Presenting SEO Plan in a Perfect Manner

New Year has arrived and everyone is busy in preparing SEO plans. Yet, for many presenting a business plan is a matter of question. For some people it’s easy to make SEO plan but difficult to present one.

Today, we will teach you how to present a SEO plan in such a way that it creates interest in the listeners and they are eager to know more about the same. Preparing, presenting and defending the plan are as important as adding everything in the plan.

SEO Presentation

Here, we have some tips that make SEO presentation simple and easy

  1. Managing the thoughts

    SEO plan write up is based on the same principles as that used to write an exam paper. All points are to be added one by one starting from introduction, Objective, Observation, Explanation and Final Conclusion. Yes, we can also say it like writing a science experiment.First of all, one must be clear about the points and ideas that one wants to communicate with the audience and then provide any supportive example for every activity that is to be explained in the plan.

    At the end when all points are covered, a general short summary must be written that relates to the every part of the plan viz. Introduction, Explanation etc.

  2. Things should matter to the audience

    When presenting a plan to the management team, one must think about things that matter them the most. Elements that affect the bottom line must be considered well in advance. Company goals must be clearly defined in the plan. The department, its goals how it will help to achieve the overall goals of the company etc must be mentioned in the plan.This makes it easy for the management firm to understand the plan and make them aware about each and every department’s goals. Some of the important questions that must be considered in this plan are as follows:

    • Activity time
      How much time a particular activity needs? Is that much time sufficient for the departments and for achieving company goals as well as completing the given tasks? Are other work priorities important to be considered?
    • Expenses to be occurred
      Expenses that are to be done from one’s own pocket must also be mentioned, any outsourcing fees to be paid must also be considered.
    • Skills
      Does any of the part needs extra skills to fulfill that task? Is it needed to hire new resources?Answers to all these questions must be perfect to provide a deeper insight as to how the tasks can be accomplished and within how much time frame? This helps to calculate costs and additional time needed to accomplish the entire plan.
  3. Admit the uncertainties
    SEO landscape is almost unpredictable. Google’s algorithm can get updated any time and as a result, no one is aware as to when one needs to completely change the SEO strategy. So, it is advisable to ignore this embarrassing part of SEO and continue the presentation.The presenter must always provide the best possible ways to maintain the website presence no matter what Google changes are made. Every single update has some things in common , one should always stick to that common thing as this will help to maintain the presence on the web.
  4. Maintain Self Confidence and Remove Fear

    While presenting anything, confidence is important as it makes things easier. With confidence one can easily accomplish almost anything. It shows that the presenter is aware of what he/she does and has done deep industry research.If asked about references, be frank enough to provide them. Get the feedback and then find the ways it can be adopted in the SEO plan.

Wind up

Hope these tips will help SEO experts to present their well researched SEO plan in a perfect manner. No, we are not any SEO training institute, yet through years of experience we have managed to share this experience with you, the readers. Keep reading our blogs and stay in touch with Softqube technologies, a well known SEO services provider in India.


Guaranteed SEO Services: SEO Is Much Easier Than We Think

Since its birth till now, SEO has gone through many evolutions. Previously, SEO was based on keywords. Keywords were the pillar of SEO then arrived black hat practices which have now become outdated. Now, the more focus is on modern strategies which keep user as a centre of the strategy. As time progresses, SEO provides cost effective strategy for business owners of all industries.

Even though this strategy is much developed, many owners face difficulty to grasp the power of this SEO. SEO is a part that takes time to develop, grow, manage reputation, and build rapport on internet. Now, it has become very easy. Any business owner can easily develop an SEO campaign keeping in mind its business objective and firm commitment towards it.

Guaranteed SEO Services

So why still people consider it difficult?

For those business owners, who are completely unaware of the technical aspects of web development, understanding Google algorithm can be a bit difficult. However, Google provides best possible support to its users to make them understand everything in an easy manner.

Sometimes, even experts feel Algorithm as complex. It’s not necessary to understand the algorithm deeply, certain coding used in maintaining algorithm and develop complex websites is only needed to understand.

Complex structures require complex strategies; this is the misconception behind Google algorithm. Apart from social backing, the Google algorithms’ tactics are simple and easy to understand. These tactics are enough to gain positive results. The aim of Google is to provide users easy surfing experience which lies in offering them the most relevant search results within their algorithm.

