Web Designing Process at Softqube Technologies

Websites have now become an important part of any business. When it comes to online business, websites play an important role in getting more customers as well as representing your business on the worldwide web.

However, it’s necessary to have professional website which can develop your business in a perfect manner and to make any website professional, it’s design must be attractive and up to the mark. Hence, it’s necessary to get the website designed from experts.

Website Design Process

Now, every task can be accomplished in a perfect manner if it’s done via a particular process. Developing a perfect website means including all the things step by step and what all those things are required are mentioned in the process below:

Web Designing Process at Softqube Technologies:

A successful website can be developed only if it includes all the necessary elements that a business oriented website must have. So, let’s look at the entire web designing process from beginning till end:

  1. Gather all the ideas: Before actually hiring any web designer or assigning the website development task to any well known Web Design Company like Softqube Technologies, it’s necessary that all the ideas must be discussed face to face so that the goal is met properly.

    Always ensure that you get a website designed which completely suits your needs. It’s recommended to opt for responsive web design in today’s era.

  2. Perfect Planning & Analysis: Once the idea is clear, a rough wire diagram is prepared and then comes the need to do proper planning and analysis. The entire web flow navigation is to be developed and then the resources as well as technology required to develop the website must be identified.

    Perfect Planning is necessary to reduce unnecessary costs and wastage of resources as well as the need that website should affect the particular goal.

  3. Designing: HTML coding is required for smooth functioning of website. So, first of all it’s necessary to have unique design concepts which give you a perfect idea and we can say proper imagination of how a website will look.

    Once the client approves the rough sketch and feels that its requirements are fulfilled then the actual design process commences based on the factor that the website must be simple and professional.

    It is ensured that the main areas in the website are highlighted and important things like “Call to Action” are placed in such a way that it easily catches the attention of people.

  4. Development: After designing comes the development process where web development experts showcase their skills and expertise. They are the ones who can transform an entire website into a cash machine.

    In this stage, a content management system is added to the website and then its entire functionality is based on the entire development phase of the website.

  5. Testing: Once the entire website is designed and developed then it comes to cross browser testing as well as functionality checking like as page navigation, links, forms and more. Proper testing makes sure that the website will function smoothly with every browser and it ensures that website has strong cross browser compatibility.
  6. Final Draft: After the testing is successful, no errors are found then it comes to final website draft which is fully functional and engaging website that is as per the business needs which can offer strong online presence.

Wind Up

Hence, with this perfect result oriented website process it becomes easy for business owners to have an updated website developed which can easily meet the business needs. So, now get in touch with well known web designers at Softqube Technologies and make your dream come true.

Web Designer HTML5 Tools updated by Google

Google Web Designer is an HTML5 design tool set which was launched in September 2013 in the form of beta release. Some key upgrades were available to make it more useful for online marketers and web designers who wish to create ad campaigns designed for various screen sizes commencing from desktop to mobile.

The latest version includes the capacity of designers to prepare an interactive web page element and the updated timeline which offers harsh controls for designers in case they wish to develop content with animation.

As per the lead manager of Google Web designer team Tony Mawatt, new updates include binded integration with Google Drive. When integrated with Google Web designer with Google Adwords, it now supports HTML 5 creative ads.

Web Designer HTML5 Tools by Google

Flash ads supported by Adwords are now automatically transformed into HTML 5ads and then uploaded via Adwords editor as well as other third party tools which are coming soon. Within next few months, more tools will be released and services will be offered to re-size ads for some popular mobile sizes.

Impact of Google Web Designer

After the launch of Google Web Designer, the options for HTML 5 have increased. Ads developed with Google Web Designer have served 2.5 billion impressions since the launch of the product. At the same time, other tools were also developed by Google in order to make it easier for advertisers and agencies to create cross advertising campaigns.

Several features were launched to execute and measure campaigns across the screens such as in- app marketing and conversion tracking using double click campaign manager. There are 69 large publishers and networks for in app formats which means developers can create mobile in apps advertisements.

