Tips to Clean your eCommerce Site

Like we clean our house at regular intervals; it is necessary to clean our virtual assets as well. Yes, you got it right. By virtual assets; I mean; our website- be it a simple one or an eCommerce site. This is the time to take stock and clean away those things that you don’t need.

For website owners; this is necessary as it helps to attract new customers and also to get good rankings. So, here in this blog post; we have mentioned some of the tips that can be used to freshen up your website.

Tips to Refresh the Site:

  • Conduct a content audit of the site and find out the pages that are performing well: Content audit is one of the well known website cleaning projects. If you take a look around then there are various websites that contain heaps of old data which can be easily consolidated, updated or repurposed or may be deleted in order to create a better user experience which will boost your SEO rankings and onsite conversions.

    Download the database of entire website and then start working with every page to be labelled as Keep, Discard, Repurpose or Consolidate. Make use of Web Analytics Programme and get the top 10 as well as worst 10 pieces of content.

    eCommerce Site

    Let’s say if the page gets closer to zero views per month then it is a clear sign that there’s an issue. It can be related to page dates or may be lack of visibility or may be a serious revision. One can easily spot a problem and then find the way to fix it.

  • Do image clean up, optimization and refresh them: Images can date the website faster than words. With new images, the website will have a fresh look. This will help you to get more sales as well as new product shots which showcase the products in action.

    There are people who refuse to conduct a fresh cleanup. Large eCommerce websites accumulate thousands of images. This makes it longer and frustrating to find the images that one needs to use.

    This issue can be fixed by implementing a naming convention for images. This will make it easier to use images everyday as well as conduct an image clean up. On the other hand; you must also start optimizing the images. WordPress provides a plugin that can do the compression automatically.

  • Repair the broken links: These links hurt your Google rankings however visitors and customers who click on the broken link will usually bounce back. Various tools are available here like as which allows you to find the broken links. Once you find them, take time to fix these.
  • Review your SEO strategy and rewrite product descriptions: SEO has latest trends every now and then hence it is advisable to keep your website updated as per these trends. So, keep reviewing your website’s SEO Strategy and do take time to look over your product descriptions. Rewrite them and try to give your readers something new to read.

Take Away:

With these tips; you can easily give a new structure to your eCommerce site. So, follow them next time when you wish to redesign it. Try to make it more responsive and interactive but in a different way.

Hope this blog post was useful to you. For more such tips and tricks; stay connected with Softqube Technologies; Responsive web design India.

Single Sign up For Magento and WordPress

Magento and WordPress are two well known platforms made from PHP. Now, there’s a new extension available through which you can easily login on both of these platforms. There are various scenarios where you would need to sign up simultaneously into two accounts.

Here, we will consider one of these scenarios. Let’s say you are creating a website or you own a website which is developed using both Magento and WordPress. WordPress can be used to manage a blog where as Magento can be used for eCommerce functionality.

Yes, it is possible that all your pages are managed by Magento and WordPress is just used as a blogging platform. In each of the scenarios; users will need to register on their sites; be it while checking out on Magento or in WordPress to leave comments.

Magento and WordPress

Here, both Magento and WordPress need separate registrations and at times; this can be very confusing. This extension is made to reduce this confusion. With this Magento extension; one can remove all the links available in WordPress registration or login area; just by using Magento “My account” area for both.

Prerequisites for this extension:

  1. In order to use this extension; certain conditions are to be followed:

    • Magento & WordPress must be used on same domain
    • At least, they must be on same server
    • No WordPress plugins must be installed which are to be used in sessions
  2. With this extension; customers can:

    • Use one account for Magento and WordPress website.
    • Customers can simply register on Magento and automatically create WordPress account.
    • Sync Password and user information between Magento and WordPress.
    • It synchronizes Login and logouts between Magento and WordPress.
    • This can be done simply as soon as user signs up with Magento.
    • In case, the user registers at Magento checkout then a WordPress account is automatically created.
    • If the user visits “My account” section in the Magento website and makes changes in any of the information then it gets updated in the WordPress account.
    • Users of Magento and WordPress website will need to get registered once and then they can manage their account globally via Magento’s “My Account” area. It is not required to visit WordPress Dashboard.
  3. What cannot be done with this extension?

    • With this extension; one cannot remove the links automatically from WordPress login area to Magento. Here, you need to edit them in your WordPress theme files.
    • Access to WordPress login area will not be restricted by manually removing the WordPress login links until the customers go there.
    • There are several other kinds of methods available to redirect users to Magento Login area. This plugin doesn’t allow users to enter a website in their profile; this is one of the main drawbacks of this extension.

