Must Use Analytics Tools for Internet Marketers

Now days, everyone is realizing the value of online marketing as well as importance of Social media in reaching the online viewers. Word of mouth publicity has become more popular with the effective use of social media sites like Face book, Twitter Analytics Tools.

Almost nearly 80% of companies are using a social media strategy to boost their online page rankings while some of them are almost unaware about this. With the use of effective analytics tools, businesses are able to know the perfect scenario of user interaction with the posts in order to know which strategy works and which doesn’t.

Here, we have listed some of the Online Marketing Tools that will help to utilize social media sites in a better way:

    • Google Social Analytics: Those who are aware about Google analytics will find this tool very easy to use. This new tool has an added social reporting feature which permits you to include social media results. This tool is completely free.With Google’s Social media report, you can easily know about the viewers discussing about your site on social media. It also shows the number of hits via Like, Share and Plus buttons that are available on your website.
    • Sum All: Marketing efforts are separated among various different social media websites. So, it’s must for all digital marketers to have a package of analytic tools. SumAll is the answer to this. It’s a unique package that includes all social networking sites including Face book, Twitter and Google Plus in a single dashboard.It provides a complete picture view of how social media members respond to the posts. All the reports are directly delivered to your mail box. The report contains all the detailed information including number of tweets, likes and shares within a stipulated time frame. These all features are completely free of cost that give detailed analysis as well as individual reporting consultation.

Analytics Tools

    • Facebook Insights: Of all the social media sites, Face book is most popular one and so it becomes the vital part of social media marketing campaign. This tool is easily available to those who use face book business fan page. In order to use this tool, it is required to set up your own page.This tool shows the data about the users who view and like your page. Further, all information must be publicly displayed so that it is easily available. Insights give the details about number of page likes, posts seen and number of clicks on your post. This helps in identifying the type of post visitors love to see the most.
    • Twitter Analytics Tools: This is used to know the number of impressions received by every single tweet. Along with this info, twitter shows a bar graph that reveals total impressions received by an account within the time being of 28 days. It also provides the impressions and engagement rate for every post. Analytics are a great way to see the performance of every single social media campaign used to promote your business on social media. With these analytics data, one can make necessary changes in the campaign and make use of it again to promote business.

Wind Up

All of these analytic tools are available free of cost. You can try any of them or all and select the one that you think provides relevant results. If you feel that there’s a need of any expert to design a perfect social media campaign then Softqube Technologies, a well known Online Marketing Services Provider is there to help you out.

Know About The Services of Local Search Engine Optimization

As we know, the craze and demand of business outsourcing increases very rapidly. The reason behind that, lots of advertising and marketing solutions are available that can enhance our business easily. But, various people are not aware of local search engine optimization and its advantages. There is no need to worry because you can use distinct marketing techniques that are present on web. As well as, it can give you many chances to make your brand more popular and effective.

If you have any company, whether it is big, small, new or anything else but the major thing is visibility. It means how to become more visible to get lots of customers and gain profit. First of all you have to note one point which is finding potential customers online and attract them.When you utilize the services of social media so you will get customers and your name will be visible on the web.

There are many things in this world that can give you visibility and one of them best is social media. If you don’t know about it so I am explaining you in brief. This term is used for those websites where many individuals communicate from all over the planet. As well as, people are too busy in lots of social context and do various jobs. As a result, when people are using this media so many companies use it to increase their sales and business.

With the help of these social media sites, you can get in touch with your customers those are online and know their experience as well. This is the main reason why Business Process Outsourcing companies are capable to recognize the requirements of their customers and provide them. Nowadays, social media marketing is the finest and we can say very successful strategy to work in this stream. It can give efficient results on both the modes- offline and online.

List your business on Map
If you work in social media marketing or having little knowledge so you know this medium covers lots of activities such as share videos, images, contents, quotes and so on. As well as, this way gives you a chance to make your connections with your viewers, customers, etc. with the help of this marketing strategy, you can easily communicate along with various people and increase your product’s value and services.

