a mobile site and you are in search of a method that automatically helps you to post the products you wish to sale on the website. Such type of content needs frequent updates and this can be easily done with Custom Post types.

Let’s say you wish to sell some electronic items on your site hence in order to get the products posted automatically, you can create a custom post type called “Electronic items” and this will allow you to add certain specific content related to electronic items thus keeping it separate from other products.

Further, you can also create individual custom post types in Electronics; say a separate post type for mobile phones, separate for laptops and more and then you can offer certain discounts, special offers on the related post type.

How Custom Post types can help you?

Custom post types are useful when a website or blog needs separate sections for different products or categories. Some websites also need a separate content structure where admin can post particular details like as event dates, images and other such relevant information.

In order to make user friendly admin panel, developers can create custom post type with the name “Manage Events” and then the admin can get in there and add the respective content as well as related information accordingly.

This makes it easy, clear and simple to understand even for a non tech savvy person who is involved as an admin. If we talk about the technical aspects of Custom Post types then here are some sample codes and process which will show you how these can be easily implemented in your WordPress Set up:

Steps to implement Custom Post types in WordPress:

    • First register the information with your content management system and for this some particular information must be included in the system which makes it easy for WordPress to understand the Custom Post type:
      Code to be used:
      function my_post_type(){
      $args = array(
      'label' => 'My Custom Post Type',
      'show_ui' => true,
      'hierarchical' => false,
      'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'post-slug'),
      'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-video-alt',
      'supports' => array('title','editor','excerpt','trackbacks','custom-fields','comments','revisions','thumbnail','author','page-attributes')
      register_post_type('custom-post', $args);
      add_action('init', 'my_post_type');

      This code is to be included in function.php file as this will make it easier for WordPress to access these files and some other codes that are to be used are as follows:

    • function my_post_type(){: This is to be used to begin the process of creating custom post type.
    • Label: This part of the code is used to name the post type let’s say “electronic items”. By default, it will be “Custom post type”.
    • Show_ui: This is used to develop an user interface of custom post types. This determines the URL of custom post types which looks similar to other elements of WordPress admin.
    • Hierarchial: This is used to determine the hierarchy of custom post types like as child post, parent post or other sub posts.
    • Rewrite: This determines the URL of the CPT once the root of custom post type browser.

    These are some of the main parts of the code which are used to make custom post type ready for backend and then everything is set to begin with and using the code anywhere in the WordPress Setup.

Wind Up

Well, this is not the end. WordPress offers innumerable options to develop and customize things in your blog or website. To know more about WordPress features and its usability, you can get in touch with Softqube Technologies, PHP Development Company in India.

New Magento Extension: Magento Extended Success Page

Magento, as we all know is the well known eCommerce platform usually recommended by most of the e- business owners. Be it a small business enterprise or the large or medium one, Magento is for all.

Further, you can also extend the functionalities of your e-store with various Magento extensions available in the market. Some are free while some are available at a fixed rate. Today, we are going to discuss about one such Magento extension which is useful to develop a success page for every e-store. The details of this extension are as follows:

Magento Extended Success Page:

This new Magento extension is for those business owners who wish to have a perfect success page in their eCommerce stores.

Benefits of Magento Extended Success Page:

  • Boost in After Order Sales
  • Create Better User Experience in Magento Shop
  • Display Banners, Order Details, Social Widgets, and Newsletter Subscriptions instead of a Simple Thank You Note.
  • One Minute Installation
  • Sections for Custom Content
  • Makes products cross selling an easy task.

These features are explained as under:

  • Custom Sections for Content: With this extension, you will get three custom sections where you can add your own content including text, images, code or any other HTML text. These three sections can be easily managed via Static blocks thus making content creation an easy task.

    These sections can be either enabled or disabled in this extension.

  • Order Details: This extension helps you to display order details on your success page as this will ensure customers with a final confirmation of their order along with the delivery address.

    Further, it also displays Shipping and Payment methods, list of ordered items as well as order totals.

  • Social Widgets: This section is used to add the code of every kind of social widget you wish to include in your content page. It serves to be a great place to get maximum likes and followers.
  • News Letter Subscriptions: An effective way to get email address of the visitors is to offer them newsletters. This section in this extension helps you to grow your email list.
  • Cross Selling products: Success Page is a perfect place for cross selling related products. This means when any buyer performs check out then he/she is able to find other similar products which may interest them and they may purchase any one among them.

    Yes, offering combo packages can also serve the purpose. The reason customer has already established a connection with you and so you need to just provide an offer that they cannot resist. Hence, this extension is really useful for business owners to increase their sales.

