What is the Future of Responsive Design?

For websites now it has become mandatory to be responsive? But how can they be responsive? These are to be made responsive; they cannot be made responsive on their own. So, next time when website designers are going to design websites they must keep in mind to make them responsive and adjustable with every device.

Different people have different opinions about using responsive techniques. There are several sites that seem to be responsive but they are not. A responsive website approach is necessary for all the websites as we all know now Google gives first priority to these websites.

Future of Responsive Design

With its mobile friendly update, Google now has made it compulsory for all to have mobile optimized websites. So, how this actually came into existence?

How the concept of responsive design actually evolved?

The concept of responsive web design is slowly becoming popular with increase in the use of mobile phones. Mobile based websites have become more popular keeping in mind the increased use of mobile phones.

At present, there are no proper statistics for the same however marketers believe that mobile web is quickly occupying the market where 50% search results just come from mobile devices and several other different types of screen sizes make responsive design viable.

Thousands of variations can be developed for a single site. One can choose the one that suits the needs. In today’s era, only mobile based websites are the ones that make web easily accessible. Responsive design brings very useful changes.

Is Responsive design useful for wearables?

We all know that apple recently launched its wearable device called Apple Watch. Yes, it is not the first wearable or the first smart watch but it is the best wearable device ever among the public. Apple’s marketing budget is huge and so it is able to market its products easily and smoothly displaying them as pioneer’s in industry.

Apple Watch lacks web browser and is unable to display things properly. Huge buildings can only be designed but can never be used and same is the case with wearable devices. Android wearables are of same size as that of apple ones but these lack proper web visibility.

Reason: Web is unable to work on the device having a size of postage stamp.

Also, on the other hand wearable devices cannot be made huge as these are actually to be worn and these can also not be made two small as this will make it difficult for us to access them with our fingers.

Hence, these wearable devices are unable to display complete web pages but are able to get the data from native apps. Yes, with wearable devices one can check flight departure times, see weather forecast, read emails and more but one will not be satisfied when accessing web as web pages don’t open properly on these devices.

Future of Responsive design:

As we keep on creating new devices with certain capabilities and limitations, there are many changes that will be faced by web designers. The main thing that designers should focus on while developing any responsive website is proper site navigation.

And one of the most important things here is change in input methods. The main development is to offer long form content on any wearable device. Audio files serve as the best option for displaying content on wearable devices.
Responsive designs in future will not be restricted to screen adjustability but these will remain screen independent. This means that slowly mobile approach will be dropped and audio approach will quickly be adopted.

Hence, in future if you wish to develop a website then make it responsive keeping in mind the screen readers as this will function properly on the next generation of web browser.

Wind Up

Hope with this blog post; you will be able to develop a responsive website that is accessible on all devices and you will also be prepared to adopt a audio approach if you wish that the website should be accessible on wearable devices as well.

To get such responsive websites developed from experts, stay connected with Softqube Technologies, Web Design Company in India.

How To Get Useful Design Critiques?

When you develop a website, the web design can be attractive, good, fabulous and bad. But how will you know what is lacking in your website? Who will show you how to improve? Are those the ones that will view your website?

No, only relevant design critiques will show what your website is actually lacking and from these, you will be made aware about different viewpoints, action items as well as a complete overview as to how website should be made more enhancing.

Useful Design Critiques

For web designers, it is always necessary to stay updated with latest web design trends as the combination of new trends can help them to develop websites with new features that can help their clients to get more customers.

Hence, it’s useful to be aware about the new techniques and always learn from the design critiques. But how can we get these drawbacks that can help us to frame a better website? To get such useful critiques, here we have some tips for you.