True SEO Challenges

Basic strategies can be utilized by anyone. Yet, the true challenges of SEO differ from that of the basics. As and when, someone starts using the basic strategy; they are definitely going to face certain obstacles which are considered as the true SEO challenges.

  • Identifying the relevant targets

    Sometimes while writing a blog, we often get confused as to what exactly must be written and how it will answer people’s query. Keywords are also an important part that must be considered while writing a blog.

    Providing true and honest answers is the perfect way to solve the problems of visitors. Describing the business in simple and easy words is the way to make people understand what we need to say.

    It is a good idea to ask viewers straight away what they want to read on our blog and then we can write about those things.

  • Proper investment of time

    One of the major hurdles is time. Owners are so busy that they don’t have proper time to develop, modify or manage an SEO strategy for their business. Here, outside SEO experts like Softqube Technologies can easily serve the purpose.

    Once assigned the task, owners just have to look after the SEO process carried out by the SEO firm and keep a check whether the work is done properly or not. Measuring return on investment can help to put money at proper place.

  • Managing, modifying SEO strategy

    Before modifying the SEO strategy, one must know what to modify and how to modify and will these modifications give actual results. For every industry this is a major problem. To do away with this, what one can do is carry out research, know the demands, trends and then modify the strategy accordingly.

Wind Up

With these easy to use SEO strategies, we conclude today’s SEO session here itself. One can easily adopt these strategies and learn to manage business online.


Affiliate Marketing Services: Beware of Fraud Affiliate Calls

Those who are involved in the field of lead generation and marketing for them there’s a new threat in the market and this is a very well known form. It is known as Affiliate marketing call fraud which badly annoys the legal marketing firms.

This threat came into existence when it each call made for lead generation was paid. This encouraged fraudsters and they started making illegal calls for advertisements, promotions etc. Today, it is one of the serious issues faced by advertising world.

So, what this Pay per call advertisement is? It is a form of advertisement where advertisers pay for every call they respond directly to. Calls are done keeping in mind the legal terms only with respect to product or service. The Pay per call campaign will then provide rewards to the well performing publishers and ad networks. This also serves as a good solution to catch the fraudsters where fake calls are more than fake clicks.

Knowing Call Frauds

Those who dare to cheat people can only enter the market. This makes fraud accountability and tracking harder for marketers as well as publishers. Such situations are really uncertain and it is the main area of focus for marketers and lead generation firms. Industry leaders like Eric Evnas are finding solution to overcome this problem.

Once the use of call generation is known, it can be used with brands and publishers in traditional and digital media in order to find the ways to boost call generation marketing. Recently, efforts are going on to reduce the gap between online and offline pay per click marketing. If we consider online marketing then we can make use of smartphone as now days smart phones are used to search everything on the internet.

The amalgamation of search, display and telephony in smartphone makes it easy for PPC and other marketing campaigns. As a result, fraudsters often prefer smart phones. Different techniques are developed that help in bringing affiliate marketing frauds to limelight.

This encourages more marketers to fight against the fraud in the industry and save affiliate marketing from being vanished from the industry because if fraudsters increase chances are there that people will lose trust in affiliate marketing.

New techniques to eradicate Affiliate Call Frauds

Affiliate Marketing Services

Various schemes are discussed to reduce or remove these affiliate call frauds. These are used to identify current plans adopted by fraudsters and then keeping in mind those plans, various ways are found to fight against them and save people from getting into the trap.

Certain experts also discuss their own experiences of how they were being caught in the trap of PPC campaigns and how they made efforts to come out as well as help their clients come out of such fraud situation.

Wind Up

In case you feel like you have been caught in any situation of affiliate fraud call then you can get in touch with Softqube Technologies, a well known Affiliate Marketing Services India.

Professional SEO Services: Required Social Media Changes in 2015

As days pass on, several changes take place in the world of business communication. If we talk about interacting with potential customers, previously companies used to have one way push methods of communication. Now, with the use of social media and SEO Services; the way companies interact with their potential customers is completely changed.

Today, it has become a two way communication where discussion can be from customer to business and vice versa, also customers can interact with each other. As time changes, things are changing. And talking about 2015, more money is to be spent on business related social media efforts. As algorithm changes, strategies also change and as a result, we can notice fewer connections, views and comments on the posts.

SEO Services

With the change in algorithms, plans also change and to create a new plan new investment is done. If we don’t wish to invest then certain organic methods are also available to boost the brand or products or service and meet the new algorithm needs.

