PHP Development: New Debugging solution of PHP announced

Recently, a new real time debugging solution was announced by Zend known as “Z-ray”. It provides enhanced productivity for PHP development and its various open source content management systems like as WordPress, Magento etc.

Official Release of Z –ray

On 13th January 2015, a PHP development company officially declared Z- ray as one of the important tools for real time debugging solutions and advanced PHP productivity.

This debugging tool comes with Zend Server 8 with in context visibility. It makes easier for web developers to boost the code quality, identify and solve the issues quickly and also supports to reduce the production related problems at quicker rate.

Z- Ray ensures development of feature rich web applications by providing application awareness including the basics of coding for final deployment. It also provides the facility of detecting errors and corrects them at early stage leading to less problems and effective application performance in the end.

Features of Z- ray

  • Robust debugging capabilities
  • Z- ray live for debugging mobile apps and API calls.
  • Support for various open source PHP framework like Word press, Magento etc.
  • Support for Symphony, Zend and Laravel PHP frameworks.
  • Snapshot based on URL Performance.

Some of Features of Z – Ray are described here

  • Error Free High Performing Applications:
    This debugging tool includes powerful debugging capabilities and offers error free applications with efficient performance. With this debugging tool, developers can easily improve the quality of the code as well as the performance of the application.Issues are resolved at basic level with a view to speed up the application development process. All sort of useful information is provided by Z- Ray such as quality & performance metrics, PHP requests, data queries, session & data management and lots more.
  • Available for Debugging mobile apps and API calls:
    Now, debugging mobile apps and API calls becomes easy everywhere and anywhere as Z- Ray is now available live. Perfect accurate information is generated on requests which help developers to identify how requests work at the server end.
  • Quick Support for Magento, Drupal and WordPress:
    A deep insight is provided for PHP based open source applications like Magento, Drupal and Word Press which includes Functions, blocks, modules, events, requests, handlers and all sort of functions that are related to PHP.Support for Symphony, Zend and Laravel PHP frameworks: Major PHP frame works such as Zend, Symphony and Laravel are supported by Z- Ray and it renders every minute detailed information about events, requests, response, objects, loaded modules and lots more.Additional Support: The extensibility API provides extra support for app and framework which makes it easy for developers to get a customized view.
  • URL Performance Snapshots:
    These snapshots give an in depth insight about slow performing URLs as well as popular URLs. Z Ray snapshots provide a real insight of the requests sent.The applications perform well with the insight and debugging facilities. Z- Ray is easy to use interface that is loaded with true monitoring features which are used to examine web applications.

Wind Up

Hope this debugging tool will be useful to you as well. We will provide you more details about latest PHP updates. Till then, stay tuned to Softqube Technologies, a well known PHP Web Development Company, India.

How to Use cURLS in PHP?

Hey Viewers, Welcome back! Again we are back with amazing details about PHP and its various usages. So, today we are going to discuss about something called “cURLS” in PHP.

Well, what is this Curls? I don’t know but are you aware? For me, it simply means the curls of hair. Sounds Funny! But this is not the actual meaning of this term here.

Curls in PHP are actually the tools of command line which are used to send and receive the files. As well as, you can also send or receive other kind of data along with the URL syntax. This tool supports various protocols such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), TELNET and so on.

When you are using PHP scripting language, you can use cURL in a different way. The module of PHP allows us to use the library file of PHP which is ‘libcurl’. Through this way, you can use command line tool in PHP and start implementation.

Now, we discuss about the uses of the cURL tool so that, you know how to use it or not. If we want to use cURL, we can use it for HTTP form, which is based upload, basic authentication website, file transfer protocol and so on. There are various ways for doing such kinds of tasks along with the PHP. But, it requires a lot of coding, logic and functions of PHP which doesn’t able to handle errors and flexibility. This is the main reason why many individuals not use other ways instead of CURL.

As well as, there are some other tasks are also not easy such as file uploading, authentication, data extraction and many others. In fact, all these all kinds of tasks are easily done by the CURL command line tool. These are few uses of cURL which can make it better than others so, enhance your knowledge and start using it.

