Configuring a Mobile Website

Over the years, the usage of mobiles has skyrocketed and more and more people are using the mobile to go online. Yet as surprising as it may seem, many corporate brands including several fortune 100 brands have not yet embraced the mobile as a platform to reach out to audiences yet.

With the recent declaration by Google that slow websites will be negatively impacted on the mobile rankings, now more than ever is the time to jump on making websites mobile friendly and the first step to creating a mobile friendly website is to decide the type of configuration to use for your mobile website.

Types of Configuration in Mobile Websites:

  • Responsive Configuration: When devices implement the same HTML and use the CSS to change the way a page is rendered on the device.
  • Dynamic Configuration: When devices implement the same URLs but each URL dynamically serve the HTML and CSS file depending on the user agent received.
  • Redirection to mobile URL: websites which implement separate desktop and mobile URLs.

Configuration in Mobile Websites

To decide the ideal configuration for your website, you need to first decide whether you are about to display the same content to the visitor or whether the displayed content to the visitor will differ by the type of device used. Here is a rundown of the three different configurations and ideal situations where to use those configurations:

Responsive Configuration:

If the visitors to your website are trying to accomplish the same thing regardless of the type of device they use, then you should use this configuration. For example, if your website is displaying news related to sports, then regardless of the device used, the visitors are coming to read news related to sports. The styling of the content may be different depending on the device used but the content is the same one delivered across devices.

Dynamic Configuration:

If the visitors to your website are trying to accomplish different things based on the type of device they use, then the content served to them may be of a dynamic nature. For example, suppose users use your website to find houses for sale. On a desktop version, implementing Google maps to the website content would be logical. But in a mobile environment, implementing Google maps can add extra overhead and also result in a bad user experience. So for a mobile device, you would be serving the same content without the Google maps implementation.

Redirection to mobile URL:

If your users com to different devices to accomplish completely different tasks, then you may consider using separate URLs for your mobile and desktop websites and redirect users to your mobile website based on the user agent received. For example, supposing your website sells items to the user and on the desktop version the visitor wants see the things that are in stock but in the mobile version the visitor wants to locate your store based on their present location.

Obstacles in Configuration:

Page redirects may experience problems when not configured properly including page speed issues, faulty redirects, disruptive experience with splash pages and pop ups etc. Also note that you must use the vary HTTP header for dynamic websites to indicate dynamic content based on devices.

Wind up:

Finally, understand your audience and deliver them the great user experience and pursue the mobile platform and you will see a steady growth in sales and audience. Remember that this is a mobile centric world now. So, you have to get your mobile website configured from our reliable web and mobile development company – Softqube Technologies.

Migrating Mobile Site to a Desktop Site

In today’s mobile first world, many businesses have their site designed for mobile only. This becomes a problem while migrating it into a desktop environment and certain steps must be taken to ensure a smooth transition.

Mobile Site to a Desktop Site

This blog discusses the steps that are essential in ensuring smooth transition from a mobile first codebase to a multi responsive codebase.

Step 1: Identify the reason for taking this transition

Before proceeding any further, consider the reasons for transitioning from a mobile first to a responsive site. You need to have solid justifiable reason for using up precious resources in the transition. You must have answers for the following questions:

  • Why and how does this transition benefit your target audience?
  • Will this transition ensure the continued success of your business?
  • Will this transition ensure that you reach new audiences?
  • Will this transition ensure that you are a step ahead of your competitors?

Only go forward if you could answer the questions asked above. If you could not, then it is probably best to not divert precious resources in the transition.

Step 2: Identify the teams necessary for smooth transitions

Identifying the necessary individuals who need to be involved is essential in streamlining the workflow and ensuring a smooth transition. Typically these are some of the teams who are involved in these transitions:

  • Brand
  • Mobile and Mobile Marketing teams
  • IT teams and the Developer teams
  • Analytics and Online marketing teams
  • E-Commerce team for retailers
  • Marketing teams
  • Creative teams for creative ideas
  • User Experience teams for getting the right user experience

After the teams have been identified, it is now time to move up to next step which is to identify the necessary work that each team need to take in order to successfully complete the transition.

