Top 10 Benefits That Education Software Can Bring To The School Management System

The EdTech industry is evolving the philosophies of school teaching. Schools and students get more convenient and well-established teaching methodologies. School management systems are now developing hybrid learning techniques to make the sessions more engaging and interactive.

Softqube Technologies has contributed significantly to creating a positive education environment and improving the class teaching systems. We developed some of the most amazing education software and learning management systems like ORATARO and BrainFlex360. We have ensured to lessen the burden of students by enhancing their active participation and facilitating teachers in managing workload balance.

If you are looking for some of the top benefits that any education software implementation can provide to your institution, check out the below benefits of having one.

Personalized Learning

  • Students can have personalized learning experiences with robust education software.
  • They can work at their own pace and choose the most suitable learning style for their studies.
  • A robust ERP system for schools can support students tremendously in their struggle with the need for various learning materials in certain subjects.
  • Teachers can put efforts into developing customized and individualized learning methods to fulfill their specific needs.

Enhanced Student Engagement

  • Students remain engaged and inspired to perform better. In a world that is surrounded by unwanted distractions, educational software can help them learn with a focused approach.
  • Teachers can develop interactive and video-based learning experiences that can create engagement as well as fun for the students.
  • For example, in our LMS project BrainFlex, we made the learning system more interactive and engaging through interactive quizzes, games, simulations, and other multimedia resources.
  • With our education software development services, we provide the best learning environment to the students.

Improved Collaboration

Improved Collaboration

  • A seamless education software can promote long-term collaboration among students, offering them a well-structured and systematized way to work as a team.
  • Our ERP software development services for the education sector have facilitated teamwork and communication between students and school staff, leading to enhanced learning outcomes.
  • Students get an opportunity to work in teams for various group projects and interact during the ongoing projects as they get a shared workspace for working in real-time.
  • In addition, this initiative brings in a strong collaboration between students and teachers, promoting effective communication.

Seamless Administration

  • When you partner with an experienced and custom ERP software development service provider, you can exceptionally streamline your school administrative process.
  • You can save enough time and resources that can be harnessed efficiently by your teachers and administrative staff.
  • Schools can automate several administrative tasks, preventing the unnecessary burden on staff, and helping them focus on the important tasks.
  • Various other crucial tasks can be managed such as scheduling and managing resources, classroom schedules, task assignments, etc.

Better Ways of Assessment

  • Like our smart ORATARO education software, one of the significant advantages of educational software is its capability to provide instant feedback to students.
  • Students can trace their strengths and weaknesses and can perform better.
  • In addition, teachers can access several data analytical tools that help them in establishing the latest trends and patterns.
  • They can also get insights into the areas where students need a considerable amount of improvement.

Access to Vast Learning Resources

  • If you are struggling to provide enough learning materials to your students on time, you need reliable E-learning software.
  • Being a reputed e-learning software development service provider, we know that students must have access to libraries, multimedia content, online databases, and various other resources that can suffice instead of classroom learning.
  • With e-learning apps installed on their devices, they can learn from the resources available anywhere and everywhere they go.
  • Such learning resources can be made highly interactive and engaging.

More Parent Engagement

More Parent Engagement

  • High-quality education software helps parent check their child’s progress, grades, assignments, attendance, and other crucial information.
  • In our smart education software ORATARO, we have provided the latest tools that help parents communicate with teachers efficiently.
  • We have also offered learning resources that can support children in learning and progressing.

Cost Efficient

  • Educational software development services can initially turn into a heavy investment, however, implementing the software can help schools evolve and progress in many ways.
  • The culmination of top technologies and digitalizing processes will seamlessly lessen the burden of the administration department, reduce printing and paper costs, and promote brand reputation.
  • Task automation in administrative tasks will save time and effort.
  • Teachers can focus on teaching and there will be less need for administrative staff.

Higher Work Efficiency

  • Schools can streamline their lesson plans, and grading systems, and create valuable online resources, making teachers more productive and efficient.
  • When Softqube Technologies created ORATARO, we offered the smartest tools and technologies that are helping schools to effectively collaborate between staff, reducing redundancies in the entire educational process.

Secures The Future

Secures The Future

  • With the evolving technologies, schools need to catch up with the moving trends and changing educational patterns.
  • By designing higher education ERP systems, schools can raise their education standards and improve their reputation in the market.
  • Schools will remain future-proof and students will become digital savvy from the initial years before they step into their careers.


More and more schools are now realizing the importance of educational software. In recent times, we see educational institutions embracing digital tools and various methods that can keep them in tune with the changing trends. Softqube Technologies is one of the topmost providers of educational software development services, offering a digital learning environment tailored to your individual needs and requirements. Our most successful products, ORATARO and BrainFlex360 are the biggest testimonials of delivering high-quality educational software to the institutions. With our services, you can provide a 360-degree learning and teaching solution, helping your students and teachers focus, develop, and collaborate seamlessly.

Enhance Your Hospitality Business With the Power of Artificial Intelligence.

As an entrepreneur, you may only realize the vitality of adopting the latest technologies once you face a setback running your business with only modern technological revolutions. Sounds harsh, right?

But this is so true. The Hence enterprise ecosystem worldwide now knows how contemporary technology can provide growth and revenue to your business. And now, even the traditional hospitality industry is not an exception, wherein they dive headfirst into the AI world, augmenting hotel revenues, maximizing profits, and enhancing customer experiences.

Currently, the hospitality industry is entirely dependent on tech solutions, intelligent chat-bots and voice-activated services. To meet the demands of each customer, hotels are well-prepared to revamp their services that will be powered by artificial intelligence and predictive analytics.

With chatbots, hotels are evolving in numerous operations such as handling booking inquiries and converting visitors into loyal patrons. There will be a time when instead of a human handling the front-desk booking-related queries, there will be a conversational chatbot, programmed to undertake human-like conversations through text and voice in multiple languages.

What is the Importance of Having Intelligent Hotels in the Future?

What is the Importance of Having Intelligent Hotels in the Future?

Hotel Operations

Attending guests in the traditional pattern from the front desk is gradually fading away. Soon, the days when you train your hotel staff to verify documents, answer queries, and manage check-ins will go away. One of the reasons is that up to a certain level, this pattern could not provide the highest level of efficiency and impact on footfalls in the future. Also, this approach is limited to attending only one person at a time, leading to a larger loophole in guest management. The impact of AI and digitization in the hospitality industry and the introduction of chatbots is giving necessary assistance to the hotel staff for handling multiple guests. Now, your chatbots can take care of queries your guests put across online and can minimize the pressure at the front desk. Also, self-check kiosks are helping improve customer services, shedding off the hassles of tedious check-in processes. Now customers can check in hassle-free and can have consistent guest experiences.

Hotel Revenue Management

If you have a powerful assistant like Artificial Intelligence, your hotel’s revenue management will become a game-changer for you. When you collaborate with a trustworthy AI development company, you in-depth analysis of historical data and predict future demand and revenue, helping your hotel business in optimizing pricing and supercharge your earnings. And it is not just that! AI is not just setting the prices, but can also develop dynamic pricing strategies that are completely based on occupancy, demand, and key aspects. Even in peak hours, the magic of AI can be more impactful. AI can also become your inventory guru, helping you estimate future demand trends and adjusting room availability. This will ensure you can sell rooms at premium rates during the peak times and can minimize unsold rooms in the off-season timings. With AI, you can get a universal view of expenses, profits, and various other factors that impact your business cash flow. Moreover, AI-backed tools and technologies will help you find the best rates and grab the most dynamic opportunity available in the market, helping your profits soar high.

Hotel Marketing

AI will be changing the entire hotel marketing strategy by performing better targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. Through the information about guest preferences, demographics, and past behavior, you can automate time-consuming and redundant tasks like customer segmentation, data analysis, and campaign management. Your hotel marketers will be able to redirect their resources in framing better marketing strategies. They can also analyze vast amounts of data by using predictive analytics for customer behavior forecasting and knowing market trends. Moreover, chatbots and virtual assistant promotes hotel marketing, permitting hotels to have real-time guest interaction and provide personalized recommendations.

Further, AI is playing a significant role in establishing your target audience like influencers for hotel campaigning and monitoring social media platforms. Finding the right customer feedback and sentiment, and responding to brand mentions, are the sheer benefits of AI. Automation and optimization of digital marketing campaigns and identifying the target audience, all can generate efficient results with the power of AI.

