Amazing Google Fun Tricks

Speaking the word “ Google” for some it means SEO, algorithm updates, for some it means Google Doodles, for foody lovers, it is a best place to find recipes and so on. Google means different thing to everyone.

But has anyone ever wondered that Google can be place of Fun too? Sounds absurd, but it’s true. When you feel bored or want to have fun, just try these tricks and you will enjoy a lot. I think it’s a good way to kill the boredom.

Google Tricks

Hence, let’s end the waiting time and discuss about the funny hidden treasure with Google. Here we go….

Funny Google Tricks

  • ATARI Breakout: Go to “Google images” search bar and type this “ ATARI BREAKOUT” and what you will see is a game which you can play and enjoy. A real fun isn’t it. Let’s move on to another trick.
  • Tilt or Askew: We have always seen simple results in Google. A few words can really change the way Google displays search results. Just type “Askew” or “Tilt” in the search box and see the results, it will be tilted little bit. Try it now!!
  • Do a Barrel Roll: Have you ever seen Google search results page rotating to 360 degrees? Can’t believe it, right? Just type this phrase “Do a barrel roll” in search box and see entire search results page will rotate to 360 degrees. Try it now and have fun!!
  • Google Sphere: This is really funny. Just type “Google sphere” in the search box and click on the first link. Everything around the word “Google” will revolve in orbits like as earth having its own orbits. See this image to understand it in a better way and try it to experience it on your own.
  • Google Gravity: Google gravity is one of the funniest things that I have ever seen. It will break down everything you search. Just type “Google gravity” and click on the first link, here you will everything breaking down losing gravity. Now, if you will type any search term “Softqube Technologies”, results will also be displayed in the same manner.
  • Google Mirror: Similar to Google gravity, one such funny thing is “Google Mirror”. It has a very good mirror effect; whatever you type in search box appears reversed as if in the mirror, even search results also possess the similar effect. Take a look at this image
  • Google under Water: The most lovely seen on Google is “Google Underwater” where you can see everything floating in water, the Google logo, its search results and more.
  • Google Terminal: Like if you are using DOS Language, Google will be represented in the form of terminal. The search results will be displayed in the form of codes. This image will make it clear for you.
  • Google Guitar: It’s a funny way to search queries that actually play music. Google guitar is very amazing search engine which plays the strings of guitar as you type any word in the search box, sound will be played on the guitar. You can also play some melodies with the guitar as mentioned under the search box. Try it now!!

Wind up

We are sure that you will enjoy using these Google tricks and they will definitely be a good way to pass your leisure time or kill boredom. Got a five minutes break? Try one of these tricks and have fun.

This clears that along with work, Google is a place for fun as well and we will be bringing more such tricks very soon. So, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies, a well known eCommerce development company in India.

Facebook Launches Facebook Legacy Contact

While taking any insurance policy, we always provide the names of nominees i.e. people who will be befitted from the amount after our death. Now, the same thing applies in managing Facebook accounts.

Many of us might be having friends who are no more in this world and still you can see their accounts managed by spouse, close friends or who so ever having their login credentials. Sometimes, I also feel who will be the owner of my Facebook account once I am no more.

Facebook Legacy Contact

But now this thought has got a solution because from my recent research I came to know that Facebook has now come up with Facebook Legacy contact. This feature is not yet available in India however in near future it will definitely be.

What is Facebook Legacy Contact and how is it useful?

Everyone on this earth has its last day today or tomorrow or near future and so like properties are distributed, government jobs are given to the heir after the demise of the working person. In the same way, now Facebook gives us the option to choose our legacy contact or we can say the person whom we wish to manage our account after our demise.

This feature was launched by on 13th Feb 2015. This option was launched keeping in mind that how the person who’s no more can be remembered. This can serve as a memory for friends, family and others giving them peace and comfort.

Legacy contact means selecting someone to manage your account after your death and it also has the option to deactivate the account once you have reached the heaven.

Setting up Legacy Contact

  • Click the dropdown arrow at top right of the Facebook homepage. Select Settings > Security and Legacy Contact.

From here you can assign the type of permission you wish to and send the message to the selected person.

Whom to select as a Legacy Contact?

This seems somewhat personal because the one selected as your legacy contact will have limited account access and won’t be able to read messages however that person will have the permission to update posts on Facebook timeline, respond to friend requests, change profile as well as cover photo.