Here are some basic steps to use cURL. With the help of these useful steps, you can easily handle any kind of request along with cURL:-

Firstly, you have to initialize a session of curl with the function- curl_init(). This is a code of initializing the session-

$var1= curl_init();
After that, you have to set many other options for thesession along with the curl_setopt() function-
curl_setopt($var1, CURLOPT_URL,;

Then, execute the procedure and send the data from the server by using the function curl_exec()

Now, close the session of CURL with the curl_close() function and see the results-


Now, this basic working code will easily describe the cURL or PHP. So, carefully read this entire information and work on it.

After that, once we declare the basic requirements of cURL command line then we can easily do various tasks like file uploading, error handling, and fetching information and so on. You can also check errors by use coding of PHP/ cURL and get more information by searching on the web. So, start your research by any of the main keyword and get the results quickly.

A Battle of Being the Best between PHP, Python and Ruby

PHP Over the past, the world has taken a different turn, people have now defined the use of radio and television and they are cashing on to the opportunities leveraged by the internet services. The Internet is one technology that has taken the world by surprise, from the innocuous beings to the intellectual, everyone is under its spell and all of them are incessantly using it for creating something that has a specific value in the world.

While the e-commerce is on a rise, a lot of amateurs are trying their hands of freelancing, blogging and internet marketing. In order to master any of these and acquire a huge set of revenue, one will be required to develop some intricate knowledge about the subject and when I talk about the subject I am not limiting my conversation to the usages of the internet and to the optimization of the search engines, I talk about the algorithms and also about the innocuous codes that are making up to these giant sites.

PHP, Ruby and Python are some of the amazing tools that are helping the computer geeks in changing the world from the comfort of their home. We are going to carry out an intricate discussion over the potential of all these.


Hypertext Pre Processor is the most widely used developing language when it comes to developing dynamic pages of a site. This language develops a cozy relationship between the interface of the site and the database. The plug-ins and the features are designed to make the flow of data from database to user interface.

Some of the common advantages of PHP can be listed as

  • Easy to learn, available for free under the protected license of PHP.
  • The world moves on PHP, hence it gets easier to merge two or more sites for a specific role.
  • Higher API rate.
  • Works on all servers and has a lot of in-build plugins that makes the movement graceful.


  • Lack of trouble shooter.
  • Fails in developing desktop apps.


A high level language, it has a lot of complexities, but the outcome is always amusing. Very few lines of code in Python can do wonders.


  • Readable syntax and it is very easy to learn.
  • High quality community support and free resources for function enhancement.
  • Easy development with applications after measuring the circumstances.
  • Object oriented approach in development.


  • Lack of multi-processor function.
  • Database limitations.
  • Slower when compared to other competitive languages like Java and PHP.


It is an open source language and in the recent past it has acquired some amazing reviews. The language requires a platform known as Rail for incomparable functioning, which is one of the reasons why people defy the use of the same.


  • Ability to get embedded into higher languages like HTML, it is open source and has the capability to work on multiple platforms.
  • Super advanced string supports the text multiplication and makes it more viable.
  • Cool and amazing relation to varied databases like SQL and DB2.
  • A very clean and easy syntax structure which leads to the development of an exquisite site.


  • Learning is troublesome.
  • Lack of resources.
  • Lack of tool support and updates.

Final Note

With this blog post, we are sure to provide you sufficient details regarding the programming language to be selected for your needs. Select the one that you seem to be fulfilling your needs. To get best PHP Development Services, stay in touch with one of the most remarkable PHP Web Development firms, Softqube Technologies.

Getting into the Base Differences between PHP and Python

The internet is making this world a better place to live and people from the remotest corner of the world are incessant about this change. They are using the full potential of the internet and helping the community to grow. The development of a site is the utmost important thing, if you are looking forward to impacting lives with the help of the internet; it is going to take some intricate knowledge of the developmental languages to make the best of sites.

PHP and Python are two developing languages that have kept the arguments hot, we are going to discuss the differences in detail so that you can decide and choose the best.


PHP uses the paradigms of the following kinds Imperative, object-oriented, functional and reflective and procedural.

  • Some of the common implementations are referred to as: Phalanger, HHVM and Parrot.
  • PHP is known to have inbuilt web development features.
  • The language faces some errors when it comes to providing high quality flexibility.
  • It has some amazing relation with the servers when it comes to embedding with web servers.
  • This language has good space for garbage collection and gc-enable functions are also included.
  • For termination it makes use of semicolons.
  • There is no option or support for multiple inheritances.
  • PHP is talkative language and it gets verbose with time.
  • One of the things why developers discard PHP is that it does not allow operator overloading.
  • There is no UNICODE support for PHP.
  • Curly braces are used to end statements in PHP.
  • PHP can never be cited as a language that is profiled.
  • PHP gives no value to exception handler, which is a bad thing.