Take Away:

Next time; when you feel the urge to login on both platforms simultaneously then try to make use of this extension and let us know your feedback about the same. Hope you liked this post. Stay tuned with us for more such updates.

Wish to get similar extensions developed? Contact the experts at Softqube Technologies; well known PHP Development Company in India.

How to Implement the Range Operator in PHP?

There are several innumerable posts available on internet about PHP. Here, in this blog post we will see how Range operator can be re implemented in PHP?

Implementing Range Operator in PHP:

  • Updating the lexer: This will make us aware about new operator syntax so that it can be transformed into token.
  • Updating Parser: This will show the use of range operator along with its precedence and association with other operators.
  • Updating compilation stage: Here, we can get the abstract syntax tree traversed.
  • Updating Zend VM: Here, we can handle interpretation of new opcode for operator while executing the script.

Range Operator in PHP

Range Operator:

This is added to PHP and is denoted by (/>). It is defined in following parameters:

  • It will have only one incrementation step.
  • Both operands should be either integers or floats.
  • Min= max then one element array that consists of min is returned.

In case any of the following is not satisfied then you may receive an error exception. It occurs if

  • One of the operand is neither an integer nor a float,
  • Min >max,
  • Range max-min is too large.

Updating Lexer:

Here, the new token must be registered in the lexer so that while tokenizing the source code, it can be transformed into T_RANGE token. The Zend Language scanner must be updated by adding the following code:


Lexer is in the state of ST_IN_SCRIPTING mode. This means it will only match the |> character sequence when it is available in normal scripting mode. The code between curly braces is C code which will get executed when this operator is found in source code.

Here, it simply returns T_RANGE token. This must be declared in Zend Language Parser y file.

Updating Parser:

The parser must be updated so that it can validate the new T_RANGE token that is used in PHP scripts. It is responsible for the precedence and association of new operator as well as generating the abstract syntax tree node for constructing new code.

This entire process is carried in Zend language parser.y grammar file that contains token definitions and production rules will be used to generate the parser form.

Updating the Compilation stage:

For updating the compilation stage; parser outputs an AST which then recursively is traversed where functions are used to execute every node in the AST. These functions provide opcodes which will later be executed by Zend VM at the time of interpretation.

This is done in Zend compilation file. Here, we need to add our new AST node name in the large switch statement in zend_compile_expr  function and then Zend compile range is to be defined in the same file.

Updating ZEND VM:

In order to handle the execution of new opcode, ZEND VM is to be updated. It involves updating Zend file with the help of following code:

zend_free_op free_op1, free_op2;
zval *op1, *op2, *result, tmp;
result = EX_VAR(opline->result.var);
// if both operands are integers
if (Z_TYPE_P(op1) == IS_LONG && Z_TYPE_P(op2) == IS_LONG) {
// for when min and max are integers
} else if ( // if both operands are either integers or doubles
(Z_TYPE_P(op1) == IS_LONG || Z_TYPE_P(op1) == IS_DOUBLE)
&& (Z_TYPE_P(op2) == IS_LONG || Z_TYPE_P(op2) == IS_DOUBLE)
) {
// for when min and max are either integers or floats
} else {
// for when min and max are neither integers nor floats

Take Away:

Hope this blog post will help you to implement range operator properly. Let us know how we have helped you. For more such posts, stay tuned to Softqube Technologies, provider of cost effective PHP development services.

How to Create and Edit Spreadsheets in PHP?

There are various development tasks that can be done using PHP. Being the easiest programming language, it is preferred by all. Here, in this blog post; we will learn the use of PHP for creating and editing excel sheets.

We will be using PHPExcel Library which is used to read and write various types of spreadsheet formats such as XLS, XLSX, ODS and CSV. So, before we begin; make sure that you have PHP 5.2 or higher on your server and these PHP extensions are already installed: php_zip, php_xml, php_gd2

Spreadsheets in PHP

First of all, Let’s learn How to Create a Spreadsheet:

Creating a spreadsheet is one of the common tasks that can be done using PHP application. It is used for exporting data to Excel spreadsheet. Here’s the code that can be used to create a sample Excel spreadsheet with PHP Excel:

// Include PHPExcel library and create its object

$phpExcel = new PHPExcel;

