Top Mobile App Metrics You Need To Absolutely Track In 2022

What makes mobile app marketing thrive through the odds just like the world we live in?

Data. Still thinking how?

Let me make it simpler for you to understand. The most effective solution to analyze your app’s performance is to understand what all needs to be improved and move ahead in that direction of your business.

Mobile app metrics are one of the key parameters to assess the success of every marketer. From acquisition to discovery, user engagement rates to lifetime value, ad spend returns to breathe measurement, every marketer must answer these three questions before they begin tracking the mobile app metrics.

  1. How to increase the user rate and downloading rate for your app? ( user acquisition)
  2. How to engage the users for a longer duration in your app? (user engagement)
  3. How to convert the entire app business into a perfect monetization model? (in-app purchases or in-app advertising?)

The fact is, there is no such fixed parameter that can measure them down with some perfect answers. The hard reality lies in the struggle that the companies go through to drive quality users to their apps. So what does it take to turn the tide in your favor?

Get equipped to face the battle. I am going to share with you some of the most effective and most vital app metrics that are going to allow you to track and improve your acquisition, retention, engagement, app performance, and conversion. To save your hard work from getting wasted, believe there is always room left for improvement.

Head over to the below article that will help you in the pre-launch phase of your app development or even if you have already launched your awesome app out there.

Definition of Mobile App Metrics

Your app performance is known by the Mobile App Metrics. It keeps you well-informed about your users’ retention, engagement, conversion, and revenue generation. App metrics are the indicators of your marketing campaign performances. The metrics offer value only when they are combined with other forces that will enable you to move in the right direction.

So, firstly have an idea of the metrics that you wish to choose and analyze how they can help you assess your business, and then consider tracking them.

The Importance of Mobile App Metrics

the-importance of-mobile-app-metrics

It would be impossible for brands to check their app performances without mobile app metrics. The companies that are not succeeding in making precise mobile app metrics are always targeted and suggested to rely on broad measurement indicators like total downloads or total revenues. These indicators transform companies by taking the right actions at the right time and in the right direction.

The Crucial Mobile App Metrics

To put it straight, there are so many mobile app metrics that you must at least know and consider while tracking your mobile app performance. To name a few:

Tracking App Metrics Performance Indicators Tracking elements


  • New Downloads
  • Download Attributes
  • Downloads count on a monthly and weekly basis, App Growth tracking on daily basis
  • The source of fetching new users to optimize market expenditure and ROI improvement


  • Day 3 and Day 7 retention post your app launch
  • Monthly and weekly retention cohorts
  • Count of users accessing your app frequently for more than three to seven days after launching the app.
  • Active cohorts in the mobile app with duration and to check the in-app behavior impacting in positive and negative ways


  • Activation rate
  • Percentage of app downloads after the app launch.


  • Uninstalls on weekly and daily basis
  • Churn Rate
  • Uninstall numbers post the app’s growth
  • Users from the start to the end of a particular period. Beginning to know the app growth and revenue


  • Average session length and frequency
  • Active users count for a given month or a day and find the user engagement
  • User count who rolls out your app and the amount of time the average session lasts leading on to know the effectiveness of your app engagement campaign and the user quality experience


  • CTR (Click Through rates)
  • User percentage who clicks the push notifications, email links, and in-app notifications

App Performance Metrics

App Latency

It is defined as the amount of time an app wants to create a request and, thereby, get a response from the Application Programming Interface (API). Ideally, it’s expected to be as little as possible. However, zero latency is like a dream for the predictable future.

App Load Time

You would never want your mobile app users to abandon your app. You will wish they witnessed your offerings and so you should take care of app load time. The users like the mobile apps with swift processing and seamless navigation. And, it takes a long time to load, your app is going to suffer.

App Crashes

Similar to the app load time, app crashes are one more massive blockage in the way of your mobile app towards success. App crashes the abrupt shutting down of an app. Moreover, higher app load time is also a minor issue for app crash issues as the users need to begin everything from the start to accomplish their objectives.

So, you need to track your mobile app constantly crashes, precisely the following:

  • How often does your app crash?
  • How many times in a day does it crash while in use?
  • How many users get affected when your app crashes?
  • What were your users doing while the crashes occurred

Engagement App Metrics


This app metric helps to measure the app effectiveness and the number of connected users. The below metrics will keep you updated on the user engagement activities.

Daily Active Users and Monthly Active Users

These metrics guide you to find the app’s usability and its engagement with the users. All those unique users who come to your app are DAUs (daily active users) and all those users who come to your app in a month are MAUs (Monthly active users). These metrics must start fetching better results over a certain range of time periods. And for that, you can use tools like push notifications and other elements to attract your customers.

How to calculate DAU/MAU?

Find out the number of users conducting action on your app on a monthly and daily basis.

