Simple but Efficient Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Simply put, affiliate marketing is nothing but promoting someone else’s products and earning commissions out of the salesmade. Selling your own products is called as direct sales, whereas selling other’s products is affiliate marketing.

Firstly, you need to choose a particular product, start promoting it in various ways and finally earn a commission whenever a sale is made as a result of your promotional efforts. This is a win-win situation because:

  • You get what you want (your commission)
  • The company gets what it wants (a sale)
  • The customer gets what he wants (a useful product)

Affiliate Marketing Strategies
Affiliate marketing service is advantageous because you don’t need to create anyproduct from scratch by yourself. You can sell what someone else has created through your platform. You can sell as an affiliate even if you have a blog. You can place the links of various product sites and when people buy products through these links, you will earn a commission.

Today, internet marketing is more about online affiliate marketing. There are a million ways to promote a product and there a million products to choose. When you are able to choose the right product and promote it in the right way, you will see sales. If things fall into place you can start earning passive income through this channel. There is one secret that you must know. Select a product which can ‘sell itself’. Choosing a very efficient product which really serves a purpose is important. Such a product will be loved by customers. Such a product would need effortless promotion.

2 important points to be remembered in affiliate marketing

Before you start selling anything remember these two points:

  1. Choose products that you have already used.You must have loved sure foodstuffs. You can sell them with poise as you know that the product is worth it. But if you choose a product that you don’t like, you might not be able to promote it well as deep down; you know that the product is not worth it.Asking someone to buy a product directly won’t be of any help. You must sell without selling which means that you should not look like adesperate salesman. Try to recommend a product based on your good experiences.
  2. Ask yourself why you would like to buy a particular product. Do you have valid reasons? Then sell that product. This way, you will have chances to make a sale fast as your customers also think like you. They wonder whether the product being advertised is what they really need. If they don’t feel the need or want, they would ignore your products. So, your product choice makes all the dissimilarity.

You can also choose an affiliate marketing program that is profitable.

It is better to be honest with yourself and honest with your people. If proper strategies are applied, your affiliated marketing business can build you an empire in a few years. Putting some time and efforts in this line is worth it.

Wind Up:

Grow your affiliate marketing business with effective marketing strategies provided by well known Affiliate Marketers in India, Softqube Technologies.

8 Affiliate Marketing Secrets

Online Marketing need not be aggressive marketing. You can be honest and still sell well, but one need to be smart enough, when it comes to placing the links in the right places. You must be convinced by now that using Google ads or placing ads everywhere on your blog or aggressively writing product reviews might help. They won’t; on the contrary, maintaining good standards would help. Providing valuable content would help. Spreading knowledge would help. Write something that excites your reader; they should crave for more. This is the only thing that saves your blog ultimately.

Affiliate Marketing

Effective ways of marketing through a blog

Though there are a lot of strategies, we shall discuss a few here:

Take care of the first impression

Don’t sell anything on the face. That will royally spoil the first impression. Take all measures to create an impact through the landing page. From the design to the content, everything must fit well and impress the reader.

Choose the products that were useful to you

Sell a product that you have personally used in your life. If you have used a particular smart phone and if you feel like recommending it to your friends, then it would be the right product to recommend to your readers too. Selling such a product would be wise because whatever you speak about the product comes directly from your heart and you come across as a sincere person. Also, if a product served you well, it means that it will serve the customers well.

Talk a bit about the product

If you just place the affiliate link with no description about the product nobody will care to buy it. Instead, accept the fact that you are actively promoting a particular product and start talking about it on your blog. Tell people why you think that it is a good one and how it adds value to anyone’s life.

Never write a post only for the sake of placing the links

Your posts would lead to an affiliate link, but it doesn’t mean that your post should be targeted only towards a link. As I said earlier, sell without desperation. Never sell anything on the face. In fact, you should look like recommending something, but not like selling something.

Share personal experiences

Sharing your own experiences would add a personal touch to your write up. Add facts and relevant data and makethings look believable and interesting.

Don’t confuse the read by selling too many productsin a single post

When you reada post about smart phones which contains links of 6 different brands, wouldn’t you get confused? Your readers would get a headache when you do the same. Promote one good brand instead of 5 brands.

