Emotional Contents Can serve best as Social Media Wallpaper

February 6, 2015

What mostly you can see as social media wallpapers, is the branded content without any kind of emotional reaction to be generated. As per the research carried out by Havas Media and Crowd Emotion, where they used facial coding technology to identify the kind of emotional response from people for different types of content available on social media i.e. brand oriented content as well personal posts from public, it was evaluated that only 20% of Facebook posts actually generated any emotions and none of the paid ads received any response.

Social Media Tips

This research is useful when many brands feel that social media campaigns are unconvinced and they feel that social networks are becoming ineffective in reaching to customers when the social networks itself are blamed.

In this research, there’s a need of marketers for creating content that can be used to get more reaction from viewers. Sometimes, platforms don’t have the proper way to represent the required content to its users and so brands face the problem of getting less audience.

Generally, when posting content on Facebook, there are two possibilities either to get the maximum trends and quick rich to the targeted customers or to get the paid views or exposure. This is something not understood and so it is important to get maximum reaches via organic content rather generating paid views.

Contents that actually generate emotional response

Some new social media platforms like Snapchat and Vine have made brands to think about the response that their content is going to get may be just a simple response that doesn’t matter or an emotional response that leads to content sharing.

This approach should also be applied for established platforms like Facebook and other well known social media sites. With these new networks, we can learn that the most important thing is intensity and once it is applied, rest things are done by applying creativity to the brand.

Creativity should be such that chances of getting more attention from the audience are more and this is easily possible by providing new 6 second long attention spans.

So, for any post it is necessary to have contents that actually make people emotional and these content types include shocking, offensive, amusing and cute content which leads to maximum significant reaction from the audience.

Hence, from now on whenever you post any update on Facebook or any other social media site, make sure it generates emotion and the post is shared maximum as this will give more exposure to the update.

Wind Up

When you see any television advertisement, the one that makes you laugh is more loved by all then the one that just represents the brand. In the similar manner, posts that either makes you feel sad, happy, excited, surprising are more preferred then those that just ask you to like the page without any emotional content being generated.

So, from now on if you wish to make your business page interactive, try to post as many emotional contents, videos as you can. This was for now. Stay updated with Softqube Technologies, a well known Digital Marketing company India.

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Nitin Suvagiya

He is working with Softqube Technologies as Director, since 2009. He has over 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, working as a CEO and also providing consultation in DevOps as he is DevOps certified. He has good expertise in UX/UI designing in any application.

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