Hotel Sales Enhancement

Nowadays, even hotel group sales managers adopt artificial intelligence to attract business travelers through predictive analytics. You can forecast group sales in demand for the future, and proactively target potential business travelers. There are powerful AI-powered personalization and recommendation engines helping sales managers create tailored sales pitches and packages to fulfill the specific needs of travelers. Again, the AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide 24/7 support to their customers and help them seamlessly perform tasks such as booking reservations, answering questions, and providing recommendations. With impactful data analytics and insights, the task of targeting the right audience and engaging with them will become a breeze. You can track the performance of group sales, optimizing real-time decisions, guest behavior, and market conditions with real-time analytics.

Enhanced Guest Experiences

Enhanced Guest Experiences

AI is evolving hotel guest experiences rapidly in just a decade. And in the forthcoming decade, there will be personalized and efficient services with automation engines, virtual assistants, concierge services, and smart room technologies. In addition, AI promotes security mechanisms safeguarding crucial data and potential threats against it, smartly offering the best services and amenities to the guests. By integrating AI with virtual reality and augmented reality, AI can provide immersive experiences to the guests like virtual tours and virtual room selection. Lastly, automated check-out enables guests to easily check out from their rooms through their mobile devices or voice commands, and the bill is shared in a text message.

Evolving Human Resources

The entire system of recruitment will be changing in the hotel industry after the adoption of AI. This is because all the repetitive tasks like screening resumes and conducting background checks, and repetitive tasks, etc., will be done through automation. Hence, your human resources managers will save a lot of time, enabling them to focus on strategic activities like building relationships with key clients and providing personalized guest experiences. Even through predictive analytics, employee behavior can be forecasted, making hotels smart enough to make informed decisions with effective recruitment strategies. Once again, here virtual assistants and AI-powered chatbots can interact with job applicants and assist them with the job roles and application process. As the optimized scheduling and workforce management keep the check of staff levels, all the hotel resources can be used efficiently. You can also analyze employee performance, generate feedback, check the training needs, and find out employee engagement levels. Your hotel management staff can design and implement effective programs for employee retention and reducing attrition levels. Your employees can be protected from potential cyber threats, by getting alerts in case of emergencies. Hence, AI integration enhances staff recruitment with great efficiency and productivity.

Large Chains

For all the large hotel chains, implementing AI creates a significant impact on your business. Automation plays a pivotal role in AI implementation, as repetitive tasks like inventory management, data entry, and customer services can performed easily. Your hotel staff can keep the focus on framing effective strategies like how to build relationships with key clients and how to provide personalized services to guests. You can predict large amounts of data and customer behavior through predictive analytics, enabling you to craft data-driven decisions. With personalization and recommendation engines, you can provide targeted personalized experiences to individual guests based on your past behavior and demographics. With predictive maintenance, your hotel staff can immediately address issues before the guest’s problems. With AI, price optimization and inventory decision making is done based on market conditions and guest behavior. Demand forecasts and room availability adjustments can be taken care of accordingly, enabling efficiency in hotel management. Moreover, AI can also optimize energy efficiency by managing the heating, lighting, and cooling systems of the rooms, leading to economical usage of energy consumption and reducing costs. Hence, as an owner of a large hotel chain, you can centralize the entire operations and can manage multiple properties and locations with the power of AI, thereby improving guest experiences.

Impact of Small Independent Hotels

If you are the owner of a small independent hotel, you can still adopt automation for handling repetitive tasks. With the AI implementation, you can focus on building client relationships and enhancing personalized guest experiences. Similarly, predictive analytics, personalization, powered chatbots, and virtual assistants are various tools and strategies that can be seamlessly implemented across hotel management. Smart room technology will reduce costs and promote energy optimization. You can optimize inventory management by demand forecasting and adjusting the room availability. Hence, AI can help your small hotel business in reducing costs related to management and hotel operations and will assist you in becoming more competitive as compared to large hotel chains.

The Future of AI in the Hotel Industry

The Future of AI in the Hotel Industry

As hotels are getting more and more aware of the significance of AI implementation, the prospects of AI in the hospitality industry are bright and ever-shining.

With advanced personalization, AI will augment the guest’s journey, improving their experiences by providing customized services based on their choices and preferences. The integration of AI with IoT will give seamless and convenient user experiences, improving hotel efficiency and productivity. AI-driven virtual and augmented reality technologies are more popular now in the hotel industry as they offer immersive experiences to guests.

Softqube Technologies – Providing true and interactive experiences to the customers.

From task automation and offering tailored guest experiences to enhancing guest satisfaction and seamless operations, Softqube Technologies has provided the best artificial intelligent services to customers. With the evolution of technologies, hotels are now embracing AI at a faster pace in their operations and recruitment processes. To stay competitive, AI implementation in creating better hotel revenue management solutions has offered significant benefits to their hotel business, increasing Hence efficiency and guest satisfaction. Contact Softqube Technologies to develop robust hotel revenue management solutions for your business! We are here to assist you in improving your hotel operations and guest experiences.

10 Healthcare Technology Solutions to Address Various Healthcare Management Problems in 2023


You must have heard about ‘Smart ambulance’ and it functions exactly as it sounds. In recent times there has been quite a buzz in the market revolving around 5G technology. Fortunately, the healthcare sector is among its vital use cases. Smart ambulances sound really fascinating, and it means you will be able to connect with various entities – oxygen cylinders, ventilators, ECG machines, everything- to begin the diagnosis exactly at the time when the patient is wheeled inside an ambulance. All vital parameters are sent back to the hospital- the centralized command. For humans, undoubtedly, it is going to do great wonders.

The transformation in the healthcare sector is shifting from a catchword to an imperative for the health systems.

Over the last two decades, health systems and hospitals have unveiled digital technologies in their functional zones. The Covid pandemic altered the status quo of the healthcare industry significantly, with home care and virtual health becoming the model. It has not only become a necessity for many but is preferred by many too. The pandemic accelerated various trends, including shifts in consumer preferences, clinical innovation, newer talent models, and rapidly evolving technologies. Faced with these trends, with health systems and hospitals working to adapt their businesses, a pretty well-defined approach to digital technologies will probably be the core of this transformation strategy. Now let’s dive into the solutions to solve various healthcare management problems.

The solution to healthcare problems with technology

Technology helps you to stay ahead of the curve as well as lends a hand to place you among the best technological healthcare providers. Some most addressed problems that the innovative advanced healthcare system is able to solve with the use of technology for a healthier and better world have been discussed.

Problem 1: Unavailability of remote access

Healthcare is related to in-person consultations. This issue compels the patients to visit the nearest healthcare center for their treatment. The Covid outbreak and the lockdown have made this problem worse. The contamination effect of this virus restrained the people within four walls of their own homes. So, if there is a situation of emergency or if they needed to see a doctor, what could they have done? The requirement of virtual consultations or remote access is the urgent need of the hour. To stay one step ahead in the adoption race of technology, this has to be taken care of.

Solution: Investing in healthcare web and mobile applications

The mobile app developers continue to develop the performance abilities and flexibility of these remote-oriented platforms. For medical experts, this creates a reliable experience to offer quality care as well as advice to patients sitting kilometers away. Telemedicine, with mobile healthcare solutions, aims at raising the level of healthcare with smartphones and wearables to track health. In healthcare, the use of technology has accelerated the development of products which experiment with technology like virtual and augmented reality, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and holography.

Problem 2: Errors and inefficiencies in Data Sharing

In an era where medical science has made significant healthcare errors, inefficiencies and advancements are still persistent. This is because of the traditional technology for the management of the healthcare industry. This is not only an obstacle in medical science, but it causes regression due to the waste it generates. The patients pay the price in the form of health and inconvenience, and also, there is a rise in litigation and administrative expenses owing to these errors and efficiencies.

A particular area of concern is the exchange of patient data in the case of a patient transfer from one hospital or department to another. When patient record sharing is done in the traditional way, it is inefficient and time-consuming and exposes the information of the patient to a security breach. An inefficient and incomplete exchange of data can be dangerous for patients who need complicated or urgent treatment.

Solution: Blockchain-based Database

To deliver a satisfactory and holistic patient experience, various parties who are involved in healthcare, such as doctors, patients, insurance providers, and scheme providers, must be able to exchange information securely among themselves. Using the systems of cloud-based data management can be a stable solution to solve the inefficiencies that are caused by the outdated pen-and-paper style of managing the data. The latest up-and-coming solution to the healthcare management issue is to use a blockchain database to store as well as share patient records. The healthcare technology trend is able to eliminate insecurity, thereby maintaining the integrity and privacy of patient information.

