Tips To Reduce Bounce Rate of Website Revealed By Web Development Companies India

Bounce rate is a crucial metrics, and it shows the percent of website visitor who leave the site after landing on the internet page. They quit site without clicking on any other link. Web development companies India has revealed various ways of reducing sites bounce rate. It is important to reduce bounce rate of your site and increase SEO rankings, engagements, and overall conversions.

Bounce Rates

Here are some tips to follow to decrease Bounce Rate of Website:

  1. Improve loading speed of your site: The loading speed of your site is an important ranking factor for the search engine. A slow loading site has an adverse effect on bounce rate of your site. It does not give a chance to browse other web pages and leads to low bouncing rate. Use site speed test tool to know average loading speed of your site. The internet user gets smaller, and they do not want to spend extra time in waiting for the website to buffer.
  2. Write good headlines: If headlines of your posts are interesting, engaging and useful, your site is more likely to have a low bounce rate. Well-drafted and engaging headlines attract reader more and encourage them to click on the website and read more articles. As they click and read more post on your site, the bounce rate starts improving.
  3. Avoid click baits: Web development companies India focuses on writing great headlines. They do not resort to clicking baits as it causes more harm than good. With many clickbait articles, the internet users start getting smart about it. The users now have great filters and content from click bait posts that do not add any value. An average internet user also knows that by clicking on the links that can land to the worst sites on the internet. It is filled with annoying pop-ups and hidden ads that don’t have any value. To improve bounce rate, avoid clickbait links on your site. The headline of the post should make users feel that it is genuine.
  4. Avoid too many pops- ups: If your site has many pops – ups, it has high bounce rate. If someone clicks on an article and comes to your site, they need a more engaging and useful content. They do not want to fill signed forms and click on irrelevant banners and ads. Be smart and use exit intent technology to display pop – ups. Base your marketing strategy around upgrades, exit-intent popups, sidebar widgets, etc.

Low bounce rate is essential for the success of any site. The web development companies India like the Softqube Technologies considers all these tips to get more visits to the site.

Why Is Joomla Web Development Company In Higher Profit?

The CMS (content management system) is high in trend. Joomla is a recognized website designing technique that most of the web developers use to do. It is a reliable open source technique that is easily available free of cost. Although many developers use the WordPress but the company using Joomla yields high profit.

The Joomla web Development Company helps the users to get the best result and supports the developers too.

Joomla Web Development

Mentioned here are the benefits of Joomla:

Joomla gives a fair experience to the users through its smooth operation and has an excellent business system.

  1. 6000 + extensions are available in Joomla: Just like the WordPress has plugins, Joomla has an extension. Too many plugins in wordPress make the website heavy and most of them are alike. Around 12000+ plugins are present where there is no requirement of all. On the other hand, Joomla templates are it so customized and delightful that there is no need to add the extensions.It also has many flexible extensions that help in keeping the site updated.
  2. Most of the reputed web development companies use Joomla: From restaurants to IT companies most, if the organization prefers taking the Joomla website. It discovers more and provides the + service through the attractive design and less effort is used in maintaining and updating the site.Since it is easy to update and maintain more developers prefer Joomla.
  3. It helps in marketing perfectly: Without perfect marketing, in this competitive era, it is difficult to make a website score better. The commanding platform of CMS helps to drive increased sales to the website. It also supports the industrial development through the internet latest technique.Keeping the SEO in mind it is created with the user-friendly search result that is properly optimized Meta tag, URL, and links that indirectly supports in marketing. The Google analytics integration, extension helps to make the comparison and track the progress in marketing.
  4. The great admin panel makes the task soothing: The user-friendly control panel is very helpful as the admin needs to operate on its own. The easy operating control panel gives the support and help in increasing the users. This is a crucial benefit that is provided to the Joomla users.
  5. Members database operation easily: Joomla helps the users to register easily on the website it neither grants nor deny to verify, modify or add any type of content/review.

Wrap Up: Although there are multiple of benefits with Joomla but many times it is not completely suitable for all types of website. Only the experts could guide which is the best platform for Joomla?

