Softqube Technologies Pvt Ltd Recognized as one of the Best IT Services Companies by Clutch

Softqube Technologies Pvt Ltd is very excited to share that we have been recently named as one of the best IT and Software solutions & services companies in India. We are happy to share this amazing achievement with all of you!


We are excited to be featured on Clutch’s 2022 research list of incredible B2B companies in India. This is such a huge milestone for our company! We couldn’t have asked for a better way to start 2022.

For those that don’t know, Clutch is an established platform in the heart of Washington, DC, committed to helping small, mid-market, and enterprise businesses identify and connect with the service providers they need to achieve their goals.

Our team would like to extend its appreciation to Clutch and their team for making this award possible. We would also like to thank our clients for choosing us as their IT partner. Your business has played a major role in our success. Without the support and confidence of our customers, this feet would not have been possible. . To that, we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

On officially receiving this award, here’s what our CEO Nitin Suvagia has to say:

“More than the award, this recognition means a lot to our team at Softqube. This award is another success milestone in the journey of our company. We would like to thank our customers and team mates for their valuable contribution. We further resolve and commit ourselves, more than ever, to work in the direction of empowering our customers with the right technology tool to support their businesses. ” – By NITIN SUVAGIYA

Improve Your Google Rank in 2022 – A Master SEO Guide In 25 Steps

You will get abundant online information about SEO every year. These details are very introductory and broad or they get directed towards the opposite end of the spectrum covering specific topics. In reality, none of this stuff can help you understand how to rank a webpage – from start to finish.

So what you need is – A guide or a blueprint that can help you understand a step-by-step checklist for ranking a page. Starting from an idea to all the way to traffic pouring into your Google Analytics account. Consider it as your ideal checklist that can work as a solid framework for new SEOs to develop their own work profile.

By following this basic process, 1000s of pages got higher rankings on search engines. Just think as if it is your intermediate SEO instruction manual. Heading over straight into the checklist.

The Key Steps To Rank on Google in 2022

Some Tips To Keep In Mind:

  1. There are hundreds of ways to rank a page in Google, from simply sharing an article on Twitter, to scoring a link from the popular media platform. This guide represents only one possible process.
  2. This checklist is meant as an SEO framework. It doesn’t cover every scenario in detail, but instead provides you with a basic outline of ranking a webpage from start to finish, so you can build your own process on top of it.
  3. Many other experienced SEOs have their own processes for ranking for desired keywords. Choose carefully who you listen to, and seek out their advice whenever you can.

Step#1 : Working Smarter, Not Harder

Take this top-secret of the SEO process: we don’t want to rank for a single keyword, we want to rank for hundreds or thousands of keywords at the same time. We can do this with the exact same amount of work.

Smarter, not harder.

The magic happens when starting with keyword research. Choosing the right (or wrong) keywords to target at this stage can predict our entire probability of success.

Starting out, you probably have a guess which keywords you want to rank for, but are they the right ones? The biggest mistakes people make at this stage of keyword research are:

  1. Choosing keywords that aren’t specific enough (too broad)
  2. Choosing keywords with too much competition
  3. Keywords without enough traffic
  4. Keywords not relevant to your business
  5. Trying to rank for a single keyword at a time

By far, the biggest mistake is trying to rank for a single keyword at a time. People search for the same things in very different ways. Or they search in very specific ways. This represents the long tail of keyword research, and it can represent up to 80% of all search traffic.

You want to capture as much of that long tail as possible while doing the same amount of work.


Step#2 : Start With A Mighty Seed

To start off, you want to discover your “Seed Keywords” to grow your keyword theme. Seed keywords are the basic, typically most obvious phrases.

Often, seed keywords are the phrases you “think” you want to rank for. If your shop sells motorcycle lifts, your first seed keyword may then likely be “buy motorcycle lifts.”

Finding good keyword seeds is often a mix of brainstorming with a bit of research. A good seed answers the following questions:

  • What’s my website about and/or what do I offer?
  • What keywords do I think I want to rank for?
  • What ads would I buy?

Good seeds are typically broad, but not too broad. For example, if you run a cake shop, the phrase ” a cake ” might seem like a good seed, but it’s probably too broad. (a cake can mean many things in a broader sense.) A more specific phrase like “a cake shop” or “a cake shop, Connaught Place” might work better.

There are typically three good places to find keyword seed.

  1. What keywords do my website already rank for?
  2. What do my competitors rank for?
  3. What do SEO tools reveal about what people search for? (Tools to find seed keywords include Keyword Explorer and Google Keyword Planner)

You need at least 1 keyword seed at this stage, but it doesn’t hurt to have more, even dozens or hundreds of seeds if you’re planning a larger content strategy.

Step#3 : List It Out: Dream Your Keyword Theme

Further, we are wishing to grow our keyword seed into a keyword theme, comprised of many related keywords grouped together.

Using keyword themes presents us with much larger opportunities. Instead of ranking for a single Holy Grail keyword, a better goal is to rank for multiple keywords focused around a single idea. Done right, the results are amazing.

Simply put, the more long-tail keywords our webpage ranks for, the more qualified traffic search engines will send it.

Creating lists typically involves using a combination of Google and keyword tools (either free or paid) to find all the related keywords to your keyword seeds.

Typically, your list contains keywords with greater specificity. Your goal at this stage is to find keywords that are not only specific but also relevant to your business and have enough search volume to justify targeting.

For example, if our seed keyword was “motorcycle jacket” we might find the following related keywords.