Stickiness Ratio

This metric allows you to identify the value count derived by your app users from your mobile app. This is generally measured over months. The calculation comprises DAUs and MAUs count. As a result, the higher percentage indicates more people finding your app valuable and more engaging.

How to calculate Stickiness?

Stickiness Ratio = Daily Active Users (DAU) / Monthly Active Users (MAU) x 100

Churn Rate

This metric helps you identify the number of mobile app users who uninstall your app or cancel it or downgrade the subscriptions. The churn rate is not so pleasant metric, however, it can worsen when your valuable users churn and turn on the other apps. It gives a direct hit to your online business.

How to calculate Churn Rate?

Churn Rate = Users at the start of the period – users at the end of the period/users at the beginning of the period

Average Session Length

This metric helps you find out the average time limit your user spends on your app. However, it’s not a universal mobile app metric, but its applicability relies on the industry you operate. It offers you an idea of how valuable your users find your in-app content. That’s why it’s worth tracking this metric. Later, if they don’t find your app, you need to perform some A/B mobile application testing to know your user preferences.

How to calculate Average Session Length?

Average Session Length = Total time duration of all sessions (in seconds) during a defined time frame / total number of sessions through that same time frame.

Retention Rate

To know your rate of customers who are retained, this metric is helpful. As a result, you are going to become capable of seeing the number of customers you lose to churn. You may calculate the retention rate by comparing a group of users in the recent timeframe with those same app users in the past timeframe. You may also calculate this app metric using your app download or first login.

How to calculate Retention Rate?

Retention Rate = (Number of users at the end of a time – Number of users came during this period) / Number of users at the start of the time X 100

Exit Rate

Unlike bounce rate people presume it to be as good as exit rate, this rate comes with the same drop-off screen from where the users usually take the exit. So target the exit rate for a mobile app especially.

How to Calculate Exit rate?

Exit Rate = Total number of Visits to a screen/total number of drop-offs or exits from that particular screen.

Vanity Metrics

The app metrics that do not impact your business profitability or engagement rates or revenue generation can be taken as a part of vanity metrics.

App Downloads

When you find out the app downloads, you may not be able able to identify specific results. App downloads never give you a perfect picture of the app’s usefulness or app popularity. So all you can get to know is the sources from where the users download your mobile app. You can find out the most efficient channels from where these app users come from.

Average Screens Per visit

This metric tracks the engagement levels. Higher the number of times the user watches, the greater is their engagement level on your app. If the user visits ten screens on your app but is not buying anything, you still have to go a long way. Basically, to find out the actual engagement, you need to check out the on-screen time.

Number of Registered users

To get it, first, open your Play store or app store on your mobile phone and check out the descriptions of the apps. As there are over 60% of mobile app’s descriptions, one common thing you should notice is that when people say they have X00,000 registered users, it includes active and inactive users.

Average Daily sessions per DAU

This metric applies to a minimal number of industries and like other vanity metrics, it doesn’t impact your revenue. When it comes to definition, the Average Daily Sessions Per DAU reveals the number of times your daily active users open your mobile app. It points – how your mobile users are engaged with your application.

Conversion App Metrics


This app metric helps you measure the number of people who install your application after landing on your App Store Page.

Goal Completion

When you want to evaluate the conversions irrespective of whether it is for your mobile app or website, this metric helps you. Goal completion is generally utilized to track anything and everything. It helps you track exactly what your users are interacting with your platform and derives the actual value achieved from that.

Some of the most crucial issues that can be identified by using the goal completion are:

  • Track the checkpoints that experience various drop-offs
  • Goals that demand most of the time to complete
  • Goals that have notable obstructions and more

Average Order Value(AOV)

So you want to track the average amount of money your customers spend on all the orders that they place on your app? Use AOV metric as it helps you evaluate your marketing and pricing strategies that are directly impacting your revenue generation. Increasing AOV indicates that you are able to counterbalance your customer acquisition costs, enhance your profit margins, and improve your total revenue without even putting more stress on attracting more customers to boost revenue.

How To Calculate AOV?

Average Order Value = Total Revenue / No. of Orders.

Time to Goal Completion

This mobile app metric will let you know if your app users have more time than needed to accomplish your desired actions and meet the goals. It will pose a question on all the possibilities that are the chief reasons behind the inconvenience.

You should understand the users’ intent to visit your platform and make sure they don’t get distracted before purchasing.

Acquisition App Metrics


Cost Per Install (CPI) /Cost of Acquiring a Customer (CAC)

I know it becomes so important and expensive for you to attract your users. A low CPI is considered as good. Besides, it will indicate that you are losing every new customer if it goes beyond the customer’s lifetime value (LTV). CPA is usually measured by the total cost of the marketing campaigns that help in acquiring new users. But, it needs to consider a fraction of your product development costs and your operational cost that enable the acquisition.

How to Calculate CPI?

