Some of the Most Popular Websites Developed Using Joomla CMS

We all know and have been kept hearing that Joomla is the most useful flexible, user friendly CMS. Many business websites opt for Joomla as it is the popular CMS. As time passes, we can see Joomla is becoming more and more popular as well as reliable CMS.

Today, we are going to discuss about some of the well known companies that use Joomla as the recommended CMS for their website and this is the reason why we recommend this CMS to our clients especially those who have large enterprises.

Most Popular Companies that Use Joomla CMS are as Follows:

  • Alliance of Catholic Education- University of Notre Dame:
    This is one of the reputed in its industry. It’s website, built with Joomla version 2.5 use some of the featured extensions such as RokNavMenu, JomSocial, Core Design Login, GCalendar, Roktabs and some of the templates like Cloudbase template from cloud access.
  • We are sharing this information in order to provide you an insight about the growth a business can actually get by using certain extensions and templates that make the business operations easy.
  • With a single Joomla 2.5 CMS, one can manage entire website including enchanting pictures as well as graphics. Furthermore, this website uses extensions to expand their social networking.

The next example is more interesting than this. So, let’s have a look at this:

  • The Hill: It is a daily newspaper published when only when Congress is the ruling party. The main focus is on business and lobbying, politicians and other such events that take place on Capitol Hill. This website has 1 million regular visitors per month. Really amazing! Do you wish to achieve such success?

    So, just think why this newspaper website is such popular one, just because the newspaper is popular or because it is a congressional newspaper? No, the actual thing is its website that really attracts the visitors. During the leisure time, just have a look at this website and we are sure you will definitely love to visit this website regularly.

Now, again you will start pondering as to how they maintain such website? This is what Joomla does. It is a CMS which once used makes it easy to maintain websites and derive more traffic. So, now do you wish to have such an enchanting website then we surely recommend you to opt for any updated CMS like Joomla.

To give you some reference of Joomla’s popularity, let’s consider one more example:

MTV Greece: We all love listening music, some love regional music, some prefer to listen only English Rock bands. MTV Greece is a musical TV channel and is successful all over the world.

Amazing it looks, but this popular channel also uses Joomla CMS to maintain its website. Don’t you think all popular companies are really opting for Joomla or are they popular because of Joomla? Well, different people have different opinions.

Let’s discuss how Joomla made MTV popular! The website of this music channel uses extension K2 to create menus and sub menus as well as various modules including hot videos, MTV specials, hot shows, and hot music videos.

While looking at this website, we can see the front page is for showing hot news or breaking news and there’s another custom module that is used to show the social media websites of this music channel. It’s really well maintained and that’s why it’s mostly preferred by the viewers.


We are sure that these examples have proved what exactly Joomla is and how it can transform your business in to a huge success. Now, if you have made a plan to develop Joomla based website and wish to know more about it then you can easily get in touch with us at Softqube Technologies.

Features of latest PHP Version- PHP 5.6.0

As technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, so we can see constant updates in the various programming languages such as PHP, the most popular programming language adopted by most of the application developers.
On 28th August 2014, a new version of PHP was released and was immediately made available with some updated features, incompatible changes and much improved version.

So, let’s have a brief idea of its main features:

  • Constant scalar expressions
  • Variadic functions
  • Exponentiation using ** operator
  • Function & constant importing with use keyword
  • An interactive integrated debugger PHPdbg
  • A new re usable function PHP://
  • GMP objects provide operator overloading
  • Files more than 2 GB in size can now be uploaded

Now let’s look deeper into some of these features and how exactly they work:

  1. Constant Scalar Expressions: Now, we can provide scalar expressions with numeric and string literals or constants in contexts where a static value was displayed such as constant, property declarations and default function arguments.
    For e.g.:
    Constant Scalar Expressions
    Output will be:
    The value of THREE is 3
  2. Variadic Functions: The most important feature is the implementation of variadic functions which now can be used with the help of …. Operator instead of using  func_get_args().
    For e.g.:
    Variadic Functions
    Output will be:
    $req: 1; $opt: 0; number of params: 0
    $req: 1; $opt: 2; number of params: 0
    $req: 1; $opt: 2; number of params: 1
    $req: 1; $opt: 2; number of params: 2
    $req: 1; $opt: 2; number of params: 3
  3. Exponentiation using ** operator: One of the easiest ways to use exponents is using **operator which is used to support exponentiation along with shorthand assignment operator “a”.
    Let’s understand this with an example:
    Exponentiation using ** operator
    Output will be as follows:
    2 ** 3 == 8
    2 ** 3 ** 2 == 512
    a == 8
  4. PHPdbg: Now this latest PHP version includes interactive debugger called PHPdbg which will be implemented as a SAPI module.
  5. Uploading large files becomes easy: A good news for those who had trouble especially regarding file upload in previous PHP versions, now with this PHP 5.6.0 . files upto 2 gb ( gigabytes) can be uploaded very easily.

Wrap Up:

Enjoy the journey of PHP and keep using latest versions to get better functionalities and it is well said that experts are always ahead from the usual crowd. So, make yourself an expert by trying different versions of this unique most popular programming language.

In case you feel that something is difficult to understand, then web developer for PHP framework at Softqube Technologies are here to help you.

6 Things Make Magento Best for your eCommerce Website

Do you think that it troublesome to pick which eCommerce framework would be the best for your commerce? There is another web shopping cart that site holders consider the top in attractiveness, usefulness, customization and flexibility. The name is Magento eCommerce Development, a framework that continues developing with new update and expansion created.

eCommerce providers offers best solutions to entrepreneurs with the best gimmicks to run their eCommerce stores. Also they pick the Magento platform in doing this. Magento today is among the eCommerce results that keep on advancing in view of the appeal brought by these suppliers.

All online eCommerce store owners generally want to have a decent ROI (return of investment) and complete control over the store. Magento eCommerce development platform has the adaptability; gimmicks and versatility that will make your store developed.

Reasons to choose Magento for powerful eCommerce solution?

  1. Ability to Handle Multiple Stores – Magento is intended to help, whether you need only one or numerous online stores. In the event that you seek a numerous number of stores, you don’t have to stress over how to control them, on the grounds that you can undoubtedly do it from the Administration Panel.
  2. Quick Product Browsing – With this peculiarity, you can demonstrate numerous pictures of a solitary item, including the zoom-in capacity. There is likewise a space where clients can post their surveys, so visitors can undoubtedly settle on their buy choices. The accessibility of stocks could be checked at whatever time and there is additionally an item inventory that online customers can peruse and pick an item.
  3. Reporting and Analytics – Magento stores have reporting ability that can help you perceive how the store performs. Illustrations of reports that you may wish to get are investigates surrendered shopping cart, assessment, best acqu ired item, best saw item, low stock, etc.
  4. Request Management – This Magento peculiarity empowers you to alter, make, view and satisfy requests, all from one Administration Panel. You additionally can make receipts, credit notices and shipments for each request. Your clients, on the off chance that they like, can reorder an item from their record, in light of the fact that there is full request history that they can see. Additionally included in this peculiarity is the RSS channel of recently put requests.
  5. Promoting Tools – Some advertising instruments of Magento incorporate up-offers and cross-offers that can build your deals on the web. These instruments are effective and have the usefulness coupled no sweat of utilization.
  6. Magento Themes – With Magento, you can set up different topics promptly. An extensive collection of powerful Magento themes surely impress your visitors and display your products in an engaging way. Each theme has been designed with a focus on quality and efficiency, with focus on ease of support.

The above are the 6 reasons why individuals ought to choose Magento open source eCommerce development over other e-Commerce shopping cart. The platform’s shopping programming has all the gear and all the progressed peculiarities that you will require to run a totally working site. If you are looking which platform to use for your store, this article will help you settle on a brisk choice. And we are at Softqube Technologies a small group of skilled, friendly and hard working professional website developers that love to develop appealing eCommerce website.