Use of Google Web Designer

This new Google web designer allows users to make attractive animated content in HTML5 which can be run on any device thus allowing users to view and edit the code behind their designs and check the edits instantly.

Ad content can be easily developed to use with many designer tools. It includes two user modes. Quick mode allows users to develop animations with automation and in advanced mode, separate elements can be animated using layers and the location of these elements must be changed.

Users can also create and alter the 3D content with the use of array of tools and the strength of cascading style sheets 3.

New Release

A new Double click Campaign manager for advertisers was released in September 2013 and its one of the platforms that considered several tools and capabilities for advertisers to get their messages among customers and other businesses.

New application launched three months later after Google introduced big changes for the platform in June 2013. The new platform had more responsive user interface which includes endless time saving features for users as well as new trafficking interface that has maximum load time and has ad updates which go live in less than 2 minutes.

How Double Click Technology is useful?

This helps advertisers and publishers to provide ads after completely agreeing to terms and provides statistics relating to those ads. There were many concerns that it would give Google much power over the data around search.

Wind up

Hope this post will definitely help to understand Google Web Designer tools in a better way. To stay aware about more such updates, stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, well known Web Design Company India.

Main Elements of Interactive Design

Interactive design is what attracts customers the most. Therefore, while developing any website ,make sure you create it in such a way that it is attractive and visitors feel it very interactive. With a view to develop such a website, there’s a need for some basic elements which are as follows.

Interactive Web Design Tips

Fundamental Elements of an Interactive Design

  1. Objective oriented design: Every firm has its own goal and the website must reveal it. So, it is necessary to identify the goal to develop the insights of any website design. To attract people, there are three main processes that help to create a goal oriented design which are as follows.
    • Using Characters: To make your website lively, try to use fictional characters based on the behaviour as well as psychology of the target users. These fictional characters are useful while making important design decisions.
    • Identifying user situations: Based on fictional characters used, user situations show how people will react when they will visit your website. Such situations force the designers to think in a way that visitors will interact with the product.
    • User Journey Experience Maps: Going ahead of fictional characters, user scenarios; user journey maps are used which include all the conditions consisting of emotional and external circumstances.

    Hence with these three techniques one can easily develop a complete picture of user experience including their scenarios as well as complete emotional journey.

  2. Usage: It is a must for the design. While visiting the website, people will first see whether they are able to use that product or not. One such website helps event organizers to reserve the seat for an event from beginning to end with enough details like deciding rows, tables and a dance floor. In the same manner, every product must be easy to use.
  3. Object clues and indicators: In simple terms it means an activity must reflect itself and inform the customers its use on its own. Indicators show the perfect object clues and improper indicators cannot show right direction to the users.

    Indicators also serve as symbols as they would like people to know about the interaction with something without its possibility. If we take a look at icons in iPhone, they reveal their action and this is considered as perfect combination of affordances and signifiers.

  4. Enabling user to learn easily: If you use a function every now and then you can easily remember it while in reality; intuition and familiarity must be developed into every interface. An interactive design must be easy to use and should have consistency as well as predictability.

    For instance, some websites have some links opening in new tabs and some redirecting to other websites. A professional website must either redirect to the links or open in new tab, any of these functions must be used.

  5. Response Time & Feedback: When you interact with users, feedback is important and it’s necessary to have quick conversation and any query related to the product must be solved in moments so as to ensure better customer satisfaction.

Wind up

Hope these main elements if considered properly can help designers to develop an interactive web design which can easily attract customers. To get expert web design services, contact one of the renowned Web Design Company in India, Softqube Technologies.

