Four Well Known PHP Development Frameworks

Websites, web applications, online chats, Shopping carts and the list is endless; Yes everything can be developed with PHP and a surprising thing is usually developers love to use PHP as a programming language for developing every type of online platform; the reason being availability of enormous tools which make the development process easy as well as make it more efficient.

Several PHP Development Frameworks are available in the markets which are useful in developing the complex websites and applications and that too in a very less span of time. However, the main aim to select the one that suits the needs.

These frameworks make development process easy and efficient. So, let’s have a look at some of these:

Popular PHP Frameworks:

  • Cake PHP: One of the well known PHP platforms is Cake PHP. This is useful for developing applications quickly within no time. An important feature that attracts developers to use this framework is there’s no need to install the complete package.

    It’s very simple; just to install the database and start developing the application around it. It is the simplest application which can be used by beginners to practice using PHP and there’s less need of code to be used.

  • Zend: Another popular PHP Framework is Zend. This consists of several elements which are responsible for conducting common tasks of PHP Development. With Zend, applications can be developed in no time without worrying for any coding.

    Further, it provides complete support via Zend Server and Cluster manager. It is most recommended for web developers who wish to develop perfect websites which are completely complex in nature.

  • Smarty PHP: It is one of the PHP templates which is suitable for all those who use PHP. Be it a small application or a larger web development task, this framework supports everything. The main task of this framework is to separate presentation layer from the logic layer and hence it is supported by several template syntax enhancements. It also offers PHP streams support for development process.
  • Symfony: A PHP framework that makes the most use of PHP coding as well as allows developers to build applications which are very practical and which help them to hone their talent completely.

    It provides a complete library having scores of various PHP code classes which are useful in rapid development of PHP Applications.

Wind Up

Are you one of the PHP developers who wish to try their hands on any of these frameworks? Yes, you are perfectly right. These are the most recommended PHP platforms and today most of the expert PHP developers prefer to work on any of these rather than selecting other PHP platforms. On the other hand; those who wish to get their web applications developed on any of the above mentioned PHP Frameworks then get in touch with well known PHP Development Company like Softqube Technologies where experts will heed to your needs and work accordingly on the type of platform you wish to.

Hire Expert PHP Developers for Highly Professional Website in India

PHP development is one of the most popular parts of web development in IT industry. PHP as we all know is an easy programming language and so it is mostly recommended for developing websites, web applications as well as various eCommerce platforms.

Further web developers also love to use this language as it is easy to learn and understand. One can easily hire any PHP developer to get the website developed and on the other hand, large business enterprises can outsource their PHP development projects to well known web development companies in India.

Well what expert PHP developers can do for you?

The answer to this question is helpful for those who hire individual PHP developers as well as those who outsource their PHP projects to well known web development companies like Softqube Technologies.

Benefits of hiring PHP Developers:

  • Develop attractive web applications
  • Develop client side as well as server side applications
  • Can also deliver outstanding results by using their years of hands on experience.
  • Benefit of expertise
  • Can get best solution for your online business every time.

Hence, one can easily get affordable web applications developed by experts if in case you seem to hire an expert PHP Developer having minimum two years of experience in the field. Candidates must be able to understand your needs in a proper manner to execute the tasks in a timely manner.

Even if you are outsourcing your projects to reputed PHP Development companies, make sure you cross check everything before you actually finalize the deal. Yes, it is advisable to check their previous works or have a look at their PHP Development Portfolio.

Further, you can also look at their PHP Case studies as well as ask for client references to know about their views. Just make sure that your money is not wasted and you actually get the return for your investment.

Certain organizations offer various packages that include full time developers, Part time programmers or PHP developers on hourly basis. Depending on your needs, you can select those that actually can help you to fulfill your purpose.

So, what is the difference between full time dedicated developers, Part time programmers and Hourly basis developers? This is as follows:

Full Time Developers Part time Developers Hourly basis
8 hours a day, 40 hours a week 8 hours a day, 20 hours a week Any time period , duration
Minimum work : 160 hours per month Minimum work : 80 hours per month Must be hired for at least 8 hours
Fees change based on the experience Fees vary as per the experience Hourly rates depend on the type of experience

Now, in order to get web development done in any of the frameworks like Cake PHP, Zend Development, Open Source CMS, Core PHP or anything else then expert highly experienced PHP developers are always there to help you out.

