Future of Mobile Application Development
November 12, 2018

It was way back in the year 1973 that the first phone call through a wireless phone was made. Motorola proudly takes all the credit of being able to come up with a handheld Mobile Application Development – Motorola Dyna TAC. It had a LED screen and could accommodate 30 minutes of talking when it was fully charged. Since it was the first, it was heavily priced, and not everyone could afford to have this. The market needs just one product, and then people are quick to adopt and bring in similar products. Since then, the market revolutionized.
It was then in 2007, that Apple brought about a paradigm shift in the way mobile phones were being used. They introduced the elite versions of Apple – and the operating system was completely different. An all-new app store was introduced, and people were really impressed with this technology.
Today, mobile phones have moved from luxury to basic requirements. With smartphones on the go, people are also wishing to have all other features and services on the go. They prefer to have mobile apps for everything so that it can be accessed at any time and from anywhere. With the demand increasing more than double over time, mobile app development is extremely necessary for a business who wishes to sustain in the market.
There is an app from everything – from wanting to book a cab to buying groceries online. While there are tons of competitors of the same thing in the market, mobile app developers are enjoying the privilege of earning handsomely. Be it business apps, games apps or service apps – there is huge room for anything and everything. A lot of mobile builders have their own play store, and thus, the mobile application development has to be done for all platforms.
Here are the top trends that depict the future of mobile app development –
• Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
This combination is the next level of normal mobile application development. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of apps that have machine learning fixed through Artificial Intelligence – maybe you are just not seeing it. The best example for this would be apps that are downloaded for fitness. They have a feature, where the app will show you how to do the exercise. Also, features like Siri and Google Assistance record your tastes and preferences and then suggests you recommendations accordingly.
• Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in mobile app development
Mobile app developers have already started walking on this path, and there is no looking back here. The whole concept of Augmented Reality and Virtual reality came into the picture after mobile apps became a huge hit and people wanted something different. Offline Map was a huge hit, and that marked the beginning of apps being able to use this technology. Then, came the biggest hit game of 2017 – Pokemon Go that depicted how a game can be made so interesting using this advanced feature of Augmented reality and virtual reality. Looking at the rising scope of this as the future of mobile app development, a lot of tech geeks are introducing AR and VR kits, that will help other companies and app developers to use it to have a full proof implementation of AR and VR.
• App development on the cloud
Since the introduction of cloud spaces by Apple, people have been fascinated by this technology. First, not a lot of people trusted uploading everything on a virtual space as they feared the loss of data. But today, because a lot of big companies are relying on it, people have also started trusting it. Observing this trust, the next future of mobile apps would be a cloud. Yes, it will mean that when you download and use the app, it will not eat up space on your phone, but will use the cloud. This will also involve less hard-work from mobile app development perspective. Users will not have to keep upgrading the append the User experience will be spread wide and across.
• Enterprise mobile app development
In the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Generation, there will be a time when mobile apps will be the only basic rule in the market. The usage of websites or web applications have gone down significantly, and in the near future, they may also become obsolete, owing to the tremendous growth of mobile apps. From basic facilities of the business to high-end requirements, slowly everything is going to move to apps. In fact, there may be a time, when even the employees, will have an internal mobile app to access certain features of the company. For instance, Deloitte uses an internal app for VPN and verification purposes.
• Mobile apps based on IoT
Philips HUE is a classic example for this. They have moved their bases to IoT. For all those who have used this feature before, will know that the Internet of Things needs it very own personalized mobile app. This is because they need sensors to assist the user to control the features of IoT. Smart homes, ability to connect phones to cars, smart healthcare – they are all basic versions of IoT itself. Slowly, when people start accepting it in full chunks, the mobile app development is surely going to move leaps by adapting this advanced feature.
• Instant Applications
Instant applications use a super advanced technology in the sphere of mobile app development. By using this, you will not have to download the full version on your phone – you will be able to access the app instantly from the store. This is more like a live streaming app on your device, where you do not need the actual version on your phone, like literally! These apps can work on same API and codes, and hence, it will surely save the time of app development.
• Mobile apps that can be worn
Yes, this refers to smartwatches and special mobile app development for this technology. Today is the era of smartwatches and people wish to have as many as apps possible. Now, the developers need to understand that the screen of smartwatches are way smaller than the phones and thus the app needs to be developed accordingly. Also, one more feature that the mobile app developers shall keep in mind is that these watch apps will need the support of their phones through which the watch is synced, and thus – you will need apps built accordingly. The technology has already started to catch rage, and there is no doubt that it is going to rule the market in the near future. As we talk about it, more such apps are being developed.
While the future is bright, concentration should lie on mobile app security
Yes, that is right. While one talks about the advancements and bright future of mobile app development, it is imperative that there is an emphasis on mobile app security and data privacy. Today, a lot of apps ask for basic information from users, and they trust the app developers with the same. Thus, it is extremely important that while businesses are trying to adopt the latest trends in mobile app development, they shall also stick to the basics of security. Biometric scanning or password protected apps are a great way of ensuring mobile app security.
This is just the beginning – when one technology is developed, there are tons of other interconnected advancements as well. Mobile Application Development has become the in thing today, and a lot of companies are opting for third-party app development. There are a lot of app development teams that offer amazing services. Look out for the best in the market, and let them know your requirements. Always believe in testing the app, before it is finally released in the market for final use by the customers.
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