This content management system helps in a great way. It is the best open source technique for the e-commerce website. If you want to have a website designed, get started with the Joomla web Development Company, Softqubes Technologies who provides a complete solution.

Website Development Company in India: Tips To Improve Design of Your Website

The modern era of internet has changed the ways of promoting business. Website of your company acts as a catalog for the users. Any person may check about your business and get answers to questions about the products you sell, services provided by you, the price range of products and many other things. For a person who is at a distant place, the website acts as a representative.

Web Development Company India

Web Development Company in India believes that if you do not have a well-designed site, it may go against the reputation of your business. If a person is unable to find what all your business is about then within few seconds of landing on the site, then you would have probably taken the wrong route.

  • The interface and layout of the site should be such that you may communicate comfortably with the visitors and do not allow them to get confused. The design of your site plays a vital role in the success of your site. If the design of your site does not direct the visitors, you may end up losing your potential customers. Website Development Company has penned down tips to improve the design of your site and get right visitors.
  • It is common to have images on your site for the better explanation and increase in usability. However, if there is the overload of images on your site, it may confuse the visitors.
  • Complicated animations make loading the site slower. If your site is slow, it is natural to have less number of visitors. Keep the paragraphs small but informative, use only relevant images and limit the use of jargons.
  • Use the color pattern that compliments logo of your company and makes marketing strategy for your company. You may use neutral color patterns to make your site look more elegant and clean. Do not fill your site with bright colors as it may not give a pleasing look.

Website development company in India considers the design of the site as the most important factor. Most web designers and owners take care of this and create their site in such a way that it can adapt to any device – mobile, desktop or tablet. It increases the quality of your site and provides a better experience to the users. It helps in improving the search engine rank and helps in driving real traffic to your site.

Also, make sure that if you are using web font in design, avoid more than two font family to reduce the loading time of your site. The Softqube Technologies is one such website development company who serves with satisfactory result to their client!!

Web Development Company India Helps To Solve The 5 Common Server Problems

The web server problem is the disaster thing that happens to one’s website. If the visitor finds the server problem in one site they instantly switch to the other competitors site. The web development company India mainly focuses on the website loading time to increase the productivity but the server errors also affect.

The experts know how to deal with the server problems and get back the things on track. Here we have discussed the 5 server problems listed that mainly affect a website:

    1. Loading page: If the loading page of the website is more than 3 sec the visitors abandon the web page. As the public are looking for faster speed, better assessment rather than contributing time in loading. The videos, auto loading and images of heavy size makes the web page slow.This is a common server fault that directly makes a downfall in the website and suffers a loss in business. The experienced web development company finds out the reason of slow page loading and fixes it, even the unexpected shutdown like other problems are resolved. Keeping the web page service active makes it load faster.
    2. Viruses attack: The cyber attack is very common these days and the viruses attack to the user computer also so it is very important to keep the business secured from the virus. Basically, peoples are more conscious when they use the bank detail while shopping online in which the personal details and information’s are fulfilled.Protection against these is crucial and so it needs the security for the business and the customers both.

Web Development Company

  1. Huge problem in traffic to the website: Generating leads and traffic to the website is the prime concern of every website. The camping and promotion are made to increase the traffic and when suddenly a large number of clicks are received it creates the problem in functionality.Huge traffic makes the website slow and crashes the web service. Mostly it is experienced at the time of flash sale or added pressure. The hosting service provider manages the traffic and helps the visitors to run highly. All the potential problems are solved and service at the constant level is ensured.
  2. Software / Hardware failure:More than 90% of users experience the hardware failure that leads to the loss of data and other issues. This makes the problem with not only hardware but the software too. The IT professionals look at the issue and fix it in a downtime.The unexpected hardware or software errors are fully managed by the web service department.
  3. Site Downtime/ outages: This is the biggest problem when the complete website breakdown. The cyber attack makes the shutdown completely of the website and lead to failure of the software and hardware as well. It creates too slow performance and no proper backup.

Conclude: Take the complete assistance to manage the website health by the experienced web development company India such as the Softqube Technology and avoid the issues relating to the server management.

