Mastering Website Design in 2024

Creating a compelling website is both an art and a science, encapsulating the essence of your brand while ensuring functionality and user engagement. At Softqube Technologies, we excel in crafting bespoke websites that not only captivate visually but are also intuitive and user-friendly. Our expert guide to building websites highlights the key components of successful web design and UI/UX, which are crucial in enhancing the digital marketing landscape. By focusing on these elements, we ensure that your website not only draws in traffic but also converts visitors into leads, optimizing your online presence for maximum impact and reach.

In this comprehensive guide by Softqube Technologies, we delve into 14 key aspects of building effective websites, showcasing our prowess in design and UI/UX. Our focus is on creating sites that not only look stunning but also drive traffic and lead conversions, a vital element in the digital marketing arena. From the importance of a well-structured header to the power of compelling CTAs, each point is designed to elevate your website’s impact. This guide is a testament to how Softqube harmonizes aesthetic appeal with user experience, turning your website into a potent tool for digital success.


The header of a website is crucial as it serves as a navigational beacon, providing users with an overview of the website’s offerings and establishing its identity. It includes key elements to facilitate user interaction and streamline navigation.

  1. Logo and Website Name: Your logo is an iconic symbol that represents your brand’s identity. It should be carefully designed to be memorable, enabling users to easily recognize and associate it with your business. Equally important is the website name, which provides a textual representation of your brand that complements the visual impact of the logo. Together, they form the foundation of your brand’s recognition.
  2. Navigation Menu: The navigation menu serves as a digital map that guides users to different sections and pages within the website. It is crucial to carefully organize and clearly label navigation links. These links act as signposts, directing users to the information or products they are looking for. Dropdown menus can be used to categorize and subdivide content, making it easier for users to explore.
  3. Search Bar: A prominent and well-functioning search bar is a valuable tool for users seeking specific content or products. It offers an efficient alternative to manual navigation, saving time and enhancing the user experience. For e- commerce sites or platforms with extensive content, an effective search bar is essential.
  4. Contact Information or CTA: The header also plays a role in establishing trust and accessibility. By displaying essential contact information, such as an email address or phone number, you signal to users that they can easily reach out for assistance or inquiries. Additionally, including a “Contact Us” button or a primary Call to Action (CTA) can guide users towards initiating contact or taking other desired actions, enhancing user engagement.

Navigation Menu

A well-designed navigation menu is crucial for a website, serving as a roadmap for users to explore and access different sections and content. It ensures a smooth and intuitive user experience, helping visitors find information or products quickly.

  1. Clear Organization: A well-organized navigation menu is crucial for user-friendly navigation. It should be intuitive and reflect the hierarchy of your content. Begin with broad categories and then delve into subcategories, if needed. For example, if you have an online clothing store, you could have categories such as “Men’s,” “Women’s,” and “Accessories.” Under “Men’s,” you can further categorize items into “Shirts,” “Pants,” “Shoes,” and so on. This structured approach makes it easier for users to find what they are looking for.
  2. Dropdown Menus: Dropdown menus are useful when you have a large amount of content or products to showcase. They allow you to neatly categorize related pages or subcategories, reducing clutter in the main menu. For instance, on a restaurant website, the main menu could include categories such as “Appetizers,” “Main Courses,” and “Desserts.” When hovering over “Main Courses,” a dropdown menu could appear, displaying options like “Vegetarian,” “Seafood,” and “Steak.” Dropdowns simplify navigation and assist users in finding what they are interested in. However, it is important to ensure that dropdown menus are user-friendly and that the items within them are clearly labeled.
  3. Mobile-Friendly Navigation: With the growing number of users accessing websites from mobile devices, it is crucial to ensure a mobile-friendly navigation menu. The mobile menu should be easily accessible and user-friendly on smaller screens. A popular approach is to use a “hamburger” menu icon (three horizontal lines) that, when tapped, reveals the navigation options. Furthermore, the dropdowns and submenus in the mobile menu should be touch-friendly and easy to navigate. It is essential to ensure that the mobile navigation adapts to the screen size, providing a seamless experience for users on smartphones and tablets.

3. Hero Section

Hero Section

The Hero Section of a website is crucial for making a strong first impression and guiding users towards specific actions. It serves as the virtual doorway, grabbing users’ attention and conveying the website’s purpose.

  1. Prominent Image or Banner: Your choice of image or banner is crucial. Select high-quality visuals that align with your brand’s identity. Whether it’s a breathtaking landscape, a product image, or a captivating illustration, the image should instantly captivate visitors and pique their curiosity to delve deeper.
  2. Compelling Headline: The headline is the elevator pitch for your website. It should be concise, memorable, and communicate the value of your website. Think of it as a brief but powerful statement that informs users about what to expect. For instance, if you operate an online furniture store, your headline could be “Furnish Your Dreams.” This succinct phrase implies that your website provides a diverse selection of furniture to assist customers in creating their perfect living space.
  3. Subheadline or Description: To provide more context about your website’s offerings and elaborate on the headline’s message, include a subheadline or a brief description. This is an opportunity to explain why users should explore further. Building on the previous example, your subheadline might say, “Discover an exquisite collection of handcrafted furniture to transform your home. Our pieces are designed to enhance comfort, style, and functionality.”
  4. Primary CTA Button: The primary call to action (CTA) button is crucial for encouraging visitors to take the next step. It could be an invitation to shop, learn more, sign up, or contact you. Make sure it stands out and uses action-oriented language. For example, in our furniture store, the CTA button could say, “Shop Now.” This clear and compelling message directs users to explore your product catalog, advancing them on their journey.

4. About Us

About Us

The “About Us” section of a website is crucial for connecting with users on a personal level, building trust, and showcasing the brand’s story, mission, and team.

  1. Company Information: This segment explores your business’s history, mission, values, and what makes it unique. You can share the journey that led your company to where it is today, highlighting important milestones, challenges overcome, and successes celebrated. A concise and impactful mission statement expresses the purpose of your business and the impact it aims to create. Values serve as a moral compass, reflecting what your company cherishes and aligns with in all its endeavors. Uniqueness encompasses what sets your products, services, or approach apart from others in a crowded marketplace.
  2. Team Details: Behind every successful business are the people who lead it. In the “Team Details” section, you can introduce the key players in your organization, sharing their roles, expertise, and what motivates their dedication to your mission. This is an opportunity to showcase the human side of your brand and the faces behind it. Share team members’ backgrounds, highlighting their qualifications, experiences, and their journey to your company. This not only humanizes your brand but also establishes credibility by showing that you have a dedicated and skilled team driving your vision.
  3. Building Trust: Transparency and authenticity are essential for trust. This section is crucial for building trust by communicating with users in a way that shows you are not just a business, but a passionate group dedicated to making a difference. By sharing your company’s story, mission, values, and introducing your team, you let users know that you are more than a faceless entity – you are a partner, guide, and community. Building trust means making visitors feel like they are joining something larger, something they can trust and believe in.

5. Services/Products


In your website, the “Services/Products” section is crucial for showcasing your business offerings. It’s important to provide detailed information to assist users in making informed decisions.