Benefits of Using Social Media Sites

As we know, just click a mouse we will get various customers, but you have to use appropriate and effective marketing technique.Local search engine optimization is really helpful and give desired results as soon as possible. When you are using famous social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook so you will get various benefits which are-

  • Influence:- This way you will get name and fame and increase your followers.
  • Brand Recognition:- through this way, you can share your services, products by using different marketing strategies.
  • Community:- the best way to enhance your business is making a fine group of followers that are loyal as well.

Wind Up

Local Search Engine Optimization Services are one of the easiest ways to get expert SEO Services from well known SEO Company India like Softqube Technologies. Get in touch with them to avail any kind of assistance related to SEO field.

Get The Basic Knowledge Of Local SEO Services

There are various individuals wondering about the local SEO services and its benefits. The reason behind that, they are not aware of its advantages. As well as, it can easily enhance the sales of our businesses and reach at the desire level.Most of the people will not get all the useful information at one place where they want. But, you can access internet and collect lots of information within few minutes.

If you want to know the correct methods of these SEO services so you have to determine it very deeply. Local SEO services is little bit same as Organic SEO so no need to confuse after hearing this name. Whenever you use organic SEO so it targets international individuals, on the other hand- local services of SEO targets only those people who live in a particular region. Therefore, there are very less individuals who are targeting similar keywords from similar locality. So, it can make your work easier and your website becomes more popular and noticeable.

Local SEO

If any person wants to get their business at higher position so you have to search local companies in your area. After that, search by using appropriate keyword that can give you affordable and beneficial services. Once you get the right company that will offer accurate methods of SEO so you can easily reach top rankings in search engines. Most of the people also get knowledge of the internet and apply local SEO services for their websites and increase its ranking with an ease.

Significant Factors of Local SEO

When you want to go for local services of SEO then, Link Building and on-page SEO are significant factors of them. But, one thing you should remember when you are using these services is that accuracy. Instead of using such services without having the proper knowledge, you can hire any expert that can solve your issues. As well as, the expert has complete knowledge of local SEO services and knows how to handle and compete with competitors.

No need to do SEO by using the wrong method because it can spoil your business’s future. Sometimes, this improper SEO will create lots of troubles and you have to pay penalty for that. Experts say ”the local SEO methods are little bit difficult or we can say complicated”. But, if you know the accurate methods and strategies of these services so your work will be easier and faster. As well as, you can improve the ranking of your website which is really necessary for any business.

Wind Up

Nowadays, most of the people prefer companies of SEO that can make their work easier and give profits as well. These days various companies are working in this stream because they know the demand of market and people. So, don’t take stress when you need local services of SEO just search on the web and find the best one among all the companies. As we know, there are so many companies that are offering such kinds of services so you have to select the best service provider like Softqube Technologies who is capable of rendering expert SEO services.

Address the Client’s Requirement using the Professional SEO

With the continuous increase in the web world, and constant change in the Search Engine Optimization now the professional service is required to be done more with the experts.

The marketing is termed to be more successful with the help of a professional SEO services India, where the SEO is carried using the web developers, PR firms and companies related to web hosting.

SEO services are high in demand and has given rise to the firm that needs to resell SEO services.

SEO Portfolio
Portfolio Link :

Some of the Benefits of Reselling SEO Services are

  • Best quality SEO service: The expert team of professional SEO helps in developing methods and build a strength to the world of online business. The professionals are expertise in targeting the keywords and improves the organic result to the website.
  • Complete the requirement of clients: The expert SEO service provider studies the work requirement of the client and completes the service by providing an appropriate SEO service that builds-up goodwill and make the company score high in number of crawlers.
  • Complete SEO services: The professional SEO services India gives a comprehensive solution to their clients relating to on-page as well as off-page optimization that improves the SEO service to the particular site.

On page optimization is an SEO service that includes work relating to making titles, meta tags, inserting high targeting search keywords, optimization of images and URL. Such activities help a website to gain higher rank that invites a number of users to visit the site.

