Deploy PHP Development – Best Way to Lessen Development Price

You run a business?? You own a company?? You want a web page of your company??? And you want it to be cheap?? There is a good solution of all the above problems. Now you can develop PHP web pages and PHP web applications which are dynamic and based upon the real time environment.

The PHP is a hypertext scripting language. The recursive acronym for PHO is Hypertext preprocessor. The PHP is widely used as a hypertext general purpose scripting language. This language is best suites for the development of the websites and also for embedding the HTML. PHP web development India is now a days getting higher. Many people are adopting PHP for the development of the web pages.

The Advantages of the Deploying the Web Pages by PHP

Developing PHP web development India effective in many ways, it reduces the cost of the development. But in terms of quality and quantity it can increase the productivity and also can also increases the profit of your business. Deploying the PHP web development in India then it will be cost effective, productive, and profitable and also increases the level of the performance of the business and the quality of the business. When you try to develop your web page via PHP then development in India it will assure you to serve you the best services by the best experts in India. It is true that hiring a PHP developer in India is much cheaper than hiring a PHP developer form foreign countries like US, UK, Ireland or Germany etc.

Development of CMS by the Web Developers

Almost all the PHP developers in India have a capability of developing CMS, i.e. content management systems. This feature enables user to create, delete or modify some specific page on the website. The experts of PHP web development India knows well the demands of the customers and they can apply their skills in the proper area for developing the web pages.

The PHP Development is a Cost Effective Procedure

We have said earlier in this article that the web developing in India is very much with the comparison of US or UK. The PHP developer in India charges less than the PHP developer in UK or US. So, if any US or UK Company hires PHP development team from India for developing their web pages then it will be very cost effective. They have to pay much lesser than they had to pay to the developer in US or UK. So, for the companies this is a very cost effective and generous procedure. So, the PHP web development India is very cheap and cost effective for foreign countries.

Developing Web Pages by PHP developer is a huge saving and also it reduces the Efforts
The outsourcing of the PHP pages in India is very much advantageous and at the same time it is cost effective. It can make a huge savings. This is very much advantageous for the foreign countries as they have to pay less in their currencies.


If a company set out the project by its own developers then they have to maintain that. However, startup businesses often need to rely mandatorily on hiring another service for the work. Sometimes, you may gat a project whose skill set is not available in your staffs. PHP is a diverse field and there are many language protocols in it. Then, you can always outsource the project so that you do not lose it altogether. Clients who require PHP work can also benefit greatly by working directly with an experienced service like Softqube Technologies.

Php Web Development: A New Addition to Outsourcing Services

With an extensive variety of existing innovations in the business sector for web development, PHP is viewed as a front and an exceptionally acknowledged in developing website. PHP web development can be sent on most web servers and as a standalone mediator, on just about every working framework and platform complimentary. PHP web development is a scripting language used to produce element pages, which thus gives client intelligence.

In a HTML record, Hypertext Preprocessor script is encased inside exceptional labels. Since it is implanted inside labels, the developer can bounce in the middle of HTML and PHP as opposed to needing to depend on substantial measures of code to yield HTML. Also, in light of the fact that it is executed on the server, the customer can’t see the PHP code.

It gives backing to distinctive databases like Oracle, Sybase, MySql, and so forth and it can be effectively inserted into HTML additionally. It quickly developed to end up a great deal more vigorous language, however was initially intended for utilization in Web Site Development.

Points of interest of PHP Development Services:

  • Low development and support cost
  • High execution and unwavering quality
  • Ability to implant itself into the HTML code
  • Runs on diverse platforms, for example, Windows, Linux and Unix
  • Compatible with servers like Apache and IIS
  • Several HTTP Server interfaces
  • Ease of composing interfaces to different libraries
  • PHP web development is like C/ JavaScript and Java.
  • Large measure of database interfaces like MySql, MSSQL, Oracle, Informiz and PostgreSql and so forth.
  • It is extremely rearranged in nature, even HTML Coders can incorporate the PHP MySql programming
  • PHP offers different security levels which can be set in the .ini record to protect the web applications from programmers
  • It is extendible
  • The PHP augmentation and Add-on Repository
  • PHP is Open Source
  • It will run on (practically) any platform

Utilizing PHP as a development platform is additionally exceptionally useful to a PHP developer in India as it provides for them finish control over the yield. Likewise a PHP designer giving PHP development administrations is not constrained to a seller’s set of development apparatuses. A designer needs to never set out for some searching for backing for PHP Web development indeed backing for development is right away accessible through a huge number of destinations offering insights about traps, tips and strategies identified with PHP web development.