  1. Listings: Each product or service listing should be presented clearly, providing not only the name but also relevant details for users to evaluate its suitability. This may include specifications, sizes, variations, and other relevant attributes. Taking a comprehensive approach allows users to compare offerings easily and find exactly what they are looking for.
  2. High-Quality Images: High-quality images are essential for effectively showcasing the appeal and quality of your products or services. It is worth investing in professional-grade photographs that accurately depict what you offer. Utilizing multiple images from various angles, demonstrating the product or service in use, can be especially impactful. Clear and high-resolution pictures significantly contribute to capturing the attention and trust of potential customers.
  3. Descriptions: The written descriptions accompanying your products or services should do more than just explain their functionality. They should tell a captivating story about what makes your offerings stand out. Emphasize their unique features, benefits, and how they solve problems. Utilize persuasive language and emotional triggers to capture the interest of users and address their concerns or questions. A carefully crafted description can not only inform but also inspire, motivating users to make a purchase or inquiry.
  4. Pricing: Transparency in pricing is crucial. Users should be able to easily view the cost of each product or service, with no hidden fees or surprises during the checkout process. Provide a clear breakdown of prices, including any discounts or promotions that may apply. If applicable, offer multiple pricing tiers to cater to different customer segments. Remember, a simple and transparent pricing structure builds trust and encourages conversions.

6. Testimonials


The Testimonials section of a website is crucial for building trust and credibility by showcasing positive feedback from customers who have experienced the products or services. This can greatly influence potential customers, assuring them of the value and quality offered.

  1. Customer Reviews: In the Customer Reviews sub-section, you can display honest and positive feedback from customers who have personally used your products or services. Customer reviews provide authentic endorsements of what you offer. They emphasize the real-world benefits and satisfaction levels that others have experienced by choosing your business.
  2. Build Credibility: The main goal of the Testimonials section is to establish credibility and trust with potential customers. To accomplish this, it is crucial to include genuine and unaltered reviews.

7. Portfolio/Projects

The Portfolio/Projects section of a website is a powerful showcase of skills and accomplishments, demonstrating expertise and experience in a compelling manner.

Images, Descriptions, and Links:

  1. Images: High-resolution images capture the essence of each project or achievement. Visual content serves as the initial hook that attracts visitors and piques their interest.
  2. Detailed Project Descriptions: When writing descriptions for each project, it is important to go beyond the visuals and provide context and insights. Explain the objectives, challenges, and the solutions that were delivered for the project. Additionally, highlight any unique or innovative approaches that set the project apart.
  3. Links for Further Details: Include links that allow users to delve deeper into each project. These links might direct users to dedicated project pages, case studies, or relevant content that provides an in-depth exploration of your work.

Demonstrate Expertise:

  1. Expertise and Skills: Your portfolio serves as a platform to demonstrate your expertise, skills, and the variety of services you provide. It assists potential clients or partners in comprehending the extent of your capabilities.
  2. Past Successes: Highlighting past successes demonstrates a track record of delivering results. Share metrics, testimonials, or awards associated with the projects to further validate your expertise.
  3. Problem-Solving Abilities: Emphasize your problem-solving capabilities by narrating how you addressed challenges in each project. This showcases your ability to adapt and find effective solutions.

8. Blog/News


The Blog/News section of a website is essential for businesses and organizations to connect with their audience, share informative content, and establish their expertise.

  1. Regular Updates: A blog or news section is the pulse of your website, offering a consistent flow of fresh and relevant content. Whether you publish daily, weekly, or monthly, maintaining a regular update schedule keeps your audience engaged and informed. Consistency is key to building a loyal readership and sustaining their interest.
  2. Categorized Posts: To enhance user experience, it’s imperative to categorize and tag your posts effectively. This organization allows visitors to quickly find content that aligns with their interests. Categories can range from topics related to your industry, services, or products to broader subjects such as tips, how-tos, and news updates. Tags further refine search results, providing even more focused access to your content.
  3. Social Sharing: Including social sharing buttons on your blog or news articles enables readers to effortlessly distribute your content across their social networks. This not only broadens your reach but also fosters user engagement. When users find valuable content, they are more likely to share it with their connections, leading to increased visibility and potential for new audiences to discover your website.

9. Contact Information

Contact Information

The Contact Information section of a website is essential for facilitating communication between a business and its site visitors, building trust, and encouraging engagement.

  1. Contact Form: A user-friendly contact form simplifies the process of reaching out to your business. This form typically includes fields for the user to input their name, email address, and a message or inquiry. By providing a structured way for users to send messages, you not only make it convenient for them but also ensure that you receive essential information to respond effectively. The key elements of a user-friendly contact form include clear labels, straightforward instructions, and, if necessary, validation checks to ensure that user-provided data is accurate. Additionally, consider including options like drop-down menus to categorize inquiries (e.g., sales, support, general questions) and a ‘Submit’ button to send the message.
  2. Address, Phone Number, and Email: Displaying your physical address, phone number, and email is a way to offer multiple means of contact, giving users the flexibility to choose their preferred method. Sharing your business’s physical location can be particularly important if you have a brick-and-mortar presence. Include a full address with details like street, city, state, and postal code. The phone number is clearly visible, and, if relevant, consider providing multiple phone numbers for different departments or purposes (e.g., sales, support, billing). It’s important to ensure that the email address is easily clickable or copyable, promoting quick and convenient communication. You may also use different email addresses for various functions, such as [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].
  3. Interactive Map: Including an interactive map is especially valuable if your business’s physical location is pertinent to your operations. An interactive map can help users pinpoint your exact location, providing visual guidance. Interactive maps often include features like zooming in and out, street view, and directions. These features offer an interactive and user-friendly experience, making it easy for site visitors to find you.


The footer of a website is a crucial space that serves as a navigational hub, legal resource, and connection point with visitors. It contains valuable information and actions to enhance user experience, promote trust, and maintain legal transparency.

  1. Links to Important Pages: The footer houses an array of links, granting visitors access to critical pages with ease. These pages may include the sitemap, privacy policy, terms of service, and more. These links offer visitors an additional way to navigate the website and quickly find the information they need.
  2. Privacy Policy and Legal Disclaimers: Legal compliance is paramount in the digital world, and the footer is the perfect place to ensure this. The inclusion of a link to the privacy policy and terms of service provides transparency and reassurance to users about how their data is handled and the rules governing site usage. These pages outline your website’s commitments and responsibilities, fostering trust.
  3. Social Media Links: In today’s connected world, social media plays a crucial role in brand visibility and interaction. Social media links in the footer offer visitors an invitation to connect with your business on various platforms. These links enable users to stay updated with your latest updates and engage with your brand on their preferred social networks.
  4. Newsletter Signup or Additional CTAs: The footer is a prime location to encourage user engagement through newsletter signups or other CTAs (Call to Actions). By including a subscription form, you provide users with the opportunity to receive regular updates, promotions, or informative content directly to their email inbox. Additional CTAs can be tailored to suit specific site goals, such as requesting a quote or scheduling a consultation.
  5. Copyright Information: At the bottom of the page, you’ll typically find copyright information that indicates the ownership and copyright status of the website’s content. This legal declaration reinforces the website’s ownership rights and deters unauthorized use of its material. It provides clarity on who holds the rights to the site’s content and protects against plagiarism or unauthorized distribution.

