A/B Testing: Whether to do it yourself or hire an Agency?

When it comes to online marketing approach, A/B testing is used to optimize the response rates. This testing is used to compare the web pages with one another. The page that gives the maximum response rates is utilized the most.

A/B Testing looks simple but its execution is very hard. For instance, while using A/B testing it is crucial to identify whether it is a practical difference in customer behaviour or just a result by coincidence.

Can A/B Testing be opted for all SEO scenarios? Or it must be used for any predetermined applications?

Today, we will learn about some of the factors for proper A/B Testing. So, if you are new to A/B Testing then this is for you:

Optimize Your Business

Lack of Proper Sample Size

For A/B testing, a perfect sample size is required so that every single internet marketing campaign is tested properly. Let’s say you have one PPC campaign running and there’s another campaign created.

In order to check which campaign will give the desired results, we will use A/B testing to use both campaigns. If the former campaign gives the required results then it must be adopted as one of the online marketing techniques and the second one must be eliminated.

In simple words, out of many campaigns the one that is useful for rendering maximum results must be used as an effective digital marketing strategy. But, in order to identify the suitable campaign, it is necessary to have a proper sample size.

To know the exact sample size required for A/B testing, it is advisable to use various A/B tracking tools that consist of sample size calculators. This is useful to know your calculations as well as the accuracy of any test.

So, before using any technique make sure it is tested properly with a perfect sample size.

Indirect Damage

Sometimes we wish to test the strength of people that click on the link: find out more or know more which redirects them to another page or number of people that click on “Buy it now”.

This can be done via A/B testing but before using this technique it is important to have a clear image of your aim so that tests can be designed and executed in such a way that it directly reaches the goal.

So, when you concentrate on the number of customers rather than clicks or vice versa if your goal is to increase quality scores then you can frame the A/B test design accordingly.

A/B Testing only for big companies

If yours is a small business enterprise then A/B testing might not be for you. This is because big websites tend to run thousands of tests in a day while small firms hardly run one or two.
If you are aware that large business enterprises achieve the required results with the help of A/B tests then you can easily take their ideas for landing page.

And then you can use that test for your current website pages.

Wind Up

Along with this, there are still more factors to be understood for proper A/B testing which we will discuss in our next blog. For more information about this process, get in touch with well known online internet marketing service provider, Softqube Technologies that can offer you the required assistance for A/B Testing process.

Google’s Page Layout Penalizes Too Many Ads Above the Fold

Now, most of the people want such kinds of websites that can easily give accurate result just one click. As we know, lots of individuals are suffering from websites that contain many ads. But, it will not give good result as they want. Therefore, Google create a Page Layout Algorithm that can solve your issue without doing or putting any kind of effort.

Google Penalty

Google’s Page Layout Algorithm

The main aim of the Page Layout algorithm is redirected to the accurate website of the ads. As well as, give good result as the user’s need. The reason behind that, Google knows about the problem of ads and its results. So, they try to create such kind of application that can give the satisfaction to users.

Many individuals posted on the official blog of Google about the ads problem which is it can’t give result as they required. So, the owner of Google said I have seen lots of complaints on my blog and decide that I have to do something for others.

Actually the main complaint is when anyone clicks on result page so it is very difficult to find the original content. So, there is no person in this world who wants to waste their time. As we know, users don’t want to scroll down because they want to see the desired content right away.

As a result of this new update, those websites don’t have heavy content so they are heavily affected by this algorithm.When you click on any website and you see a little part of the website instead of useful content so the user will not feel good and they are not happy with this kind of experience. Therefore, these kinds of sites don’t get high rank and doesn’t come in search results.

When we ask a simple question for users, which is, if you get lots of ads above the fold on website so how you feel.The creator/ web spam manager give reply of this question is Google starts supporting to the individuals that they use those tools which can give the actual content of the page instead of giving the rest of the party. Through this way, Google browser size tools will help us and resolve the above fold ads issue.

We know very well that placing the ads on websites is very easy and common. It really helps publishers and gives excellent performance. This new algorithm doesn’t put any bad effect on these above the fold ads, but it will help to give the original/ actual content of the page which is described in the ads.

When you want to update the layout of your page so this algorithm will automatically change entire settings and we can easily re-crawl the pages as they want. As well as, you can easily access the contents of our page.

If you use Googlebot so you will have to wait few weeks for crawling because it requires a long time for this process. Therefore, page Layout algorithm will work better than rest ones and give desire results according to the users.

Wind Up

Avoid using more ads above the fold as any time your website can be caught by Google algorithms and you may be penalized. So, stay away from such practices and hire SEO Experts from reliable guaranteed SEO firm like Softqube Technologies to get the SEO services that strictly follow Google guidelines.