Are you searching for PHP web development services in India, then Softqube Technologies is the right answer for you. Outsourcing for it has been upon condition that completes benefits after PHP web development, application development, custom development, PHP customization administrations and PHP programming in the same class as a lot of people more.

Extremely Useful tools for PHP Developers

PHP developer is one of the most famous open-source server-side scripting programming language. Huge amount of domains like Facebook, WordPress and Digg, are using such a magical language which makes the website more secure as well as compatible to end user. The reason behind this because of PHP is easier to start than others scripting language. If you’re thinking to start up with PHP developer then here are some important tools which will be helpful to you while programming with PHP. So we’re categorizing PHP tools into different-different categories areas follows:

    • Debugging Tools: By debugging, we can monitor our source code and can be fix bug with the help of important tools, which make our programming application user-friendly  such tools are Webgrind, Xdebug, Gubed PHP Debugger, DBG, PHP_Debug, PHP_Dyn and MacGDBp(debugger application for Mac OS).
    • Testing and Optimization Tools: Which helps you to test the Scalability and stability of web application, create test case as well as also helpful for maintaining your source code. Some of the major tools are PHPUnit, SimpleTest, Selenium, PHP_CodeSniffer, dBug and PHP Profile Class.
    • Documentation Tools: Through documentation tools, you can maintain your source code with particular formats like PDF, HTML, CHM and XML. It also enables the search feature, by which you can easily find out the search title from Documentation of all PHP pages.
    • Security Tools: It helps to detect vulnerable points and also protect from any kinds of spam and abuse by Open Source PHP CAPTCHA Script. Some of the examples are Securimage, Scavenger, PHP-IDS and Pixy: PHP Security Scanner.
    • PHP Code Beautifier: By this kind of tools, you can save your programming timing, because of code highlighting feature by GUI version of  CVS, SubVersion, IDE etc. which indicate some sense with code by representing code with colors part like class, objects etc. which make it more beautiful than others simple editors. These some tools are PHP_Beautifier, PHPCodeBeautifier and GeSHi – Generic Syntax Highlighter.
    • Useful Extensions, Utilities and Classes: Some kinds of extra features which provide some extra coverage for a particular task. You can also say Add-on Features through which you can reduce your workload by using these tools are:1. HTML Purifier: Useful for standards-compliant of documents.
      2. TCPDF: For PDF creation.
      3. Creole: For, Database Abstraction Layer for PHP5.
      4. htmlSQL: Useful for Querying HTML Values in SQL.
      5. PHPMathPublisher: Useful for publishing the Mathematical Documents.
      6. phpMyAdmin: Useful for Managing, importing, exporting, building and exploring the MySQL Database.
      7. PHPExcel: Useful for editing and reading the Microsoft Excel.
    • In-Browser Tools (Firefox Add-Ons): Which provide more extra feature by the use of web browser, these tools are use as a add-on or Plug-in into Web Browser. Tools are:1. FirePHP
      2. phpLangEditor
      3. PHP Lookup
      4. PHP Manual Search.
    • PHP IDEs and Editors: It helps the developer or coder by providing some extra features to the editor. These extra features are libraries of classes and objects which create programming environment by use of pre-defined set of data or programming snippet. Some most popular IDE’s are PHPEclipse, PhpED, phpDesigner, Zend Studio and PHPEdit.

Wind Up:

Softqube Technologies is one of the best PHP Development company in India providing all the necessary guidance as well as updated PHP Services to its clients. Talk to them now regarding your needs and get your web application developed by expert hands.

Techniques for PHP Developers to Improve Programming

Since its conception in 1995, PHP programming language has became one of the most widely accepted programming languages in regard to web applications. In fact, web developers cannot afford to work without PHP. The reasons are its popularity and usability. Most importantly, employers prefer web developers who know this language.