Promote the products that get you profit and ignore others

With experience you will know what works and what doesn’t. That is the time when you have to get rid of the clutter from your blog

Provide resources

Give some helpful information, links and other information to your readers. Place your affiliate links there.
The content on your blog stays forever and so do the affiliate links. Put in the efforts and your income will be consistent for a reasonable period.

Wind Up

Apply these secrets and put your affiliate marketing strategy to work in a very quick and positive way. To get relevant assistance regarding proper utilization of these secrets, get in touch with well known India based Affiliate marketing experts at Softqube Technologies.

Online Marketing Solutions : A Raising Trend for Marketing

An approachable small business marketing tools and technologies helps to influence the small business with the new trend. Here are few online marketing solutions that help in building customers to large scale:

Making online Advertisements:

An advertisement is very necessary for every small to big organization. The flashing banners attract the customers and act just like a dummy showcased outside a shop. The banners are important not only for the website but also for the social sites such as, LinkedIn and Facebook that attracts by targeting customers through SEO and its keywords. The next important advertising concept is making a cost-per-action rather than cost-per-click that is based on pricing methods. It is having a system when the person needs to pay according to per click when they complete the purchase. Adding free customers profiling tool is also effective that check the customers visit to the site.

Online Marketing

Making online Promotions:

It is an idea that helps to target the customers who want to purchase the things, seeing from the pictures like a customer want to wear a designer saree designed by Manish Malhotra, but can’t afford so the replicas are there which most of the customers prefer buying and it can be done easily by uploading the picture with complete product details in the database. Or there are many companies who do purchase the real time product and keep it as stock so, making a purchase of it is made easier and is effective via retail promotion.

Social Media Advertising (SMA):

With a subscription at low rates one can easily reach to high level. The SMA is high in trend and is much effective too! Now every next person is busy in uploading their new pictures or making a chit-chat. Spending hours on the internet is very common and so peoples get attracted towards special quiz, poles and mind games. With these new designs also get hit and that is why one can’t stop them in making a purchase.

Making Promotion through Mobile marketing:

The trend of SMS, MMS, e-mail is still in trend and used effectively as mobile marketing. Now the mobile websites also develop apps that are supported in windows and android phones. Designing special e-vouchers, e-mails, SignUp bonuses, special festive discounts and offers with special discount coupon codes keep in attracting the customers to shop more!!

It becomes a SHOP SHOP pay LESS LESS situation!!

Such schemes are now widely popular with the special talk time or top up values that every next company are providing and is an ultimate solution to attract the mobile savvy customer.

Wind up

Beside the above mentioned online marketing solutions there are many others like asking the customers to refer the website to a friend and earn a referral bonus on making purchase, giving the reviews to the products purchased and get discounts on the next shopping. Taking out survey helps the site to improve and see the things according to the customer point of view.

Get in touch with well known online marketing solutions provider – Softqube Technologies and adopt the best and effective marketing promotion tool and see your business to the next height!!

Effective Role of Affiliate Marketing Services

The Affiliate marketing program is the first step towards business growth that saves time and helps in business growth. There is number of advertising options available that helps to raise the customers just by a one-time effort. With the online shopping sites now online marketing is in high demand and so the affiliated marketing service helps to reach the sales target. The marketing services help in making the smooth flow of the business with affiliated programs. The skilled managers keep on promoting the products and services by means of software.

Affiliate Marketing Services

Now everyone can opt for an affordable affiliated marketing service with a responsive marketing program at low rates. The online affiliate marketing service has many advantages like:


  1. Setting of commission:

    In this program one can set promotional and private offers that can make the company to higher profit and one can set the commission and control on rates.

  2. Affiliated managers, hiring:

    A qualified manager can handle the affiliated marketing programs and examine the competitors. Besides competing the manager is also liable to:

    • Manage the email marketing campaign to keep the customers aware about new things and discounts/offers.
    • Examine, make the detailed investigation and prepare reports that help in affiliated marketing services.
    • Hire other recruits the other employees as per requirement.
    • Create some innovative ideas in order to develop the team and lead company to high success.
    • Attracts the new customers for the organization and target the correct one.