CPI = Total Marketing Cost / Total Acquired Users

Customer Life Value (CLTV)

After you acquire the customers, CLTV becomes an essential metric. It determines the amount of expenditure that you will have to incur in anticipation to your average customer until they uninstall your application. Your CLTV will be an indicator to understand if you are spending more to acquire your users. In that case, you should perform substantial efforts dedicated to boosting your CLTV.

How to calculate CLTV?

CLTV = Average Value of Conversion x Average Number of Conversions over a Time period x Average Customer Life Time

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) and Average Revenue Per Paying User (ARPPU)

Being one of the most critical app metrics, you must incorporate it into your strategies because it helps to understand whether you can meet the monthly revenue targets. Basically, ARPU is the amount of revenue your average user generates for you.

Apparently, ARPU and CLTC may look quite similar. ARPU indicates the average revenue your users generate and CLTV helps you understand the entire process of revenue generation. This may take you to a place where you may not find a great difference between both. However, with ARPU you cannot predict the whole amount of revenue the user is expected to generate for you in the entire lifetime, while CLTC does it for you.

How To Calculate ARPU?

ARPU = Lifetime Revenue / No. of Lifetime Users

Final Takeaway

Mobile app performance metrics are essential parameters to track your app performance. Moreover, it gives you a clearer picture of your marketing ROI and growth. They can serve as true guides enhancing the user experiences and developing the app that your users will love.

I hope this article has helped you to understand the significance of choosing the right metrics for tracking before your app launches in the market. In case you ever need any professional help to understand each of these metrics and their significant impact on your business, you can always reach me out. Wishing you great success in your future endeavors!

A Complete Guide For Knowing The Cloud Migration Strategy

Synopsis – Choose the befitting cloud migration strategy to move your business elements, applications, and data to a cloud environment. The blog briefs you about the coolest six cloud migration strategies along with their use cases and the best practices. So let us get started to know deeper about each of these before your company takes off for a migration process.

Nowadays, a lot of organizations are adopting cloud migration to drive growth and profitability into their businesses. Since it has become an essential element in today’s digital era, you must be aware of the several nuances that influence deciding to adopt a suitable cloud migration strategy. According to Gartner, the global spending on public cloud services is estimated to surge up to $304.9 billion in 2021.

However, some companies fail to extract the benefits that they can get out of spending heavily on clouds. To avoid cloud project failures, you need proper planning and the right selection of the cloud migration approach for your IT assets. The blog talks about various cloud migration strategies in depth so as to help you create a migration path and a smooth cloud transition. So Let’s get started.

What is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration is a continuous process of optimization enabling cost reductions and aiming towards reaching the full potential of the cloud. Almost, all the organizational aspects get influenced including people, technology and processes. With the flexible consumption and suitable pricing models, the cloud is all there to support your business with high scalability, agility, remote work, performance, and cost-efficiency. Hence, it becomes very important to have a cloud-migration strategy that is systematic and well documented.

The 6 R’s of Migration Strategy

1. Rehost

Also popularly known as “lift and shift”, rehosting is a cloud migration process that is meant to lift the stack and shift it from the on-premise hosting to the cloud. You replicate the current environment and transport it with no intentions to make changes for gaining rapid profitability. The companies that follow the conservative structure and lack long-term strategies to harness the advanced capacities use rehosting methods.

Rehosting is the quickest and easiest cloud migration strategy that moves the data without code-level changes. Especially meant to benefit the large-scale migrations, this pattern transfers data assets from on-premises infrastructure to cloud infrastructure. Also, it enhances the cloud speed and performance at lower costs.

Some of the use cases with the general flow of the process is explained in the below figure

Although it comes with several benefits, you may be unable to avail of some features such as ephemeral compute or autoscaling. Legacy and resource-intensive apps are not left out to face latency issues due to non-compatibility with cloud environments.

2. Replatform

A modified version of rehosting, replatforming helps you make a few configurational changes to the apps aiming to make them suitable to the cloud environment with zero changes in their core architecture. This process makes adjustments to optimize the cloud landscape. However, the core architecture remains the same. Good for the conservative organizations who want to build trust in the cloud once they achieve the benefits into the system performance.

Some of the use cases of replatform are

Whatsoever, it is recommended to review projects at regular intervals to avoid them getting converted into a complete refactor.

3. Refactor

This method contains rewriting of applications from the very beginning so that it turns out to be a cloud-native. Refactoring permits users to realize the complete potential of cloud-native technologies like microservices, serverless, containers, architecture, FaaS, and load balancers. Refactoring is practiced as per the business needs to maximize cloud capabilities. This strategy is quite expensive but highly compatible with all the future versions.

With the use cases below, you can understand them more

This approach is resource-intensive and consumes more time as compared to others. However, it is worthy enough. Other minor challenges that you may face are a lack of cloud skills, complex projects, and program delivery, or potentially significant business disruption.