Tips for Successful Design Critiques:

  • Be aware about current trends: The design must always be developed keeping in mind the current trends as this will help you to know what looks nice and what can be the better solution for your business. What design suits best to you and all things can be known easily.To get such inspirations, one can use websites like as Dribble that helps you to examine your website design before actually making it live. The main thing is to take a close look to the users, follow them on Twitter and then look at their portfolio.An important thing to keep in mind is to know why you liked the design that you are using for your website. Know the trend of any design and try to see how much it can be useful for conversion.
  • Keep in mind the questions that will be asked by clients: Just fantasize about the questions that client will actually ask once they see your design. Then, just get the answer to those questions but be sure to keep your answers brief instead of indulging in huge explanations.Try to present your answers via your design. You should be aware as to what points in your design will need extra explanation and then concentrate on those areas, make them your targets.
  • Think from users view point: Imagine any real person using your product or service and then you will actually find the things that are lacking. It’s not necessary that every project must have its deadline.Some users can help you to keep design accessible. Every time you see a tricky situation in design process, it’s necessary to view things from every view point like as what will be the reaction of users when they see new icons or how would they feel?Such things will help you to develop a website as per the users’ needs.
  • Go with Live user testing: If you really want to see what users will think while using your website then you can check it out by using live testing. Just open your site on your mobile and ask for the opinion of your friends.Parties are the good moments for live user testing however you must be concerned only with your job and this seems to be more fun rather than thinking about anything else. Get as many responses as you can as every response will have a good idea that can help you to improve.

Wind up

Once you get the proper feedback then it’s time to put it into action in order to improve your site or we can say upgrade your existing one with the latest trends. Try to make most use of your critiques and fix your problems. Best Designers can also get benefited from strong backing team.

Hence, make sure you follow your critiques and get an awesome design developed from well known Web Design Company, Softqube Technologies.

New Webydo for Professional Web Designers

What most of the web designers facing today is the issue of coding. They are mostly confused whether to code or not to code. Everywhere you can here several opinions however the truth is to reduce efficiency and work load.

The question is why are you desiging ; is it for fun or for your business? And the answer to this relates to the answer whether to to code or not to code. There are many tools available in the market which offers the ways to develop a site from scratch using user friendly, visually based tools with absolutely no coding.

These differ in style as well as quality while some fit the needs of the experts or need some professional oriented ones. Here, in this blog from Softqube Technologies, we will take a look at one of the web design from the professional view point.

New tool for Web Designers:

Professional Web Designers

Webydo recently released their new version after testing it through various changes. So, here we will look at the new changes and how these can be useful to any web designers.

Webydo upgrades:

New Webydo’s infrastructure has the robust advancement and works better as compared to the previous versions. Workflow is unending as well as fast and comfortable; there are no hassles or waiting times in the sight.

What is Webydo?

Webydo is a cloud based service that is used among the huge web design community. Before using it, ensure that all users will be able to work properly without any interruption.
Web Development company India
As of now, its new website designed by one of the award winning agencies offers a pretty terrific work and now it looks more professional as well as offers the trendy feel.

New User experience and user design:

The platform’s new experience is now upgraded thus offering easy access to all the tools and offer extra quick access to the commonly used ones. Along with its new themes, one can easily meet the demands of current design trends such as parallax scrolling, split screen, full screen video background and much more.

With this new Webydo, one can get a complete business solution for designers thus offering an amazing workflow after developing perfectly designed websites in order to publish and host websites that function properly.

Just using it as a prototyping, wireframing as well as managing or publishing tool, Webydo is one stop solution to all the design needs. Further, designers can easily create pixel perfect responsive websites with completely clean code thus providing a complete SEO impact.

About its Community:

As of now Webydo has a complete community of 170 k professional designers as well as design agencies. For the new version, they are ready to know the suggestions from the community and then alter webydo accordingly.

Among the suggestions, 450 were welcomed by Webydo and then these were implemented among the several changes that can be seen today. Using the feedbacks and suggestions to improve one’s service is really a good idea.

Wind up:

Are you in web designing field? Are you interested to try new tools? Then Webydo is for you. Try out and let us know the results. For more such results, stay connected with Softqube Technologies, Web Development Company India.

New Web Design Trends: Data Patterns and Generative Patterns

As IT field keeps on constantly updating, same is the case with its sub fields. Designing trends constantly keep on changing as per the need and hence it is necessary for designers to stay updated with these trends.