    An effective marketing program helps is liable to target the potential consumers among the endless one by analyzing the date and time the consumer view the product. Beside this the affiliate marketing also attracts new consumer by changing the look of the website. For attracting a consumer it is very important to reach. So, this program targets the customers by Cost per sale, Cost per lead and Cost per click are few examples that convert a website to responsive one.

  3. Track the customer activity:

    An affiliate marketing solution online helps to determine whether the customer is interested in the product or not? One can determine that what type of service/product the customer need. What is the budget, etc. can be determined when one customer is viewing the page. Tracking the customer activity is very effective in affiliate marketing programs.

  4. Easy payment by customer:

    An easy payment makes the things simple. When there is plenty of order, then managing the payment system becomes complicated, an easy and user friendly payment system helps to administer the things easily.

  5. Affiliated marketing strategies to increase the sale:

    Attractive banners, advertisement, videos and managing coupons and gift cards are some important strategies of marketing that helps in raising the sales as every day customers keep on making the search that which site offers the best rate.

  6. User friendly mobile apps and language barriers:

    The .com websites are available globally and peoples from all across the corner come to visit the site and different countries have different languages, so it becomes very convenient when there are no language barriers. The mobile apps are very trending and needs to be user friendly as new customers love to shop from their Smartphone’s.

The affiliate marketing software offers effortless service at an affordable rate and increases the sales so; start the one now for you!!


Use affiliate marketing services in order to gain more customers and increase revenue. For more details about affiliate marketing services, stay in touch with Internet marketers at Softqube Technologies, a well known services provider of Affiliate marketing in India.

Prime Pay Per Click Marketing Approaches You Need to Follow

In this rapidly transforming as well as fast paced industry, wherein Google tends to switch up things with a number of alterations to its platforms every year, AdWords advertisers, Pay Per Click find it quite taxing to keep pace with whatever changes come to them.

What if the advertisers could sort out all these disturbances, reduce their learning bend and build their way directly to the center of one of the most effective and powerful PPC (Pay Per Click) marketing strategies?

In a recent webinar, 8 of the top most Pay per Click marketing hacks that you should use for optimizing your PPC strategy in today’s market have been distributed. You always can retain the tweaking copy as well as the test button for very long or forever. However, all these are just minor modifications. Most significantly, they are not as influential.

Pay Per Click

Let’s take a rapid look at my all time beloved and preferred PPC marketing hacks:

1. Optimize your QS (Quality Score)

Your QS influences your click-through rate (CTR) and ad ranking to a great extent. It decides how frequently your ads will be seen on the web and for which KW. Moreover, your Impression Share gets to see a hike of around 9 percent for each point your QS improvement. For improving your QS, you need to dump the scrap ads and KWs and add around 10% of branded KWs.

2.Create ads to touch people’s heart

Develop your ads to appeal the emotions of your customer base. Until and unless you make them feel something about you, you cannot get their clicks. For this you need to know them, their likes, dislikes, problems and much more. This will make you reach them out in a proper way.

3. Make use of bid Multipliers

Most advertisers tend to buy clicks as much as possible. However, instead of buying all that comes in your way, you should be meticulous and choosy. Making use of bid multipliers help you do the same by contributing more worth to the clicks at a specific time(s) of day. This process is known as dayparting.

4. Optimize for Handhelds

The rate of searches from mobile devices is going to increase in the coming years. Keeping this into consideration, introducing Click-to-Call option can fetch more and more clicks to the AdWords advertisers. Therefore, you need to start optimizing for mobile phone as well.

5. Try Remarketing

Remarketing is one of the best PPC marketing hacks that can help you reach out those visitors who have visited your site, but did not take the action you wanted. For this you can do a number of things, like – creating ads for different segments and using Google Display Network.

6. Go for Gmail ads

You can try the new Gmail ads that let you display your ad completely to the target audience. By doing so, you can leverage the advantages of various targeting parameters such as, interests as well as topics for better appeal.

7.Make use of YouTube ads

Millions and billions of people watch YouTube almost every day. There are a number of awesome ad formats out there, specially the TrueView thing that plays before the actual video starts. You should surely use this incredible platform to reach out your target audience.

8. Be the first one

Google releases a number of changes in relation to the functioning of the AdWords platform every year. Did you know, being the first one to get on to a new function can be a great advantage for you? Yes, because the bids as well as the competition are much lower in the beginning you can be the first one to make an appearance in front of your audience.

