What 2015 had in Store for Website Hosting and Design?

2016 arrived just one and half month before. In 2015, there were several web hosting trends which became more solid. Most of them are also gaining worldwide popularity. These are the most sought services today.

Now days, people are more involved in starting blogs, opening websites in most of the frequent ways. To put the site on the World Wide Web, one must get the web hosting services. There’s no such web hosting that can become an alternative for poor web design and hence it is necessary to have a perfect web design.

Website Hosting Trends

Various web hosting and design trends were seen in 2015 and we can see the cost of services, their prevalence as well as user friendliness. Here, the goal is to make sure that client gets best of its services.

Hence, web hosting companies and website designers need to tailor the services in order to fulfill the needs of customers and their customers.

What are the changes in Web Hosting?

It was the time when web hosting was not considered as an important thing. Even if your website is awesome; you didn’t get that much excited. But today, web hosting has maximum importance and there are such trends which make it actually significant.

These trends are as follows:

  • Unlimited hosting: There were times when disk space offered was very less and expensive. Now days, hosting provider unlimited task, mail and data transfers and lots more without making fun thus reducing the time taken to do so.

    If you have unlimited data space then you can easily divert your attention to other important things like as online security.

  • Niche hosting: Niche hosting means hosting that differs as per the website category like as blogs, eCommerce websites etc. With most of the hosting service providers; niche hosting is recommended for many hosting service providers.

    It is very much preferable by individual businesses.

  • Variety of Choices: We can see different hosting service providers offer different plans. Monthly or annually plans doesn’t make much difference. Every service provider offers a convenient plan online for those to whom search is an important key.

    With lots of web hosting services available in the market; one must also look for website designers as well as digital marketers. The website must be promoted to capture the attention of people.

Developments in web Designing Field:

Now days, web design field has come up with lots of latest trends. Majority of web designers opt for minimalist web design option. It is one of the designs that is extremely sophisticated.

Minimalist designs are elegant in nature and hence many companies have now started investing in such designs. Minimalist designs are not easy to create or cheapest to get. Hence, it is of huge importance to get the expertise of an experienced professional in web design.

Other changes in Web Designing field include:

  • Large typography usage
  • Seamless scroll
  • Using elaborate colours
  • Grid layouts
  • Mobile web design
  • And more.
Take Away:

We can say change is the law of life and IT field is one such part that follows this law strictly. Every time we can see new trends in Web design industry. 2015 was the witness of huge trends.

So, Next time when you wish to take a look at trends to have an updated site then do take a look at this blog post; it will definitely help you. Get in touch with us at Softqube Technologies, a well known Web Design Company India for more such information related to latest trends of website designing.

How Blog Page Design Can Affect Readability?

Web Page Design, Blog Page design etc play an important role in increasing the readability thus boosting user experience. Yes, content matters a lot however proper display is also needed as this will increase the effectiveness of the words.

So, when it comes to Page Design, there are several aspects to be borne in mind and these are already covered here:

  • Font Face is a huge challenge: When you write any website content, the first and foremost thing to consider is Font face. There are various articles available on the internet that will help you to choose proper type face.

    If you wish to correct your brand image then selecting a relevant type face is of prime importance. However, when it comes to readability, it is mandatory to choose the font face that makes it easy for people to read your content.

    Comic Sans is one of the most preferable one. Another most preferable thing is Font Size. At times, writers have restrictions to write in a predefined size only. Such restrictions must really be removed as it can lead to loss to any business.

  • Side bars: Most of the websites use Side bars however if you use them then chances are there that it will create lots of distractions. On the other hand, these are equally important to align call to actions thus leading to increase in engagement and conversions.

    Any design without sidebar can lead to increase in conversions by 26%. One such example is as follows:

    Blog Page Design
  • Wide Columns: Sentences can only be understood if they are read properly. These can only be read properly if they have wide columns. The content must not be wider than the desktop.

    Recommended length is 600 pixels wide. So, next time when you actually start developing a blog; make sure to have this measurement in mind. Various Platforms like WordPress have good measurements available that make blogs easily readable.

  • Font colour, background colour and Contrast: Display is important. Hence, it is necessary to make it visible. We have often seen Grey font colours which is a common mistake made by web designers as it really becomes difficult to have a contrasting background colour that matches Grey font colour.