Depending on the permission granted, legacy contact can also download posts and photos. You can select anyone as the one to manage your account after your death however it’s mandatory that they should have a Facebook account and be ensured that the particular person whom you wish to assign the responsibility is actually ready to take it and that person cannot assign the task to someone else.

So, the person whom you wish to assign the responsibility can either be your close friend, spouse, sibling, cousin or someone whom you trust deeply. Once you have selected your “digital heir” then that individual will be positioned as your legacy contact.

What if I wish to get my account memorialized?

To do so it’s mandatory for the legacy contact to be in touch with Facebook and make a request to get the account memorialized through an online form. If this is your choice then after your death, the account will still remain on Facebook with the label “Remembering” in front of your name.

No ads, news feeds will be shown on your account; it will be just a normal steady account only for family and friends to remember you.


Hope this post will provide good knowledge to our readers and we wish that Facebook should launch this feature very soon for Indians as well. In near future, it will definitely be available but it’s good to have details about it so that in case someone asks to be a legacy contact of their account, you must not get shocked.

This was just an informative post which can be shared with anyone you wish to and make them aware about this new Facebook feature. Wish to stay updated with new features then stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, Online marketing Company India.

Effective SEO Strategies 2015 With Google Analytics

Google keeps on introducing various updates in the field of SEO Strategies and to remain aligned with these updates, it’s necessary to have a perfect SEO strategy. So, let’s have a look at some important points that will make a perfect strategy which can boost your online presence.

Points to be considered while preparing a relevant SEO Strategies

  • Maximize the organic traffic: The main thing is to make use of SEO queries and Landing Page reports. This can be easily done by combining Google Analytics with Google Webmaster tools.Further, SEO report can be used along with Google Analytics to know about keyword rankings, clicks and impressions, check the keywords having more impressions and then the click through rate of those keywords can be improved by targeting page titles and descriptions.
  • Keyword Report: Keyword report is used to increase organic traffic by means of using various traffic resources.
  • Make use of various traffic resources: Several traffic resources can be used to spend more time to get additional traffic by using reports from top referrers.
  • Generate Appropriate Content: Create more content that resembles with the audience using the content overview report. Make a list of top contents on your site and based o that develop a content plan that fulfills the audience needs.
  • Concentrate on Maximizing conversion rates: The report should contain specific details that direct traffic to certain conversion pages. To maximize the conversion rates, increase page surveys and make use of A/B testing to identify and solve the objections.
  • Mobile Optimization: The mobile based SEO strategy must be adopted to know responsiveness, higher bounce rate and more.
  • Increase top referrals: Special deals can be offered with top referrals and those deals can then be displayed to various visitors, develop a custom welcome message for various referral sources which will imp+-rove customer engagement.

Take the help of below infographics to know more about effective SEO strategy in a better way.

SEO Strategy with Google Analytics

Wind up

These points will definitely help you to improve your SEO strategy. For more such tips and tricks, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies, well known SEO Services provider in India.

Be Ready for Google’s Mobile Search Update

Recently, Google has done some new announcements for mobile friendly websites. One of the important announcements is that from 1st April, mobile friendliness will be an important ranking factor and it will affect various mobile search update in each and every language all over the world and it will have a very deep impact in the search results.

We all know that 2015 is the year where mobile search update will be given enough importance and so irrespective of this announcement, mobile had already become the priority for search engines due to its well adopting capacity and growth.

Mobile Search Analysis
During recent years, Google has strongly laid the focus on mobile friendliness as it easily increases the visibility of sites. With its guide to best mobile practices as well as mobile friendly testing tool, Google has made complete efforts to help webmasters in maximizing their mobile experience.

With a view to increase the mobile optimization and take maximum benefit of mobile search, here we have listed few main important steps which can be followed easily

Improving mobile optimization status

Now, there are some people who already have a mobile ready site. To make it visible on the internet, it’s important to carry out some Mobile SEO audits so Google can easily determine the mobile content and show it in search results.
This can be done easily with the help of Google’s mobile friendly test tool as this ensures that all elements of a mobile website like as images, links, URLs are easily crawlable.

The test reveals the issues such as:

  • Any blocked areas of the sites that cannot be crawled or indexed.
  • Pages showing 404 errors
  • Errors found by smartphone GoogleBot.
  • Pages and XML sitemaps they are referred to.

Once the errors are found, these can be rectified and blocked areas can be removed so that these parts can be indexed easily.

Site Speed

Every mobile site must get loaded within 2-5 seconds. This is one of the important ranking factors for both mobile as well as desktop sites; Google’s Page Speed Insights tool can be used to identify the speed issues on the mobile site.