11. CTAs (Call to Action)

CTAs (Call to Action)

A Call to Action (CTA) is a crucial element on a website that guides users towards specific actions or behaviors to achieve website goals such as generating leads, increasing sales, or fostering user engagement. CTAs play a central role in driving conversions, which are actions that lead to achieving website goals.

  1. Contact Us: A “Contact Us” CTA encourages users to reach out for inquiries, support, or other communication.
  2. Purchase: CTAs such as “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart” lead to sales, converting visitors into paying customers.
  3. Subscribe: Newsletter signup CTAs aim to convert visitors into subscribers, allowing you to communicate with them regularly.
  4. Download: Encouraging users to download resources, such as e-books, whitepapers, or software, is a conversion action.
  5. Sign Up: Registering or signing up for an account can be a crucial conversion for user engagement and retention.
  6. Request a Quote: In businesses where services or custom products are offered, this CTA initiates the quoting process, converting prospects into potential clients.
  7. Learn More: For educational websites or those providing detailed information, the “Learn More” CTA encourages users to delve deeper into your content.
  8. Share: CTAs for sharing content on social media convert users into brand advocates, expanding your reach.

A search bar on your website allows users to find specific content, products, or information easily. It acts as a virtual compass, enhancing navigation and efficiency for visitors.

  1. Quick Search: A quick search ensures users find what they need swiftly, enhancing their experience and reducing frustration.
  2. Accurate Results: Accurate results mean users receive relevant information, guiding them to their intended destination effectively.
  3. User-Friendly Design: A user-friendly search bar is prominent, easy to use, and adapts seamlessly to different devices, enhancing the overall user experience.
  4. Search Analytics: Search analytics provide valuable insights into user behavior, helping you understand what users are seeking and how to improve your site’s search functionality.

13. Newsletter Signup

Newsletter Signup

The Newsletter Signup section on a website is a valuable feature that invites visitors to become part of your online community. By subscribing, users receive updates, news, and exclusive promotions directly in their inbox. Consider the following for additional information.

  1. Value Proposition: Highlight the benefits of subscribing to your newsletter, such as receiving exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or insightful industry updates. Make sure visitors understand what they’ll gain by subscribing.
  2. Ease of Use: Ensure that the signup process is simple and efficient. Use a clean and straightforward form that asks for minimal information, typically an email address and, optionally, the user’s name. The easier it is to subscribe, the more likely users are to do so.
  3. Privacy Assurance: Address concerns about user data privacy. Assure visitors that their information will be securely stored and not shared with third parties. Include a link to your privacy policy for further transparency.
  4. Call to Action (CTA): Place a prominent and action-oriented CTA button (e.g., “Subscribe Now” or “Get Updates”) near the signup form. The CTA should clearly convey the action users are taking and entice them to click.
  5. Confirmation and Welcome: After users subscribe, send a confirmation email to verify their email address. Once confirmed, send a welcome email that thanks them for subscribing and reiterates the benefits they’ll receive as a subscriber.
  6. Content Quality: To retain subscribers, consistently deliver high-quality, relevant content. Craft engaging newsletters that provide value and make readers look forward to each edition.

14. Sitemap

A sitemap is a visual roadmap of your website’s structure, serving as a guide for both users and search engines. It can be in XML format for search engines and HTML for users, each with specific functions.

  1. Visual Representation: A sitemap typically presents your website’s structure in a tree-like diagram or list format. It visually outlines the relationships between different pages, categories, and subcategories. This clear visual representation aids users in understanding the organization of your site, making it easier for them to find the content they seek.
  2. Navigation and SEO Aid: For users, a well-organized sitemap provides an alternative means of navigating your website. If users struggle to find what they need through the main navigation menu, they can turn to the sitemap for a more direct path to their desired content. From an SEO perspective, search engines use XML sitemaps to crawl and index your site more efficiently. This can lead to improved search engine rankings, ensuring that your content is discoverable by a wider audience. Additionally, it helps with SEO by providing search engines with metadata about your website’s content, such as when each page was last updated.


Softqube Technologies brings to the table a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise, crucial for crafting exceptional websites. Our in-depth guide reflects our dedication to excellence in web design and UI/UX, vital for boosting digital marketing outcomes. Each of the 14 points we’ve explored serves as a cornerstone in building websites that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and user- centric, ensuring they effectively drive traffic and convert leads. Trust Softqube to elevate your online presence with our unparalleled digital solutions.

How to Create Social Media Posts and Reels to Increase Traffic on Different Social Media Platforms

Designing social media posts entails taking into account a variety of factors in order to create visually appealing and engaging content. Here are some important elements to consider while designing social media postings:

Canvas Setup

Indicate the recommended dimensions for various social platforms (for example, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter). Discuss how important it is to design for different screen sizes and orientations.

Adjust the dimensions of your canvas to match the platform’s recommended size:
Instagram Post : 1080 x 1080 pixels
Facebook Post : 1200 x 630 pixels
Twitter Post : 1024 x 512 pixels
Instagram Story/Reel : 1080 x 1920 pixels

Color Customization

Choose the colour of your canvas’s background. Offer colour modification or theme choices that complement the brand. Make sure the background and text are different colours to ensure readability.


Typography is like dressing up your social media posts – it’s how you dress up your words to make them appear good and easy to grasp. Fonts, styles, and text arrangement can all have a huge impact on how people view and understand your message.

Good typography unifies your brand across multiple posts, organises content, and creates the right mood.

Whether you want to attract attention, direct the reader’s gaze, or ensure that everyone can read your posts on any device, properly selecting fonts and styles ensures that your social media material is not only visually appealing but also conveys your business message simply and effectively.

Logo Placement

Golden engagement ring hand

The positioning of a business’s logo in social media posts is an important part of brand visibility and awareness. It’s similar to selecting the best stage for your business to shine.

Where you position your logo whether as a profile picture, watermark, or integrated within the content affects how quickly your audience identifies and remembers your brand.

The strategic placement of your logo enhances credibility, fosters trust, and contributes to a cohesive brand presence. It’s not just a visual element; it’s a brand ambassador that, when well-placed, leaves a lasting and positive impression, reinforcing your identity in the fast-paced landscape of social media.

Use high-quality photos and videos

High-quality photographs and videos are appealing to the eye, and they also assist to highlight your brand and, in some situations, the impact of your brand.

The usage of high-quality photographs and videos is critical in social media post design. These images not only grab the eye, but they also represent professionalism and credibility.

Crisp images and well-produced videos enhance the overall visual appeal of your posts, capturing the attention of your audience and leaving a positive impression.

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Choose eye-catching thumbnails for videos

Logo Selecting eye-catching thumbnails for videos in social media post design is crucial to capturing the audience’s attention and encouraging them to click and watch.