    So, always keep in mind the colour contrast as it is the one that makes your blog really readable. You will get various sources on the internet that will show you the type of colour combinations you actually wish to have.

    Always select the one that matches your business type as well as is legible and easy to read.

Take Away:

So, next time to get any project for Web Design or blog Page Design then keep these things in mind. It will definitely help you to have a completely professional yet user friendly website as well as blog that will attract many of the visitors.

Hope this blog post was useful to you. For more such details or information about website development; stay connected with Softqube Technologies; a well known web design firm in India.

The ABC of Web Design

If you have gone through our previous blog posts then you might be aware of all Android technical terms and Jargons. By the way, in our blog posts; we have included all the best possible terms and jargons about Android development.

In the similar way, in today’s blog post; we will cover all the main terms and jargons of web design. For normal people who are not related to IT field; these jargons can be confusing. So, here goes all the terms defined in a simple format.

The ABC of Web Design

Web Design Terms A – O:

  • A stands for Accessibility: By accessibility we mean to identify whether a website is easy for users to navigate or not. It is mandatory for websites that they can be viewed properly on various platforms and devices along with various search engines and referral sites.
  • B for Browser: Web Designs are seen in browsers. Each and every browser is separate from Chrome and Safari to Firefox or Mozilla. Hence, it is necessary to know that web designs must be compatible with all these.

    Once you are aware of the specifications of each of the browsers then it can easily provide relevant information along with perfect criteria that a design must fulfill so that it can be easily accessible on board.

  • C Stands for Content Management System: The system that can be used for web designers to update the content as well as manage all the websites without the need of any proper HTML knowledge is known as Content Management System.

    Few well known user friendly CMS include WordPress, Drupal and Site core.

  • D for Domain: Domain is the name of the URL that is used to access the website and the name of the website address that users type in the address bar to get its access.Let’s say admin.softqubes.com. This is the Domain name.

    Those that are easily searchable are considered as shorter and more relevant.

  • E for Elastic Layout: Depending on the font size chosen to view the website; a website layout is developed that is seen in the browser. The more the font size the larger the web design resolution.

    Be it larger or smaller, websites must always get adapted to user’s preferences.

  • F stands for Fold: This shows the invisible line between the top and rest of the page. It is only accessible once you scroll down. It is a belief that important information must be available above this invisible line.
  • G stands for Graphic Design: When we talk about Web design, graphic design is included. Every website is in need of exciting visuals that can encourage users and increase encouragement.

    Here, graphics play an important role. It can be anything say logos or micro interactions, header images or we can say clip art.

  • H for HTML: HTML is used to develop web designs. Various web development tools are available that can be used instead of coding but HTML is the initial stage where website formation takes place.

    This web design language is used for various small and large projects including small, complex and simple. If you would like to try your hands on this coding language then you can begin with page titles, paragraph layouts, list layouts and table layouts.

  • I for Inline style: It is one of the HTML forms that can be applied to single code lines. Let’s say if the style of one line text on a website is different from another then this is because inline styling is included in HTML and CSS.

    Inline styles are applied to single HTML lines and they override any other CSS which is to be implemented into the code.

  • J for JavaScript: Like as HTML, JavaScript is also another coding language that is used by designers and developers to develop a website. It is also used to create interactive effects in a web design.

    It adds functionality to any web page that allows it to respond to the actions of users.

  • K for Keywords: Keywords show what search terms the websites need in order to get ranked on search engines. Here, website owners can choose these keywords and hence it is necessary that these keywords must be relevant to business and brand.
  • L for Liquid Layout: It is very similar to elastic layout however it offers various user percentage preferences that are to be considered instead of font.
  • M for Metadata: A website contains various details like as using Meta data to describe the page. This contains page Meta descriptions as well as meta tags that are used by bots and search engines to crawl the website so that its gets ranked in search results.
  • N for Navigation: When we talk about navigation, this means how easily users are able to use your website including menus, sitemaps as well as navigating through web design. Most of the web designs can have simple yet effective navigation which avoids users from disruptive flows.
  • O for objectivity: When you create any web design then it must always be developed without influence of others opinions. Chances are the target audience may got benefitted for the proposal.

Take Away:

Well, the list is till remaining. We will discuss the remaining terms in our next blog. For them stay connected Softqube Technologies from where you can hire expert web designers at nominal costs.

