How to Integrate Back Office Systems with Ecommerce?

Nowadays, most of the people are venturing into ecommerce sector. There are various websites with eCommerce options like as online selling, online ordering and more. Here, in this blog post; we will include ways through which one can easily integrate back office system with the eCommerce website.

So, let’s begin and understand what exactly integration means when it comes to eCommerce world:

What is Integration?

Integration in the field of eCommerce can be known as the access to information available from both systems from one location or database.

Back Office Systems:

Certain back office systems include the process used by employees which help to keep business running. Other services like as accounting, finance, inventory, order fulfilment and shipping are the best examples of back office system.

These can be manual or automated. Front office systems are usually focused on customers and they refer to various activities like as marketing, sales or customer service.

Properly integrating back office systems with eCommerce can boost coordination with the front office which results into better customer service and reduced effort duplication.

What is the need of such integration?

When you disconnect your back office and eCommerce systems then this leads to wastage of time, money and resources. Let’s say a small portion of your revenue is derived from online sales then you might get benefitted from the use of less expensive off shelf packages.

Let’s say that your online sales are growing to an extent. So, if a large portion of revenue is from online sales then you can say that more integrated solutions will be useful to you.

What are the advantages of integrating back office with eCommerce?

This diagram shows the benefits of merging back office with eCommerce.


There are various levels of back office integration like as one way integration, two-way integration or more.
No integration means employees have to do more work.

Let’s say they will have to look for two databases to see whether a customer has purchased a product or have recorded sales in these two different databases.

Proper integration means information about online sales is included automatically in back office systems and hence it is not to be entered in the system more than once.

Hence, integration is necessary to:
  • Reduce administrative work
  • Reduce operational costs
  • Improve customer service
  • Increase readiness for change
How to identify your integration needs?

If you wish to integrate your system then it entirely depends on how you wish to carry your online business. So, before starting integration; know your needs well:

  • Is it necessary to conduct considerable portion of the business online?
  • Are employees facing difficulty to get the details about sales, inventory or shipping?
  • Do employees have to enter information from the eCommerce store?
  • Do you wish to have duplicate mailing lists among different types of customer lists?

In case your answer is yes to one or more of the above questions then there’s a need to integrate your back office system with eCommerce website.

Take Away:

So, if you wish to really opt for such integration services and would like to step into the world of cloud computing then we can say that you are at the right place. Softqube Technologies is an eCommerce solutions provider firm in India that will help you in this matter.

Get in touch
with them to know more.

Why PHP Must be Chosen for Developing Website?

Internet industry has been changing. Various technologies are available for the betterment. Most of the web developers prefer PHP for developing their own website. One of the main reasons is it’s an open source server side scripting language which offers diverse features.

It is one of the interpreted script languages that is widely suitable for developing websites as per the preferences. PHP is more beneficial for the users as it is compatible with most of the operating systems say Windows and Unix.

It enables the users to easily manage and improve their PHP based websites without unnecessary burdens. If you wish to have a website with advanced features then it is advisable to choose PHP so that one can develop exceptional quality websites.

Developing wonderful websites is the task of expert PHP developers who have good experience in the online industry. Hence, those who wish to know why PHP is more suitable for web development then this blog post is for them:

Reasons to choose PHP over other languages:

  • User friendly: As compared to other programming languages; PHP is very simple. It is an easy and powerful language and hence is widely used for developing web based applications which need utmost functionalities with less coding.

    Along with this, PHP based web applications are very secure as compared to other applications developed from various programming languages.

  • Flexibility: PHP is the one and only language that offers high level of flexibility when compared with other languages such as Asp. Net. It is perfect for users who wish to extend the high end programming language so that it can match easily with the custom requirements of any business.

    It is open source software that allows users to use any editor for coding. This can be combined easily with various libraries like as graphics and extensible Mark up language (XML) etc.

  • Dynamic: PHP is an effective language and hence it enables developers to prepare live websites that gets automatically refreshed. With PHP; one can create websites which don’t need any updates to refresh it.

    PHP web development is an interesting process which fascinates users.

  • Cost effective: PHP is used often by several users since two years as it is one of the economic ways for developing website in an efficient manner. Further, it can be easily obtained for free from several online platforms.

    The latest version is also available for free. It is highly beneficial for web developers who wish to make a new entry in the online marketing field.