Each of these new keywords supports our seed keyword, and gives us a ton of new content ideas. If the related keywords seem like they can support enough traffic, they may even become new seed keywords themselves.

The reason why this trick works is: by targeting a slightly broader keyword theme comprised of multiple, closely related keywords, our chances of ranking for these keywords actually increases dramatically.

Step#4 : Leverage The Competition

This is a step many people miss: ranking for the hidden keywords your competition already ranks for.

No matter how smart you are, your competitors have already figured out—either by accident or design—which keywords are the most lucrative.

Instead of finding these lucrative keywords yourself through the long process of trial and error, it’s 1000 times easier simply to steal your competitor’s intelligence. (Most of the time, stealing is wrong, but we’ll let it slide in the case of competitive SEO.)

The basics work like this:

  1. Find the URLs of your competitors that already rank for your target keyword
  2. Find all the other related keywords that URL also ranks for in Google

These other related keywords are gold.

Unfortunately, Google won’t directly tell you what your competitors rank for, but a handful of 3rd party SEO tools do exactly that, making the work much easier. Here’s what this data looks like in Keyword Explorer.


Step#5 : Finding Diamonds in the Google Rough

At this particular time, we likely will have dozens or perhaps hundreds or thousands of potential keywords to work with.

The magic is choosing exactly the right keywords to target and build content around.

Sorting and filtering keywords is an art in and of itself, but the basic requirements we want to meet are roughly:

  • Does the keyword have sufficient search volume?
  • Is this keyword relevant to my business?
  • Can I create compelling content around this keyword that’s better than anything else out there?
  • Can I actually rank for this keyword?

The last question may be the most difficult to answer, but it’s also one of the most important. Certain topics, such as medical and financial queries, can be especially challenging to rank for in Google.

Step#6 : Creating Value

Find out the absolute worst phrase in marketing. It’s “SEO content.”

Far too many people think of content as a commodity: something predictably produced completely separated from the potential value it creates for end users.

Content without value is spam.

If you want to rank—if you really want to rank—you need to understand this question:
How is your content better than the content that currently ranks for your keyword?

Because if your content doesn’t satisfy the user in a superior way to content that already exists, why would Google rank you higher?

Starting with your keyword theme, ask first how you can create value.

Value takes many forms. While Google provides clues and guidelines about how they evaluate the content, it typically includes a mix of utility, trust, authority, and user experience. In short, you want your website to be the one that most completely satisfies the user for their given keyword.

Making your content the absolute best not only helps satisfy your users, but it also helps build links, improves user engagement, and protects against future algorithmic changes.
How do we create value? We begin by figuring out intent.

Step#7 : Detect Intent: Form & Function

You take your keyword and create content around it—maybe you create a blog post, maybe a shopping page—before you really understand what people are looking for with that keyword.

This is known as intent.

Guessing at intent is like gambling. You may think you know what people want, but unless you verify, it’s like throwing darts blindfolded.

Google’s job is to give people web results that satisfy their questions, so if you don’t satisfy intent, you’ll likely not rank very well for very long.

Fortunately, there’s a dead-simple way of determining keyword intent: search Google for your keyword phrase, and determine:

  1. What kind of pages are already ranking
  2. The common elements of each page, e.g. images, videos, shopping, etc
  3. What Google lists as “related searches”

Google has already tested your keyword across thousands or millions of searches, so they have a pretty good idea of what people are looking for.

For example, if our keyword phrase was “easter hats”, we could write another blog post about easter hats, or we could examine what Google currently ranks:


From this, we see that Google determines the search intent of “easter hats” to be:

  1. Images of Easter hats
  2. Shopping for Easter hats
  3. Related searches about Easter bonnets

If we wanted to rank for this keyword, we would be wise to create content that delivered on these elements. We would learn even more from diving into the individual pages themselves.

Step#8 : Be The Last Click

This can work wonders and create a real difference to your SEO process.

Be the absolute best result for your keyword query.

Sounds simple in theory, but literally all of your competition is trying to be the best as well, and there can be only one.

What does it mean to be the absolute best result? We’ll cover a few techniques, but the ultimate goal is this:

Be the last click.

In other words, make sure when people search for your keyword—and they eventually find you—you are the last result they need to click. You provide such good information, they have no need to go back and click any other result. You may not be the first result they click (although that helps too) but you’ll definitely be the last. Let’s repeat that.

Be the last click.

Which begs the question, how do you become the last click? The answer varies from query to query, and mixes a little bit of art and science, but to be the last click there are a number of check boxes you want to tick:

  1. Match user intent, in form and style
  2. Provide more complete information
  3. Be authoritative
  4. Offer a better and/or unique experience, e.g. design, UX, speed

Step#9 : Why Completeness Beats Length

The idea of content length arises in SEO quite often. “How long should your content be?”

Part of the reason is that multiple studies over the years consistently show that, on average, longer content tends to perform better in Google than shorter content. But smart SEOs believe that the reason this content performs better is not that it’s longer, but because it actually offers more completeness.

What is “complete” content? This is content that:

  1. Completely satisfies a user’s search query (again, “be the last click”)
  2. Offers supporting evidence
  3. Answers additional related questions to the user’s search query
  4. Is authoritative (in other words, gives the user a reason to trust the information)
  5. Provides quality supplemental content to support the main content

From Google’s perspective, there are several reasons why more complete content may perform better. We won’t dive into all the science and details here, but a simplification may be that:

  • Google constantly works to figure out what your content is “about.” More complete content makes this job easier.
  • More complete content tends to satisfy users.