Keep in touch to know about hip and happenings related to Web Design.

Digital Design Blogs that will be Useful This Year

Do you think the blogs that you read daily are actually worthy of your time? If you are a start up founder or an entrepreneur; you might be reading lots of blogs and magazines every day.

In this digital age, it is very hard to find some useful publications that provide valuable information which educates and provides actionable content. Here, in this blog post; we have included some most of the promising digital design blogs that can be referred to.

So, let’s take a look at the entire list:

  • InVision Blog: It is a leading prototype software that has valuable blog with thoughts on user experience, design from the folks and lots more at InVision.
  • Inside Intercom: Inside intercom is one of the best sources when it comes to reliable and comprehensive content for start ups, design as well as customer success.
  • Tobias Van Schneider: Tobias van Schneider is the founder of Semplice Labs as well as the former design lead at Spotify. He writes continuously for creative freedom, mindset as well as healthy lifestyle.
  • PSD Repo: It is a great source for boot-strappers and helps you to get design resources which are offered free to the community. It gets traction slowly from 2500 designers that are there on the mailing list.
  • Format Magazine: It is an online publication which explores the creative mind. Inspiring content is available from intimate artist profiles, weekly discussions and educational guides as well as documentary video series.
  • Co-drops: It is a web design and development blog that publishes articles and tutorials about latest trends, techniques as well as new possibilities.
  • Design for Founders: It is all about teaching entrepreneurs to have a proper design. It offers comprehensive guides and tutorials which will make you a perfect design entrepreneur.
  • Ustwo blog: It is an award winning digital product studio, The blog is filled with case studies, design thinking and process which makes digital products a success.
  • Designmodo: This is a blog that has web design articles, tutorials and a great shop with complete WordPress and Bootstrap themes, Plugins, UI kits and more.
  • NuSchool Blog: The main aim of this blog is to educate free lancers. Their blog is focused on creating entrepreneur’s mindset thus increasing sales and running business like an expert.
  • Hacking UI: It is yet another blog that offers interaction design and front end development.
  • Canva Design School Blog: It offers everything one needs to learn design. They publish daily articles, interactive design tutorials as well as awesome tips.
  • UXPin Blog: This is one of the leading blogs that offers details about UX design and prototyping tools. One will offer comprehensive guides, tutorials and long articles on UX along with user behaviour as well as digital design trends.
  • User Onboarding: This shows the process of new users adopting the most popular and successful digital products in the world.
  • Shopify Blog: This is a blog that provides perfect advice to freelancers who focus on all subjects that are needed to run successful business such as marketing, technology, design, marketing, trends and more.
  • shopify

  • Filter Grade Blog: This offers high quality Photoshop actions and photography filters. You will find actionable content for better photographs, editing and implementing them on their designs.

Take Away:

So, are you the person looking for blogs that can help you to create an amazing responsive web design then you are at the right place. You will get complete guidance about the same here.

For more such details, stay connected with Softqube Technologies; an IT firm that can help you to develop perfect Responsive web design at nominal costs.

An Overview About Website Designing Convergence

Most of the website launches fail to surprise people. This was the trend 15 years ago i.e. in 2001. This can be because web design got merged with mobile trends. As a result, people want those websites that are compatible with all of the devices they are using; be it laptop, desktop or mobile.

We can say that responsive designs are in huge demand and so designers need to develop interactive design patterns as well as cultural conventions as clients are highly influenced by the crowd when deciding their own approach.

As per the website predictions of 2016; convergence is of prime importance and hence today in this blog post; we are going to have an overview about convergence:

So, let’s begin:

What is Converging?

According to an expert; website convergence is all about design. This includes sarcastic but serious templates. Such templates are mostly preferable for technology websites or start ups that need to simplify brand product or service.

Such designs are self perpetuating but get lot of attention from audience.The following image will show you such websites:

What is the need of converging?

Themes play an important role. These make websites easy to develop. Centred designs with large fonts are suitable for all devices including mobile. Such websites have lot of white space and icons and they don’t need more in the form of assets from business.

The three column design suits a website with sufficient information available.

Is Convergence good or bad?

Irrespective of lack of imagination, maintaining this style design; convergence is not actually considered bad. Instead, the user finds it easier to navigate among the websites.

The scrolling page and the main image with the overlaid type and ghost buttons are two features which can be found on one page start up sites.