Tips for Choosing Eye-Catching Thumbnails

High-Quality Imagery : Use clear, high-resolution images that accurately represent the video content.
Contrasting Colors : Choose colors that stand out and create contrast to grab attention.
Readable Text : If including text, ensure it’s readable and relevant to the video’s content.
Faces and Expressions : Human faces and expressive emotions can attract attention and make the thumbnail more relatable.

Overcoming Challenges in Smart Home Automation App Development

Importance of CTA in Social media post

A clear Call-to-Action (CTA) and a succinct message are more successful. A simple prompt is more likely to elicit a response than a lengthy explanation.

In social media post design, a Call-to-Action (CTA) is like a digital guidepost that directs your viewers on what to do next.

It’s a prompt or instruction strategically placed within your post to encourage a specific response, whether it’s clicking a link, making a purchase, subscribing, or engaging in some other desired action.

Don’t use too much text

While writing is an effective instrument for transmitting information, it is not necessarily easy on the eyes. An lot of text, in fact, might be visually overpowering for viewers.

Written content’s rich features can strain the reader’s eyes and provide a barrier to successful communication. Finding the correct balance of text and visual elements is critical to providing your audience with a pleasant and engaging experience.


Finally, creating social media post photos and reels with the objective of increasing traffic necessitates a deliberate and user-centric approach within the field of UI design.

You can make your material more engaging and shareable by emphasising visual appeal, integrating intriguing storytelling elements, and keeping a balance of text and imagery. Utilising platform-specific capabilities, optimising for mobile consumers, and adhering to brand aesthetics are all important concerns.

Ultimately, the success of your social media design hinges on a thoughtful blend of creativity, user experience, and a deep understanding of your target audience, ensuring that your content not only captures attention but also fosters meaningful connections and interactions across various social media platforms.

How can UI/UX Designers Effectively Use AI to Improve Their Design Work?

Artificial Intelligence is continuously influencing various business frontiers with its extraordinary capabilities. The design industry is not an exception. The impact of Artificial intelligence has triggered several jobs of designers due to its heavy usage in improvising creativity.

The fact is that AI works as a catalyst helping users to get through the targets. People have different perspectives regarding AI. Currently, it works as an augmented magic trick strengthening designers to create exceptional designs.

Now, how can we incorporate such magic tricks into our designing practices and how can we create stunning designs driven by AI?

The below blog answers not only the above question but also will give you insights on several ways of using AI in your UI/UX design practices. So let us address all your concerns.

What Level of Accuracy Does AI Provide in UI/UX Design?

The entire story of AI is based on algorithms that are created by humans. And no man in this world is perfect. With that, even AI can tend to goof up at initial levels. So, make sure before incorporating AI insights into your projects, you fast-check every suggestion and information that AI provides you. However, you can always rely on Google search for cross-checking and getting more insights. To be precise, if you are looking to work on a large-scale project, AI proves to be a good companion for research and design. And if that does not work, quality research with the traditional internet is the best option any day.

Top Use Cases That Prove Effective Use of AI in UI/UX Design

Integrating Empathy in Designs

The role of creating empathetic UX is to catch the real emotions of the users as it is a promising way to make them stay in your app for a longer time. When businesses fail to understand its impact, AI comes in. Automation is no more a challenge for companies. With AI design tools that support a variety of emotions, training machines can perform redundant tasks effortlessly. Incorporating human values via designs can become the routine UX design practice enhancing user interactions. Moreover, integrating various AI emotional apps using facial recognition and expressions can also improve designs to a great extent.

Improving Productivity with Automation

Design process automation enables UI/UX designers to work seamlessly on their designs. Repetitive tasks can be automated by using pattern recognition tools that will collect design pieces, validate the data, and suggest several design patterns. AI-powered tools and techniques adapt to the changes quickly and hence designers can quickly generate several design concepts. Even the entire documentation process and laborious tasks can be automated enabling higher levels of design efficiency.

Personalization and Data-driven Decisions

Data monitors the entire web world. We live in a world where tons of data and information are generated every day. So data only empowers your decision-making process. Designers leverage crucial data by analyzing user behaviors generated by AI-driven analytics. User behavior differs because of their distinct choices. However, some things remain common and that helps in making several decisions. The insights captured through data analytics on user choices and behaviors assist in understanding user preferences and dislikes while scrolling the screen. With the study done on each user behavior, organizations can create solutions that are based on personalized user experiences, leading to higher conversions.

Creating Generative Designs for Design Inspiration

Tools like Canva suggest to users which design part can be chosen next. Similarly for other AI-based design tools, you need to just mention the parameters that will provide you with creative design suggestions. However, Canva is not completely AI-driven but still can assist designers in incorporating creative designs into their presentations. Similarly, numerous tools help users improve their designs by sharing their current designs. So designers may not get a ready platter, leaving them with many suggestions and design insights from AI tools to work with.

Information Architecture (IA)

With Information Architecture, you can beautify and navigate your digital products by using apps that will comfort the users. The impact of IA has enabled designers to harness the capabilities of several AI models that are user-centric, can establish patterns, and can create stunning visuals and much more.

Product Iterations and Rapid Prototyping

Building an ideal digital product prototype is the most crucial job of a UI/UX designer. It takes longer time than usual sometimes as it involves a lot of market research and analysis. But with AI tools on the table, you get better alternatives with a rough idea along with certain parameters that will help you create exceptional prototypes. AI-powered prototyping tools provide designers with suggestions, and inspiration, and can save time and money. Designers can rapidly pass through the ideation process, build raw design pieces, and share it with AI to obtain ideas leading to several iterations. In this way, designers can save a lot of time.

Product Writing

Several design tools help designers build wireframes, that have several pieces of content to be written. Instead of putting ‘lorem ipsum’, designers can now get insights from content tools like ChatGPT, Bard AI, Jasper AI, etc. to get a meaningful product copy making users understand everything about design and its functions.

Usability and Accessibility Testing

AI tools help UI/UX designers to analyze their designs through diverse methods. One of them is usability and accessibility testing. Some popular tools like Visualeyes conduct user-centric tests that focus mainly on design patterns and user behavior. With similar tools, designers get inspiration for creating designs for visually disabled people or those who are color blind. With such tools, they can access several color schemes and navigation tools.

Top 5 Practices to Incorporate AI in UI/UX Design

Top 5 Practices to Incorporate AI in UI/UX Design

It is suggested not to rely completely on AI for creating better UI/UX designs, however, you can use the below practices:

Rigorous research on users

AI tools will provide comprehensive feedback on user traits and user behavior. UX researchers can create exceptional designs by analyzing the data and understanding patterns. With popular AI tools like Google Analytics, UserTesting, and Hotjar, and by keeping an eye on the heat maps, you can find out where the users stop and where they stay.

Finding the right AI-powered tool

Creating a unique design requires abundant research not only on the user statistics but also while choosing AI-powered tools. From user research to user testing, you must find the right tool that will help you cover the purpose of creating designs.