Three Pillars of a Perfect Web Strategy: Development, Design & Content

Web Site designing has evolved over the years and now development, design and content come with a package. Development, design, and content are interdependent and all three should be up to the mark when it comes to create a website with a well written code, an enthralling visual experience, and authentic content that attracts the audience for whom it is intended. A comprehensive web strategy is a mandate in order to create an impact and influential online presence. It applies to all the big and small enterprises who are constantly finding ways to get in touch with more audience and customers in order to get visibility and name.

In order to avail enriching customer experience these key essentials – design, development and content need to be developed in collaboration to create a masterpiece.

So, let’s have a look at what’s needed to develop a perfect website with appropriate design

Web development and design

  • Quite Responsive
    Websites need to be flexible in design as the end users may view them on different screens like laptops, desktop, tablets, and phones. The content must look polished the information be available easily. In order to get the respective response from the audience, the design flexibility plays a major role. The content should be adjusted as per the screen space and in this regard development and design needs to work together closely.
  • Easy approach
    The home page must cover all the important information that the user may require. Clicking through multiple pages to reach information, and you lost a customer already. The visual layout and coding must support each other.
  • Easy access
    The Web Development to be easily accessible to the end user needs a collaboration in coding and visual design and also optimizing menus for visually impaired, color contrast to the color blind and integrating font size adjustment are only small steps to the real road of success.

How web development and its content are interrelated? Here’s how

Website content and development

  • Search Engine Optimization
    By experimenting several codes, developers try to check what exactly is preferred by search engines so that they can develop impressive Web Development and also change the look of those that are already developed. However, now, the quality content has been optimized for search.
  • Creating proper content and site
    Creating an impressive online presence is not just about creating impressive content and impressive web pages one after the other and now a days quality is more important than quantity. What is important today is the real communication. Content has its importance , writing for the human audience is very crucial, and the seriousness of the discussions is vital to convince maximum customers.

Now, let’s see how website content and its design are interrelated?

Website content and design

  • Brand visibility
    Brands speak for themselves and need no specifications, however the appropriate content and the conversational tone sets the platform for a lasting relationship with customers and clients.
  • Connecting with the audience
    An effective content is one that creates an impact on the end user and entertains and enlightens the audience. Reaching the target audience and creating an impact on great research done on the content is the correct approach.

Hence, the entire process of developing a website needs collaborative action from all departments Vis a Vis development, content, and design in order to get the maximum reach to the target audience.

So, with this blog post it seems our readers have received a perfect guide to develop a business oriented website. For any further assistance or experts advice, the doors of Softqube Technologies, well known Web Design Company India are always open for you.

Infographics: A guide to develop An Amazing One

What is an Infographic?

Generally, in our routine if we see; our eyes are easily attracted by images, videos rather than simple text content. That’s the reason why the memories of a movie are long lasting while the pages of book are easily forgotten (during exams we are completely blank, Ha Ha!).

In simple terms, infographic can be defined as a way to represent data with visual content. It’s a perfect combination of creative writing as well as creative drawing. It’s a part of a website for which writers and painters have to sit together and get the job done.

So, if we wish to do proper marketing for our business then we must opt for a method that easily gains the attention of people. And one such method is using infographic. Through infographic we can easily represent our business ideas to people as it is a good amalgamation of pictures and content.

This will make everything crystal clear in the minds of people. Be it any boring subject or any time consuming read, everything can be transformed into an infographic that generates captivating experience.

Use of Infographic

Guess what will happen if you have interactive content on your website pages, blogs everywhere on the website? Everyone will be interested to visit your website, again and again. Won’t they? Yes and so this will reduce bounce rates, increase traffic thus chances of getting maximum conversions boost up.

Thus, a simple infographic enriched with good content and relevant images will be the base of generating huge traffic ultimately helping business owners to get enormous potential customers. High Quality Infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than text articles. Be it any business, infographics is for all.

Now, the question is how to get a clever infographic created that will really attract potential customers? Well, head on to our next paragraph and the solution is there

Developing an Amazing Infographic for Business

Before developing an infographic, it’s necessary to know what things are actually needed to make it amazing. It’s similar to make a list of ingredients before preparing a delicious dish like Rasgulla or Cake.