If there’s a need to redesign the website to make the site more mobile friendly then it’s necessary to take guidance from Webmaster’s mobile guide, Principle of Mobile Site design and Web Fundamentals.

Examine your mobile search Update visibility and traffic behavior

It’s necessary to get the report from Google’s webmaster tools regarding mobile search visibility and traffic behavior. This report will determine:

  • Difference between Top search queries and pages in mobile search update available in mobile search and desktop search.
  • The way people are searching the information on mobile and desktop.
  • Queries that have high click through rate irrespective of their position and those having low click through rate.
  • Pages that are trending upwards in traffic and rankings as well those trending downwards can also be determined.

Maintain mobile web search competitiveness and check the performance

Various tools like SEMrush, SearchMetrics, SimilarWeb and more can be used to determine the keywords that are generally searched and often used by mobile search update competitors.

These keywords will help to get more traffic. Further, these keywords can be classified into several categories and then keyword research must be carried out. Once the exact keywords are found, then you can use them and start tracking the progress.

This includes checking the pages that get good rankings for those keywords and then look at the competitors, know the reason for difference between the rankings with the help of mobile targeted competitive analysis.

This will give a perfect idea for mobile rankings, traffic, link building etc. Certain tools like Screaming Frog can be used to know the optimization level and popularity of ranked pages towards the targeted keywords to those of competitors.

This will further help to develop a relevant SEO strategy for mobile sites so that mobile web presence can be improved continuously and be ahead among competitors in terms of mobile search visibility.

Wind up

Hence, adopting these three techniques we are sure that you will be able to take proper benefit of mobile search update. If you wish to get a perfect SEO strategy developed for your mobile SEO, then be connected with Softqube Technologies, Guaranteed SEO Services provider in India.

Words & Phrases that must be avoided on Social Media

While posting on social media sites, especially on the business page; it’s important to consider the words that actually make a great impact and avoid those that make a negative impression. So, how can one identify what phrases should actually be used to give a professional look to the post.

Social Media

This blog post will give you an insight about the words and phrases that must be avoided while interacting with customers as well as while posting comments or replies to the customers. So, let’s move on and discuss the topic

Words or Phrases that you must avoid

    • Ground breaking: Refrain from using this word unless you have invented some amazing things like electricity or Law of gravitation.Instead use words like “innovative, creative” new idea in the industry. This will actually propel customers to look into your innovation. Ground breaking word can sometimes lead to a wrong notion when what the company introduced is not suitable to the word.
    • Once in a lifetime: We might have seen this phrase in many posts; it can create the doubt in customers’ mind that they may fail to get such opportunity again in their life. So, use this phrase only in case you are offering something outstanding.Alternatively, we can give the dead line or some time restrictions to get the offer like “Hurry! Offer limited till stocks last”.
    • Best: Seems very easy to use but actually has a deep meaning. It’s good to use its alternative if one wants to stand apart from the crowd.Make use of words “top seller”, “customer favorite” instead of using the same old word “Best”.
    • Check this out!: Everyone wants to attract customers and so do this, this phrase is most often used and can be seen in many posts. Sometimes, its’ use can actually irritate customers and there are posts that are successful in drawing the viewer’s attention but actually it doesn’t contain any such useful matter.This can leave a bad impression in the minds of viewers. Hence, instead of using the same old phrase again and again, try something new like “providing a short description of the post” to create excitement in the customers.
    • Think different, think out of the box: The most common phrase I have seen in the posts on social media and especially posts by business people. Avoid it as well if you really wish to look different or create a long lasting impression in the minds of people.Instead try to share your own story, describe what makes you different from others, ask customers to explore your new creative collection instead of saying “Explore our Out of the box” collection.
    • LOL: LOL means Laugh Out Loud but this is an informal phrase that must not be used while communicating with seniors or even customers. Be professional as much as you can because customers also love to stay with professional companies having good communication sense.Really, if you wish to reply to any funny comment then that also has to be professional, it must be a simple smiley or its best not to reply and decide other readers to reply to those funny or amusing comments.
    • YOLO & Selfie: YOLO stands for You Only Live Once. This also is an informal phrase. So, try to use something more descriptive for what you are offering.You can use words that can actually urge people to buy it now, like as “Quick decision can give you a better life”. Such phrases will really excite people to take quick actions.Selfie; yet another most well known word on social media in these days, we might have seen some business posting a contest like “upload your Selfie and the best one will win a surprising gift”.