Wind Up

Get in touch with them today and you can get any of the web applications developed like as Shopping carts, Content Management Systems, Online Chats, Order tracking, Audit management, Customer Management, Electronic Newsletters, Reviews and Ratings and the list is endless.

Credit Card Payment Systems for eCommerce Solutions

When it comes to online business, online payment is one of the important things that is to be considered. It’s necessary to render easy online shopping experience to people and so it’s important that your eCommerce store must have sufficient Payment methods available so as to make it easy for customers to make payment by any of their selected methods.

Certain Payment methods include Net Banking, Debit card, Cash card, Reward Points and more. However, there are very few Payment Gateways that actually offer the option to pay via Credit cards. For small businesses, it’s necessary to have this option on their eCommerce store.

However, the question is how can a small business accept credit card payments?

Offering credit card as a payment option makes it more convenient for people to do online purchases and sometimes it becomes easy for buyers to carry out purchases of huge amounts. If you take a look at well known eCommerce shopping sites then they all offer this system.

Credit Card Payment Systems for eCommerce Solutions

Now, it’s the turn of small businesses to do so. Here’s the way to enable credit card payments in your eCommerce store.

Including Credit Card as one of the Payment mode:

While doing online business, it’s advisable to offer as many payment options as you can. This is because it encourages customers to carry out several transactions from your e- store and you can also have huge number of loyal customers.

Several eCommerce platforms such as Volusion offer simple credit card payment systems which can easily be integrated in your eCommerce store. Such services make funds transfer easier and quick thus increasing confidence in customer.

Apart from this, you can also get a perfect credit card payment system designed from well known eCommerce Solution providers like Softqube Technologies. However, before actually selecting any firm to get any systems developed for your online store, make sure they offer services at Affordable rates, safe and secure systems as well as render 24/7 customer support, the reason being these are useful features when there’s an actual need for assistance.

Also, you can decide as to which Payment gateway you wish to include in your online store for accepting payments. Some of the well known payment systems are as follows:

  • PayPal
  • Cybersource
  • Verisign
  • Authorize.Net

In case you don’t have any merchant account then you can easily create one with the help of these providers. Yes, before actually setting up a credit card payment system; make sure you are aware about the complete terms and conditions of credit card processing along with fees.

Here are a few highlights of what actually are the charges of credit card processing:

  • For less than 1000 transactions, a small monthly processing fee of $10 to $100 is applicable.
  • Transaction fees near to 3- 5% are also applicable on every transaction.
  • Certain Payment gateways also charge start up fees and these are waived off later.
Wind Up

Hence, get proper details about your credit card process, payment gateways and more and then select the one that actually meets your needs. You can also get a perfect credit card payment system developed by experienced eCommerce experts.

Using Magento as a Content Management System

Magento content management system, we all know is a well known eCommerce platform recommended by almost 80% of online business owners. It’s really nice thing if such popular platform is used as a Content Management System.

Now, what this content management system is? It’s one of the important characteristics that help to boost your customer’s online experience. Magento already has a default CMS functionality however it lacks proper flexibility.

And this enforces people to use third party content management systems such as Joomla or WordPress along with Magento. So, the question is how to make most use of Magento’s Content Management System so as to avoid any integration of other third party CMS?

Making most of Magento Content Management System:

  • CMS Pages: These are the pages used apart from Product pages. These can be either simple text pages like as terms, conditions, privacy policy as well as other heavy media pages. When a CMS page is developed within Magento, it will have WYSIWYG editor which is used to add text to the pages.Here, one can add text, CMS blocks, Widgets, images and any other media without any need of coding or HTML knowledge. Magento provides an option to select a particular layout for design and templates. Apart from this, CMS pages will also help to fix the URL path and then add meta data for the required SEO benefits.
  • CMS blocks: Like Pages, CMS blocks are also inserted inside a CMS page or product and these are not accessible individually. These can also be added in any CMS widget. Like CMS pages, here also WYSIWYG box is available.However, the variation is these blocks can be added to multiple pages. Let’s say a CMS block can be developed to showcase separate shipping charges for national as well as international locations and this can then be placed on the right side of all the pages of the website making it easier for managers to administer the site.
  • CMS Widgets: The perfect place that can be helpful to you to be smart with the Page content. The main use of CMS widgets is to add various different elements in different formats in CMS content.This can include addition of images, logos, maps, nearby locations, top sellers and more. These widgets can be placed anywhere either in CMS pages, CMS blocks which will then be displayed on the website.
  • Modified Modules: Sometimes the given options in Magento don’t match your needs and still you are in need of a CMS, modified modules play their role here. This means with the use of custom modules you can be able to get the same CMS experience as that with the fixed ones by just tweaking them a little bit.One can easily alter custom based modules as per the need where you have can complete control over the content as well as your eCommerce Platform. It then becomes easy to maintain and update the content as and when needed.