  • Data Processing: Quick data processing features are available with PHP and these can be of much benefit while developing any website using PHP. It helps to improve website functions up to an extent.
  • Open Source: PHP is universally known as open source language that offers ultimate solutions for all of the website development needs. The main reason behind this is high end language which is completely free and simple to use.
  • Enhanced Performance: PHP is a very specific language which boosts the development speed instead of increasing the execution speed. It operates on a conventional web stack.

    It makes complete use of Apache web server. On the other hand, PHP applications make more use of Apache web server as well as MYSQL database.

  • Cross Platform: It becomes very easy to develop cross platform applications with PHP as it works fantastically on UNIX and LINUX and other such windows platforms.

    It is developed to combine with Apache and MYSQL. Hence, if you wish to create a cross platform application then PHP is the perfect choice.

  • Embedding Qualities: The most superior quality of PHP is that it can be easily embedded in HTML with very few steps. It is an exemplary language which supports web programmers so that one can convert an existent static website into a complete new one.
  • Instant: PHP is known to be an instant language that provides quick turnaround time. A well experienced PHP developer can provide a prompt solution that one needs to achieve for very long time.

Take Away:

So, due to these reasons; web developers tend to choose PHP over various other languages for creating smart and effective PHP web applications. Hope these reasons are enough to suffice for why PHP must be used for web development?

Need to know more about PHP? Then stay tuned with Softqube Technologies; a well known PHP web application development company in India.

Few Things Developer Must Keep in Mind While using Every PHP Version till PHP 7

The new version of PHP i.e. PHP 7 got released in November 2015. As compared to other PHP versions; this is fast when it comes to performance. So, we can say that those developers that have unproductive habits must leave them one.

As with new PHP; work can be done at rocket speed so your excuses won’t work here. Here, in this blog post; we have mentioned some of the important points that developers must keep in mind while using every version of PHP.

Note: These tips are applicable till PHP7 because we are unaware of future PHP versions:

Things to be borne in mind while working with PHP or any other similar programming languages:

  • Use clean codes: Every programming language; be it PHP or any other; ensures to have clean codes. Clean codes provide a lot of readability. This gives immense scope for improvisation when needed.

    Most of the developers have the habit of using single letter variable as well as other types of such ideas to increase the speed of pages during the download process.

    This ends into poor code readability. So while developing PHP codes; every web developer must define the variables properly and stick to the original values of various object oriented programming languages like PHP.

  • Avoid using MYSQL functions: There are plenty of advanced functions available in PHP. The database you use must be updated ones. The best instance to this point is to make use of MYSQL functions that can be used with all PHP versions.

    MYSQLI supports easy PDO implementation and includes more facilities as compared to MYSQUL. As a result, developers can generate great outputs if they make use of MYSQLI functions with latest PHP versions.

  • Use Close Tags: There are developers who use close tags while concluding PHP files. Most of the WordPress files leave this bad practice. This is not necessary in PHP.

    However, there are various novice developers who use it for keeping the whitespace under control. Several modern versions of PHP never focus on using closing tags at the conclusion part.
    This is very necessary but rarely developers follow this. You can use these to get an extra advantage in your PHP Skills.

  • Letting Queries function in Loop: Prepare the data array and then write two different queries instead of allowing them to function in a Loop. In certain situations, the activity of performing queries in a Loop will have faster results.

    However, this will only leave the device strained as well as heated up several times. WordPress has a method called get_post_meta() which helps developers to get relative meta value.

    This functions like cache system. When developers use this method on frequent basis then it will ignore the values from the database and will work by using the values that are stored in cache system.

    This boosts the speed of functions and reduces the load that occurs on CPU thus saving it from overheating. Using “Query Monitor” can control the functioning of queries in Loop.

  • Avoid unnecessary passing of references: PHP has comes with inbuilt Shuffle() and sorts(). When you return a shuffled array then it functions to alter the inbuilt functions.

    As a result, the originality of using these functions gets easily lost. Modifications done to such original functions without any special needs are unacceptable.

    Yes, in some cases; passing of references will help the programme to work quickly. This seems to be very illogical. Most of the PHP advanced versions are fast and developers don’t need to pass references to boost the functioning of programme any more.

Take Away:

Are you a PHP Developer; A beginner or an expert? Well whosoever you are; it is necessary for every PHP developer to keep these things in mind and enhance their development skills.