Python uses a lot of paradigms, some of them can be listed as Imperative, object-oriented and procedural and functioning.

  • IronPython and CyPython are some of the major implementations.
  • There are no inbuilt features; you will have to gather some add ons.
  • Unlike PHP, Python provides with a high flexible option.
  • Python has options where it can easily be embedded into different web servers.
  • Python has no space in the garbage, but it can store a lot of add ons and optional features that are currently inactive. Python cares for the code and allows sustainability for some time.
  • Python gives no damn to curly brace termination, it makes use of newline termination and semicolons play an important role in the same.
  • Python takes over the PHP when it comes to providing options for multiple inheritances; making use of multiple inheritances reduces complexity.
  • PHP is verbose while Python is crisp, clear and to the point.
  • A lot of functions in Python are case sensitive.
  • There are options in Python that makes operator overloading an easy task unlike in PHP where it is not allowed.
  • There is a UNICODE support for the codes in Python.
  • Indentation is the technique that is used for terminating blocks.
  • Python is a language that can be referred to as profiling.
  • It allows exception handling, which works in the favor of the developers.

Take Away

In the battle of PHP and Python, the latter seems to have better options and facilities, but the popularity of PHP is something praiseworthy. With a view to get better advantage of PHP Services, get in touch with Softqube Technologies, a well known PHP Development Company, India.

Significant Tips to Select the Best PHP Development Company

PHP Development We have to give lots of thanks to our internet world which makes our environment very innovative. As well as, we can easily get information within few seconds/ minutes. So, that we can say our world is full of technological and information. Now, various people do many transactions online and do lots of things implemented on the web. Connect to the global network because it is useful for them.

If anyone wants to make their business popular in this competitive market so they need a website. In this era, website is the only platform that can enhance your sales and name quickly. You can also build a famous position in the market place which is a dream of business men.

At the time of launching your official website, you have to know about the ways. It means you know the importance of visitors. The reason behind that, they decide the growth of your business in future. So, don’t ignore it and apply such techniques that can increase the quantity of visitors. As we know, the owner of a website doesn’t have enough time. So, they try to find the best website development company that can make their site perfect.

Select the Best PHP Development Company

Always choose professional companies that have experience to work in the stream. Finding or choosing a web development is really a difficult task. Experts say developing a website is just a same task as a building construction. In my opinion, no one wants to see their house in bad condition after a few months of construction. Similarly, the website is also important for business and its owner as well.

Before selecting or hiring any development company, you have to keep some vital points in your mind.

    • Know About Company’s Experience: First check the company experience on various technologies and portfolio as well. We know very well that experience person can easily handle work and complete it on time along with all the features. So, without knowing their experience and working ability don’t hire any company.
    • Communication Process: The next important phase is the interaction procedure of the client and the developer which is also a very essential thing. These communication processes can be done by using various tools such as Skype, Facebook, and Gtalk and so on.Significant Tips to Select the Best PHP Development Company If clients and developer are far from each other so these are really useful for them. Otherwise, they can meet and interact with each other properly.
    • Strategy n Development Process: Now the next one is a strategy and development process which totally depends on the way of working. If you want to achieve your goals so client and customer have trust in each other. Any professional company offers you a clear strategy of project accomplishment. This is also very accurate and easy for clients to understand.
    • Post Project Relationships: Another phase is post development relationships which is also a crucial part of it. If you do not have knowledge of the technologies so you can’t able to update and maintain your website. As well as, can’t take back up when it is needed. Then, you require professionals that can handle your work easily.

Take Away

With these tips, you will easily understand as to which PHP Development Company suits the purpose. To get advanced PHP development strategies developed, be connected with Softqube Technologies.

Google Analytics Plug-in for Joomla

Joomla is the well known platform for developing websites. This is very much beneficial for large enterprises. Joomla is mostly recommended by huge enterprise owners. Once a website is developed then it is the time to get as many views as possible.