Make iterations with AI feedback

Test and analyze the raw design samples into your AI tools as they will give you feedback on your design patterns along with suggestions to enhance the visual appeal and accessibility. You can also obtain data-driven guidance to enhance your design speed and deliver prototypes at a faster pace.

Incorporate Human Creativity and balance AI suggestions

AI can only provide you with suggestions and relevant information. As mentioned earlier, relying on AI completely can be hazardous. Before using any AI-powered information, you must cross-check by researching on your own and by using your design instincts. Machines also tend to make mistakes, as they are designed by humans. The best design would be a subtle combination of AI and human intelligence with a perfect blend of creativity that human influences at a larger scale.

Stick to ethics while using AI

Relying totally on AI can hamper the authenticity and value of your designs. Despite being beneficial in several ways, you must always keep your stakeholders in the loop about how you are using AI for developing designs. As a designer, this gesture will reflect your professionalism and ethics.

Best 5 AI-powered Design Tools in 2023

Best 5 AI-powered Design Tools in 2023

Adobe Sensei

  • Can create photorealistic effects, editing photos and videos rapidly
  • Optimizes and scales design experiences with real-time intelligence
  • Provides deep insights, and real-time decisions and can predict customer behavior
  • Can provide personalized customer experiences and workflow accelerations


  • Assists in selecting the right color palette based on your choice of colors
  • Creates and provides different font color types on particular colors and poster colors
  • Will suggest image editing with different color overlays
  • It generates results based on 50 biases that are your favorite colors

Adobe Firefly

  • It has a fill feature that will allow you to change the background pictures and image sections with a realistic image feel
  • Has a prescribed process to fill the new element into the design
  • Allows you to create images that can be used for your UI/UX design and social media campaigns.


  • This tool empowers designers to seamlessly create UI/UX designs.
  • Beginner-level designers can create stunning visuals with this tool with a specific process
  • Also, you can upload a rough wireframe idea into the app and get an accurate visual representation of that screen


  • It is like Grammarly analyzes content into the UI designs simulates eye-tracking studies with preference tests and provides accuracy levels
  • Testing happens in three categories namely, Attention Map, Clarity Score, and Areas of Interest.
  • You can perform A/B testing for your design options, analyze areas where users stay for more time, create valid design assumptions, and make visually attractive UI/UX designs

Problems While Creating AI-driven UI/UX Designs

Problems While Creating AI-driven UI/UX Designs

No Control

Real designers wait to buy the ideas and suggestions of AI. And if they do, they somehow feel unsatisfied because designing is a task that gets completed only when you pour your years of experience into each nuance of the design-making process.


AI tools are trained and technology-driven. It relies on biased datasets and creates designs that may look quite stereotypical. To create innovative designs, you must think from the user’s perspective and make sure the designs are user-friendly and accessible.

No Human Creativity

Numerous algorithms and training datasets work behind every AI tool. Hence, each of these tools cannot be interpreted completely like humans in terms of critical thinking and empathy. To shun away from making your design tools more robotic, you must use them only following your design skills ensuring you get better conversions.

Technology Dependent

It is obvious that AI tools will save you time and can create many design tasks. However, the fear remains of too much reliance on technology over human intelligence. This may become lethal for designers and can hamper creativity and innovation.

How Can Softqube Technologies Assist You in Crafting Stunning UI/UX Designs?

How Can Softqube Technologies Assist You in Crafting Stunning UI/UX Designs?

AI will stay here for several decades and will keep evolving. However, it is impossible to beat human creativity with AI. Designers can use it as an assistant to create responsive user interfaces enabling saving on time and effort. At Softqube Technologies, we have a robust team of UI/UX designers who challenge AI to create outstanding designs. Our digital products give stunning user experiences driving the users to come back and access the designs.

Are you up with unique digital product ideas? Get in touch with us, our UI/UX designers are keen to help you transform it into a fully-featured digital product that will add value to your user’s needs.

The UX Design Case Study For Salon App

The Salon App market has grown dramatically in recent years, changing the way individuals interact with salon products and services. Thanks to the proliferation of smartphones and increasing access to technology, salon apps have become vital tools for customers seeking personalized salon experiences. These applications include various services, ranging from virtual try-ons of cosmetics and skincare products to appointment booking with salon specialists. The industry has seen an increase in user engagement as a result of the convenience and convenience provided by these apps.

The salon app “Kalon” and its progress toward creating a smooth and user-centric salon experience are the topic of this case study. By investigating the problems that consumers in the salon business encounter and the solutions provided by “Kalon,” we acquire useful insights about the influence of user experience (UX) design on the success of a salon app.

Overview of the “Kalon” app and its features

The “Kalon” app is a complete salon platform that enables users to have a personalized and easy salon experience. The app offers a variety of creative features with its user-friendly interface to appeal to the different demands of salon aficionados. Users may browse a large catalog of salon goods, each with thorough descriptions, reviews, and suggestions.

Identification of the challenges faced by users in the salon industry

The salon industry offers users a number of issues, which the “Kalon” app tries to address. Furthermore, customers have difficulty imagining how specific cosmetics or hairstyles would appear on them before purchasing or visiting a salon. Finding and making appointments with reputable salon providers can take time and be difficult. Recognizing these issues, “Kalon” aims to deliver solutions that simplify the salon experience while also catering to the individual demands of consumers.

The “Kalon” app’s goal is to change the way people interact with salon by giving a quick, personalized, and powerful experience. The app’s target demographic includes salon enthusiasts, cosmetics lovers, skincare fans, and anyone looking for professional salon services. It appeals to people who place a premium on ease, accessibility, and customization in their salon rituals.The app encourages users to discover, experiment, and develop their salon journeys with confidence and self-expression by providing a broad set of functions.

User Research and Insights

A detailed and iterative technique was used to perform user research for the “Kalon” app. It started with an experimental phase to learn about the target audience’s salon-related preferences, behaviors, and pain concerns. To acquire significant ideas, qualitative research approaches such as in-depth interviews and focus groups were used. The research process’s iterative nature allowed for ongoing feedback and revision, culminating in a user-centric and effective app design.

The research phase for the “Kalon” app provided important insights into the target audience’s preferences and pain issues. Users were overwhelmed by the large assortment of salon items and desired individualized advice, according to key findings. There was also a great desire for reliable salon advice and keeping up with the current trends. These findings influenced the design and development of “Kalon,” ensuring that it addressed these issues while also providing consumers with a customized, convenient, and instructive salon experience.

Insights gained into user preferences, behaviors, and pain points

The user research for the “Kalon” app provided useful insights into the target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and pain concerns. Users reported a high desire for personalized experiences, wanting salon goods and recommendations tailored to their unique needs. Users want convenience in making appointments with trusted salon professionals, with time management being a significant concern. Additionally, consumers stressed the necessity of trustworthy salon advice and remaining current with the latest trends. These insights influenced the design of “Kalon” to match user expectations and effectively solve their pain areas.