For more such tips related to PHP development and to know more about the latest PHP version; stay tuned to Softqube Technologies; a well known PHP development company in India.

How PHP is Made Popular by WordPress?

Yes, you will find something surprising and may re-read the title again. But this is true to an extent. WordPress is a popular application that is built using PHP. There are several PHP frameworks that provide great web building features over the web.

So, how WordPress plays an important role in the popularity of PHP? The popularity of PHP can be identified in various ways. One can easily identify the popularity of technology, web page or an application just by counting the search over particular keyword.

Open source customization is a huge field and there are several things in WordPress development and PHP web page creation can be included in it. Here, we can trace some of the reasons that enable WordPress to make PHP popular among various web development communities.

What is conclusion of this Analysis?

Use Google Trends and show the popularity of all PHP frameworks as well as WordPress. This data will give you a complete idea. It will show the popularity based on keyword searches.

Once this is done, any user can clearly identify the WordPress popularity over other PHP frameworks.

Third Party PHP frameworks are not allowed:

WordPress is an application that is developed completely using PHP without any third party components. It doesn’t need any of the third party components for creating web pages.

Installing WordPress as well as PHP hosting:

If users need to host a WordPress website then it is necessary to resort to PHP hosting services. Users will then think of PHP hosting as well. Users will then do a normal study on PHP installation. This makes PHP more popular.

WordPress Plugin System:

WordPress is basically known for developing blogs. Consider all the blogs that are developed over the web. Maximum number of websites are developed using PHP frameworks.

These WordPress plugins are used to create blogs which are basically developed with PHP language and as a result, WordPress indirectly leads to increase in the popularity of WordPress.

It needs very less or no Programming Knowledge to Develop a Website:

One of the important difference between WordPress and other PHP frameworks is that one can easily create website without any programming knowledge. The person who uses PHP framework can be a professional or experienced programmer who is aware about every aspect of programming.

Those who are aware about the basics of programming can easily use WordPress for developing websites. It makes the users aware about PHP web development and its hosting services.

Can WordPress be used to develop a website?

Well, this is one of the most important questions asked by many people or we can say business owners who wish to develop business websites. WordPress is developed based on PHP and this is the most famous blogging tool.

WordPress cannot be used to develop all types of websites. Let’s say if we are planning to develop an eCommerce website with maximum pages then such websites need SQL databases in huge number.

As a result, one cannot solely depend on WordPress because certain websites like those of eCommerce ones cannot be developed using the same.

Yes, this is a platform that can be used to develop basic websites having few features. For developing web pages like blogs; WordPress is considered to be the Best PHP Framework.

However, this platform is not meant for those who want to develop websites with lots of contents and images. For such websites, one needs to rely only on other PHP frameworks that are meant for this purpose only.

So, next time you think of developing any website using WordPress, make sure to keep in mind the purpose or your business category and if it’s related to eCommerce then kindly avoid using WordPress.

For beginners; WordPress is a blessing but for industry experts if they want to progress then sorry WordPress cannot be your life long partner. For bloggers, this is an amazing platform.

Hence, if you are looking for a perfect blogging platform developed on PHP then WordPress is useful to you. We can say that this one is a perfect boon for beginners, for those who know very less programming but it is definitely not a platform for those planning to jump into the field of eCommerce.

Wind Up:

So, now you might have understood why PHP is popular due to WordPress. Now, just scroll at the top and re read the title again, you will understand why it was written in that way.

So, next time when you will search for PHP frameworks for getting your website developed; keep in mind that WordPress is one of the popular frameworks due to which PHP has become popular.

Get a chance to use this platform and make use of its features to get benefitted from WordPress. For more such details about this well known platform, keep reading our blogs.

In case you need guidance regarding WordPress development or wish to hire expert PHP developers to get certain web applications developed using PHP then get in touch with Softqube Technologies, a well known PHP development company in India.

Experience the expertise by getting the web applications developed by experts who use various PHP frameworks according to the business requirement. Request a free quote today.

The Best WordPress Theme Framework

Developing themes or templates for creating websites is a very difficult task. Yes, there are many custom open source services available but still it is little bit to develop templates quickly.

Most of the web developers develop HTML templates and use WordPress coding. This activity proves to be annoying as the complete code is to be rewritten to PHP. There are various groups of developers who boost the coding speed by writing codes in a language that WordPress can read quickly.