Quality Score important for AdWords Advertiser

Quality Score reported for every keyword in your account is an estimate of the quality of your ads and getting pages caused by that key phrase. Having a top quality Score indicates that our systems think your ad and landing web page matter and useful to somebody checking out your Ad. You can find out your Quality Score for any one of your keywords. Many of Points Every AdWords,Internet marketer shad to discover Quality Rating.

1. Quality Rating

Your Quality Rating is like a careful light in a car’s engine that demonstrates how healthy and balanced your ads and crucial expressions are. It’s not indicated to be specified stats that ought to be the emphasis of account administration.

2. Focus your campaigns on high-value areas

Making sure with your quality optimization initiatives allow you to maximize effect – do not lose time on points you could not change or optimizations with very little advantage.You could measure the total conversion worth generated by your project conversions. This additionally helps you track your campaigns’ ROI by using the “Conversion value or Conversion cost” column.

Google Quality Score
Smarter bidding process: Once you established conversion worth’s, you can utilize the target return on advertisement invest versatile proposal method. Versatile proposal techniques automatically established quotes to enhance for your performance objectives throughout specificad teams, keywords and projects.

3. Focus on the advertisement’s quality

They are anticipated CTR acquiring web page experience and ads value.Talking normally, when those 3 parts aren’t operating well, you may want to take the below tasks to improve them. The real-time assessments of these three components are made use of in the ad auction; while you’re Quality Score it is not.

Each keyword obtains a Quality Score on a level from 1 to 10, where 1 is the most affordable score and 10 is the highest. Keep in mind that Quality Score is planned to provide you a general sense of the quality of your advertisements, but it doesn’t consider any kind of auction-time elements, such as an individual’s actual search terms, type of gadget, language inclination, area, or the time of day.

Similarly, the elements of Quality Score that you view in your account- expected click through rate (CTR), ad significance, and getting page encounter, each with a descriptive estimation such as “typical” or “above average”, also don’t take into consideration auction time elements.

4. Comprehend what does and does not matter

As an alternative, each time one of your ads contends in the auction, AdWords determines real-time sizes of expected CTR, advertisement significance, and getting web page encounter that, together with your proposal and other aspects, make a score called Advertisement Rank.

It’s this auction-time Ad Ranking- Not the Quality Score approximates you see in your account that identifies where your advertisement appears on the web page or whether it shows up in any way. Doing this will definitely keep you concentrated on significant optimizations that will definitely improve promotions quality.

Wind Up

Maintaining Quality Score is important in today’s toughest competitive world. So, prepare your SEO strategy with the help of guaranteed SEO Services provider in India, Softqube Technologies to be up to the mark thus avoiding yourself from penalties.

Changes in Business Rules with Organic Search

With organic search, the way consumers make online purchases has completely changed. Let’s understand this with a simple example of music industry. We are aware that music is the heartbeat of everyone and everyone loves to listen songs and enjoy the tunes.

So, how this reaches to you? The answer is Cd’s, audio tapes, online websites, downloads, iPods and many more. Here, we can see that with the help of online music stations one can listen to its favorite song anywhere anytime. So, isn’t it really convenient?

Yes, it is. With internet, the face of music industry has changed and now it is possible have your favorite notes with you anywhere anytime. One can easily download mp3 from the website and then finally came the revolution of ITunes.

From ITunes, one can get any type of songs as per the wish. We can easily download songs and play them whenever we wish to. This all really is amazing as previously music was limited only to audio cassettes and CDs.

Same is the case with online search through which conventional selling models are changing. With Google bringing regular updates in the SEO field, sometimes the sales of many business websites gets hindered due to ineffective strategies that fail in front of current Google updates.

This strongly affects the buyer behavior. Now a days, buyers don’t just rush to the nearest dealers to buy any vehicle instead first they search on internet, know about the views, check the ratings, compare the brands and then take the decision to purchase any four wheeler or two wheeler or any other expensive thing.

Organic Search

Google helps Buyers

So, now we saw that search engines act as a mediator and most people rely on it before purchasing any product. Not only buying things but before planning for a dinner party, Google is used to search and review the rating of the best restaurant available and then decision is taken where to spend the weekend.

So, this we can say has made life very easy. Also, businesses that are preferred by Google are preferred by people as well. During this era, where everyone is busy with the tasks; no one has the time to share information with one another and so Google is useful here.

Selling becomes really easy with Google’s strategic approach:

  • Provide relevant information about products n services
  • Help people in buying decisions
  • Managing feedback.