User Persona

Creating personas is a way to imagine who I would be designing for. I listed the goals & needs, motivation, and fear & frustrations.

user persona

Empathy Map

What does a typical day look like for Sarah? What does she value and think about? How are her actions different — or the same as her thoughts?

empathy map

UX Design Process

The design process is a systematic and iterative approach to problem-solving and creating solutions for various design challenges. It is a series of steps or stages that designers follow to move from an initial concept or idea to a final design solution. While there are different variations of the design process depending on the field or context, the general framework typically includes the following stages

ux design process

Each stage of the “Kalon” app’s creation followed a systematic process, beginning with research and ending with testing. The research step entailed acquiring user insights and comprehending their requirements. Ideation came next, with brainstorming and conceptualization sessions to develop ideas and solutions. The ideas were then wireframed into low-fidelity visual representations, illustrating the app’s structure and navigation. The wireframes were brought to life using prototyping, which created interactive mockups for user testing and feedback.

Wireframing and Prototyping

The “Kalon” app’s wireframes and prototypes were critical in envisioning the app’s structure and functionality. The wireframes served as low-fidelity blueprints for the app’s layout and organization of essential elements. They enabled early feedback and refinement by providing a clear visual depiction of the user interface. The prototypes demonstrated the flow and navigation, allowing stakeholders and users to directly experience the app’s capabilities. This presentation of wireframes and prototypes aided in the comprehension of the app’s design and functioning, allowing for iterative adjustments prior to the final production stage.

wireframing and prototyping

User feedback, usability testing, and stakeholder input were used to guide design iterations. The preliminary design was tested and assessed, and input was obtained in order to identify areas for improvement. This feedback cycle influenced later design revisions, which resulted in improvements in usability, functionality, and visual appeal. Each iteration improved on the preceding one, correcting faults and incorporating user preferences. The “Kalon” app evolved and improved over time as a result of this iterative strategy, resulting in a user-centric and refined solution that fulfilled the needs and expectations of its target audience.

Description of the user testing phase and its objectives

The “Kalon” app’s user testing phase sought to obtain useful insights and input from actual users in order to evaluate its usability, functionality, and overall user experience. The goals of user testing were to detect any concerns with usability, confirm the effectiveness of design solutions, and assess user happiness. This stage aimed to identify areas for improvement, collect feedback on specific features or interactions, and confirm the app’s design decisions. The user testing phase was critical in enhancing the app’s usability and user happiness.

The feedback gained during the app’s user testing phase was critical in driving later design modifications. Users’ recommendations, observations, and feedback provided useful insights into areas for improvement and identified pain points inside the software. Additional rounds of testing were conducted as part of the feedback loop to validate the effectiveness of the design improvements. The “Kalon” app evolved as a result of this iterative approach, resulting in a more refined and user-friendly experience.

Enhancing User Experiences through A/B Testing

A/B testing is a cornerstone of user experience (UX) design, providing a methodical way to enhance digital interfaces and optimize human interactions. This scientific procedure entails comparing two versions (A and B) of a design element, such as a webpage, app interface, or email layout, to see which one produces the highest level of user engagement and intended outcomes.

A/B testing allows designers and developers to make data-driven decisions in the context of UX design. It is feasible to assess the impact of modifications in real-world circumstances by showing alternative versions of a design to specified user groups. Metrics like as click-through rates, conversion rates, bounce rates, and user behavior patterns are tracked and analyzed to determine which version connects with users the most effectively.

Finally, A/B testing serves as a guidepost for UX designers in their quest for ideal user experiences. It helps teams to produce designs that resonate, fascinates, and meet consumers’ demands while attaining organizational objectives by enabling evidence-based decision-making..

Introduction to the visual design elements and branding strategy for “Kalon”

branding strategy

The “Kalon” app’s graphic design components and branding approach were created to offer a cohesive and visually engaging experience. The design elements included a carefully chosen color palette, typography, and artwork that represented the desired tone and look of the app. The graphic design elements were designed to convey an air of elegance, sophistication, and trustworthiness. “Kalon” aspired to establish a visually appealing and identifiable brand that resonated with users and generated a strong emotional connection with the app through the constant usage of these aspects.

The research phase for the “Kalon” app provided important insights into the target audience’s preferences and pain issues. Users were overwhelmed by the large assortment of salon items and desired individualized advice, according to key findings. Users complained about how time-consuming it was to discover and arrange appointments with salon professionals. These findings influenced the design and development of “Kalon,” ensuring that it addressed these issues while also providing consumers with a customized, convenient, and instructive salon experience.

Overview of the final design of the “Kalon” app

final design

The “Kalon” app’s final design features a seamless and visually appealing interface that caters to the demands and preferences of salon enthusiasts. The design has a simple and easy structure that allows users to browse through the app’s features easily. A well-balanced color palette exudes elegance and sophistication, while a properly chosen font improves readability and visual hierarchy. In addition, the final design incorporates high-quality visuals, such as product photos and user-generated content, to provide an immersive and exciting experience. The final design of the “Kalon” app shows a streamlined and polished product that elevates the salon journey for its customers, with a focus on simplicity, personalization, and user-centricity.

ui ux design

The “Kalon” app combines crucial features that directly address the pain points experienced by salon industry users. Personalized Recommendations make customized recommendations based on user interests, making the time-consuming chore of choosing the correct cosmetic items easier. Easy Appointment Booking streamlines the process of booking salon services with reputable specialists, saving users time and effort. Reliable salon Advice and Trend Updates keep people informed and motivated, filling a void in the market for reliable salon knowledge.


In a nutshell, the case study of the ‘Kalon’ app underscores our holistic approach, together with Softqubes unique perspective, in crafting a user-centric and distinctive salon application. By aligning my methodologies with Softqubes expertise, we effectively tackled pain points in the salon industry through meticulous user research, innovative ideation, precise prototyping, and rigorous testing. The app’s key features, including personalized recommendations, and streamlined appointment booking, directly addressed customer pain points, elevating their salon experiences. This case study holds significance as it vividly illustrates the potency of our user-centered design approach, in collaboration with Softqubes, in generating impactful solutions that reshape industries while exceeding user expectations.

Top 5 HeatMap Tools To Improve Your Website UX Designs

The name says it all: UX means User Experience. The story is all about what, when, and how about your users. Pretty much this makes sense to remain focused on the users during the data collection from the website. It starts with getting well-equipped with enough data to optimize the needs of your users.

Maybe you have some clues about user behavior by studying the traditional analytics data. But that is not enough to help you out in spotting a real problem even when you find one. So from where does the entire game start?

Being a UX designer, marketer, or developer, you work on user experience every single day. And here, heatmaps can help you to gather data on the way people interact with your website. And that shall give you insight on enhancing the UX and the metrics that really matter to your business.

This piece of the blog will help you learn what a heatmap is in the actual sense and how you can use it with effective tools to optimize your UI designs and scale your business. So let us just get started.

HeatMap in UX Design

Almost all the UI/UX professionals resort to the heatmap. With heatmaps, the data collected fetches a clear idea of the content and look of the online environment. Users give you the most authentic and fair feedback on your digital designs. Heatmaps become a reliable tool to get quality feedback to help you succeed. As a result, the insights that are pooled in, help you enhance the overall user experience of websites.