Let’s try to make one like this. So, here’s the list of elements needed to develop high quality infographic

  • Select any popular topic
  • Do some research about the effective content to be included
  • Search some latest news related to that topic
  • Find some good sources that actually represent the data. Some examples: Problem and its solution,
  • explaining any complex topic, explaining the complete product manufacturing process.

These steps are explained here in detail

  1. Selecting a perfect topic: The main aim of infographic is to catch the attention of viewers. But only good images won’t be sufficient, it’s necessary to have relevant topic. There are thousands of topics available on the information superhighway (internet) however it’s necessary to choose the one that actually delivers something to the visitors. Like this article delivers complete info about infographic however it’s not an infographic.

    So, while selecting any topic few things must be kept in mind which is as follows:

    • Make sure that it actually makes sense.
    • The concept should be easy to understand
    • What exactly will be revealed by infographic?
    • Relevant sources that support the idea
    • The topic must be easily explained as well as represented with the help of visual content.
  2. Proper Content Research: Once the title is selected then next step is to add the content that’s relevant to its topic. We should use authentic resources to get the content, facts and figures related to the topic.

    For this we can make use of Government Agencies, Educational Institutions, Online directories as well as other resources. Sources that provide secondary data for research purposes are all recommended.

  3. Data Editing: Now, we have with us our ingredients, raw material so the next step to prepare an amazing infographic is to scrutinize the important content from the heap of various contents and then edit it as per the need.

    For this, first of all the content that determines the area of focus of that topic is selected then more information that supports the topic is to be added and then finally arrange all in the information in a sequence.

    Points that look good when visualized must be considered and then those will be grouped and any narrative related to the content must be selected so that data points can be represented easily in a sequence from one section to another.

  4. Data that can be represented graphically: To support an infographic topic, it is necessary to use the methods that easily represent the data in a graphical manner and some of these methods are: Maps, Statistics, Time lines, Diagrams and Presentation.
  5. Making the use of Art: Here is the main part of an infographic, the perfect use of art, colours, combinations and more. There are different types of arts that one can include while making infographic however the one that suits the topic must be selected.

    To create content visualization, it is necessary to create a mood by using certain colour palettes which actually provide the feeling that we are looking for. Designers must be guided to develop visuals that represent different data sets. Art should be used in such a way that all sections seem to be the part of same theme like all states of India represent our nation.

  6. Making Rough Draft: Hence, it is the time to develop a rough draft of the infographic. While creating this draft, one must check that all content is included in the graphics, every illustration is perfect and as per the need, contents, visuals are can be understood easily.

    All sections are interconnected thus ultimately connecting with the same theme like all rivers ultimately connect to the ocean; readers are able to get good knowledge about the topic and can easily understand what infographic is all about.

  7. Final Check: Once the draft is made then is the time to have a final check. So, now go through all the things, check one by one and see if they are up to the mark, images, content, colour combination, content arrangement, content readability, proper language, spelling and more.

If you feel that all these things are ok, then kudos friends a new winner infographic is prepared which can now be used to market your business and attract as many users as you can.

Wind up

Hope this blog post, we severe as a perfect guide for DIY infographics. Still if you need any assistance or have a bulk requirement of developing infographics then you can get in touch with Softqube Technologies, a well known reputed Web Design Company, India where expert writers and designers are ready to assist you anytime.

How to select Perfect website hosting services?

Web Development Company – Before developing a website, it’s important to know how it exactly works. Decisions made keeping in mind the technical side of the business can straight away affect the profits. When it comes to online business, website is one of the most important things that people take into consideration.

However, developing a website is not anyone’s cup of tea. It needs a perfect plan to be developed, perfect design and more. Well, let’s understand how visitors use your website?