      Well, instead of using the word “Selfie”; try to advertise with some other words that actually describe the need. This can be like: “We love our customers watching how they use our product, upload a similar picture of your own and win exciting prizes”.

Wind up

Hope this blog post will help you to improve your social media communication, in case you need any more ideas to boost your social media presence then get in touch with experts at Softqube Technologies, SEO Company India.

How Social Media is useful for B2B Marketers?

So far till now, we have seen how social media is useful to generate traffic, interact with customers and more. Today, we will see how social media can provide benefits to B2B marketers. If we take a look at the current B2B Social Media Marketing, then most of them are still involved more with traditional marketing and less with digital marketing.

With social media, one can easily prove to be loyalty developer especially for business to business markets. Using social media can help B2B Businesses to reveal their credibility, gain customers and develop reputation in tough markets.

Social Media Marketing

Well, let’s discuss how B2B marketers are exactly benefited. When using Social media, marketers can get 92% maximized exposure, up to 80% increase in traffic, 70% loyal or regular customers, 60% improvement in search rankings and sales.

If we talk about top social media sites that can be used for social media marketing then Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are the most useful ones. The users on these social media sites have increases to an extent; this has increased the power of social media.

Discussing about today’s B2B marketers then social media is the most useful weapon for them.

Here’s how:

  • Traditional marketing methods lack the reach to maximum audience while with digital marketing one can reach to millions of people in any corner of the world and that too with less expense. Hence, digital marketing is more beneficial for B2B marketers to ensure that they get enough people to sell their product or expand its reach to the audience.
  • Now days’, maintaining good relationship with customers is necessary and it’s an essential tool to get business run smoothly. With use of social media, business people can easily communicate with their customers’ thus rendering proper quick customer care service.
  • With the use of social media, there are increased chances of maximum exposure, maximum traffic, improved search rankings, growth in business partnerships, less marketing expenses and improved sales.
  • Benefits continue to grow and so the use of social media for B2B businesses goes on increasing.
  • By 2014, B2B businesses had used various social media sites for their business. Percentage of which is as follows:
Percentage of B2B Marketers using Particular Social media site Social Media Site Name




















Social book marking


Geo Location


Short Form Video




Snap Chat

Looking at the above table, we can say that LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter have dominated the digital marketing world and being mostly adopted by huge number of business to business marketers. Instagram, Pinterest and Others are on the way to grab the position. Social media will grow up to an extent by 2015 and it includes nearly 95% of Original written content, 60% original virtual info-graphics, 60% Original videos, 22% original audio content.Generally, more preference is given to original content by B2B marketers; curated content is used up to 78%.

Wind up

Well, apart from these benefits there are many challenges that B2B marketers have to face while social media. We will discuss about these challenges in next blog, till then stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, a well known Internet marketing service provider in India.

Few Useful Tips for Writing Effective Website Content

Every type of writing has its own style, be it story writing, website content writing or any other form but every single form of writing has some specifications, rules that must be understood to make the most of the content.

If we talk about website content then it’s quite different from other forms of writing. Users on the internet avoid reading the content in depth and so it’s necessary that visitors find quickly what they are looking for and in few seconds if they fail to find anything of their need from your site, then they will bounce from your site.

As per the recent study, any viewer searches a website for just 10 -20 seconds to get what it wants, some have reported it to only five seconds and within this time the website has to grab users attention.

SEO Content Writing Tips

Now, within this much less span of time it’s really very tough to grab the viewers attention and here comes the role of perfect business content which can easily do this task. In this article, we will learn to create informative yet interesting website content that will make people stay on your website for long.

Tips for Developing Engaging Website Content

  • Create Valuable and Relevant Content:Try to identify the search words that people often use to search for anything in Google Search box, this will help visitors to find your website easily.

    In case your website has irrelevant or outdated information, visitors will bounce back from your website and switch to another one where they feel their need is fulfilled.

  • Keep the content brief: Elaboration is not needed; internet users always prefer to quickly review the content. So, try to keep it to the point rather than explaining it in detail.
  • Content must be related to topic: Users just do search on specific topics and love to read quick reviews, if provided with detailed information they get frustrated. In case your topic is too broad for short content to be written then it’s necessary to divide your content into small topics followed by paragraphs in such a way that readers can easily find your topics and gain the related information.

    Adding links to your content is also advisable however they should be related to the topic or must be included on different page instead of stuffing everything in one page. This makes the content user- friendly.