Buyers need everything at their comfort zone, the main thing for the business is to get noticed on the internet only then will it be able to earn as much as it wants to. If you are a business owner then you business appearance is must among the search result.

Give people what they want, educate them about the products but don’t force them to buy yours. Show your product value, don’t force your product on them, carry out things as per buyer’s convenience and not yours.
Avoid showing that you are here to sell the products instead show that you are just here to share and help visitors, you will get more sales!! It’s unbelievable but it’s the fact.

Wind up

With Google’s Organic Search, try as much as you can to be among top search results. If you need any assistance then Softqube Technologies, SEO Services provider in India is always ready to lend a helping hand.

Designing Landing Pages‎: Demand of today’s customers

It is seen that landing pages can either develop a good reputation or spoil the entire efforts of your marketing campaign. So, it is very important to know the type of landing pages that help in generating maximum traffic.
The page that people click must convert them in to customers. In order to create result oriented landing pages, certain tools are available that are useful to digital marketers for checking the landing page elements. Different types like Visuals or we can say videos, call to action, offers, buttons and many more elements can be tested.

Softwares also provide assistance for executing A/B tests and develop new landing pages. By adding a new visual element, possibility is there that the landing page performance increases significantly. In actual terms, marketers speed up the process for getting real words along with the combination of previous campaigns, competitive reviews so that all can be put together on a single landing page.

Effective Landing Pages

This method is somewhat costly and time consuming as one needs to wait till the right message is known through trial and error.

Important factor that affects Landing Page Success

After trying every sort of way to determine the success of landing page, finally it was known that the words on the page determine its success and some of the most successful landing pages come directly from customers. This means whatever is to be written on landing page is for marketing purpose.

So, the content should be unique and interesting that increases the conversion rates. Now, how this page must be improved is a matter of concern. Here, we are going to share some details with you that will definitely help you to improve the landing page of your website.

New Process- Demand or Need of the customer

There are two main processes through which landing pages can be made more effective. These are: Market research and voice of customer. With the help of these, one can easily get the appropriate words that must be used on landing pages to maximize conversions.

Current Landing Page Approaches

The design of landing page, aesthetics, user experience everything is important. However, sincere visitors will still focus on words of the page and if these words are not able to attract them and you may miss a very potential sale.

  • Making a guess: Trial and error method is used to know which message will work and is up to the mark but this guessing is really expensive as sometimes it may not derive any results and it happens that the perfect word is known after spending lots of time and money.
  • Altering the messages: Avoid using messages that make vague promises as well as messages that hardly make any sense. Such messages reveal that you are just interested in increasing traffic and not interested in doing business as there are some times fake commitments as well.

    The landing page should actually solve the problem of the customer. In other terms, they should be able to get the answer for their problems. This will definitely force them to be your customer as one who helps in difficulty is highly trusted one.

Wind up

Hope we have managed to provide you necessary tips for improving your landing pages in order to increase conversion rates. For more such updates, stay connected with Softqube Technologies; one of the well known SEO Services company in India.

Conversion Estimates Available on Google Keyword Planner

Conversion rates as we all know is the main thing to track the efforts of our marketing campaigns or any other methods applied to increase the customer base. Previously, different tools were used to know this rate but now these conversion rates are easily available on Google Keyword Planner.

This will make it easy for SEO experts to select keywords that derive results and which keywords will give maximum conversion rates will be known. Further these conversion estimates report is also used to see mobile and desktop performance on various multiple conversion metrics.

Google Adwords - Multiple Conversion

Conversion Estimate Reports by Google

As per Google, these estimate reports are now easily available with Keyword Planner tool in AdWords. These will work based on any account’s previous conversion data or one can also enter its own conversion rates as well as values to know the impact of changes in bids to the metrics like estimated conversion, conversion values and conversion rates from mobile and desktop apps.

These estimates will be available according to the selected ad group, keywords, device used, location from where the website is accessed etc and many more. Select the respective tab and know your website’s conversion rates and get a clear picture as to where it needs to be improved.

So, these can be easily availed from “Get traffic forecasts for a list of keywords” from the Google Keyword Planner homepage. Now, it is easy for you to get the proper estimate of your marketing efforts from a single tool and make necessary changes as required.

Estimated Conversions by Google Adwords

A single website is accessed from several devices. Conversion rates are highly affected by the device used to access website. With Adwords, a detailed insight is available regarding the influence of ads on conversion types. With Estimated Total Conversions column, one can easily find the overall rates including cross device conversions, conversions via ads etc.

