4 Most Important Web Design Principle Explained

Having a website is the need of the hour. With the trends changing and everything going online, it is important to make your presence felt across all the platforms. There was a time when people did business based on the ‘word of mouth’. It was the only promotion strategy people used to make their business more successful but nowadays, competition is tougher, and those who are stuck with old methods mostly fail in the race.

Online is the new trend now. People do shopping, buy clothes, jewellery, food, groceries, study materials and what not! But how? From where do they buy it? There are web portals or say websites that let people do whatever they want. These websites are platforms related to particular things that attract people towards them and increase their reach and engagement to earn and be more popular.

Web Design

Anyone can make websites for any purpose they want to achieve. They can use it for social purpose, for e-commerce, blogging or any other thing they wish to start or to complete. But the biggest problem arises in making these websites. These websites are at the same time, easy and challenging both. For a person who is aware of web designing, it will be easy but still not a piece of cake, for web design takes more than just an idea. It takes proper planning, wise decisions and a good web designer. If any one of these factors goes missing, your website can turn into a blunder in no time.

Principles Explained

There have been a lot of researches on web designing. About what kind of websites do people like, what kind they feel is easy to use and which sites do they remember and prefer to visit again. There are some particular set of principles everyone follows while designing a website. Here in this blog, there are the four most important web design principles. Without these four factors, no site will be liked or visited by consumers who will lead directly to the loss of time, money and work. Take a look at these-

Principle No. 1- Uses and Gratification theory

Uses and Gratification Theory

This is not precisely a principle but a necessity while designing the website. Uses and gratification theory says that the site should be simple and can easily be used by consumers. What if you made a site for your business, but the reach is not increasing, the sale is not happening. What can be the reason? The reason may be that the user is unable to find options and hence find the alternative that is more easy to use. The sale is never going to increase, and no user would recommend your website to other people for using or visiting. This negative review will make your business go wrong, and this is why, it is important to keep in mind, about the uses and gratification theory.

Simplicity is the basic of everything. Every user is not a computer geek, or some don’t even have basic knowledge of sites thus making it easy is the only option. Clutter-free design requires only meaningful interactions and less effort from the user to achieve satisfactory results. If you need an idea, visit pages on google and try to use them. There are many sites which are a piece of cake and recommended by most of the people, but there are somewhere you won’t be able to find options you’re looking for, hence you return to find any alternative, and this is bad from the perspective of business and goal intend to reach.

Principle No 2- Content


Content is the king- you must’ve heard this phrase so many times. No website is complete without the content or says a little piece of information. Always keep the matter easy to read, the sentences should be short and crisp for people do not treat hard copy and web content as same. Keep in mind that subheads should always be present for it makes the information easy to scan via eyes. Consumers always read what they want to and they keep searching for it till they find it. The readability should be high and the language used should be of class twelfth so that everyone can understand it. Everything on a site is related to the content or say communication. For every click, every button, every piece available is making you interact with your consumer or audience. It is up to you for which language do you choose to display. Keep in mind to keep your audience instructed before they fill the form or buy an item or ask a query. The set of rules and instructions should be displayed next to or before filling the form or making a purchase so the consumer can understand what they’re getting into.

If you have a shopping website, give a little description of every product that displays. Make a blog of rules or one of explaining the rules or about uses of certain products so that people can find it easy to purchase and visit the website regularly for more information or buy some product if they find it useful. The content should care. It should look human and not like a robotic app. Like at times, when people opt for the payment options, a little video link pops-up with the tutorial written over it. If felt like, the consumer will take a look at it and try to accordingly so as to save any mishap from occurring because everyone cares about their money. And communication is useful when people will feel like that website cares about it too.

Principle No 3- Maintain Equilibrium

Maintain Equilibrium

The website when in the design phase, should always retain its balance or say consistency. No matter which platform you choose, the visual style of the app should be same. Going through different web designs on the Internet, you’ll find that the whole look and feel of the website remains same; uniform. From home page to different options, the pricing, careers page to blog everything remains consistent.