Problem 3: Siloes in the Healthcare industry

Siloes in the Healthcare industry

Healthcare professionals are disconnected as well as working in silos. Any missing platform may bring the healthcare world into one single page where they are able to discuss their learnings, create notes, and share knowledge. If there exists one single platform exclusively for the healthcare sector, then things would have become much better. Everyone could learn from anyone, thereby leading to better understanding, leading to better diagnosis, and treatment.

Solution: Development of a Networking app for the healthcare professionals

Developing a social networking app exclusively for healthcare professionals is able to solve this problem. Something like The On Call Room (OCR)- the mobile platform for healthcare professionals. The app covers various things, including the recent development in the healthcare world; the ability to share videos, excel sheets, PPTs, PDFs, and photos; the ability to comment and like, post new statutes, and ask questions, also the ability to share the data of patients among the healthcare professionals. This is a pretty viable solution helping to create a better and healthier world by enabling communication and collaboration in the health sector. Sharing problems may solve health issues while promoting inclusivity.

Problem 4: Issues with Medicaid and Medicare

Medicaid and Medicare are the health programs of the government providing healthcare coverage to patients. The repayment structures of these programs significantly vary and need to maintain a process of orchestrated management. The processes for receiving and filling Medicaid and Medicare are pretty different and are an additional task on the healthcare professionals’ to-do-list. Also, for the services rendered, the regulations need them to record and store patient records in one particular format. The doctors have to fill out some prescribed electronic forms during the times when treatment is availed under Medicare. This proves that the patient is given the healthcare service. The rules and regulations are made mandatory for the healthcare pros to follow these processes to get paid. This adds to their problems.

Solution: Investing in Medicaid and Medicare EHR System

A disruptive political issue is healthcare reform. EHR (Electronic Health Record) is among those healthcare trends which the industry is prepared to embrace to simplify the health record-keeping and Medicaid and Medicare filling. The EHRs offer an apolitical tool for controlling the expenditure of healthcare. This was expected to grow at a rate of 5.8% until this year.

Market Growth Rate

The EHR system enables the proper electronic forms for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement from the government. For healthcare professionals, it is easy to keep the health records of the patients and fill out the forms for reimbursements when the service has been offered. Organizations realize the value of keeping a sound HER system. For a better understanding, have a look below.

U.S eHealth Market Graph

Also, these systems help improve the transaction of data and information from doctors to the government and from the government to doctors. Also, they standardize the format of data as required by the government for disbursing claims instead of speeding up the submission of the patient files as well as requesting payments for the services that have been rendered. Moreover, tracking the medical history of a patient online eases the nuisance of maintaining paper files. In this way, the doctors are able to focus more on their key functionalities and provide effective coordinated care with the other doctors to plan personalized, cohesive treatment plans.

Problem 5: Absence of the Supply Management System

Healthcare services form the backbone of the industry. The efficient practices certify smooth healthcare services. Nevertheless, managing these logistics is still a tricky task. Whereas it might sound like a problem of supply chain mismanagement, it creates issues such as drug or equipment shortages at the backend and mismanaged medical inventory. At the doctor’s end or the front end, it causes inefficiencies, and at the end, for patients, it results in danger to their health. Often traditional supply chain management is efficient and wasteful. It leads to the wastage of money on damaged and lost inventory, inappropriate delivery of medication or equipment, and the damage caused to the patients, everything resulting in massive financial losses for the healthcare services. Less-than-stellar preventive measures about shrinkage, misplaced inventory, and supply shortages, everything plays into the reality that without a definite supply chain system, the hospitals are the epicenters of these wasteful operations.

Solution: Investing in the Data Management Systems

To avoid unnecessary spending or heavy losses, it is very important to turn digital healthcare technology providers into effective and powerful solutions. A strong data management system driven by data analytics is updated constantly and operates within one easy-to-use GUI (Graphics User Interface), and provides meaningful and insightful data. In this manner, medical and administrative professionals are able to access the current budget allocations and accurate inventory numbers.

Problem 6: Managing the huge volume of the data of patients

Managing the huge volume of the data of patients

The patient-related data is among the most overwhelming aspects of the healthcare industry. With every new addition to the database of patients, the already existing pool becomes bigger. Therefore, it becomes tough to manage the data. The traditional infrastructure of securing and managing data is unrealistic. The retrieval and storage of this patient data, whenever required is quite a challenge that the hospitals need to address immediately. Data mismanagement and overload often lead to the wrong diagnosis, lapsed appointments, improper treatment, compromise in the security of data, regression of the condition of the patients, failure to keep up with the alterations in progress, etc. These implications can be catastrophic for both patients and doctors.

Solution: Data Analytics + Cloud Capabilities

The solution of healthcare technology to this issue lies in mobile portals and cloud-based data systems. These solutions provide healthcare professionals access to real-time data such as appointments, treatments, diagnoses, medical history, registrations, and more. As the retrieval and storage are cloud-based, these records are appropriately secured and are updated in real-time. The cloud-based solutions which help in maintaining a database of a patient are also data analytics capabilities and handy options. The healthcare mobile app integration and development of these apps, dependent on Android, iOS, and other mobile platforms, offer more flexibility for practitioners and doctors throughout their workday on the go.

Problem 7: Scarcity of Online Pharmaceutical Stores

An increase in the number of pharmaceutical stores all over the wave has changed people’s shopping habits, and they want everything and anything available online. The scarcity of online medical stores creates a problem making the industry lag in comparison to the other sectors. As the medicines that are sold online must be prescription based, a scarcity of e-stores may disrupt the market and will bring convenience to the customers.

Solution: Setting up online medical stores based on prescription

To launch an online pharmaceutical store must be on your list. The online market has huge potential. The online medical stores offer home delivery for prescription-based medicine. All you require to get started is an eCommerce platform such as BigCommerce, Shopify, Magento, etc.; developers who will design and create a mobile app and a website; and a delivery management system to streamline the last-mile deliveries.

Problem 8: Slow pace with the modern solutions

In this vast world, our knowledge is very limited so we have to learn more about the mechanisms underlying several diseases that are caused by viral infections. Any slight change in human DNA could prevent various ailments.

Solution: GET (Genome Editing Technology)

With the discovery of gene-editing technology, recent technology has resulted in real innovation in genetic engineering. It helps in treating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, muscular dystrophy, and cystic fibrosis. This is a field of study that modifies the gene of living organisms to improve our insights into the gene function as well as develop methods for treating acquired or genetic diseases.

Problem 9: Absence of early morning healthcare devices

Events like strokes and aneurysms and diseases like cancer frequently catch doctors off guard. Often it is very late to do much, and various patients die not due to the fact that they cannot be saved but due to the fact that it is really late to save them. We require more devices that can monitor patients remotely with long-term or chronic situations, track their medical orders, and also their location where they get admitted to the hospitals, as well as wearable mHealth devices that are able to send information to the caregivers. The medical devices that are converted to IoMT technology involve infusion pumps that are connected to hospital beds and analytics dashboards outfitted with sensors that measure the vital signs of the patients. Lifestyle diseases are rising, and innovative smoking is sitting. Lifestyle diseases include cancer, kidney disease, obesity, and diabetes. IoT is able to manage the risk of suffering.

Solution: Introduction of IoMT (Internet of Medical Things)

The IoMT is a collection of medical applications and devices communicating with healthcare information technology systems through online computer networks. The medical devices that are enabled with Wi-Fi help in communication via machine-to-machine, which is the foundation of this IoMT. The IoMT devices communicate with the cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services, where the captured data is analyzed and stored.

The Medtech (Medical Technology) industry manufactures and designs various products, including MRI scanners, artificial joints, surgical instruments, and pregnancy test kits. The IoMT (Internet of Medical Things)- a connected infrastructure of health systems and services is created as technology enables these devices to transmit, analyze, collect, and generate data.

IoMT, as well as its relationship with Medtech, are beneficial to help healthcare organizations to achieve better patient outcomes, implement new methods of empowering and engaging patients, improve efficiency, and lower rising healthcare costs. If Medtech is able to harness IoMT, the scale and pace of healthcare transformation will become exponential.

Wake and sleep patterns, nutrition markers, blood pressure, and other factors can be used to develop a quick and early detection for particular health conditions. When any risk is identified, a notification will be sent to the patients as well as the physicians of the patients requesting an additional test.