WordPress Theme Framework

The developers who want to work efficiently will start to work with the support of other frameworks. Here, in this blog post; we will see the type of theme frameworks, its uses and the best known WordPress theme framework.

So, first of all let’s know about Theme Frameworks:

The basic process of developing websites includes web layout development. Theme work is the basic tool that supports the quick creation of these layouts. This makes WordPress development easier. The use of theme frameworks boosts the web development process.

Most of the WordPress theme frameworks are easily available for download. Several parent frameworks are also available using which one can easily develop child frameworks and allow the parent frameworks to do the remaining tasks.

The use of theme frameworks will offer certain benefits to developers like as quick development, using more functional options, development of set of widgets as well as SEO options.

Here, there’s very less need of professional knowledge that can be used to customize the codes that you have written. Further, these provide a great community support. If you wish to develop WordPress websites then you can use these frameworks so as to get complete support from parent themes.

WordPress has handful of parent themes that can be used to create amazing website templates:

  • Genesis: It is a WordPress theme framework which is worth every penny that you pay out. It has attractive and powerful WordPress themes to boost your web development.

    It is a complete set of fine codes that are specially optimized for search engines. All these codes are made of authentic HTML 5. These are responsive in nature. Keeping in mind, quality aspects as well as community support; genesis codes are top notch.

    One such favourable aspect is one time support as well as properly written codes.

  • Head Way: Head Way is the platform useful for those who are not well versed in coding. It is very strong in drag and drop aspect. It has the superior interface. This framework supports grid layouts and is coded with HTML/CSS so that one can get stunning performance.

    Headway has amazing visual editors and it offers many customizable options to the developers. There are many preview options in which developers can get a preview of the layout before making the website live.

    Users can make small changes so that web design can be made attractive with the use of HeadWay Framework.

  • Cherry Framework: This framework is available for free and nearly 70% of things are easily available which are rarely seen in paid theme frameworks. You will get automatic updates as well as excellent data management options.

    This is basically a bootstrap based framework that is useful in creation of child themes. This is one of the easiest frameworks that can be used and it serves developers completely while developing blogs.

Wind Up:

Do you think developing things on WordPress is difficult? Then, this blog post will surely serve you as a perfect guide as it includes some useful WordPress frameworks that can make development an easier task.

For more such guidance, stay tuned to Softqube Technologies, an esteemed IT firm from when you can easily hire expert PHP web developers.

PHP7 vs. HHVM: Which One Must be Selected?

The new version of PHP is PHP 7. But the question of many PHP developers is how they will get benefitted from this new version. The answer to this question is mentioned in this blog post. So, let’s move ahead and see how developers are benefitted with this latest PHP version.

PHP 7 was released at the end of November 2015 and this version is much more optimized and this helps developers to double their website performance. With the perfect launch of PHP’s latest version; there’s yet another discussion that people are highly involved with. It is regarding the performance of PHP7 vs. HHVM.


HHVM is considered as a virtual tool for quick web development. Most of the web designers have less knowledge about PHP7. As a result, this leads to a confusion about innovations which are to be included in it.

To move this discussion ahead, let’s take a look at these topics:

What is HHVM?

HHVM was started by Facebook in 2008. The main aim behind this was to develop a tool that can convert PHP scripts to C++. Once these scripts get transformed into the desired programming language then it becomes very easy to compile them and then finally put for execution.

On the other hand, Facebook users were increasing by leaps and bounds and there arose a need to boost the speed with Facebook account. Constantly working on HHVM has actually made it a perfect tool which has become successful to some extent.

With this Hip Hop Virtual Machine (HHVM); one can make proper use of Just in Time compiler which is used for altering PHP code into bytecode. This machine code makes it easy for HHVM to boost the performance to an extent.

This virtual tool developed by Facebook works at greater speed when it is actually compared to PHP 5.

What is PHP 7?

It is the community’s attempt to support the platform and this version is launched keeping in mind the rise of HHVM. The main aim here is to develop a platform that works 1000 times better than PHP5.

Another question which people have in mind is why there’s need for PHP 7 and not for PHP 6. Why there was sudden release of PHP 7 and not PHP 6 even though preparations for PHP 6 were started earlier but still its launch is delayed.

Finally, the PHP community decided to go ahead with PHP 7 and it was launched in November 2015. Before its release, the discussions about its working were going on.