// Set default font to Arial

// Set default font size to 12

// Set spreadsheet properties – title, creator and description
$phpExcel ->getProperties()->setTitle("Product list");
$phpExcel ->getProperties()->setCreator("Voja Janjic");
$phpExcel ->getProperties()->setDescription("PHP Excel spreadsheet testing.");

// Create the PHPExcel spreadsheet writer object
// We will create xlsx file (Excel 2007 and above)
$writer = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($phpExcel, "Excel2007");

// When creating the writer object, the first sheet is also created
// We will get the already created sheet
$sheet = $phpExcel ->getActiveSheet();

// Set sheet title
$sheet->setTitle('My product list');

// Create spreadsheet header

To download the spreadsheet instead of saving it, you can use this code:

header('Content-Type: application/');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="file.xlsx"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');

So, with this code; one can create a completely new spreadsheet. Now, let’s take a look at editing an existing spreadsheet.

Editing the Existing Spreadsheet:

In PHP, editing spreadsheets is similar to creating them. This below mentioned code can be used to edit the spreadsheet:

// Include PHPExcel library and create its object

// Load an existing spreadsheet
$phpExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load('products.xlsx');

// Get the first sheet
$sheet = $phpExcel ->getActiveSheet();

// Remove 2 rows starting from the row 2
$sheet ->removeRow(2,2);

// Insert one new row before row 2
$sheet->insertNewRowBefore(2, 1);

// Create the PHPExcel spreadsheet writer object
// We will create xlsx file (Excel 2007 and above)

Once the editing and creating tasks are over then it is time to print the spreadsheet. With this code, we will print the spreadsheet:

$sheet -> getPageSetup()->setPaperSize(PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup::PAPERSIZE_A4);
$sheet ->getPageMargins()->setRight(0.75);
$sheet ->getPageMargins()->setLeft(0.75);

Take Away:

PHPExcel comes with several features which we have not discussed here. Let’s say; PHP can be used for functions, calculations and charts. We will discuss about these very soon in our upcoming blogs.

Till then, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies – one of the leaders in PHP development India.

Outsourcing your PHP Web Development

It has now become a normal practice to outsource IT projects. Yes, it has many risks and benefits but everything in this world has positive as well as negative points. At times, companies make wrong decisions when it comes to selection of contractors.

Price, time, quality etc are to be kept in mind. It is rarely possible to get the best of three and here we will discuss how it can be done especially when it comes to outsourcing web development tasks:

Outsourcing Web Development Tasks:

There are business owners who take the courage to outsource web development projects. Yes, it is a task that needs lots of courage and why I am saying so, you will know as you go on reading this blog post.

Every time you ask any individual whether they have outsourced any PHP web development project or will dare to do so; every time you will get a different answer. Some are highly satisfied; some are dissatisfied and the list goes on.

Outsourcing Web Development

There’s also an accurate description of quality of software houses as well as other IT providers available in global market. Every company wants to spend as little as possible and also wants to focus on business objectives.

This is one of the reasons why people prefer to outsource tasks. So, how will you select a perfect software house to outsource your project?

What is your need?

So, your company needs a web application which makes use of data and advanced algorithms that helps to perform the core objective of the business more effectively. This needs lot of pondering as the task includes identifying Expert PHP Developers who have specified knowledge as well as experience in the field.

Chances are you may get the perfect candidate or the firm that takes such projects, the next door. Contractors have already worked on web applications that match your need. They also have specialization in data science thus collaborating with data scientists from various universities.

Contractors consider project as a chance to learn about the project like as its specific market, circumstances, stake holders and customers and then they will show you the ways how they can fulfill your needs or create the type of web application you want.

Always this is not the case; sometimes you might have to compromise a lot. Several ways are available to improve the concept of application in case it is lacking something. Sometimes you will get a perfect app developed within the given time frame and while other times, you may fail to get the desired result.

What you can get:

Every time it is impossible to get amazing quality at a reasonable price and then get it delivered within short span of time. You may have to look for another software firm to finish your project. You may take a look at other outsourcing firms available around the globe.

Skilled developers can make or break the project. The amalgamation of code quality and keen understanding that successful project is not only about code quality but it is about offering right functionalities to the targeted customer which needs profound decision making skills.

So, when you choose them keep in mind that they use advanced technologies and do research about the most innovative fields which need special expertise. Go through the portfolios of software houses and try to find the projects that go beyond standard web development.

Take Away:

Outsourcing PHP web development projects have many benefits but only when you end up finding a perfect PHP web development company like Softqube Technologies which offers a unique combination of price, time and quality.