Benefits of IoMT

Problem 10: Shortage of mHealth applications

There is no direct access to the health of the patients. The available offline health systems are not sustainable, and many of us cannot afford primary healthcare, and for routine checkups depend on the ER. Healthcare professionals lack the devices and time to provide direct care to each patient. Healthcare professionals must pay attention to this. Provided that the U.S. has some expensive healthcare services worldwide, various apps are being developed for calculating the treatment costs. If you are not insured, it is the same thing as being denied access to healthcare services. Healthcare service networks, pharmaceutical corporations, and insurance companies will all benefit from the system. At the bottom of the pyramid exists the patients, but they are the foundation of the entire sector.

Solution: Launching mHealth applications to help users

People require constant access to healthcare services. Therefore mhealth apps have become quite popular, and transparency is pretty critical. The mHealth applications commoditize healthcare services to a point where all having a credit card can pay for the much-needed consultation instantly. The distance barrier is quite low, and outside their state, they can see doctors. With the age of the population, the demand for healthcare systems also rises. Due to the upcoming physician shortage, technologies like mHealth will aid in mitigating the impact. Some mobile apps that provide medical applications or medical assistance that store medical data include exercising and working out, tracking activity, pill and nutrition reminders, nutrition, personal medical data sharing, recording, and storing apps for therapists, applications in clinical presence, chronic disease management apps, and applications allowing patients to communicate with clinics or medical centers.

Future of Technology

Future of Technology

With technology continuing to be prominent in the healthcare industry, it cannot be denied that this industry has come a long way. Healthcare technology advances in the perfect direction, from dealing with data overload across different institutions to connecting patients and doctors from opposite ends of the world via mobile applications. Digital transformation in the healthcare sector is expected to become more prominent in the upcoming times. For doctors and patients, this will bring a whole lot of opportunities. Let us bind healthcare and technology together!

Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture: Which Is Better?

Monolithic v/s Microservices architecture has become a hot topic for debate, especially after Netflix became the first-ever company to migrate from a monolithic to a cloud-based microservice architecture. To be specific, this topic came into the limelight after Netflix won the JAX Special Jury Award in 2015.

Monolithic or Microservices architecture, which suits your organization the best? This depends on many factors. So, if your conference room also is filled with counter arguments on which is superior to the other, this blog may help you come to a conclusion.

Before that, let us deeply understand each aspect of the Monolithic and Microservices architectures, and then have a final showdown to help you make the right choice. To start with,

Architecture for S/W Development

What Is Monolithic Architecture?

Monolithic architecture is the development of an application on a single code base with a unilateral code. The single codebase incorporates all the required functionalities of the defined project to fulfill the business requirements. Developers design the application in different layers and deploy the code in a single war/jar file.

Monolithic architecture is a traditional software application design model, developed as a unified unit, independent of other applications.

Developers construct a monolith in three parts client-side UI, server-side app, and database. In the early stage of project development, tasks like cognitive overhead, code management, and deployment become extremely easy with monolith architecture.

What Are The Benefits Of Monolith Architecture:

Easy & Speedy Development:

While considering app development with monolith architecture, a unified codebase and simple structure make the development process fast and easy.

Easy Deployment:

Developers can deploy the entire codebase in a single war/jar file. Hence, monolith apps can be deployed easily.

Simple Testing:

Monolith apps are centralized and built on a unified codebase. So, end-to-end testing is simple and quick.

Easy Debugging:

In a centralized and self-contained app architecture, where all business concerns are integrated into a singular codebase, it becomes easy to find issues and resolve them.


A single API in monolith architecture performs the same functions as a group of APIs in a microservices architecture.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Monolithic Architecture:

Change Is A Challenge:

Monolithic app development is convenient only within a limited length of the codebase. As the codebase keeps growing larger, code management becomes difficult to handle.

To make a small change in a single function, developers need to compile, test, and redeploy the entire codebase. So even a minor change becomes a big challenge.

Low Scalability:

Monolithic architecture does not allow scaling individual components.

Less Reliability:

The app is built on a unified codebase. So, a minor error in any module affects the performance of the entire platform.

Lack Of Flexibility:

Monolith apps are monotonous. So, they only support the tools/technologies with which they are built.

Against Agile Development:

Continuous development is not supported by this type of architecture. Once the code is released it becomes difficult to deploy changes.

High Maintenance:

Upgrading to advanced technology, switching to a new programming language, or adapting to a new framework. Modifications in monolith apps are both expensive and time-consuming.

What Is Microservices Architecture?

Microservices architecture is a service-oriented app development approach that divides an application into a series of loosely coupled services for implementing different business requirements.

Each service is intended with a specific business logic and can be deployed independently. These services are interconnected and intercommunicable. Moreover, each service has unique functionality and a database with a specific goal.

Microservice is a decentralized architecture where major business concerns are distributed into separate codebases according to their domains. Tasks are distributed into small processes, functioning independently yet contributing to the overall development.

Microservices architecture does not reduce the complexity of app development, it just makes complexity more visible and manageable.

The best feature of microservice architecture is that it enables the continuous delivery of large and complex apps with minimum effort.

What Are The Advantages Of Microservices Architecture?

Continuous Development & Deployment:

As compared to monolithic architecture, pulling out updates is easier and faster with microservice architecture. With CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery), developers can easily update the code and accelerate release cycles. In case something goes wrong, they can roll back and redeploy within no time.

Increased Flexibility:

45% of organizations claim that microservices architecture is highly beneficial for development teams as it allows innovation, creativity, and better team collaboration.

Your development team can run a series of experiments in any instance, without affecting the performance of the entire application. Moreover, the microservice architecture supports a wide variety of technologies, tools, frameworks, and programming languages.

Higher Scalability:

When a microservice reaches its full capacity, the new instances of this service can be easily shifted to the associated cluster. By doing this, multiple instances with larger sizes can be supported to relieve pressure.


Developers can deploy changes in any service, without affecting the entire platform.

Independently Deployable Components:

In a microservice architecture, each service is independent of the other. This means each part can be developed, deployed, updated, and scaled independently, without impacting the other.

Supports Agile Development:

Microservice architecture supports the agile development process. The application undergoes a continuous development process where small tasks are deployed often in fast-release cycles.

Minimal Maintenance:

Testing of individual components, as well as finding and fixing bugs, becomes an easy task with microservice architecture. Overall code management is easy and demands less maintenance.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Microservice Architecture?

Increased Complexity:

55% of organizations already using microservice architecture find it more complex and challenging.

Microservice architecture is a decentralized ecosystem made up of distributed services. It is a challenge to figure out how different components are interacting. This results in unintended complexity. Increased complexity and unmanaged growth result in development sprawl.

Development Sprawl:

There are services developed by different teams, distributed in a decentralized ecosystem. Poor management of these services can result in slower development and lower performance of the app.

Extra Attention To Team Coordination:

As different teams are working on the development of individual services; a well-established internal communication channel is mandatory. Miscommunications can lead to major errors, so the collaboration and coordination of development teams become crucial.

Higher Development Cost:

Every microservice has cost for developing its test suite, deploying playbooks, monitoring tools, hosting infrastructure, etc. This sums up to increased overall development costs.

Complicated Debugging:

Firstly, individual microservices consist of a personal set of logs; this makes debugging complicated. Secondly, a single business process runs across multiple machines, which adds to complications in debugging.

No Clarity On Ownership:

In a microservice architecture, several instances are developed and deployed in fast-release cycles. For this, many development teams are running simultaneously. Over a period, it becomes difficult to claim ownership of components. Also, confusion arises on which team to contact for support.

Lack Of Standardization:

Microservice architecture offers higher flexibility when it comes to using programming language, logging standards, frameworks, technologies, or tools for development. As there is no common platform for development, microservice architecture lacks standardization of protocols.

Monolithic VS Microservices Final Showdown!

Let us have a Monolithic v/s Microservices architecture showdown to understand this better.

Below image represents Monolithic Architecture v/s Microservices Architecture:

Monolithic vs Microservices

Difference between Monolithic & Microservices

When To Consider Migrating From Monolithic To Microservice Architecture?

Many businesses opt for monolithic architecture in the initial stage of project development. Increasing code length, the addition of new features/functionalities, or pulling out updates, give rise to unintended code complexity, unmanaged growth, and development sprawls.

With this risk of bugs or irrelevant features appearing in the app, code conflicts become frequent. When the development process takes an undesirable turn, know that it is time to migrate from monolith to microservice app architecture.