Wind Up

With these above mentioned features, we are sure you can make most use of Magento  Magento content management system. However, if these features still failed to meet your needs then various other Magento extensions are also available that can suit your eCommerce store in a perfect manner and that too at an affordable cost.

Hence, you can easily widen the store functionalities as much as you can with the additional extensions available. But make sure, you learn to use them in a perfect manner or it can lead to bad user experience.

Is PHP really beneficial for Business?

A well designed and developed website is the need of every business in today’s world. There are many ways to develop a website such as a still website, websites with flash banners and much more. To develop these, many types of scripting languages are used and one of such easy to use web site development languages is PHP.

As we all know, PHP is one of the most widely used scripting languages. If we take a look at various eCommerce platforms today most of them are developed using PHP. HTML and PHP can also be used together to form a good website.

Being an easy language with simple script and syntax, PHP is highly recommended by web developers as well as programmers love to use it and this has led to the increase in demand of PHP. One of the main reason of this language is it supports various databases such as MySQL, Oracle, Informix etc.

This is one of the language which helps to reduce web development cost with many of the advantages to your business. So, let’s have a look at how PHP web development can help your business

Advantages of PHP Development

  • Reduced development and maintenance cost.
  • Can easily run on various platforms like Windows, Linux and Unix etc.
  • Offers high performance and reliability.
  • Can easily get embedded with HTML code.
  • Can run easily with servers like Apache and IIS
  • Can be used to develop solutions and various web applications like shopping carts, CMS, CRM and more.
  • Various types of well known databases like MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase and more are supported.

When it comes to Web Development, PHP is the one that is most recommended for developing highly interactive websites which are highly in demand during these days. If we consider the above advantages, they are really useful to develop dynamic attractive web applications as well as business oriented professional websites. In short, we can say that PHP is a flexible, secure, fast and predictable option for web development.

So, now if you are planning to outsource your web development projects or wish to get any kind of web applications developed then you can get in touch with well known Web development companies that have relevant experience in developing PHP based web applications.

We recommend opting for PHP web development as it provides enough flexibility as well as reduced development costs. Hence, any IT firm specializing in PHP Web development solutions can lend you a helping hand.

Wind up:

Softqube Technologies, a PHP web development company in India has years of experience in creating various types of websites and web applications based on PHP. You can either hire any PHP Developer to get your project done or the other way is you to outsource your project to them and just let them know your needs. Sit relaxed and you will find your work is done exactly as you wanted it to be. Talk to them today and fix the deal now.

WordPress Website on Google App

Initially, WordPress was just a blogging platform but now it has transformed into complete content management system providing its users the ability to develop and publish attractive websites and blogs.

WordPress Plugin is one of the largest and constantly growing plug ins, the simplicity of WordPress Engine is what attracts its users the most. This can be easily modified to one’s own liking and needs. Any WordPress powered website can be transformed into a photo blog or any professional online portfolio.

With WordPress, it’s easy to do what you want to. Developers wish to control every little thing involved in website development. WordPress provides various options to shape your imagination and create an amazing website or blog.

WordPress Website on Google App Engine

After creating the Plugin, get it hosted on WordPress plugin. Various custom post types can be created along with Meta data specific to the application or website. One can easily manage users, databases and HTTP requests and this is what we are going to learn here in this post.

Hosting WordPress Website on Google App Engine

Google App Engine is a platform which is a service offering that allows to run and create applications on Google’s infrastructure. App Engine Applications are easy to develop, maintain and scale as your traffic and storage data needs to change.

With Google, same servers can be used to host WordPress website or blog hence Google can be used to host something other than Blogger.

Set Up for Google App Engine

A machine is needed for using Google App Engine on a local server. This local server must be set up on the machine first and then the website update can be tested before making it live. In order to install a complete local server for the purpose of using Google App Engine, the same software from the internet must be used.

An important thing here is Google App Engine Software Development Kit or we can say SDK as well as local server using MYSQL Server. An installation of Python must also be done. Get a fresh copy of WordPress which must be used on local server and then the attachment that consists of files must be ready to enable Google App Engine for WordPress.