PHP 7 vs. HHVM:

Both work with same language assistance however the basic difference is in the way they interpret the PHP code. PHP makes use of a free interpreter that helps to execute the code directly. PHP shows the content as desired by the web user with the help of HTML codes.

HHVM works by transforming PHP codes into byte codes. These byte codes are then shifted to machine codes which lead to a faster performance of HHVM. Finally, the execution takes place.

Further those factors which are responsible for performance of PHP codes get removed at the time of rendering codes into machine codes by increasing the performance of HHVM. Both work in the same way when it comes to code writing.

To make proper use of HHVM, it is necessary to get it installed on the server and then conjure it with HHVM command line itself.

PHP7 was rightly made available in Nov 2015 and many developers have checked its performance and they claim that it provides better performance in certain situations as compared to HHVM while there are situations where HHVM works better.

How is HHVM beneficial?

HHVM uses dynamic translation and helps websites run faster in several occasions. It occupies less memory space to begin with the request. HHVM developers go on maximizing the PHP code types so that they can convert it into a machine language that has good speed. Every developer can install, edit and work with this.

How is PHP 7 beneficial?

As compared to HHVM, PHP 7 works faster. This was proved when this new version was tested with Drupal and latest versions of WordPress. Developers of PHP 7 say that they don’t need to install HHVM to boost the application performance.

PHP 7 is long time effort of communities which offer stable help every time. This new PHP version provides increased performance and has less number of bugs.

Is it difficult to make the choice between the two?

The stable version of PHP 7 is now available. It offers an edge for PHP web development. This new version offers outstanding performance. This doesn’t mean that companies will stop using HHVM. Even then, HHVM claims faster development in certain circumstances.

At present, Facebook developers are constantly working on it and now this HHVM support is available for Apple devices as well. Let’s say if you consider working of PHP7 and HHVM then both are in tough competition with each other.

This sometimes leads to the confusion in the minds of people.

Wind Up:

In a nutshell, we can say that PHP 7 and HHVM both are good at their place. Now, as per the need; one can use any platform. So, from now on if you have any confusion about the same then take a look at this post and it will make easy for you to choose one.

Hope this was useful to you. For more such details, stay connected with Softqube Technologies, a well known provider of PHP Web Development Services in India.

Most Popular PHP Frameworks in 2015

PHP frameworks have incredible features. It has gained lot of recognition and is now world’s most versatile server side scripting language. PHP is flexible, dynamic and easy to learn language which is widely used for programming web pages.

PHP frameworks are known as functional platforms and these help in developing a very complex application in an easy and quick way. Most of the PHP developer s use certain PHP frameworks as these serve as a brilliant platform for coding applications and hence it offers a perfect structure as well as environment which helps to develop the project in a speedy manner.

PHP Frameworks

It is also considered as an easy web development practice that helps to maximize the scalability and also develops top quality web pages. Here, we have mentioned certain PHP frameworks which help in prompt execution of PHP project. It also helps to boost productivity with less possible efforts.

So, let’s take a look at these most popular PHP Frameworks of 2015:

  • Laravel: It is a simple classy PHP framework which helps to develop stylish high quality web pages. This is one of the perfect frameworks that can be used to meet several programming needs of different types of projects that too in a timely manner.

    It comes with most of Symphony components and enables PHP developers to develop a solid framework that ultimately ends by developing excellent codes.

  • Cake PHP: This is yet another popular PHP framework which every PHP developer must use at least once. It consists of several upgraded components along with improved session management, ORM improvements and lots more.

    It also offers options to create standalone libraries via increased modularity.

  • Symfony: It is a very useful as well as well known PHP framework that is highly in demand due to its highly responsive features, stability as well as simplicity. It consists of everything that is needed for developing a website by adopting best practices such as reusable components and much more.
  • Code Igniter: It is a popular PHP framework with tiny footprints that is specially designed for developers who are in need for developing a well featured web application that too in an easy manner.

    It offers a huge set of feature rich components in order to design a wide range of web applications with maximum perfection.

  • YII Framework: Let’s say that you are in search of some widely used PHP frameworks then YII framework is the perfect choice for you. It has high speed and is more secured for developing PHP projects within limited time span.

    Its high compatibility and caching support with AJAX makes it a right choice for PHP developers so that one can easily develop good quality web pages.