Here are some of the best techniques that you need to learn about PHP Developers. Using these techniques will help you increase your efficiency, make your coding clean and responsive and help you perform better. Here we go:

FIFO is critical

Filter input and escape output (FIEO) is the key. If you fail to do the latter, it leads to SQL injection. Escaping safeguards the data. It reminds you that data that are used outside the web application should be escaped (trust issues), or else it might get misinterpreted. So, if you filter the data before using it remains valid.

Comparison Operators – Know their differences

In case you make use of strpos() to find out whether or not a substring is present within a string, the outcomes can be ambiguous and misleading. Remember, conditional statement considers it a Boolean expression and tends to evaluate it as FALSE. This leads to the failure of the condition. Here script comparison helps.
Use shortcuts
This pointer unintentionally fails to follow a useful practice of initializing variables before using them. It can make your code less readable (slightly). It emphasizes mainly on performance and speed. If you cannot sacrifice readability, you can skip it.
Drop the brackets
Just like using shortcuts, you can make your code simpler by dropping the brackets, as well. However, by removing square brackets you are damaging the maintainability as well as readability of the code. Therefore, you can skip this step also.

if ($gollum == 'halfling') {
$height --;

This is the same as:
if ($gollum == 'halfling') $height --;
You can even use multiple instances:
if ($gollum == 'halfling') $height --;
else $height ++;
if ($frodo != 'dead')
echo 'Gosh darnit, roll again Sauron';
foreach ($kill as $count)
echo 'Legolas strikes again, that makes' . $count . 'for me!';

You might not be able to make use of a PHP framework for each and every project you undertake. However, frameworks, such as CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony, etc can dramatically speed up website development. One important thing – whether you use a framework or define the conventions and standards on your own, it is very critical that you consider value (keeping yourself in the shoes of future developers).

Leave strlen() use isset()

While considering strings as series, each and every character present therein is an element. If you get to determine whether or not a specific element exists, you can easily find out if the string is that long or not. Also, isset() can be considered as a language construct and strlen() as a function.

Wind Up:

Web Development with PHP is an easy task if carried out with the assistance of experts. You can also apply these techniques and develop an user friendly web application if you have some of the programming knowledge. In case, you need the assistance from experts then get in touch with well known PHP Web Development Company, Softqube Technologies.

PHP in 2014- Improvements, Updates and more!!

How is PHP originated?

PHP stands for Personal Home Pages and gained popularity in terms of language. The reason behind its popularity is the great Facebook. After having the marvelous facilities and tools in PHP in 2014, most of the sites started to opt develop websites using it. There are many other languages available like WordPress, Joomla, C#, but none can beat PHP. The great design with user friendly portal is the best feature of PHP. It is easy to learn, host, operate. The best part of it is that one can directly relate their sites with SQL or oracle. This relation helps to upload the data sheet in .csv format file and is commonly seen in eCommerce sites.

Where does PHP rank?

PHP is enjoying the ranked to the top of all and have reached to the position that every next child is running behind to learn its code. PHP is something which will never hit down and will be giving tough competition to many like But it’s very true that no site is there that don’t have an error of course PHP have also got few drawbacks. No one can determine the future of PHP 6, every changing time it will have a new version. But PHP version 5.3 is the best till date and have an excellent functionality.

Well, what can one do, just hope to have an awesome functionality with best object model in coming versions. Now PHP is implementing to build the softwares for desktop, PHP-GTK. The success of PHP lies behind the successful wxPHP project that made it immensely popular through its importance. Programming in PHP and its app development is just like playing the game. THE market of DTP is going to be betrayed badly, by the web. The rapid increase in computer language can be demonstrated from school also.

And the next target is mobile development!

Well development of applications is rising tremendously and need not any introduction. The development of app in the languages like Java, C or C++ requires a lengthy time and lots of effort and important to all, why will one go to choose the tough way when things can be done easily. So, PHP lets the thing done quickly and never take the time duration of around one year. Developing a mobile app is easy in the languages like HTML, XHTML, CSS or scripting in Java.A little knowledge of PHP can help to create a web service and develop an application. There are many websites available that guides to develop through cloud computing. It is made easier via cloud hosting that is, one can simply drag, drop and the things get complete.

We are going to see a great change in coming next three years as the apps of mobile development is directly dependable on cloud computing. We are going to see a new era where every next app and website from eCommerce to a social networking all will be surrounded by the one i.e PHP.