4. Repurchase

This is all about moving the application to a new cloud. Mostly this includes SaaS platforms. Chances are higher of losing the existing code and training the team to work on the new platform. Besides, repurchasing is a cost-effective strategy that you can choose. Repurchasing provides a licensing change – like you can drop the existing on-premise license and begin with a new license agreement with the cloud provider for their solution. The newer, upgraded cloud version offers you a better value with higher efficiency, savings on app storage, and maintenance costs.

Some of the use cases,

A few obstacles like staff training for new software launches may be confronted. Also, SaaS platforms offer very limited customizability and control.

5. Retire

The strategy aims to help you to get away with applications that are unnecessary and unproductive. You can eliminate or downsize such apps. This helps to explore all the applications in terms of their uses, dependencies, and company costs.

The use cases are

The process seems quite easy, but it takes a lot to decommission apps. The most critical part is to decide which apps to retire from. You can perform these tasks in the prior stages of planning. This will help you to migrate priority applications and services, save resources and decrease migration of applications.

6. Retain

For some organizations, cloud adoption may not make sense. The reason is the inability to take the data off-premise due to compliance issues. That also shows you may not be ready to prioritize the app that was upgraded recently. Well, in such cases you can revisit cloud computing sometimes at a later date.

Also referred to as re-visit, retaining enables revisiting some critical applications of your digital assets that require a significant amount of refactoring before cloud migration. You may find some applications more to on-premise arrangements. For some cases, applications are retained because there is latency requirement, regulatory constraint, or it is cost-efficient. The use cases for better understanding are:

For hybrid cloud deployment, organizations use retaining to secure business continuity when large-scale migrations take several years.

Challenges of Migration Process

Although you may find an appropriate cloud provider, you may come across several challenges such as

  • Downtime to avoid disasters in the performance of the application to get a proper backup mechanism
  • Data losses may happen if enough care is not taken to minimize the risks of a breach.
  • Sufficient training to the employees to perform new IT management roles with efficiency
  • Problems in applications to get adaptable to the new cloud environment and lack of effective communication

Cloud Migration Steps

You must know that it becomes so important to follow the exact cloud migration steps. These steps are dependent on the complexity and size of the cloud environment.

  • Planning migration after knowing the reason to move data to the cloud with the right strategy that supports the best
  • Choose the cloud environment after analyzing what kind of cloud model you wish to adopt so that the cloud gets the ability to fulfill your future needs
  • Migrate the apps and data after proper planning and keeping the cloud security intact
  • Validate post-move success with proper evidence that it is working as expected.

Best Performing Practices For Cloud Migration

  • To keep rigorous knowledge about your portfolio from the inside out. Looking deeper into the current environment and evaluating assets in terms of cost, size, performance, complexity, size, and internal dependencies.
  • Design a step-by-step plan by starting over with small achievable plans and then move forward confidently
  • Choose the most suitable partner for your cloud migration journey, who gains technical expertise and diverse portfolio, and managerial expertise
  • Prepare the entire IT team including the new and existing employees for the entire transition that consists of network connection optimization, organizing resources, implementing system compliance, managing access, governance, and security
  • Leverage automated tools like VM ware and services like AWS Directory service managed by cloud service providers as and when required
  • Continuous tracking and monitoring of the cloud migration process
  • Accurately examine and validate the migration success by using the business goals and individual application KPI sets during planning.

Wrap Up

The Cloud Migration process can become difficult if there is no right knowledge and direction. The selection approach gets influenced by various migration models to choose from. You can have a mixed migration strategy as no one-size-fits for all.

Get started with this new technology today. Get help from the right team of cloud service partners to find out and decide upon your needs.

At Softqube, we have worked with several companies to work on the intricacies of cloud migration. The company lives by its principles and diligent working models. Find out more about us. Contact us and we shall line up the best cloud migration team of experts at your service. Contact us

What Are Some of the Best Features of Angular 9?

Angular 9 is here! Alongside it, we also get Ivy, it is a default compiler that can decrease bundle size, improve troubleshooting, and a lot more. It’s been very nearly a long time since Angular released an update this enormous and we can see it’s been worth the pause.

Right now, we will turn out how to refresh from v8 to v9 and the most Magnificent things that Angular v9 has given us. There are numerous things we can anticipate right now, talk about a portion of our top picks!

Faster Mobile Applications:

Mobile devices bring half of the site traffic comprehensively. A lot of clients originate from places where there is a slow-speed internet connection, it is significant for Angular 9 developers to overhaul and reduce the size of downloadable documents, to build the mobile client experience. By lessening the size of JavaScript groups, Ivy opens a platform for developers to accelerate the application.