Vital Drupal SEO Modules to Streamline SEO Workflows

The CMS innovation has cleared the whole IT enclosure with its amazing stride and the approach of incalculable CMS that has turned out to be the last nail in the box. The business sector today is loaded with a show of results and applications that permit clients to oversee content in a streamlined way. Of all these CMS, be that as it may, there is one framework that has been demonstrating its value over and over. This is none other than Drupal.

Drupal has turned into the developer’s favoured after its appearance into the web bowl. Many website owners are likewise choosing Drupal Website development service for the various profits that it has’ available to it. Drupal based applications offer high usefulness and exceptional adaptability. It is, in any case, the SEO well disposed parts of Drupal that settle on it a favoured decision. Drupal web development offers a few approaches to enhance the approaching web activity on your site. Here are a few modules incorporated in Drupal CMS that can help you take the SEO of your Drupal site to a progressed level:

  • Google Analytics Module: Setting up Google Analytics is the most crucial step towards enhancing the SEO of your site. This module empowers you to set up an Analytics represent your site. Utilizing this record you can check the development of your enhancement process. It will provide for you a sneak look in the movement facts that are key vital for your site.
  • Global Redirect Module: Sometimes your site has two diverse URL’s with same substance distributed on them. Google responds this as a spamming endeavour which gives your site a shady look. This module helps you in altering these URL’s by redirecting them on the real page, consequently making your site Google neighbourly.
  • Page Title Module: Page Title is the content that is shown at the highest point of your website page that helps the clients to recognize what data that specific page holds. This module empowers you to set label title which is a fundamental part of SEO. In addition, this module permits you to dispense with the default page title allotted by Drupal which is not exceptionally web search tool well disposed in itself.
  • XML Sitemap Module: A sitemap is extremely crucial from SEO perspective. It permits internet searchers to effectively check the connections and substance accessible on the site. As name proposes, this module consequently makes a sitemap for your site. This sitemap is in sync with the rules that are accessible on It encourages the web crawlers to keep their list items overhauled.

Drupal website development service come coupled with these and numerous other such in-constructed modules upgrade your site from SEO viewpoint. Our website development company – Softqube Technologies gives full scope of Drupal development service including custom Drupal CMS development, augmentations development, and subject customization and support service.

Overview of Joomla Marketing Techniques

Everytime, we keep discussing about Joomla and its uses, benefits, features, advantages and much more. So, today we thought of sharing with you the insights of how this well known CMS reaches to the customers and what marketing efforts does Joomla Marketing team apply to increase its sales as well as customer volume.

Joomla, we know is a well known Content Management System and it is a community driven system where community plays an important role in the market. How community and market are interrelated?

  • Community enriches the product and takes proper care of supply. It is enhanced with Project Marketing which is a part of Human Resource Management.
  • Next is Product Marketing which relates to consume and create demand.
  • HR & Marketing are interrelated and serve as separate functions with minimum overlay.
  • Joomla needs both product marketing as well as project marketing and so both roles are played by Joomla itself.

Product Marketing & Project Marketing:

Project Marketing focuses on internal marketing that helps to maximize the Joomla Community. This inspires volunteers to contribute in various ways. This community has launched a volunteer portal that will be a great booster in framing project marketing efforts.

Product Marketing is one of the traditional marketing areas that help to grow markets. This helps to develop the market. In order to get more audience to use Joomla for their web site development, it is important to develop the market and create its need. For this purpose, both product marketing as well as project marketing are of utmost importance and various marketing strategies must be developed.

This is what that takes this platform to be so popular and leaves a strong brand impression in the minds of people. So, next time when you use this CMS platform for creating websites, you will be aware that this CMS has reached to you due to strong efforts applied by Marketing team that has made its reach easier to the buyers.