Wind Up:

Be aware about current PHP techniques and use updated programming language to create friendly web applications. For regular updates about PHP techniques, stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, a well known PHP Web Development Company in India.

PHP Website work on Windows Azure: Cache memory & Configure

PHP application is migrated with Window Azure which uses cache memory. In the we are connected to Azure and now PHP website is also connected with Windows Azure. When Azure connected PHP website code via cache memory then this is going in a very effective manner that’s why it’s going in the application point of view. In this point of view, Windows Azure is best to make a PHP application via Cache memory. Some steps are as follows for determined which version of the memcache using.

Firstly, we have to select the version of PHP memcachelike Ver.5.4. A DLL file extension that has to be deployed by the deployed method that can be handle to FTP,source control, Dropbox,FTP, etc., If you want to change the location then you can do this . You can change on “Bin” folder. This is because of the protection of the code so that can be easy and convenient for developers.

Scroll down to the configuration tab, then adding a variable to DDL file this called PHP_Extensions. After that upload on the server.

App Settings

Save, and continue. You have to create a PHP file with and then see the page on the browser.


In this you have to upload all the thing into different site by the PHP_EXTENSIONS and set on the variable, just separate the DLL name with commas. You have to decide according to your need and upload according to you on the server. But all DLL file should uploaded individually.

Configure the window Azure on PHP

The actual need to how to configure on different application on different platform using PHP code. The main chance for growing into different type of action to take place for holding into different type of task. To configure into server is not easy so hosting environment is as it a development machine. Some steps have to follow them which are :

Configure the Window

To create a basic application on window Azure using PHP, first you have to opened a command prompt and run according to your needs: Firstly, you have to deploy the package and I would install on PHP for Windows Azure deployment to you .Second steps for building an application into PHP code:

This code have to into PHP code so it’s combined with Window Azure application. When we need to see on the local environment for releasing it to production. This is two steps for that.

Local development environment

The server is have a new type of platform which is staging server which is available in the Window Azure portal and the product is easy for deployment for taking a staging server. If staging server is totally satisfied according to your need so you can easily deploy all the strategy with your needs.

Some have to command for configuration

  • Firstly open command prompt Run the command ‘package create -in=”C:\temp\WindowsAzurePHPApp” -out=”C:\temp\WindowsAzurePHPApp\build” -dev=true’ If application will build within few seconds so it will run on by default browser for taking a new output according to your needs.

Wind Up:

Get your web applications developed using PHP framework and make your applications as user friendly as possible. Be connected with experts at Softqube Technologies to get proper PHP Web applications developed.

Basic Overview of Joomla CMS

What is Joomla?

Joomla is a free open source content management system (CMS) that allows us to build our website according to our desires. Joomla has lots of great features like page caching, printable versions of pages, RSS feeds, news flash and blogs, polls, and search and Multi-language support.

There are a plenty of extensions for Joomla which complement our website. Some of their functions are components, modules, plug-in, templates and languages.

Some of the latest Joomla extensions for web designing:

1. K2

K2 is a content manager that adds simplicity to our website. It has numerous features like media, image management and comments, galleries, tagging, front end editing, easy template and sub-template generation, user profiles and groups, blogs, drag and drop features. K2 is the best option for managing our website content.

Why K2 is useful?

K2 is good because of the following features

  • Media management
  • Comments
  • Tagging options
  • Front end editing
  • Responsive
  • Mobile friendly design
  • Template management
  • Drag features

2. sh404SEF

sh404SEF is the most reliable and trusted SEO tool that helps the search engine placement of your Joomla website. It transforms the automatically generated URLs into keyword-rich, SEO-friendly URLs, due to its Google Analytics functionality.

What is good in this extension?

sh404SEF is better than others because it offers the following options.

  • Joomla SEO add on
  • New version notifications
  • Global parameters for URLs
  • Apache and IIS
  • Caching system
  • Character replacement
  • Backend filtering system
  • SEF plug in
  • Integrated Google analytics
  • removes duplicate URLs
  • keyword refinement
  • SEO assistance

3. Joomla Content Editor

This extension assists us in creating and editing content with Microsoft Office and easily formats it.
It also helps us to Upload, rename, delete, cut/copy/paste the images and insert them into our website content. There’s also a helpful Advanced Code editor that includes syntax highlights for us to help us write code quickly.