  • Zend Framework: If you have an enterprise level project then Zend is the best choice for you. It is an open source framework which uses object oriented code. It offers higher performance and is extensible as well as more secured.
  • Phalcon: It is a full stack PHP framework that is written with C++ for optimizing performance. Its creative structure is what makes it the fastest PHP framework which can be used to create any type of website.
  • Fuel PHP: Yet another useful as well as amazing PHP framework that is most popular among PHP developers. This framework is completely simple and flexible. Fuel PHP is a powerful, efficient and supportive PHP framework which helps to develop unbelievable sites.
  • Aura: It includes a good collection of superior quality, well tested and independent library packages that can be efficiently used in any code base. Every single package is self reliant and doesn’t depend on any other package.
  • PHPixie: Those PHP developers who are in search of light weight PHP framework; for them PHPixie is a perfect choice. This framework is based on MVC model which helps you to develop applications at a very high speed.

    This framework is very easy to learn and can be used to execute impeccable web application.

  • Wind Up:

    Next time, if you wish to speed up with your PHP project then you can use any of the frameworks from the given list. Give it a try and let us know your feedback. For more such PHP updates, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies, a perfect place to Hire Dedicated PHP Developers.

PHP 7.0: New PHP Version Released this December

This December PHP 7.0; a new version of PHP was released. It powers huge number of web applications. PHP 7 was in development for over two years and it followed the troubled development of PHP 6.

This suffered badly from Unicode problems and had various features to be implemented into earlier versions of PHP 6. PHP 6 never had a stable release. So, what’s new in PHP 7?

Improvements in PHP 7:

  • Less memory usage which leads to 100% performance speed increase in most of the applications.
  • It consistently has 64 bit support.
  • All the outdated and unsupported SAPIs as well as PHP extensions must be removed.
  • Anonymous classes.
  • Update of Zend Engine to 3.0 version to interpret PHP code.
  • Includes internal abstract Syntax tree for static analysis.
  • Emoji Support.
  • Scalar Type Declarations: These are available in two formats: Coercive and Strict. Parameters that can be enforced here are as follows: strings, integers, Booleans etc. Other types that were introduced in PHP 5 are class names, interfaces, array and callable.
  • Return Type Declarations: PHP 7 supports return type declarations. These are similar to argument type declarations. These declarations specify the value type that will be returned from a function.

    The same types are available for return type declarations as that of augment type declarations.

  • Null coalescing Operator: This feature has been added as a syntactic sugar for the common case for the need to use ternary conjunction with isset(). The first operand returns if it exists and is not null or else the second operand is returned.
  • Spaceship operators: Spaceship operators are used to compare two expressions. It returns -1, 0 or 1 when $a is respectively less than or equal to or greater than $b. Comparisons are performed as per PHP’s usual type comparison rules.
  • Constant Arrays using define (): Array constants can be easily defined with define(). In PHP5.6, these were only defined using const.
  • Anonymous Classes: Anonymous classes have support via new class. These can be used in place of full class definitions related to throw away objects.
  • Unicode codepoint Escape Syntax: Unicode codepoint is useful in hexadecimal form and all the outputs that codepoint UTF-8 with a double quoted string or a heredoc is to be considered.

    Every valid code point is accepted with leading 0’s being optional.

  • Closure:: call(): It is a more performant, shorthand way to temporarily bind an object scope to a closure and then invoking it.
  • Filtered unserialize (): This feature is used for rendering better security when objects are unserialized on untrusted data. Every possible code injection is prevented which enables the developer to whitelist the classes that can be unserialized.
  • IntlChar: This new IntlChar class seeks to expose additional ICU functionality. This class itself shows several static methods and constants which can be used to manipulate Unicode characters. The intl extension must be installed to use this class.
  • Expectations: These are backwards that are compatible with the older assert() function. These allow zero cost assertions in production code thus providing ability to throw custom exceptions when the assertion fails.

    When the old API is maintained for compatibility at such times assert() is considered to be a language construct thus allowing first parameter to be an expression instead of just a string that is to be evaluated or a Boolean value that is to be tested.

  • PHP 7.0

  • Group use declarations: Classes, functions, constants which are being imported from the same namespace can be easily grouped together in a single use statement.
  • Generator Return Expressions: This feature develops a generator functionality which was introduced in PHP 5.5. This enables a return statement which can be used within a generator to enable final expression to be returned.