There are websites that use such designs where some are more sophisticated than the remaining two. It is a fully functioning eCommerce site from a huge business. Such websites include the design that is mentioned in the above image.

There’s a website called the The Lush which uses style as per the substance and also reveals a bold message and the image that is consistent with fresh and sustainable brand image.

Another website is The Prince Ink Company which uses three column layouts. So, if you are thinking to design a website that possesses a professional look then don’t forget to apply these tips.

What is the perfect way for businesses to stand out from the crowd?

2016 will see a change in website designs. Hence, in order to stand out from the crowd it is necessary for websites to use rich content like as grand photography, video and interactivity.

Take Away:

Are you willing to have a great website design then get in touch with Softqube Technologies, a well known web design company in India where you can get the designs created from experts and also you can hire expert web designers for your project.

Stay connected with us for more such updates about website design and its latest news and updates.

X Theme Review: Is this For You?

WordPress themes are to be selected as per the needs and development styles. There are various things that one must consider before selecting a WordPress theme for business.

There are many themes available in WordPress but it’s difficult as which one will be suitable for your business. So, here in this blog post; we will check whether this theme is really useful to your or not.

When you make this decision; you can choose your top choice as the base for developing your websites. Here, you will find perfect guidance that will be useful to you in choosing a theme which can enhance your website performance by 10 times.

Hence, let’s begin and discuss about this X theme:

The name of this theme is not given because of its functionality. You will understand this as we will keep on discussing the things about this theme. X theme has received huge popularity among graphic and web designers.

The reason is it is cheaper as compared to its competitors however its value and functionality that you get for such affordable price is really amazing. X theme is the one that will make WordPress stand out of the crowd.

This theme is ranked second on Theme Forest. So, here are some points to be borne in mind

While selecting any WordPress theme or Framework:

  • Price of the theme
  • Visuals like as attractive layouts
  • Functionality
  • Whether it is SEO friendly or not?
  • Integration with Social media
  • Responsive website
  • Check for browser compatibility
  • Support level forums
  • Documentation & Manuals
  • Video tutorials
  • Number of themes and different designs
  • Number of users
  • Refund Policy
  • Quick theme loading
  • Theme translation
  • Extendability & third party plugins
  • Coding needs
  • Dashboard interface

One specially focuses on main criteria:

  • Theme support
  • Design & Visuals
  • Price
  • Theme support
All about the new X theme:

We all know X as a framework however it is not the case. Yes, you can use it as framework but it is not actually a framework. If you look around most of the themes available on Theme forest then maximum of them have bad reputation because these don’t use best coding practices.

Themes are bloated with unnecessary coding and with theme files; databases become larger and slower. The situation improves however this is the case with most of the Theme forest themes.

X is different from others due to its beautiful non coder friendly theme as well as because of its clean code with awesome functionalities and good website loading speed.

It never clutters the theme with the code that you don’t want to use.X is powerful in terms of functionality & customizability. Hence, it is apt for professional web developers.

When this theme came into existence?

The theme was launched by Scott Marlow and Kyle Wakefield in the year 2013. With all the updated features, it was released a year ago. This theme was developed with marketer’s perspective and hence if this theme is used then website will generate more conversions.

What one gets with this theme?

Once you download this theme then you can have access to:

  • 4 custom WP designs
  • 15 powerful X theme created plugins
  • Demo content
  • Changelog section
  • XIP experts
  • Marketing training section

With this; it offers strong marketing focus along with basic marketing training which can serve as a better help from clients you serve. Hence, you will be able to charge more since you offer higher level help.

Further, it offers four main stacks:
  • Integrity
  • Renew
  • Icon
  • Ethos

It comes with various integrity designs that best suits small business owners who have lots of needs.

On the other hand, icon style theme designs are useful for those who wish to have clear and minimal design as well as style.

Last but not the least, Renew theme designs are developed around popular flat design which can be used for blog, website, online store or portfolio.

Ethos theme designs are useful for news blogs and magazine type websites. One of their demos seems to be perfect for a photography or video site. All the demos showcase everything that one can do with X.

Take Away:

On a final note, we can say that X theme is the one that can do anything and everything. The main attraction of this theme is most of its designs are great because of great product images and photographs.