Angular 9

Allows better debugging:

Debugging is one of the numerous highlights of IVY compiler and runtime. For the developers, it is hard to build up a program that is total without bug. That is the reason it is critical to furnish the codebase with devices and procedures to substance out the bugs themselves. The Angular system in Angular 9 uses some special methods and apparatuses for application debugging.

Includes improved type checking:

The Angular compiler checks the articulations and ties inside the layouts of the application and reports any sort of errors it finds. The bugs are gotten and fixed initially in the development procedure. Angular 9 has three methods of doing this. Aside from the default flags, different flags that the precise backings are strict templates and fullTemplateTypeCheck.

Quicker Testing:

The execution of the TestBed in Ivy makes it increasingly effective to organize the segments between tests. This maintains a distance from recompilation between the great larger part of tests. With this change, the system’s center acknowledgment tests are about 40% quicker. The client’s application test paces will associate with 40% to 50% quicker.

Enhanced CSS class and style authoritative The Ivy compiler and runtime handles style in an anticipated way. In the past forms, if an application contained contending definitions for a style, those styles would change one another. With this Angular 9 element, one can oversee styles through a reasonable, steady request of priority which isn’t subject to timing.

Improved build errors:

The new compiler Ivy isn’t just productive yet, also gives security. Ivy accelerates the build times essentially. It gives less time for the works to finish. This empowers all the error messages simpler to browse through.

Empowers the AOT compiler by Default:

In the new IVY design, we see a critical change in the compiler’s execution. This implies the AOT assembles will be recognizably quicker. The adjustment in the compiler and runtime would never again need entry components. And ng serves. These segments in Angular 9 will arrange naturally relying upon their use.

The selector-less directive in Ivy:

Selector-less mandates as base classes were at that point supported in the old ViewEngine yet were absent in the Ivy see in Angular 8. This has now been added to Angular 9.

Angular 9

The Phantom Template Variable Menace

At first, phantom variables were not referred to in the format’s related segment. Making these phantom factors can typically undermine our applications. With Angular 9 one gets a compiler mistake when a format variable is made that has not been characterized in a component.

Progressively dependable ng update:

The ng update plays out an essential update to the present stable arrival of the center structure and CLI by running the accompanying order.

Further updates have been made to this to make it progressively dependable and instructive. The updates will presently utilize the most recent CLI and take benefits of more up to date refreshes consequently. It will likewise give updates and data about every relocation.

This new Angular 9 element additionally comes in with the new – make submits flags. At the point when we run ng update – make submits, the device submits the condition of our codebase after every relocation, to investigate the progressions made to the code.

These are some of the best features provided with the new Angular 9. It is the best time to ask your development partner for Angular 9 and make the most of it. Get in touch with us!

4 Important Factors of Web Page and User Interface of the Website

Website designing and development is into the world from many decades now. So, it is very much obvious there are a lot of things that has already defined to design and build websites. Sometimes developers do consider these things and sometimes they don’t. But in here are going to talk about 4 important factors of web page and user interface of the website.

We have talked to a lot of individuals to know what they do think about these things. However, there are a lot of terms that a developer needs to follow. But, as per user point of view, we are sharing few of the terms here to understand different status code of webpage, which enables the website owner to make the web page experience good for their visitors and clients.

To begin with, here are the status code and how it influences the website design and development process.

301 redirect

According to the definition, it is used when there is a permanent redirection of a URL to a new one. It is used mostly in case of old site to a new one, or when the website owner knows that which URL he/she wants the website to get cached and index for.

301 redirect

What’s its use

Usually, at the time of website redesigning, there are some links that get changed. So, it is on your to ensure that the Search Engines should be able to find and read the content. The 301 status code of redirecting offers search engines like Google instruction to search the new pages.

404 redirect

As per the definition, it is an error webpage that appears in front of the user, when they are trying to look out for a page, which does not exist or has removed from the services. It is most commonly happens, when the site visitor is wrongly typing the URL or trying to access a page that is no more on the site’s server. A properly designed 404 webpage should have the information that why it is showing 404 and what users can do next.

404 Page Not Found

What’s its use

Website visitors are going to experience the page in care they are having the URL that are no longer exists. Build a 404 webpage that as a purpose like directory to allow the visitors with information to stay intact on the site.

508 Compliance/ Accessibility

According to a definition, the accessibility concern of the website is making a website or webpage accessible by the individual with any sort of disabilities. All the websites that has been developing in recent times should pursue the guidelines set under the Disabilities act by the Americans.

508 Compliance

What’s its use

It is as well called as 508 Compliance. It has a set of guidelines on a website that run by the GSA. Usually, ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to use and access the webpage or a website on a whole. It means that fonts should be legible and clear, images need to be tagged with proper name, to make it readable for visually impaired individuals. This set of rules is still only needed for Government sites. By saying that, it is always a great thought to ensure that the site should be compliance with the guidelines. There are many online tools available to check the status. The website admin can run a quick report to make your aware what issues are required to be resolved that makes your site also compliance.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

As per the definition, this involves graphical elements, like icons, windows and buttons. The term was developed in 1970s to isolate graphical interfaces from text ones, like the command line interfaces. Though, in recent times all the digital interfaces are GUIs.