  • Click on the URL that appears in the search result
  • Then, the computer quickly searches for IP address of the web host.
  • Browser then sends the request to that address of the web hosting server and then asks for some HTML to be returned.
  • When all this is ok, a web page pops up.

While developing a website one must completely focus on plan, design, programming as well as marketing tasks that must occur with a view to develop a perfect website that must go live. If we look at the website back end then there’s an important factor that gradually affects the success and failure of the website.

And this factor is web hosting. Web hosting is an important factor that plays a vital role in running a website. It is the home of any website. There are many web hosting companies such as Godaddy, Big rock, Microsoft, Amazon and others that provide millions of website hosting services all over the world.

Importance of Web Hosting

Various companies in the market are available for web hosting services and it is a very crucial task to select one among these.

So, what factors one must keep in mind while selecting a web hosting service provider? These are as follows:

  • Hosting Speed: Speed is an important part when it comes to website load time which directly depends on the hosting service provider as we have discussed earlier loading time should not be more than 3 seconds. Slow websites have fewer chances to get customers.
  • Reliable: Hosting services must be reliable enough. Slow websites tend to get fewer sales and is really worst when it comes to Google ranking. A research shows that Google strictly imposes penalty on unreliable websites that means less traffic and less business.
  • Security: Security protocol is an important part of website hosting. It avoids website from getting hacked.
  • Assistance: When a website breaks, it is important to get proper assistance from experts to get it fixed. There are website hosting service providers that provide such services anytime and this really makes the difference between minutes and days of downtime.Poor website hosting services may result into wastage of development costs. There are innumerable unreliable and insecure service providers available in the market. It is always said that the world consists of both good and bad ones and in website hosting also, this rule applies. So, choose your website hosting services wisely.

Wind Up

Choose website hosting services keeping in mind your business needs like for medium to large size, it is recommended to go for popular ones such as Microsoft, Amazon etc and for smaller brochure sites, choose the firms that have 24/7 support.

Hope this becomes easy for a new online business owner while creating the website. For more such informative topics, stay in touch with Softqube Technologies, well known web development company India.

Website Designing Trends – 2015

Website Designing Only few days are remaining and then will arrive a fresh year with fresh mornings, days and lovely moments. Yes, you are right. We are discussing about the New Coming year 2015. Before, we begin today’s topic; we wish all the readers in advance: A Very Happy Wonderful New Year.

It is rightly said “Good Results are achieved with years of hard work” and so in order to make best use of your website and generate as much business as you can from the same, it is important to know about the website designing trends that will be useful in the coming year.

2015 is near and so we need to be prepared in every manner to make this year a successful one. Good Website trends always create standards in the design community. Hence, let’s discuss ahead the new trends:

Latest things for Web Design that will be useful in 2015

  • Unique Typography: Now, forget everything that you used to do while designing the website during 2014. Apply new approaches like as bold and big typography including Hand written words that catch the attraction of viewers. A combination of these elements gives an elegant custom feel to your website which makes you stand different among the competitors.
  • Artful Animation: Previously flash animations were used in websites and ruled the web design world for long and then there were times when flash animations were dropped by professional website designers.However, animations are important so a new technique called info GIFs (informative graphic images) came into existence and this will be on rise or we can the most demanding part of web design.Another thing is minor animation included used for buttons during hovering or scrolling. You might have seen when the cursor is on the button its red but when we click that button it converts into red colour. This minor animation is also taken into consideration while designing a website.Yes it depends on the website owner whether he/she wishes to have that button hovering effect or not. This really draws the attention of users towards the website.
  • End of Sliders: Any website you see includes sliders. But now, this trend will vanish as Sliders take too much space as well as lower down the website content thus resulting in to declination of SEO rankings. Those who worry more about SEO will definitely avoid them to be included in their website.
  • Must Have Responsive Web Design: Friends, be ready! Gone are the days when a single desktop site was sufficient to generate leads. Now, it’s essential to have a compatible website that works well with almost all devices including Laptop, Palmtop, Mobile, smart phone, tablet etc. 2015 is the generation of mobile lovers and web surfers; internet must remain with them wherever they go and so their websites should. So, be prepared and if you don’t have one then plan to get it re designed making it a responsive one if you really wish to get creamy business leads.
  • Mesmerizing Flat Design: Flat web design was the trend that was prevalent in 2014 however now in 2015 it will include various customizations including custom designs, various colour textures including gradients as well as solid colours. It will give your website a simple easy to use design that will be appealing too.
  • Podcasts: We all are aware about podcasts. These will be more popular in 2015.
  • Custom Models: 2015 will be the year where hand drawn elements like logos, graphics will be in demand. So, logos or graphics developed using softwares will be less preferable. If you are not good at creating them yourself, start looking for a expert graphic designer today!
  • Keep your pages scrolling: Scrolling continues to be a part of web design in 2015.
  • Large Background Images: Websites having full screen huge images will continue to be popular in 2015. Huge Images and Robust visuals fill your website with feelings and emotion thus giving a feeling of reality to the viewers.
  • Targeted Messages: Write something in your website blog and homepage that directly touches the heart of your targeted audience rather taking in to consideration mass of people.