Step 3: Identify the necessary actions to be taken

We already know that the end result is to roll out the mobile site into a desktop/responsive site. We have identified the individual teams who will be involved in process. Now it is necessary to identify the actions that each team must take to reach the end goal.

  • Identify all the mobile site pages
  • Identify the existing redirect strings in the mobile site
  • Map the mobile pages to desktop pages
  • Test the user acceptance of the new design with UAT
  • Optimize the desktop pages for both desktop and mobile users
  • Create a custom 404 not found page for mobile users
  • Test the site on multiple devices to ensure resolution independence
  • Resize images for the mobile experience
  • Identify the mobile feature gaps to be retired
  • Audit the current mobile site
  • Identify the difference between your mobile and desktop users
  • Ensure that your desktop site can handle the pressure of all the desktop and mobile users with load testing
  • Update the analytics to suit both environments

Final Step: Identify when and how you are going to start the transition

Finally you need to identify the right time for starting this transition. Ideally the right time should be based on the amount of traffic, the amount of visibility and the amount of revenue. Once these are identified, the rest is just systematic planning and co-ordination between different teams.

Wind up:

Mobile websites are most preferable nowadays. But still, some access websites on their a Desktop Sitedesktop. So, it is necessary for business to have a responsive website which can be used by each and every client. In order to get such websites developed, you can get in touch with well known Web Design and Development Company in India, Softqube Technologies.

Develop Your Dream Web Store with Five Useful Rules

These days the use of mobile phones or tablets is increasing. So retailers who are working on the internet with their own web store, where we can shop any of their products, must improve that web store making it to respond on mobile devices, this is also better for buyers because nowadays many are using only mobile phones. Also it is not only to make your web store compatible for mobile devices, there are many ways to make a transaction from a visit, one of them is how the text is represented on your web store. Users who are visiting your web store want and expect from a web page to load in less than two seconds, and difference of one second can result with losing customers.

Develop Your Web Store

In this blog, I will try to teach you and give you some tips on how you need to design a user-friendly online web store.

  • You must give attention to the location of the search box and navigation bar

    Users who are using mobile devices must be easily be able to find the search box, as while using internet people are highly impatient. So, it is advisable to have a search box that is easily visible to the buyers. Also mobile devices have very less space as compared to laptops and PCs, so you should design a navigation bar that is not so complicated but it’s useful as well as easy to operate. Also the choice for navigation bar is to be fixed on the top.

  • You must improve your page download speed

    If you want to have more conversion, than you must have fast download speed on your page, customers don’t want to wait long time. The faster download speed you have, more conversion will be coming from big percent of visitors who will visit your web store. You can achieve this with optimizing codes, pictures and JavaScript codes, with optimizing these your page will load faster and will look better.

  • You must have quality pictures of your products

    In every purchase the most affecting thing are product pictures for every ecommerce web store. So for that they need to be of good quality. On your web store you must have effective pictures with details and information that will be shown properly, clearly and for sure quickly.

  • You must understand the impact of the text and its composition

    Buyers, who are visiting your web store from mobile device, don’t want to see too much text in the description of every item. So you don’t need to crowd your page with text. You need to put pictures or small
    sentences and links to guide users to the next step.

  • All of your clickable options must be tapped easily with fingers:

    When users visit your mobile store on their mobile devices at that time almost all operations are done by using fingers. So you need to have clickable friendly buttons that can be used easily with fingers to click.
    With these five rules you can easily develop a web store that can lead you to success making it popular. Good luck!

Wind up:

At Softqube Technologies, India based website designing services provider; we are eager to assist business owners who wish to develop their own eCommerce store and wish to venture in the online business sector. In order to get a perfect web store developed, you can get in touch with our experts.

A User-friendly eCommerce Website Knocking at Your Door

Having a website has turned into a general trend and now with the every next gate a website owner can be found. The top knot reason

User-friendly eCommerce Website

behind it is that, selling online simplified the things and helps to find a solution to reach till the customers. Thanks! To all the software organizations like Magento and Kart rocket who made the things flexible via their service. If you are still struggling to manage the online website of yours, then this software’s can give a shrewd solution to your put-up queries!!