Don’t let the common server problems attack your site and ensure to get all your issued resolved soon. Contact today for a managed complete solution of hosting.

What role do website development companies play?

In today’s era, web design and development is a crucial part of all the businesses and it is important for companies to make the right choice of technology partner. A good web development company helps to develop creative, responsive web designs and mobile applications that enable businesses climb up the ladder of success. A well-designed website can attract a larger number of target audiences and is further able to optimize and improve ranking on the search engine.

Make choice of good web Development Company

  • Make a choice of a firm that offers affordable web Development Company in India and creates highly specialized web designs and web applications. It is important that such applications incorporate all the latest e-commerce applications and keep complete focus on high level of creativity and quality. Such websites will help improve online presence of the business with increased level of customer interaction and improvement in online sales.
  • The dedicated team of web designers and web developers are making continuous effort to deliver highly competent products, which are based on latest web design technologies and web applications.
  • In today’s time, an increased number of technical and complex websites are developed. It has therefore become important for every business to hire a web design and development company, which can improve business online and can offer creative web design solutions. Clients can thus improving online sales with better customer engagement and there will be other innumerable opportunities available with the clients.
  • Role of Web Developers

    How are customized solutions of web development companies effective?

    • The web development companies have been successful in creating a name for itself by meeting all the challenges and creating designs that are truly excellent in terms of quality. It has even helped firms to grow their businesses and boosting their sales.
    • The websites templates that are developed by the firm are not generic but are carved out with high level of creativity and perfection. They comprise of exceptional designs and development of web applications that are unique and are tailor made to attract the desired audience.
    • With the help of the extremely talented web designs and development team, the firm is able to develop websites and mobile applications that completely excel in terms of design, graphics and open doors for achieving online success.
    • The ideas, products and services are presented by the creative team in such a way that it will attract maximum visitors to the websites. The web development company in India helps clients to have a competitive edge to other competitors based in the market.
    • Customized solutions are quite effective for the company to attract target customers and thus successfully convert them into loyal customers and generate good revenue and profit from them.

    While you are looking for web development companies, it is important to ensure that you settle for nothing but the best companies. One such company to opt for is Softqube Technologies that provides solid web design solution that is highly customized and capable of meeting specific business requirements of the client. It keeps complete focus on developing well-structured web design and web processes that works in full alignment with marketing objectives of the firm.

Responsive or The Mobile website: Which one you choose?

With the high number of mobile phone users, the statistics show a steady downfall in the use of computer systems. The handy features of the mobile phones facilitate easy download of all the relevant documents, files and images.

The web development company creates an appealing and responsive websites that affect the customers.

Here are a few points that help you to know which a better option is the mobile website or a responsive website design?

Let’s start with the basic

More than 50% of online customers operating through mobile and so it is a very good idea of tracking the more users and getting a responsive or mobile website.

Responsive Web Design

Through the long trends, the responsive website design is in high demand as the user can get it adjusted according to the screen size. It is an entirely new experience and also gives a positive result in getting increased ranking.

How do the responsive website design functions?

  • The popularity of the responsive website design is high, and one has to determine the reason for the same.
  • The images and texts are easily and clearly visible to the users as the font sizes get adjusted according to the device easily.
  • The space between the words is proper that creates a perfect grid and is scalable by nature.
  • The different available layouts make the contents available in various forms that are in single or multiple columns.

Study the difference between the pros and cons

Before taking a service of the website development by any reputed company analyze the positive and negative part. Having a responsive website or the mobile site completely depends on upon the user. The most important part of a successful website is having a proper result oriented SEO.

The common thing which happens is taking a backward step when any website takes a long time while loading and this the biggest demerit of any website.

Why is the mobile site considered first?

The website designing is already familiar and in priority, but now the mobile sites are processing ahead so steadily that it overtook the use of laptops. Every detail is captured on the mobile device by the users as the user-friendly website supports it. Analyze your usability and get the mobile website design which is responsive and user-friendly.

Conclusion what to choose:

Making the selection, whether a responsive or the mobile website which is better. The expert web development company always suggests taking that website that shows a positive result and helping to reach a higher level.