  • Key features
  • Cut and paste options
  • Bulk upload assistance
  • Direct linking to files and folders
  • Variable editing options
  • Restricted upload for users
  • Highly customizable
  • El finder file manager
  • Advanced code editor

4. ACL manager

It is an award winning Joomla extension. It features in time management. Its clickable permission grid allows its users to easily manage Joomla permissions to our website.

It provides the following features:

  • Permissions per module
  • Editable modules
  • Editable articles
  • Category manager
  • User group permissions
  • Basic ACL support
  • Time saving
  • Assets table for fixing issues
  • Reset permissions
  • Multi language translation

The Joomla extensions have become one of the best methods for managing our website content. As the market has become highly sensitive and competitive, everyone wants to attract more traffic to his website to enhance his online campaign for generating easy money.

Joomla extensions provide that platform through which web developers can manage their website content through variable customize options. These extensions provide all kind of edit options for text, image, media etc.

The website running with Joomla extensions support gets SEO assistance, multi language translation in order to get customers form every part of the world.

Wind Up:

So, you have enough tasks to focus upon and you have a huge enterprise. Congrats for being the owner of such a huge enterprise but how will you manage your website and maintain the top position, Joomla is the best and full-featured CMS to take all your worries. For more details regarding this CMS and its installation including extensions, get in touch with stalwarts at Softqube Technologies.

Joomla – A Well Known Content Management System

Joomla is content management system – CMS that allows you to design web pages as well as other web applications. Many aspects, including easy operating and easy upgrading, are making Joomla to be the most popular software available for web pages. The best of all is that Joomla is solution with open source code that is free for all users.

What does Joomla Mean?

The name Joomla is phonetic spelling from ‘svahili’ word “Jumla”, in simple words it mean “everyone together” or “as a whole”. This is name is selected from thousands of ideas from the community and after it passed through the hands of branding and marketing professionals who also agreed that the name Joomla is the best choice.

What is the Content Management System?

Content management system is software that derives information from your web pages, similar to bibliotheca with keeping of books. Contents can be a simple text, photos, music, video, documents or whatever you have on your mind. The main advantage in using content management system is that you don’t have to keep managing your website as manager as CMS is there to do this task for you.

Joomla is used all over the world for managing different web pages of various websites such as:

  • Corporate websites or portals
  • Corporate intranets and extranets
  • Online magazines, newspapers, and publications
  • E-commerce and online reservations
  • Government applications
  • Web pages on small businesses
  • Web sites of nonprofit organizations
  • Social, Community-based portals
  • School and church websites
  • Personal or family homepages

Who is Using Joomla?

Here are some examples of Joomla Websites:

Can You be Sure that in the Future You will Have Support for Joomla?

Joomla is the most popular CMS with open source code supported by growing community of friendly users and talented developers. The use of Joomla started from 2000, and with a community of more than 200 000 users and contributors, the future is bright for the award winning Joomla Project.

Some of the advanced ways for using Joomla

Many companies and organizations have need that sometimes is not fulfilled by the basic Joomla packet. In that case, the powerful working environment of Joomla is making easy for developers to create various sophisticated tools including Joomla extensions that will be able to satisfy every need of the customers.

The core Joomla framework lets developers to quickly and easily build:

  • Inventory control systems
  • Data reporting tools
  • application bridges
  • various products catalogs
  • Integrated e-commerce
  • complex business directory
  • reservation systems
  • communication tools

Because Joomla is based on PHP and MySQL, you can create wonderful yet useful applications on open soured code which everyone can use it, share it or support it.

Wind Up :

In order to get appropriate and up to the mark applications developed using Joomla, you can get in touch with our Joomla expert at Softqube Technologies, a remarkable Web Design and Development firm in India. Our experts will help you to design quality Joomla websites.

Make WordPress Development Easy through Documentation

WordPress has become a best friend of people who wish to get any blog or user friendly website developed in minutes. Some prefer to use pre-installed themes while some want to get custom theme created.
In the same way, website layouts provided by WordPress are adopted by certain business people while some to get a fresh new website layout. Now, when it comes to customization then there raises the need of expert developers.

How developers can help you? The answer is simple they can develop any kind of website or blog as needed because

they are very well aware about WordPress coding and can alter it when needed.