Help for Newbies

A complete software solution can help to grow the organization through the step-by-step process. Now every small to big companies wants to reach their customers worldwide and increase their sales and this is possible only via selling the products online. But it is not as easy as it sounds! Having an eCommerce and running it successfully requires a special skill set and knowledge of technical skill. So, the E-commerce Software Solutions helps its customer by providing them a user-friendly website which is not only easy to access but can be smoothly managed too.

Complete Marketing Solutions

The prime concern of eCommerce software is to provide an effective marketing solution that helps to target the potential customer rapidly. The common technique for it is the effective marketing solution. The E-commerce Software Solutions provides an integrated SEO search engine optimization. A strong SEO helps to build the traffic in the website using strong Keywords parallel to the organization. The provided portal to the site owner helps them to regulate via Meta title, Meta description and Meta keywords which increase the Google ranking and leads to a successful eCommerce site.

Promotional Activities

Everyone is more awaited for discounts and coupons! After all been a shop alcoholic is the only reason behind it. Providing freebies, discounts and other amazing deals help the online store to get a fruitful solution. But, the most important of all is to make the customers updates about the current discounts & Offers they can avail, which is possible via making attractive banners/ newsletters and survey. These are the utmost important promotional tools provided by the eCommerce software solution. The promotional tools provide facility to generate coupons for products and make a huge saving by grand sell. The other facilities are not left unseen like providing e-vouchers, store credit that helps the online customer to make an effective utilization of their fund.

Stay in touch with Customers

A hassle free shopping at an economical price is the only solution to retain a long time customer relation. The software’s like Magento and Kartrocket helps its client to manage with valuable tools and engage with new customers every day, some are like making a wish list or a virtual cart, that makes the things get compared easily. The wish list is a smart idea which helps the customers to update them about a downfall in their desired products or share their ideas with friends and relatives.

Easy Customization

A web developer and graphic designer are the peoples full of the technical skill set that creates a website but, the eCommerce software solution companies provides an easy customization facility with the drag and drop facility to design the site completely in an effective manner as per the desire.

Wind up:

The great shopping portal is waiting for you with the leading online market sale!! Contact the India based reliable web design and development company – Softqube Technologies. With us, you will get best eCommerce software solutions and the things resolved by targeting the customers and building a platform for further next more years.

Web Design Trends 2014

Web Design is a part of our business that represents it on the internet. With technology updating by leaps and bounds, every year designing trends also are updated. So, in our today’s blog we are going to discuss about the web design trends of 2014. 2014 has many new exciting things in terms of web design and we are here to have a glance on them.

Top Web Design Trends:

  • Interesting typography: Many designers keep on experimenting on different types of typography such as fonts with personality. These fonts are independent and not like normal fonts such as sans serif, times new roman etc. Web Designers are in constant search of various fonts that make their design unique and add variety to it making it look different from others. We can see many websites having unique fonts.
  • Smooth & simple Design: A simple and eye soothing design is recommended the most. An example of such flat smooth design is Apple’s iOS7. This operating system has a very good, simple yet elegant look as compared to previous operating systems that included gradient a shades and design that widen your eyes.

    In the field of technology, apple is believed to be a trend setter, things that apple does are quickly followed by other companies and it has maximum number of followers. The flat design of Apple’s Android app is followed by many websites up till now and this trend will last for years.

  • Introduction areas occupied with images instead of sliders: Now-a-days, instead of slide banners to be used in the introduction area, some images relevant to the business sector are used. These images contain a very little amount of text and this trend has become very popular.

    Very soon, we will see websites having no slide banners as these will get replaced by large images containing very small amount of text.