Here, in this blog today we will discuss about some new Web Design trends that are currently prevalent in the market which are as follows:

Newly launched Web Design Trends:

Website Design Trend 2015

Data Patterns in Web Design:

  • Double Pi: This is one of the very useful data patterns that can be used to develop dynamic patterns by using responsive particle animation that follows the mouse cursor.
  • Data Seeing: This delivers an idea of the website after working with several data static patterns. These completely develop a design and then implement the theme.
  • Nathan Riley: This trend greets the audience with an enchanting front page design. It enhances the backdrop, creates a good first impression and adds value to the normal atmosphere.
  • Microwave Fest: This offers a unique interesting typography along with data intensive landing page. It really is useful to catch people’s attraction.
  • Ecessa: It provides a complete atmosphere which is perfectly suitable to the concept. Some of its data patterns are used for several back drops in order to get a powerful general feeling.
  • NewsTech: This has a strong high tech vibe that catches the complete attention and its home page is a perfect example of proper infographic style components as well as ghost buttons. Every detail gets easily mixed with the environment as well as the concept.
  • Uber Brand: This has a perfect dynamic charming background. It completely highlights the body content as well as develops a good first impression that is required for gaining maximum of potential clients.
  • Inome: This data pattern incorporates a completely innovative, eye catching and dynamic data inspired patterns into the background. The data can be easily actionable with this pattern.
  • Aspire One: It has a very clean and subtle front page along with sufficient amount of white space and streamline navigation that offers users a perfect focal point. The top of the page is marked by the crafted data pattern which fits easily creating perfect zest.

Generative Patterns:

  • JJ: This generative pattern has an unmatched wonderful personal portfolio which is dependent on cosmic vibes generated by a generative pattern which moves on perfectly with neon supplementary colouring as well as iconography.
  • Petar Stojakovic: If you really wish to offer perfect user experience to your clients then this is the trend that you can use while developing websites.
  • Wine Explorer: Developed by using complete artistic tricks, it has an amazing website design which includes fancy patterns, iconography, chalk style graphics and lots more.
  • Black pen: This has several generative patterns including geometric shapes like as triangles, circles, and lines etc which add the feeling of complete simplicity.
  • Giant Steps Media: This is one of the best examples of generative patterns. It has a very well interactive front page where the generative pattern is what that catches the complete attention.

Wind Up

So, with these patterns expert web designers can easily include a complete sense of style, modernity and high technology. Yes, certain patterns are so simple yet they easily convey the idea thus making project interesting and straightforward.

If you wish to get the websites developed as per the latest trends then stay connected with Softqube Technologies, Web Design India.

Web Design India: What’s in the Treasure for Web Designers in July 2015?

Every IT field keeps on updating itself on regular basis. Web Design have to stay updated with these changes and adopt themselves to it as this will help them to develop the websites using latest trends and this will definitely fulfill the needs of the clients.

On our blog, we share every month what’s new in the Designing field. Take a look at the treasure of Web Design in June 2015. Again, we are back with the Web Design treasure for July month. So, let’s move ahead and find about new things that will be useful to website designers in creating websites with updated trends.

Treasure For Web Designers

Let’s begin our Journey:

This month’s web design treasure has in itself huge number of design apps, start up resources, photo editing apps, image resources, PR tools, frameworks and lots more. Apart from this, some new fonts are also available.

Whatever we are discussing today i.e. tools, icons, resources these all are available for free. The material will definitely be useful to designers in developing robust websites that enrich the user experience.

Ah! If we have forgot anything to mention here, make sure to remind us. Let’s take a look at the treasure:

  • Paddle: It is a tool useful to grow the apps. This allows to collect email subscriptions, in app feedback, app ratings, and much more.
  • Aboardly: With this tool, email automation is made very simple and based on the interactions; one can easily send emails to the customers.
  • PRIO: If we list our tasks then we can remember them easily. A special to do list app for web designers is PRIO. This app is used to store the tasks in the cloud which will then send you the reminders as and when needed. This is really useful to complete web design projects in time.
  • Down For everyone or Just Me: This is a too we can say to check whether the website is down for everyone or it is not working on your Server only. Based on the report; one can make necessary changes to make sure that the problem is solved.Having such tools will really make it easy for designers to track the issues and sort them out quickly providing you the additional expertise. Well, only experts are aware of latest market updates.
  • Break Out Room: This is a hub that includes professional talks, discussions on particular topics, webinars that can be used to understand things or get solution to any problem. This can be like experts are sitting with you to guide you and assist you to solve the issues.
  • Instant: With this tool, one can track the app usage as well as travel and fitness time. One can easily manage the days, timings and accomplish all tasks in time.
  • Turret : Turret is used to quickly create responsive websites

Wind up:

Hope this tools, apps will be useful to the designers thus making their designing task easy. Stay connected with Softqube Technologies, Web Design India to know more about such tools and upcoming web designing updates.