Consistency pleases the eye of the visitor and attracts more people to scroll through the platform, and at many times it plays a big role in pursuing consumers t buy the product. It may happen that the way you choose is conventional, but people will be aware of what they’re doing instead of just clicking on the option that leads to some other information. The user gets frustrated then. Typical conventions help in keeping the usability standard of the website and product high.

Maintaining consistency makes the site look professional and gives a chance to explore more. The colour palette should be decided beforehand, and it should remain the same throughout. If not, the web design will look funny, and it will hurt the eyes of users too. The colours should make the eyes feel warm and happy, and it will ultimately lead to browsing more on the site. People should love buying the product and should feel glad to be related to your product and name. This leads to word of mouth.

Principle No 4- Visual Appeal

Visual Appeal

If the upper principles are kept in mind, you’re halfway there to create a good design for your website. A good design is not complete without images and colours. We have already studied a bit of the colour, but it is not enough. It takes a lot of time and pressure to just decide which colour is to go by. The website is visual medium and consumer prefers everything on the net to be pleasing the eyes. Colours invoke emotions and same colours and create different emotions when used in different contexts. For the starters, always avoid the heavy dose of corporate black as it makes something look like gothic or emo. Keep the site as vibrant and warm as it gets. But if you’re making a portfolio of a rock band or something very unprofessional, corporate black is acceptable. The colour should be consistent and should not be used more than needed or it will make the design heavy. Our goal should be to make it neat and clean, and for this white space is necessary. Also, you’ll need to create space for advertisement displays as they also help in increasing the reach and let you earn some traffic and money. White space is a space given blank on the screen that gives neat look to the display.

Even if you’re moving to a darker design from the light one always maintain contrast. Contrast makes the image of product pop out of the page and attracts the attention more. Here are some points to keep in mind-

  • Abide all the image rules- Never steal the images but always give credits to whoever it’s needed and follow all of the stock images rule.
  • Always keep the file size small- to stop the website from hanging or taking a lot of time for reloading, always prefer to keep the image file size small so that it will be easy for the site to load and the consumer does not lose all the patience.
  • Make your website colour-blind friendly- A total of 5% of the men suffer colour blindness, but that does not mean that they do not use these websites. Use the colours that would be helpful in every case.
  • Keep movement less- It is nice to add the image that moves. They give a cool look to the website but adding these too much, ruin everything. Keep in mind to make your page stable and do not give it a shaky- jerky feeling. No one wants to tire his or her eyes.
  • Choose images carefully- People look at images first to understand what everything is about. Always remember to put up good images, happy images so the mood of the consumer can brighten up.


It takes a lot more than just these 4 principles to build a website. But these 4 principles are the most important ones that play a key role in building a website. Every point help each other hand in hand like usefulness and content support each other and all of this is backed by colours and images but at the same time, it should all be consistent and stable giving it a sophisticated look.

Everything is inter-connected to each other. Website building takes a lot of prior planning. There are various tutorials available on how to design these web pages but in reality, it is far more difficult. There are many agencies that help in building these web pages with the help of their professionals and also maintain it all along.  The other key points are to name website, decide the purpose, hiring writers to create proper content for the page, making it official.

The competition is high in the market and it is important to be on top of the game to achieve the goal set or the website and your idea will be lost in between the sea of websites that no one knows about. The internet is a big place and the competition is not only from local sites but all those contemporaries site that is in the market. These sites can be a nation, local or international both.

Web Design Service – How To Choose An Affordable One?

Web designing has always been an important element for anyone who decides to put up a business whether big or small. This is one of the keys that helps you making your presence online and advertise your services and products online. Since this is expensive, you should research well and try hiring a Web design company in India that offers web design services since it is not advisable to spend more on designing. Rather you should spend more on putting up your actual business. A lot of companies are now offering these services for minimal charges while there are still some of them who just offer their services with high charges. Select companies that offer quality and excellent designs with less cost since this is necessary for your project and the business.

Guidelines for Choosing One

Both expensive and inexpensive companies offer the same services so it is advisable that you select the inexpensive ones that offer you quality service at reasonable prices. Find out some guidelines that will help you to decide which one to choose.