It is important to note that if you are a single-product company, there is no need to migrate from monolith to microservice architecture. Especially if the codebase of your application has a limited length.

Not every organization need to migrate from monolith to microservices. Breaking a perfectly functioning monolith is not always a good idea. However, when an organization undergo expansion, the expectations on an application increase. At such times, it is wise to consider migration.

How To Migrate From A Monolith Architecture To A Microservices Architecture?

Devise A Migration Strategy:

Migrating from a monolithic to a microservice architecture is a major and critical decision to take. You must sit with your development team and strategize the pre- & post-development plan. It is necessary to define the flow of events in which you want the migration to take place.

Moreover, when it comes to migrating customers, you must first study their profiles and usage dynamics thoroughly to map a migration plan efficiently.

Invest In A Migration Tool:

While opting for migration to microservices, choosing the right tool for migration is crucial. Before migrating your customers right away, consider investing and creating a suitable tool for migration

For example, you can develop a tool that can track, monitor, and report the information of all the microservices. Or a tool that can automatically check the design, security, and reliability of a code before it enters production. You can also consider investing in a tool that is built around the tech stack.

It Is Teamwork:

Assign a dedicated team to carry out the migration process efficiently. To make improvements permanent, the team should work on investing and implementing the latest tools and technologies.

Moreover, when a large organization is migrating from monolithic to microservices, it becomes important to convey crucial information like the major impacts of migration, benefits of migration, Return on Investment, etc. Make sure that your partners, executive team, stakeholders, customers, R&D team, and other associates know what you are up to.

Take Cultural Shift Positively:

When your organization is working with a monolithic architecture, it is simple and sorted. A single development team is assigned for the development and deployment of the entire application. Fewer resources are working at a time and there are lower scopes for tracking and monitoring the project as a whole.

While migrating from monolithic to microservices architecture, everything changes. You must assign the development of individual components to separate development teams, depending on business logic. There is a wide scope for monitoring and tracking team activities because you must ensure that teams are working in collaboration. A lack of coordination can result in a pool of errors.

So, the important thing is, migration is not just limited to technical changes. Migration is a long-term change at the organizational level. So, plan this cultural shift optimistically and efficiently.

Make It Reliable And Trustworthy:

Once you start migrating, take it at a low pace and observe the impacts of changes in your organization. Many companies, in order to rush through the migration process, forget to gauge the performance and reliability of the shift they are leveraging. As a result, their customers may find them less reliable or trustworthy after migration.

So, always set up a system of tracking, checking, monitoring, and balancing the migration to support high reliability and maintain quality standards. Keep a keen eye on the migration process and check with your engineers for weak areas. Because following a systematic approach from the initial stage eliminates the chances of errors as well as saves time and resources in long run.

Monolithic to Microservices Architecture

Wrapping Up,

The global microservices architecture market is growing at an accelerating CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 18.6% and is projected to garner USD 8,073 million by 2026.

Furthermore, according to Statista, over 85% of respondents from large-scale organizations having more than 5,000 employees are already using microservices as well as 14% are already planning to migrate in the near future. So, what are your plans?

We at Softqube Technologies are one of the best software development companies with a reputed clientele. We can help you manage the complexity of a decentralized and distributed ecosystem while undergoing a migration from monolithic to microservices architecture. Our well-experienced team of experts can efficiently guide you through the process and help you strategize the migration precisely.

So, what do you think about migration from Monolithic to Microservices architecture? Leave a comment and let us know. If you have already undergone migration, do let us know its impact on your organization. Moreover, for any question, query, or inquiry, you can always reach out. Let us connect right away! Contact us for a free consultation.

The growing popularity and advantages that Golang comes with for your next software development project

At a phase where there is a wide span of programming languages, most web and mobile app developers prefer selecting the one suiting the most in their respective projects. You can even state that the developers think of opting for any other programming language as per their expertise and preference. But amid all this buzz, The Go programming language or Golang has been unveiled by Google, which is also developed by this big tech giant. It made its journey first in 2009 and has been in use for almost two decades.

According to the TIOBE Index for GO, there has been a steady increase in the growth and popularity of the Go Language in the last few years compared to its initial years. It enjoys the top position in the language rank list, making it two places higher than its previous position. Google’s Go managed to outperform some of the most prominent players in the field, like C, Python, and Java programming languages. The main purpose of the Go project was to get rid of the clumsiness and slowness of software development faced at Google and to ensure that the process is enough scalable and productive.

Thus it is the best and most useful information to encourage numerous developers to select the Go language for their upcoming projects. But, before jumping into the advantages that Goland comes with, it is important to understand this programming language thoroughly. Kudos to the three engineers working with Google- Rob Pike, Ken Thompson, and Robert Griesemer for creating this wonderful language.

What is the Go language?

Go is a syntactically, statically typed, and fully complied language sharing similarities with the programming language C. Its main benefit comprises memory safety garbage, structural typing, and CSP style currency, along with many others to be discussed below.

You can easily get an idea about the popularity of the Go programming language from the information that some of the popular giants use it- including Google, YouTube, IBM, Facebook, Docker, and Twitter. It is worth mentioning that some popular media houses, like The New York Times, BBC, and The Economist, are not staying back from implementing the Go language in their software development programs.

You must be aware so far that documentation has an important role in application coding, and you must always try to take steps to simplify this process. It needs to be mentioned here that Golang provides the advantage of the GoDoc, commonly referred to as a prominent tool for improving the documentation pages.

It provides static coding, making the developer feel truly blessed since they do not have to use any other languages like PHPDoc, JSDoc, or JavaDoc to annotate development. Just the use of simple English is more than enough in this respect.

It is also worth noting that GoDoc is a single documentation engine employed by the whole community. Another vital point is that every single library or application available in Go uses the same type of documentation, saving quite a good amount of time during this process.

Improved performance

Golang has been previously noted for offering much better performance than any other programming language, including Python. It should be mentioned here that Golang is twice faster compared to versions 2 and 3 of Python.One of the common reasons why Golang has successfully managed to perform well is because of the presence of the concurrency model and higher CPU scalability. Goroutine provides affordable resources against the Python threads, which is about ten times costlier if you need to process certain internal requests. This for sure will help in saving the Memory CPU or your resources.

Easy compilation into a single Binary

Go can be referred to as a language that is reasonably complied with. It is a combination of the whole dependencies, modules, and libraries in one binary depending upon the Operating System and the architecture you are adhering to for the static linking process. For instance, say you have a Linux X86 CPU in your laptop, and now you wish to combine the backend application. For the same, you need to simply upload the compiled or combined binary right into the server. Remember that you do not have to install any of the dependencies.

It does not require Web Frameworks

Go is a compatible programming language that was developed in a unique pattern which is why it does not need any kind of support from any third-party framework or web library. This is mostly because it comes with a wide array of tools that receive enough assistance from the native language base.

Some examples worth mentioning include Html, JSON, and https, as well as templating the built-in native languages. This works a lot for developing complicated API services without looking for the library or studying GitHub.

Help for Debugging and IDE

When you wish to replace or simply switch your programming language, you would require the IDE extensive support. Rather, IDE is an amazing software development application and asset that can effectively cut down your coding time by up to 80%.

Say, for instance, you have the Go Plugin for JetBrains IDEA supporting the Webstorm and PHPStorm. You will receive comprehensive and full assistance from the Plugin while working on your project development.

The Advantages of the Static System

If you plan to build a complex and large-scale application, you will require the support and assistance of a type of system. Here again, Go proves better than Python since it might have issues with using variables as an integer and availing string as a potential outcome. But, Go, or Golang can readily solve all such issues quickly as it gets the opportunity to learn more about it throughout the compilation time as a compiler error.

Golang is a convenient open-source language

One of the primary factors that favor Golang is its open-source feature. Besides, being introduced by Google has helped it enjoy a higher degree of advantage from the user base. Google primarily released it with the main goal of simplifying their own complex developmental processes along with meeting their respective cloud expectations.

Fortunately, it proved higher and more successful than all other programming languages. Developers can now use the programming language Go to develop gaming apps and meet different software development purposes.

Go is faster on different Fronts

Golang is among the integrated languages offering accuracy and speed on different fronts irrespective of whether you are writing down codes for a program or compiling the documents and codes, running and deploying the program. It goes without mention that several developers have recently shifted to the use of Golang since it is faster and even easier to learn. In addition, Go can be useful for any client with a very tight budget.