Top Web Resources to Design Your Business Website

It is necessary to develop strong online presence in order to create brand awareness, developing quality inbound links and increasing your small business. When we talk about creating online presence it sounds really very easy but when we actually do it, it seems to be difficult.

To achieve this, it is necessary to manage a team of designers and developers and managing these teams is time consuming as well as expensive. These things can also be done by one’s own self. Creating an amazing website is not about just developing a great website but it includes various tasks.


Yes, you might be having expert web designers who can easily splice and encode the visuals into HTML. This task can be fulfilled with the help of front end web development professional. This sounds very true if you wish to develop a responsive website.

Even though there are complexities while creating a small business website, this follows the predictable patterns and once these are combined into applications then their true potential is shown up and then such tools can be created that helps to publish websites on your own.

Small businesses can be easily benefited from these essential tools which can easily control the design and development of any website. No matter what if you are a beginner or have some intermediate knowledge about design then these tools enable you to publish designs directly without any developer’s need.

Companies increase their investment in Websites:

Today, the importance of websites has increased and hence some of the huge enterprises are slowly increasing their investment in developing enchanting websites. Websites must have simple looking design, eye soothing images.
There are several web design firms that have expertise in creating attractive yet professional looking designs. You can get in touch with one of such firms, Softqube Technologies; Web Design company in India that offers complete guidance in developing professional websites.

You can specify your own needs and choose any of the templates or design that suits your business as well as provides you proper assistance in creating something from scratch. All websites developed here adhere to the Google’s guidelines as well as latest Google algorithms.

On the other hand, there are various resources that are useful and easily allow you to create designer websites:

Resources useful to design your professional website:

  • Web Hosting Hub: This provides some sort of website builder apps that needs less or no coding however their interfaces are entirely somewhat complicated but these can be customized as per the needs.Further, you can also choose any website template from a wide range of those available with Web Hosting Hub that suits your business.
  • Register.com: This is a website having the collection of wide range of powerful web development tools that are perfect for small businesses who wish to expand their eCommerce business.With this platform, it’s as easy to create a website as to create a cup of tea. Just upload some images, add little text and your site is ready to go live. It is entirely supported by this platform’s eCommerce backend system.You can also add a shopping cart to your site that will increase chances of getting maximum conversion rates.

Wind Up

Every website is altered several times once it is developed. None of these are perfect in the initial basis itself. As your business grows, you can upgrade your website as per the need and by this time you will be able to make certain changes in the website that cost dollars. Till then, you can use these web resources that are available for free.

Web Design India: 5 Tools for Optimizing Your CSS Code

Nowdays, Front end development is more rationalized and quicker than it was before. The new designing standards help developers to create magnificent effects with only few code lines. But still there are many more online tools and apps that make development an easy process.

Here, we have mentioned some of the tools that are made by developers with a view to ease the development process. These all tools are easy to use and available for free. Make use of these tools and get more traction while creating compound web projects.

Optimizing CSS Code with these free tools:

  • CSS Beautifier: This tool will easily rearrange the CSS code with several settings for various spaces and tabs. It is a perfect tool for developing your own style sheets and for reducing the minified CSS into readable format. It makes it easier to read CSS.
  • CSS Inliner Tool: There are various email newsletters that serve as a useful method for mass communication. Designers have to pay more attention while developing newsletters as they are more flexible as compared to websites.

    CSS Inliner Tool

    CSS Inliner tool is an easy way to create newsletters with inline styles. One who builds this newsletter must save the CSS liner that is used.

  • SASS/SCSS: This is a CSS processor that is used to save time while developing websites with CSS. It is considered as one of the useful tools for frontend developers. These are based on the same process.

    We can write the SCSS codes that contain variables and can easily value code snippets similar to that of a programming language. A free SASS extension is also available which can be used with Dreamweaver.