Step 1

Sign in with Google Cloud Platform and then create a new project in the Google Developers Console and then a test project will be used. Once the details are entered then select Storage> Cloud SQL> New instance and then enter the relevant name.

Kindly remember this name as the same will be used to connect with the WordPress as well as activate billing.

Step 2

Once this is done then new local server must be set up so that WordPress can run easily on Google App Engine. So, three files must be created known as aap.yaml, cron.yaml and php.ini. After doing this, the latest version of WordPress must be downloaded and then extracted to hard drive.

The extracted folder and three files in the new folder can be added and named as App Engine.

Step 3

Begin the MYSQL Command Line Client and then you will need to add the password. Then a console database will be used to create a database. Database is now created and WordPress then must use it. The details of database and username must be added and the line must be replaced with the particular code.

Step 4

Finally, Google App Engine Launcher is to be executed and as soon as it starts press Control+ Shift+N or go to the file and click on Add Existing Application. Then browse the folder named as App Engine and press OK. The Google App engine will read app.yaml file and load the data from it.

Then select the green button to run the application engine and then within few moments, select browse button. Initially browsing your app will give you well known WordPress five minutes install page.

Once the application is deployed, then access the app with install.php. Within a couple of steps, we are done. Now, Log in to App Engine and click on recently deployed WordPress project. Then, Activate Cloud Integration for our app so that media can be uploaded within the WordPress.

In the left side bar, click on Application Settings, scroll to the bottom and select “Create” and then activate it. A new message will appear showing Cloud integration services have begun.

Step 5

The final thing that must be done is to install Google App Engine Plug in for WordPress locally. Once the Plugin is installed, then it is to be activated. Now, a new link under Settings tab in WordPress can be seen, navigate to App Engine and add the necessary information.

Make sure that default bucket name has the name”” and then click on “Save” button and it’s done.

Wind up

Hence with this entire process, it will become easy to set up WordPress Website on Google App Engine. To know more about such different aspects of WordPress, stay in touch with custom WordPress development services provider Softqube Technologies.

How Caching can be Done in WordPress?

We all know that WordPress is a popular platform used for creating websites and blogs. It is mostly used by business enterprises and when talking about the WordPress Speed, we can see innumerable things and blogs available regarding various tips to boost the speed of WordPress.

To make WordPress work faster there are various tutorials available, however in today’s blog we are going to discuss about every single phase of optimizing the WordPress website and making it work quickly.

WordPress Website Cache Tips

So, the two important things in any website are: a) Caching .b) Optimizing Data. So, let’s discuss about one of the easiest things say Caching.

Caching: Word Press

When it comes to speed up the website, Caching is one of the most important technique due to popular and easy to use Word Press caching plug ins and it’s one of the basic techniques that reduce the database load and headway the website to work quickly.

Now, there are two types of caching, client side caching and server side caching. Client side caching is mostly done by the visitors’ browsers. This means when visitors come to the website, browsers will store the data of some parts of web pages.

Client Side Caching

This type of caching is mainly done by visitors’ browsers. In simple terms, we can explain it like when the visitors visit any website their browser saves the data from some parts of the web pages. On the other hand browsers cache some data such as CSS and Java script files and this data can be useful for doing some fine tuning by means of .htaccess files.

This means with the help of .htaccess files a simple header called “Expires” can be added like this.

These code lines can be placed in .htaccess file and then you are ready to do caching.

Server Side Caching

Word Press Server Side caching includes four main caching types: Page caching, database caching, object caching and operation code caching. To understand them in proper manner, these are described as follows.

  • Page Caching: WordPress outputs pages by using database query as well as providing the relevant results. In Page caching, when any visitor visits the website every page is captured as an html file in the server’s local storage and serves those HTML files that are related to the web pages.
  • Database Caching: Database is considered as the center of any Word Press website which is the store house of all data and it is very less effective when the same Word Press query is done repetitively on each and every page for every visitor.

    Database caching is useful to serve the results as well as rejuvenate the results in case another such query is made.

  • Object Caching: Object caching is one of the internal APIs of the WordPress which permits the plugins to save the information of such expensive queries.
  • Opcode Caching: Codes are the mode of instructions used for editing and gathering the details and make requests. It’s a type of caching that saves the edited code thus increasing the speed of the process at a considerable manner.

Further for WordPress Caching, two types of Plugins are available

  • WP Super Cache: It’s one of the most well known WordPress Caching Plugin which is widely used by people. It functions by creating static HTML files and refreshing them at regular time intervals. This sometimes may not work for high traffic websites.
  • W3 Total Cache: After WP Super Cache, this one is another popular WordPress Plugin which is suitable for websites having maximum traffic running from VPS or any other suitable hosting platform.