Step#10 : Smart Topic Modeling (Without A Computer)

You don’t need a bank of computers to optimize your content around a particular subject. (Though if you have the budget, there are plenty of good software companies that can deliver this service for you.)

If your aim is to make your content more complete, a basic process to implement might resemble:

1. Focus on you primary topic (keyword) in your:

  • Title tag
  • URL
  • Page Title
  • Main Content of the page
  • Images and/or video

2. Use the list of your most important secondary topics/keywords from your keyword research and use them to support your main topic. If warranted, these can be used in subheads and/or become their own section.
3. Similarly, incorporate your most important “related questions” (from your keyword research) into their own content sections.
4. Be sure to satisfy user intent by incorporating elements and formats of top ranking results, including images and video formats.
5. Enhance your Main Content with useful Supplemental Content, including additional helpful information in the sidebar and navigation of the page.
6. If you can’t address a deserving topic in the content itself, link out to a resource that does

It’s typically ideal to link internally to one of your own pages if you can, but don’t be afraid to link to other websites. Remember, you want to be the last click so users don’t have to go back to Google. When users get the answer from you (even when it’s a link) you become more of an authority.

When done correctly, your research up to this point should help you create a page that thoroughly satisfies a user’s query through complete content.

Step#11 : E-A-T Your Authority

From the content itself, Google employs a number of ranking signals to determine how authoritative and trustworthy a site is.

While this is especially true for medical and transactional sites (YMYL – Your Money or Your Life), in general Google holds all sites to certain “quality” standards – including yours!

Google’s Search Quality Guidelines are filled with information about how Google wants to judge “quality.” Many of these standards are not easy to control when creating your content (e.g. third-party reviews about you on other sites.)

That said, many of these “trust and authority signals” are certainly within your control, including the editorial standards of your writing. For this reason, it’s good to review the questions Google has published for website owners in regards to its Panda algorithms and E-A-T guidelines. Questions which include:

  • Would you trust the information presented in this article?
  • Is this article written by an expert or enthusiast who knows the topic well, or is it more shallow in nature?
  • Does the site have duplicate, overlapping, or redundant articles on the same or similar topics with slightly different keyword variations?
  • Is the content free from spelling or stylistic issues?
  • Was the content produced well, or does it appear sloppy or hastily produced?

Step#12 : CTR Starts Here: Be The First Click

Just remind yourself about step 8 when we said you want to be the last click (that a user needs)? Here, we offer complimentary advice which works hand-in-hand with that tip:

Be the first click, too.

When presented with a page of search results, users make decisions about what to click in milliseconds. You might rank #1, #4, or #7, but you still want to attract as many clicks as possible. This is known as improving your click-through rate (CTR.)

While there’s contradictory evidence as to whether or not Google uses clicks in its search results as a ranking factor, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that they do, including a Google patent that explains exactly how they might do it.

But honestly, it doesn’t matter if clicks are an actual ranking signal or not, because more clicks means more qualified traffic, one way or another. This is the goal, right?

Google gives you 4-5 primary levers to influence CTR:

  1. Titles
  2. Meta Description
  3. Rich Snippets
  4. URLs / Breadcrumbs
  5. In some cases, image and video results

For most sites, titles are typically the most influential factor you can leverage to influence CTR, followed by rich snippets (if you can get them.) Google displays a title for every page, and nearly every searcher at least glances at them before clicking.

Step#13 : On-Page: Master the Basics

In truth—and this may seem counterintuitive—most of the time, you don’t need to sweat the details. Don’t get us wrong, on-page SEO is very, very important. But if you’ve followed the steps up to this point you’ve already covered most of the basics!

If you’re new to SEO, you should absolutely make sure your website is friendly to search robots such as Googlebot. You can do this easily with online tools such as Hubspot’s Website Grader

And if you use WordPress, plugins such as Rankmath will do a lot of the heavy SEO lifting for you.

Step#14 : Schema All The Things

We want to take a moment to give schema markup its own callout. If content is king (or preferably, queen) then schema is certainly the crown prince of on-page SEO.

Schema, while it doesn’t appear on page for the user, is important for two very significant reasons:

  1. As additional content, it can help Google understand your page, thereby giving you a potential ranking boost in some circumstances.
  2. Schema can help you win a variety of rich snippets, further boosting your CTR

To be clear, schema itself isn’t a Google ranking factor. This means that you shouldn’t expect a rankings boost simply because you added schema to your page.

That said, schema can help you to rank. Multiple studies have demonstrated this. Think of it as additional content that search engines can read, that also help it understand what your content is about.

At a minimum you should include standard schemas like Article and Local Business (if appropriate), but even more so you should consider schema to help earn your site rich snippets. Chief among these are:


Additional Resources:

Step#15 : Make it Fast, Make it Sing

Aside from content itself, how the user experiences your page can hugely influence rankings as well. Google calls these official ranking factors page experience signals, and include:

  • Core Web Vitals (i.e. page speed)
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Safe Browsing
  • Intrusive Interstitial (i.e. avoid aggressive popups)

Understand that having these qualities won’t give you a big boost (for the most part.) Instead, these days they are simply table stakes, or the cost of admission. Having a mobile-friendly website is almost a requirement, and aggressive pop-ups are certain to put your rankings at risk.

The one exception to this is speed. While website speed is admittedly only a minor ranking factor for most sites, it can exert outsized influence on several other factors, and the user experience itself. For example, page speed can significantly impact both bounce rate and conversion rates (even when rankings remain stable.)