Google Analytics Plugins are available for these Joomla websites. With this analytics, it is possible to get insights about the number of website views, clicks and impressions. This can be easily installed in your Joomla website.

It’s just a simple process where you need to simply add the required Google code for Joomla without editing any of your website codes. You just need to get the Joomla code embedded in your website. This quickly and easily installs the Google Analytics code required to get your website tracked with Google Analytics.

With this single code, you can configure as many Joomla powered websites as you like. Google Analytics is available absolutely free of cost and so is the simple version of this Plug –in. It easily works with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.
Also, this works very well with the previous Google Analytics as well as with the recent Universal Google Analytics tracking.

Features of Free Plug In Version

  • Asynchronous Integration Available
  • Universal Integration
  • Verification of Meta Tags with Web Master tools
  • Download for Free

In case you need more support and assistance then the PRO version of this Plug in is also available as paid subscription. With this Pro version, certain Joomla things can be managed easily. Also, you will get complete support from the Google team to ensure that you are able to use the Plug in a perfect and appropriate manner.

Features of PRO Version

  • Asynchronous Integration Available
  • Universal Integration
  • Verification of Meta Tags with Web Master tools
  • Direct Links via Social Link Distribution
  • Google Demographics
  • Advanced In Page analytics
  • IP Tracking
  • Sub-domain tracking
  • Recording different top level domains
  • Retargeting
  • Cookie Time out
  • Sample rates of Site Speed
  • Cookie time out visitors.
  • Subscription available for $4.95

How to get your Plug in?

  • Sign up at and get your web property ID.
  • Download the Plug in and install it in your website ( Joomla)
  • Use the web property code that you receive from Google to set up your Plug in and then get started.
  • Examine your page to check the appearance of your code by viewing the source code.
  • Search for the words: Google Analytics Plug in Development by PB Web Development as a comment in the code. This ensures that Plug in is installed properly.

The Take Away

Softqube Technologies, a Joomla Website Development Company is focused on developing various websites with Joomla. Having expertise in SEO field as well, this company can provide you better guidance regarding Google Analytics code integration in Joomla CMS. Get in touch with its expert developers to get the code installed perfectly as well as for any further assistance.

Role of a PHP Web Developer for the Advanced Web Development

Now it is demonstrated that most of the people are having a website so that they can let their services and products. Resultant the website development is getting high in demand and people look for the affordable website development. PHP is the most demanding languages that help with website development as compared to all other languages. And in order to have an effective result, a qualified PHP developer with special development skills are one that helps with advanced technologies, as PHP has several benefits of web designing.

In order to get the best output, the best PHP developer needs to be hired and the candidate must be well aware with the technology. An experienced PHP web developer gives an appropriate website by contributing the user friendly site.

PHP Web Developers

Advantages of a website designed in PHP

  • Flexible: PHP is a flexible language that provides an easy platform in web designing. It helps in development of different kinds of websites and web applications. A skilled PHP developer needs to be up to date and create an exclusive site with a proper design and must provide an appropriate design as per the requirement of the client in an affordable manner. Most of the developers chose to have a web application that is simple and user-friendly and so one needs to have a PHP development.
  • Open Source Technology: PHP is a language that provides an open source technology and so it is highly preferred by the web programmers and web developers all around the world. Most of the clients now chose to have a website that can be designed at an affordable price and so these days PHP is demanding and helps the clients to develop a reliable website at an affordable price. A developer needs to create the best PHP web applications. The PHP developer is an experienced programmers and developers that helps to resolve the problem, a PHP developer has a right of entry to another source for this area.
  • User Friendly Applications: The skilled web developer provides a user friendly website and a complete solution for an easy navigation and the developers provides a complete solution that is important for the growth of the business. There are a number of PHP developers available online and so with the wide number of available developers the user can have a website in best price. M/li>

The expert designers and developers provide the website in a competitive manner where the best and exact data are provided with an eye catching graphics, that helps in generating traffic to the site and bring revenue. A well designed website is an effective mode, which provides a clear picture in generating business. A quality website speaks about the business by its design and an expert PHP developer is one who creates an effective site.

Wind Up

Have a quality website by hiring a talented website PHP developer from Softqube Technologies that is affordable and provides an effective website for a long period of time. Invest an amount that guarantees to give a better result.