How to start:

  • Copy all files from source directory to Magento Installation Root Directory
  • Go to Admin> System> Cache Management and then remove all caches.
  • Logout and Re-login
  • Then again go to Admin> System> Configuration> MageMill > Extended Success Page to set up this extension.
Wind Up

Hope this blog post will be useful to you and in case you need any assistance regarding Magento development, then you can discuss your queries on Magento forums or take any Magento experts advice.

Three eCommerce Web Design Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Business

Who doesn’t wish to see crowd of customers on their website? Everyone would love to have the crowd, isn’t it? But sometimes owners themselves are not aware of the mistakes that keep people away from their websites.

They keep trying several things like offering discounts, coupons and more but remain unaware about the mistakes that actually is hidden in their website design. In short, the mistakes lie within us but we constantly keep searching for them in others.

Hence, let’s take a look at the trio of these mistakes which badly hampers our sales and these are as follows:

Three eCommerce Mistakes that Negatively Affect Your Business:

  1. Communicate Your Value in a Proper Manner: The way you communicate your value to the people is one of the important things which shows whether people bother to read about your product or service or just move on.

    A strong way to deliver your value is the most valuable thing for any eCommerce store. This must reveal as to why people should buy from you, why they should deal with you when there are several other competitors available in the market?

    Provide them any specific reason for choosing you rather than others. We have seen that innumerable eCommerce sites lack the way to communicate with buyers; they don’t know how to prove their value to the buyers.

    Even some sites fail to explain their product or service in a proper manner and this makes it difficult for people to understand you because you yourself are confused about what actually you are selling.

    An example of perfect website that actually reveals its value is as follows:

    If you go to such websites, you can easily understand as to what exactly they are dealing with. Hence, your website should perfectly reveal the business you are in.

    Things that must be considered to perfectly deliver your value:

    • A catchy headline (it’s good if it has sub headings) in a simple, clear language explaining how an item is useful to the customer.
    • Body explaining why that item is perfect choice for the buyer. How you are different from others?
    • Any additional benefits offered by you.

    Once you are successful in explaining that you are the perfect one for them and that your product completely suits their needs then one can stop people rushing to your website.

  2. Unclear Product Descriptions: An important aspect of any eCommerce site is Product description. Yes, there are people who write something and sell something and this is one of the biggest reasons for their failure in online business.

    Product descriptions are really important however sometimes business owners hardly pay attention to it. The reason different people think about multiple aspects when they have actually decided to buy the product.

    Keep yourself on the customer’s seat and keep in mind all those aspects and write the product description accordingly. For example; if you are selling any furniture product; mention how it looks when kept in bedroom, drawing room etc.

    Colour of the product, its various features how it will make the customer’s life easy etc and other such aspects must be kept in mind while writing product descriptions.

  3. Make proper use of Quality Images: Certain items are purchased by looks. For instance, show piece, display items, pottery items, Handicrafts and more. Such items must be displayed with quality images so that its visual effect tempts buyers to buy the product.

    Make sure to include zoomable images especially those where image can be viewed along with product description. Such images lead to 10% increase in sales. Conversion rates can also be improved by including images in the search results.

    This means when someone searches your product, it should appear in the search results along with images. The ultimate aim of the image is that the buyer must be able to imagine the product because while purchasing it online they are unable to touch and feel it.

    Hence, never compromise on quality of the images as these are the ones that can yield sufficient revenue thus making your online business a huge success.

Wind Up

Have you found any of these mistakes in your eCommerce site? If yes, then this blog is a perfect guide for you. If no, then keep looking for them and if you find them, solve them immediately to improve your business on the web.

For better eCommerce website design services, you can get connected with well known experts like Softqube Technologies.

Statistics and Market Share for PHP

We all know that PHP is highly popular programming language recommended by developers to develop any kind of web applications, websites and more. Due to its flexibility and ease of understanding, it’s one of the well known languages used for web development.

Today, we are going to discuss about the usage statistics as well as market share of PHP language. So, let’s move on…

Statistics and Market Share for PHP

PHP Statistics and Market Share:

Among the widely known eCommerce platforms, 82% of them prefer to use PHP as a server side programming language. Statistics for different PHP versions is as follows:

PHP Version Website percentage using PHP
Version 5 98%
Version 4 1.6%
Version 3 Less than 0.1%

Based on this table, we can see the percentage of websites using various PHP versions where the PHP version 5 was used the most and PHP version 3, the least.