So, When in doubt, make it fast.

Step#18 : Linking Internally for the Reasonable Surfer

Since we’re now linking our topically related pages together, we now want to make sure to optimize our linking strategy for maximum SEO impact.

Links are a powerful ranking signal, but remember, not all links are equal. Google doesn’t “count” all links the same.

How you link can be just as important (or more so) as what you link to. To leverage our links for maximum power, it’s best to follow a few linking guidelines with every new page we create.

  1. Link to your most topically related content. The closer in relevance to your main topic, the more likely users will click on the links you provide. It’s also widely believed that Google may pass more weight through topically relevant links (through a process known as Topic-Weighted PageRank.)
  2. When possible, try to link within your main content (as opposed to sidebars and navigation.)
  3. Additionally, try to link higher up within your main content, as these links may carry more weight than links further down the page.
  4. Use anchor text with relevant keywords, but vary your anchor text greatly. In other words, don’t repeatedly use the same anchor text over and over. Many SEOs recommend avoiding exact match keywords for anchor text, preferring partial match instead.

Finally, after you’ve created a new page and linked to other pages on your site, you have one more step to go. Now it’s time to update your older pages with links to your new page. We recommend not simply adding links to existing text, but adding context around the new links, which can boost both the relevance and the freshness of the new links.

Step#19 : Content Hubs & Category Pages

Category and/or hub pages can be incredibly effective tools for ranking all your related pages higher. While it’s important to link your topically relevant pages together, it may be even more important to link relevant pages together under the umbrella of a master category (hub) page. There are several reasons for this:

  • Category pages often have more link equity. They often sit closer to the homepage (or other high authority pages) and often attract external link equity as well.
  • Category pages often sit higher in a site’s architecture hierarchy, meaning they are usually better placed in a site’s navigation and breadcrumbs, for example.
  • These pages often can rank for high-volume head terms (as opposed to lower-volume long tail terms)
  • Category pages can target broader user intent than individual topic pages, and can serve as a jumping off point into deeper dives for each subject.

The best category pages typically have their own unique content, relevant answers to questions, and links to sub-topics and related pages.

Step#21 : Don’t Create Content Until You Do This First

Many link-building campaigns fail or at least fall short of their goals.

Link building can fail for many reasons: content that doesn’t resonate, poor design/layout, not enough outreach, and many other reasons.

That said, one reason for link building failure stands head and tails above the rest: you created content before you knew exactly who was likely to link to it.

Link building needn’t be a guessing game. Too often, folks create content and only then go looking for link targets, only to find that very few opportunity actually exist. Wasted effort!
Instead, you want to guarantee your success. Or at least improve your chances.

Fortunately, SEO tools contain a ton of actionable link data. You can find out ahead of time:

  • What type of content earns the most links
  • What topics are trending
  • Exactly the kind of content that journalists/publishers/bloggers are looking for

When you understand these data points ahead of time, you can create content that exactly fills an existing need. You also know who to reach out to—or who your audience is—before investing a ton of work.

Final Thoughts

So once you finish the ranking process, you need to keep working on it regularly. It’s not about giving fresh content every time, rather, the entire SEO experience gets continued only when you deliver the most relevant result to the user.

So, keep it relevant and keep it fresh. And this is how you rank.

How to Reduce Website Loading Time and Increase Website Performance?

In a study done by SEO Experts, about portion of web clients anticipate that a website should website load time in 2 seconds or less. In case it isn’t loaded in 3 seconds, those clients will in general forsake the site.

A much more disturbing measurement is that 64% of customers who are disappointed with an online store’s experience and loading time will take their business somewhere else. This implies you’re not just losing your present guests and diminishing change rates; however, you risk your webpage loosing traffic from those clients who may have referred your site to other people.

In recent times, seconds make the difference. You can no longer allow your website to be bogged down by un-optimized files and images. Your users expect your web pages to load fast, and they won’t stick around if they don’t. With that in mind, let’s consider the ways to optimize your website for the best possible performance.

Limit HTTP Requests:

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Requests are checked at whatever point a browser gets a document, page, or picture from a web server. As per search engine, these solicitations will in general take up about 80% of a Webpage’s loading time. The browser additionally breaking points demands between 4-8 synchronous associations for each domain which means oading 30+ resources without a moment’s delay isn’t an alternative.

This implies the more HTTP requests you must load, the more it takes for the page to proceed to recover them all, increasing the loading time of your website.

website performance

Browser Caching;

When a browser caching enables resources on your site to be downloaded to your hard drive once into a store, or a transitory extra room. Those records are presently put away locally on your framework, which permits ensuing page load to increment in speed.

An expert clarifies says that 40-60% of day by day guests to your site come in with an empty cache. So, when clients visit, you must make it so the first page they see load rapidly enough so they will unavoidably proceed through the remainder of your site.

Static resources have a cached lifetime of a week, while outsider things, for example, gadgets or promotions just most recent daily. CSS, Pictures, and JS and media documents needs to have terminations of multi week, yet preferably, one year, as any more extended will violet RFC rules.

Reduce the number of widgets and plugins:

Modules have now turned into a significant piece of sites. They work along with the site by including their features. This makes the site exceptionally wealthy as far as the quantity of its features. Though, care must be taken that these modules additionally hinder the loading velocity of the site and thus influence the presentation of the site.