Wind Up:

Make best use of some well known pay per click approaches and see a tremendous increase in the traffic as well as customers. It is a great way to get top search engine position. To enjoy the benefits of pay per click services, you need hands of professionals who offers quality SEO services with guaranteed results.

A Breakthrough from Bing – Filtering URL Keyword Stuffing

A few days ago, Bing, one of the most popular search engines announced that they have come up with a specific type of spam filtering technique couple of months back.

The main target of this mechanism is a common SEO technique called “KWS or URL Keyword Stuffing”. The latter is basically listed as a ‘black hat’ search engine optimization technique. It is specifically designed to trick the search engines so that they give higher ranks to the pages than they deserve.

URL Keyword Stuffing depends on two main factors that the perpetrators tend to assume in regard to search engine ranking algorithms. They are:

  • Keyword (KW) matching is being used
  • Matching the KW against the URL is particularly important

As far as the signals or approaches that search engines consider for identifying page rank, these are relatively the very basic ones. However, in spite of being simple and easy they do play a very significant role, indeed.

Keyword Stuffing

Once the spammers have assessed the possible, rather apparent weaknesses, they are likely to take their undue benefit by developing domain names that are stuffed with KWs (they call it keyword rich). As the main objective of these unscrupulous agents is to maximize the impressions of the pages as much as possible, they look for keywords that are high in frequency and value and also the monetizable ones. Some of them are – free, outlet, Viagra, payday, best, load and many more.

The spammers make use of a number of techniques when it comes to implanting the basics of the concept of URL KWS.

What approach does Bing uses to detect URL Keyword Stuffing?

As of now, the search engine has not disclosed any kind of specific details regarding the detection algorithms they have rolled out, as the spammers are more likely to grab this opportunity to manipulate things. They revealed just the signals they follow to detect the possible use of URL KWS. They are:

  1. Size of the website
  2. Number of the hosts
  3. Number of words used in the path, host name and domain names
  4. Path, domain or host KW co-occurrence
  5. Percentage of website clusters that comprise a high frequency domain or host name KWs
  6. Domain or host names that contain several combinations of patterns or lexicons
  7. Quality of website or page content as well as popularity signals

Bing has also illustrated the kind of influence their spam filtering technique has had on their users along with the SEO community.

When it comes to the users, the update has influenced around 3 percent of the Bing searches. One out of ten URLs has been filtered per influenced search. In regard to the SEO community, as far as 5 million websites comprising more that 130 million URLs have been influenced. As a result of which, there is a reduction in the traffic directed towards these websites from the search engine by 75 percent.

Wind Up:

Be aware if you are using any of the spamming techniques to get highest page ranks or top position in search results, any time you can be caught and penalized as Google does. Stay away from such black hat SEO providers and be connected with professionals at Softqube Technologies, one of the well known White Hat SEO Service providers in India.

Image Ranking Process of Google in Near Future

The Google search made the things more happening with the help of images, but here we are talking about will it be continued further? The things are made easier to search with the help of Image Ranking from the early years of 90’s till date.

It is commonly known that Google figures out with a separate button of image search, which is a big matter in terms of SEO. Just like a digital content now the images help to generate the traffic and increase the page rank in the community of digital marketing.

If the images detect relevant objects then they will be ranked first as compared to other images. Automatic object detection will be useful for getting higher rankings in the Google search results.

Implications of Object Detection for SEO:

  • Correct keyword with correct images will give true result.
  • Linking the actual image with the subsequent images for more number of related images

The proper image search (stuffing of image) will decrease the result of spam, with advance SEO techniques and will challenge as a big SEO change globally. The ILSVRC had made an increase in competition from 2010, and makes the things more clear using image and location displaying the exact result of the location. The Image tab is further classified into sizes that make the search more convenient and this lead to a tremendous increase in numbers of images i.e more than 40% in just two years.

Four ways to search by image in Google

The G+ Updates and changing algorithm :

With the changing environment and updates G+ is also getting a remarkable attention and so, it also possesses the feature of image detection and now we are analyzing what will be the next. It is managing the abstract categories like ATM, restaurants or any other spot. The new algorithm of G+ also has some faulty search result and is not beating over the previous one.