The most important thing to be kept in mind while searching for a WordPress theme is to check whether it offers great looking images or not as these will be useful in developing attractive websites for your clients.

Hope this blog post will be useful to you. For more such tips and guidance related to WordPress, stay connected with Softqube Technologies; a well known WordPress web design development company in India.

How to Quickly Set up a Business Website?

Today, it is mandatory for every business to have a website. Be it small or larger enterprise, a website is must for everyone. Be it small or huge enterprise; everyone will be highly benefitted from a website as it is the only platform on the internet that offers detailed information about your business.

Further, what we mean by having a business website is one must have qualitative site along with rich information that can be easily understood by customers because basically it is to be made for customer and hence it must be developed from customer’s perspective.

So, how a website is to be created? What things one must keep it mind while creating a website, redesigning the existing one or just having updations? With the advices of various business owners and web experts;

We came to know about these five simple tips:

  • Proper planning is necessary: It is not advisable to get directly indulged in creative process without properly understanding the needs or the purpose of the site.

    It is necessary to frame a website structure and also set your goals perfectly before you actually begin to create the design. Hence, spend sufficient time for planning and strategy at initial levels.

    So, first of all outline the objectives, priorities along with your site architecture and you will develop a website that will serve as an effective tool for your business.

    Experts include Planning, research, goal and priority identification and then it is followed by developing a sitemap, user flow diagram which shows how users will interact with the website.

    Finally, they include customer acquisition funnel which represents how customers will navigate through your site and ultimately there comes the actual site design.

  • Keep record of the changes: A website is not the thing which once developed will be the same forever. Constant changes are needed to keep it updated as per the latest trends.

    So, it is necessary to understand site analysis. This information can be used to improve the website as well as get more visitors. So, always keep measuring your website.

    This can be anything say number of site visitors, sales, bounce rates, organic rankings as well as quality score for pay per click advertising or something else. All these metrics must be checked to get a complete picture of the website performance.

    One can also consider split testing before actually implementing any permanent solution. This will help you to compare results without making a huge sacrifice. There are times when small changes can drive huge results and when huge things doesn’t matter anything.

  • Mobile Optimization: If you have a website then it is mandatory for it to be responsive because now most of the people are surfing internet via their mobile devices.

    As a result, every website must function in the same way on devices like smartphone and tablets as it is working on computer. While designing every aspect, think of your mobile device and then design it accordingly.

  • Give first priority to clients & customers: When someone comes to your site; he/she is interested more to know about your business however on the other hand, they will find how you are useful to them.

    Hence, it is necessary to structure your website in such a way that it completely interests the readers. Identify your audience as well as the goals that they are willing to fulfill.

    Know the types of questions that buyers will have while they are surfing through your site and then based on that; you can create a perfect website that is successful in answering all types of questions asked by your customers.

  • Alter the ways customers can contact you: Avoid using that old contact forms where you can fill the information so that you can be easily contacted by any representative.

    An important tip for improving the business website is to ensure that prospective customers can easily get in touch with your business without any need of filling the contact form.

    Nowdays, customers don’t like to contact via such forms and wait for response and also there are many who doesn’t want to call and begin conversations. Hence, in order to get customers contact you directly, it is necessary to include better contact options like as Live Chat or online scheduling system which will offer a great customer experience with your business.

Take Away:

So, you can keep these things in mind and start developing a website that can yield proper results. There are various ways through which one can get a perfect website developed for the business and one such is either hiring an expert web designer or get in touch with well known web design companies in India.

If you wish to take any further guidance from experts then get in touch with Softqube Technologies; an efficient Web design Company in India.

Developing an Attractive UX Sign Up Form

The interest of users in the product as well as website is one of the major aspects which play an important role in the success of any website. Sign up form is used to create interest among users.

A sign up form serves different purposes such as getting created users account as well as probing them to login. Without this form; it is really difficult for commercial websites to work with.

Professional web design companies can easily create them. In fact, they have huge experience in creating such sign up forms so that they can get good business. It is one of the important parts of the website that must be designed without any errors.

A single error in the sign up form can lead to huge loss in the business.

So, here are some few steps that will help you to develop a powerful user interactive sign up form:

  • A perfect sign up form must be simple in nature and should not disturb the user’s attention. For this, expert developers have to develop right labels above the field.