So, here we are going to give you an insight of some important documentation that web developers actually use while developing any website or blog.

WordPress Developer Documentation:

Those who have some little programming knowledge can also alter the coding as per the need so that they can get exactly what they need and sometimes this change may be helpful to others as well. In one way, we can say that indirectly you are contributing to the WordPress developer community through your ideas.
Users of WordPress can make it highly customizable by slightly changing the coding and this will make it more popular. So, here is some coding that can be edited easily:

    1. Plug in Development:
      • Writing a Plug in: Here, you can learn to create new WordPress plug ins.
      • Coding Standards : Know about the terms and conditions of the coding, guidelines regarding its coding
      • Promoting & Submitting Plug in: This will give you some idea regarding the promotion and submission of plug ins once created.
      • Function Reference: An entire guide about PHP functions used for WordPress
      • Plug in Resources: Additional resources available to develop plug ins is given here.
    1. API:
      • Plug in API: This guide contains actions, filters and hooks that are generally used in Plug ins.
      • Short code API: A reference guide regarding short code API
      • Options API: This gives complete info about entire options system used in WordPress
      • Widgets API: This is a reference guide used for creating its widgets.
      • Quick Tags API: A reference guide that is used to add buttons to html editor
      • Rewrite API: This API is used to rewrite URLs for your website.
  1. Forums, Lists & Blogs:
    • Mailing Lists: This is a reference guide for its mailing lists.
    • IRC: This is a reference guide for its IRC channels

Wind up:

For more details about website design and development services in WordPress, you can get in touch with our experts at Softqube Technologies, a well known web design and development company based in India serving clients all over the world with utmost client satisfaction in the field of eCommerce.

Principles of PHP from the Masters

PHP is the widely popular programming language which is very easy to use and this is language for which you can easily get some scripts about anything that you wish to do using PHP. Actually, in real terms there are no perfect guidelines for PHP. So, we need a help of the expert PHP developers as they can guide us regarding best PHP practices.

Listed Below are Some of the Best PHP Practices for High Grade PHP Programming:

  • Avoid Unnecessary Usage of PHP: As per a famous PHP master, Rasmus Lerdorf; a creator of PHP says that PHP must be used only when needed as it was invented only with an intent to solve web development programmes. We know this programming language is spread as wildfire among the developer community but still this unnecessary usage of PHP must be avoided.

    As per Lerdorf, PHP is not developed for everything and so you must use right tool for your business. PHP is not a general purpose programming language, it is only meant to be used to solve any issues related to web development. In case , PHP is not providing you the desired results then feel free to use other languages as well.

  • Make Maximum Use of Tables with PHP & MYSQL: As per the opinion of one of the PHP master, Matt Mullenweg; using tables with PHP is one of the convenient ways of properly scale your website. Talking about Matt Mullenweg, he is the creator of the well known blogging platform widely used by people today: WordPress.

    After creating WordPress, he created which is a free blogging website developed on WordPress MU code especially used for blogging softwares. So, it is obvious that ideas shared by such an expert are worthy enough to be implemented.

    Scaling a website in a proper manner is the main thing that Matt Mullenweg knows perfectly. According to him, for each blog in a website there should be separate MYSQL table as compared to a single table used for all the blogs.

    Creating different tables makes the code work faster and smoother. With examples of sites like Facebook and WordPress, Matt shows how smart database usage can run off with PHP and manage heavy traffic loads.

  • Don’t Trust Your Users – Dave Child: This looks somewhat difficult to digest but it is an advice from one more PHP expert named Dave Child. He’s the master brain behind the currently launched website called Added Bytes that includes Dave’s cheat sheet for many programming languages including PHP.

    As per Dave, never keep in mind your users when you write the secure PHP code. Trusting your users can really hurt you. Keep this as the cardinal Rule of the web development: Never Ever Trust your users. Be completely paranoid and think that every user is going to target you to get you permanently out of the industry. This thinking will help you to keep your website secure and be prepared for the worst. It’s just simple: Hope for the best and Prepare for the worst.


So, now you are aware about some of the PHP best practices and we hope that you will definitely apply them to get better results. Well, this is not the end there are too many practices which we will discuss on timely basis. For any web development guidance related to PHP, do contact expert PHP developers at Softqube Technologies.

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