Rapid web-based Mobile and Desktop Application Development

Application development for both mobile and desktop is becoming quite prominent these days. The internet is becoming a global economic front where the number of investors and companies are interested in web development. It has continued to play a major role in communication technology. Web applications are policies and strategies employed by companies in order to build or expand their business. It is becoming a key part of business plans as it can help gain more profits to companies. Formulating a web application endeavors many companies.

Who Needs Web Applications and Why?

Various small and large businesses run their major networks via the internet. Even if companies have a local store, they still like to have a web application developed for both desktop and mobile phones as they wish to reach larger masses. The process of doing online business is growing rapidly and when companies want to move into the global market, it is essential to have a good ASP.NET application developed. In order to move into web development, they can either search for a permanent web developer or outsource projects to companies that have the required expertise to develop web application to expand business. From simple process of transferring funds to the handling of global customers, adoption of web-based applications is becoming crucial part of global business.

The Web Application Model

A fundamental model depending on client requirement can develop web applications. There can be three type of services for which the model can be developed. The service can be User services, business service or data services. All these services can be developed by hiring a company that deals with ASP.NET application development.

Web Application Development

Choose the Right Project

It is extremely important for companies to choose the right project. On the basis of services required, skills and capabilities, companies can outsource the project of ASP.NET application development to a reliable and expert web application development company that has capability to use all types of technologies to develop dynamic application.

Decide your requirements

Before choosing the right kind of company, it is imperative to access all services and budget prior to deciding on the relevant company. Most of the companies do not estimate the cost involved and end up choosing any other web development company. Before choosing any company, make sure that you assess all the resources and team so that you can conclude accordingly; making a proper assessment of the company and getting proper feedback from different companies. A good way to do the assessment is checking online client feedbacks, testimonials and reviews. Another good way to do it is by initiating a discussion with the company and setting up a meeting.

In order to get the best application development, it is important to search for an outsourcing company that has the required skills, telent and expertise in handling different projects. Companies like Softqube Technologies has a pool of expert resources who specialize in handling different tasks related to web development and mobile app development using technologies such as PHP, SQL, html, asp.net, java etc. You can take services from Softqube Technologies and get the best services in web application development.

How Native Apps can be used in a Web Browser?

So, what are native apps? How are they useful? How their advantages can be brought to a web browser? These are some of the questions that every developer has when we discuss about native apps.

The advantages of mobile friendly apps when it comes to maximum reach, accessibility from various device types and benefits from search, social media, email , affiliates etc are always been tempered by native apps. This leads to better user experience and functionality.

Native Apps

Now days, we can find various technologies are available in the market such as HTML 5 and its ability to tap into various device features like as location, camera as well as the ability to start working offline.

Developers can deliver apps that can offer interactive user experience via the web browser to many such native apps. As a result, these are named as web apps. Due to this reason, companies have started making more of such web apps.

Native Apps vs. Web Apps:

Hence, these are developed sometimes as alternatives or sometimes in addition to native apps which includes various minor apps. Native apps are basically software applications that are written for a single device.

On the other hand, web applications are those that work on all platforms. As a result, web developers need to wait for new standards to come and these can then be implemented by all parties such as browsers, devices, operating systems etc.

Today, developers are free to develop websites with text and images that can be browsed. These can now create interactive apps which performs several tasks. Some examples of web apps are Gmail, PayPal, Quartz and Financial times.

These things have initiated mobile web apps:

  1. Integrating HTML 5 with CSS 3 along with interactivity of JavaScript, web developers can easily replicate the mobile friendly, touch optimized interface along with navigation and the immersive, interactive user experience as started by native app developers.
  2. Browser APIs are used for websites to interact with various device functions or sensors like as GPS, accelerometer, ambient light detector, microphone, camera, thermometer etc.
  3. It brings thousands of tons of capabilities that developers love about native apps like as access to the device location, working offline and sending push notifications. W3C web standards is creating these standards and then these are taken into action by various browser companies like FireFox, Opera, Google Chrome etc that can be used on various devices to access the web.
  4. The speed depends on the process which further is based on capability. Few of the remarkable web app innovations as on Dec 2015 are as follows:
    • Location: Geo location notifies the website about the current location of any user. This is available on every browser. The first one to ship this was Safari. Now, IE also possesses Geo location.
    • Working Offline: With service worker, one can activate a new generation of offline web applications. These are available in current versions of Google Chrome, Opera, Android browser and Android Chrome.
    • Camera: Get user media is an app that offers access to the camera. For instance, video streaming or web RTC calling. This can be used on Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Android browser as well as Chrome for Android.
    • Push notifications: Here, we can say that W3C notifications are complete and this feature is available on Firefox, Chrome, and Opera. It allows any publisher to send a notification to any device of the web app user irrespective of whether the app is in use or not.
    • Audio: Web Audio API is yet another engaging feature that is useful for web developers so that they can do some practical stuff with sound. This is important for games.
    • Full Screen: The complete API allows a browser to take over the full screen of the device. With iOs safari and Android browser; its adoption is little more occasional.