  • Focus on Responsive Web Design: We can see that the use of mobiles is increasing by leaps and bounds. So, it has become mandatory for every website owner to develop a website that is easily accessible on mobile as well as other tech devices such as smart phones, tablets, phablets etc.
  • Include videos instead of text: A movie explains a story in much better way than a story book does. We can say a video will be able to explain things in a better way as compared to text. A new trend of posting videos in the introduction areas of any website has arrived but it should not play automatically as soon as the website gets fully loaded. As there are people who may avoid watching it, don’t force viewers to see it. So, carefully make best use of the videos on your websites.
  • Wrap up:

    The list doesn’t end here. There are many more web design trends that are yet pending to be shared and which will be shared in our next blog. Till that time, try adopting these while developing your website or hire any web designers from our website design and development company in India – Softqube technologies.

Mistakes in Web Design to Avoid

Web Design is the most important task for those who wish to have good websites for their business. Yes website designs matter a lot. Here, we are going to discuss about some mistakes that are usually seen in any web design and avoiding them can make a huge difference.

Mistakes to be avoided while designing your website:

  1. Improper Search: We can see that certain websites don’t get displayed in search engine results due to some minor mistakes such as spelling mistakes, typos, plurals and other such small things. These things are really painful as one single mistake can ruin the hard work done to boost the website’s presence over the internet.

    Problems start when search engine results are based on number of query terms included instead of the importance of the website. Certain important search terms included in your website can give it a chance to be at the top.

  2. PDF Files: A PDF file attached to your website is a strict no no as these are highly avoided by the users when found while surfing the internet. Sometimes, printing and saving documents also becomes difficult. Some of the websites have layouts optimized in such a way that they match a normal sheet of paper which differs in the size of user’s browser window.

    Moreover, PDF is a version that makes it difficult for people to navigate among the websites. It is good for printing and distributing manuals as well as other documents. So, make it useful for such printed documents rather than using for website.

  3. Keeping the colour of visited links as it is: This really makes difficult for readers to know which web pages they have already gone through and which one are pending yet. We can see on Google that when any link is visited it changes to purple colour and unvisited links have blue colour.

    Similarly, in your web design also, whatever links users have already visited must be changed to a certain colour so that when next time they visit your site they must know the links that are pending to be visited and it saves their time which otherwise could be wasted in revisiting those links.

    This eases their navigation on your website as they can easily differentiate between the visited and unvisited links through different colours.

  4. Non Scalable Text: Your website text must be attractive enough to draw users attention . So, it should include :
    • Subheadings
    • Bulleted lists
    • Highlighted keywords
    • Short paragraphs
    • Simple writing style
    • A simple language that doesn’t seem to be marketing the website.
  5. Fixed Font Size: Certain web design codes use CSS style sheets that provide power to any website to disable the browser’s option: “Change Font Size.” Fixed font sizes are usually very small and not readable. So, your website must ignore such style sheets and allow people to resize the text as per the need as for some your normal font may be too small to read and for some it may be too large.

Well, these are some of the mistakes that can be found in 8 websites out of 10 and must be improved to get more viewers. The list has many more such commonly found mistakes in web design which we will discuss in our next blog.

Till that time, keep visiting our blogs. To get error free web designs, web designers at our India based web design firm – Softqube Technologies is always here to help you because we love our clients more than our own selves.

Get More Customers with Effective eCommerce Website Tricks

In This Era of tough competition, it is difficult to sell your product in the market as you must look different from others and this is a difficult task. It takes time to build your online reputation and attract visitors to buy your products or services rather eCommerce Website.

So, how will you tempt buyers to buy your products? Every online seller is having its business website, why will visitors come to you? What uniqueness your website has that can convert viewers into buyers?

Our blog is here to answer these questions. We have included some of the most useful eCommerce website tricks that will help you to increase your website’s conversion rate. It’s not that easy to spurt up conversion rates. It can’t be done overnight.

But, yes “Slow and steady wins the race” and so you will.

eCommerce Website

Let’s Begin and Know the Starting Points:

  • Website Home page:  The starting point is the home page of any website that plays an important role to catch the attention of the visitors. We always keep our home entrance clean and decorated with wishes like “Welcome” door mats and much more. Similarly, website’s homepage must be so attractive and informative that visitors must be forced to visit other web pages as well and tend to visit the entire website till the end.They must never get bored or leave the website in the middle.
  • Speed: Once a visitor enters your website and wishes to go through each and every web page then what matters next is the speed. Yes, the time a web page takes to get loaded is of utmost importance. If your web page gets loaded too slowly then there are chances that visitors may leave it in the middle as no one likes to wait. This leads to a big loss in sales.“The lesser the load time the more the revenue, the maximum the search rankings”.Generally, visitors tend to leave the website for two things: a) More text b) High Loading time.  So, how to reduce the loading time?