  • RECESS: So, we are not talking about any short or long term break. Generally, recess is considered to be a break. But, here it means a tool that is developed by Twitter for checking LESS/CSS code for syntax errors. This is also used as a direct compiler for these codes.

    For those who know LESS properly, must learn to use RECESS. This can be installed easily via command line. With this tool, one can easily check errors, adjust spacing and compile the programme all within a single program.

  • CSScomb: CSScomb is a tool that can be installed using a command line. It also has several extensions that can be used for many development programs. The features are run by means of a terminal or command prompt.
  • CSS Lint: In terms of programming, Linting means to use a program for checking errors in the code. This was previously applied to all programming languages and now it is used for web development as well.

    With this Free tool CSS Lint, you can easily check errors, compatibility issues and other performance blocks in the code. This tool is apt when used to review the work and remove those unwanted syntax errors.

Wind Up

Hope these tools will definitely help you to develop a perfect website with appropriate CSS coding. To get your website developed from experienced hands get in touch with Softqube Technologies, Web Design Company India.

What’s New for Web Designers in the Designing treasure of June 2015?

Web Designing is a field that comes out with something new every month. Today, we will discuss what new things June has brought in for web designers. Let’s take a look at the web designing treasure of June 2015.
Things that web designers can consider and make most use of while creating an amazing website for their clients. Let’s give it a go:

Things to Consider for Website Designers

New Trends for Web Designers

  • ESTD.IN: This is one of the platforms that includes the handpicked collection of beautiful and inspiring start-ups. Web designers can also submit their own creations.
  • Applandr: This makes it easy to devlop amazing landing pages for iOS and Android Apps. It mainly concentrates on marketing thus saving your time. Further, it has 24/7 service and support team so that in case of any difficulty you can reach them out anytime.
  • Swiftipsum: This offers every type of formatted lorem ipsum text and that too for free. The text contains headings, paragraphs, lists etc and much more.
  • Githelp: With Githelp, it becomes easier to support users on various open source projects running on GitHUB. This makes it easier for developers to get appropriate solution for their problems and share their experience with the experts.
  • TapGlue: Want to add a social layer to your app? TapGlue is the solution. Yes, Tap Glue makes it very simple for developers to add a social layer to any app. Apart from this, it also provides the facility to add social graph and news feed within few hours.

    A lovely thing to use when expert web designers are actually coding their website. Try it out!

  • BLUENOD: Bluenod is all about getting in touch with twitter communities. With this tool, one can easily get influencers, target topic related communities, get real time information and more.

    It helps to properly manage your twitter lists as well as develop a huge community in order to connect and share.

  • Rocket.Chat: Wish to add a live chat on your client’s website? Is this your client’s demand? Then Rocket.Chat is the solution that will satisfy the need. Yes, with Rocket chat one can create its own web chat and also it allows developers to create their own chat platforms.
  • ThemeBro: An amazing WordPress theme search engine which helps you to find the themes of your interest. The themes can be found by setting the price range, selecting particular vendor, navigation, header and much more.
  • Material Icons: It is a vast collection of icons by Google and these can be widely used for any web, Android and iOS Projects. These are available in various sizes and come with icon font.
  • Killer WordPress Checklist: An important thing for developers working on WordPress to create any website or blog. This checklist is divided into different categories like as Pre development, development, inaugural or we can say launch, SEO, security as well as website maintenance.

    This sub division of the list really makes it easy to use for the developers.

Wind Up

So, hope next time whenever you are going to develop any website or carry out any web development project, these tools, platforms, websites will be of great help to you. Well, if you are aware of any such amazing tools then let us know.

Have a word to say about this post! Speak out. Softqube Technologies, Indian Web Design company is eager to hear your voice.

Web Design India: Why Text Focused Websites will Inspire you the most?

While designing any website layout, typography is an important part to be considered but it is often given less importance as the maximum focus is given on CSS aspects which includes using large images and media that make bandwidth very congested.

Textual content can make a deep impact on users and can be a good way to enhance their user experience. As we all know, content is the king and it will always be. Just few good fonts can make simple looking sites attractive.

Importance of Text Based Website

So, here today we are going to discuss about some of the well known sites that give more importance to typography. If you feel that typography is the one that suites your business website then you can use it to make it attractive and draw the attention of the visitors.