Further, let’s understand about the market position of PHP:

Here, we will know how popular PHP is in terms of traffic as compared to other popular server side programming languages. As per the market report as on 5th May 2015 i.e. today, the market position of PHP is as follows:

  • As compared to Java, Cold Fusion and Ruby; PHP is highly preferred by high traffic websites.
  • It is also used by low traffic sites as well as those who have recently involved in the eCommerce business.

Some well known sites that use PHP are as follows:

Certain sites that have started using PHP recently:
Well, here are the names of some of the websites who have just started using PHP:

There are in total 269 domains that have started using PHP this month. Few of the names are as follows:

Domain Name Technology used Previous Technology PHP Python PHP JAVA PHP PERL PHP ASP.NET PHP ASP.NET PHP ASP.NET PHP ASP.NET

This shows that the popularity of PHP is increasing by leaps and bounds. Along with this, total 2018 domains stopped using PHP and switched to other languages like PERL, Python, and ASP.NET etc.

Looking at the country wise distribution of PHP, we can say that it is widely popular United States and least used in Korea which is up to 2.191% with 3713 domains using PHP where as USA leads with 32% with 54607 domains using PHP and the second one is Germany with 11.19% market share and 18961 domains using PHP.

Among the various server side languages available in the market, PHP is leading with 69.23% this month followed by with 29.71%. This means people mostly prefer the former one to develop dynamic HTML pages. Web applications are developed using combination of HTML and other software code in a single PHP file.

Wind Up

This blog post reveals the popularity of PHP by showing its market statistics. Actually, PHP is now becoming the synonym for server side programming language because most of the people who are new to online business prefer to use this language as compared to others that are available in the market.

If you are willing to get your web applications developed using PHP then get in touch with Softqube Technologies that offers PHP development services at moderate costs.

Selecting the Best Online Payment Gateway

One of the important aspects of eCommerce is the Payment Gateway. While developing an eCommerce store, it’s necessary to decide as to which type of Payment gateway must be used in order to make transactions easy.

Certain Payment gateways can actually increase your sales and some can even lead to money loss. This no one wants in any business. So, it’s really important to select the right Payment Gateway for your online store which can lead to increase in sales.

Things to Keep in mind Before Selecting Payment Method

Well, before selecting the Perfect payment gateway; it’s important to keep certain things in mind which are as follows:

  • Gets integrated easily: Always choose the Payment gateway that easily gets adjusted with the website. This makes things easier and smooth transaction process can be carried out without any hassles.

    Certain eCommerce platforms like Shopify offer such easy to integrate Payment gateways that make payment easy for buyers.

  • Offers good Cart Options: Always select the Payment gateway that offers great cart options. This means your customers must be able to get several offers, discounts, promotional codes and also they must have freedom to select the number of items as well as save the items to the cart and return back to the site as and when needed.

    The more customers will feel easy shopping from your website, the more they are likely to come to you. Hence, always choose the Payment gateway that helps customers to purchase the products with ease as this will directly lead to increase in sales thus ultimately leading to maximum revenue from your online business.

  • Always offers something extra: Extra things include SEO and advertising fields. Certain Payment gateways provide options to optimize the store for search engines as well as make it easy to sell products online. These extras can really make a huge difference to your online business.

    So, keep in mind to look for any extras while selecting any payment gateway for your business.

  • No Extra Charges: Yes, some Gateways have hidden charges. So, make sure you select the one that doesn’t carry any extra charges and whatever it offers is clearly mentioned with no hidden conditions or charges.

    So, always cross check several times before actually purchasing any Payment Gateway and make sure every condition is agreed upon and properly understood before actually agreeing them.

  • Able to accept several forms of Payments: Some Payment gateways are able to accept only debit or credit cards or only net banking. In order to make it convenient for buyers to quickly make the payment, always choose the payment gateway that has several modes of payment like as Debit card, Credit card, Net banking, Cash card and more.

    Having more than one modes of payment will actually lead to increase in number of visitors. The reason being your store offers them their favourite or convenient option to pay money online.

    So, while selecting the payment gateway keep yourself in the side of customer and see which would seem perfect for you as a matter of convenience while making payment for any product.

Wind Up

Hope this blog post will help you to select the perfect one for your eCommerce Store. Certain eCommerce platforms like Shopify offer payment gateways that are really easy to use and possess all the required features.

So, if you wish to get any of Payment gateways integrated in your website or would like to get one developed from eCommerce Experts then Softqube Technologies is the one stop destination for you. Get in touch with well known eCommerce solutions provider today to get the services as per your needs.

Let’s Work together!

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