A unique content is now getting popularity as it helps in generating more traffic to the website, blog posting are made very common and high quality images with correct meta keywords directly affect the SEO result with positive impact, it helps to meet with potential customers. A better understanding with images helps to understand the thing more clearly and it is well explained by the difference between a radio and a television. It also leads to make the difference clearly visible like Jaquar (a car) and Jaquar (an animal).

Google is modifying its search and making the things understand more clearly using words and related images that a person is searching for.

Google Net utilizes a conventional neural system named ANN, gimmicks to tile things to get a more unpredictable and exact picture. It scientifically implies a kind of development of an article starting with one space set up, then on to the next that perceive an item precisely where it is set in a certain picture. It is focused around a fake neural systems programming that instruct with a superior timing about the area with the pictures.

Google has created standard innovations get the best answer for yourself and enhance your query output with brilliant pictures.

Wind Up:

Try to keep relevant images in your website content so that visitors are able to find exact content when they search for any keywords. For some more in depth information about Google image rankings in future, contact to well known guaranteed and professional SEO services provider.

SEO : All About Bread Crumbs

The E-stores and websites are the latest trend of business and the most important aspect to raise the business is its usability, which can be done and maintained only by SEO. A buyer come across to a particular site by making a deep search and lots of efforts, who can come to the site either by search engine, word of mouth or any other social link. It is not necessary that the potential viewer will come visiting the site from Home page they can also come in contact to site by contact us, about us or any other product/ service offered by the organization.

So, important to all one need to have a guaranteed / trustworthy SEO, that helps to reach the potential customer. A breadcrumb is a common term and used popularly to generate traffic to the website.

Example of Breadcrumbs

Here are a few details of breadcrumbs:

What do you mean by Breadcrumb?

It is a page area which helps the guest of the site to see about the precise area of the site. It is specified to the highest point of the page. We can likewise say it is a course of the page. It has turned into a vital term particularly for each e-commerce websites.

Types of Breadcrumbs:

There are three types of bread crumbs which are as follows:

  • Location based: relates to the exact position targeting one keyword from the whole site.
  • Path based: dynamic resultant which comes by hyperlink, based from search result.
  • Attribute based: direct the attributes of a page in progress.

Google doesn’t welcome faulty plagiarism content and even let the PR ranking of the site down, which resultant not to approach the scroller.

What is the role of Keywords (Search keywords and meta keywords) optimization in SEO terms for breadcrumbs?

  • The back end keywords are the most important thing for any website and so it consists of meta tag, meta description, search keywords which link with the target anchor tag. For instance: Shopping (Home page) > Clothing > Salwar Kameez. It is a mixture of strong keywords with category wise page and words.
  • Too much stuffing of keywords is not good for the website; it also leads to failure in ranking because of high confusing keywords in one content.
  • Proper use of SEO, is necessary like Home link with perfect keywords which need not to guess and explain detail about site.

SERP makes the listing of the site in an attractive and reliable manner. The SERP is supported with breadcrumb in order to interact with Google. It plays a vital role by letting the navigation of site to the top.

Do’s and Dont’s with the practice of Breadcrumb:

It can be useful for you, if you follow some of the below mentioned points:

  1. Utilize breadcrumbs only when they help a visitor of the site
  2. Un- link the current page for smooth flow
  3. Do not supplant primary route with breadcrumbs
  4. Use breadcrumbs regularly
  5. Do not utilize breadcrumbs within the web page of <title> tag

Wind Up:

Make proper use of bread crumbs and get benefit of proper SEO techniques. To have a deep understanding about these SEO techniques, get in touch with our India based SEO Services offering company in India – Softqube Technologies.

Addition of Mobile UX in Google’s Ranking Algorithm

When Google’s Ranking your site, their robots (spiders) are seeing your website like any other users, and if your design is not adapted for mobile devices, then that can result with a bad ranking on Google for your website.

At the meeting Search Marketing Expo East, a lot of people talked about this problem. Engineer who works in Google was talking about that how much important is the experience of the users who are visiting websites, and all webmasters or site owners main focus must be on better user experience. Google wants to make their algorithm better and so they are focusing more on rankings to be on this principle.