  • Proof read the content for any grammatical errors: In case your website content is full of grammatical errors then your website may be considered as unprofessional. So, read it twice or thrice once you have completed writing the copy of the content.
  • Use assertiveness: A business owner is well aware about the products or services rather than anyone else, so it’s OK if you write with full authority.
  • Formatting is important: Format your content properly for web, make use of ordered, unordered lists instead of writing paragraphs. The list should not contain more than 10 points.

Always write short paragraphs with a space between them. One topic must be included in one paragraph, always make use of Sub headings, make use of internal links for related topics and try to keep sentences short.

Wind up

It’s really a challenging task to develop website content but with the help of these simple tips one can easily write effective website content and provide users what they need. If you are in search of expert content writers then Softqube Technologies, a well known SEO Services Provider is a perfect place for you. Get in touch with them today and get effective content developed for your business.

How to Convert Your Blogs into SEO Machine?

An effective way of increasing online presence is to increase the website traffic with SEO Marketing. Now, as we all are aware that content is given more importance and is used as one of the important factors to increase website traffic or we can say improve visibility on the internet.

If we talk about the ways through which content can be delivered to people and audience reach can be increased then blog is one of the important means of boosting the website traffic and this led some intelligent minds to think about transforming these blogs into SEO Marketing machines.

Is this really possible? Can a simple website blog be transformed into SEO Marketing? Answer is yes. It is possible but how? This is the important question. So, how can it be converted into a traffic generator as well as perfect converter which can be use to modify visitors into real customers?

Hence, here we have mentioned some tips that can be used to convert your blog into a SEO machine

Make your blog the unique source to spurt up your website traffic

If we closely look at the internet then there are innumerable thousands of websites available online and it’s no wrong in saying that internet is fully crowded with such websites. However, still there are many websites having blogs that generate almost zero to nil traffic.

They have very less views, few readers resulting into extremely low traffic. The reasons behind this can be several; may be improper blog content, improper or unattractive blog theme or design and many more.

Therefore, first of all it’s necessary to get the blog posts actually read and this can be done in few simple ways like sharing the blog post on social media, circulating these posts via email, making most use of Facebook Advertising with a view to create awareness among people and last but not the least Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Making use of all of these can provide good results however if you need to select only one then SEO is mostly recommended. One can easily transform a simple blog into traffic generator.

Get a good SEO Plug in

One of the most recommended SEO Marketing plug in is “Word press SEO Plug-In” which is available for free. To make most use of this, it’s necessary to know how it can be used in a perfect manner and also making use of proper keywords.

Keyword Research

Here, Google Keyword Planner can help. You need to do some research for gaining relevant keywords that can easily help to gain maximum traffic. Keywords always vary so never think that the ones you select are only the best.

So, research enough to get popular keywords which can suit your blog, product or service. Try to make most use of localized keywords as this will help to get more rankings.

One Keyword Does it All

A single keyword that can be included everywhere i.e. in title, URL, permalink as well as first sentence can be used. When you focus on single keyword and include it among the recommended pages such as page title, page description and permalink then SEO Marketing of your blog can be strong enough.

That similar keyword must be also included in the body, once it’s done then the blog is ready to be published. There are many other steps which can be helpful to boost the SEO Marketing and such tactics can be used for next post.

Last but not the least, make sure to provide simple easy ways to subscribe to your blog as this will help to get maximum subscriptions. So, try to adopt things that force user to come back to your blog again and again.

Wind up

Hence, with these tips you can easily convert your blogs into traffic generating machine and then can see increase in conversion rates as well as customers. Yeah, it’s not the work of a single person; the entire team has to work hard and so to get the proper assistance from dedicated SEO team, be connected with companies like Softqube Technologies which offer affordable SEO services in India.

New Facebook Launch: Call to Action button for Facebook Pages

Every individual in the eCommerce industry must be aware about importance of Call to Action button. Previously, when it came to the use of social media; what we could do is just create business page or we can say Fan page on Facebook.

And no option was available to directly get in touch via Facebook. But now, this also is going to be easy because now Facebook has introduced a new Call to Action button which can be added to the Facebook Fan page so that visitors can directly get in touch with us without visiting the website.

Facebook Call to Action
In 2015, this feature will be available worldwide and so days are very near when people will be able to take advantage of this new and useful Facebook feature. Various types of Call to Action buttons are announced by Facebook which are as follows:

  • Contact Us
  • Book Now
  • Shop Now
  • Use App
  • Play Game
  • Sign Up
  • Watch Video and more are yet to come.