PHP Web Development for Linux and Ubuntu- Part 2

In the first part, we learnt about Installation of PHP servers on Ubuntu. Today, we are going to discuss further about PHP web development on Linux and Ubuntu. This blog will cover the document root as well as wizard activation process.

So, let’s continue our discussion. For those who are new to the programming world, we can say that Linux and Ubuntu are two different operating systems as Windows. So, in case if your client is using linux or ubuntu then you must be aware about its development process.

For installing PHP servers needed by Ubuntu or Linux, you can refer our previous blog (Part 1) and then continue reading here to understand the process in a better way.

For those, who are aware about Ubuntu and Linux, this article will be easy to understand.

1. Defining the document root for Apache 2 HTTP Server

Document root is the directory for Apache 2 HTTP Server from which it takes files that are to be displayed in the browser. Document root is determined in the file that specifies our virtual host. By default virtual host configuration file is

And with document root:

It is advisable to develop your own virtual host and activate it in place of editing the default one.

  • Develop a new document root location
  • Determine the new document root in new virtual host
  • Enabling the new virtual host.

So, let’s understand all these three steps in detail

  1. Developing a new document root location
    • Select Place> Home Folder
    • From the context menu, select the option Create Folder
    • Name the folder as public_html
  2. Preparing a new virtual host
    • For launching the terminal, select Applications> Accessories> Terminal. This opens the terminal window.
    • Now copy the configuration file for the default virtual host to a new file, use the below mentioned command:
      sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite
    • Run the gedit application and change the new configuration file in it.
      gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite
      In case it asks for password then enter the one that was specified for the root while installing the operating system.
    • Change the document root point to the new location
    • Replace the directory directive
      <Directory /var/www/> with
      <Directory /home/user/public_html/>
    • Save the file as mysite

    PHP Web Development
  3. Activating New Virtual Host
    • First deactivate the default host and then activate the new host, launch the terminal and use the below given utilities in Terminal Window
      sudo a2dissite default && sudo a2ensite mysite
    • Restart the Apache HTTP Server
      sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reloadOnce this virtual host is launched and activated then comes the task of configuring MySQL database server.

2. MYSQL Server Configuration

While installing MySQL server, a root user is created. A dialog box opens during the installation process where the root user password is set. In case the dialog box doesn’t open or if the password is not set then a MYSQL root user password is to be created during configuration process.

Password is required to create other MYSQL server users.

  • Launch the terminal to connect to the MYSQL server and then enter the given command in the terminal window:
    mysql -u root –p
  • When the command prompt appears, add the following command and then give Enter:
    SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('');
  • If the command is properly given, below mentioned message will be seen :
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Wind Up

Once this is installed, then comes the time to install and activate Debugger which we will discuss in our coming blogs. For any further assistance related to PHP web Development, stay in touch with one of the reputed PHP Development Companies, Softqube Technologies.

PHP Development: Editing and Refactoring- Features of IDE

Like SEO, PHP is also a vast field with enormous updates coming on day to day basis. So, today we are going to consult with two main features of PHP known as editing and refactoring. This is in context with PHP 5.4


PHP 5.4 support with IDE

These two features of PHP are based on PHP IDE which supports PHP5.4’s array styles like array dereferencing, short array syntax etc. Certain other traits and fluent instantiation are also recognized by IDE. In short, we can say that IDE consists of various basic features like callable type hints, binary notation for integers and class variable invocation.

Code Fulfilment:

With PHP IDE, one can easily get codes completed automatically including common PHP Doc annotations. As you go on typing the codes, it will provide you the list of all codes that are already completed and this will avoid reusing the similar codes.
Those codes that are used very often are listed on the top and we can always select the ones available at the bottom. If the entire method is completed with parameters then IDE makes efforts to calculate and add the most relevant variable which perfectly suits the completed method.

Quick Navigation among coding

For this, we need to use navigator window and select the usage menu items so that code navigation becomes easier while working on huge projects. Editor alerts about the most possible code issues by flagging them and providing a clue via pop up.
There’s a task window that shows all warnings available in the project thus making it quick and simple to identify the issues and sort them out as early as possible.

Next feature we are going to discuss about is Refactoring


Along with editing, one of the main features provided by PHP IDE is refactoring. This editor provides certain primary names of refactoring elements such as classes, interfaces, methods, fields etc. and is closely connected with the Find Usage support that offers a complete way for identifying an element in the entire project and shows those usages in UI.