    Fast web hosting is the answer to your question. Always opt for a hosting service that provides outstanding caching system which delivers various types of content at an amazing speed and tends to load the website within just 2 seconds.

  • Publish Product Reviews:  One of the best ways to increase conversion rates is to publish your product reviews. An eCommerce website gets more conversion rates with these product reviews.  Only genuine reviews must be published and should be updated on regular basis say weekly.  Kindly request your customers to write a product review and you can also arrange some rewards for those who really write good product reviews.
  • Respond Promptly: In case, any visitor has a question about your product or service then respond them quickly as it shows how keen you are to satisfy your customers and leads to a good impression in the mind of viewers who are going to be your buyers. Ensure that you have best customer support team who are trained well to answer promptly, politely and professionally to any queries.

With these tricks, we are sure that you will be able to improve your eCommerce website’s conversions rates thus gaining more customers. For more ideas , keep visiting our blog or kindly connect with our web design experts at Softqube Technologies , reputed Web Design Service Provider Company in India.

Most Useful Text Editors for Web Designers

Advancing technology has given us so many tools that we can create websites in minutes. Yet, there are some things that are to be done manually. There will be a day when visually oriented apps will replace the old school manual coding. Till that time, we need to do manual coding. There are some text editors that are useful for creating proper coding and here we have mentioned some of these that are mostly adopted by web designers:

Some Excellent Text editors for Web Designers:

  • Notepad++: The most useful and very easy to use application available for free with Windows is highly recommended for editing the existing website code or creating new ones. There’s a rumor that this application is now out of date. This is not true as even today this application deserves to be best for web designers and it is able to stand in competition among other text editors about which we will discuss further.
  • BBEdit: This is one of the useful text editors available with Mac OSx operating system for price $49.99. This text editor is truly a veteran in the field. In spite of being different from modern Mac apps; this editor application is easily configurable, scriptable, and fast with quick find & replace options along with support for version control.

    This application was recently updated with handy text suggestion tool that is most useful to match various strings from anywhere in the document.

  • Blue Fish: Another text editor that is very much useful is Blue Fish. It can be used for Windows, OS, and Linux and is absolutely free. Similar to Notepad++, this editor tool is great boon for web designers. The main feature is it offers syntax highlighting for all coding languages such as, CSS, HTML, Java script, PHP and more). Along with this, it also has various other features such as code folding, auto completion and powerful find –replace option.

    In addition to this, it supports various document wizards such as CSS, forms, tables, audio, video objects as well as quick tag editing and easy document previewing.

  • Code Writer: This is one of the important text editors mostly used on Windows 8 and is available for free. The app system in tablets is very less as compared to that of desktops or laptops. This application is mainly used in tablets and has various advanced features such as code outlining, syntax error flagging, auto correction, text formatting etc.
  • Text Mate: Yet, another most useful text editor is Text mate for OS operating system and is available for free. It offers a complete different feature set. Due to some updates in Mac, it has vanished from the market however its most useful version Mac 2.0 is available for free download.

Wrap up:

The list doesn’t end here. There are many more tools available in the market which makes coding very easy for web designers. Perfect websites can be developed only with perfect coding. So, it is important to use relevant coding tools. Web designers at best web design company in India – Softqube technologies tend to use necessary tools to make coding easier and provide perfect website to the client.

Redesign Your Website with Responsive Design

Everyone around you is using latest tech devices such as smartphones, iPhone, iPad etc. This indirectly has affected the online business and in order to reach to the target audience, every business owner is forced to have a mobile optimized web design.

