Select Perfect Database as per the Job
November 25, 2014

A unique database that fits all the needs is required by every organization for which data management is of prime importance. A single application that performs all the tasks including handling transactions, operations, warehousing, reporting and analytics is a dream of all organizations.
But this is not possible in the real world as we need to use different applications for different tasks. When it comes to database space then Oracle and DB2 are the well known transaction leaders. Later it was known that these databases were unable to provide reporting. So, they came with such databases that actually performed this task.Further these databases were unable to put the required effort for the required performance and there arose a need to add summary tables, temporary data stores and other things. Some different attributes are to be created. These different attempts to transform the technology and make it suitable for the needs have given rise to various factors such as:
- Current databases are typed to hardware platforms- a very useful solution for hardware vendors.
- Memory Solutions- If we go on increasing the disk space then how can in memory help to solve the problems as it costs more but is unable to attend more volume.
- Reporting tools- Is another memory solution but is transferred to the application side server that has lead to restrictions on various sensitive points.
We can say different data is created at different times and there are times when most of the times the data is unequal or inconsistent. Further, different departments may also provide different data and managing these various data becomes a challenging task for organizations at times. Data is transferred through a complete cycle and it possesses a great value to the enterprise and selecting the best tool that maintains its value is of prime importance.
So, now we can say that horizontal or row based databases can be used as transaction stores for operations, unorganized or half organized data which needs search style access, vertical stores for data analysis or a separate hard disk or device with more space that is used to drive business intelligence. And some of the highly abridged data storage devices are using for storing big data logs, front end that offers the reporting capabilities.
So, here we can see different data types need different databases. Some may be compressed, some may be row based, column based etc as per the need. This aptly states that every organization should have perfect tool for the perfect database to maintain the data perfectly and as per the need. Hence, what are you waiting for? Reading this article, you might be sure which database is required for your business and which one suits your need the best. Then go ahead and select the one available from the market so that you can easily organize the huge databases as well as convert unstructured data into the structured ones thus making it easier for you to get it as and when required.
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