    This value can be taken with the help of new generator:: get Return () method. This can be used only once the generator has finished yielding values.

  • Generator Delegation: Generators can easily delegate to one another. Traversable object or array automatically without writing boiler plate in the outermost generator by using yield form construct.
  • Integer Division with intdiv(): This new function performs an integer division of its operands and then returns it.
  • Session options: This accepts an array of options which override all the devices that configure sessions. These options have been expanded to support session.lazy_write. This causes PHP to overwrite any session file in case session data has changed.
  • Preg_replace_callback_array(): This new function enables code to be written in a clean way when using the Preg_replace_callback_array() function. Prior to PHP 7, all the call backs must be executed as per regular expression that is needed to call back the function.
  • CSPRNG Functions: Two new functions are added to generate secure integers and strings in a cross platform way.
  • List() used to unpack objects implementing ArrayAccess: This function was not believed to operate correctly with objects that implement arrayaccess. It is to be fixed.

    One can easily get migrated from PHP5.5 to PHP 7. A manual for this migration process is also available on the PHP site. Zend and Symphony will offer PHP7 support for their respective frameworks.

Wind Up:

So, now it will be easier to use PHP as it has improved to an extent. If there are any further updates, we will make sure to share them with our readers. This is it for now. For more such details about PHP; stay connected with PHP Development Company, Softqube Technologies.

3 Ways to Decrease Shopping Cart Abandonment and Get More Sales

Online business has now become a popular trend. However, before actually stepping in this online world; it is necessary to look around and see how many of them are really successful and what has led to their success.

No work in this world is easy, earning needs hard work and so it is important to understand the things thoroughly before jumping inside. Nearly 68.55% of shoppers who come to the cart leave it without buying.

Yes, it is hard to believe but it is true. Such kind of behaviour can lead to disappointment. But don’t worry; here we will show you how shopping cart abandonment can be reduced to an extent.

Get More Sales and lower shop Desertion:

How to Get more Sales

  • Price is too expensive: A very logical and important reason for leaving the website without purchasing anything. So, to make people purchase from your shop; it is necessary that you keep the price after knowing your competitors price as well as finding the right price from the market.

    Once you do this; you will set the perfect price which will tempt visitors to buy things from your shop. Also, along with the product; always mention how users will be benefitted from the same.

    Show them the evidence that thinks actually work. Just discussing features is not enough. It is necessary to have things that show the viability of your product.

  • Some consumers choose not to buy from you: There are thousands of reasons that a consumer will prefer not to buy from you. The best solution is to deliver your product’s value.

    Apart from product value, it is helpful to know about the unique benefits customers can get from your business. If you can offer fast customer service with less waiting time then this will be one of the biggest competitive advantage.

    On the other hand, you can also provide special offers irrespective of whether you are getting profit or not. But first, your main priority should be to give good experience to your customers.

    In case they have good experience from you, then they will be interested to have long term relationship with you. As a result, you will get more loyal customers.

  • Improper Website Navigation: When discussing about web design, we often have discussed that navigation of the website must be smooth. Yes, you can use creative ideas on your website but not for the sake of user experience.

    Your website must have easy navigation. At times, your creativity leads to confusion and frustration among customers and hence they don’t buy from you. The website should be such that visitors are easily able to search via category and then find quickly whatever they want.

    A perfect example of proper navigation in eCommerce sites is

    Your users must easily get everything in just 3 clicks. Be it “Buy it Now”, “Add to Cart” or anything else.

Wind Up:

Hurry up. Check your website now and make edits so as to make it more convenient for visitors to visit your website and make a purchase. Give a close look to your website and see what it needs to offer perfect user experience to your customers.

Hope this blog post was useful to you. For more such guidance related to eCommerce, get in touch with Softqube Technologies, where you can get custom eCommerce solutions at affordable rates.

Use 301 Redirect to Migrate from BlogSpot to WordPress

Are you a blogger? What platform do you use to write your blog posts? Is it WordPress or is it a BlogSpot? In case you are using the later one and wish to shift to WordPress then this blog is for you. Here, we will show you how you can switch to WordPress with the use of 301 redirect.


Process: Shifting from BlogSpot to WordPress

So, before you migrate from BlogSpot to WordPress; there are two main things that you need: Domain name and Hosting.

The best hosting provider for this Blue host hosting as it offers unlimited hosting along with a free domain name. It is officially recommended by WordPress team. This domain name can be any say .com, .info, .org, .net but it is advisable to go for .com or .org domain address.