The primary activity is to check which module really eases back the speed of the site. We should attempt to keep its modules as low as could reasonably be expected, something else, its loading speed will start to diminish bit by bit.

Reduce number of re-directs:

Issues with broken links are regularly disposed of with the redirection system. Redirections are frequently done as we move or erase pages. Yet, as per the search engines, URL redirects needs to be totally taken out from the site. Anyway, as it isn’t in every practical sense possible.

It, in this manner, winds up important to limit it. Various market apparatuses discover all site redirects as they recognize all URL redirects to the site. Following breaking down all URL redirects, attempt to reduce them. You can likewise view pages connected to your site through various sites.

reduce-loading speed

Utilize Content Delivery Network to Enhance Average Page Loading Time:

Webopedia clarifies that Content Delivery Network is an arrangement of appropriated servers that convey site pages and other Web content to a client dependent on the geographic areas of the client.

You may utilize a CDN (Content Delivery Network) like, Amazon Cloudfront to decrease the page loading time. Access to a quicker server close to your client’s topographical area guarantees quicker loading time for your mobile site.


The significance of site speed can’t be exaggerated. Page loading times can represent the deciding moment the accomplishment of your site. You can’t simply deploy a site and forget about it. Your loading time of website should be observed all the time. Else, you’ll have no chance to get of knowing where you stand, and what should be improved.

So, what’s it takes to have a quick site? There isn’t only one thing you can do. Start by following the list of best practices that the best SEO Experts have recognized. Try not to get overpowered. It’s unreasonable to actualize these strategies medium-term. Start with a couple and work your way down the list. Get in touch with us!

A Complete Guide To Rank Branded And Unbranded Terms In The Organic Search

Are you looking to show up your brand in the search results? Helping your brand to come up in the search results is not an easy job. However, going through this blog will help you to understand the context of achieving a better rank with both branded and unbranded terms in your organic search results.

There is a difference when we talk about branded and unbranded search. In other words, both are different concepts. However, to rank them in search results, the business must have strong knowledge of both of these terms.

Bring new customers with the unbranded search

Before this blog dig deep into unbranded keywords, you need to understand the definition of it. This keyword is referred to as the search terms that do not have any specific brand or business names. Consumers who carry out these searches are likely to be brand agnostic shoppers, or it can be consumers who are not familiar with your brand. Thus it is an opportunity to enhance the discoverability and start establishing brand trust while winning new customers.

According to reports, unbranded keywords have a higher search volume than the branded ones. So you must emphasize on figuring out the relevant terms for your business and build strategies to rank them must be in your priority list.


Optimizing your unbranded keywords

Before you deploy any strategies with unbranded keywords, it is necessary that you know what is fundamental to your business. So the best option is to ask you some questions, like what are the products and services a customer might look after in your business? Also, if you are providing banking service, then the keyword ‘Bank’ must be kept in the start. Besides that, offering banking services means your customer will look for the advice of loans, nearby ATMs and all. So it is essential for you to optimize these primary keywords as well.

You are managing your business listings properly

The fundamental approach of your business is to top the SERPs in the unbranded search category. However, to do that successfully, it is necessary that your business is appropriately listed everywhere. It will help the new customers who are making general local search can get your product and service at the moment of high intent. It will only be possible when you manage your listing. So, make sure your address, business categories, and all are all provided correctly.

For ranking on a branded local search like ‘best hotel deals,’ the search engines must be able to identify them correctly.

  • Like your hotel must be near the geolocation of the users.
  • The search engine must identify your operating hours.

Having proper and consistent information regarding your business will help in better listings of your business in the search engines.

How branded keywords can help you to generate repeat business

Consumers who are looking for products and services of a brand name already know what they want. In other words, they are closer to take any action than the unbranded searches.

So focusing on paid search budget and building strategies surrounding conversion and loyalty will help you thrive in this business in no time.

However, in a branded search, all your work related to optimizing unbranded branded search will be helpful here. In Unbranded search, you are providing enough details about your business like product and services, location, and other entities to the search engine. It allowed the search engine to deliver structure and verified the answer to the questions of customers who are asking about your product and services.

If you want to witness success in your business, then you have to understand the fact that consumers are looking at precisely what they want. In other words, they are very appropriate with product services and attributes of the company they are looking for and prefer to get structured answers in the search results against their specific queries.

Dealing with either of the two that is branded and unbranded search to experience success in your business overnight is not at all easy. It takes time, plans, and strategies to call for success regarding this matter. Softqube Technology is one of the renowned names who have helped a lot of business venture to witness success in this campaign. Organized with the most effective team who are having sound knowledge on varied aspects related to ranking branded and unbranded keywords, they can provide the best service for you emphasizing on the cutting edge technology.

11 Eye-Opening SEO Statistics to Prove the Value of Organic Search!!!

In this era of the digital world, having a prominent online presence is a necessity. People search online to get a product or service. Now, it is your responsibility to make sure that who are searching for your business will find you online. These days, most of the people do online research before buying a SEO services or a product. Remember that people are searching for the services and products that your company provides; there is no rocket science behind it. You just have to make a great online presence of your business to reach to your customers.

The days have gone when customers reach your business. With the availability of a number of options to choose from, now you have to reach to your potential clients and customers.

Have a look at these SEO Services statistics and get to know the importance of the Google ranking.