Organic (Unpaid Ways) to Increase Views

It’s okay if one doesn’t wish to invest anything in the beginning and still would like to check the results by using organic ways to maximize the likes, views on various social media platforms. This can be easily done by engaging regularly with any of the members from the audience. They will mostly see the posts.

Publishing top quality informative content can also help to get more views. Now days, people prefer to use infographics to demonstrate any product, service, its benefits, disadvantages etc. It is necessary to prepare a plan for unique, strategic content creation across all channels to make marketing communication effective with a view to hit target audience from various touch points.

Proper interaction can be possible with quality content and then very small amount of money can be spent to promote that qualitative post. If we talk about Face book, there are 700 million users that use this social networking site on daily basis. Talking about LinkedIn, it has 332 million active users while Twitter has 384 million daily users.

Those business owners that don’t believe in the power of social media for them these figures can be useful to reveal the fact that social media plays an important role in growing the brand exposure and making it easy for business to reach its target audience.

Along with funded posts, quality content; videos that act as speaking visuals and more mostly preferred by people are also useful for creating brand awareness. An important thing is that now “videos posted on Face book will have more views as that of YouTube”. Experiment this, we are sure you will get surprised by the results.

Other social media platforms

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are the synonyms for social media because the moment we speak the word “social media” an image of these platforms occur in our mind. Ha! This is not true. Other social media platforms are also available such as Pinterest, Instagram, Dig in, Myspace; these can also be used for business purpose keeping in mind the target audience.

A product for females between 30-55 years can be easily promoted on Pinterest. It is one of the best platform for it and if the product is for teen agers then Instagram is the suitable one as it mostly has users between teens and twenties.

Most important Google + must be widely used as it has an active business presence and plays a vital role in enhancing overall search engine optimization efforts.

Wind up

SEO Services With these many options available, one can easily select the platform of ones and start grabbing the attention of their targeted users on any specific social platform. With a view to get engaged with particular social media platform and expand your social presence, stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, professional SEO Services provider in India.

Improving Brand Reach and promoting the brand on Pinterest

Improving Brand People think that Face book and twitter are the only things to focus on in Social media. But here’s the mistake, apart from these two there are many other platforms available in the market and one such is Pinterest.

We might have seen Pinterest having several pins from different brands. If we think that tweet is the only way to increase online presence then we need to rethink again as pins on the Pinterest are 100 times more visible than those tweets. If we talk about re-tweets then only 1.4% average hits can be obtained.

If we really wish to make best use of internet marketing then we must use Pinterest as it is one of the most popular platforms widely used for business marketing. Most of the well known companies have accounts on Pinterest and even though it’s not much discussed but it’s more popular. Any of the business having Pinterest account will easily reach 70 million total users.

Real strength of Pinterest:

One of the key features of Pinterest is inbuilt business account features such as added marketing used to promote brand on one of the rapidly growing social media platform. Pinterest provides separate account for personal as well as business use.

So, what different features a business account on Pinterest is benefitted from?

First of all, any business who wishes to use Pinterest for business purpose must create an official Pinterest account so that full potential of Pinterest marketing is availed.

Benefits of Pinterest Business Account

  • Different terms of serviceFor business account, service terms slightly vary from that of a personal account and this makes it easy for Pinterest to bifurcate personal accounts from business accounts.

These terms are:

  1. Avoid asking people frequently for comments
  2. Never ask Pinners to vote on any of the pins.
  3. Avoid arranging contests, sweepstakes and promotions at regular time intervals.
  4. Avoid mentioning that Pinterest sponsors your business.
  • Informative Marketing materials Along with providing a platform for business, Pinterest also helps users with its informative tools that can be used for marketing as well as brand promotion purposes. It includes Pinstitute which contains interactive sessions, workshops that teach the use and importance of every marketing tool, how to benefit from pinners, connecting to other pinners etc.

    Webinars and various resources such as videos are also useful for small businesses to exactly know the use of Pinterest and utilize it in a perfect manner. One can stay in touch with Pinterest blog to know more about these informative materials and educational tutorials.

  • Pinterest Analytics
    Like Google Analytics, Face book Insights; Pinterest Analytics is an important tool or we can say the most useful feature provided to business accounts. It shows the number of repins, views for the pins.

Important tracking information can be easily available with Pinterest. It is used to identify which strategies and campaigns, content work perfectly to promote the brand. This helps in improving the marketing

Wind Up

This is not the end. Here, we have just discussed the basics of Pinterest and features it provides to its business account holders. In our upcoming blogs, we will discuss more about Pinterest tools and also will learn to create popular pins.