Enjoys enough support from the large community

Golang is growing as a popular programming language, and one of the major reasons behind it is the support it has received from the community of software developers and other users. It is even surprising that Golang has received a good response in the short time since it was first released. Community support indeed plays a prominent role here that Golang developers can never deny. For instance, you can come across many codes on GitHub, and the add-on bonus is you can learn the language quite easily.

Golang is a modern programming language

Launched to solve some cloud computing glitches, Golang is one of the modern programming languages that is the best fit for future-based technology. It even solved all the issues linked to modern hardware architecture too.

Is it worth learning Golang in 2022?

Definitely Yes! Golang is the most sorted programing language that developers and learners seek to know in 2022. It is one of the fastest developing languages when it comes to popularity. It will open up several new opportunities and assist you in getting your dream job at Google. If you are thinking of boosting your technology-based skills, then it is a good time to start learning the basics of Golang.

There are various online courses available at affordable rates that help you learn new technology skills like Golang. Udemy offers Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide course to know the fundamentals and advanced features of the Go Programming Language. There are similar courses offered from Pluralsight, Coursera, Educative, and Codecademy.

Wrapping Up

Golang has managed to create a buzz all around the world web development industry. It provides a lot of advantages besides supporting numerous platforms and even cross-platform development. It made development way more convenient for developers, which is one reason why many are shifting to the use of Golang Development.

Know Everything About Software 2.0 – The Rising NextGen Revolution

A decade ago, investors and thinkers believed software is influencing the world. Now, these days the industry foretellers say AI aka Software 2.0 is taking over the place of Software. Looks confusing? Time to spare a few minutes to know what is in for you here

The world is at the helm of watching a profound change in the manner software is developed. From the emergence of computers to writing lines of code for the automation of numerous business operations, the world saw it all. There was a time when coders followed waterfall models for meeting the business requirements. This was the time when humans fed commands to the machines. That era was Software 1.0.

What is Software 2.0?

A quick glance at a decade back, when entrepreneurs started designing applications by automatically generating the code from business requirements. As the Deep Learning concept grew, the tech experts built neural networks that can write software codes automatically with the help of instructions. The technological transition was lengthier but sustainable and impactful. The concept of functional programming began soon by using this neural networks model that was named Software 2.0.

Neural networks are a set of algorithms created to recognize patterns. These networks sense the data by a type of machine perception, labeling, or clustering raw input. They acknowledge patterns such as numerical that are present in vectors, be it sound, text, images, or time series.

Benefits of Software 2.0

Software 2.0 is on the way to changing the way the software is developed. The new tools will directly impact the manner in which software developers do their jobs. Moreover, it will also widen the scope of all the software accomplishments initially. There is a lot of progress that has been already made with unstructured data types like images, video, text, and audio.

The most exciting and frequent use cases in this field are discussed below. They can be portrayed as the real advantages that benefit a lot of users at large.

Content Moderation

AI technology models are being used on a daily basis to filter out the harmful image, video, audio content, and text from user-generated content streams. The advertisers can now recognize, detect, and moderate off-brand or poor quality content, toxic speech in text posts, profanity, and other text in images that are not suitable

Facial Recognition

There are several use cases that are based on finding, comparing, and searching faces and verifying their identity based on the faces. Facial recognition technology is used widely to provide secured access to schools, offices, and airports already.

Predictive Maintenance

Agro businesses, manufacturing enterprises, and airline companies in particular use computer vision technology to save maintenance and inspection costs and to increase the lifespan of the assets. The equipment monitoring, asset planning, maintenance scheduling, and finding the asset efficiency are all well-positioned and ready to watch the significant benefits of Software 2.0.


Some Risks of Software 2.0

There are chances that the software can fail sometimes in unpredictable ways. As we know AI is made out of data. Currently, the quality of the data used in training models is also examined thoroughly. During the times when the datasets consist of millions of observations and parameters, it becomes so important to understand this data. This can turn out to be a challenge. Like the ones explained below

Diversified and Biased Team Expertise

You will need powerful cross-functional teams who can address the risks of AI and ML. The teams need to pour in a variety of expertise starting from security controls, privacy, ethics, compliance, design, and domain. They also must consider the particular group of people who come from diversified social and cultural backgrounds. Here one group may accept the idea while the other group finds it totally unacceptable.

Accuracy of the Model

ML can raise the question of explainability. At times, you do not have an answer to why software behaves in a typical manner. However, explainability is essential. Software 2.0 is used for automating processes that were traditionally executed by people.

Explainability of Model

No one can build an ML system that gives 100% accuracy. Even if you train your system to label your digital assets, there are chances that the system’s decision turns out to be incorrect at times. However, these systems shall definitely make less errors than humans, except that the human errors are forgiven.


The future with Software 2.0 can shape up to become automatic and less human. But this kind of achievement is still a long way off. These neural networks are not silver bullets. As tech experts, we must figure out how to design these AI tools enabling them to work with other solutions.

Some aspects of software development will work and some won’t. However, in a shorter span, Software 2.0 will be the most increasingly prevalent means to get plentiful and cheap data along with powerful algorithms that are going to be difficult to design explicitly.

With Software 2.0, the fundamental shift is driven towards the way to computer interactions and for this newer tools and methodologies are needed. Human resources will need to follow suit so as to ensure that their companies are hiring the right people to keep up the pace with technological progress.

Softqube Technologies Pvt Ltd Recognized as one of the Best IT Services Companies by Clutch

Softqube Technologies Pvt Ltd is very excited to share that we have been recently named as one of the best IT and Software solutions & services companies in India. We are happy to share this amazing achievement with all of you!


We are excited to be featured on Clutch’s 2022 research list of incredible B2B companies in India. This is such a huge milestone for our company! We couldn’t have asked for a better way to start 2022.

For those that don’t know, Clutch is an established platform in the heart of Washington, DC, committed to helping small, mid-market, and enterprise businesses identify and connect with the service providers they need to achieve their goals.

Our team would like to extend its appreciation to Clutch and their team for making this award possible. We would also like to thank our clients for choosing us as their IT partner. Your business has played a major role in our success. Without the support and confidence of our customers, this feet would not have been possible. . To that, we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

On officially receiving this award, here’s what our CEO Nitin Suvagia has to say:

“More than the award, this recognition means a lot to our team at Softqube. This award is another success milestone in the journey of our company. We would like to thank our customers and team mates for their valuable contribution. We further resolve and commit ourselves, more than ever, to work in the direction of empowering our customers with the right technology tool to support their businesses. ” – By NITIN SUVAGIYA

10 Things You Must Ensure To Make Your Grocery Ecommerce A Grand Success

The pandemic brought a sharp surge in the demand for buying online groceries across the globe. Grocery eCommerce became the inevitable line of income generation for the food and beverage industry. Eventually, almost every consumer has discovered the ease and convenience of having groceries delivered at their doors.

As we watch the sector expanding and evolving, get hooked to this blog to know the 10 important things that you must keep in mind to turn your upcoming grocery e-commerce business into a grand success.

We shall also discuss some of the critical challenges that grocery eCommerce merchants confront and the ways they resolve the issues with a knack.

Know The Challenges That You May Confront In Your Grocery Ecommerce Business

Grocery stores rig out their stacks with a variety of products including food and perishable goods that stay in dominance. Here comes the specific challenges and provisions that are industry-specific and you need to follow them strictly.

It is not just about being sensitive to the timings and storage protocols, but also about handling a gamut of options. Like some products are sold by weight instead of piece and their conditions differ every single day. For example, bananas and avocados change with time, and the selling challenges become equally severe.

To keep reading and to navigate everything from optimal pick and pack processes to refunds to a replacement, and on-time deliveries. The challenges go endless. But after all, you need to give greater customer experiences. And to ensure the same, you must know what to keep in mind.

1. The Business Model


  • The business model of grocery retail companies is a mix of corporate, franchise, and independent stores. All come under the same retail banner. This creates great complexity at the time of your business model launching phase. There comes local variations in the product assortments, sales prices, and promotions.
  • There is a long history of loyalty programs with bonus points in grocery retails. The customer can earn and burn, and get various personal offers. There are essential sales drivers, and consumers expect the same loyalty features when shopping online. They also expect suggestions on their usual shopping habits, relevant recommendations, and recently purchased products based on historical online and in-store purchases.
  • Low profitability is historically common for pure players and traditional grocery retailers that start with in-store picking. Research shows that home delivery and in-store picking are the main cost drivers and offer considerable potential for increased efficiency.