Take Away:

So, these were some of the web apps that can be used easily on web browsers. Wish to know more about such web app innovations then stay connected with Softqube Technologies; a well known web development company in India.

Fix Your WordPress Security

Do you own a WordPress site? Are you facing any security issues? Do these issues really are the ones that you worry about the most? Then this blog post is for you. Here, we will discuss about some measures that must be taken to fix the security issues.

Wordpress Security

Resolving all the WordPress security issues:

  1. Protect your Admin Area: No matter whatever username or password you use to access your WordPress site, be it simple or strong; it is advisable to use more ways to authenticate any user as this can help you to ensure the security of your WordPress installs.

    This can reduce the chances of brute force attack thus saving your website from unnecessary hacks. In order to boost the security of your WordPress admin, here are the three options:

    • Keep your WordPress Login Page secured: Always use a strong password to protect your website files. Passwords like as htpaswd can be really useful. This will create the need for additional username and password that will be available only with administrators.
    • Use Two Step Verification Process: This is similar to the one used by Google to protect our email accounts. Here, two authentication stages are required before one actually logins to the WordPress admin area.

      This will ensure complete security of your WordPress admin page thus saving it from unnecessary hacks. With this process, one can get the time to reset login information and save the WordPress site from getting breached.

      It also notifies the user when attempts are made to access the WordPress site. To activate this process, one can use Plugins such as Duo Two-Factor Authentication. 

    • Whitelisting IP addresses: If you use this option then your WordPress site can be accessed only via WordPress admin area. The main limitation is one cannot access the website everywhere and anywhere.

      As you need to whitelist every IP address you wish to use to open your website. Yes, one can make use of VPN in order to have a static IP address irrespective of the network you are connecting with.

      This can be done easily via your site’s .htaccess file. For white listing multiple IP addresses, add “Additional Allow” from the lines.

  2. Keep a Good Password Policy: User authentication is needed for your website as well as database, graphical user interface which are used to manage WordPress related assets.

    One can use strong, random passwords for different services. Hence, if one of the login credentials are adjusted then only service may get affected through the attacks.

  3. Remove unnecessary Website Files: Maintaining your website properly is necessary and so it is necessary to keep a regular check and remove unnecessary files which will enhance your WordPress security as this will definitely reduce potential vendor attacks.

    People sometimes forget to remove unused files or avoid to clean up these as they don’t think this can be harmful to them and as time passes these temporary files are the ones that can cause problems.

    So, what things should be removed to maintain a proper website? These are as follows:

    • Remove unused or deactivated plugins
    • Unused files as well as old installs
    • Pages and Posts in Trash
    • Spammy comments or comments in Trash
    • Server backups and more.
  4. Web Application FireWall: Irrespective of your WordPress site, there’s a need to have a web application FireWall. This will block all the attacks that tend to damage the security of your website.

    No matter how much you keep your website upto date, you still are at a risk of zero day attacks. Hence, make sure to have web application firewall to protect your website from such attacks.

Wind up

So, now if you are facing any security issues you can definitely adopt any of the above mentioned techniques in order to get your WordPress saved from unnecessary attacks. Make sure to use any of these and keep your website as safe and secure as possible.

For more details regarding WordPress website maintenance, stay connected with Softqube Technologies, Web development Company India.

A Demanding Website And Web Application Development Technology- Html 5

When it comes to web design, HTML 5 is the most preferred programming language opted by most of the web designers. Among all the programming languages, HTML 5 is widely used by Web Application Development as well as designers.

So, why this is such a popular language and what makes it popular among the web designers? With change in trends, we can see new technologies coming up in the market. Web apps are also improving.

Demanding Website & Web Application Development Technology

Developers like to use these technologies and develop advanced web apps that yield greater performance, productivity and multiple platform support. Now, web apps are capable enough to make the most of hardware as well as operating system.

For many web application developers, developing a perfect native web app is a challenging task because code is needed to be customized without any limitations. Sometimes, specific apps are created for specific platforms.

Different versions need different apps and as a result, creating apps becomes a complex task. When we talk about native apps then it becomes sometimes problematic to download them again and again. However, when web apps are developed using HTML 5 then these problems get easily reduced.

HTML 5 is more preferable:

  • Innovative and powerful technology to get responsive and practical mobile development projects.
  • Comes with advanced features that allow developers to add great functioning to the experience of native app.
  • Browser mobile apps can easily catch up with native apps.
  • Focuses more on web pages as compared to the apps.
  • It allows users to get more functional mobile apps with unending user experience.
  • Provides various technologies that can create a completely powerful web based mobile applications.

Slowly, HTML 5 is becoming popular in its niche and is more in demand as it is useful to the designers in creating complex apps.

Further, it is the best option for those organizations who wish to invest in every platform within a limited budget. With this technology, single app which can run on all platforms can be developed easily.

So, next time you opt for web application development services, make sure you opt for such web development companies like Softqube Technologies, Web Development Company India who can easily get applications developed using latest technology like HTML 5.