    It contains several types of settings and also offers high performance caching options and this may be one of the best solution for making WordPress caching an easy task.

Wind up:

Hope this blog post will help you to understand WordPress caching in a perfect manner and in case if you have any issues then you can get connected with Softqube Technologies, Custom WordPress Development Company to solve your problems and get proper guidance.

Next time, we will take a look at Database Optimization in WordPress, so stay tuned with us!

Becoming a Top WordPress Developer is Quite Easy

To become a WordPress Developer you have to invest lot of time, determination and energy as there is no shortcut for this. You also cannot install WordPress by merely reading a few tutorials or customizing few themes. No doubt if you can do this it means that you know some do and don’t and can call as an expert, but to become a top developer, you have to think and act beyond boundaries. You have to be innovative, keen to contribute to the community and show mastery in your actions.

The Reasons for Becoming a Top WP Developer

  • Earn well: There is always great demand for WordPress Developers and clients are ready to pay anything to top developers.
  • Attain the best clientage: You will get the liberty to choose your clients and projects.
  • Influence on others: You can shape the future of this sector by influencing people around you.

Some Mandatory Things to be Done in order to be a Top WP Developer

  • One hour reading is compulsory: if you are already on the top and need to sustain your position, or want to achieve that place you have to spend at least one hour on reading or learning about WordPress every day.
  • Enrollment in WordPress university: You can find several excellent resources where you can put your effort and time in the right direction.
  • Get a good company of top WordPress developers: The one with whom we spend time are the ones whose habits we adopt. You should start spending your time with the most experienced and trained developers, start reading their blogs, follow their Twitter account, give your thoughts on their ideas, ask for their advice, follow it and report back.
  • Understand the technology: You have to update your skill and knowledge regarding technology. Learn PHP and MySQL, Explore the Codebase, run the nightly, read “Make WordPress”.
  • Daily Assignments are mandatory: It is mandatory to practice whatever you have learned. When you read a tutorial, try to follow it on your own. It is good to spend your time in applying the learning material into your experiments and projects.

Gaining Experience with WordPress

When you believe that you have learned enough, then be prepared to gain some real-world experience. Always remember that the path towards the top is filled with difficulties, and when you gain experience outside your comfort zone you take a decisive step in the right direction.

  • Opt for real projects: Working for real clients, no matter free or paid, is the best way to attain experience. Working with clients gives you the opportunity to face challenges that you cannot deal while working on your own.
  • Develop a public theme: Try to create a public theme that can be used by all and get the feedback which will help you to improve further.
  • Develop a plug-in: Everything you have learnt about Plug ins must be now put into practice by developing the real plug in. This plug in developed by you must be able to solve the real issues . So, develop one and release it for either free or paid to get the user experience.
  • Writing a bug free Code: Bug free codes create less issues. So, in order to be the top WordPress developer it’s important to gain expertise in writing error free code.
  • Be a Part of WordPress Community: When you complete your education then the next step is to become an active member of the WordPress community. Spend some time in investing in this community, and soon you will see the desirable results.


A mindset of continuous improvements and a strong will to do hard work are the key elements of becoming a top WordPress Developer. Commence from an intentional concentration on education, it ends with extensive real-world experience.

So, best of luck to those who wish to achieve a high level position in this field and help WordPress in its further advancements. To get benefited from such useful information, stay updated with Softqube Technologies, well known custom WordPress development company, India.

Joomla Web Development Services Offered by Well Known Firms

The most powerful open source CMS or content management system is Joomla, which is licensed under General Public License. Although this program is written in PHP language, but utilizes My SQL as database. Every aspect essential for every dynamic site to work is engrossed in this open source content management system.

From the day one of its inception in 2005, it has modified the entire process of posting contents on the web. This incredible Joomla facilitates you to develop your website with some web applications, and this way it empowers you to give your website an exceptional feature from other websites in the online sector. When you compare it with others, you will find it a bit difficult to handle, although this open source content management system is more user-friendly, flexible and also extensible than the other systems.

Expert companies like Softqube Technologies can easily assist you in installing and configure Joomla as the most efficient CMS. You will achieve the professional services of experienced Admin panel that will not only manage your pages, but META data and content for SEO as well. The company is impeccably experienced in incorporating third party Joomla modules (plug-ins) like visual editors, SEO, photo gallery, Multilanguage capability, SEO friendly URLs, and file upload.