We want our readers to be the masters of Pinterest and make most of it. So, stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, one of the well known Internet marketing service provider in India.

Social Media Marketing: A lot more than Creativity

With technology advancing by leaps and bounds, slowly social media is changing its way and now it has got completely transformed into internet science. Advanced algorithms signify the impact and success rates of various campaigns. Content and message can be easily altered to make sure that every kind of success is achieved through the campaigns.

Now, social media doesn’t rely only on creative content instead it also based on the campaign you create, not developing any campaign can lead to low return on investment.

Type of content needed by Consumers on Social Media sites

Consumers always prefer the content that relates to them and this occurs at a very deeper level of subconscious mind and anything from the dress colour of any model can easily affect the campaign to an extent.

On the other hand simplicity is what is preferred the most by technology. Every single thing such as dress colour and other basic things provide accurate results when data from A/B testing is fed into algorithms.
This clearly shows what is suitable for which people like a small thing say dress colour. For instance, checking what colour will attract users of mobile devices can be easily determined from reports and final result is generated like this:

Pink colour dress will work for most of the female audience of the age 23-28 years and the more focus is on Android mobile devices.

Where do queries come from?

Most of the queries are the result of creative output and solving these queries is a starting point and most of the campaign aspects like as target audience are to be easily defined. Basic parameters are defined and then scientific metrics are to be applied. Many permutations are developed and easily determined.

How goals are met?

Various goals are set and parameters are selected according to meet the goals. When the campaign is to be started, different ad permutations are run on weekly basis and then it can be clearly determined what works and what not.

In general terms, advertising on social media means either to achieve target or to miss the target and it is necessary to change this mindset like outdoor advertising. Social media is a means that is flexible and interactive and equally measurable. Campaigns must be tweaked and altered in order to make proper use of money invested.

If we closely look at campaigns, 25% of these use single advertisement while very few of them use three or more advertisements. This difference is because marketers are unaware as to when the campaigns must be redesigned or when they must be improved.

On the other hand, if campaigns are successful in attracting target audience and no standards are needed to identify consumer interaction. Measurable efficacy is a perfect tool for those business having tight budgets.

Making use of technology and scientific algorithms provides comfortable time and reduces the time wasted to analyze numbers. It is the dire need to get valuable resources employed with a view to solely concentrate on strategy.

Wind Up

So, now if any of the SEO experts is developing social media marketing then they must keep in mind that Social media is not about only creative content but also proper campaigns as well as budgets and consumer interests.

In order to get a relevant Social media strategy built stay in touch with online marketing service provider Softqube Technologies.

Recovery Site from Grisly SEO Mess- Part 2

Hello Friends, in our first part we discussed about some of the SEO techniques that will help the experts to take the website out from a very badly affected SEO condition. Those techniques will assist them but are not enough. So, here we have come up with few more of them in order to provide complete assistance to SEO experts as it will support them to assist their clients in a perfect professional SEO manner.

Let’s move ahead with some more of these SEO techniques

What we discussed previously was about five main SEO elements that must be perfect for website to refrain from being affected by Google updates. This was the topic where we ended our session and so now let’s continue:

Result Oriented SEO Techniques

  • Know the mobile site issues:
    As we know, today most of the people surf internet on their handheld devices like mobile, tablet etc. It has become the need of the hour to have mobile friendly website and in 2015, this is going to be mandatory.
    Mobile Site Technical Issue

    Due to some mobile site issues such as maximum loading time, non access to the page content, improper view of images and many more. Chances are there that these issues may affect the website and as a result it is frequently affected by Google updates.

  • Fix the priority issues:
    Properly understand the five main elements of SEO: Quality, Uniqueness, Authority, Relevance and Trust and fix the issues accordingly.

    Also, refer to Google Analytics to know the crawl efficiency of any web page as well as its page processing.

  • Improve the Website Speed:
    Develop a goal that helps us to improve the website speed. Its okay if the goal is not achieved at least we can reach near to the target. As a site owner, we must check whether the goals are achieved or what must be done to avoid websites having speed issues.

    Certain processes such as Google APIs, Google themes, Google user content etc must be checked and necessary eliminations should be done.