Hope this blog post will help you in finding you the perfect PHP developer.

You will Soon Attend a Coding Boot Camp at Your College

Coding boot camps began as an alternative to traditional college education. These have now reached all over the world. Coding boot camps are now trending topic in higher education as their main focus is on job readiness and lucrative starting salaries.

This has gained the attention of college students as well as career switchers. Colleges are noticing the success of coding boot camps and now they seem to boost their ability to get students skilled on technical subjects.

These have become the fast track options for those who wish to become expert web developers. These camps actually came into existence to fill the increasing demand for skilled PHP web developers.

Such coding camps help to address the on growing demand of boot camps. Studies show that Coding Boot Camp market grew by 2.5 times to an estimated 16 056 graduates and it was estimated to reach on an average 48,700 computer science graduates in 2014.

Coding Boot Camp

Slowly, universities begin to value these camps and they started cooperating by teaching technical skills as demanded by economy, education will change in many ways in 2016.

What Colleges are doing about Boot Camps Now?

  • Partnerships are formed between colleges and Coding Camps: In order to offer better technical education to students, colleges are forming partnerships with boot camps. One of the well known universities in Florida will allow students to participate in General Assembly courses for course credits.

    For instance; It issues semester’s worth of credits for students who successfully complete 16 week programme at General Assembly; a skills boot camp which raised 70 million dollars last September.

    Similar to this university; there are several others that are planning to participate and partner with coding boot camps. In 2013, A boot camp known as Galvanize offers web development data science in across eight cities across United states which partnered with University of New Haven to provide master’s degree in data science.

  • Universities will now launch their own coding camps: During last three months; several colleges like as North eastern, Rutgers and Central Florida will launch their own camps instead of partnering with the current ones.

    North eastern university has come up with eight week boot camp that teaches students core data analytics skills. This helps to get quality. Another Rutgers University conducted its own coding camp last October which will begin on April 25th.

    The idea of this boot camp training style tends to appeal many students and colleges are equipped with various resources to offer a coding boot camp education and it will be interesting to see the outcomes from students.

  • Support from U.S. Education Department: On 14th October 2015, Obama Administration launched a pilot programme known as EQUIP. If any college gets approved for the same hen they will be given a chance to partner with coding boot camps and offer financial aids to enrolling students along with college credit.

    This can completely alter the face of boot camp education. Several programmes can establish their own scholarships and concentrate on job outcomes not credentials.

Take Away:

The above three approaches show that coding boot camps are now considered seriously and it is really interesting to see how each college approaches technical, skills based education which has made boot camps successful.

Hope this blog post will be useful for students who wish to be a successful web developer. Stay tuned to us for more such informative posts. To know about the tasks of a web developer, you can get in touch with experts at Softqube Technologies; a well known PHP Development Company.

Five Factors to be Considered While Selecting PHP Framework

Well, by now; you might be aware about PHP and you must know how popular this web development language is! Today, we are going to discuss about several factors that must be considered while selecting PHP framework.

PHP Framework

We can say that are enormous number of PHP frameworks available in the market and hence developers have n number of choices to choose from. How to select the one that suits your needs?

Here, We have Mentioned Certain Factors that one must Consider While Choosing a PHP Framework:

  • Your Project Need: Well, before choosing a platform to work on; it is necessary to ponder over certain project needs and then based on those generic requirements along with using standard plug-ins and components that can be used to meet the needs; choice can be made between various web development platforms available like as Joomla, Drupal or WordPress.

    In case these don’t suit the purpose then one can opt for various popular PHP frameworks like Zend, Cake PHP and more that come with various development libraries.

  • Design Patterns: It is necessary to take a look at various design patterns. There are various PHP frameworks which make use of MVC design pattern which is widely adopted in web programming.

    Developers must consider the stricter implementation of MVC with various frameworks. Well known frameworks like Zend can implement MVC loosely thus allowing developers to alter the design. Other frameworks implement MVC strictly.

    If you need freedom to have custom designs then it is advisable to opt for PHP frameworks like ZEND that permit developers to conduct several experiments using architecture based on the needs.

  • ORM support: Frameworks are widely used because they contain reusable database access layer. This provides complete freedom to developers from small tasks like as recreating the database access.

    Well known frameworks like Cake PHP provide further Object relational mapping support that makes database programming much easier. The data must be analyzed in case the data access objects support connections to various databases that are used in complex systems available in single interface.