Now, whenever you wish to utilize this platform for your business, you can get assistance from various discussion forums as well as directly from experts. Yes, it’s difficult to recognize who the real experts are.

However, there’s nothing to worry. You can get in touch with any of the well known web development firms who have mastered the art of developing websites or hire free lancer web developers that can fulfill your needs.

Still, if this doesn’t suit you then you can reach to Softqube Technologies, a Joomla Web Development Company where you will find expert Joomla web developers who can understand your needs and help you in creating the type of website you need that meets your business goals.

To make it even more easier, get a website sketch ready and you will also get further guidance on how to improve it or what additional features must be added that will help you to provide a flexible yet professional website at a start and then you can upgrade it with advanced features.

Developing Responsive Website Design with Magento

As we all know, Magento is an open source eCommerce platform mostly to develop online stores. With Magento, being user friendly; it is preferred mostly by online business owners.  However, in today’s world of latest technological devices; it is important to have a responsive eCommerce web design.

Responsive websites can be developed easily with Magento giving multiple benefits to the online shop. Yet, it’s important to know how these websites can be developed so as to make their best use for your business.

Magento Responsive Websites:

Websites that are not mobile optimized lose a good chunk of traffic. The sales of mobile optimized websites increase up to 200% as compared to those are not. Responsive websites especially get more sales during holidays.

Days are not far when eCommerce will be changed to m-commerce (business through mobile).Well, this m-commerce refers to two things, one is mobile commerce and other is Magento commerce. So, the time is very near where entire eCommerce industry will be ruled by Magento mobile websites.

Sounds interesting, isn’t it? Yes, it is. So, before your competitor jumps into m commerce industry why not you take the privilege to grab the first seat or you are one of the business owners who would watch its competitors jumping into the pool of m-commerce and check if they are being benefitted or not and then based on their experience you will decide to take a step ahead or not.

Basically, there are two types of business people; one who are willing to take risks and others are those that try new things after knowing its experience from others. In eCommerce industry, the first ones get more benefit. So, always be ready to take risks.

So, wait for none and get your Magento mobile website developed today by reputed hands available at Softqube technologies, a Magento website development company in India. Yet, before developing a responsive website with Magento, certain guidelines from Google are to be followed and some of these are mentioned below:

  • Adopt best mobile web practices suggested by Google so as to get better rankings for your mobile websites.
  • Use the same html for desktop as well as mobile website with a little change in CSS files for different display options. This is the best way of formulating a mobile site
  • A single URL can have different websites with a condition that all must be used by separate users and in case this is not possible, try to get separate URL’s for desktop as well as mobile websites.

Magento extensions for Developing Responsive Website:

As we are now aware about Google’s guidelines for responsive web design, let’s have a look at some of Magento Extensions that will help us to create a website as per the given guidelines:

  • Couch Commerce: Get your desktop website transformed into an optimized mobile website with this Magento extension that helps to create relevant web inventory for an eCommerce store. Within few minutes, the entire process is carried out and then everything is created automatically making your mobile website suitable for all SEO practices as suggested by Google.
  • Tenfoot – Easy Mobile Commerce: This extension provides you with an ease of transforming desktop website into mobile optimized one. It comes with a 30 day free trial and then you can continue with certain pricing plans.

Keep your first step in the world of m-commerce with our Magento website development services at Softqube Technologies. We are expert in creating an online store for you, which attracts your customers to have a fast and easy shopping experience. Feel free to contact us.

Top PHP Performance Tips for Ongoing Results

Whether you are a PHP developer or if you are hosting PHP applications, this blog is for you. This aims at doing performance checks at regular intervals. Some little steps to check the performance of any PHP based application that gives good result. Once you test the applications, it helps you to identify any drawbacks that can be rectified by making certain changes in the code.

On the other hand, if you are any PHP hosting company then performing these automatic checks will help you to identify the errors and solve them so that these don’t occur again thus able to handle more loads with the same base code.