  • The first thing that you should consider in hiring one is to see how reputed the company is and how credible they are. You can also ask someone from your industry or in the community if they know any references for an excellent web designing firm.
  • Look for companies that offer you all the services like creating websites, maintaining it, SEO (search engine optimization) services and web hosting since all of them are essential. Those who are just setting up their business will not be able to afford expensive quotes so look for cheaper quotes.
  • Request for a sample design or a portfolio of the company about their work. This will help you to decide if it is quality or not. The designs should be convincing and entertaining at the same time.
  • Web Design Company in India

  • Thus, choose one such company who is communicative. This is extremely valuable since developing and creating the project requires constant communication between the owner and the designing firm.
  • Check with them if they are offering you the feature of an excellent search engine visibility since this is important for you and your targeted customers as this is the only way where they can reach you out. If you have a fantastic design but no mode for communication then getting these services is just pointless.
  • In addition to features of user-friendly, the website should also be search engine friendly. This is because you want to see that your customers are able to find you through this feature. Your website should show your services in the simplest manner since it will be termed as user-friendly and also you can update it easily. This is important since if you regularly update your website with new products then you will be able to build a better relation with your new and existing customers.

Make sure you keep the above points in mind before you hire a web design company in India. Remember one thing that as the name implies, the prices should also be affordable and you should not be over charged by these companies. Ask for a quotation since you will be aware of any hidden charges in advance. It is therefore important that when you look for a web design service, be sure that you look for a company that offers you excellent and quality service at an affordable cost.

Important Elements for Modern Web Design and Development

Designing a website is an essential part of the process, which determines its success. This is very important since this feature can bring in money for the business to run efficiently. Every business may it be small, medium or large corporate, their image is reflected through the website. If your website does not look presentable as per your name, then this will give a bad effect to your current business and customer base. So make sure that when you present your website online it should contain organised data and not out-dated information. A good website works well if you use modern programming languages like HTML 5 and CSS 3 which are the newest standards in the industry. If you wish to build a website that lasts for at least five years from now then try building it using these technologies.

Elements That Make Modern Web Design in India

Web design in India helps to boost the look and functionalities of a website since all they want is to target the users. Now a day’s website is designed for all kinds of devices i.e. smartphones, laptops, desktops, tablets and much more. Some elements are essential for presenting a website with modern designs and stability. Find out some of the elements that you should consider while designing one:

  1. Use Typography: Use typography in your website to make an impression on your visitors about your business. It is very important that you chose the right typography as per your brand name since this would reflect the image of your brand. You may choose the type of font as per your preference while designing one. So whenever you are deciding the right typeface, always remember that you use the proper colour and ambience since you are focusing on targeting the audience.
  2. Use Videos and Different Designs: Displaying visuals in your website is one of the biggest concepts that you can include. When you browse online, you must have noticed many websites try to trick their visitors by showing appealing and eye-catching content. Instead, you can try reducing the text in your website and try implementing large photographs as a background. This will surely attract visitors to your website. Introducing background images and videos will always attract the visitors and in this way, you can attract them about what you are offering and how attractive and thoughtful you are through the content.
  3. Bold Colours and Effects: We all know that attractive colours play an important role in developing and displaying your website. A correct combination of colours can help you making it a great success in accumulating customers and keeping them stick to it. Also, try adding hover effects to the cursor when it is placed over any content. The colour changing effect makes the user experience rich and attractive.
  4. Make Use of Hyperlinks: There have been some websites, which have this feature. When a user clicks on a link on a certain web page, then it directs you to another page of the website. Some websites are designed in such a manner that the navigation is programmed to the most important sections on the site and where they want their readers to specifically go and have a glance.

These small additions are extremely beneficial for websites so that they can promote the usability and user experience in an efficient way. Old websites are losing their customer’s focus since modern web designs are working well providing better usability to the users.