    This allows users to fill the tabs easily without disturbing the alignment. The visual appeal of the labels that are aligned at the top of the fields make it simple for users to identify the meaning of that field.

  • Auto validation options must work promptly in a sign up form. It restricts users from entering the wrong data into different fields. Within few seconds, it notifies users about the wrong data that is to be added.

    These wrong details can be email id, phone numbers based on locations as well as automatic selection of country. This will notify users quickly and in instant way.

  • Always offer right information to the users in terms of small descriptions. This is known as Microcopy. In sign up forms of certain organizations, we might have seen several lines of description that is written below the card payment options along with the work details.

    This informs users about some of the valid information. Most of the sign up forms need to be verified. As a result, developers must provide users with necessary hints about the complete activity when they click on appropriate fields.

  • Always provide hints so that all these confusions are avoided. These occur in the minds of users while entering the details in sign up tabs.
  • In most of the typical sign up forms; users seen a unique word called as “Submit”. This is a call to action statement that can be seen at the end of every form. It is advisable to use some unique phrases instead of using the same age old words which will bore users.
  • Avoid using unnecessary fields in your signup forms. Users must always get an option to sign up using their current accounts in most of the social media web pages such as Facebook or Twitter.
  • This makes it easy for users to follow the process of creating accounts and sign up.
  • One must also consider security aspects. This can be done by adding banner of already established organizations like as “Visa Verified” while dealing with payment gateways.

    Also, you can find certain sites having “Norton” protected symbol that ensures confidence to users about virus protection and so on.

Sum Up:

A sign up form is the one that is an important tool in driving the business. Every organization; be it small or large scale business has a perfect sign up form in their websites.

Hence, it is the responsibility of every custom web development company to merge effective sign up forms in their websites.

Next time, when you plan to get the sign up form developed by experts then keep these things in mind. For more such details, stay tuned with Softqube Technologies; an IT firm offering affordable Web Design services in India.

Advanced Features in HTML 6

Nowdays, web is progressing completely towards app store development. The day from when HTML is launched; it has started receiving amazing responses from several number of clients around the globe.

We are already using the released versions of HTML for web development. However, the main question is how effectively it works while developing a website. The mark up languages works as per the requirement.

With current market ups, developers are struggling to include responsive features which make website semantic and speedy. It is a challenging task to develop high end web solutions with HTML 5.

Further, web development has various other problems like as demand for intelligent markup language which overcomes the obstacles of HTML5. Today, in this blog post we will discuss.

Some amazing features of HTML 6:

  • Dedicated Libraries: The world of JavaScript has seen complete revolution with jQuery including standard libraries. The amount of energy used up for jQuery is very high.

    There are several websites using cacheable versions of JavaScript across the globe. When most of the web designers opt for a particular library then it can be diffused with the browsers. This is one of the reasons developers expect for new HTML versions which can do something better.

  • Camera Integration: Today, most of the users prefer to use browser cameras for communication like as video chat. This has led to the increased usage of web cameras as well as cameras in mobile devices.

    HTML 6 comes up with photo and video capture feature which easily helps to access images that are stored in the device. The device also offers better control over the camera and increases the detection rate.

  • Pre processors which can be plugged in: There are various pre processors available in current HTML versions that can be used to transform languages into JavaScript.

    HTML5 includes a general version of JavaScript while HTML 6 tends to improve the entire code optimization process by adopting certain features.

  • Pluggable Languages: If HTML 6 arrives with effective pluggable languages then it will be very useful for web developers to create unique designs. Any browser can easily implement this feature within few steps.
  • Better Annotation: This is well designed HTML structure that supports article annotations via paragraphs, sentences and words. Developers are looking forward for dynamic and powerful version which allows annotations for videos and images as well.
  • Tough Authentication Process: The browsers must offer high and fast authentication while accessing HTML 6. Developing trusted software will help both the browsers as well as sites to work efficiently.

    For increased confidentiality and security; a browser can provide token signs with embedded keys instead of cookies.

  • Video Objects will have more control: In HTML 6, people are in need of additional control over the structures of video that is dispersed on web pages. The current version comes with a rectangle which includes a set frame from a specific video.

    The complete control is given across a text track that has annotations, subtitles etc. If HTML 6 accepts call back hooks as well as synchronization mechanisms then it will be useful to have world class videos.