Graphical User Interface

What’s its use

This facility will make the computers accessible to everyone. Without presence of GUI, only programmers can use computers in an effective manner.

These are several terms that website designing and development professionals do follow while developing a website. To know more, get in touch with an experienced website development company.

Common Myths That Hinder Agencies Partner With Growing Web Development Company

For almost all the customers a website of brand is same as the brand. However, many organizations say that the website is crucial; the user experience for a lot makes the digital brand identity. In this market worth $20B businesses are moving towards growing the Web Development Company and web operation services, there are huge misconceptions about what to do and what not to do. Here are the 7 most common myths that have been disclosed by industry experts:

The client is always right: you should not be negative, but it is also needed that you should always be positive all the time. It is crucial to listen properly, and then provide viable suggestions about the solutions, like the ideas that your client should support in offering or might not have it. They may not be needed the app, it is the job of the web development partner. Your top priority is to make your client’s investment successful.

The first job is to look for a niche before you can succeed. As you definitely do not want to hydroplane all over the place with ideas, it is significant to begin at some point, while staying open for the change and growth. In case you have the answer for what are you best at, then you should go for it. In case you cannot, begin with your strengths but do not have a lot of limitations. In case you get your place in the market, be flexible to move your focus to work that offers your firm to grow.

Web Development Company

You need to grow to gain big clients. Visions of big-name stay in your head, but it takes time to build to that level. There are a lot of things that a business can do to close their dream deals, which involves filling your portfolio with the solutions to pitch to the future clients, developing the street cred of the team members as the industry influences and dealing it with other creative for extra work. There are new tools used by web development experts to deliver high-quality work in the same timeline and in limited budget. Companies will select a small company when they feel confident that they can offer to market quicker because of your team, agile workflow and lack of bureaucracy.

Maintenance job is tedious, unprofitable and distracting. Support may be sound like one of the least-significant words, but in reality, it is a secret weapon. For DevOps, anything can be failed. New features and small improvements may not be much, but they are needed for growth. Quick response and security updates, add-on features that help in building a client relationship and helps in regular testing that assist in tuning the performance.

The company needs to be big to get advantages of the streamlined processes. It is best to have a process in place. Keep the work with proper management. Build custom installs for repurposing whenever needed. There is no need to develop from scratch for all the clients, and offering a site with the essential thing is a big plus. Consistent development and version control, test cases and live environment help in running the things effectively. The companies use project management tools to maintain deadlines.

You need a bigger team to become big: Every time you plan to hire someone in the team, it needs the investment of money and time. Before you begin the search, think innovatively regarding how much you can perform with who and what you have. The company needs to reframe with growth in many ways. Take the expert perspective about the workflow of designing and development of the business. With the right type of tools, the web development Company partner can do huge with the team you already possess.

Great Team need Huge Advantages: Nurturing of the team begins with values, and not with air-hockey table and hip decorative items. Justify and build your mission statement and companies culture and value is based on that. It is your job that everyone associated with your business should know and understand your vision, mission and value of the business. This helps them to easily collaborate and solve any issue proactively. Begin with the foundation and you will grow appropriately within time.

These are some of the common myths that the business professionals have shared. And if done properly this can be easily handled by the expert web development company.

HTML 5 the saviour of Mobile App future

One of the reasons for the popularity of HTML5 is the use of internet on mobile devices. The number of users accessing the internet through mobile devices is growing every day in comparison to people using desktop computers. HTML 5 becomes important as it ensures that the website is responsive to the devices that are growing in abundance. Due to the growing mobile device market and various operating systems, it becomes challenging to provide proper support for all the devices.

If you were looking for a solution that would work and secure your future then HTML5 would be a smart choice. The biggest advantage or plus point of HTML5 is the capability to run anywhere. Some direct benefits that influence the mobility world is:

  1. No additional plugins required it works directly in the browser
  2. HTML5 can be remotely updated
  3. HTML5 supported devices can run any games based on one code
  4. Cross-platform compatible that allows the same code to run everywhere irrespective of operating system
  5. HTML5 provides its own media support
  6. Will provide an opportunity to create multiplayer games using client-server communication technology
  7. Provides compatibility and allows creating games for both mobile device and desktop
  8. Fully equipped with a complete range of devices and features that will enhance mobile browser environment
  9. Provides an excellent mobile-friendly way to create an interactive application
  10. The developer can create rich quality content as per requirement

The reason why HTML5 will take the future

A good percentage of developers have already moved to development through HTML5 for major projects that is what the statistics show. The reason for such a shift is the flexibility and compatibility that HTML5 provides to the developers. Moreover, the capability of HTML 5 to cater to the growing and changing technology in web development area, irrespective of a device selected.