1. If Google down for 5 minutes, global internet traffic dropped 40%

Google is the soul of the Internet, everything on the internet is revolving around it as it is the most trusted and demanded search engine. Do you know if Google goes down for 5 minutes then it can reduce your website traffic to 40%? Around 2.3 million Google search were done using Google every minute. So, you can see how important Google is for your business and your business traffic. 16-20% of Google searches are searched for the first time.

Source: CNET

2. More than 2.3M Google searches each minute

Google holds 92.21% of the searches done by people on the internet. More than 2.3 million searches are made by people every minute. It is because Google uses the practices that make people get a satisfactory result in a fraction of second. When we talk about it the search back in 1995, only 500,000 searches had been made at that time and now this number has been quadrupled. So, you can see the progress of Google searches.

Source: Internet Live Stats

3. 16-20% of Google searches are searched for first time

16 to 20 % of Google searches are made by users for the first time. In this ultra-competitive world, companies have to cover both the popular as well as less popular keywords so that Google can answer all the queries made by the people.

Source: Internet Live Stats

4. Top 5 search results get 70% of the clicks

No one is going to open the second link. 70% of the clicks made by the visitors are on the top 5 results. So, keeping a high website ranking becomes a necessity. The position of your website in search engine result page matters a lot. So, make sure than your business website ranking is up to 5 to get great traffic on your website.

Source: Amazee Metrics

5. 51% of the website traffic comes from organic search results

Knowing it that how people reaches to your website is really very important. It enables you to enhance your website traffic. According to a study, more than 40% of the revenue of an online company is just because of the organic search result, 10 % of traffic is generated by the social media platforms and 10% by ad campaigns. Thus SEO Services is a great tool to bring potential customers to your website.

Source: BrightEdge

6. More than half of Google’s searches by mobile platforms

These days, half of Google searches have been done using mobile and tablets. According to research, the number of mobile searches has been increasing with each passing day. Even because of this reason, Google has updated its algorithm and gives higher priority to mobile-friendly devices. If a website does not have a responsive or mobile-friendly design then it can affect the website’s ranking negatively.

Source: The Verge

7. 88% of users are using their mobile device to search on Google

Most of the people with smart phones use their mobile devices to make a search on Google. According to statistics data, 88% of mobile users are using their mobile phones to search for a query on Google. That is why having a mobile-friendly website has become a mandatory option to increase the traffic on your website. When it comes to getting a local result, no one is going to open his/her laptop, almost no one. People use their handy devices and are more likely to make a visit on the same day to the store.

Source: Think With Google

8. 18% of local mobile searches lead to a sale on the same day

Do you know local searches are a crucial part in enhancing the sales of your business? 18% of the people who made local searches purchase a product on the same day. Even Google has updated its algorithm to give a priority to local searches. So, you need to capture the local search market to make your business succeed.

Source: Google

9. 50% of mobile users are likely to visit a store on the same day

Remember that your potential customers are finding you locally. 50% of the users that make a local search visit the store on the same day to purchase a service or product so you should be available for your customer where he/she is finding you. Choose to have a mobile-friendly website to make sure that you can reach to each and every potential customer of yours.

Source: Google

10. 78% of local mobile searches results in In-store Purchases

People are not just searching to get entertain they are also searching for the best company in their area to get a particular product or service. Customers love to make comparisons while buying an item, it is your responsibility to present yourself as the best. So, having a great Google ranking can enhance your in-store purchases.

Source: Search Engine Land

11. 21% decrease in search engine rankings, when not mobile friendly URLs

If you don’t choose to have a web responsive or a mobile-friendly design than it can affect your website’s Google ranking negatively. According to the latest Google algorithm updates, having a nonmobile friendly website means your website would not get a place in the first three result pages. So you can see how negatively affect it will affect your website ranking as well as revenue. According to research if your website URL is not mobile friendly then it will decrease your Google result ranking to 21%.

Source: BrightEdge

Bonus Statistics

 1. Users focus more on organic search results 94% of the time

According to these statistics, there is nothing wrong in saying that if you are using organic legal SEO Services on your website then you are going to have great business traffic. Most of the users enter a keyword in the Google search engine and more likely to click on the organic results. Only a few ones click on the paid ads. Most of the users ignore the paid results given there on the result paid and directly jump on to the organic results. The higher your website gets ranking on the search result page and the higher clicks you will get. So just focus on the organic search results.

Source: Search Engine Watch

2. One in the six people present on this planet Google to get an answer to a query

Here, we are not talking about people who have internet access. It is the statistics of all the people living on this planet. What you have Googled today? A big chunk of the population is Googling away the queries to get appropriate results. No one can deny the fact even the competitors that Google is the biggest search engine agent to get an answer to all the queries and people across the world use Google to get a piece of information, to find out the best store and for much more purposes.

Source: Search Engine Watch

3. Google owns 64% of the search engine market share in the US

Similar to the other parts of the world, in the US, most of the people use the Google search engine on a priority basis to make a search. The count of the US using Google search engine is a bit higher as compared to the others. According to a study, 11.2 billion searches have been made through Google out of 17.5 billion searches. The ration is increasing with each passing day so you can estimate the popularity of Google. Bing is the second highest searches search engine followed by Yahoo with just 3.7 billion and 2.2 billion searches. The count of the number of searches made using Google is increasing with the time and the statistics data is proving the results.

Source: comScore

4. Globally, 82% of the search market share is under Google

No one can deny the fact that most of the people use Google to make searches and this data is just proof of this. Google is on the top when it comes to the searches results. So if you want to make recognition in the market, having great Google rank is mandatory. However, in China people are more likely to use other search engines but when we consider the factor globally the 82% of the total searches have been made using Google so you can have an estimate that how Google is important to you and your business.