  • Stronger Micro Formats: HTML tags have different headlines, paragraphs and footers. It is necessary to develop a perfect standard to describe general details such as address, phone number etc.

    Developing Standard tags will boost search engines as well as website quality. HTML 6 can be used by developers to locate a particular place, time, date, products, bibliographies and more.

Wind Up:

Most of the custom website development companies are eagerly looking forward to use HTML 6 so that they can improve their websites in the best possible manner.

Web developers are always in search for new features that constantly make websites better, quicker, slicker and interesting. All the above mentioned proposals for developing HTML 6 are really grateful for improving web pages.

Hope this blog post was useful to you. For more such information about HTML, stay connected to Softqube Technologies, one of the Professional Web Design Company in India.

How to Know Whether a Person is Really a UX Designer or Not?

The increasing demand of websites has led to the craze in youngsters to make career in web designing field. As a result, we can find thousands of designers in the industry but the thing is how can we recognize which one is suitable and perfect?

How to identify the experienced ones? How to check whether the web designer is actually able to develop a website that gives proper user experience? This is really a tough task. Isn’t it?

Our today’s blog post will show you how to make such tough task an easier one.

These Signs reveal that a Person is not a UX Designer:

  • One who says that he/she has made wireframes: Wire framing is used as one of the several ways to show that a person is actually a UX designer. Yes, wire frames are important for effective designs and these also serve as visual portfolio to showcase your experience as User experience designer.However, here the main thing is both employers and designers lack the perfect purpose of wire frames. So, here we have mentioned it:
    “Wire Frames are created for proper distribution of existing content so that it can be tested before the graphic interface and the code are actually developed”.

    So, now it will be easy to understand the role of wireframes in the web design world. The most important thing here is wireframes are to be developed only once you have the content draft ready.

    If the wireframes are developed before actually the draft is ready then this is a matter of doubt. The main thing is to offer effective user experience and this is an iterative process. Brands must know how to showcase their voice and image and UX designers must only adopt those processes that actually make sense.

    So, we can say that if any designer boasts of developing a wireframe without actually developing a data draft then he/she is likely to be a fake one because data is the thing that really enhances the user experience.

  • Designer says that an App is designed by him/her for App Store: It is the normal answer that designers give when asked as to what makes them a UX designer. Using the name “App Store” is like giving a reputation to oneself.Just developing apps for App store doesn’t make anyone a UX designer.

    So, whosoever says you that they have developed an app on App store; just ask them the process and check it. If the app is available, you can download it and see whether it is really user friendly or not.

  • I have my own process: There are designers who say they have their own process. This is a wrong way to describe yourself as a user experience designer. Generally, user experience designers are defined by their own process as well as structure that can be used by other designers and clients.

    A simple process consists of business goals, information structure, content development, wire framing, testing and then further levels. Those who follow this process can be considered as perfect UX designers and not the ones who say they have their own process to follow.

  • Designers learn when the content is live: Data is the best friend of any UX designer. Every step and idea must go beyond the designer. A successful UX design is defined by numbers and one can be as creative as one wants.

    But if there are any mistakes then people will definitely find them. Hence, it is necessary to reduce as many of them as you can.

  • When designers say they are creative and technical people: User experience designers are always technical people. If they are not technical, they are not UX designers. In order to make any design user friendly, designers must have technical knowledge instead of just having creativity.Creativity cannot always work well in reality. Hence, to make your idea workout; it is necessary to have technical and operative skills. It is necessary to know how information can be distributed with the use of design.

    Knowing all stuff is not harder than reading this article. The job of the UX designer is to stay updated with technical requirements which are involved in implementing and enhancing the informed opinion which one must always think is right.

    User experience is all about process and interpretation and not ideas and assumption.

  • Once the product is developed, designers can move on: There’s no such thing as completed product when it comes to user experience design. So, whenever a designer says this; he/she cannot be a proper UX designer.A user experience designer cannot just come from product development but also proving its success and it must be successful overall. In case you are the one who is less focused then just keep in mind that behind a product, business goals are attached.

    The task of UX designer is to achieve those goals by making it easier on every step.

Wind Up:

Next time when you will be hiring any UX designer, make sure to keep these things in mind and select the one who is user experience designer in real terms. Hope this blog post was useful to you.

For more such guidance, stay connected with Softqube Technologies; an IT firm that offers responsive web design services at affordable costs.

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