  • Clear code:
    Our website coding must be perfect and clear. Yes, it’s not necessary to have 100% validated code however the thing is code should be error free and then this will avoid any potential processing delays. Cleaner code is one of the important points in order to improve the website speed.
  • Make the process more efficient:
    Efficiency of a website is one of the important things that must be taken care of. Tools that help to improve this efficiency are Google Webmaster Tools, Google Page Speed insights and more.

With these tools, we need to make enough efforts in research as well as website testing in order to make sure that real issues are addressed properly. Sometimes it’s necessary to solve minor problems to fix a bigger issue.

Apart from this, there’s more work to be done and the process doesn’t end here. Few more things are required to bring the smooth SEO working again. So, this is not the end however it confirms that the major issues can be easily fixed.

Wind Up

We love to assist our readers and so every possible technique is discussed. More are yet to come. So, stay updated with Softqube Technologies, SEO Services Company India to know about latest facts and SEO techniques.

Making 2015 A Grand Success with Marketing Trends – Part 2

In the first part, we discussed some of the digital marketing trends of 2014 that will be useful to bring success in 2015. Today, we will commence the session with few more of these trends so that we can get benefit of as many of them as we can.

The last topic where we concluded our previous session was about maintaining and increasing loyal users. Yes, loyal users are important for any business and in order to keep these customers attached, we need to provide them engaging content.

Well, engaging content is one of the trends and let’s see what others are:

Marketing Trend 2015

Few more Marketing trends for 2015 success

Providing Engaging Content

In the year 2014, we saw many businesses applying this trend and in 2015 many of the marketing strategies will include this at top. As such content excels in creating awareness about the product and brand.

Only awareness is not important. It’s necessary to win the hearts of our audience and content is the key to win their hearts. This provides a real value to the website and audience feel that our website is the only destination that provides solutions to their problems.

It’s not every one’s cup of tea to produce unique effective content on regular basis as requires actually reading the mindset of the readers and then creating the content accordingly. What’s going on in the heads of visitors and why they will visit your website is the question that must be answered first and then the content must be created so that it directly pin points their issue and renders them the perfect solution.

Engaging content means our visitors must be able to ask their doubts and we should be able to give perfect answers that clear their doubts. To provide such content there are two simple processes

  • Knowing the trending topics and provide detailed information about them so that we can know what audience actually need. One of the tools BuzzSumo, helps to identify such trending contents.
  • Another important thing is to write better contents based on these trending articles and make them interactive by way of using info-graphics, images explaining the content like this.

Stay Updated with Changing Trends

As discussed in one of our previous blogs, technologies keep on updating in the similar manner as that of a chameleon which keeps on changing its colour. To meet the demands, technology often keeps on updating.

Every day new ways are found to make connection and interaction with customers as much easy and efficient as possible and that’s the reason Instant messaging services have taken place in the market. So, for every growing business like us; it is necessary to stay updated with these upcoming trends and technologies and make oneself familiar with them.

This can keep the business ahead of the curve. Many tools like Datashift help organizations to stay updated with the market and provide you the details of every second to second conversation going on social media sites and give a deep insight about what’s going on the industry.

Knowing latest happenings of the industry, one can easily make intelligent business decisions.

Wind up

These and many other tools support growing organizations like Softqube Technologies, SEO Services India in implementation of New Year marketing strategy and goals. These will definitely help to meet the 2015 challenges effectively and be the leaders in the field.

Recovery Site from Grisly SEO Mess- Part 1

In SEO, we can find websites experiencing sudden ups and downs due to change in Google’s algorithm and then sometimes it becomes difficult to get that traffic back. Some of the SEO companies keep on trying by way of performing strategic audits, making necessary SEO strategy improvements and more.

Now, here never knows when the websites get slammed by SEO and then it takes years to fix it. So, how one can recover the site from such a badly SEO mess? Real solutions are needed to fix the serious issues.
Some of the steps we have mentioned here that will assist any of the SEO firms to recover their website from the SEO downturn very quickly.

Google Recovery

Steps to get the perfect SEO back

  • Identify and check the updates made

    While checking the updates, note that whether any of the update is related to Google or not and if any of the Google updates has resulted in drop of traffic. Not every update is beneficial for our website.

  • Know for any other hits
    Try to figure out what other hits have affected the website’s smooth going SEO. It is the time to carefully review all ups and downs manually. You can also use the Penguin tool to identify any updates that overlay Google updates or those that have affected your website’s SEO.

    It’s good if you can find as many factors as you can that are solely responsible for the website’s SEO downturn. Panguin tool helps to identify the effect of search algorithms on the website.