Off-page optimization is other techniques of SEO that includes building links, making rich content with proper keywords, Directory submission and other tasks relating to an online reputation management. It is a method that promotes the website of the client indirectly and contributes in improving visibility to the site.

SEO is a long term technical process that requires high skills like getting more links to the site and keep the crawlers engaged in viewing the site by publishing quality content according to the interest and uses of the viewers.

A standard quality SEO service, offers a satisfying service to their clients by maintaining the credibility and that too at an affordable rate.

A professional SEO service provider can let the website stand high and marked as best one in the wonders. It is only the search engine optimization that leads a customer view the website. Whenever a company finds an SEO service provider, then they should always keep the following things in mind:

The experience of the service provider: If a person has got years of experience, then they will give a fruitful result by providing rich keywords and optimizing the meta tags in best manners. It benefits by inviting the more number of crawlers to the website and retain them.

The service provider must not follow the black hat SEO tactics as it is not fruitful.

Wind Up

The portfolio and the feedback from the customers are the best option that helps to refine and choose a best professional SEO service provider in India such as Softqube Technologies.


Gocodes : Effective WordPress Plugins for Affiliate Link

To be safe and not to lose the long term customers every website owners are taking an effective measure that is by hiding affiliate link. WordpPress is the best that helps to hide the affiliate links. Here we will let you know about the plugins for WordPress Plugins that helps to hide the URL.

It is examined that affiliate marketing is giving a great opportunity to make money through Blogging and also helps in regulating the affiliate marketing, more affiliate programs means more money.
There are many online sites that guide to hide the affiliate link without editing .htaccess. is a common tag and that helps to edit affiliate link.

“Gocodes WordPress plugin” – It helps to hide and keep a record of clicks made on the affiliate link. It is the easiest plugin that helps to edit affiliate link and makes it look like a normal link.

Here are few queries that come to mind while editing like How to start with the Gocodes WordPress plugin?
Does it look normal and helps in SEO too?

Yes, the best part of this plugin is that it makes the link look pretty and normal and also helps in SEO.
Instead of using the affiliated link directly on the blog the user can edit using the plugin and make it look beautiful.

Here are the steps that help to use Gocodes plugin

  • Get an easy download of Gocodes plugin
  • Extract and upload the plugin to the folder of WordPress plugins
  • Run the plugin from saved folder.
  • Install using the setting: Navigate to Settings >Gocodes Settings and change the default /go/ code to something recommended.
  • Choose the URL trigger such as recommended or offer it makes the link look perfect.

GoCodes Setting
Uncheck the checked box that will make the follow tag stop passing through affiliate links.
Edit the robots.txt file and put in “URL trigger“, as forbid.

Never use too many affiliate links as it can bring negative impact in SEO but Gocodes plugin makes it easy, as it keeps the domain under the user and have default No follow attributes.

Now, convert links into Gocgocodes-effective-wordpress-plugins-affiliate-link/odes link as, Navigate to Tools> Gocodes under the WordPress dashboard.

WordPress Plugins
Redirect Key: Name of the product or your own imagination name

Example: ReadmeQuickly

Target URL: URL on which the user will be redirected
Final output:

Gocodes plugin,facilitates count the hits on affiliate links. By default, the checkbox is unchecked so one can check it manually to create a link and analyze the efficiency of markets.

The linking feature in plugin helps to create an SEO smart link and it is a good plugin for link cloaking.However the feature to import and export cloaked affiliate URL’s is missing in this, but still it is very effective and helps to handle a number of blogs.

Try the WordPress plugin and get the affiliated link look pretty!!

Wind up

Make your affiliate marketing more attractive by developing pretty affiliate links that attract visitors. Get in touch with well known affiliate marketing companies like Softqube Technologies to know more about updates in affiliate marketing industry.