As in other programming languages like as or Ruby, there are certain techniques that render constant results in the same way in PHP certain tips are useful for continuous delivery. In our today’s blog, we have discussed some important tips related to PHP performance that excel in generating continuous results.

Tips from Experts:

  • PHP compilation time:  A PHP app must have up to 66% of the compilation time. Let’s understand this in  a simple way , every web request processed by PHP engine is put together while standard PHP installation and again the same details are to be recollected when the next request arrives.
    This entire compilation time takes up to 66% of the overall execution time. If the files that are going to be compiled are optimized then it can reform the entire response time. You can also make changes in the PHP code or use PHP compilation caching along with PHP Accelerators.
    So, PHP developers must examine compilation time of their PHP code to know the code complexity while PHP application testers should keep an eye on changes in PHP compilation timings to know about any reversions as soon as possible and PHP Operators must use PHP Accelerator while deploying PHP code to increase its performance.
  • Improper Database Patterns:  These are common themes to be mentioned in the blog posts that mainly focus on Java & .NET applications and it is one of the common problem faced by PHP applications as well where a similar SQL is executed various number of times as per the request or data is requested with multiple SQLs rather than rectifying a single SELECT statement.
    To identify these type of bad database patterns, just have a look at the number of database executions and correlate them with the transactions as well as total database time. So, PHP developers can check the statements that are really executed by the code as well  as third party tools used to access the code.
    Database engineers can monitor SQL executions from PHP and then optimize the SQL statements in the code. They can also suggest some solution related to SQL coding or saved methods instead of manually executing hundreds of SQL queries.
    For those executing the tasks, can check for any load related database access patterns that are queried by static data  and PHP operators can watch for spikes in # SQL executions and identify if that relates to the problems occurred in the database.

Applying these tips and some more, we are sure that certain PHP errors can be solved easily thus rendering continuous delivery. For more related tips regarding bug fixing in PHP, get advice from expert PHP developers at Softqube Technologies, a PHP development Company India.

Custom Development- New Version WordPress 4.0

WordPress is one of the reputable CMS mostly preferred by online business owners. With daily updates in the technology, based on the demand of people; WordPress is now going to come out with its new latest version WordPress 4.0 which is yet under development.

Here, we have listed some key features of WordPress 4.0 to get an overview of the newly updated version.

Features of WordPress 4.0. ( to be released in next month):

  • Now embedding can be done with URLs from Visual editor using “Insert the URL” tab in Media modal.
  • Media Library is updated with a grid view along with the list views. It is possible to have a larger image view and edit details. Navigation between the items has become easy.
  • Installation of Plug ins has become more easy. We can install them in various languages. WordPress recommends using the language compatible with the browser and it can also be selected depending upon the location.
  • In this new version, Plug in card table is replaced with WP_Plugin_Install_List_Table. List views in the plug in installer must be restored with re designed list. All banner images and other images are to be displayed in list view.

So, with these latest features, WordPress is sure to provide a better blogging experience to its users as well as new comers. WordPress is widely used by small business owners and this new version will definitely give them a very user friendly experience as compared to other versions.

Being user as well as developer friendly, this CMS is also search engine friendly which means any blogs or websites created using this platform are easily visible among the top search results.

Hence, if you are thinking to choose WordPress 4.0 as a platform to create your website then just wait for the next month and you will be able to take advantage of the latest WordPress version. Yes, as a precaution you can hire any WordPress developer from well known custom WordPress development companies like Softqube technologies and get the version tested.

It’s time to take decision and move ahead in the progress path yet if you are in a hurry then current WordPress versions can also be used for custom WordPress development.


Hope, with our today’s blog we are able to help you in taking a perfect decision for your business and making easy for you to get custom websites developed using WordPress. Keep visiting our blog for more updates.