A good feature of this PHP Editor is it renders an entire set of Hints or we can say clues that assists you in examining your code and know the strange parts like unused variables, uninitialized variables etc.

Some of the hints also provide you very simple solutions to fix the problems that are identified using the set of hints.

Adding Code

PHP IDE is an editor that can generate various snippets which are mostly used in common. A dialog is given to render complete control through which various methods are created and relevant class attributes can also be accessed.

IDE supports the programmer during overriding methods and creating generators.

Arranging USE statements

The main important feature of IDE is the option of “Fix Use” action. This tool is used to study the entire code and then find the class interfaces that fail to have any corresponding use statement.

In case, duplicity between the names is seen then this editor displays a dialogue box so that user becomes aware of the issue and can solve it as quickly as possible.

Type Hierarchy View

This editor provides a complete view and method about using type hierarchy view for a specific type. The graphical presentation is displayed in a different window next to navigator window.

Wind Up

These features when used in a perfect manner can make programming much easier so that programmers can quickly accomplish the task. If you wish to know more PHP development tools that make work easier or wish to get any application developed via PHP then Softqube Technologies, a PHP Web  Development Company in India is always ready to support you.

PHP Web Development for Linux and Ubuntu

Today, we are going to discuss about PHP Web Development for Linux and Ubuntu. Development and Debugging is executed on a local server while production environment is located on a remote web server. Arranging a remote web server is explained in detail in extending a PHP Application on a Remote web server with the help of PHP IDE.

PHP support is available for enormous web servers such as IIS, Xitami and more… Generally apache HTTP Server is used.

Let’s discuss the process in detail starting with Software Installation:

Software Installation

  • Install the Apache 2 HTTP Server, PHP5 engine, MYSQL database server5.0 and PHP-5 MYSQL module. These all can be installed simultaneously as a Lamp stack or separate installation is also possible.
  • Provide the required document root for Apache 2 HTTP server.
  • Configure the MySQL database server
  • Enable Xdebug 2.0, debugger

For installation of Apache and MySQL on Ubuntu , you must see assistance from Ubuntu community forums.

Instating the Software Packages Simultaneously

Ubuntu offers a Linux AMP (LAMP) package that includes all the required packages useful for the PHP surroundings. Software can be installed with the help of following command at the command prompt terminal window:

Command: sudo tasksel install lamp-server

LAMP server package includes most suitable version of PHP, Apache 2, MYSQL and PHP 5 MYSQL.

Installing Software Packages Individually

In place of installing all software packages at once, some people wish to install them separately. This is beneficial if any of the components say Apache 2 HTTP Server or MYSQL server are already installed. Command line tools can be used to install these individually. Following packages can be installed individually:

  • Apache 2
  • PHP 5
  • Mysql server

Checking the installation

Once the set up pack is installed, a cross examination is required to know whether it is properly installed or not and also to check whether the Apache Server recognizes PHP engine or not.

To know whether Apache and PHP are installed and running properly or not, use PHP IDE and create a new PHP Project in the index.php file then add the PHP method phpinfo () and run the file. Standard PHP information form will be displayed as follows:

PHP Version 5.2.6-2 ubuntu4.1

Solving the Issues

Some of the problems that occur very often while examining PHP installation process are as follows:

  • Browser window displays a not found error for: USER/Project/index.php: Remove the ~USER string from the URL. For instance, if this error occurs for the URL ~Ubuntu/test1/index.php then the URL must be changed to test1/index.php.This URL can be set for a PHP Project in PHP IDE either while creating the project or by right clicking the project node and selecting Properties > Run Configuration.
  • Browser shows you the Pop up which asks you to open a file as PHP engine is remains unrecognized: This error occurs when there’s some issue with PHP-5 common package. This must be replaced with php5 and phpmyadmin.To replace it, these two commands must be used:
    apt-get --purge remove php5-common
    apt-get install php5 phpmyadmin

Wind Up

Here, we have covered just the installation process. In our next coming blog, we will be discussing about document root and Wizard activation process. To know more about PHP and its updates, stay connected with experts at Softqube Technologies, a PHP web development company in India.

Let’s Work together!

"*" indicates required fields

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Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 2.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.