Wind Up

Generating huge sum from your website important so that you can get sufficient return on investment. In order to make the best use of website, adore it with current trends. To get your website developed as per new trends from professional web designers, get in touch with Softqube Technologies.

How To Find The Finest Web Design Company In India?

Nowadays, India is really a very presentable place where you will easily get web design companies. As well as, you can’t disappoint by taking their services. When you search for such kinds of companies so you will get various companies along with affordable prices. There are many individuals that are wondering after heard the prices of web design companies. The reason behind that, few companies take low prices for giving their services.

Responsive Web Design

Most of the people contact Indian web design companies for website designing or redesigning. The main reason is that, they know their work, quality and punctuality. As well as, clients will get a huge traffic to their sites and gain lots of profit as they desire.But, there are few web designers present in India that are not able to give their quality work. So, how will you find the finest one among the other ones? In my opinion, you can take help of internet and search by best web design company India and see the results.

These days research is the best way to select an effective web design company that will give you desire results. As well as, you can easily select the prices, features and other essential thing that is compulsory for any website. Here I am describing you some important tips that will make your research easier and faster.

Important tips for Web Design Research

Firstly, you have to check the location because it plays a very significant role for web designers. As we know, metro cities give better opportunities for their career so most of the designers want to work in such kind of area. So, you will get finest web designers and companies in metros. You can research location online and find better talent for your business without going anywhere.

Those website companies located in metro cities, so they charge more than non-metro areas due to well-known reasons. But, don’t worry difference is very nominal and affordable for everyone so you can choose the best one of them. Another important thing is you can check previous work of your selected company so that you will get a better information about them. Also, you will know what kind of websites they made and able to do for you.

After checking all the essential things, you can contact them via mail or call and discuss your requirements. As well as, you can see hit counter on their website which will tell you their popularity. You  have to measure qualities of the reliable web design Company to fulfill your needs of making a website.

Wind Up

There are few companies offering various products, rendering services for growing their business so their site is searchable. It means anyone can easily search on web without doing a lot of efforts and web designer is proficient to make a search engine friendly website. If your selected website comes in the front pages of popular search engines so it would be a great thing for you. Therefore, this article will resolve your issues of finding a best web design company in India like Softqube Technologies.

Benefits of Having Professional Website Design

When you want to purchase any book, you first look at its cover. Similarly, when you know that this person is a CEO of X company then you will imagine a person in a complete professional look. So, appearance matters; be it a small task of purchasing a book, meeting any CEO or developing a website.

If you say, you are professional and experts in the field then your website should reveal your words and this is only possible through a perfect professional website design. Because people judge you and your business via the way you present it online. A website is the most sensitive part of any business and in order to gain more exposure, it is necessary that it must have an attractive look.