Source: Net Market Share

5. 10% of people are searching for detailed content

Make sure that your website content is relevant and of high quality. People make searches just to get a piece of information. If they are not satisfied with your website content, they will jump to the other website. So, keep your website content detailed as well as of high quality.

Source: Moz via Results Driven SEO Services

Considering these SEO Services statistics you can have an idea that having an online presence of your business is the necessity. No one can ever deny the statistics results. These eye-opening results are enough to justify the online presence of a business. So, you have come to know the importance of the organic results, SEO services and Google as well. Now, have an SEO friendly website and give a new meaning to your business by hiring the Softqube Technologies professionals.

Factors to consider while you hire SEO Experts?

Whether you are a start-up, new business venture, small business firm or a big organization, you would need customers to prosper and grow in the market. If you hire SEO experts, who are professionals and knowledgeable, then a good amount of traffic can be generated on the website. The experts are highly talented professionals who have complete knowledge of SEO and are capable of handling website content efficiently.

SEO Expert

How do SEO experts work?

The search engine optimization experts are those who can look after the content of your website and can utilize it or modify it according to the need. They successfully generate good traffic to your website and convert it into the customers by providing them with valuable information. There are many SEO tools and techniques which are used by the SEO Experts out of which the most important one is using the right or the target keyword at the right place. But all of this can be only done if the SEO Expert you have hired has all the qualities and qualifications which are required for this profile. So, here are a few things which you can check while looking for an SEO Expert.

Knowledge of all the SEO Levels

Be it the technical level of SEO, or the On-Page Optimization or the Off-Page Optimization, all of it is required for successful SEO content. If you hire SEO Experts that has knowledge of all these levels, then you can think of relying on him or her for your website SEO.

Total experience

Just by learning and getting a degree of SEO Expert, does not makes an individual an SEO Expert. These days, it has become very easy for people to get the certificate of SEO Expert by doing different SEO related courses. The real SEO knowledge comes by working on a real-time basis. The total number of years you have worked as an SEO Expert and the total number of projects or the companies you have worked with adds the experience and knowledge. So, if you will hire an SEO Expert who has many years of experience in the same field, he/she will be able to handle SEO work in a better way and will bring profit to your website and business.

Knowledge of marketing techniques

Along with the knowledge of SEO, if one has the knowledge of marketing techniques also, it will be an added advantage. As after the SEO work, one needs digital marketing to promote the website to generate more traffic and build more links. Also, the knowledge of marketing helps in developing an SEO content which is both knowledgeable and promotional content. This can bring a double benefit to your organization.

Quick and timely execution

If someone claims to be an SEO Expert, he should be able to modify and change the content quickly. With this, you can stay assured of presenting the content timely to the audience. Hence while choosing service providers, make sure to opt one who is capable of performing quick and smart execution to reach the top position on search engines.

Final Words

Hire SEO Experts who can handle any kind of business or content need. If you are dealing in different businesses, you would also prefer to have an expert who can handle the content of different domains and bring the best out of it. whilst so many professionals available in the town, Softqube technologies is the name that can be completely trusted. Simply brief down your expectations to the experts, and they will make sure to bring out the most appropriate SEO solutions for you.

8 Simple ways to Utilize a Blog to Improve SEO Results

Now that blogs are getting universal as a point of personalized contact with visitors and customers online SEO, make the most of it. Design the blog such that no loopholes are left and optimization is achieved in terms of layout, images and videos, content and communication. What is in a name? Plenty, and the URL needs to be short and sweet, immediately revealing what the blog deals with. It is advised to include the word ‘blog’ in the URL.


Naming the blog

A blog name that captures all the spirit and the drama would draw visitors like a magnet. Be creative and persuasive by inventing a profound name rather than using the term ‘blog.’ Be sure what the blog deals with, like the religious issues confronting humanity. SEO keywords would find a place in the name or at least the title.

Effective formatting

Make sure that a user-friendly layout is achieved with the right format to provide a rich experience. Easy to read and understand in terms of fonts and short paragraphs, simple sentences and bulleted and numbered as needed. Grids and sliders, diagrams and graphs would all contribute to legibility. Subheadings and the judicious use of not so harsh colors would bring an appeal. Header tags need to use keywords.

Ensure the high quality of relevant content

When content is attractive, more time is spent that escalates SEO rankings. Readers need to perceive some benefits from reading and arrange the matter such. When visitors share blogs because they like it, SEO receives a boost too.

Optimize images and videos

Text alone will not suffice in this image and video obsessed generation and a few superb samples will certainly improve the quality of content, just like in other media forms. Besides the esthetic and relevant quality, consider technical factors and make sure that the format and sizing of images is done. Keywords should be used for the file names.

Aim for social networks

Sharing on social media like Facebook makes a difference to SEO rankings. Such buttons that facilitate social media sharing need to be installed. Sharing encourages participation, further sharing and purchases of goods and services. Research shows that perhaps 10% improvement in traffic can result from the social media influence within 10 days.

Update blog content regularly

Like the recycling game, work on it constantly. Even if new content is not always available, technical aspects can receive a boost. Links to other pages in the website can be added or to related blogs and websites by subject matter. Improve upon the images and videos already in place. Check on keywords used in title tags and meta descriptions.

Target particular niches of the market

Each blog needs to cater to a specific audience and avoid the general approach. Particular needs like the ‘health of dogs’ rather than ‘dogs’ would be quite specific. In marketing, deal with hot topics and present up to date information.