Benefits of estimated Conversions:

  • People become aware about your business from various platforms. This helps to easily bifurcate online conversions, in store visits, campaign results etc.
  • One can know the influence of Adwords Campaign on the conversion rates.
  • Make proper business decision about online bidding
  • Decisions regarding allocation of resources among online and offline marketing teams can be taken easily.
  • Optimizing mobile bids. Adjust the data as per the device and compare the total conversions separately.

These cross device and cross browser conversions are estimated using overall data collected by the people who are using this account and based on that data, a total estimate of number of cross device conversions is created.

These conversions are further attributed to the last clicked ad before people purchase any product, submit a lead or download applications.

Wind up

Now, it’s time to manage your conversion rates through as you can easily get the estimated conversion reports through Google keyword planner tools. Get in touch with well known Online marketing services provider in India, Softqube Technologies to know more about conversion rates and how they can be utilized for the growth of your business.

Rotating Banners: Why these hinder conversions

Rotating Banners Everyone be it a digital marketer or a website owner loves to have image sliders on the website as these include maximum content in a single place. The only drawback of these sliders is that they distract users from the most important content.

Many people still use these sliders on their homepage or landing page. So for them, now is the time to do some research and know whether it is really useful or harmful for your website. From a recent survey, a conclusion arrived that this attractive design might be executing your conversions thus providing you lesser number of customers than needed.

1. Animated Designs easily distract visitors

When your animation is going on, on the website it really distracts the viewers as the motion inside it attracts them but it eventually diverts their attention making it inconvenient for them to fulfill the tasks they actually wanted to accomplish on your website.

2. Point of Attraction

Image sliders were actually meant to attract visitors. The message displayed is for few seconds followed by another message of same or less duration. This type of message pattern is the most fascinating form of the banner. This motion actually makes these banners more distracting.

Rotating Banners

3. Eye tracking Maps used for Banner Blindness

When you browse anything online, you constantly find advertisement pop ups. To avoid these pop ups, users opt for advertisement filters. As per the research, this movement of blocking ad pop ups is called Banner Blindness which means users don’t like to see ads every time they visit their favourite website.

Another experiment called Eye tracking maps was done where it was found that users searching for any information on the website were unable to find it when placed on a huge promotional banner instead they were able to find it easily on every other place except banners.

4. Bottom line

Banners may attract visitors but actually their conscious mind tries hard to ignore it.

5. Trust comes with Controllability

Rotation banners are hard to control as messages come one after another even if the visitors don’t want to watch them. This really irritates them. A simple logic or motto of the website is to allow visitors to control their web experience instead of forcing them to watch what they don’t want to.

This will eventually increase their trust in you.

6. Banners are less effective

Designers creating these banners think that these are highly effective in increasing the traffic on their website but this is not the reality. Banners are very less effective as visitors have to stay for long to see every single image for a company’s complete view.

Wind up

These auto advancing shows or we can say animated banners are highly popular. However, web designers have started developing strategies to avoid them. The aim of conversion optimization is to allow websites to successfully complete their task.

An advice from well known Online Marketing Company, India – Softqube Technologies: Always attract your visitors with great deals and offers instead of spending your resources in developing website banners. These great offers help in getting more conversions as they are at the same place and allow people to think and finally get converted.

Facet and Well-Bing of Online Marketing Services

The other name of online marketing services is internet marketing. The online marketing traits the marketing advertisement and some marketing effort that utilizes the netting or web that operates undeviating sales through electronic commerce. The online marketing or internet marketing is the classic coincidence with the traditional aspects of marketing advertisement like radio, magazine, newspaper or television.

The Optimization of the Search Engine

The SEO services or the search engine optimization services are the partner of the online marketing service in this business world. They are here to help us about the content writing and articles of the website. The SEO services build a complete action or they help you in maintain the strategy of your business.

What are Specializing Areas of the SEO Marketing?

There are there specializing areas in the world of SEO marketing. The online marketing services are broadly categorized into three subdivisions. The web marketing- mail marketing or the other is social media marketing.

Online Marketing Services

What is Web or Internet Marketing?

The web marketing or internet marketing refers to the ecommerce of your web site. The web or internet marketing we can see at ecommerce marketing web pages or informative marketing websites, or organic search results or affiliate marketing etc.

What is Social Media Marketing?

We are all aware of the social media nowadays. The advertisement we can see in the social networking sites are known as the social media marketing. The social networking sites like facebook, tweeter or you tube are the social networking sites where we can see the advertisements of them.

Email Marketing

What is E-mail Marketing?

The email marketing refers to the both promotional or the informative websites. We can see the email marketing in both informative and promotional web pages.

The On page Optimization Strategies

We can enhance the optimization of the websites by optimizing the content of your web pages. The SEO service provider will be able to provide you the relevance of the content of your web pages. The content will enhance to user visualization of your web pages or websites.