Wind up:

HTML 5 is the most useful technology that can create user friendly applications. If you wish to know more about its usage or its benefits then get in touch with us today. You can also share your experience with us about using applications that are developed using HTML 5.

Useful Joomla Web Development Modules

Wish to get an amazing web application developed? Yes, you may be aware about various web development systems that can be used to create an amazing web application as per the need. Here, we are going to discuss about some useful Joomla web development modules which will be useful to you.

So, let’s discuss about some of these modules which will make development an easy task:

Joomla Web Development Module

Essential Joomla Modules:

  • BreadCrumbs:  This is one of the Joomla modules that is used for users so that they can easily understand the present location of their web applications. While surfing the website, the user generally enters into a completely new environment that sometimes leads to embarrassment because the user is completely confused and lost.In order to avoid such feelings, Breadcrumbs are used as this will display the status of the web page.
  • Archived Articles:  If you wish to deal with a website that is completely filled with content then it is necessary to ensure that all articles, posts are arranged systematically.  These can be arranged based on dates or months in which they are published.This will make it easy for users to find the topic that they want to refer to. This can be added on the right side of the website so that it becomes easy for users to read the previous ones if they wish to.
  • Articles News Flash:   A completely new module of Joomla CMS that provides a complete list of current articles in the particular location. Yes, in this module Joomla web developers can give specific visual effects to several modules like colour change, title blinks and more.
  • Articles Category:  In order to differentiate the articles of various types this module can be used. Take a website that contains a complete article block having posts on various categories like as sports, entertainment etc.Here, the user must give full control to select the category from the website. This module helps to offer inter related articles to the users thus providing a completely enhanced user experience.
  • Login:  If you wish to get a content based web application developed then this module is for you. Here, various methods are used to e- campaign the website by the administrator. The main thing is to take visitor’s email id via sign up process and this module when used provides a feeling to the user like he’s a special one.
  • Menu:  It is an important part of the web application and hence this can never be ignored by any web developer. This allows user to navigate through the entire website without any hurdles or issues.
  • Frequently Read Content:  This module reflects the recently viewed contents by the user through which if one is interested to read the same content again then he/she can easily do so. This makes it easy for users to find the content they need.

Wind up:

Apart from those mentioned here, there are many such inbuilt modules and plug-ins that can be used in developing web applications on Joomla platform. If you wish to know more about such extensions, then get in touch with Softqube Technologies, Joomla web development company India.

Web Application Development: PHP vs. Asp. Net

Various web applications are developed using different platforms such as PHP, Asp.net and more. Sometimes from the huge list, it becomes difficult as to which one you should choose in order to develop applications for your business.

Every application development platform has its own pros and cons. Some may be suitable to you some may not depending on the features you need in your applications. But, the two most popular web application development platforms are PHP and ASP.Net.

Both of these excel in creating user friendly web applications. It’s very difficult to identify the difference between the applications created on any one of these as both are used to develop large applications and successful websites.

We can compare them in context to performance, scalability, maintenance, cost, resources, time and tools.

  1. Adaptability and Maintenance: Whether you choose PHP or ASP.net, application development platform has nothing to do with it. It depends on :
    • Experience of the programmer
    • Programming framework
    • Programming practices
    • Adopting relevant guidelines and standards.
  2. Performance: Performance depends on the number of tasks an application has to do, there may be possible that due to over load, applications may perform less than expected. The main task of the programming language is to interact between database and server. So, the speed depends upon how efficient the server is.

    Some of the points that affect the performance of the application where programming language has a very less role:

    • Knowledge of the developer regarding code optimization
    • Writing proper SQL queries.
    • Depending on the features needed in the app, some may work fine with PHP and some may do well with ASP.net
  3. Cost: An important thing that is to be kept in mind before developing apps using any of the programming languages is the cost, budget. PHP, MYSQL are absolutely free and their upgrades also cost nothing. Considering ASP.net, it is free with windows operating system but Microsoft charges a certain license fee for future upgrades. Licensing costs may increase based on the popularity of the site or certain features are needed such as load balancing or hot standby.
  4. Resources & Assistance:  Being a user friendly language, most developers tend to master this language quickly. As a result, we can easily get assistance by experienced PHP Developers. PHP forums easily provide assistance to all the questions and queries whereas support for ASP.net is available from expert ASP.net developers only. Support related to ASP.net upgrades is less likely to be available.
  5. Time: Asp.net has more coding lines as compared to PHP. This takes more time while PHP code can be written in very short span as compared to ASP.net. PHP language is decoded by servers so changing any feature in a PHP based application is very easy where as every time you wish to change any function in an ASP.net based web application, a new code is to be written or the recent one is to be modified. Development process is lengthy in PHP as compared to ASP.net.

Keeping these things in mind, you can choose the programming platform that suits your needs and outsource your project to reliable ASP.net. and PHP Web Application Development Company like Softqube technologies that help you to develop applications for your business on the best suitable platform.

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