Get in contact with the Softqube Technologies who advise how a mobile website becomes responsive and contribute to emerging a perfect solution.

How Website Development Is Essential In Today’s Competitive World?

Web design and development is a crucial aspect of every business. Some businesses are performing better than the others just because of their professionally designed websites that are able to attract target audience in a much better way. It gives users a better user experience and enables them explore each and every part of it. Clients these days fully understand the potential of World Wide Web and have been exploring web marketing technologies with the assistance of the best website Development Company in India to grow in the market and boost their sales.

Explore The Benefits Of Website Development

  • A Website Development Company has not only survived in the web designing industry but has also created a name for it by meeting all the challenges. Such development companies have been involved in creating designs that are truly excellent in terms of quality, creativity and has helped thousands of firms to grow their businesses and boost their sales.
  • The main objective of the website development company is to create highly innovative, customized websites and mobile applications that will take client’s business to the next level of success. Softqubes Technologies ( is one of the best website development companies which are known for using highly innovative and technical ways of developing websites of clients.
  • With the extensive experience of designing and developing websites, the company has been helping range of businesses in various industries. All such things have been made possible with the delivery of high quality customized designs that are long term, cost effective and digital marketing solutions.
  • In today’s time people are using mobile phones for surfing the internet and there is a need to develop that kind of websites that can be easily viewed on all types of mobile phones. Thus, it is important that the web layouts developed by website development firm are highly responsive and can be accessed easily by users from any and every device.

    Website Development Company
  • The highly innovative, perfectly colored and highly responsive websites are the creation of the best website development company in India. They have a highly dedicated creative and professional web designers who are constantly working day and night for the development of new attractive designs and graphics that always wins the admiration of the users.
  • The website development team of the company has all sort of coding knowledge and technical expertise to develop any sort of simple or highly complicated web based applications.
  • From the past many years website development firm has served many organizations throughout the world. They have been utilizing web design strategies and designing websites that are highly search engine friendly and has been built using an open source with user-friendly content.
  • The best website development company in India makes every attempt to know business objectives of client firm, get all details and necessary information which is essential to develop a perfect website plan.

Hire Most Dedicated Website Developers

With the advent of internet technologies, clients can reach to the audience worldwide and can put forth their products and services to them. It enables visitors get an idea about company’s products and services leading to better sales and profitability. Softqube Technologies is one such company that provides one of the best and most affordable web designing and development solutions to clients. It is quite effective in bringing improvement in the company’s product’s sales, generating more profit and creating powerful brand identity.

Website development in India: Google plans to initiate Chrome’s Flash click-to-play

Website development company in India reveals that about 10 sites will be white listed and set to HTML5 by default. Google will soon move to another step towards HTML5 based web later this year as systematic depreciation and Flash removal continues to happen.

In a plan that was outlined last week, Flash would be disabled by default in the fourth quarter of the year. The embedded flash content does not run and JavaScript attempts to detect plug-in, but does not find it. Whenever Chrome finds that your site is trying to redirect users to download page of Adobe Flash and it also enables the plug-in.

See the below steps to download Adobe Falsh:

Step 1:

Flash 1

Step 2:

Flash 2

Step 3:

Flash 3

There are many exceptions to the policy and Google plans to leave Flash that has been enabled on top 10 domains by default on the plug-in. The list includes sites like YouTube, Facebook, Amazon and twitch. This can be a temporary reprieve. There should be a solid plan for removing sites from sites whenever possible – Twitch. It may be switching to HTML5 streaming and you should initiate to use Flash after one year the white list is fully removed. After fourth quarter of 2017, Flash needs to be enabled on every site that uses it.

Power of HTML5

Complex content of browser based games and it cannot be readily converted to HTML5, even when Flash moves to disabled model by default and it remains as a feature of browsers for quite some time.

For all the enterprise users like website Development Company in India, Google adds support to manage white list and ensuring that the corporations need flash for intranet sites and does not suffer. Flash is the last remaining plug-in and majority of the browser is strictly restricted that it may not be outright prohibited just like any other plug-in. Browser developers are consistent in their desire to push off the web but its widespread use and complexity of various sites are continuing to use it and it is not a straightforward proposition.