Website designs play an important role in assisting people to take the decision whether the site must be visited or not and whether it’s a perfect place to spend time, money or not. An unprofessional looking website can easily divert your visitors to your competitors.

It is obvious that if you are serious about growing your business then you must adore your website with a professional website design however apart from just getting more traffic; there are other benefits as well:

Advantages of Having a Perfect Website Design

Get more Exposure via CSS galleries

A well developed website design will give your website a chance to be submitted in various CSS galleries around the internet. This helps to gain more traffic as well as dormant clients and it also spreads your online presence via word of mouth publicity.

Your website should have an elegant design or we can say web layout like the one mentioned here

Softqube Portfolio

Build a long lasting first impression

First impression always matters when it comes to increasing your business on the internet because it is the face of your business that describes you in a perfect manner. A single glance on any website is enough to judge its quality of work, commitment and the type of expertise it has.

With a perfect professional website layout, you will be able to create an everlasting first impression as well as create a feeling of trust among the viewers.

Easily Feature Your Expertise

When your website is ready with a professional look then it becomes very simple and easy to feature your abilities. For any business, a professional web design is a great way to show your abilities to the visitors. You can also add a Call to action box which will tempt visitors to reach you quickly.

Less errors and visibility among all browsers

A website must be quick to get loaded and must be compatible with most of the browsers. This is perfectly possible with professional web designs. So, if your website has a perfect layout then viewers can view it on any browser thus your website gets more access which in turn can generate ample traffic leading to maximum number of conversions.

Wind Up

Well, with these all benefits and more; we are hundred percent sure that your website is definitely going to give you perfect return on your investment. So, get in touch with the well-known professional website design company, Softqube Technologies to have one developed for your own site.

The Use of Texture in Web Design

Web designing is in high demand these days and is in process for many years back. The web designers and developers are highly trained and have professional technical skills knowledge’s. Earlier designing concepts use to include textures in the background so that it looks catchier but, now gradients and transparency are supported as a background. It is believed that textures make the site heavy and increase the load time, but still there are many developers/designers who use designer textures in web design and are even successful, the textures and patterns attracts the crawlers to click on the site.

Few Textures that are Common and Demanded

Bahur78: This beautiful texture is in wooden brown shade with a texture of cardboard and mathematical graph paper pattern at the header port.

Maptia: This designer texture is in slate gray and radial gradient pattern and is perfect for typography and blogs.

This gray and blue textured designer background looks perfect with minimal style and is perfect for promotional page.

Tony Geer: This is a stylish, subtle texture with two separate color combinations that is black in the header and a splatter-style texture in the main image. This is a great alternative for use of gradient as a background.

The Ruby Tap: It is a designer texture completely based on wooden pattern and is perfect for the websites of hotels, restaurant and bars.

Rabuzin Fine Art: This is a designer light shade, texture with off white and blue combination that keeps refreshing. The benefit of a light colored texture is that it has a low file size and is perfect for the blogs or websites of online gifts or floral boutique site.

There are many more textures and theme based options available that are used widely by the website designing companies and freelancers. The photography theme related texture is perfect for the wedding photography site many others related to the medicine, health or gaming sites are available. One can design the thing according the requirement of the candidate or can choose online too.

Basically the web design, texture is created in 2D well known software Photoshop. One can either pick already designed theme or can create their own. If one has a technical knowledge of software then they can design a pattern via the Google Photoshop tutorial. A texture is a key factor that separates the designing sense from all others. Beside the sense of designing it also let the design look realistic and help the viewer to know what kind of product is listed and helps the potential buyer to catch the site easily.

Wind Up:

It is seen that the web design concept keeps on changing, but texture look is something which is not backing head and helps to give a 3D effect to the site. So, we can state that the demand of a textured background will last longer and keep on attracting large number of crawlers to site. Get in touch with Softqube Technologies, web design company India to get more updates about such web design trends.

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