One of the most important steps when you start a new web design project is the construction of the framework. What do we first understand by the term frameworks? It is considered to be the beginning for a stylish design and provide a foundation on which the rest of the developed project will stand on. Many of the designers working on various projects have stated that frameworks have always been a limited factor. They personally feel that the frameworks are designed in such a way that it forces them to change the design to fit in the framework. Now let us discuss on the positive side about the frameworks. There are a number of frameworks available to choose from that help you to fit in the design as per your convenience.

Some more options to select from Web design in India

There are many options available in the market when it comes to selecting one. You will find many designs online in the development community when you research for one but the only issue is that they have already constructed the framework and you will find it difficult in modifying it. Therefore, it is advisable that you develop a framework along with the developer or choose one of the following options:

  1. YAML: YAML stands for “Yet another Multicolumn Layout”. With the help of this framework a designer can create flexible or bullet proof layouts with different patterns like forms and typography. The layouts can be created easily using YAML builder. It works as an XHTML/CSS structure and helps in designing innovative and floated layouts.
  2. Elements framework: This framework helps the designers to write efficient CSS codes for the project. It is nothing but a compilation of files and folders that make the CSS codes easy to write and understand. This easy to use and lightweight framework adds a unique style to the external links and gets it uploaded easily.
  3. Blueprint framework: This framework is free of cost and has loads of features to use. Earlier this framework offered features from other tied up ones but today it offers its own options. With these options, it then becomes easy to create your own websites. It also has different plug-ins for tabs and buttons along with grids that sustain complex layouts. In short, you can use this framework for styles forms, typography and CSS.
  4. Content with Style: It is the most popular and the most used framework for managing website structures. With this CSS, you can create flexible structures for web designs along with flexible and extensively used typography design elements.
  5. Clever CSS: This helps in creating a style sheet in a flexible and structured way. You may use a style sheet for cleaning the designs if required. If you have any structural styles in your website, then you can use this framework since it is more powerful than CSS2.

With a well-built framework, it becomes easy for you to develop your own web design services and upgrade the website with it without changing the design of your current website. This states that any changes done to your website in the future can be done at a reasonable cost. I hope now you must have got an idea about how web design in India can help make your website attractive and target audience and customers. If you want a perfect web design, then it is imperative to speak to Softqube Technologies, as they have full expertise in that particular field.

Importance of PSD Slicing in Web Designing

A consummate and impeccable website will not only grab the attention from the customers but it also invigorates the brand and position of the company in this steep competitive market. That’s why companies are showing more inclination towards making a customized website so that they can get a good amount of web traffic. So web designing is not at all a facile job rather it requires some special skills and knowledge. A web designer’s job is very challenging as he or she needs to show their adroitness towards the clients so that clients get impressed by their job. That’s why companies who are into web design India sector are incorporating some good web designers in their team.

PSD Conversions – Why is it required in Web Design?

PSD conversion is a very important concept in web designing. Photoshop is widely used by web designers because of its user-friendly interface and robust output graphics. Photoshop enables designers to bring out the best images which would elevate the aesthetic appeal of a website and facilitate it to stand out in the crowd. However, the output of this is tool is PSD or JPEG, PNG which cannot be directly used in websites and embedded in the underlying HTML code.

This has led to the demand of converting PSD to XHTML or PSD to HTML and many other formats which are syntactically acceptable by the underlying code. This enables the code to run without errors and at the same time use the manicured Photoshop images in the websites.

Understanding the process of PSD conversion – PSD Slicing

PSD Slicing is a very skillful task, which is performed by web designers. However, it is essential to understand the process to get the best output.

Manual coding is considered to be the best technique PSD to XHTML conversion and conversion to other formats. This ensures perfect precision and output quality which cannot always be achieved by using an automated service. However, this is a time-consuming process and requires a lot of skills to master the technique to perfection.

Hence, nowadays services of third party websites are preferred in order to simplify the process of PSD slicing without losing the effectiveness. However there a few things, which need to be kept in mind, while choosing a PSD slicing company.