Generally there are two types of websites developed for mobile: mobile optimized separate website or a single business with responsive web design that adjusts to any device in which it is viewed considering from big laptop screen to small mobile touch screens. So, how these responsive designs are created and what are the main challenges faced to develop them? Our today’s blog describes these challenges in brief.

Challenges Faced in Developing Responsive Design for any Website:

The first and foremost challenge is to change the internal tooling. This can be done by developing new content management tools that help you to develop flexible content which can be displayed across many devices.

In order to keep entire team in a loop, it is necessary to share every minute detail with each every team member. This includes details such as typographic scale, colour palettes and module system. The most important part of design is sketching.

Changes in Information Architecture:

It is recommended to simplify the details. From a certain type of analysis of users’ data, it is derived that after coming at a certain point while visiting the website they stop navigating anymore and then switch towards the content. So, a website having cluttered navigation is not going to attract visitors.

In responsive design, the navigation is divided into two parts: Primary & secondary level. This type of navigation allows viewers to quickly navigate themselves to the main topic area which interests them the most.

Content Strategy Development:

Depending on your business category, website content strategy must be developed. The content must be easily found by the viewers. Blended content is also an important thing to be considered. This includes a separate zone such as Reviews, Poll etc.

These zones include the content from the entire website. Blended content can be available anywhere in the website.

Wire Framing Process:

Always recommend using proper coding languages such as HTML instead of using any software like UX. Using a coding language can benefit a lot and the strongest point is you will easily know how an idea works in browser. These i-frames can be shared and presented with others.

Swimlaning the project:

Large massive websites are very difficult to maintain. So, a responsive website should have service oriented architecture. Content API should be developed in such a way that frontend application must be easily able to fetch data from the database without any errors. Further, updates are available at regular intervals to continuously provide change to the users.


Using these techniques for developing a responsive web design can really help you to get a good website design which is responsive to each and every device, users are using to access internet. To get some more useful techniques for developing responsive design, you can take advice from expert website designers at Softqube technologies- a reliable website development company India.

Creating an Elegant Web Design – Need and Availability

In the recent times, instead of asking for contact number of any business, people just ask for website as it includes all the required information of business services, products, contact details and much more. This website is the main source of business and so it must have an elegant look.

Poor web design plays an important role in driving away the customers. Website reflects your business; an irrelevant or improper web design can lead to an impression that the business people are not very well aware about their own needs or lack in designing knowledge.

Especially, web design companies should have a proper professional website so that customers can have surety that this company is definitely going to tackle their needs in a better way. Sometimes, due to effective SEO strategy, websites with improper design are visible on top results. But, they are just visited once.

To get repetitive client base, it is mandatory to create a long lasting first impression with your website. In order to get a user friendly, search engine friendly website developed for your business, you must be aware of the website must haves.

A professional, simple and elegant business website must:

  • Get loaded quickly
  • Have Easy navigation
  • Have Easy checkout ( eCommerce website)
  • Possess Elegant design including required menus and sub menus
  • Be Properly aligned
  • Consist of necessary web pages : Home, About Us, Products/ Services, FAQ’s, Contact Us
  • And more can be added as per the need & business growth.

You can also add a web page reflecting media, photo gallery that reflects your business events or latest updates if any are published in any magazine, newspaper etc.

Need of a website:

Website plays an important role in increasing your customer base and growing your business worldwide. It’s difficult to reach people all over the world through a single contact number while website spreads your business quickly on internet and anyone from any part of the world can be a part of your business.

It helps to bring spurt in revenue providing perfect return on investment. You can also market your business on various social networks such as face book, twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and more. A single website can be used at various places to market or present your business.


Web design companies in India offer various packages depending on the design you need. Some also offer custom packages where they know your requirements, business sector, target audience, no. of visitors required per day, effective SEO strategy and many such details so that they can create a web design in a better way.

Website developers are also available at hourly rates or charges depending on the number of web pages needed and features to be added. If you wish to develop eCommerce website then you can go for experienced eCommerce web designers who can guide you in a better way to have a perfect eCommerce web design.


Depending upon your business size, investment budget, needs, target audience; you can consult a web design company like as Softqube technologies to hire India based web designer who can understand your needs and serve you in a better way.

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