Why this feature was introduced?

As per Facebook, pages play an important role on Facebook and it’s a one stop destination for people using this social media site. In order to make these pages more interactive, the idea to put “Call to Action” button on these pages took birth.

This will help business owners get more customers as well as easily achieve their business objectives. This button links to the desired destination as suggested by the owner so that it easily aligns the business goals.

From various call to action buttons made available by Facebook, one can add whichever is suitable to the business.

Is this feature really useful?

One of the online retailers Dollar Shave Club tested this “Call to Action” button on its page and after conducting the three week long test, results showed that this button delivered 2.5 times high conversion rates as compared to that of normal Facebook page without Call to Action button.

Hence, this shows that adding this new feature to Facebook fan page or we can say business page can help to get more visitors as well as aid in increasing the revenue and achieve the business targets.

So, how can one add this button? Here’s the quick process to add this amazing feature to your Facebook Page:

  1. Go to “Cover Photo” section of your page and then click on the option “Create Call to Action”.
  2. Select the “Call to Action” which you want to add and then add the destination URL which you wish to link with this button.
  3. Click “Create

And it’s done. Now, you can track the people who click on this button and reach to you.

Wind up

Hope this guide will be useful to know about the importance of this new Facebook feature as well as its use for your business. Don’t forget to adopt this and get the increased exposure for your business and keep in touch with us, Softqube Technologies, well known Online Marketing Company India for more such industry updates.

Small Businesses must Learn to Rate Their Affiliate Programmes

Affiliate Programmes – For small businesses, in the beginning it’s somewhat tough to manage business and boost sales because it’s just the beginning and on the other side, there’s also a need to create awareness about the brand and set up its recognition.

Now, here two tasks are to be done at the same time. So, an effective or we can say a quick way to generate sales is making use of affiliate marketing program. If affiliate marketing program is developed properly then that brand can be easily promoted as well as sales can be quickly generated.

For small business, quality management is of prime importance. Proper management of resources is necessary to get the desired results. Yes, it depends on the type of affiliate marketing program selected by the firm based on the budget.

Also, there are options that offer quality management but some are expensive while some are cost effective. Yes, to manage an Affiliate Programmes properly, there may raise a need to hire employees and at times it’s difficult to get proper human resources.

And this is one of the reason, companies prefer to use low quality management which results into unprofitable program and so we have provided some tips which will help small business owners to rate their Affiliate Programmes in a proper manner.

Affiliate Programmes

Tips to leverage Affiliate programs

    • A completely different Platform:- Affiliate Marketing is different from other channels where creating advertisements is very easy. An affiliate network is needed to be set up and individual affiliates are to be recruited for the program. Launching the new program needs expertise from professionals who can properly launch the program and provide a solid foundation.
    • Influence Existing relationships:- An important part is to approve the prospective affiliates. Only prospective affiliates should be allowed to enter into affiliate program. If everyone is allowed to take part in your affiliate program then chances are there that there may be lot of spammy contents and unrelated sites in your affiliate network. This can harm the existing brand image thus making it difficult to monitor program properly. Certain agencies have good relations with affiliates. These agencies are helpful to small business owners in case full management is not possible.
    • Make Yourself Aware about Best Practices:- Every affiliate efforts may get in vain if not altered with industry’s best practices. So, it’s necessary to find trustworthy resources with a view to speed up affiliate programme with related blog posts, promotions and offers.Always make sure to be aware about various industry standards so that it becomes easy to understand and adhere to guidelines, provide relevant answers to the questions which ensures that you are aware of every single aspect of the affiliate marketing program.
    • Program Marketing and Communication must be effective:- So, now you have activated Affiliate marketing program and so it’s the time to keep the affiliates busy with fresh content, brand knowledge as well as various blog post topics, data feeds and other affiliate promotions that can be helpful to boost the program.Even though, it’s time consuming it’s a very necessary process. Another effective tool is to make the process smooth and make sure that the content provided is inclusive of industry’s best practices.
    • Cover Yourself:- There are several opportunities which may fail in an affiliate marketing program. Spammy affiliates can badly damage the brand and may lead it to legal issues in case if it doesn’t adhere to laws, rules and regulations.

So, before launching any affiliate program make sure to get in touch with any of the well known Affiliate Marketing services provider with a view to rate Affiliate Programmes in an effective way. So, hurry and get in touch with well known Affiliate Marketing Service Company, Softqube Technologies.

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