So basically, heatmap gives you access to check the performance of your website and the way the users interact with your content. Through heatmap tools, you watch the users click, how far they can scroll, and what are the hotspots of your website.

The most important aspect of accessing heatmaps for UX design is to get natural insights from the users. As they interact with your website they are still not part of a controlled or moderated experiment. However, they are helping you get real feedback. How incredible it is!

Importance of HeatMap in UI/UX Design

Companies use heatmaps to enhance marketing campaigns and advertising strategies. This improves the conversion rates and makes the users a crucial part of the design process. In turn, the designers get to understand the pain points of users and can meet their needs effectively. The significance of heatmaps in UI design can be prominently seen in the below areas:

CTA Buttons

The best way to check the conversion rate and performance of your online content is by watching the number of clicks your CTA buttons are getting. Heatmaps tell you all this with great ease just by viewing the online product heatmap. Also, you can check whether the CTAs are getting the highest engagement or not.


The main navigation and footer become the most significant features of a webpage. The way you organize your content in the menu can have a big impact on the user experience. The choice of words also impacts the navigation in the menu. This ensures that you’re using the language that your users are familiar with. A heatmap in UX can tell you whether your menu is working or not. It can also tell you which items in the navigation are working well and can, therefore, be highlighted in a better way.

Page Length

Page length leaves a strong impression on users’ minds. Too long pages make them overwhelmed and tired. And so, they jump off the website in no time. A heatmap tells you how far you should go and where your audience actually gets off the website.

Unexpected Clicks

The users sometimes go and click at the places where they feel it is clickable. If these clicks do not give any result, the users can get frustrated. Heatmaps can identify such spots on a webpage and help you rectify the issues.

Usage with other UX tools

Heatmaps fill you with so much valuable information. When you use it with other UX tools, it can turn out to be of immense help to the overall user experience. With Google Analytics, you can get a clear idea about your advertising campaigns and the overall performance of web pages.

5 HeatMap Tools To Give You Coolest UX Designs

Various heatmap tools are good enough to help designers benefit. In the case of technical services, you must know which tool or software fits the best. Well, the answer is not as simple as it appears. Several tools available in the market have unique features. The website chooses heatmap software based on the nature of the project you work on, the website purpose, and the target audience. Let us head over to the top 5 heatmap tools that I believe are the best ones for enhancing your UX designs.

1. Zoho PageSense


A low-cost solution to create website heatmaps. With ZohoPageSense you can create heat maps and get a good idea of the time users spend on a specific section of the website. Similar to Zone-based Heatmaps of ContentSquare, here too specific segments of webpages get a good amount of attention. UI/UX professionals use these insights to concentrate on the smaller elements.

The most attractive feature of this heatmap tool besides its low cost is the presentation of analytical information. Zoho is a combination of ample solutions and services. The varied solutions of Zoho enable you to work on a single product offered by the organization.

The reports formulated and presented by Zoho PageSense are quite easy to navigate and understand. You can use multiple filters to focus on different segments of the report and even customize the report based on your preferences.

Additionally, like other heatmap tools, this solution also enables you to view the behavior of users using different devices. Using a single tool, therefore, you can see how your website is performing on desktop and mobile devices.

2. Hotjar


One of the eminent heatmap tools available in the market. It is successful and widely popular due to its seamless usage. Hotjar uncomplicates things. It gives you several features that you want from any heatmap tool. Hotjar enables you to watch recorded sessions of visitors’ interaction with a website. These recordings can be watched at a fast pace and, thus, do not consume a lot of time.

One of the outstanding features of Hotjar is that it enables live feedback. You can use a widget provided by Hotjar on your website and invite feedback from users. The visitors can simply click on the widget, record their feedback, and let you know what specific feature on the website is causing issues. This is an informal type of UX research where you do not go into in-depth analysis but get quality feedback with minimum effort.

The cost of Hotjar is a little higher than other heatmap tools such as Crazy Egg or Mouseflow. Using Hotjar, however, is a delightful experience in itself. If you’re looking for quality analysis and are not facing serious budget constraints, investing in Hotjar is definitely a smart idea.

3. ContentSquare


Another excellent resource tool for websites. It is named “Zone-based Heatmaps”. It is very much true to its name. These heatmaps give you specific analyses about an element or zone on the web page. Contentsquare also gives you the estimated revenue you are generating from certain elements or CTA buttons on a webpage. This information is of great value to the marketing teams as the number provided here can give a good indication of what is working well for the business and what needs improvement.

Quite similar to Crazy egg, ContentSquare gives access to conduct A/B testing while making the comparison of the two versions of the same webpage. If you are a UI/UX designer, you can use this information to create the best version of a webpage.

Cost: Pricing is based on the monthly number of page views.

4. Crazy Egg


Wishing to take your heatmap game a step further? Here you go. This tool actually helps devise solutions and implement them. Crazy Egg has all the basic features a designer needs. Like record clicks and check out the areas on the web page to get the best engagement rate.

One of the best features that Crazy Egg offers is that of A/B testing. UI/UX designers conduct A/B tests day in and day out, especially for online content. With Crazy Egg, your work as a designer is reduced, as the tool itself provides you with quality analysis between two different versions of a particular webpage. This can help you identify which alternative is working well and how you can get better engagement and an increased conversion rate.

Cost: Plans starting at USD 24 per month

There is no free version of the tool except for a 30-day trial period. You can enjoy the benefits of the tool with the limited features.

5. Luck Orange


The next best option that you can use for the creation and analysis of the heatmaps is this tool. The common features of heatmaps, like recording sessions, several clicks, and hotspots on the webpages, all remain available in the tool. In addition, Lucky Orange gives an aesthetically pleasing and comprehensive dashboard that you can use to view the overall website. The dashboard assists you in answering basic questions like what is working on the website, where do the users come from, demographic distribution, and much more.

If you’re running a website that focuses more on conversions and generating new leads, then Lucky Orange will be of special interest to you and your business. This heatmap tool provides you with a conversion funnel that can delineate user journeys, helping you identify the leads that you can work on. Conversion funnels can be extremely useful in creating new customers and also enable you to retain the existing ones.

If you look at the cost of Lucky Orange, it is also quite low compared to other competitors. It is, therefore, worth mentioning that this tool has the promise of not being a burden on you financially.


Heatmaps are outstanding tools that help you improve the organization’s online presence. If you are working on a single-page website, a professional portfolio, or any complicated ecommerce website, heatmaps are always available. A little effort, little money, and lots of creativity and analysis will do in heatmaps. And you can always see, the benefits are immense.

The tools that are listed in this blog bring in a lot of value to your experiences as a UI/UX designer. No matter at what level you are working as a designer, updating yourself about the heatmaps will take you a long way. Particularly, professionals will get a great boost.

So, go ahead and make your projects worthy enough and improve the utility of your websites with the power of heatmaps.