  1. SEO Friendliness – It has to be ensured that the mark-up which is being used is SEO friendly. Though a website is visibly appealing, it is of paramount importance that it draws traffic which is the ultimate aim. This is only possible by being search engine optimized. Else it would turn out to be an SEO expert’s nightmare.
  2. Quick page Loading – Loading speed is a critical parameter, which is measured very closely by everyone involved in the process. It is very important for the website to load as quickly as possible because it is considered as the first impression of the website. This is only possible by hiring the services of a renowned PSD conversions company. 

Softqube Technologies is a top-notch company which offers different services like web design India and much more. Their web designer team have enough knowledge and skills about different websites programming languages like basic HTML, or the Dot Net and PHP. They always embrace their clients with the best and the cost effective web design services.

If anyone needs services like web design India, then they should make contact with Softqube Technologies and take an expert advice from them regarding any website issues.

Why should a company incorporate live chat model on its website?

With the inundation of technology, our world is gradually entering towards globalization and digitization. The website is the preparatory step that is taken by companies when they have envisioned to climb towards globalization. As we said, day by day latest technologies are getting invented, so some exciting features need to be amalgamated with the website so that it won’t look like a humdrum site. That’s the reason why live chat models have invaded into the market. And when live chat application is tethered with the website, it will not only enhance the brand image but also inflate productivity and sale of the company at an exponential rate. That’s why companies which are providing services related to web design India are now incorporating live chat applications with their websites.

Nowadays, companies have an inherent propensity to integrate live chat with their websites so that customers can always be in touch with the company and in this way, the company can conspicuously segregate their prospective customers from the bogus ones. With the live chat support system, customers can get a real-time solution with clarity and fidelity which make them express their loyalty towards the company. Customers’ faith and confidence are the two pillars which are the obligatory factors for the success of any business. With live chat model, a company has got plenty of opportunities by which they can easily strengthen their relationship with the customers so that customers will always remain loyal to the company and never imagine to discontinue the company. So, live chat software is one of the paramount factors for a company’s sales and profit. Today, we have noticed that in many sites where live chat system is already integrated with the site, a chat window will automatically pop-up and ask politely, if we need any kind of assistance from the company. This is one of the foremost features for those who are into the e-commerce business.

When a novice buyer visits a particular website, then certainly some questions will be dawdling around in his or her mind. If they are not welcomed with any satisfied answer, then they will definitely shift their interest to another site. And if this happened in a recurrent way then perhaps the company will need to meet a huge monetary loss and its brand image will also be tarnished. But with the help of a representative or a chat agent a company can efficaciously reconcile all the queries that are made from the customer’s side.

In this way, using live chat the company will be able to bag customers’ trust and support throughout the life and can also earn more profit because they already have a loyal customer base. So, in one word, live chat is one of the imperative tools for business houses if they want to proliferate their business.

Softqube Technologies is an eminent company which offers different services like web design India and much more. Their erudite team incorporate the best ingredients from each of their programming expertise so that they can deliver a website solution that can satisfactorily meet the customers’ purpose and requirements.

If anyone needs services like web design India, then they should make contact with Softqube Technologies and get expert advice from them.

How Do You Find The Perfect Website Design Company?

In today’s modern era, the digital age has advanced with time and even the internet has become very common to everyone in this world. Every big and small company in India is now focusing more on online visibility by having websites developed as per the requirements given by the right web design company in India. Thus, getting a website designed by a designing company is considered to be the best solution, to make their presence effective on the internet. There are number of companies that provide you the services at an affordable rate. The only thing you have to do is to search for a reputed and experience web Development Company who can help you as per your needs.