Joomla Development Services offered by well known Companies:

  1. Plug-in development: you can find several plugins that are accessible free of cost or with negligible charges. These plug-ins can easily integrate with Joomla to boost the features and capabilities of the systems. The developers of the company are ultra-comfortable with the Joomla API and can personalizeJoomla as per your requirement to satiate all your needs.
  2. Theme Development: T he trained professionals can develop the Joomla theme as per needwith several theme templates and skin accessible in the market. They are also able to develop a personalized template according to the need and implementation in Joomla having expertise in the field of developing quality rich Joomla themes.

Varying from simple content management system themes to utmost complicated content management systems like themes, they are talented to execute everything. They will provide you at the par flexibility of creating your website based on the excellent Joomla framework so that you can get the ease of developing websites from the striking backend administration of personalized Joomla themes.

Why Joomla should be an option for open source content management system development?

Joomla is an open source system which has enormous options for managing the content and also offers wide range of themes and professionals of the company possess the abundant experience of creating more than 30 applications or sites in Joomla. With Joomla, one can get services like:

  • CMS Development
  • Template integration
  • Content management system design
  • Extensions development and modules development
  • Joomla custom modules development
  • Joomla custom design templates
  • Joomla custom modification and customization
  • Joomla design integration and customization
  • Joomla content development and management
  • Maintenance work for Joomla portals

Hence, in case you are looking for the best services of Website development in Joomla then you must talk to experts or such Joomla development firms who have expertise in the field.

PHP Web Development: New Version of YII PHP Framework Released

Updates, updates and updates; Be it SEO, Php Web Development, Web design, Application development or any corner of the IT sector; none of this is empty without updates. Every now and then, you can new things arriving in each and every part.

If we discuss about the latest versions then mostly there are news of new version release, be it in PHP or in mobile app development. Yesterday, YII PHP Framework new version was released. To make PHP better and better, new versions keep on arriving so as it can never get outdated and that is why we think that it is one of the most popular web development programming language used for web application development.

Now, we are here to discuss about the recently released new version of YII PHP framework – YII version2.0.2.

Some insights about YII2.0.2

It is one of the PHP powerful frameworks that contain unique features that were missing in previous versions. Yes, of course every new version has some features available which are unavailable in the previous ones and so it’s known as new version release.

YII version 2.0.2 is the most powerful PHP Framework enriched with maximum useful features in order to enhance web development process. This framework was originally released on 11th January 2015 however now it is completely available for downloads and can be installed in the system in order to upgrade the current website or create a new one.

YII is the acronym for “Yes It Is” – an open source PHP web application development framework that basically depends on MVC – model view controller. The main aim behind developing this framework was to overcome all the drawbacks of an object oriented framework known as PHP Rapid Application Development Object oriented.

YII is developed as a replacement for PRADO (PHP Rapid Application Development Object Oriented). The main weakness of the previous framework was its inability to handle complicated web pages and to overcome this weakness, YII framework came into existence.

The newly launched YII 2.0.2 is perfect substitute for rapid PHP development framework as it is quick, reliable, secure and a must use professional platform for developing fully featured web2.0 applications.

Features of New Release

Not just one or two, this new version of YII has in total 40 new features that can be hardly seen in any other PHP Framework. Here, we are going to discuss only a few of them:

  • Route Alias: This framework supports route aliases along with aliases that represent URLs and file destinations. To support route aliases, method used is Url::to() and Url::toRoute() where in the first one is used to develop a route and second one is used as a route reference.
  • Dependent Component Configuration: This feature of YII2.0.2 is used for testing the web application that directly forms a property with configuration array.
  • Static Slug: A new property known as Immutable Slug is available in YII2.0.2 which when changed to “true” and then the slug will remain static. This property is very useful from SEO point of view as it helps to keep a published URL static and avoids getting it changed.
  • New Widget- DatePicker: This widget supports language substitute. It is useful while configuring language property.
  • Transfer of Validation Errors: This new framework features a new method addErrors( ) that is used to shift the validation errors from one model to another.

Wind Up

These and many other features of YII 2.0.2 are worthy of appreciation which helps to develop powerful and quality web applications easily and quickly. Hope this version will be useful to anyone who is in the field of developing web applications using PHP framework.

For more guidance on how to use this version, get in touch with PHP Web Development experts at Softqube Technologies.

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