Optimization for mobile phones

Websites and blogs that do not fit into small screens are losing out nowadays and getting penalized with the vast market using portable devices. Blogs should load fast and equally well into all screens. Small is the new big.

Meet the Team: Ramesh Samatiya – Digital Marketing Strategist & Consultant

Ramesh Samatiya

Tell me a little about where you come from and your previous experience.

Ramesh Samatiya come from Silicon IT hub PVT LTD, Praladnagar. I had an awesome experience in the previous job. After the experience in that company, I feel that the office is my second home! I greatly enjoyed the learning experience. I become skilled at the management of client affairs.  My role involved meeting up with local clients and providing the best results in digital marketing. I had excellent experiences in social media marketing for the top BJP leaders that included Shree Vijay Rupani, Shree Amit Shah, Ishwar Singh, Shankar Chaudhari, Ex-Mayor Minakshiben Patel and many others.

Tell me something about your technical skill and working area.

I have plenty of experience in digital marketing. I worked with SEO, SMO, SMM, client management and team management. Technically speaking, I have a good working knowledge of WordPress, HTML and Wire-frame creation. After researching the market, I create and design new websites according to requirements.

How long have you worked for Softqube? What is it about Softqube that you enjoyed the most?

I have been working with Softqube since January of 2018. I did countless positive tasks for the outstanding company. Softqube has a Friendly and Positive Learning Environment with a Profound Work-Life Balance. Softqube has a wonderful atmosphere with a great management force. The excellent work culture does not hesitate to help out co-workers. The company has fixed working hours and offers excellent opportunities for professional growth. Freshers could confidently commence a career here. It is secure working roles they offer without much of the hire-n-fire practice. The entire facility and the infrastructure are superb. The team is friendly, just like the HOD.

What’s the most challenging part of your job?  Which is the most exciting?

I faced the challenge boldly and decided to render my best services thoroughly each day. I manage a large SEO team in my present job and we handle over 50 projects, which is a great challenge. Though demanding, it is thrilling to give the best services in each of the ongoing projects. I wish to increase the projects with greater team strength. My vision is to manage a team of over 25 members handling 75 to 100 SEO running projects. Clients have been fully satisfied with our services.

Which is your favorite skill set to grow up with?

My favorite skill is digital marketing and from fresher to today my single motto is “SEO is my life”. Daily bases I learn new things in digital marketing and improve my self.

Which is the best food store in Ahmedabad?

Since I am a foodie, I like to visit new eating places every week. I go with my family and eat healthy food at well- known outlets like Madhuli, Gamthi, Gordhan Thal, Pakwan, Vishala and Shambhu Coffee Bar. I love Kathiywadi food. Ramesh Samatiya prefer the Kathiywadi and Punjabi food stores for eating lunch and dinner.

What’s your favorite office lunch spot?

I like Superia 2 and Radhe Dining Hall for office lunches because the food of my choice is available.

If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be?

Kathiywadi food. Ramesh Samatiya love Kathiywadi food because I am a pure Kathiywadi.

Why Online Marketing Should Be Used For A Modern Business?

The first question that hits my mind when we talk about Online Marketing Services in India is how we can make our business a great success by increasing the sales. There are many businessmen who think every day how they can make their company better and how more income can be generated. Well there are many ways to get this done. One of them is online marketing since this is the most effective way now a days that is accepted by more and more companies to generate high income. Online marketing has become a very popular way for advertising several products worldwide at prices rates and for a short time. A lot of people have started using this process since it is very advantageous. So if you want to start your business, then take this advantage and you can surely get success. Read more on how you can find ways to gain customer loyalty and increase sales.

Advantages of Using Online Marketing Services

If your business is online, then your first step is to market online. Marketing a business online even if your company’s operations are not via the internet helps you to increase sales like any other online business does. You have the option of developing a website that contains all the information which a customer would like to know about your company. So find out why you should be using this service for your business:

    1. An online marketing service helps you to understand about various things like who our targeted audience is, what can be the best medium to target them and the best way to help them taking decisions in our favour. This kind of information seeking and defining helps in better marketing efforts.
    2. The internet is one such place where you will find a lot of customers there. People tend to spend a lot of time on the Internet for entertainment, shopping and education. If you do not try connecting with them using this medium then there are more chances of losing the appropriate ones.
    3. Marketing online will help you save a lot of money. It is not entirely free but you will have to spend just a little on creating a website, maintaining and advertising it. It is far cheaper than other marketing tools such as brochures, ads on televisions and printed ads.

Online Marketing System

  1. Try targeting customers all over the world through the internet since it is easy and cost effective. For example, you can add the feature for different languages in your website that can be ready easily in various languages.
  2. You will also be able to keep track of who clicks on your advertisements reducing the efforts of you making a big list. Thus, it will be easy for you to modify your marketing campaign with any changes so that you get the best results and are able to advertise without any difficulty.
  3. The biggest advantage that you get here is customer interaction through marketing your products using the internet. Your customers will then find it easy to contact you through your website or any e-mailers with their queries or any feedback. You can also market via social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter since it is a convenient way of interacting with them.

The internet is changing and so are its services for marketing too. Before, SEO (Search engine marketing) was used every time for marketing but today this option is hardly used. Instead people who want their e-commerce ventures to succeed are using online marketing. Hire a professional from many of the Online Marketing Services in India to attract more customers through quality internet presence.

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