Their new crawling bots sees website like the users see it, they’re not seeing only code. Google is working strong on this field and they are better every day.

Main Factors for Ranking may be Mobile UX

Webmasters are pushed a lot by Google. Everything that Google want to do is to make websites that are on their top positions to be better places for visitors and users. That is the main reason, but how will Google make webmaster to do something about that. They will do that by adding them to the algorithm in search ranking.

New Google Bots are Seeing Website Like Normal Users

Google’s RankingWith new bots Google have opportunity to see what a real user sees. So if your website is very good for desktop computers, Google will check it also for mobile devices. They will check fonts of your content, how users can scroll your websites on a mobile devices, also they will check buttons, are they large enough or they are not and similar thing like this.

Actually Google bots are rendering your webpage (what the real users sees)

Importance of Mobile UX

Websites that are mobile-friendly provide better experience for the users, who are visiting the websites from a mobile device. So if your website is not adapted for mobile devices than 61% of mobile users who have visited your website will not return again. That is about websites where users must zoom to see what is on the page, or websites where size of font is not good enough for mobile devices. So because of that Mobile designed sites are very important, more than 50% users in USA are visiting websites from mobile devices.

Is Google Rankings Depend from a Mobile Design of the Websites?

At this moment Google is punishing websites that have problems for mobile users. This started in July 2013. Websites that are redirecting their mobile users homepage of their site will have less chance to be ranked on Google ranks for mobile devices. Errors like this also can have an impact in ranking of your site. If you don’t want to be penalized from Google for such things, you must make better your mobile design, check your font, buttons, scrolling on the page and similar things, if these are good than you will have good results for sure.

Wind Up:

Softqube Technologies is one of the SEO Services provider in India that loves to share latest Google’s Ranking updates with its visitors so that it helps them to stay updated and transform their websites , make changes in the SEO strategy accordingly.

Is it Advisable to Outsource SEO Services?

Outsource SEO Services is a great decision and it saves you a ton of valuable time in which you can concentrate on other aspects of your business such as the marketing, advertising etc. But while outsourcing your SEO can free you a lot of valuable time and headache you might also hamper your entire business in the long run.

By wrong way of placing the ranking and keywords over the content quality and content relevance, you are just alienating your visitors and hurting your progress in the long run. This blog focuses on the two ways that people outsource their content: the wrong way and the right way. So without any further ado, let us begin:

The Wrong Way to Outsource SEO Services

Most people building websites and starting new business do not have a predefined plan for SEO. They build their site in a way that they think will cater to the general consumer and release it. On the way, they learn that SEO can bring a lot of targeted traffic to their site for free and they go out and hire an external SEO firm who will insert keywords and build page links for them.

The result they were after in the first place was to create a site which will cater to consumers and increase the amount of traffic directed to their pages. But instead they get a site full with keyword stuffed pages with irrelevant content and pages full with backlinks to other pages. The end result is that in the short term even if the site ranks in the Google number 1 page, it will soon lose its ranking and its customers for the reason that the consumers are no longer interested in the site content anymore.

The Right Way to Outsource SEO

Ideally, SEO should not be a disconnected concern thought only after creating the entire website but it should be a part of website development from the very beginning of the site planning phase. So in this case, instead of turning to SEO firms at the last moment to insert keywords you should work together with them to create relevant but keyword rich content. Let us look at a specific example which illustrates the above point:

Let us imagine that you are creating a website on software engineering.An SEO firmwill give you rankings for keywords related to software engineering and add them into your pages which will boost your rankings in the short term but will make no sense to the consumer whatsoever. Instead the deliberate and random placements of keywords will irritate the consumers visiting your site who will never visit your site again resulting into lost sales and opportunities.

Instead if you worked with the SEO firms from the beginning of your site creation, then you might have a page which has correct and coherent placement of keywords. For example if the keyword is “Algorithm” then your page on “Software Engineering” might include it like “Algorithms are essential in Software Development…” .

In this way, you are integrating SEO in a natural way which while boosting the rankings of the page will also provide the users with relevant content for which they will keep coming back to your website.

Wind Up:

If you are in search of inexpensive but effective SEO services in India? We at Softqube Technologies offers professional SEO services that help you to turn your website visitors into buyers.

Let’s Work together!

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