There are many website development companies in India, but not all companies offer you the best service. You may find many companies that make false promises to get the project but do not work on it sincerely. It is important to respect deadline of projects. False promises can make you lose confidence of clients and get a bad reputation for your company.

If you are looking for the most cost efficient services by highly skilled and experienced professionals, consider seeking help of Softqube Technologies.

Web Development Company: Strategies For Creating A Success Story

When people usually start their website, they focus on making money. They make many mistakes and for saving money, they end up spending a lot more. Through the process of hit and trial, they end up finding something meaningful with the help of Web Development Company.

For being successful, our strategies for creating e-commerce presence have generated life-changing income.

Here are tips that can help you!!

Spend money on components with which your customers can interact

If you want to create a site using a free web builder, you may run into lots of problems. You may end up spending more time on the design of your site that was originally planned or create something that looks good.

Web Development Strategy

A website should be built to render instant credibility with the consumers. When the visitors reach your site, create a site that focuses on various aspects of your page, and your reputation is solidified. Do not cut down the corners when it comes to building site design. Hire a reputed agency with a proven record of accomplishment for building great sites. Build a long-term relationship and keep up with the trends of the market.

Focus on Layout of Information

The quality of information on your site is important. However, Web Development Company should also focus on the presentation of information. Apple, being the largest company in the world, can afford any design agency and unlimited content. However, their site is simple, elegant and clean. Smaller companies should take a note and strategically place information in the desired layout.

It is easy to cater to one type of customer, but needs of customers should be kept in mind. Heavy reliance on graphics allows viewers to get exactly what they require. A grid view provides casual interaction and easy browsing experience.

Value of SEO

The most reliable and profitable site that brings traffic is Google, Bing, and Yahoo. People browse the internet to find answers. It is advisable to market a site to groups of individuals for motivating people to purchase product and services.

Design or graphics is not the only important thing for marketing a site search engine. Focus more on answering questions. Optimize the website in a manner that it replies to all the issues about the search engine.

Web Development Company should focus on creating compelling content to answer user’s experience on the site. Encourage search engine to serve your site’s purpose with targeted articles about your product or service. For more information, you may contact Softqube Technologies.

Web Development Companies India: How to create a product page that converts?

An e-commerce product page seems to be effective only if it captures the attention of an audience and compels them to convert to high paying customers.

Many web development companies India believe that a product page is about high-resolution images with a detailed description of the products. These are critical areas and are most required for a winning game in the simplest way.

Here we will discuss the elements that can make product page more captivating for all the visitors. Consider doing product pages to stand out of the competition.

Create Product Page

  1. Product URLs should be prioritized: The most important thing i.e. optimizing product URL is often neglected by web development companies. Many e- commerce stores do not consider URL as a part of their product page. Ignoring this fact may impede click through rate concerning organic searches.

    Different visitors may have different choices, and it can be seen when one decides to buy a product online. Let us Google’s search result below:

    It is important to understand the psychology of potential customers as they have multiple choices. Look at the two URLS and make the right choice. From the first link, you would naturally lend to the men’s clothing section of the site while the second URL would lead you to the brand page. The second one does not clear if the site is for selling clothing for men or women.

  2. SEO friendly URL :An SEO friendly URL is not only important for better rankings in the search engine but is also answer to questions related to buyer’s awareness. A URL indicates where the user will land on clicking it and after making the search query.
  3. Think about product titles carefully :The title of your product should be SEO friendly and not just gave optimized title tags. Catchy and attractive titles increase the number of clicks. Product titles should deliver a clear message to the users, and it should also be relevant. If your product page is stuffed with keywords, it will decrease chances of being clicked. Titles are important to attract the attention of a targeted audience. Make sure that the title of your page is relevant, and it is about 65 characters.

Web development companies India makes use of high quality of pictures on the product page and attracts the attention of the visitors. If users want to buy a product, encourage them to make good purchasing decisions by giving product details.

Product videos are simple in increasing business, of e- commerce. For more assistance, contact Softqube Technologies.

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