Here are some few things that must be taken care of while migrating from BlogSpot to WordPress:

  • Traffic: Avoid offering 404 errors to your visitors.
  • 301 perma redirection: The migration should be 301 redirection or must have canonical tags or else you will lose the existing search engine rankings.
  • Perma Links: BlogSpot Permalink as well as WordPress permalinks are not one and the same and hence it is necessary to fix those permalinks once everything is imported to WordPress.

Once the migration is done, don’t delete your BlogSpot blog. 301 permanent redirection is used to inform the search engine that the blog is moved to another website and hence all the traffic will automatically get redirected to the new domain address.

The main goal of this blog transfer from one platform to another is to migrate visitors from BlogSpot to WordPress, shifting BlogSpot posts to WordPress and Migrating BlogSpot comments to WordPress.

Steps for Migration:

  1. Export the BlogSpot Blog: This is the method that we are using with very little manual works. However, it works very great. The first step to export BlogSpot blog is :
    • Log in to BlogSpot Dashboard
    • Settings > Others
    • Choose Export Blog. This will save blog in XML format.

    Here, you will get a pop up. Select the Download blog and then your blog is saved in .XML format. This means now you have a complete back up of your blog and you are ready to move it on WordPress.

    Now, see whether you have the WordPress installed or not, if it’s not then install it. Then edit the hosts file to point the domain to the Bluehost hosting I.P. Once the host files are edited then you would be able to access your WordPress blog on Bluehost.

    Here, only you can see the WordPress Blog and others will still be able to see the BlogSpot post. This way your blog hasn’t been offline even for a second.

    In WordPress Dashboard, you have to do following things:
    • Go to Plugins & disable them all
    • Go to Posts > Get Hello World Post >Delete that
    • Go to Pages > Get a sample page > Delete that.

    After doing this, now migrate all the content from BlogSpot to WordPress. Here, our target is not to lose the current traffic and rankings.

  2. Use Blogger Importer Extended Plugin: This is great plugin which migrates all the posts, pages, images and also maintains the blog formatting. Once this is installed & activated then go to its settings.

    Now, choose OK and here you will have to access your BlogSpot Account. Now, choose allow & Click on next page; here it will list all the BlogSpot blogs that are available in your account. Finally, the content is moved from BlogSpot to WordPress.

    The first thing here is to link the content to the users. If the post has single author then you don’t need to do much. On the other hand if you have multiple writers then it is necessary to create an id for them which is much easier.

    Then, change the WordPress permalinks to match BlogSpot Permalinks.

If all of the above steps are followed properly then migration from BlogSpot to WordPress with 301 permanent redirections is successful. Further, these are few more steps that are needed to complete the migration process.

  • Install & Activate Smart 404 plugin
  • Remove the Cname record from your domain DNS
  • Change the domain name server
  • Disable the mobile template from your BlogSpot Dashboard.
Fixing the BlogSpot mobile redirect in WordPress:

It is an important thing which will cause an issue on many browsers and well known browsers like UC Web can show a redirect loop error. It is happening due to BlogSpot mobile redirect. In order to fix this, you need to edit the WordPress .htaccess file & then change the code with the following:

# BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^m=1$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /$1? [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

# Begin Redirection#
Redirect archives
RewriteRule ^([0-9]{4})_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{1,2})_archive.html$
$1/$2/ [L,R=301]#
Redirect labels/categories
RewriteRule ^search/label/(.*)$ category/$1/ [L,R=301]
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^m=1$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /$1? [R=301,L]
#ATOM Feeds
RewriteRule atom.xml feed/atom/ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule feeds/posts/default feed/atom/ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule feeds/posts/default?alt=rss feed/ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule rss.xml feed/ [L,R=301]
#Comments Feed
RewriteRule /feeds/comments/default comments/feed/ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule /feeds/comments/default?alt=rss comments/feed/ [L,R=301]
# End Redirection

This completes the entire migration process and then is the turn to optimize SEO of your WordPress blog. Submit the sitemap to Google and configure the robots.txt file and so on.

Wind Up:

Hope the entire process is clear to you. In case, you have any doubts or questions then feel free to get in touch with Softqube Technologies; an IT firm offering expert WordPress design and development services at affordable costs.

Let’s Work together!

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