Choose as per your requirements

A website designer by a professional company can show you the difference between an average and a professional website. So if you are looking for a new website or wish to upgrade your existing one then you should clearly select the best company. Below is a comprehensive list of points you should be aware of while selecting the right design company:

  1. List your requirements: The first step is that you should make a list of your requirements for the website. In the end when your website is delivered, check whether it matches your objectives or not. So a professional company will always analyze and understand your needs first and then the website is designed as per your business theme and standards.
  2. Using the website: Apart from giving your website a proper look, you should also concentrate to make your website user-friendly. Share this objective with the company so that the web designers can design it in such a way that you can navigate freely and it loads fast. Also make sure that is SEO friendly too.
  3. Check the company you select: Before you hire any company, make sure that the company has an experience of delivering websites before and you don’t work with beginners. So the best way to know about them is to ask for their portfolio. Check the portfolio whether it has designs created by them before. With then you will get an idea if the company has the capability to complete your website.
  4. Customers have to be satisfied: Choose such companies who have carries positive feedback under their belt from their customers and have been happy with their work. They should be capable enough to respond to your queries and necessary support in case you face any problems while using the website. You should be able to receive feedback on time with proper maintenance.

Thus, the website design company that you choose should be able to offer you helpful customer service. This means that you can also cross check by personally calling for a query and you can then verify if your question has been verified in time. So, finding a Web Design Company in India is not an easy task. All you need to do is a thorough research in finding the best one.

Why PHP Scripting Language Is Used By Most Web Designing Companies?

Web design and development market is every changing and evolving as per current trends. There are various languages available to use for web development and design. Among the most common types of platform is the use of PHP language for web development. PHP is quickly becoming one of the most used and effective platform. It can also be used for server connectivity.

Demand for a PHP scripting language

Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP is quite handy and popular web app development language. It is used as the most common type of scripting language and can also be embedded into HTML language. The newer version of PHP was released in 2011 (5.4 RC2). Today PHP is a widely accepted programming language with the most number of web apps developed in PHP. It is easy to install and more secure, fast and stable compared to other languages. PHP supported websites can easily retrieve information from DB and uses different elements repeatedly. It is more dynamic in nature and helps in the creation of user-friendly websites.

How PHP is becoming a game changer

PHP is kept updated and its regular updates are available on its official website. There are various PHP developed websites and one can keep a track of its internal development as well in PHP projects. One can retrieve a lot of information about PHP from different books and compare it to other languages. It is open source and also certified by Open Source initiatives. According to a recent data, about 75% or more websites are developed by PHP. Scripting in PHP is one of the most common types of language used these days with below features

  1. Runs on server – Most of the scripting languages support only single platform host and operating systems but PHP supports both Linux and windows servers.
  2. With DB – PHP runs well with MS-SQL and therefore supports database. It also runs well with MySQL.
  3. In programming – PHP is supported for programming with meta data and DNS while other languages such as ASP.NET is not an easy language to work with as you need to have admin permissions to implement functionalities. Typically one can accomplish a number of tasks with PHP compared to ASP. This is mainly because POSY Variables and HTTP GET can be created with the help of PHP as global variables, therefore making it a more convenient application.
  4. Cost factor – One of the key reasons why PHP is preferred is because of the less cost and freeware.

If you are looking to web design and development, then you must choose a web design company in India. Make sure that you choose a company to design the best website for you. It is important to ensure the type of technologies that are used and considered for creating a website. If you are looking to create HTML pages or to use HTML language, then you can also inform the company about your requirements. For more and best quality work Web Design Company in India, contact Softqube Technologies.

How To Develop Responsive Web Design?

Almost every website created these days is aimed to support all types of devices such as Mobile, Tablet, Laptop or PC. There are no websites designed specially to support one specific type of device. The idea is to create one design for all types of mobile, be it Blackberry, Android, iPhone or iPad.

RWD (Responsive Web Design) is an approach with the help of which websites would be developed to provide optimal user experience, easier reading, navigation, scrolling, panning and resizing across range of devices (from desktop to mobile phones). The websites designed using Responsive web design approach would be suitable to provide flexible viewing environment, images and videos according to the device from which it would be assessed. Websites should be designed to respond to user preference and RWD is an approach that would eliminate the requirement of designing and developing websites on different platforms. A website designed with the help of RWD can adapt to any viewer environment by flexible images, proportion-based grids and media queries using CSS3.