  • Unclear Reality
    One of the main challenges in the field of SEO is its vague nature because we are not clear of what is going to happen and when? It’s exactly impossible to know how many updates have affected your website as Google constantly makes adjustments to its algorithms and so SEO is completely unpredictable.
  • Effect of one algorithm update
    Regular updates take place in Google’s algorithms and it takes time to get the site affected by that update. Now, when due to a minor change if the website is affected, in order to fix that issue, we get our site updated.

    Google Penalty Checker

    The scenario is this update on our site may not be fit for any other Google Algorithm and as a result the site may experience downfall. This is a very tough situation to handle as you cannot predict what happens next.

  • Saving yourself from the losses occurred due to constant updates
    In case, any of the website hits by multiple SEO updates then there are chances for SEO experts to get confused. To identify these hits and correct them, the perfect way is to go back one step and know that every single aspect of SEO must be considered while reviewing any website from any point of view. This approach will help the experts to address every issue associated with every algorithm.
  • Five main SEO elements
    SEO has five main pillars that decide the success or downfall of any website on search engines. These five are very well known to every common man.
    1. Quality
    2. Uniqueness
    3. Authority
    4. Relevance
    5. Trust
    The test of these five elements is must for any SEO website and at least three of them must be appropriate to get qualified as a perfect website. If any of the web pages doesn’t qualify for this test i.e. doesn’t meet up the quality standards, lacks uniqueness, isn’t authoritative then it’s likely to get badly affected by Google updates.

    Any of the three are perfect then website’s SEO can be easily improved.

Take Away

These are some of the techniques that will be used to recover a site completely from a SEO mess. We always love to solve the issues of our readers and will be coming with more such techniques in our upcoming blog. Till then, stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, a well known SEO Company India.

Making 2015 a Grand Success with Marketing trends of 2014

As soon as New Year approaches, we start taking resolutions and strive hard to fulfill these resolutions. Thinking about every possible resolution, when it comes to marketing sector; we generally make new strategies so that we can easily meet up the biggest marketing challenges.

However, trends keep on changing. There are certain ways on how online marketing trends of 2014 will help Internet marketers to frame a complete SEO strategy that will make the business a grand success in this New Year 2015.

So, now we shall discuss some of the biggest challenges of 2014 and tools that were used to face them as this will give us a deep insight about transforming trends into a relevant marketing strategy and make this year a year of success for our business.

Ways to utilize Marketing trends for Success

  • Make use of rich media to transform casual readers into regular ones
    As we mentioned here rich media, now what do we mean by that? Well, rich media relates to the use of company video, making rich video content and more. If we look back at 2014, then conversion rate optimization was the buzz in the market.Everyone was interested to increase conversions. Here, video content helps. CRO (conversion rate optimization) is one of the factors that business owners need to take care of and make every possible effort to push it forward as much as they can.If we talk about the present year say 2015, then video content will be at the top position as a means to increase conversion rates. As per a study, if a company uses video as a means of marketing, it needs only about 40% of visitors to get the desired results as CRO for video users is higher as compared to that of non video users.

    So, with the help various video tools such as Video Stir, we can easily optimize the landing page by adding a result oriented video there. This tool helps to develop a real time website that showcases our business and here we can add the necessary things that we want to consumers to have more focus on.

  • Using Resources for perfect marketing platform
    Trial and error is what we mostly do to identify the perfect marketing platform for our business. Nearly about 40% of resources are wasted on imperfect platforms. So, in order to select the right one; we must first know our target audience.In 2015, there will be many tools such as Google Analytics that will be useful to track the advertisement expenses as well as identify our exact target audience. Once the aim is known then it becomes easy to select a platform that directly leads to the people who come in our target audience criteria and this really saves lot of time and money.
  • Interact effectively to get loyal users
    We can see most of the businesses have good number of loyal users who keep coming to their website on regular basis and also get transformed into customers. On the other hand, few businesses hardly maintain their users.Both scenarios are different. So, we want to the business type one with regular users. This lies in our marketing technology and the way we present the product to the audience. In 2015, maintaining and gaining loyal users will be of utmost importance.Certain tools like TROPHiT are available that will help you to develop or improve user retention strategies.

Wind up

Apart from these challenges, there are few more marketing trends that can lead our business to success and these we will discuss in our coming blog. Till then stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, a well known Internet marketing service provider in India.

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