Things to learn from Heat Maps – Part 3

Hello friends, welcome back!! From two days, our back to back discussion related to heat maps analysis and its findings is going on. We are very glad that we are able to share such information with you.

So, not wasting much of our time and coming back to the same point; today, we are going to learn about few more heat map analysis that will assist in getting more conversion rates. So, before we start, let’s have a quick brush up of what we learnt till today.

We learnt about website design, how and where to place the content on website, how readers read the website content, type of banners to be placed, most viewed places of the website and much more….

We are sure that these techniques will definitely help you to optimize your website in a perfect manner. So, let’s continue our journey of heat maps.

Heat-Maps Journey

Making use of any human being image matters

When we add images in our website of any individual explaining something or showing any gesture or an image of group sharing success then these images really matter as wherever their eyes are, people ( viewers) will look first into that direction.

For instance, if your website has an image of a person looking at your contact info stating : Request a free quote here” then the attention of the people will get diverted there first. This is one of the important elements used in the website design.

It helps to attract the attention of visitors but where their eyes are looking also matters a lot. According to the studies from heat map, it is known that people follow that direction where the model’s eyes are looking.

In order to get the focus of visitors, a simple image of any beautiful girl must be combined with any informative content and her eyes should look at the content. Further, it is advisable to use emotion conveying person along with the relevant content that you think needs more attention of the viewers.

Information for women and Visuals for men

As per the analysis done by heat maps for some dating sites, certain facts were known like men focus more on images while women focus more on text. Nearly 50% of time, women spend in judging a general profile. Study proved that men are masochists while women are gold diggers.

This means that if your website has more textual content then it will loved by women and if it’s more of images then preferred by men. Also, even if women look at any image then they will surely try to find some information from it that is useful to them.

So, you can create a website that is a combination of both image as well as text so that it is preferred as well as loved by many viewers including men and women.

Avoid using automatic banners

As per the study carried out by Heat maps, users who surf internet to accomplish their task completely ignore websites that have automatic scrolling banners. Now days, using these automatic banners on your website homepage don’t work.

Your website will be definitely ignored by the visitors as they develop banner blindness and as a result, a lot of your website space is wasted. In case it is necessary to use banners then they can be used keeping in mind that they don’t create banner blindness.

Wind Up

Hope the things that you are learning from heat maps tests are working for you. These are really important as these studies provide every minute detail of even tiny things that are mostly ignored while designing any website.

Still many more things are pending to be discussed which will be published in our upcoming blogs. Till then apply these techniques and see the results. For any assistance, Softqube Technologies- a well known internet marketing service provider is always here for you.

Things we can learn from Heat Maps – Part 2

In our previous blog, we discussed some of the things that we learnt from heat maps. Today, we are going to elaborate the discussion ahead and learn some more things from heat maps. Till now ,we learnt about the website design and exact place of the content on the website so as to increase the conversion rates.

So, let’s move ahead with some more analysis carried out by heat maps

Left side of the web page is looked more by the visitors

As per the studies, it is concluded that left side of the website gets more visitor’s attention and is also looked first. Exceptions are there but usually left side get more views. So, whenever you start designing any website, keep this thing in mind to use the left side for any important notice or content such as offers, discounts, coupon codes etc.

69% of viewing time is spent on the left side of any web page.

Viewers read the content in F shaped structure

We are sure you might have never thought of this thing that how readers read the website i.e. from top to bottom, bottom to top , middle part etc . How content is read by visitors is a very minute thing to be considered and we bet that apart from Heat maps no one will be able to provide you this analysis.

So, coming to the point; readers go through the textual content of any website in an F shaped structure. This simply means that the main focus of the viewers is towards the beginning of the text. Important headlines, sub headlines are read first and only few larger parts of the content are read thoroughly.

So, the first two paragraphs in the beginning must be as much informative as possible containing all possible important and useful information that draws the attention of the visitors and tempts them to stay there till the entire website content is finished.