2. The Products

  • There are many products that need to be stored under very specific conditions until they are delivered to the customer. You need to comply with the regulations around storage temperatures, or the recipient can be required to be 18 to 21 years old.
  • The grocery retailers who sell fresh products and food-to-go products manually pack them in the store adding to further complexity in the product attributes, expiry dates, and minimum order quantities.
  • Perishable groceries are often ordered by weight, and there are different ways of presenting, buying, and picking them. When ordering, for example, a watermelon, it’s not possible to choose the exact weight; there needs to be room for variation. And a variation in weight requires the card amount pre-authorization to reflect the allowed variation. The total price still needs to be recalculated based on the delivered weight, which can get complex with thousands of orders.
  • A grocery store may only sell food and beverage products, but what if you add a range of non-food items? And what if we then include clothing, electronics, and DIY? As in many industries, there are a handful of products that generate the bulk of sales, and then there are long-tail products that are rarely sold but that make a significant contribution to profit. The ecommerce solution needs to accommodate a wide variety of product segments.

3. The Stock

  • With a limited shelf life of the food products, they also come with a very high turnover. But at the same time, the warehouse and storage area have limited capacities. Hence, frequent replenishments are necessary. In parallel, the supply is not always 100% available.
  • In the majority of eCommerce scenarios, you would wish to pick, pack and deliver the items through shipping in the soonest possible time. However, for grocery ecommerce, the order is picked as late as possible- like just before store pick-up time or the time of departure for home delivery. The time between the order placed and then shipped could occur over several days. So when an order is received, it’s almost impossible to know the product stock at the time of picking.

4. The Storage Conditions


  • By complying with the regulations, the food products must be kept in specific conditions until delivered to the customer. The food products must be kept protected from contact with household chemicals. This means grocery stores must have complete control over the supply and delivery chain—from receiving a product at the warehouse or store to the final delivery at the customer’s residence.
  • The biggest challenge here is to store the food products in certain conditions during each phase. With self-service 24/7 grocery lockers with temperature zones, there are even stricter requirements to secure freshness until custom pick up.
  • In high-volume in-store eGrocery, it’s important to manage storage efficiency in buffer storage areas before route departure or pick up.

5. The Service Area


  • Ecommerce deletes all the international boundaries now. The exceptional segment is grocery ecommerce. Because, the service area is usually limited to one country and often to an even small geographical area based on the fulfillment center’s location and the product assortment sold.
  • You can set up multiple service centers to extend your reach, but there will always be blind spots. In our experience, optimizing your service area is one of the keys to a successful online grocery business.

6. Time Slots and Delivery


  • Unlike the delivery of, for example, a book, your shopping delivery can’t a) fit through a letterbox or b) be left alone for hours on end after delivery. Managing available order delivery times helps you organize your processes, balance the workload (order load) and provide the best service to your customers.
  • Integration with best-of-breed software is crucial in optimizing delivery and courier administration. This integration boosts efficiency and profitability for grocery ecommerce when order volumes increase.

7. Picking and Packing

  • The orders in the grocery ecommerce are typical and diverse. They contain a variety of products, and require a lot of time to pick and pack. The picking process is very time-consuming and of utmost critical. During the process, teams must ensure various factors: like the weight of the product, whether special treatment is needed or not, product cancellation, and the need to communicate with the customer.

8. Selecting The Product


  • Let’s take the case of bananas. A merchant may have bananas at different stages of ripeness. Let’s assume they then receive a large order of bananas. Which ones should you pick? If for a family’s long-term consumption, then expectations might differ. But what if the same order is made for a conference, where attendees consume them at the same time? As a merchant, you need a way to anticipate their preferences to be able to create the best possible experience.

9. Price Recalculations, Replacements, and Refunds

  • Once you order the groceries online, you have most likely had a previous experience with the substitute product. Perhaps you ordered juice from Brand A, but it was unavailable, so instead, you got juice from Brand B. When this happens, merchants have to consider the associated price difference—if the replacement product costs less, the merchant will need to refund. And if it’s more expensive, they’ll need to discount the product to match the price paid in the initial order.

10. The User Experience

  • Consumers always wish to search for their favorite products with quickness and ease while shopping online. And this makes it a challenge for e-commerce merchants to create such high-quality user experiences. One way to meet and satisfy customer expectations is with more intuitive navigation and features like favorite products, suggested products and saved shopping lists.
  • There are several shoppers who want extensive product filtering functionality options while shopping for groceries. For example, to avoid allergens, carbohydrates, fat, and sugar, or find vegan and eco-friendly products. The filtering list for product characteristics is long and keeps growing. With such a diverse list of preferences, it’s essential with intelligent and efficient filtering that simplifies the process of finding products.

What Can Softqube Do For You?

You must keep plenty of things in mind before selling groceries online. The most critical challenge is to choose the right eCommerce platform that can help you convert your idea into the exact potential reality. Partner with the right project team.

In the present times, there are very few ecommerce solution platforms that are optimized for the food and beverage industry. They can hardly support ecommerce entailing fresh food items, rich product attributes, temperature-restricted products, age-restricted items, fragile items, weighted items, and replacement products.

At Softqube, our clients have defeated all these challenges. We are the leading tech experts who can help you out in all things to give intrinsic user experiences. Get in touch with us and talk with one of our key experts. We can help you out in growing your business.


All That You Need To Know About Building Robust Software Architecture

Ed Harris was one of our clients with a creative and innovative idea that would serve the purpose of solving a core market problem. He went on to create a robust software application built up and backed with strong foundations with the help of top-notch software development experts. We helped him build world-class software that was embedded with the right design decisions, a deeper understanding of the product by the design experts and architects, and easy comprehensive codes.

To build a classic software model needs a lot of research on everything about software architecture. It is not just about the definitions and user interface designs. There is much more to that. Head on to the below list of topics that we shall cover for you and help you understand all the aspects related to software architecture.

What is Software Architecture?

 software architecture

Basically, software architecture is a blueprint for the development team to understand the user expectations and undergo a deeper analysis on the system design before applying iterations throughout the development cycle.

A constantly evolving process with an integrated set of pattern-oriented software architecture and technical decisions is called Software Architecture. It simply exemplifies transversal attributes like performance, scalability, quality, manageability, maintainability, and usability. It is inevitable to execute an indepth analysis before you begin writing your first line of code in order to get an effective development process.

When all the developers unite from the very beginning to develop robust software it guarantees a structured, consistent, and scalable development. Well-organized software architecture defines simple maintenance of internal quality and leads to continuous software improvement.

The Five Principles of Software Architecture

An ideal software architecture plan adheres to the five principles abbreviated as S.O.L.I.D design principles. They perfectly resonate with the software development objectives and with the software architecture. A correct application of these principles ensures avoidance of product strategy mistakes in the future.

five principles of software architecture

1. Single Responsibility Principle

All these services in the microservice architecture must be designed to comply with the single most objective. They should work with a unique responsibility and should become the core reason behind the application of the change.

2. Open-Closed Principle

Must be easy to expand the functionality of independent software modules. The specific service expandability should not impact the original behavior of the software.

3. Liskov Substitution Principle

There should be communication between any two independent services whenever required through API calls. The two services with the same contract should be capable to act as a substitute between each other, again without disturbing the overall system.

4. Interface Segregation Principle

You need to divide the software into microservices in such a manner that there are zero redundancies present. The smaller modules should be combined meagerly to satisfy the client’s needs along with minimizing the anti-patterns in the code.

5. Dependency Inversion Principle

High-level modules must not be dependent on low-lower-level modules. Rather both of them should lean on abstractions. With the same principle, the abstractions should rely on details, while the vice-versa holds.

What Takes To Have A Good Software Architecture

Some of the finest quality attributes are needed to ensure a good software architecture in making. Let us know which are those.

  • Functionality: The level of performance of the software against its intended purpose.
  • Reliability: The ability of the product to offer desired functionality under the given conditions.
  • Usability: To what extent the software product can be used with ease.
  • Performance: Estimation by considering processing speed, response time, resource utilization, throughput, and productivity.
  • Supportability: The ease with which programming developers can transfer software from one platform onto the next, without any or with minimal changes.
  • Self-Reliance: The ability of the independent services to perform optimally even if one of them suffers a downtime.