Best Practices For Creating Ecommerce UX Designs in 2022

Websites have a more significant role in representing your brand globally. And that is why before you go and meet that prospect you wish to, your website does the job. Now the entire decision of the prospective customer to stay at your website is based on the overall experience while using your site to shop online. To convert them from casual browsers to loyal purchasers, you make sure your eCommerce website design has the premium features that are the best compared to your competitors.

So how can your ecommerce website make a difference while designing memorable UX compared to other online stores? Moreover, what will you do about it? And once it is all ready to go, how will you ensure that it meets your target audience’s needs?

Take a read below to know some of the best practices and design tips to create and maintain the most decent and reputed eCommerce website.

What is Ecommerce UX?

Ecommerce websites are not meant to be only informational. It includes an equal amount of transactional data. All this together enables the prospects to find solutions or products they are looking for. An ecommerce website is the most convenient mean to buy products and services that a customer needs.

The final purpose of any ecommerce website is to drive potential customers to do purchases. What do you need to ensure as an entrepreneur to get to this point? One of the most important aspects is to invest in user experience research and design. This would be of great worth. Forrester’s research reveals that for every $1 that is expended on UX, you get $100 in return. Isn’t that amazing? It is the truth. UX offers a complete 9900% ROI.

How does UX help in Ecommerce website design?

UX means User experience. It defines the relationship developed between your online shoppers and your ecommerce website. UX designs are the initial way to approach web content creation, and the designs inform your target audience all that they want to see and buy.


Evaluating your ecommerce web design with a UX lens needs to be done in the below three ways:

  • What: What does the user want from this website or web page? What are they hoping to accomplish?
  • Why: Why is the user engaging with this page?
  • How: How will the page’s features and functions help the user achieve their interaction goal? How will you make the site accessible to the user and appealing?

Beyond the above aspects, the core concepts of UX in ecommerce web design can be considered into five components.

  • Visual design: The look and feel of your eCommerce website design. The colors and shapes and the sound and image quality provided.
  • Information design: The information about your products and services presented, and conduciveness to customer understanding. The website’s hierarchical structure is transparent so that your customers can find exactly what they need.
  • Interaction design: The website should make sense when considered an interactive journey. Your eCommerce web design supports your customers’ goal completion, such as a purchase.
  • User needs: What expectations do your customers have when shopping on your website, and does it fulfill them?
  • Navigation design: How does your site navigation work, and does it support your customers’ journey from initial contact to the sale?

Beginning to design your site for ecommerce business.

Setting up a webshop for your products and services may seem as easy as eating a pie. But your web designs need to be planned out carefully before you get started.


A few things you should do in advance are:

User Research

User research is critical for developing an eCommerce website design that fulfills your potential customers’ needs rather than what you think they might require. There are several user experience research methods and tools you can use to help you narrow down how your customers want to be able to complete tasks and interact with your website.

Competitor Analysis

Analyzing competitors’ products and services pages will enable you to get insights about your target audience who are looking for online stores. You will not have a competitive advantage if they give you more information or a more precise customer experience. Make sure that it’s easy to compare your web design and theirs and that prospects choose yours because it’s easy to use and your products are superior.

Collaborate with a Team Who Fulfills Your Entire UX Needs

Your team needs to cover all the different aspects of your eCommerce web design: user experience design, copy creation, user interface design, interaction design, and service design. Make sure you have the skills to make an eCommerce site that will help your products fly off the digital shelves.

Best Practices For Creating Ecommerce UX Designs


Have Clear and Concise Vision

According to the Nielsen Norman Group, eCommerce web design must be clear and concise for the best results. If you’re listing your products and services, it’s worth bearing the following in mind:

  • Use a descriptive product or service name.
  • Provide clear and concise product descriptions.
  • Utilize recognizable images from your brand.
  • Offer a larger version of your images for accessibility.
  • Show your target audience how many products are available in a transparent way.
  • Make adding products to your cart simple and obvious.
  • Make sure your prices are transparent, and any extra charges are easy to find and understand.

Take a Direct Feedback

The target audience is the best source of motivation and inspiration for creating an improved ecommerce web design. Ask questions and find out who your audience is. This will help guide you in optimizing your design precisely for their needs. And this can be taken as direct feedback.

To obtain specific feedback, all you need is to use customer experience metrics like customer effort scores. Open text response questions to allow you to get the voice of the customer in their own words. You can also use a website satisfaction survey to help gather feedback from users on their specific web experience. Surveys can be delivered via email marketing after a customer has interacted with the site or through chat boxes right on the page so you can get an immediate response to your design.

Also, ensure your request for feedback isn’t intrusive–you don’t want to derail your customer’s journey from landing on your site to the shopping cart.

Collect Indirect Feedback

With a prompt, your customers’ own words will be helpful for website designing. However, you may also use indirect feedback to know your customers’ web experience.

This feedback is gathered from social media channel mentions and interactions, and unsolicited emails sent to your company. These may not be positive, as customers tend to reach out to relay negative feedback.

However, this can also be useful—if your customers are unhappy about aspects of your web design, you can make amendments to improve their opinion. 70% of customers who have a complaint resolved say they will return to purchase from the company again.

This indirect feedback will help you design your eCommerce experience initially and help you improve it as you gather more information continually.

Check Out With Operational Data and Experience Data

Combining operational data and experience data is a powerful tool for your ecommerce web design.

From an operational perspective, scroll depths, click hotspots, bounce rates, site conversion rates, and more can help you see exactly where your customers are having trouble engaging with your site. You can more easily discover where broken experiences lie and fix them for a better customer journey.

You don’t want your customers to halt their purchase process because your credit card payment options aren’t working correctly. For example, you can spot and fix your checkout process if you’re seeing lots of customers leave at this step when analyzing your operational data.

Get an Outside-in Approach

Find a suitable outside approach to design your ecommerce website. Do not put just what you think is the best for your audience on your site. Instead, make an effort to design your site by providing users with exactly what they want. 55% of consumers are happy to pay more for an improved customer experience—meaning it’s worth taking the time to invest in providing an experience they’ll remember.

Previously mentioned, also gather initial ideas from your existing website or customer base. Do your research on what your target audience prefers to buy and choose. Then, as you gather direct and indirect feedback over time, you’ll begin to build a picture of what your customers want to see as they travel through your site and what they want to see when they land on each page.

Manage Your Web Design Regularly

Creating your website is not going to be a one-time activity. Your designs should continuously evolve and improve based on your ongoing feedback for the best online shopping experience.

The Whole Story is About Your Customers!

Ecommerce website designs ultimately deal with and for the customers. Knowing how to make a memorable shopping experience is simply gathering insights from your customers and the available data. Based on the data, you will design the site and adapt to the approach once you learn more about the customers’ buying behavior.

The present world relies on getting meaningful insights quickly and eventually using them to transform experiences at different levels. This is a sure-shot way to success.

One of the essential tools in a designer’s toolbox is feedback. The most effective way to perform the creative process is seeking regular feedback from designing and development teams and gathering their inputs to know your actual progress and improvement. This can be considered one of the most reliable best practices for higher conversions with your UX designing skills.

Hope this article helped you gain better insights for choosing a reliable UX designing company for transforming your excellent idea into a potential reality.


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