How Crucial Is Responsive Design?

Smartphones and mobile devices have taken over the new world, and now it is not just about desktops. Even when we talk about surfing, mobiles devices have an important role to play. Almost everything these days is done with mobile, be it browsing social media platforms, online purchase or checking emails. Thus, with increase in usage of internet and mobile the demand of user-friendly sites has also tremendously increased. It is not essential that business should have two different sites one for desktop and mobile, instead a single design can handle requirements of both the users, and that is known as responsive design.

Understand Responsive Design

Responsive design is designing of a website in such a way, that its images, content and structure remains the same no matter on what device the site is accessed. So when users are accessing site on desktop they can have the full view, but when the same site is accessed from a mobile, the site retracts to fit on to smaller screen. Hence with such designing you need not have to worry about what device users are using to access your site, it can be done with mobile phones, computer desktops etc. There are some other essential reasons as well which is why it is important to have responsive designing on your site, which has been discussed below.

Increasing use of Mobile Phones

With every passing day, the amount of mobile users is increasing. It seems that everyone every time is attached to their phones, be it for entertainment, business or any other purpose. Even the biggest search engine of the world, i.e. Google claims to use responsive designing because majority of users are accessing the site through mobile phones. Well, if the biggest player in the market is opting for responsive designing then it is obvious that other companies should also opt for the same and achieve heights of success in the market. Business owners can preferably appoint web application development India and get the best responsive designing done for their sites.

Web Design India

Increased Conversion Rate

Besides the benefit of search available to site owners, responsive designing also has the ability of converting visitors to loyal customers of company. It is important to understand, that if users are unable to have access to site then they shall not get converted or give a try to online shopping. But what if they are able to access site on mobile, there are 100% chances that customers will purchase online and become one of the company’s loyal customers.

Online Social Media

Social media and blogging has become an integral part of everyone’s life and people find it difficult to survive without it. If in case, any company has not incorporated social media in their marketing campaign then they are for sure missing on something. Hence it is important for businesses to carry out social media campaigns and reap benefits. However before starting with social media campaign one should note that, the majority of the social media is accessed using mobile phones. Thus business owners should ensure that they frame a site or campaign which can be accessed through smartphones and tablets, thus enabling companies to earn benefits out of it.

Responsive web designing thus plays an important role for the growth of a business in the ever growing and expanding market. Hence every company should make efforts to hire the best web application development India that can provide adequate services and help companies reach to mobile devices of users. One can even opt for Softqube Technologies that is well known for providing users with web development and responsive designing services. Once you have hired them, you can be sure that your site would be as per your expectations and user friendly for users all around the world to have access to and use it for making purchase. A Highly Appreciated Programming Language For Web Applications

Now a days, every business wants to grow fast and they have realized that a strong and robust website will definite help them to win in this rat race competition. Every business house is now adopting some high-quality, customized web development solutions so that their websites will not only look aesthetically good and but also they will easily able to grab the attention of thousands of their customers. So, web developers are using several programming languages to create a sturdy and enchanting website. is one of the pre-eminent programming languages, which is basically used for the development of customized websites.

There are many web development companies which can successfully provide application development to their clients. for Web Application Development

ASP.NET is a scripting language which was basically invented by Microsoft. It is one of the frequently used programming languages and framework for a web application which helps software developers or programmers to create some powerful and dynamic websites, web applications and several other web related services. This programming language certainly possesses some good and exciting features and the demand of web developer is climbing exponentially in this website development market.

Today, this language has become one of the preliminary choices for website development and with its advantageous features; this language has covered the major areas of the website development sector. Below, we are abridging some reasons which are responsible for the growing popularity of

  • The prime advantage of is that it is based on Common Language Runtime (CLR). It usually helps software developers to develop a coding of it using any.NET languages which are easily supported by it. With application, there is no need to add the source code files because it is solely based on Object Oriented Programming. The two paramount components of language are Common Language Runtime and Framework Class Libraries. These two components help the web developers to create an application which is enriched with a professional look and feel.
  • Web forms are the central area for the development of an application.
  • The dynamic code of this language can be put in a web form that runs conveniently on the server.

By evaluating all of the above-mentioned features, we can easily conclude that if we want to create a robust and dynamic application, then undoubtedly is the utmost choice for us.

ASP.NET developers are the erudite persons who have the complete and extensive knowledge of this scripting language. They should know how they can use this language in the best way for the development of dynamic websites and other web services. They are the persons who know how to make a compelling and eye-catching website which can easily drag the visitors to that particular site.

Softqube Technologies is a remarkable software company which influences their clients with application development skills and much more. Their software developers have an in-depth knowledge regarding and by using this scripting language they are always trying to deliver some dynamic web applications that can satisfactorily meet the customers’ purpose and requirements.