Creating Custom Templates with Zen Cart Development

Zen cart is the widely used platform for managing online stores. It is based on PHP with MYSQL database and some of the HTML components. It supports multiple currencies and languages and is available free of cost under General Public License.

Zen cart offers all the functionalities required by eCommerce store. We can use the templates available for designing the layout of our eCommerce store or if any of these don’t match our business needs then it offers an option to create custom store templates.

So, here we will discuss on how to create a customized layout of our eCommerce store that matches our needs.

Developing Custom Templates:

Stores developed with Zen cart have CSS based templates. Here, we have selected English as the default language which can be selected later on as required.

The process is explained assuming that Zen cart is already installed:

  • Open includes/templates/ and create a new folder with the name : /ABC_template
  • Create an empty folder in the new template directory and name it as /IMAGES. So, it will look like: “includes/templates/ABC_template/images/.”
  • Then copy this :  includes/templates/template_default/css  directory and  keep the folders and files in the new folder includes/templates/ABC_template/
  • Some of the extra new folders can also be created as per your convenience in the new template directory. These are : /common, /sideboxes, /templates
  • Then copy the file includes/templates/template_default/template_info.php and add it to the new folder includes/templates/ABC_template/
  • Now, open the template info.php file in the text editor (notepad) or any that is used by you.
  • According to your need, changes are to be done in the given details (mentioned in inverted commas). Single quotes are only considered here. Name the template as you can memorize easily as well as identical to the folder name.
    For e.g.: The folder name is ABC_template. So, the template name can be ABC1_template or anything like that which is similar to the folder name as well as easily remembered.
    Changes to be made here:
  • You can leave the template screenshot blank and later add it if needed.
  • After completing this process, the new template directory will be :
    New Template Directory
  • Now, just one step away and your new custom template is ready to use: Upload your/ABC_template (or whichever name you have assigned to the template folder) folder to the server.
  • Go to admin panel and choose tools -> template selection. Click on Edit and select ABC_template from the dropdown menu and click the Update button.
  • Now, choose tools -> layout boxes controller and then click on Reset button at the bottom of the page.

The new template is created and is now ready to be customized as required or you can also update it with new images, content etc.

With this easy process, one can quickly create a desired store template. However, if you need any help or wish to get developed the custom templates from experienced hands then you can contact Softqube technologies, a Zen cart development company in India.

Overview of New PHP Version- PHP 5.6.0RC2

PHP is an open source platform mostly popular in developing user friendly web applications. It is widely recommended by programmers because of its user friendliness and cross compatibility. PHP is the only programming language that is flexible with all operating systems as well as browsers.

As technology changes day in and day out, PHP versions also keep on improving with new additional features. So, PHP professionals have to keep an eye on the current version and get to know what is inside it.

Here, we are going to discuss about the current version of PHP that was released on 3rd July 2014, PHP5.6.0RC2. First of all, we will take a look at the new added features of this version then will have a glance on its drawbacks.

PHP5.6.0RC2: Second release of the version PH5.6.It is a bug fix only release.

New Features:

  • Constant scalar expressions: With this new version, previously where PHP asked for static value now scalar expressions can be used with numeric and string literals. These include constants, property declarations & default function arguments.
    For e.g.:
    Constant Scalar Expressions
  • Variadic Functions with (…) operator: These can now be executed with the operator”…”instead of using this function: “func_get_args().”
    For e.g.:
    Variadic Functions
  • Argument unpacking with (….) operator: With the use of “…” this operator, we can easily unpack array and traversable objects into argument lists. Other languages such as Ruby recognize this as Slat operator.
    For e.g.:
    Argument Unpacking
  • Exponentiation with ** operator: Exponentiation can be done with the ** operator added with the current shorthand assignment operator **=
    For e.g:

The new features of PHP5.6.0RC2 are sure to make the development process easy for the entire PHP development team and gain utmost customer satisfaction. For any assistance related to the new PHP updates, get in touch with our Softqube technologies, India based PHP Development Company.

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