Elegant typography can shine your website making it bold, creative, navigational and simple with the interactive content that gives voice to the designer’s art.

Enticing Bold Typography:

Recently, we can see websites having huge header images, large and bold typography is now widely while designing any website layout. With this it becomes easy to spread the message to as many people as possible.

Here we have listed few of the websites that make effective use of large header fonts along with various colours as well as simple useful logos to make sure that visitors can easily grasp the site’s purpose with less effort.

So, instead of using large images; one can represent the message with huge bold typography which will load the website quickly as well as draw the attention of visitors.

Few examples of websites that have replaced huge images with elegant typography:

  • Kick Point
  • Amazee Labs
  • Cirq
  • Root Studio
  • Nicola Antonazzo

Proper Content Arrangement:

Creative headings tend to catch our attention more but it is the content body that allows us to stay on the website. Make sure that the content is written properly and offers everything that the user needs. This should be one of the goals of your website.

Here we have mentioned some website examples that have arranged content in a unique way:
  • Seed conference
  • Graham Hicks
  • Franz Sans
  • Arthur Collin
  • The UX Reader
Next comes; Navigation, Sitemaps and Sign Posts:

Typography is useful when used in the header and body section of the site content. However, to provide good experience it is important that website should have a good navigation menu. Make sure that the website navigation is easy to use.

Again, here we have listed few of the websites that have proper navigation menu:
  • Yaron Schoen
  • Coloured Lines
  • Olav Bjorkoy
  • Fabian Schultz
  • Blake Allen Design
Wind Up

Hope this blog post will help you to develop an amazing website which will attract several visitors. If you wish to get the website developed from experts then get in touch with Softqube Technologies, well known Web Design Company India.

3 Common Website Design Myths Revealed by Website Development Company India

Like SEO, Web designing field also has certain myths that must be uncovered in order to make things clear in the minds of web designers. We always keep on providing information about SEO; keep on revealing facts about it.

Similarly, now is the time to disclose the myths about web design as well. Our today’s blog will include few common web design myths that generally occur as a hindrance in the website development process.

Website Design Myths

After a detailed research, web designers came to the conclusion that web designs developed keeping in mind the need of customers are most popular. This means to succeed in this field, it’s necessary to keep consumer demand in mind.
However, still people have various misconceptions about the web design and here we have tried to make them clear. So, let’s move ahead and understand web design services in a more appropriate manner.

Some Web Design Myths cleared:

  1. Conflict in designing terms: Sometimes designers fail to understand the difference between terms like as user experience, customer experience and service design. Here, we will clear these things.

    User experience is related to the design pattern which means that with a single touch customer should be able to either navigate or view any web page. The main aim is to make touch point more perceptive.

    With a view to provide an amazing user experience, users must have various competencies like as user research and analytics, interactive design, visual design and front end developers as well as content strategies.

    The main aim of customer experience is to develop and place touch points properly over the entire route of users. At any point of time, if the consistency is broken; every single effort to provide perfect user experience will fail.

  2. Know the Concept of Service Design: As user experience, the main aim of service design is to enrich the online service experience. It combines user experience along with various design tools and methodologies.

    Service design is basically meant to connect all the touch points and channels that come along user’s navigation path. Service designers need to do proper planning, research and design before actually developing the website design.

  3. Difference between User Experience and Design Interface: Yes, this is one of the important things to know when it comes to designing a professional website. Generally, designers get confused between user experience and design interface.

    Design Interface is actually a part of User experience. User experience can exist without design interface. However, there are some differences between the two which are as follows:

    • Design interface is related to specific user interface of any product or service.
    • Design can be a part of user experience but some user experiences have nothing to do with design.
    • Design is responsible for the look and feel of the website where as user experience deals with the overall experience of any product or service.
    • User experience is responsible for the website functionality and it can be improved by improving the design of the website.

Hence, we feel that these above mentioned points are sufficient to distinguish interface from user experience.

Wind Up

With these points, we believe that we have cleared some common myths that confuse designers while creating the websites. Now, once these web design myths are cleared; you can easily develop a well known website design that will help any business owner to get more visitors.

Get in touch with Professional web designers at Softqube Technologies, reputed Web design Company India.

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