If anyone needs services like application development, then they should make contact with Softqube Technologies and take expert advice from them.

Changing Trends From Personal To Business Apps

Mobile application development is growing at a rapid pace over the years. There are so many changes in the way mobile applications are developed. Gone are those days when mobile apps were developed for personal purposes because the demand for business applications is growing these days. It is a known fact that the Internet is becoming a key platform to promote business and even the number of smartphone users is increasing these days. With Android and iOS occupying more than 99% of the market, it gives a great opportunity for both small and large businesses to develop their own mobile apps and promote or set up their business online.

The Demand for Mobile App Development

The main focus area is to develop applications for business in the field of Android and iOS. The demand for business apps is growing continuously as consumers are exploring ways to shop or explore online markets. These days it is becoming important for businesses to have consumer apps, responsive websites and web apps designed especially for mobile phones and suit its requirement. The expectations of the consumers are also changing and apps need to be developed so that it suits consumer requirements and utilize the device resources effectively. This gives a great opportunity for companies to sell their products using a mobile app based platform or a mobile-enabled responsive website. For this purpose, they can hire a web application development India such as Softqube Technologies.

Mobile Apps Development India

Mobile Strategies Implemented by Businesses

A mobile strategy is an idea to expand core business and should be able to provide useful consumer based services to customers. This may include enabling platform for handling customer orders, inquiries, payment processing etc. Smartphone app users support business functions that can really help in adding more value to your business.

Branding Aid

Applications are becoming a great tool that can help build a good brand. There are continuous interactions ongoing between users and business with the help of mobile applications. The applications are present on their cell phones and can easily be accessed anytime anywhere. Serving customers flawlessly and ensuring customer engagement can help build a strong brand and profile.

Helps in the marketing of a business and/or product

Mobile phones are becoming an indispensable part of our daily routine. It can help businesses to leverage and can act as a great tool for marketing. Information related to product and its advertisement can be performed at a faster rate using mobile based devices.

Apps that are the business itself:

There are number of mobile-based applications that can be designed to serve different types of businesses. If you are looking to sell a product then you can look for mobile app based promotion.

Apps that are a part of the business:

Some of the applications can easily serve as part of your business as well. One can choose what type of business you want to use and how you want to go mobile. Decide what type of strategy you want to use and therefore choose a proper design of application based on that. It is important to design a mobile application that is well suited to provide convenience for mobile phone users or customers.

Plan and understand current trends and choose a suitable web application development India like Softqube Technologies in order to get your own business app.

Build Modern Apps With ASP.NET

For beginners, ASP.NET is a Web development platform that includes all the services required for a developer to build an enterprise-class Web application with a minimum amount of coding. ASP.NET offers multiple options for designing any type of web applications. It features the ability to cope up with different platforms including Mac, Linux, and Windows along with its open source nature point towards its efficiency. The various architectural modifications in the core framework have made the system friendlier, and modular components make the job easier for developers by simplifying the various implications.

Being Microsoft’s invention they have worked on the basics of this software to render a sophisticated development framework. It can be used to make apps running on the cloud as well as the premises of the operation. Users stand to get minimal overheads along with modularity in certain components with the guaranteed assurance of flexible development solutions. The cross-platform functionality of ASP.NET framework enables its use across differing platforms such as Windows, Linux, and Mac.


Some standard features of ASP.NET which makes it feasible for formulating web applications.

  • ASP.NET application development through features like diagnostics, configuration, session state and the cache makes it easy to work with today’s demand of cloud computing.
  • ASP.NET is compatible with a variety of operating systems enabling users to run this software without the complications of other applications ceasing to work.
  • ASP.NET has brought innumerable concepts under one roof by merging elements such as web pages, MVC, and Web API together.
  • ASP.NET application development becomes faster as the developers have the option of saving source files and automatic compilation on refreshing which promotes faster development in the ASP.NET framework.
  • ASP.NET is easily adaptable by various programming platforms such as Windows, Mac and Linux is a promising option for the majority of programmers.
  • Finally, the provision for hosting entire applications on IIS or other preferred hosting processes calls for using ASP.NET.

The Softqube team employs ASP.NET web application development, the core Microsoft technology to provide our clients with strong, reliable, secure and high-performance web applications as per their requirements. Our ASP.NET application developers have deep rooted experience working with a spectrum of .NET frameworks to offer high-end web applications.

Our team deals in:

  • Custom. Net development
  • .Net Integration
  • 3rd party .Net Customisation
  • Migration to .Net

Our team of experienced Microsoft Certified .net developers is capable of transforming various business requirements into highly flexible and scalable solutions that can take you business to a new height. At Softqube Technologies we believe using the advanced technology to our advantage in order to fulfill our client’s demands.

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