It should be such that the visitors should get lost in your content and must be so deeply involved that they don’t love to quit your website in the middle. It should be much interesting and not boring.
For this, the content must be made attractive including bullet points, paragraphs, subtitles etc. F shaped structure is only valid for textual content and not picture based web pages. Image based web pages are viewed in an horizontal manner.

F shaped Heat Maps

Avoid Banner Blindness

No part of your banner should be ignored by the visitor. So, avoid creating banners that look like advertisements because it is a normal tendency of viewers to ignore advertisements and all those things that seem like advertisements.

So, avoid using such formats. Those who are concerned only to get information will definitely ignore the advertisements and will be entirely focused on the content of their interest. In order to avoid banner blindness, it is recommended to get in touch with any remarkable online marketing service provider like Softqube technologies who also deals with SEO related website designing.

Wind Up

These are some of the more topics discussed here. WE will definitely share more details with you in our upcoming blogs. Stay connected with us to get latest SEO updates every day.

Various things to be learnt from Heat-maps

Heatmaps are one of the important tools used to analyze behaviour of visitors. It provides such insights that are not available through other tools and these help to increase the conversion rate. These are divided between mouse tracking and eye tracking heat-maps due to their price effectiveness.

So, here we are going to discuss about certain things that we have learnt from different heat-map tests:

The main difference between mouse and eye tracking heat map tests is that while using mouse tracking the data is availed from real visitors and in case of eye tracking maps, the data is derived from the sample of group of people who are brought out of their comfort zone. This may provide manipulated results. In case of eye-tracking heat maps, we can get 100% accuracy while in mouse tracking heat maps the accuracy remains between 85-90%.

Some more things that can be known from these tests

Content useful to your visitors must be on the top of the page

Most people scroll the pages further but they pay attention to only some places of the website. As per the study, the visitor’s website viewing time gets reduced as they go on scrolling the page. 80% of their time is spent on the content that is available above the fold. So, it is advisable to keep the important content of your business above the fold. As per the study 80.3 % of the content must be above the fold and 19.7% must be below the fold.

Discussing about the page resolution, it should be 1024×768 resolutions or larger one is also preferred. If you use a fluid layout on big screens then content amount above the fold will increase.

So, always remember to add the most important content above the fold near the header as content far away from the header or below it gets less attention from visitors and an important note people only scroll your web page if it forces them to scroll down. So, make your web design appealing enough so that people are tempted to scroll it.

Now, the study revealed that people spend most of their time at the bottom of the website and talking about the human mind, what we see at last is remembered for long. So, try to make maximum use of top and bottom space of any website.Heat-Maps Test & Results

Rapid Decision: People Buy what they see

When people are in a hurry to buy something they purchase what they see. Visual impact plays an important in taking the buying decisions. This reveals that when in hurry, visitors generally forget their personal preferences and choose from the options seen at that time.

This is an assumption for the marketers who have lot of potential. So, if a visual presentation supersedes the consumer preferences during the distracting environment such as online shopping then certain strategic changes can divert viewers’ attention.

Design your website in such a way that while in a hurry viewers can quickly find what they are looking for.

Wind up

Heatmaps are the latest tools used to increase conversion rates. Apart from the above mentioned, there are many more things that are to be learnt from the heat map tests which we will discuss in our coming blogs. Till that time stay in touch with Softqube technologies, a remarkable SEO Company in India.

Developing an Authority blog for Affiliate Marketing

When it comes to Affiliate Marketing, the main thing is to earn some handsome income every month. Certain efforts are to be made in order to make affiliate marketing work for you. So, it is necessary to have an authority blog that boosts your affiliate marketing.

The products must be sold on your blog as it reflects your trustworthiness and authority. People will buy your products only if they have trust in you. Certain affiliate marketing mistakes will help you to know your products in a better way.

It is the mode of online marketing where you need to sell products to the one whom you are not familiar with. The main thing is why should people trust you and buy products from you when your competitors are selling the same thing in the market.

Obviously , your product must either be superior to those of your competitors or your price must be low as compared to your competitors. This will be possible only by building authority as this helps people to trust.