  • Performance Support: One of the best ways to boost performance of any web application is via Caching. Storing relatively static data in cache and serving it from cache saves the time that is required to generate the data.

    Frameworks offer mechanism to handle cache data to improve performance. Support for caching can be analyzed to see how easy access to caching mechanism is offered by frameworks.

  • Documentation & Community support: Before using any framework, a need arises to understand it carefully and master it so that it can meet developer’s requirements. One must check whether proper community support is offered by that particular framework or not.

    It must also offer proper documentation support so that features of the framework are to be easily understood.

Take Away:

So, next time you go for any PHP framework; make sure to take a look at these factors. Yes, you will get many more from the internet however these are the ones that are mandatory to be considered.

Liked this post! Stay connected with us; Softqube Technologies to read more of such attractive and informative content about PHP web application development.

Some of the Secure Password Encryption Methods in PHP

It is necessary to have security of sensitive information like as login credentials, usernames, employee ids and lots more. This is a topic that has always been addressed seriously in every programming language.

It is the matter of internet security. Every language has its own algorithms in order to ensure security and safety. PHP offers various options from beginners to advanced levels so that it can be protected against vulnerabilities.

Encryption Methods in PHP

There are several posts available where you can find various methods to protect PHP website from SQL. However, here still you will find less content over the internet that addresses credential safety methods.

Here, in this Blog Post; We will Explain Most Common Methods of Protecting Passwords in PHP:

Popular Zend framework offers Zend Guard software in order to ensure the security perspective. Even though, it is still a debate whether passwords should be hashed or encrypted. However, here we will discuss some methods from both approaches.

PHP has various algorithms that help to hide actual passwords and opt for maximum security with the use of encryption techniques. Password encryption methods are not much popular now days among developers as these are reversible.

Some of the Commonly used Password Encryption Methods are as Follows:

  1. Password Hashing: This concept is similar to fingerprints. The same way in which finger prints are unique, hash is always unique and this is known as digital fingerprints. It is a one way process.

    Nowdays, hashing methodology is considered as one of the safest techniques to keep the passwords safe and secure. It is applied to password fields before the data is actually inserted in the database.

    This will help you to make password unexploitable in case the hacker attacks. It is necessary to note at this point that hashing passwords can be easily protected within data store however it doesn’t guarantee protection against interception with the help of any code.

    Some of the Common Functions of Hashing are as Follows:

    • Md5 (): This function shows md5 hash of a string.
    • Salt: It is a cryptographic bit of data which makes it more difficulty in tracking the data. With the use of Salt, one cannot exploit any password. It is actually a string that is hashed with password so that dictionary attacks fail.
    • Password_hash(): This creates new passwords by means of one way hashing algorithm. It is completely compatible with crypt (). It is one of the robust techniques used for developing secure passwords.
Take Away:

With these password encryption methods in PHP; one can easily make most use of hashing functions. These functions help to make your passwords safe and secure. So, next time when you wish to protect your passwords, make use of some of the secured password encryption methods.

Hope this blog post will be useful to you. For more such details, stay connected with Softqube Technologies; a well known PHP development Company where you can get expert services at affordable costs.

Some Well Known Recently Launched Zen Cart Plug-Ins

Among the widely used shopping carts in various eCommerce stores, one of them is Zen Cart. It is one of the most popular shopping carts used by most of the eCommerce websites.

Till now, we might be aware about its features that have made Zen cart; the most useful shopping cart software. Well, to revise our knowledge these are as follows:

Features of Zen Cart:

  • Easily Customizable
  • Quick Payment Gateway Integration
  • Can work with any hosting company
  • Use your own domain name
  • Can be run immediately
  • Start Accepting Payments quickly

So, these were some of the useful features of Zen Cart that add value to it.

Here, in this blog post we will take a look at some of the plug-ins that is launched recently in Zen Cart to make things more easy going.

These are as follows:

  1. Tagove Live Chat Software: Online shopping has become a trend now days; be it a small thing or huge furniture set, everything people love to buy online. There are people who wish to get their problems solved by any custome representative at the moment itself.

    Zen Cart Plug Ins

    Nearly 83% of buyers need online assistance while shopping to complete the checkout process. In order to offer an effective yet helpful chat experience that help customers to make their shopping easy; Plug-ins like Tagove Live Chat are used.