Factors Defining a Good Software Architecture

If you need an ideal software product architecture what is needed is the least amount of cruft – It is the difference between the current code and what should be the actual code. Higher the cruft, poorer is the software design and architecture. We shall know about the four factors responsible for helping out to trim down the cruft in the entire development process.

factors defining a good software architecture

Architecture Structure

The type of architectural design defines its structure. For eg. Microservices architecture or even a layered or even a layered architecture. These design decisions depend upon the software development team.

Architecture Characteristics

The success of any product in question is all dependent on the good software architecture characteristic. The characteristics can be generalized in nature and need not necessarily detail out a particular functionality of the software system.

Architecture Decisions

The phase is meant to lay out standards that you need to follow while converting ideas into products. To cut it short, the decisions define the how the development team works on the allocated tasks.

Design Principles

The design principles and architectural decisions both almost come from the same land. The line of differences is only during designing software architecture. Various guidelines are laid out and need to be followed as compared to the stringent instructions of the architecture decisions. The UX design process gets the right navigation through these guidelines.


An ideal software architecture embedded with all necessary components of creativity and innovation can help maintain quality software throughout the life span. It can also help in segregation software into microservices that will ensure effortless management activities. However, the truth is nobody can get it right at the very time.

The best of the software product development projects will face cruft. And during these situations, a team of agile-driven expert professionals can trace these mistakes and get rid of them sooner or later. Good software architecture can save a lot of developers’ time and can prove to be profitable for the business. Make it possible by signing in your next software architecture development project with our Softqube experts who shall help you design software with a robust and scalable architecture.

A Complete Guide For Knowing The Cloud Migration Strategy

Synopsis – Choose the befitting cloud migration strategy to move your business elements, applications, and data to a cloud environment. The blog briefs you about the coolest six cloud migration strategies along with their use cases and the best practices. So let us get started to know deeper about each of these before your company takes off for a migration process.

Nowadays, a lot of organizations are adopting cloud migration to drive growth and profitability into their businesses. Since it has become an essential element in today’s digital era, you must be aware of the several nuances that influence deciding to adopt a suitable cloud migration strategy. According to Gartner, the global spending on public cloud services is estimated to surge up to $304.9 billion in 2021.

However, some companies fail to extract the benefits that they can get out of spending heavily on clouds. To avoid cloud project failures, you need proper planning and the right selection of the cloud migration approach for your IT assets. The blog talks about various cloud migration strategies in depth so as to help you create a migration path and a smooth cloud transition. So Let’s get started.

What is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration is a continuous process of optimization enabling cost reductions and aiming towards reaching the full potential of the cloud. Almost, all the organizational aspects get influenced including people, technology and processes. With the flexible consumption and suitable pricing models, the cloud is all there to support your business with high scalability, agility, remote work, performance, and cost-efficiency. Hence, it becomes very important to have a cloud-migration strategy that is systematic and well documented.

The 6 R’s of Migration Strategy

1. Rehost

Also popularly known as “lift and shift”, rehosting is a cloud migration process that is meant to lift the stack and shift it from the on-premise hosting to the cloud. You replicate the current environment and transport it with no intentions to make changes for gaining rapid profitability. The companies that follow the conservative structure and lack long-term strategies to harness the advanced capacities use rehosting methods.

Rehosting is the quickest and easiest cloud migration strategy that moves the data without code-level changes. Especially meant to benefit the large-scale migrations, this pattern transfers data assets from on-premises infrastructure to cloud infrastructure. Also, it enhances the cloud speed and performance at lower costs.

Some of the use cases with the general flow of the process is explained in the below figure

Although it comes with several benefits, you may be unable to avail of some features such as ephemeral compute or autoscaling. Legacy and resource-intensive apps are not left out to face latency issues due to non-compatibility with cloud environments.

2. Replatform

A modified version of rehosting, replatforming helps you make a few configurational changes to the apps aiming to make them suitable to the cloud environment with zero changes in their core architecture. This process makes adjustments to optimize the cloud landscape. However, the core architecture remains the same. Good for the conservative organizations who want to build trust in the cloud once they achieve the benefits into the system performance.

Some of the use cases of replatform are

Whatsoever, it is recommended to review projects at regular intervals to avoid them getting converted into a complete refactor.

3. Refactor

This method contains rewriting of applications from the very beginning so that it turns out to be a cloud-native. Refactoring permits users to realize the complete potential of cloud-native technologies like microservices, serverless, containers, architecture, FaaS, and load balancers. Refactoring is practiced as per the business needs to maximize cloud capabilities. This strategy is quite expensive but highly compatible with all the future versions.

With the use cases below, you can understand them more

This approach is resource-intensive and consumes more time as compared to others. However, it is worthy enough. Other minor challenges that you may face are a lack of cloud skills, complex projects, and program delivery, or potentially significant business disruption.

4. Repurchase

This is all about moving the application to a new cloud. Mostly this includes SaaS platforms. Chances are higher of losing the existing code and training the team to work on the new platform. Besides, repurchasing is a cost-effective strategy that you can choose. Repurchasing provides a licensing change – like you can drop the existing on-premise license and begin with a new license agreement with the cloud provider for their solution. The newer, upgraded cloud version offers you a better value with higher efficiency, savings on app storage, and maintenance costs.

Some of the use cases,

A few obstacles like staff training for new software launches may be confronted. Also, SaaS platforms offer very limited customizability and control.

5. Retire

The strategy aims to help you to get away with applications that are unnecessary and unproductive. You can eliminate or downsize such apps. This helps to explore all the applications in terms of their uses, dependencies, and company costs.

The use cases are

The process seems quite easy, but it takes a lot to decommission apps. The most critical part is to decide which apps to retire from. You can perform these tasks in the prior stages of planning. This will help you to migrate priority applications and services, save resources and decrease migration of applications.

6. Retain

For some organizations, cloud adoption may not make sense. The reason is the inability to take the data off-premise due to compliance issues. That also shows you may not be ready to prioritize the app that was upgraded recently. Well, in such cases you can revisit cloud computing sometimes at a later date.

Also referred to as re-visit, retaining enables revisiting some critical applications of your digital assets that require a significant amount of refactoring before cloud migration. You may find some applications more to on-premise arrangements. For some cases, applications are retained because there is latency requirement, regulatory constraint, or it is cost-efficient. The use cases for better understanding are:

For hybrid cloud deployment, organizations use retaining to secure business continuity when large-scale migrations take several years.

Challenges of Migration Process

Although you may find an appropriate cloud provider, you may come across several challenges such as

  • Downtime to avoid disasters in the performance of the application to get a proper backup mechanism
  • Data losses may happen if enough care is not taken to minimize the risks of a breach.
  • Sufficient training to the employees to perform new IT management roles with efficiency
  • Problems in applications to get adaptable to the new cloud environment and lack of effective communication

Cloud Migration Steps

You must know that it becomes so important to follow the exact cloud migration steps. These steps are dependent on the complexity and size of the cloud environment.

  • Planning migration after knowing the reason to move data to the cloud with the right strategy that supports the best
  • Choose the cloud environment after analyzing what kind of cloud model you wish to adopt so that the cloud gets the ability to fulfill your future needs
  • Migrate the apps and data after proper planning and keeping the cloud security intact
  • Validate post-move success with proper evidence that it is working as expected.

Best Performing Practices For Cloud Migration

  • To keep rigorous knowledge about your portfolio from the inside out. Looking deeper into the current environment and evaluating assets in terms of cost, size, performance, complexity, size, and internal dependencies.
  • Design a step-by-step plan by starting over with small achievable plans and then move forward confidently
  • Choose the most suitable partner for your cloud migration journey, who gains technical expertise and diverse portfolio, and managerial expertise
  • Prepare the entire IT team including the new and existing employees for the entire transition that consists of network connection optimization, organizing resources, implementing system compliance, managing access, governance, and security
  • Leverage automated tools like VM ware and services like AWS Directory service managed by cloud service providers as and when required
  • Continuous tracking and monitoring of the cloud migration process
  • Accurately examine and validate the migration success by using the business goals and individual application KPI sets during planning.

Wrap Up

The Cloud Migration process can become difficult if there is no right knowledge and direction. The selection approach gets influenced by various migration models to choose from. You can have a mixed migration strategy as no one-size-fits for all.

Get started with this new technology today. Get help from the right team of cloud service partners to find out and decide upon your needs.

At Softqube, we have worked with several companies to work on the intricacies of cloud migration. The company lives by its principles and diligent working models. Find out more about us. Contact us and we shall line up the best cloud migration team of experts at your service. Contact us

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