Once an authority is created, people will start trusting you and so they will buy the things that you suggest them to buy. Here we will discuss about few main basic things which are essential to boost the affiliate sales in your blog.

These are as follows

Develop a blog that looks professional

If you wish to develop a blog that looks superior and creates authority among the viewers then you must create a professional design as this will help you to make a long lasting impression on the minds of the people.

A blog having a professional design has more authority and command on the audience as they feel that the blog is developed with utmost expertise and experts always give good advice where as a cheap looking blog will have a very less impact on the audience leading to the downfall in the website traffic as well as the readership rate.

Give your blog a professional touch and feel and people will consider your blog as a reputable and remarkable one thus following your advice.

Post Qualitative Content on Daily Basis

A blog without proper or we can say relevant content is of no use. Updating your blog on regular basis is of prime importance but that too with the quality content. Without quality, it is useless to keep your blog updating with the content that adds no value to the readers knowledge.
Blogs can be updated with PLR content but it won’t make your blog authoritative. So, it is important to post high quality content on the blog to establish your reputation and credit in your industry. A blog with unique and qualitative content makes it authoritative.

Connect with Well known Blogs

It is almost impossible to increase your blog’s presence without connecting it with other well known blogs. In case your blogs are associated with low quality blogs then chances are there that your blog’s reputation is less likely to increase.

As a result, you will fail to get the desired results from the Affiliate Marketing promotions. Another way is to submit guest posts and write comments in popular blogs as this will make your blog a popular one.

Perfect association of your blog with the relevant ones is the key to develop good reputation in your sector.

Wind Up

These are just some of the basic things which can make your blog a reputable as well as authoritative one. We will discuss some more in our upcoming blogs . Till then , you can get in touch with one of the well known Affilate Marketing Companies in India, Softqube Technologies for more details about result oriented affiliate marketing strategies.

A/B Testing: An internet Marketing Standard: Part 2

In our previous blog, we discussed some of the factors of A/B testing. Here, we are going to discuss some more of these factors to understand A/ B Testing in a better way.

Alternative to A/B Testing

A/B Testing

Apart from A/B testing, there are other alternatives as well. One of these alternatives is multivariate testing where in we can test combination of variables while in A/B testing only single variable could be tested.

For e.g.: For testing a product image, small images can be tested along with bigger ones. Different font and text styles can also be tested. Like this, many different versions can be used in multi-variant testing.

The main issue with multi variant testing is these easily get complicated and need proper traffic to generate significant results. The main advantage of multi variant testing is that it can give you the details about the most influential page of your website may be a graphic, a headline, a video etc.

If any page is tested using A/B test, it is likely that you may be unaware about the test while in case of multivariate testing you can easily know about those page sections that influence the conversion rate and those that don’t make any difference to the conversion rates.

Techniques that we can select

The technique that we select must be as good as test design. In case the tests have an improper design then these tools, data etc won’t be much in use. In order to have a good test design, it is necessary to know the purpose of the test and then know how customers will be able to collect the information about the product.

Also, it is required to know the testing limits as testing cannot be done about things like the comparison of design. Some of the designs are useful only for audience and so it is difficult to understand whether our business is really able to win the customers hearts or only it aims at increasing our business.

These testing techniques are used to understand the customers and also gain the direct experience from the customers. We can ask questions and understand their answers in order to know the mindsets of the customers. This type of information is useful to develop effective tests that will help you to know customers in a better way.

So, before using A/B testing think twice whether you really need it or whether it will help you to understand your audience properly. A/B testing can do wonders if used properly but it should not be considered as an alternative to understand people.

Wind Up

These are some of the factors of the A/B test which will help you to decide whether it is useful for your business or not. In case, you are unable to decide about its usage then Softqube Technologies, a reputed online marketing solutions provider in India is here to help you out. Till then, for more updates about the testing process keep reading our blogs and for any assistance about the testing needs, you can easily get in touch with our experts.

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