    Features of this plugin:

    • Easily adoptable to mobile devices
    • Proactive Chat
    • Live Video Chat
    • Live Voice Call
    • Advanced Analytics
    • Co Browsing Software
    • Live Call Recording
    • And Lots more….
  2. Reviews Reply: It is yet another useful plugin from Zen cart which offers quick and easy space for writers to reply to customers reviews. These replies can be edited in the Edit review admin screen.

    The reply is displayed under the review text on every individual review page. The reply space will be seen only on the customer side of the store once the reply has been added.

    It supports Zen Cart version V1.5.1, v.1.5.4

  3. Set Language Status: This is one of the Zen Cart modules that is used to activate the language used in the store. Hence, if a language is no longer available then one can disable it by deleting it from the database.

    Languages can be easily enabled and disabled from the language page in the admin section.

  4. Printable Price List: This plug-in is popular because of some features like as easy to fit the page size using CSS. Various admin settings on what to print and how to print.

    Various profiles, optional notes fields that can be used as an inventory list for example.

  5. Short Category Descriptions: It is a Zen Cart module that allows you to split the category descriptions into two parts. One part is for products and sub categories and another is used After Products or sub categories.

    It also includes “more info”…. Link directly after the first description so that your customers can “jump” down to secondary description. This add on will be useful to all the people who have very long category descriptions and who never want that their customers face any difficulty in finding the products.

    This plugin is used for Zen Cart version v1.5.5

Take Away:

Well these are some of the plug-ins and modules of Zen cart that can be used to enhance user experience. We will definitely be back with few more of these. For more such details, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies that offers cost effective eCommerce solutions with great expertise.

Why Laravel is Considered as the Best PHP Framework?

We all are familiar with PHP to be the best programming language for developing web applications. There are enormous web application frameworks developed using PHP. One of them is Laravel.

Among the ones used on regular basis, Laravel is used widely. Laravel came into existence in 2012 and was quickly adopted by PHP lovers. As soon as Laravel arrived, people started leaving CodeIgnitier behind.

Laravel’s version 4 is just amazing; as reviewed by expert PHP developers. So, what’s so unique in this version that has made it so popular? Let’s take a look at its features:

Features of Laravel:

  1. Composer: Laravel 4 depends a lot on various external packages useful for its functionality. In order to ensure this, it uses Composer as a dependency manager. For beginners; it makes extremely easy to get a new project to work on.

    Just download the zip file from the web or similar files from github and memorize the URL and tFeatures of Laravel Then all you have to do is use this command:

    composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name –prefer-dist

    A complete copy of Laravel is then available. It seems to be complicated but it is not. Once the project is created then there will be only few commands that we need to know:

    • composer install
    • composer update

    Among these two commands, the first one helps in entire project set up and download all its dependencies that are needed to run it. Further, the Laravel Core has some external packages which are all pulled in with composer at the time of installation. This includes:

    • Symfony
    • Whoops
    • Doctrine

    Here, it becomes very easy to bring another package in the laravel application by altering the composer.json file. It is one of the packages that one can include in the application during development.

    Using Laravel with composer is all of Laravel’s core components that are available separately on illuminate GitHub repository.

  2. Artisan: Apart from this, command line is one of the most powerful tools for any developer. Using Artisan, Laravel is easily able to use command line in different ways to run many different tasks.

    Just type “PHP Artisan” in the terminal window and you will get various options.

    ... command
    command: make Create a new Artisan command
    config:publish Publish a package's configuration to the application controller
    controller:make Create a new resourceful controller db db:seed Seed the database with records
    key:generate Set the application key
    migrate migrate:install Create the migration repository
    migrate:make Create a new migration file
    migrate:refresh Reset and re-run all migrations
    migrate:reset Rollback all database migrations
    migrate:rollback Rollback the last database migration ...

    Apart from these commands, one can also make its own command line tools.

  3. Migrating Database & ampSeeds: Here, one drawback is it becomes really difficult to have synchronization between development machines as well as database.

    Laravel Migrations made this easy. At the end of the day when there are various changes to be made to the database then this framework is useful as compared to MYSQL.

    This doesn’t serve the purpose and doesn’t allow you synchronize databases among development machines. The moment all of the database migration work is kept in migration and seeds, one can easily shift the changes into any other development machine that one has.

    One of the positive aspect of this is database can be kept easily under control.

Take Away:

Because of these few reasons only; Laravel has become an important PHP framework which is adopted by most of PHP developers. For more such details, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies; a well known PHP web development services provider in India.

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"*" indicates required fields

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 2.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.