The Content Marketing

The purchase of the content of the articles for any web page is a good technique of online marketing services. The content or the articles are the unique technique to promote your website in the world of marketing.


The online marketing services are now available throughout the world and it is excessively successful in the market of the website businesses. The SEO services are one of the most important things in the market of online marketing services.

SEO Service to grow your business

SEO trend in India is flaring up swiftly and online business owners are getting more familiar with the term. Looking at the all time high requirement of SEO Service India, an assortment of firms have been set up and they are making headway with magnificent speed. They target potential clients who visit the page and make worth it in such a massive field. Such companies are entirely customer centric and make every effort to think in a way a client does while working on the subjects.

Benefits of SEO Service India

SEO is a big business and definitely there are uncountable reasons for it.
Today, internet has taken over the entire world and it is the most fancy and in demand market, that people are seeking for their business to grow.

It helps drive the internet traffic to a specific site, thereby augmenting the business of the owner
There are various services that support the base of SEO and as a result provide stunning results.
Services like internet marketing, content writing, etc are services aiding the SEO as a whole.

India is a massive market for SEO and so all the foreign companies are outsourcing their SEO works to India at economical rates and earn lucrative benefit from it.

World is going hi-tech and there would hardly be a person unknown of internet and its basics.
Business and shops are turning online and people are more attract towards online shopping rather than physically going it and taking the pain of shopping.

SEO is a next generation global delivery system that is looked forth by the people unanimously on a larger scale. SEO runs on a perspective that was hardly imagined and today, it has covered almost the entire market and business runs due to this. Search Engine Optimization requires planting of new ideas, twitchy enthusiasm, familiarity of the domain and excessive quality of work. Every business needs a worthy and suitable website to grow its better exposure and growing business on internet.

How does SEO work?

SEO Process

A question definitely rises in the brains of the folks who are new to this. What is an SEO and how does it escalate ones business?

  • SEO is nothing but optimizing the search of the folks, when they enter the keyword in the search engines like google, bing, etc.
  • It helps make you site visible by augmenting it in much better way.
  • Making use of best keywords and targeting the keywords used by the clients while searching for scrupulous stuff on the internet
  • A random search when lands on the right and opt page can turn into a potential buyer if your site is optimized.
  • It helps divert and increase the traffic of internet by helping them land on your website.


SEO is in high demand and has massively help people grow virtually by increasing the reputation and business of the company at par. Appointing an SEO expert for your business to grow online can never be a wrong judgment.

Reach Towards Success through Paid Digital Marketing!

The online business is in high trend and with the same, demand of digital marketing also rises. The professional SEO services in India help to increase the conversion of customers through online digital marketing. Earlier people spent their money in search engines like Google or Yahoo. But there are many other platforms for digital marketing like- Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. This is an opportunity where the one can explore to a large digital advertising field and grow their business. For this marketing, there are paid media and are believed to be loyal because of following reasons:

Paid Media Publishing

1. Media Mix

It is very important to examine that how the valuable amount should be spent deciding which will be the fruitful platform that will give an effective result to the organization in order to achieve more profit and raise the dollars. When such query is done to a professional digital marketer they response a strong keyword work effectively and will make a search let the business list in the top that attracts more crawlers. But instead of opting someone the best option is to choose a paid media as they are experienced and do the things which are important and worth. Of course, no one can work better with a great output without a team and so a paid media mix should be chosen.

2. The Rise of Paid Social Media

The paid social media is high in demand and almost 90% of peoples are now found with a profile on social sites. Because of such sites a social media advertising is very popular. Facebook is an ultimate example of it that raise around billions of money every quarter in the ad and next is Twitter. The question is where the amount comes from and how does this ad promotion work done. Do any special skill is required? The traditional and digital program both lets this amount come and a paid media as well as displaying skill is required.

3. Real-time and Programmatic Buying

Earlier the CPM and buys were running which are now getting replaced by paid media. The deep research, analyzing, and targets are now considered. The advertising filed are now shifted and increased in real time and programmatic buying that includes bidding concept. What’s needed is the only potential candidate, creative mind and idea to run.

A broader concept of paid media and proper allocation can make the business to an extreme point of success. A strategical concept, discussing the points and future prospective buyers make the things better. Nothing is more fruitful than opting a paid market. Now most of the sites are found that they are using the paid digital marketing program.

Wind Up:

If you are looking for a future growth for your company then nothing can be better than choosing a reputed Professional SEO services provider in India, Softqube Technologies . Try the professional expert make the crawler visit to your site and convert them to a loyal customer with the marketing strategy.

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