The Demand for Responsive Web Design

Designing website via RWD approach is becoming more important these days mainly because of increase in mobile traffic as it involves more than half of the total traffic incoming on the Internet. According to recent web rating reports released by popular search engines such as Google, designing a website through RWD can help boost website ratings as most of the search is made through mobile device. It even has a net effect in popularity and profit making to those websites that are not mobile-friendly. RWD is becoming crucial for business as it helps in achieving goals more quickly. If companies don’t create a mobile friendly website then it is highly likely that visitors won’t hang around and simply move to rival websites.

Features of Responsive web design

There are three features of responsive web design from technical aspects. The first feature is Media queries. The feature allows you to add filters via CSS (Cascading Style sheets) filters and this affects the overall look of any page. The other feature is a flexible layout, which is based on grid formation. It helps in providing positioning of pages, space and margins. The third feature helps is dynamic resizing function giving a lot more flexibility and gives more control over how a page behaves and even enables you to add or remove components as required.

How to get Responsive web design

If you are looking for getting a RWD design for your website then you must look for a good web design company India that can help you get a desirable design. There are various companies that can help you achieve a design but getting services from a reliable and experienced company like Softqube Technologies can be more beneficial.

Responsive web design has completely revolutionized the way people used to access the internet. It gives a unique experience to users by giving a desirable screen resolution to all types of devices. Content can be optimized as per viewing required for particular devices. Make sure that you get RWD services from a reliable web design company in India that can utilize coding and designing expertise to achieve required design.

The Importance Of An SEO Friendly Web Design

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is fundamentally a set of processes by which an individual can enhance the quantity and quality of the web traffic that he or she wants to earn through the organic results in search engines. Search engine optimisation can be divided into two basic parts: on-page, and off-page optimization. On-page optimization usually refers to website elements, which comprises of a web page, such as HTML code, textual content, and images. On the other hand, Off-page optimization refers mainly to backlinks.

SEO is a paramount factor for any organization’s growth and customer acquisition. That is why these days SEO is not an option rather it has become an intrinsic component for any enterprise. A plethora of studies shows that customers have an inclination for the top 5 results in any search engine result page, so companies need to take the advantage of this and should implement SEO strategies for the betterment of their businesses.

Below we are summarizing some points by which a company can create an SEO friendly web design:

  1. Keywords:- Keywords also play as a game changer in any search engine optimization campaign. If a company indulges some wrong keywords, then potential customers will certainly divert their interest. First, we need to select the target market and pick the keywords accordingly. After selecting keywords, we need to input them into a keyword research tool. Based on the research we can finalize and launch specific keywords.
  2. Keyword placement:- While we have an adequate amount of keywords, our prime job is to place those keywords in appropriate places. Keywords should be present in title tag, Meta description, navigation, slogans, H1, H2 and H3 tags, bullet points, internal links, footer links, URLs and main website copy.
  3. Search engine friendly navigation:- We need to create Search Engine Friendly Navigation, which means we should design such structures that search engines, can easily follow. A major culprit in search engines is not being able to find a website due to the links embedded with images instead of text. So we need to make sure that all links and buttons are text-based. We should try to discard JavaScript as search engine finds it difficult to comprehend it.
  4. URLs and file names:- We need to put keywords in URLs and images also so that the site looks more SEO optimized.
  5. Social media:- We should incorporate all social media sites into our website so that it can enhance the visibility and generate more web-traffic.

In addition, India being the largest exporter of information technology and software services, many web design companies in India is sprouting their branches in this country.

Softqube Technologies is one of the pre-eminent web design companies in India which provides guaranteed SEO services to their clients. They put some arduous labour and work round the clock to ensure that clients can be guaranteed SEO rankings and their name will come on the first page of Google. Their experienced SEO team members have gained expertise knowledge by working with famous and renowned clients. They are known for their renowned skills in the following jobs:

  • Working with USPs (Unique Selling Proposition)
  • Build a solution that will deliver guaranteed SEO results.
  • SEO activity with whole passion
  • Research, analyse and recognize the keywords
  • Build the web content and redesign

Therefore, if anyone is looking for SEO services and web designing, then they can connect with Softqube Technologies as they have already established themselves as one of the prominent web design companies in India.

Let’s Work together!

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